It sucked.

All Star is the only good thing to come from it.

It could have been if it was more faithful to Bob Burden's comics. But really The Tick cartoon series did everything better in terms of blue collar super heroes and ridiculous villains.




into the trash it goes

THIS is the golden part

looks like a pile of garbage named ops mom

that desperation.

The story in Mystery Men was sub par, but it was directed really well as a comedy which I think helped it to be fairly entertaining.

What's worked in various superhero movies over the years has been focusing on a single hero and developing his story. It probably would have been the best way to go in Mystery Men as well.

Since one of the problems the movie has is just that it keeps flipping from one character to another so you don't really feel like you know any of them that well which in turn makes it more difficult to really feel that much about what happens with them.

Like with The Tick, you can go into the series and they're not explaining every single character at the same time (at most you have Arthur who shows you what's what as he gets into his role as a hero). They're just presented as already established and making their living as superheroes. Mystery Men was doing something similar to a half dozen origin stories within the one movie which just fucked with the flow of it a tad.

Is it wrong that I wanna fuck that?

a dismembered corpse? nah
ellen page? yes

I tend to steer clear of any movie with Janeane Garofalo in it.

The infantile fartjokes ruined it but it was still fun i guess.

Superior in every way.I really liked that one.


True parody kino
On league with The Cable Guy
Except this one was dragged down by Ben Stiller, and Cable Guy was by not having Ben Stiller in Broderick's role

Ellen Page rapes Dwight and then she gets her head blown off.

Bravo James Gunn, bravo.

now that is impressive. what is this from?

Bro, this is Ben Stiller's best performance ever

A documentary series where Ellen and a homo guy go around the world to show that the gays are the most oppressed people everywhere

christ she's ugly

Did they try to convince him otherwise or did they spent 4 hours crying?

why try to convince an indoctrinated fascist? just shoot him if he can't live peacefully.

leftypol, your raids are pathetic and nobody falls for it, go back to your failure of a board

Must be pretty damn shameful if Ellen Page and a faggot kill you because you're a gay hater.

What the hell set them off this time, and why do they always target Holla Forums and Holla Forums?

Fuck Ben Stiller and fuck everything he's done. Mystery Men was boring and un-funny. In contrast, I watched Gremlins last night and genuinely laughed.

Someone's mad that Holla Forums is beating their shitposting board.


Ok at best, but not as good as Kickass 1.


There's also Antboy, that is unintentionally funny and weird. Defendor, just sad.

Leftyfags can't shoot nobody in South America.

Spamming politics shit that nobody on this board wants equals winning?
Holla Forums fags have had you beat in that regard for awhile now, reddipol.

If i remember correctly they both shat bricks and she had really trouble holding her tears back at some points.My dick was diamonds.

We know you faggots take turns shilling on each other. Nobody will ever use reddipol or any other of your shit memes. Please leave and kill yourself, you kike whores.






that was like one of 2 movies kel did. surprised his career died. that was around the time that minority shit started to become more important