My feminist teacher set me up
I really should have put an image.
Maybe noone cares about it
I like nounes
you know what to do
How are you not using the machine against itself?
A feminist teacher step me up too when I was in high school. We were doing a rapeculture creative essay about chads raping stacies and I instead copy N pasted a Shrek fanfiction as my draft so the bitch suspended me for a week for being sexually explicit.
should have just said Abbeywinters
I also got suspended for being inappropriate when I said "That's so hot Mrs" in a kiwi accent when the Math's teacher was demonstrating how to give a banana a blow job in sex-ed.
What. Why?
Was it lewd?
Please be a joke.
Please please PLEASE copy and paste the fanfiction here for us to read.
I did he's superior said it wasn't harassment, because it was related to the class. But that i'm punished anyway. (Really it's because i disagreed)
What class was it?
Are you sure she didn't suspend you for plagiarism?
It used to be cool, until he came with all his feminist discours.
because no one else wanted to
Sorry I don't have it on me because I threw out the computer I had it on years ago. But just imagine a Law and Order episode involving Shrek kidnapping children from playgrounds and anally raping them and then flying out the window to find more. The school thought I was a pedo and tried to make my parents send me to a psychiatrist. My mother was crying on the phone about it while I was laughing on the floor. But after I explained that the teacher was a marxist and how ridiculous the assignment was my mother didn't care.
That was one of the reasons.
I was wondering why that was being done in a school.
So do I but since Marxism has been poisoning our educations system what do you expect, they are doing that shit in kindergardens now.
Which education system?
There's nothing wrong with sex ed, it give you an escuse to ask your crush to study with you.
I have class with this asshole tomorrow.
Good luck, dude. Stop being an idiot and remember that your teacher wants to brainwash you into a deathcult, not teach you.
Someone needs to seriously study social engineering.
I'm not legally liable for anything you do or damages you cause.
gj, retard.
In which fucking dictature of a country you live in?