I've made this thread every few months for the last 5 years or so. Normally we get some good discussion. Last few times the mods ruined it but I'll try again .Ask a guy who works for an influential think tank in London anything.
Ask a Think Tank Analyst Anything
I work for an uninfluential think thank in the US
How can I get a good job in the think tank world without being an academic?
You can't. You have to know someone.
The very people who go on about making society more equal are the same ones who support elite standards for their co-workers.
Last time you said that Trump wouldn't win.
Feel like a retard?
I don't want to sound like a dick, but why are you doing an AMA during a happening?
Fair enough. How do you get to know someone? Is there some special sort of in? Does your dad have to know their dad? Do you have to be college chums? Can you get around just be networking correctly?
Was Super Hans right? It's not who you know, but who you blow?
First question: For a think tank, the EU sure seems to be lacking brains. Did you steal them from them to form your think tank, since there's such a lack of white people in London?
What writers and books are you into these days?
Which journalists & academics are, compared to their peers at least, honest and informative?
I remember one of your past threads.
How can Holla Forums refine itself into an online think thank?
This. He literally seems to be shilling defeatism instead of being honest if he has (((any information))) a think thank should have.
bad time to post we are having a happening nigger
So you're little better than a NEET?
Why do you call your toilet room a tank, and why thinking about stuff when taking a shit makes you an analyst?.
Why don't you get a real job instead of being a worthless parasite paid to talk in circles?
Become a con-artist, pretend to have connections to get connections.
He hasn't won, has he? We still have the election. I'll say the same think, I fucking hope I'm wrong and he wins.
I actually live in germony atm. Was on the train during the axe attacks and was travelling in Munich recently. Not surprised tbh.
Love that show nigga. Truth is you gotta get lucky. These retards claim they are egalitarian but I got a job because of who my fam knew.
No there isn't. It depends on where you are. If you are a yuppie think tank analyist like me then there are plenty of whites! And evil deluded racists like you have NO point.
You need to consider narratives.
Why do you browse Holla Forums? And how do you feel about Jews?
You again.
In previous threads you have been wrong about everything. Your 'analysis' is useless. It consists of nothing but smug demoralisation and propping up the old regime.
Fuck off with your attention whoring.
I don't. I only come here when drunk.
t. mod
How often are you drunk?
Does drinking affect how you feel about the jews?
I'm where it's happening man. Axe attack happened same time and in the same region when I was on the train.
I'm not better.
Won't work with the internet tbh. Gotta actually have connections.
what are you doing in germany
please respond:
You ever think how meaningless it is? Honestly I've gotten more exposed to jewish nonsense than you can ever imagine. Their academic works infiltrate every single part of the humanities.
Honestly my feeling is that the kikes won, and they are gonna pay the price for that victory.
top kek
Actually wealthy people in America and Europe don't use the internet, they have "people" to do that for them. You'd be surprised what you can do with some fake documents and knowledge of multiple languages.
What a terrible troll you are.
I've been to London, you pleb, and you know full well that the place is sorely lacking in natives. You also know that the only part of London making money is finance - brokerage and banking, etcetera. London is headed for a collapse which will make Rome look like child's play, and it's all you and your anti-racist ilks fault.
Post-doc research. Or, rather, "research".
Got my hands on a bunch of legal docs from the 30s. Germany during the third reich was just a normal country, tbh. People think it was this fucked up dictatorship but really the legal docs where the same as they were during the 20s.
The Aquariums of Pyongyang. Good book man
Bullshit dude.
lmao dude
I'm on your side.
Although it doesn't matter. The mods on Holla Forums are beyond retarded.
You think people are smarter than they really are.
This shows how you are a NEET eating his mummies tendies.
I always assume people are smarter than I think.
I find the largest problem with current American discourse to be the fact that people assume those they disagree with are stupid.
I don't accept that.
What were last year's predictions?
(Alternatively: Does anyone have the archive?)
This tbh fam
Hope you find it man.
Should I come back?
i spent too much time in the happening threads. i got to get back to my own work now
I quit man. But I'll go back eventually, just to share my archives. I have to.
How cucked is Sweden, and Europe in general?
If you give in to those that argue any dissenting opinion is "shilling", this board will die.
What do you think about the future integrity of the EU? It seems under increasing strain (refugees, economic problems, terrorism). How long do you give it before it start to fall apart completely? Or alternatively, do you think it will stick around?
You ever talked with a Swede in private? They are more racist than you can imagine. But in public they have to pretend.
How do you feel about the queen of pol?
You didn't really answer my question there.
This board died and site in 2014 man. I'm only here until I'm banned.
Think of it as a 'motte and bailey'. That is, they'll act extreme until it fails and then fall back to the motte.
What does a think tank even do? What effect does a think tank have on the world?
You mean the She-kike? I could really care less. Infact i've herd nothing of Dukes position of repealing the NFA or GCA.
spreading Zionist propaganda
Same I felt all those years about boxxy. You thirsty niggas need to get your shit together.
The answer is that public and private is very different.
None, hopefully. We publish a quarterly journal.
lol dudes the last thing you need to worry about is think tanks
read some judith butler, it will explain reality to you
what do you think about forth generation warfare and modern nations loosing all legitimacy because they are super retarded
Who has lost legitimacy? Think about it, no nation has.
Donate fucking start a Q&A thread and tell people to read books for the answers.
Answer the questions or say you don't know.
What do think tanks actually do? Do they have any practical use?
Practical? A few minutes away from me a bunch of evil bigoted christian whites were just murdered by a poor discriminated against Muslim.
Shit man I've gotta pretend. It's getting harder and harder, they keep killing and killing…
er…. what you talking about willis ever nation in the western world I have visited continues to lose legitimacy. There is not a single country in the west that is fulfilling the role of a traditional nation state. It can no longer defend its citizens, most importantly in the eyes of its citizens it cannot defend them. It refuses to define itself by traditional national roles religion/race/culture. It has a political elite that are disconnected from the people they claim to govern. Support for the governments of the west is at all time lows. A financial collapse is all we need for niggers to be rioting in the streets and hanging politicians from street lamps.
And? People no longer expect the nation to defend them.
Trump is gonna lose because he wants what is best for America. This type of logic died decades ago.
I always love this thread. You're in germany now? Do you have any info on the area around bielefeld? I'm getting some property there in a couple years. Is it as infrsted as other places?
Damnit user you caught me.
what do you make / year?
Go further east man. East Germany is cheap as shit, cities like Liepzig are the new 'hot spots'.
All of germony is fucked by refugees dude. Was just in XXXX (won't say) in east Germany and even this place was full of them.
You said previously Trump wasn't going to win the primary. When countries no longer fulfill the functions of a country they tend to you know implode
How independent is the research you conduct?
What issues does your think tank focus on? I also assume it's left wing since it's in London?
What mean?
not enough
Do they implode? The US and most of europe don't fulfill these functions.
But many I hope I'm wrong in the general election. Trump proved me wrong man, he really fucking did it.
How is the situation in the Ukraine? I hardly hear anything about it anymore? How likely are they to have another revolution? Is Russia winning the war?
I don't conduct research, if I can help it. I had to do that shit for my degree.
See above. I don't conduct research. What matters for my organization is that I provide information on the American election. But these dipshits don't expect that I actually interview people.
So my "research" confirms what they say. Simple as.
Yes they do and as soon as the US and europe stopped fulfilling these functions in the last few years they began to implode. You can see it in more light forms of resistance now, the vote for Brexit, the vote for trump, nationalist parties polling well.
It's coming from wifefys uncle and has historical and family significance. I would personally prefer estonia.
I suppose we could trap it and wait for reports of a breakin.
Yeah it's Leftist.
Kikes destroy the only civilization that explicitly protects them.
Tbh I don't know man, but my friend says I should visit him because there are a lot of whores who want sex with Westerners. Don't know what that's worth…
Also if you have questions about that area you could ask in the Deutsch/pol/, there are several anons living in the direct area.
So you mean you tell people what they want to hear?
How does that work? You just play the yes man and collect a check?
But what if these "nationalist" parties just do the minumum?
Think about erdogan. So lets say he pretends to be extreme and says he is gonna murder people. Then he doesn't do that, but purges a bunch of people instead (and nobody notices).
Nobody will care. Europes love Turkshits.
Oh thank you. My side of the family wants to visit, specifically kaisaslaughter(?) Because dad was there in the army during the 80s. My god, I think seeing the state of things would break his heart.
Then go for it man. The important thing is owning property. But if you are searching I'll just tell you that most of the West is fucked.
Yes. How do you think this works man?
Nice, I'm in analytics(just barely for now) so hopefully I can get such a nice job and set up my family on both continents.
Buy property in the East man, it's cheap as fuck. There are cities full of abandoned buildings.
How do I get hired by a conservative think tank?
At the very least they shift the overton window, which is a very important task. It makes a lot more things acceptable to say or even think. From that point you can reach much further.
Lolno. Germans as brainwashed as we are usually only have "that one alright turk" we know and usually not even that. We like döner kebab but most men even if they dont admit it know deep down that roaches are agressive and criminal and are almost always the ones to start shit, women will among themselves say how much they hate kebabs because they grab them in the nightclubs.
But you don't hear open talk about shit like that unless you're alone with good friends and a few beers or in the deepest saxony.
Kaiserslautern. Germany isn't dead yet and we'll do our best it won't ever happen.
PS. Some Deutsch/pol/acks won't like you (or rather you wanting to move to germany. We take our ethnicity very seriously and we have a troubled relationship with americans
You don't. The people they hire are way more involved than you are, and they are much more black/woman than you are.
Lol yeah, move to east Germany by up a couple square blocks, wall it off. Georgians in germany.
This can get your foot in the door.
How do the illuminati jewmasters feel about gondola? Have you introduced them to gondola? Do you have any plans to do so in the near future?
Dude like I said I live in Germany. I don't know if you noticed but between last summer and now the country has been flooded. It's fucked.
But I agree with you on how Germans feel. My friends are liberal as shit but even they have had enough of this shit.
Girls will point out the kebabs at clubs, and say that they will wait until the end of the evening to find white girls to rape. This shit is real.
By the way I'm an American in Germany. I'll leave soon though, because this country is fucked.
who funds your think tank? Also, what are some book recommendations that you have.
Well you won't be missed. Germany will not die. We will make sure of that.
Not really, these neo-con fags won't hire you.
gondola expensive as shit dude, like 100 euros
Do you ever long for a simple life, or are you hopelessly addicted to the rat race?
I'd imagine it's harder to see the advantages of disconnecting from the establishment when you're embedded in its' processes.
Now you're being just a plain dipshit.
Let me tell you what that place is:
They are a non-profit educational institution that partners (because the Charles Koch Foundation funds) a wide range of conservative think tanks, everything from the hyper libertarian Cato Institute to the Christian-conservative Acton Foundation.
This can get your foot in the door. If your pessimistic about it, you have no idea how the program actually works.
The EU actually, which is why the recent vote is very unfortunate.
Read Howl's Moving Castle. It's a good book.
I hope you are right. I tell the same thing to my friends but what can they do man?
I didn't explain well enough:
You partner with them in this way:
how many etonian cocks did you have to sit on to get in?
I wanted to be disconnected, but then I got funding to be connected with all this shit.
Oh, so you got a job there? Congrats to you dude.
Lets be real.
Such as literally what? Making shit up like a humanities academic? Copy pasting shit in Excel? What the fuck do you DO?
none faggo
sad for homos but you dont need to be a fag to get a job
What do you think of the recent developments in Turkey?
I mean, do they not give you reading lists of books that they want you to read to get into the right mindset? I figured people working at think tanks were given reading lists.
You can't cheap out on a high-quality meme, friend-o.
Oh I get that. My wife is german and I'm ethnically atleast a quarter. If anything it would be a part time home because I don't know what I'd do without red clay between my toes from time to time.
I am being real. They placed about 100 people this term. What number of those remain in those positions is another question, but I had been talking about getting your foot in the door. Well, there are at least 100 feet in this door just this term.
Calm the fuck down, dickhead.
It depends. There are more than just analysts in think tanks. You can be doing research, or prepping research. You can also do development—getting funds, deploying funds—and you can do communications and all that means (everything from press released to web design).
One of my friends is a qt turk girl, and she cancelled her trip home. She's sticking around here. She has no idea what is happening.
What do I think? I think Turkey is the worst nation on planet earth. A cancer. My only worry with the recent troubles is that not enough Turks will be killed.
Any of your co-workers piss their pants over the trump speech?
Reading lists? Lol, dude this isn't a class. You only get that shit in school.
Good luck.
Really though, for real, or do you do fluff to support agendas/narratives as a service to (((whomever)))?
They already pissed their pants like 10 months ago man. . .
What's your fucking problem, dude? You were talking out your ass and I set you straight. Man the fuck up and accept it that you aren't the be-all end-all expert on the world of conservative non-profits.
Depends on the position and the institution. I actually do research, but like I said above (first reply) I don't work at an influential one.
I absolutely fulfill a narrative. I have embraced cultural marxism to the fullest, for my work.
are you the guy that gave us the list of predictions? Got any updates?
Was I? That may be but you gotta explain why. I hope you can.
fuck off
Nope, what was the list?
I assume you are the mod who is gonna sink this thread.
Mods are…well.
You should be embarrassed.
OP, given the recent happenings all throughout western europe, what do you know about italy? Some family of mine is taking a vacation there soon and I want to make sure it's safe
There's the AfD which so far is a stepping stone in the right direction. It's the first real rightwing party that has gained wide support here in decades. It started out as a wishy-washy economy-liberal anti-EU party but has since made a leap further to the right. Even now there are several wings within the party including a somewhat nationalist wing.
This alone is an almost miraculous leap for the german post-war mindset and it will only continue freeing up public discourse. However the party also acts as a buffer and gives much needed breathing room to ideas and potential parties even further right.
Now personally I believe that we can expect 20% for them in the 2017 elections at the minimum, potentially 30 or more if we keep getting happenings like today (not to mention that the global overton window shifting is also a feedback loop. rightwing successes in one country embolden those of other countries). At that point they'll be able to at least block a lot of shit in the parliament and buy us some time. From then on the right will hopefully (and surely) get more powerful, the old parties will become less and less relevant.
Now, if all that fails and "they" manage to fuck the AfD over badly or some shit like that, then we will get some really bad times. Then it will lead to country wide riots and civil war, potentially collapse (perhaps a coup d'etat) in 10-15 years. The economy is stretched badly as it is and a few more rapefugees and other subhumans will only increase those problems. People say we're a rich country, even germans themselves usually believe that, but we're getting bled dry financially. It's basically all a ruse. If they keep flooding us in the next 10 yeras, something big is going to happen.
are you retarded
I made the thread dude.
Don't go to Rome.
The AfD isn't anti-EU though, only anti-euro. And in my experience Germans are anti-AfD in public but in private they support it. But I don't know if they will support a civil war…
I think it's more likely that Germany accepts its lot. I hope I'm wrong though.
How big is the chance Iraq falls apart and which nations are most likely to start existing if Iraq falls?
Weimar economic collapse, followed by…
Iraq is really three countries. The kurdish North, the sunni West, and the shia East. I'm biased because I have family serving in the country but…honestly these sub-human savages just need to be split into three.
Why did you sell your soul to the devil?
Glad you came back to keep doing these. I thought after last time you had had enough.
What's going to be the safest white nation to live in for the next so many years? And if it's a big nation where is the safest place?
These sub-human savages invented law when we were throwing spears at a mammoth.
Read a book. I hope you're not the analyst guy.
Why not?
Yeah we'll see if the new owner is as censorious as the last one.
The Atlantic part of Canada.
Do you think modern Iraqis have anything to do with the Babylonians? I wonder. Whatever the case, their history is disappearing…what can you do?
Yes I'm sure sure modern Iraqis have a lot in common with ancient bablyonians.
[citation needed]
Your mom is a whore. Source: read a book.
How big do you consider the chances of Assyrians to form again a nation? They got a party they seem pretty organized. Indeed I've never seen a party or a nationalistic movement in South-Iraq that isn't Sunni/Shia. I doubt the mesopotamian ethnicity is fully mingled with Arabian but there seems to be no revival going on.
Question two how stable do you think remaining Iraq is? What's the extent of their actual control? No further than south of Mosul?
Invented was the wrong word but Ur-Nammu and later Hammurabi installed law-codexes.
I don't want to derail I want to talk about existing factions in modern Iraq.
How do you feel about the results of Brexit?
Also do you have a big nose?
Yes, but that will likely change, especially if there are more EUxits. They have already made a leap to the right before.
But not that that matters much. Germany won't be able to leave the EU, We will only be free of it once it collapses. And that's either when some more EUxits happen, or in another 10 years tops IMO.
That's also why Brexit for example was so important to us (and thus why our media shilled a storm against it)
No chance. The US has decided that Iraq has to be 'united', unfortunately.
I really don't know. Like I said I have family who is serving in Iraq. Supposedly they are just "supporting" the government but in reality they are the only line between ISIS and Baghdad. Tbh it's fucked and I don't know enougj abou tit.
second post because problems
Doesn't matter if they would support a civil war. Once it happens it happens. And I have at least some hopes for our military in that regard, considering a large part of the troops are recruited in east germany.
Feels good man. But I still don't believe the UK will leave. I'll believe it when I see it.
Very fucking true man. It's funny though, Germans love the EU but hate it in private. At least that's my experience…
Iraq has to be the biggest failed state in history though. Too bad you're not knowledgeable on the subject. I hope soon Iraq falls apart in Kurdistan/Assyria/Sunni caliphate and shia's join Iran.
What can murica do when the nation falls from within?
and a third, fuck this site
Yes, you're unlikely to find casual open support for them because politics (or rather discussing it) in germany is a delicate matter, usually reserved for the pub and AfD is still too taboo.
and a fourth, jesus christ.
But that doesn't stop people from supporting it. And seeing how well they've done in the past state elections considering the young age of the party I'm positive they can go higher.
And then there's of course the old tried and true stereotype of the german Michel. It takes him quite long to wake up but once he's there shit gets done. (In this regard it's also helpful for us when countries around us close their borders so we have more time)
Yes, I see that as a likely option if all peaceful options fail or are taken from us.
I was talking in metafor.
Let me refrase, why did you give up your morals to join a think tank?
Show some self-awareness here bud.
do the members of your think tank secretlyor openly hate Jesus Christ?
are they all atheists?
also what would the economy be like if most jobs were performed by robots… or has that think-tank been too busy thinking about other things?
What morals? All I can do is do the best for me and my family/friends. I can't do more than that, my friend.
I don't understand.
Read Combatting Cult Mind Control my man. People I work with are cool, but I really do believe that society is full of fucked up people…
Is the best to live in a lie?
Do you agree that the cuck meme has real world implications now, as you kind of mocked it a little over a year ago IIRC?
What do you think about the north/pol/ alliance of white people against the ROW, that the deep state officers now seem to want, when they understood that the West could not win cold wars, if the soldiers would have to fight for the right of their children to be a hated minority in their own countries?
You labelled Iraq a failed state, while calling me ignorant. I know a tiny bit about Iraq my friend. More than you'd imagine.
I think yes, at least as it relates to superficial matters.
Milo made that shit real man.
Do you think it exists and it what sense? The reality is all this shit is arbitrary.
You may be knowledgeable of the subject but if you'd have knowledge on the level of a thinktank analyst you would've showed that in your posts.
What's your criteria for not being a failed state? I actually don't know who ran Iraq before Saddam/ba'ath but all I know is since the dictatorship has ended the country has gone to shit.
Iraq was created by UK innit? So we got a country totally disregarding ethnicity and as far as I know only functional in a dictatorship.
Iraq is a failed state my man…but the biggest in history? I'm not so sure.
I agree with your analysis though. Iraq could only function as a dictatorship.
That's what someone weak or a child would say.
Why don't you become strong?
Tbh the stronger I become the more I get banned here my man.
You'll see, I guess. But I take what you say seriously.
This is what every man must ask himself.
I do, friend.
Would a war make men strong again?
There's already been a war, my family fought in it. And now the US has perverted this, and womyn are "joining". There is no war to make men strong again. It's too fucking late.
I'm talking about a weapon war.
You see, the reason you think thre will only be failure it's because your lack of faith.
Lack of faith on Kek.
It is what it is.
Why are you still defeatist?
Man, no matter what happens to him, rises again when defeated.
Even if you where going to lose a war, would you die with sword in hand, or hiding in a basement?
Hiding. Nobody knows I support him, and nobody ever will.
Why do you support him if you claim that everything is doomed?
Easy, because I don't think he'll win.
Demographics don't lie my man.
Why do you support a man that will not win?
what do you think would make those demographics vote for trump other than being at gunpoint at the voting booth?
also i think theres an economic collapse planned by the bankers scheduled to happen shortly after trump takes office; do you have more information about that?
Because I'm an American. And I've thought a lot about what that meant in the past.
I won't even vote for Trump, because if you vote for him you'll get put on a list.
I'll just witness from a distance, and watch him loose because the US imported tens of millions of "humans".
there wont be any more elections
oh right, marital law and such
No he fucking didn't, you massive retard
Nothing. They will never vote against their perceived interest. Spics want to destroy America so naturally they vote against him.
Same thing as the "collapse" after the UK voted to leave the EU. If you thin short term economic trouble caused be globalists is more important than national unity and success then fuck you.
I'd explain why he did, but this website is full of autocratic shills.
No, you're just a self-important faggot with a superiority-complex who seems to heavily over-estimate his own intelligence and importance.
Are muslims even human? I don't think so.
Why live then?
You never provide anything of value with these "AMA" shit threads. No new insights. No new information. It's just you repeating your defeatist drivel and telling us things we already know. I'm honestly convinced it's just an attempt for you to stroke your own ego and act like you matter. If you can't provide anything of value, then fuck off and don't make these threads ever again
That may be, and if this thread is banned it'll demonstrate…something.
Quit being such a cryptic faggot. It wouldn't demonstrate anything other than the mods cleaning up a shit thread with nothing of value to add to this board.
Evident by the fact that he seems to think of himself as the only political pundit and "in-the-know" person in his threads, everyone else is an uninformed pawn just waiting to lap up his superior opinions.
Why do you live?
Tbh I don't matter, and I don't know why I do what I do. You guys may not understand but these attacks pile up. My bosses notice.
And I wonder. At some point they've gotta say…enough is enough.
Will they? I don't know.
Muslim sub-humans keep it up and…
Meeting delay.
you won't be banned because the mods are do nothing faggots which you would know if you actually browsed this board but you admit that you don't so stop shitting it up you ego-wanking retard
Define "value"
Is that what I've done? Interesting…
I was here before IDs even existed my man. The mods are retarded as fuck and ban shit solely based on their butthurt.
It truly is fucking nauseating. I can't stand these think-tank autists who heavily over-estimate their own intelligence and think of their own opinions as better than anyone else's.
Then stop fucking doing it, you shitposting faggot. You're wasting board space and sliding better threads with your "hey! look at me! I'm important! I know things you don't! pay attention to me, you intellectually inferior pawns!!!"
I literally could not give less of a shit about your "bosses" or your stupid think tank. You never even bring anything new or insightful to the table. It's just you stroking your own dick about how intelligent and "in the know" you think you are
War against gays, immigration, diversity and the young roots of social consciousness? Sure.
War against globalism? Not so. Biggest part of Russian export is still crude.
Wowza, so this is the power of a paid thinker.
I don't have the willpower to live.
You know exactly what a valuable thread is, you dumb cunt. Guess what? Your masturbatory shit-spewing does not qualify
Why post then? Hopefully you've spammed the report button enough to delete this evil thread.
You have no idea my man. I can go deeper than you can ever imagine into critical theory.
My fucking sides. You have no idea what you're talking about. Russia is diverse as FUCK, and Putin loves to suck off the diversity hardcore. Especially Muzzies. They also don't do shit to curb immigration. Most immigrants come from within Russia's "diverse" republics, and are now outnumbering true Russians in their own capital city.
Quit LARPing faggot.
Does it make you feel good to be a nobody in your real life, deriving satisfaction and a fleeting feeling of accomplishment from lying to anonymous people on an obscure Filipino imageboard?
Gex was in favour of Evalion, Gex also created "with open gates", but I guess being a LARPing faggot doing AMAs on 8ch instead of reddit somehow makes you better informed on persuasion and marketing.
Kill yourself please.
If you don't then hopefully a Muslim will decapitate you.
To tell you to fuck off and never post your worthless trashy shit again.
What's your opinion on George Friedman? Is he legit? Is The Next Decade legit?
How much power do you people have to influence policy? Do politicians just directly apply your plans or are you kept at arm's length?
That'll be me…soon enough.
Yeah I assume it will be anchored, because tards like you (and the mods) don't know what they are fighting against.
Methodology is lost on those who should study it…
Define "imagine"
fuck off to reddit, jewboy
t. eva fag
It'll come to that, eventually.
God damn, you're such a massive fucking narcissist. Just listen to your masturbatory "I'm s clever and informed and know so much more than you do" shit. You're not going to post any of this "deeper" information on critical theory, no doubt. No, of course not. That would actually require you to post valuable information, and take away from your posing. I bet you don't even know jackshit more than the average Holla Forumsack, but are just projecting an aura of intelligence to make people think you have any authority whatsoever. You people are fucking nauseating.
scratch the eventually. Fuck off immediately
why the fuck did everyone from reddit come here?
AMA does not belong in Holla Forums
Please respond
Read some academic shit my man, they love that word.
The man I know who actually works for the foreign office ignores this shit. I have no power, nor does anyone else. But…he isn't stupid. He is doing more than I could imagine…
You are correct my friend. The important thing is to be self-aware. I don't assume intelligence, and neither should you.
I'm 18, do I have potential?
You do realise that everyone can see what you're attempting to do with these cryptic, pseudo-philosophical posts right?
You're building up quite the portfolio here as Anons' continue to dissect your personality.
Will do but I forget why…
Every poster here is a redditor my friend.
I have no actual influence.
who do you think will win the unites states 2016 presidency?
Doesn't matter dude. Eventually this thread will be locked because mods hate this shit.
It is what it is.
So you're admitting to being a worthless faggot narcissist who only makes these threads to masturbate your own ego and feel superior to those around you? Good to know. Maybe you should fuck off to Reddit where you'll fit in with the rest of the self-important, fedora-tipping faggots
Oh the irony of this statement
I don't assume anything. I'm making a very valid observation based on your replies in both this thread and all the other ones that came before it. They've literally been all the same. Never anything new or insightful brought to the table despite supposedly belonging to a think tank. You just shitpost and want that rush from feeling like you actually matter
Demographics are what they are. People deny reality, but the truth is that the US is not what it was. So shillary will win.
So you're not even British after all? Why are you doing this?
He is a larping troll.The hilarious thing about him is the fact that he cant change the format or they way he behaves making him easily identifiable. Last time he was larping as liberal neuroscience expert.
Please define that my friend.
and they have every reason to.
Just look at every post you've made in this thread. I could literally pretend to be some "think tank analyst" and spew the kind of crap you do, and no one would be the wiser. You are an unintelligent, fedora-tipping sod with a superiority-complex.
hang yourself
Please give your opinion on George Friedman.
Maybe your posts are enciphered, but all you've really done is describe is your job.
I told you guys I'm an American living abroad. Are you confused?
Was I? Please explain.
Then do it man. If you can pretend to be what I am, then do it.
1 sec gotta drink
Don't agree with his NTY ass free market BS tbh…
Yes, and what more should I do?
Thank you for that incisive analysis.
Are his geopolitical predictions worth a damn?
Want to know how i know its you? Its suck to be so autistic huh?
Since many of politicians and philosophers of the "Enlightenment" were essentially neo-classicalists(for their time anyway), do you think that after this era collapses we're going to see a rise of neo-medievalists/feudalists/monarchists/etc. in a similar fashion?
You respond to most criticism or questioning with open ended questions. It's rude and signals ineptitude to people on here who don't want to kiss toes for crumbs.
I would start with not posting here drunk. Then, perhaps, take your cape off and play the game.
gonna sleep now guys
take a … pill
did you fuck her?
serious question what does your thinktank believe is going on right now?
was meant for
What's the best way to think about tanks?
Serious answers only, please.
I like to keep board quality high, mate. Not shit it up with masturbatory narcissism
Russia now has millions of Muslims and central asians in its traditional Russian areas, its birthrates are plummeting it has a massive drug abuse and aids rate the biggest abortion rate in europe and there is a very real possibility of a revolution in 1-5 years. Stop reading the daily stormer for info.
Why would I read a postmodern feminist kike shill like that?
Since the perfection of mind reading technologies by the U.S. NRL and their widespread deployment, what do you think about thinktank employees having their minds read whilst they work?
Would you start thinking opposite to the bisected polyhedral in your $$$ worldspace, or just give it the old random Metropolis approach?
Forgot my sage. Crap.
How will Erdogan's purge of the military and judiciary affect its pending EU membership?
Will UK's new prime minister make Britain great again?
Analyze me this OP, why are you always a faggot ?
fake and gay
Are you the good one or shit one.
I wouldn't doubt this
Like we care who exploited the meme magic for their own profit, as long as they speak our lingo?
oh look its this faggot again
(this faggot is going to be a NEET in his mid-30s since the post-doc gravy train is running out)
livestream your suicide
Kill yourself kike, thinktankanon threads are a Holla Forums tradition.
I remember your last thread, have a bump.
Which fucking mod(s) keep deleting everything they don't like, even great threads
Its annoying as shit
Its like someone promoted the average sagebomber to a mod position
fucking kek
have a third bump nigger
fuck sage bombs
are we going to brexit?
That's not a good thing you nigger
Show me one thing in this entire thread where OP has posted any information Holla Forumsacks didn't already know, and where he hasn't acted like a nauseating smug Redditor. Go ahead. I'll be waiting
Some fucking "tradition"
Jesus christ, did all you newfags only start coming to Holla Forums after goymergate went under?
I repeat:
Jesus christ, did all you newfags only start coming to Holla Forums after goymergate went under?
If you don't like the thread, get the fuck out and go make a thread about fashion or some faggy slide thread shit.
Heres a thought: never post here again faggot
one day you will dangle from a lamp post mussolini-style, you faggot
The best part will be that you wont really understand why, you will still be rationalising as everything fades
I came to 8/pol/ in the first exodus, and have been on 4/pol/ for much longer before that. You're clearly the fucking newfag since you let shit-tier threads like this pass. OP's been posting this trash for years, and he's NEVER provided any valuable information, insights, or news. He just uses this platform to stroke his ego and pretend to be important. He's a pure fucking narcissist.
That's not what I said at all, you straw-manning bottom-feeding troglodyte. OP has literally done nothing this whole thread except act like a masturbatory narcissist, and overall acting like an obtuse, fedora-tipping Redditor. He hasn't posted a single thing of value for discussion, and his answers to questions aren't insightful at all. Any random Holla Forumsack could pretend to belong to a think-tank and answer questions better than OP.
ur mum das wat
Influential London thinktank….. T_@_v_1_s_t_0_c_k?
Holy shit nigger.
Are the GATE (gifted and talented education) anons a psy-soldier sleeper army? What happened in those windowless rooms that none of us can remember? Akira when?????
How is the situation in Romania? What happened? It wasn't a nightclub fire that really caused all that. Will we see more of this "technocracy" concept, and if so, where will it lead?
Is your think-tank afraid of the evil internet nazis of Holla Forums and the alt-right?
behavioral conditioning for smart people.
Makes it easier to steal ideas from them, and trauma conditioning to get them to go along with it.
It is actually quite sophisticated, they have been stealing ideas from me my whole life.
They pretty much use zersetzung tactics (romeo agents, etc)
It's a form of weaponized cockblocking.
it's a germline warfare procedure.
They infiltrated the department of education, and they basically use psychological tactics to wreck all of the smart peoples lives.
Vid related is "Predictive Programming" or whatever…
Architect in the matrix (second one) explains it.
"she stumbled onto a solution where almost 99% of subjects would accept the program if they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of it at a near subconcious level."
The offspring video here is talking about all the smart people, and how their lives are being destroyed.
They don't want AMERICA to find any smart americans.
The mathematical and logical discoveries of John Nash, reguarding decision theory and management theory (the prisoners dillema, etc) was weaponized through social engineering, in order to reduce white birthrates through psychological operations (behavior control)
Way back in the day, being a slut, or lothario (male slut) was frowned upon by society, because of the social problems that it causes (namely gradual erosion of the family, and a demographics disaster that usually accompanies such happenings)
This tactic was used to ENCOURAGE both slut behavior, and lothario behavior, as these individuals with these specific behavior actually SPREAD their behavior to others through their total disrespect fro relationships, marriage, etc (homewreckers, etc)
Thus, where there was only a few, they spread their behavior to more, who then spread that behavior to more people, etc…
A social chain reaction splitting the nuclear families of america.
The practical end result of this plan, is a reduction in white families/birthrates, and the erosion of the basic foundations of society, the family, and the social power that individuals gain/create through having a family, and the social bonding among families (networking, etc)
"Game" as it is more commonly referred to, is actually a social engineering propaganda system/meme-plex.
I find it interesting how often players will compete for someone elses female, and then bitterly complain about womens lack of loyalty, never once realizing that THEY are the ones creating the situation.