Trannies For Trump: Meet The Donald’s Genderbending Supporters



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Am I the only one who would love to have my asshole blown out by God Emperor himself? :))))

I'll admit we need every vote we can manage to beat the Clinton Rigging Machine, but I really fucking hope anyone considering letting these sickos on board is planning to dump them into a ditch if possible as soon as the election is won

Roger Stone here user, I know many GBLT individuals who hate SJW's, Feminists and Muslims as much as any Holla Forumslock.

They are good people, just misunderstood. :^)

I'll allow it.

Roger Stone is my favorite degenerate.

Absolutely meme tier

Someone convince me he'll burn all gays when he's in office


There is your problem right there


Why thank you. :^)

They'll know what to do with them.

You can't burn flamers silly goose! :p

But you can dose them in water and tanning oil. :)))

Japanese are known for sucking each others throbbing cocks off.

Jap males make the best twinks. :^)

Well, I guess its all y'alls chance to get a qt redpilled traditional wife* fellow alt-rightists

Feeling the same. Just another storm we wait out. It would be a real kick if our adversaries went full Stalin and started purging there ranks, violently, of all the freaks that don't play ball with the other lefties. Whos to say that we start getting more special snowflakes that need guns to stave away "ohpreshun"?

The Berenstain universe is a strange one.

regardless of the degeneracy, Hillary importing Muslims that will target fags and trannies is a huge talking point to use against her.

nothing wrong with trannys as long as their not the sjw leftist nutcases & that's just because there's something wrong with sjw lefties. Trannies are .03 % of the population harm no one by being trannies. Why not focus on shit like niggers who rob murder and rape people at a disgusting rate honestly black people should have their own bathrooms blocks away from the non rape non thieving niggers bathroom

So where are you cucks coming from?

Would you?

Tarps are inherently rightwing


Shes not a trap Sento is a real girl 2D girl! not that its a problem



you got a source on that

Not christian & fall on more of the side of personal freedoms then the morality police side of Holla Forums

If they're not harming anyone else & living their lives the way they want it's none of my business

So they're ok in my book
Niggers who hardly act better than animals
Muslimes who murder people who don't worship their pedofile god
leftist cucks who want to prohibit freedom of speech, guns, ideas & have honestly held this country back for the past 60 years

I'd use his mouth as long as he kept the skirt on.
Just don't regret it afterwards.

i don't give a shit what they do until they start peddling the idea that mutilating themselves is the cure to a psychiatric distress and needs to be government funded or else bigot.

Also when they demand and try to get the law to force others to participate in their delusion. If they can avoid these two things, I don't give a fuck what they do.

Oh I think I'll be just fine, thanks!

Trany shit is mental illness, it is being caused by the chemical industry and being allowed and pushed by kikes because they want to reduce our population numbers.

the actual tranies themselves are not typically the enemy because MtF trannies often still have male psychology to a large extent they are typically more conservative than the average woman.

If we can reach a final solution on the subject of kikery, chemical subversion of our endocrine systems allowed by kikes in charge and an end to media subversion sponsored by kikes and their dogs many of these mentally ill people will be inclined to de-transition.

I don't hate tranies I hate the people who enable the mentally ill to harm themselves and by extension harm our genepool.

Furthermore of the tranies that are beyond de-transitioning I am not against them continuing to live their lives in that fashion so long as they keep a low profile and don't look to spread the illness,

Even the mentally ill need love, I think the best thing we can do to mitigate this is to attempt to facilitate a mindset that these MtF trans folks not be married in the normal sense but be made live in concubines or get together with each other and not take another man out of the gene pool.

I would also love some statistics on the marrital habbits of trannies and how well their adoptive children do, I'm assuming it isn't good but if it is there may be a discussion to have there.

I'm not suggesting we abide this illness mind you only that we show kindness or at least mildness to those who are infirm and sick in so far as we can tolerate it.

We may also want to consider weaponizing this tranny shit against other races, targeting kikes, mudslimes and chinks would probably go pretty far for handling our population disparities.

Better vote for Hillary. She'll put a stop to this.

Trump already blew your asshole out, Jeb. Go to bed.


They will never leave us alone though you fucking idiot. Actually sane faggots are as rare as redpilled niggers/kikes, they are non existent.

God I hope Milo goes through with that march through Sweden and gets ackbar'd.

oh god look how stupid Holla Forums is.

>>>Holla Forums805638

just observe. hardcore shilling just makes them feel special

Jesus christ, gas yourself you disgusting faggots

Yea ? You get beat up by the mean ol trannies at school & get your lunch monie stolen ?

Totally bro and I'm just jealous of niggers because muh dick, you argue like a mindless meme-spouting liberal. Kill yourself.

No but by your love of cock I'm guessing you got pushed around in the locker room a little too much you submissive faggot.

Fucking garbage.

No Trump Hats/10

Stop bumping the thread you little shit

OP is the same faggot who made that other tranny thread a couple weeks back where he admitted that he was a degenerate tranny. The entire OP is garbage, especially trying to check his own dubs, this is straight out of cuck chan, mods need to ban this.


here we go…

a) degeneracy running rampant in public spaces is harmful to traditional values and erode the fabric of society. and make the individuals needs prime over society, and hurt civilization in the long run.

b) but, repressing all degeneracy leads to repressed people, social unrest, dictatorship and stifle liberties. it make society prime above ANY individual rights, which also lead to collapse.

the only way ya ever gonna get a balance is to acknowledge that everyone have their quirks some worse that others and ya never gonna get rid of it all, so what ya do is control. Ya basically go "okay, ya can all be as degenerate as you want… but do it behind closed doors, and these are the limits: no child porn, no advertisement. etc… in turn ya contribute to society and we leave you alone.

that is an obvious sarcastic post, I even put an asterisk on wife.

well said!

Honestly things that happen discreetly and privately will always be beyond your control. See: Epstein.

There are men fucking dogs as you read this and you'll never be in a position to stop all of them.

So what you're suggesting when you say that all degenerates should be put to death is that I should give up some of my hard earned resources to empower you or someone else to not farm, not build, not work in any classical sense, just harass faggots. And what do I get in exchange for my real world value that I pulled out of the land in some way? Not a world without faggots, I just get to feed Sisyphus as he perpetually fails to get the boulder up the hill.

No thank you. I'll just keep my money and use it to keep faggots and other undesirables off my farm.