If the Civil Wars, either of them, happened in the DC universe, who would have picked what side in Civil War one and two?
And wasn't Maxwell Lord's big plan basically what Tony Stark did anyway?
If the Civil Wars, either of them, happened in the DC universe, who would have picked what side in Civil War one and two?
And wasn't Maxwell Lord's big plan basically what Tony Stark did anyway?
So, a side where neither side is good, and is a giant circlefest?
Injustice: the videogame, but with Batman being secretly a fascist.
A story where neither side is good, and is a giant circlefest.
My apologies.
Haven't read Civil War II. Civil War, they had similar situations in Tower of Babel and in DCAU's Cadmus arc. Except DC's weren't retarded
Batman, Green Arrow and The Question would probably be on the government's side
Superman, Wonder Woman, Supergirl would probably be on the anti-government side
Did you people watch the Cadmus arc? All three seem to agree the Justice League is too powerful, the government has every right to be afraid of them, etc.
I'd prefer the conflict be over something less stupid than superhuman registration or pre-crime profiling precognition. Or Superman going insane.
Agreeing on the JL's unwieldy size doesn't entail siding with the same government that actively outsources its superhuman countermeasures to a shadow cabal that can be easily influenced.
Batman? On the Government side? You must be joking. No, wait…you also pegged Green Arrow and Question on the government side..yup, definitely joking.
Reason why I think Civil War wouldn't happen in the DCU is that the government have their own checks and balances against the Metas. They got Cadmus, Checkmate, DEO, Department of Meta Human Affairs..the Suicide Squad, just to name a few.
According to Timm it very nearly did
Though I think the reason why the US Government was pissed that the Justice League has an orbital death cannon hidden away..and as we all know, the US Government hates it when someone has a bigger dick than they are.
Did you not see Flashpoint (the JLU episode not the movie)? Where Green Arrow expressed support for Big Government?
That could have gone places
>conflict diffuses when Batman and Superman realize their mothers have the same name
Yes? Is there something I'm missing here?
I mean, I guess it'd depend on the government.
No, I think user has merely confused 'Communism' (which is what Green Arrow believes in) with 'Anarchy'
The whole concept of Civil War was stolen from Frank Miller's DKR, in the fight between Batman vs Superman.
Green Arrow has never been a communist.
He was certainly a bleeding heart liberal in the seventies. It's only Frank Miller who keeps calling him a Marxist.
Batman would be fine with the idea of precrime, just as long as only HE had the technology. He would also love all superhumans to register. WITH HIM. Otherwise he would fight it.
I don't know enough about The Question to call it, but I'm sure Ollie would explode with indignation at either Civil War, simply because he's a contrarian first and a libertarian second.
Then Hawkman would shove him and all the arrows would fall out of his backpack like spaghetti.
And Kingdom Come had elements of heroes choosing different sides.
I think the only big thing about Civil War that DC didn't do in some way already was the complete absence of villains. And honestly, that's because that was FUCKING RETARDED. I get that it would be smart for most villains to sit it out and not try to pull a grand scheme while the heroes were focused on eachother, but it felt like EVERYONE took a break. And that's part of why Civil War was such a lifeless event, large factions of the Marvel Universe were just ignored from start to completion, no sudden alien threats, no activity at all to interrupt hero fighting hero.
Even if you look at things that are specifically "Batman created something that fucked over all his friends" plots, some badguy was pulling the strings. It would have to be a situation where one side would continuously come to blows with another side with little to no villain interaction, and that simply isn't in character for 99% of DC heroes. Hell, that isn't in character for most Marvel Heroes, Millar was around and they wanted to sell the stupid book, so fuck actually making sense.
Civil War was trash, a DC Civil War would also be trash. Just a different flavor of trash than normal, due to lack of villains.
They don't see the government (or rather, Cadmus) as an acceptable countermeasure against the League - especially if their means are even more immoral or unethical that whatever the league is doing. Batman's especially not the kind who wouldn't accept really any authority unless its his own. The only one that may have accepted the government was Arrow, but I mostly consider that to be a moment of weakness due to his ignorance on what the government is really doing (Batman and Question were the ones digging into Cadmus).
The only thing they all agreed on was that the Justice League had gone too far and that people had every right to not wholly trust them.
To add on, the reason why I don't think a Civil War would be good for DC is because Civil War was too binary in terms of sides. No third parties like Batman/Question/Luthor in the Cadmus arc that either wanted to circumvent the conflict or those using it for their own profit.
In fact, wasn't Trinity war essentially DC's three-way "Civil War"? I hadn't paid attention to it because "lol nu52" and it felt like it just came and went.
The Question is always an anti-authoritarian, and sometimes a hard libertarian. He'd oppose government registration on principle.
For the first Civil War Batman would naturally be Tony Stark.
The other natural choice would be to have Supes play Captain America, but personally I think Green Arrow would work better to champion privacy and less bureaucracy etc.
Civil War 2 would be trickier because you have to sacrifice someone.
To really capture the spirit of Civil War 2 I think you'd need the two parties to be like Power Ring and Batman.
Blue Beetle (Jamie) would be the Nova replacement.
Hipster Batgirl would be the Ms.Marvel replacement.
That one black teen from We Are Robin would be the Spider-man (Miles) Replacement.
Power ring was in a relationship with Mr.Terrific and then he gets a hole punched though him by Darkseid.
Supergirl gets downed by one of Mr.Terrific's T-Spheres.
Green Arrow puts sugar in a coffee, antagonizes Lex Luthor and then kills I guess Superman with a Kryptonite Arrow.
The Omegamen help Power Ring.
Personally that one sounds really really dumb.
Would it go down more or less like Squadron Supreme did, when they took over, Miracleman style?
I remember there was a pic where Ollie gave Hal Jordan a copy of Das Kapital as a gift. I wouldn't say Ollie is a Marxist but a liberal who has sympathies for some vaguely Marxist ideals. Also would Ollie be considered the Brian Griffin of the DC universe?
Unlike Brian, Ollie actually does useful things.
I was thinking earlier about how you'd could take the broad context of civil war and make it non-retarded as a historical event (like for MC2) without needing to keep to all the details
How does that sound?
You've essentially combined CW with Secret Invasion. Funny enough, the Secret Wars mini did the same thing, but very differently.
I was under the impression that every Crisis Arc was a civil war…
Was it good?
Fuck it, I liked it, gimmie a bit and I'll storytime it.
First up the covers.
More covers.
We finally get to the actual stuff. It starts here about halfway through the original civil war with Caps forces raiding that prison. I don't know, also it turns out that this Stark is just going to kill everyone.
…Or it was Cap? Who knows! Except the twist was already spelled out earlier. Anyway, enjoy a list of dead capes.
So here we get the contrast between the two factions. Stark wants superpowers registered so they don't get hit by planes, Rogers doesn't give a shit as long as it doesn't hurt someone.
I seem to be having some issues posting more so the next bit might take a bit.
Gosh, what's this? Capes sitting down and talking? We can't have that!
Oh hey, seems someone in the Blue didn't want peace.
And that's the first issue, I might dump more tomorrow if people want to see how it goes, though the big twist has already been spelt out in this post with a few details different.
That was actually pretty good.
Only thing that would make that world perfect is if everyone had a fauxhawk. EVERYONE.
wow this is nice. If only she were like this in the Civil War 2.
nice story.
Still would be nice to see. It's better than most of the stuff Marvel has done recently.
Right then time for some more Civil Cold War.
Stark has nearly worked out the twist, meanwhile Rodgers has almost finished his secret weapon.
Stark sends his girlfriend in undercover, Rodgers sends a group of capes to steal some rare resources.
I'll do the next issue in a bit, it looks like She-Hulk is fucked.
And back for more.
Pretty sure Xaiver her isn't actually fooled but Shulk gets in, looks like she isn't as subtle as she thinks though.
Only two more issues left and we finally get to see the true villian: A dead black guy.
This is fucking retarded…
Start of the penultimate issue.
Castle wrecks some border guards, we get some more of evil T'Challa and it turns out the Blue still use A-10s.
Shock, horror! T'Challa isn't evil!
End of this issue, turns out it was Skrulls all along.
Final issue.
And they all lived happily ever after, except all the people who died jumping into a hole. Hope you enjoyed.
is that the guy from Prey 2 that never happened?
Best quip.
Mutants taking over would be cool too, Magneto behind it all.
Maybe he might do that with the Inhumans since they're killing mutants with the Terrigen mists.
So…I guess he isn't voting for Trump then?
Did her tits get fried off after the blast?
To be honest I'm not sure he'd vote at all this election cycle.
Wait, what? Logan's Metal Gear Hulk now?
That was a fun read. Kinda reminiscent of Kingdom Come at the end, there.
Is this what they mean by NTR?
Since it's Battleworld, it's more like a what-if? story. Created with the power of hindsight and more editorial freedom than the original CW, it's natural that it's a decent read. Nobody's praising the actual Civil War, just that this team managed to salvage a decent story out of it.
Uhh, I know this is supposed to be poignant, but it seems really rude.
It would still be fucking stupid and cringy.
The real answer is that all of capeshit is fucking stupid and cringy for anyone who isn't a developmentally retarded manchild. I mean, you have all these people in idiotic costumes full of primary colors like a play by a special needs class, with stupid punny aliases flying around and getting into moronic punch-ups with similarly garishly-costumed freaks. Even actual children shun the retardation that is capeshit. That alone should tell you something.
Wasn't that pretty much TDKR? Superman as a reluctant government puppet vs Batman and Green Arrow?
Go b8 somewhere else faggot.
You made the exact same post in another thread.
Apparently so. Kind of surprised since I thought that would be Joe Fixit or Thunderbolt Ross or even Rick Jones.
There's a metahuman hero in Greenland?