The Maoism of Donald Trump
According to this liberal website, Donald Trump is basically chairman Mao.

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what the fuck am i reading

Not that surprising since Maoism is a fascist ideology.

Do you believe only maoism is a fascist ideology or Marxism-Leninism as a whole?

Stalinism certainly, not sure about the others.

Uh, wtf am I reading? This is bs. I expect better from The New Yorker…

"Stalinism" is Marxism-Leninism, lad

How is it fascist?

Everything anarcho-liberals don't like is fascist


I genuinely used to think denouncing these people was "sectarian" but after a year browsing here it's obvious these idiots need to go.

I won't be voting and really don't care about the election, but I have to admit it's pretty funny watching liberals completely lose their minds over Trump.

First Duterte, now Trump. The spirit of Mao lives on!

how long until unroohue endorses Trump?

this is the stupidist thing I've read all day, not even an ML

Dear god, they are already trying to set up Trump's inevitable failure as "communism."

Now, the anarchists who actually are leftists are fine, idealists perhaps but comrades none the less.

inb4 "it's isn't fascism if it's not raycist"

inb4 "I can kill as many as I like unless I intend to"

kek try harder

I think what is referring to is the somewhat subjective distinction between Leninism and M-L, which really comes down to "at what point was the Soviet Union salvageable?" The Leninist would probably say "up until Lenin's death" and base their ideology heavily on Lenin's works of theory. M-Ls would probably say the Soviet Union stopped being salvageable sometime after that (assuming they think it's ever reached the point of no return), and base their ideology and political goals on models presented by the Soviets at various points in their history. Historically M-L has been synonymous with Stalinism since he was the one to coin the term to describe the leading ideology of the Party in a vain attempt at appearing "legitimate" as a successor to Lenin. However, I don't think that many people today really go out of their way to defend Stalin, so it usually comes down to "let's return to the state model prevalent among most 20th century socialist experiments."

It's a distinction that I've only fairly recently become aware of, as I thought M-Ls were just Leninists.

Sounds like Great Man theory tbh

Marxism-Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism are all gay af, but can we stop equating them to fascism? Not all authoritarian regimes are literally Hitler.

Where are you from? China is racist as fuck and will make your average Texan look like Mandela. There is over 50 ethnics in China and all except 2 are subject to a surrealist oppression. See the ones living in a cage and working 16h a day? Wrong tribe.

You can't even know what racism is until you have lived in Asia or Africa.


Mao is his family name, dude.


anti-takies plz go