Daily reminder of what americans have done to themselves and to the country that was once the proudest and most...

daily reminder of what americans have done to themselves and to the country that was once the proudest and most promising nation on earth

Mocking them for being the latest empire to fail doesn't help anything, we need to figure out how to stop empires failing.
but it is fuck to mock them seeing how much they liked to act like their shit doesn't stink only a decade ago

My, how we have fallen..

what do you mean, a decade ago?

it has always been and will always be this way

americans will insist they are doing the right american thing right up until the moment all of it plummets to the ocean floor

These days it seems most 'mericans have a problem with 'merica be it that the patriarchy rigged the election or that crazies are trying to kill freedom to protect their sensibilities.

Shut up, kike.

You can't see the forest for the trees.


i was just about to say maybe i'm too wiped for this after all

and then you show up

the quintessential shitfight idiot

Lying cunt, you never posted this before.

sure i did

several times

of course i find a new general issue or angle as time progresses

but the message has been here for a very long time

Yeah no, I don't care.

You're so enlightened.

You don't even understand the larger geo-political and economic implications. You and your ilk are the reason it's failing.

actually i feel uncomfortable with enlightenment, as it is connected to belief in traditional science and mathematics, which i renounce

Is not daily.
You are a dishonest man.


Oh no, we might side with Europe and European interests instead of fighting a fucking proxy war with Russia like it's nineteen fucking eighty. I'm so very concerned about the geopolitical consequences of bombing terrorist scum into dust.

you are now showcasing what is generally knows as

which is frowned upon in all communities

pathetic insects.

Please enlighten us of your knowledge of politic op. Why are you being so vague?

of course americans don't worry about other countries

but maybe they should start to worry about the fact that america itself has quite a worm infested heart by now

america will not act in the best interest of americans anymore

not even being a white american will make a difference

a rich american will still be somewhat safe

but your white skin means shit these days

People have been predicting the end of American hegemony since the 1970s. We're not looking at American collapse, we're looking at its transition from republic to empire.

t. Spengler

exactly, you're online spending so much time worrying about the US instead of whatever country you're from. How bout you worry about your shit and I'll worry about mine? your opinion is irrelevant anyway

well yes, but

there is this minor issue about america being the one gigantic world power

which means that anything that regards america regards the entire planet

so if you think whatever america does is simply the business of america

you were born in, what, 2006?

because this is how i draw it out of you

it's my gift and curse

You realize I'm talking about Trumps plan to go against the wishes of Russia and Syria right? You do realize that will be exactly like the 80s again?
Trump is a better choice than Hilary but that doesn't mean he isn't a good goy too

you really love to show off that black magic marker in your posts

I am a big fan of the text formatting options.
Do you have a problem with that?

i simply find it to be another classic case of making sure the main point isn't heard

i was trying to mkae this thread e about americans flushing their own country down the toilet

you are a child who learned to use basic formatting

and you are so proud of it you are willing to let it block out the needs of your nation

I'm actually:

And you are bad at following the flow of conversation.

here is yet another example of what i was speaking about

the endless task of diverting attention

why are you so concerned with making sure

to turn everything into a rollercoaster of facts and events

i am still standing here like a fucking rock

you are the ones trying to turn things into abstract bullshit art no one wants

i am still standing here

you are ten years old

What are you, gay?

You mean by letting the Jews take over the country, attacking Germany and then passing the Hart Celler Act and bringing in TONS of non-whites that are completely incompatible with Western Civilization?

Since those are the facts about how America was destroyed, I can only presume that is what you are referring to.

PIC Related: The way to fix our problems.

i grow bored

your bait is weak

look to the future

with an eye on the past

video completely unrelated

but more interesting than you

please try to formulate something slightly more challenging, and i will answer

the way to fix problems like that is to elect a general capitalist idiot as president?


Do you liek mudkipz ?

please try to formulate something slightly more challenging, and i will answer

second level diverting attention

i find it saddening and sickening that is has gone this far

in russia, there are energy drinks spiked with 10% alcohol in the soft drink section

for children to drink

you laugh and giggle because it's all new to you

but i tell you

none of this is a joke

you might think things are just beginning

but time is running out

western civilization isn't white and it's you who is incompatible with 21st century life in a developped society. to become a fully integrated citizen of an advanced nation, you need to realise it is impossible to return to a prelapsarian era of peace and housewives which never existed anyway. whites have lost their monopoly: suck it up.

What an absolutely retarded post. Please kill yourself.

but then attack it with some god damned facts you useless nigger

What, taken the first steps to healing? You're welcome, 'cause maybe we'll come liberate your shitty country next.

Not the guy you're talking to but it's self evident that the "modern" Western morality is a white one.

Whites abolished slavery

Whites gave women the vote

All popular sport, culture, science has it's roots and is produced by whites, or in societies dominated by whites.

but let's start focusing on america and stop just talking abroad

because things are not very good in the states, now are they?


you rather just talk about how things are really bad abroad so you don't have to reminds yourselves of the hell you live in

and why is that?

why are you never attacking the issue at hand? if you are an american, america must be all you think about

so issues you attack must be domestic

and still domestic issues in america is a fucking travesty

does it mean maybe you should spend less time pretending to be bodybuildiers to the rest of the world

and actually start trying to do hard work to make sure the people residing in your nation is healthy, safe and strong?

except that was the weakest fucking strawman i ever saw


Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Our problems will soon no longer matter because we have the Don to fix them all. Now we'll have the time to help you guys.

now that was one final, last sandblasted attempt to joke the issue away

but every real american feels it

we do all have heart, and we feel it in our hearts

all of the issues regarding america


say trump all you want, joke away all you want

we still feel it

actual, real americans who are not so wealthy we can joke it all away

we feel these issues

Okay, well, I hope you get well soon.

Why you not liek mudkipz ?

that's not the issue and you know it

i am well

i am ready to work i am ready to fight

i am not the entity which needs to get well

and when i say this, every hard-working american knows it is true

no matter what is going on with elections and all that bullshit

americans are by definition the strongest and most potential people on the face of the earth

the only thing the emarican populace is askinf for

is a strong enough leader

telling them what to do

and as it stands

they did democratically (by american terms) elect a fat capitalist into office

it's almost as if vlad is laughing the american people in their faces, going

are you going to just sit there and take it?


stop being ten years old

You mean the laughing stock since 1945 as the Russians beat the usa by destroying the Nazi's.
Heck it was out of fear of the Russians that the usa bombed Japan.


the issue of who destroyed nazism is another attaempt to get away from the issue at hand

the issue at hand is dometsic american issues

the simple fact that american citizens are suffering

it is impossible to find any kind of a decent job because there are no decent companies in america

the only chance you have as an american is to find your most indecent self and then capitalize as much as you can

and then go YEAH whenever america bombs other contries


Maybe because of a corrupted government that do the bidding of companies since companies can buy their way into the government.

a for effort

now let's try to make more people understand this without shaming them for being rich enough to feel they still didn't really have to care about the fact that they contributed to the fact that the world is going to shit


It's everyones fault, the people for being to mellow on their government and let them being fet by the government, the rich for buying their way in and the government for ignoring to the needs of it's people and make them become fat and happy so they don't need to fight back.
it all comes to this. Us humans cannot be trusted with power.












but to simply say the jews is simplistic

maybe it is the jews

but how are you going to truly solve the problems that america faces?

oh no

it has been disturbed

the great beast of 8ch

that was punched by school teachers

because he could not type

and now, believe me, he can type

he knows every rule in the book

and he will punch people who does not know



Go back



it hurts

real bad


doesn't it



imma go by some beer i'll be back in a few minutes

ok i'm back

now the discussion



Why? Your post was the most worthless "we wuz yurop muhfugga" bullshit I've ever seen. There's no need to respond to it materially because what you said was so ridiculous as to be laughable.


do you even know who you are replying to

now i have tried long and hard to keep this from being the typical monkey shit fight

i want it to be about the actual issue at hand

now lets stop fucking around and actually go for it

The hipster scum burning American flags after the Donald won a fair election aren't real Americans.
Have a healthy dose of SAGE.

Wow Dysnomia is much bigger of a fag than I thought.


this is all 8ch interbanter and surely there are stickied threads for that kind of useless bullshit somewhere

SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. Do not even start with that baseless no-proof bullshit you l e f t i s t pieces of trash keep spewing.

Just because Putin wanted to restore relations with the US after he won doesn't mean jack shit, Hillary would have started a meaningless, unneeded war.


America was always an empire and anyone who reads history with an unbiased mindset can't deny it. The only thing that's happening now is that the facade of democracy and civilization that the US government put up has been punctured.

Some may be fine with that, but whether the rah rah America fucktards in here realize it or not, America can't function without at least being tolerated by the rest of the world, because America's economy is in tatters and Russia and China are gaining strength. America is probably going to fall soon, but it'll lash out hard with death throes and try to fuck up everything before it goes.

Regardless of the fact that there's no proof that russia did it, whoever did it is a hero who literally saved democracy. Revealing that one candidate is a cheater is not cheating.


why do you mention hillary?

it's as if you're locked into the simplistic types of thinking your american overlords designed for you

it's either the one or the other and then lets forget every real issue actualy facing america

now please

i keep trying to get you to discuss actual matters of concern


why are you so reluctant to speak of all these issues?

is this image truthful of america? is it viable? is it a myth?

lol you are really miffed by now huh?

I mention Hillary because Russia knew Hillary would start a war if elected. When they found out Donald won, they wanted to restore relations.

But that's not proof they "haxxored da elecshun" at all.

so you have no interest in america as a nation

when i say time and time again i wish to discuss domestic issues you have nothing to say

your only interest is to destroy and divide

you have no interest in seeing all parts of america come together as one strong nation

No interest in America as a nation? What? I myself am a nationalist who thinks it's time to stop over-funding the U.N. and to focus on issues we have, like our infrastructure, economy, etc.

And I do have something to say about domestic issues. Gun control will only take guns out of law-abiding, innocent citizens while criminals will still have access to guns via the black market or Deep Web. Also, we need to stop letting illegal immigrants from pouring in and taking jobs away from legal immigrants and native US citizens. Also, 3rd Wave Feminism is a fucking joke that sees to end father's rights, male rights, and beat down men for pointless shit.

3rd wave feminists, and l e f t i s t s are the real ones dividing and destroying here.

I want America to come together and stop fighting over bullshit that doesn't matter. But everyone refuses.

Another healthy dose of sage..

except that's just more and more media powered bullshit

a domestic issue might be about healthcare or how to preserve the beautiful unique nature and culture of america

why must you be so violent and unable to create musical notes when faced with a stringed instrument

you speak as though you are one of those people who were punched by your parents

How the hell am I violent? I'm not one of the ones burning the American flag and assaulting people in the streets because one candidate lost a fair election.

When it comes to health care, I am against expensive healthcare. I believe everyone, poor or not deserves to be tended to if they become sick, or injured. I think you should only pay for it if you can afford it.

Also, earlier I said I was a nationalist. I also think globalism will destroy America's culture and make things very bad. Also it would require America to heavily rely on other countries, causing America to walk on a shoddy, rotting tightrope where one country collapsing will cause every globalist country to also fall.

That good enough?

Usa was a christian country, you are right.

no i'm sorry to say you failed

you get a big fat F

and your failure was so bad i wish to have one of those red hot marking devices once used to mark cattle


and i think it's funny you decided not to mention that you have no idea what to do when faced with a stringed musical instrument

Ignore the haters, user. You're cool.

lol yes pat your own back all you want

there are still issues to handle



yes i agree

you are quite a sad sight to see

well it is actually a test

and you lost


certainly you are still welcome to speak your mind

or at least what you think your mind might be

The quality of your retorts continue to arouse a sense of awe in me.

This isn't even an argument anymore, you're just spouting nonsense at a sad attempt to defend yourself.

Stay triggered laddy.

well that was unexpectedly english of you

well yes, as i said you can speak to yourself all you want

but i remain

i am here because i consider domestic american issues to be of value

these are issues not to be forgotten

why the hell

do you keep typing like this?

it makes you look retarded

He's from reddit

lol no

it makes me look like someone who was not punched by my parents and teachers

and it exposes people who were retards in school

who were punched and brainwashed into typing in the traditional manner

now please try to get back to the issue at hand

do have the slightest idea of a single issue

regarding domestic america?

this entre thread and all you try is to avoid the issue

why is it so hard to speak of truly american issues?

lol stop replying to yourself we're the only two people in the thread anyway

lel I actually told you my beliefs regarding American issues and you still say "you don't care about murrican issues".

And you keep bringing up "getting punched by your parents. Seems like you're projecting quite a bit. You need a hug, honey?

what, that general bullshit about gun control?

that was the best you could do regarding domestic issues?

the child abuse issue is something i only bring up whenever an obviously abused child turned nazi comments on my untraditional formatting

a domestic issue i do not take lightly, i might add

Gun control, AND immigration.
Also, please tell us more about your violent childhood getting fisted by daddy you seem to bring up so much.

Maybe he's Molyneux from a couple years ago.

lol yes the immigration of course

gods knows murrica would have been the most wonderful nation on earth if it hadn't been for the fact that these immigrants kept pouring in

the left from plymouth and arrived in plymouth!

they left from york and arrived in new york!

also i wish to apologize regarding the child abuse stuff

obvioulsy i could have no idea it would touch such a sore spot for you, as this is after all supposedly anonymous communication

The colonists rekt the Indians and then shoved them all into Oklahoma. Not a great argument for permitting massive third-world immigration.

I'm talking about illegal immigration here, retard. I have no problem with people coming in legally, I just have a problem with people who entered the country ILLEGALLY. Really, you lefty fags just won't accept that people who come in illegally are not welcome, and shouldn't be welcome.

Good argument user, but you forgot to sage. Sage next time, this shitty thread doesn't deserve your bump.


It's time to come home.

top lel friend

now lol doesn't even suffice

i feel i can't even continue until you tell me what you know about modern american history

and please, for the sake of making the thread interesting,

just go for it

write what you know about american history in your own words

it will be such a fun and wonderful experiment for all of us

lets toss the animosity aside and have a discussion

So, I'd like to know. Are you here to learn how to mix in with us, or are you just a bored redditor?

that was very weak

you even folded and did not have a japanese image in there

negleting the american people by not discussing any domestic american issues

only trying to turn it into a typical 8ch shitfight

whenever you are ready to discuss true american issues i am here

What I know about American history:

A long time ago a bunch of nativefags were all in tribes fighting eachother in America, the Europeans came, fucked them all in the ass (with diseases they brought with them more than firepower tbh) and colonized it. As a kinda peace treaty of sorts they have the first Thankgiving, which wasn't a very happy time you could imagine. Oh yeah and the Europeans fought over America and shit. The colonies are put in place, assholes in Britain raise tea taxes, colonists get fuckin pissed, and the Revolutionary War starts to happen.

Some guys (I forgot which country, mighta been France) funded the Revolutionists, and the Britainfags were fucked in the ass. George Washington becomes the first president, and puts in place the base for modern democracy.

After a while of hanging around inventing shit, America gets slaves like all the cool kids are doing. The south decides "yeh we gon teach these niggers to farm shit for no pay and we gon rip em a new asshole everytime they even look at us funny lel" and the North did not like that.

Some nigger who was freed tries to argue he's a human, but the court says he's nothing but property, things get shittier for slaves in the south, then Abe Lincoln is elected president, and decides "you know, I've had enough of this slavery bullshit, it ain't right" and the south says "fuck you". The Civil War Happens and the south loses in a landslide due to being outgunned, outmanned, and outmoneyd.

Niggers are freed but still don't have as many rights as white men. Neither do women of any race. So after a while of not being slaves, in the 1960s they decide they don't wanna be seperated from the whites n shit, oh and actual, good feminism happens and they can vote and shit lel. They succeed and racism goes way down and people live in harmony. Shit gets fucked in 2008 and people lose a fuck ton of money and value of property goes way down and it fucks everyone over who didn't invest in the right house. Then after that shit gets fixed the Donald gets elected as God Emperor of the West and everyone loses their shit. Then racism against whites really starts along with 3rd wave feminism seeks to end father's rights and basically all men's rights.

American history off the top of my head. wew.

Why are you even replying to this tard?

I'm fucking bored.

Even this is an oversimplification. The natives weren't living statically. When the colonists arrived in New England the Pequot were relatively peaceful and were being pushed further out of what was their territory by the Iroquois who were meaner and badder. So they were pretty pumped to start trading with english and have some friends to help fight the bad guys.

You can expect me to get a few things wrong or in the wrong order lel.




as i said before

you fail horribly at everything

i'm sorry, but it's true


You're saying I used a copy/pasta? lol no nigger. I actually wrote all that shit down.

I didn;t fail everything, this whole thread I've had coherant arguments about how you're wrong and you just say "you fail you fail".

You're retarded.

i'm sorry but it's true

ok user

i realize i made you do things and then made fun of you

obviously you have hurt feelings

i apologize

as a matter of fact, im a going to bed now so i won't be available for more replies

sorry if i hurt your feelings, but we all must have our sources of entertainment after all

Aw you got school to go to in the morning, muffin?
Also I already talked about domestic shit, retard. Secure borders, keep the enviroment safe, tax the rich fags at wallstreet more and tax the other classes less, etc.

well it's midnight where i live

i actually feel bad so please throw some punches in order to restore yourself if you must

Restore myself? Please. Also if you don't live in America why do you give so much of a shit about America?

why does this question keep showing up?

how many times have i answered this, the most obvious of questions?

oh god the onslaught

this is all i will say

consider it a riddle for americans

as i go to bed


Lel go to bed already faggot, you have nothing left to prove.

For the most part, no. Plus, they were not just going to do things as adults do, and the girls were already growing in those times.

i never had anything to prove

also you are aware that saging on 8ch only makes you look like a desperate cunt right

it's moving so slow anyway

stop being a nazi nigger

I sage because your thread doesn't deserve my bump. You;re the desperate cunt clinging on anything you can try to come up with to defeat me in this conversation. Good night.

>>>Holla Forums

well there we go

everyone can see i let the guy throw all the punches he needed to restore himself

now it's time to sleep

Trump is not pro-American either.

21st and 20th century life needs to burn.

You know communists would never let niggers or women have rights, right?

Step 1) Stop letting people make laws

Stay mad Holla Forumsack, we're gonna laugh as America collapses. No one likes your country, it's an authoritarian, greedy, mass murder machine.

Face it, America is shit, but every other country on Earth is worse. Name one country that does something better than America and you will ALWAYS find some catch-22 to go along with it. America is the greatest country in the world because we are the country of debate, of diplomacy, and compromise. Do other countries do some things better? Sure, we're a crime infested shithole full of retards. But in America you have more opportunities than anywhere else on Earth, I sincerely believe this


Yes because America razed them all TO THE FUCKING GROUND

Oh, look. It's the little insecure gay boy again. Man, you got issues and it starts at your anus. I bet if I checked you astrological chart for the conjuncture of Uranus it would be a in a major position of transiting. By the way, have you thought about transitioning?

How about you SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop projecting blatant falsities.

The only girls who "were already growing" wtf is that shit even supposed to mean. I digress. Girls who picked hops in the field might have developed slightly early but there sure as fuck weren't any genetically modified preteen pornstars walking around like there are today you cancerous candy ass.

And little girls were much more responsible then so they knew about dick and how much they enjoyed it.

Is that what your countries leader says? Do world governments seriously use America as a scapegoat to cover up corruption caused by themselves and nobody else?

The only time America "RAZED" anyone was near the end of WW2.

What? I am not gay.

I meant the laws were not all at nine, and that they were careful with what they did (and probably did not do anything involving the rectum)

Maybe not as early as girls today, but I heard it was the case much longer ago (though this would be off-topic).

I know.