Member when Butch Hartman drew other Nickelodeon characters in his style for a Spanish-language magazine?
Member when Butch Hartman drew other Nickelodeon characters in his style for a Spanish-language magazine?
his steven Universe is way more likable than the real mccoy
Hey, it's a more original and compelling Youtube video than my own stuff.
That Leonardo isn't really recognizable to me. If I wasn't told which character that is supposed to be, I would have guessed that he was some snake and maybe a drummer in a glam rock band.
user speaks truth. Also, I am sort of liking that Twi. It's different is a good and endearing way.
I think dipper looks better in his artstyle than the normal one
Even in youtube videos he still forces Crocker every fucking time.
look at him and compare him to most of the kids cartoons creators
it's like Megavolt vs Negaduck from Darkwing Duck. one's conceptually a better arch nemesis while the other's proven to be the longest lasting arch nemesis
That's what happens when the cartoons he put all his love and care into get either cancelled (WoY) or brought back from the dead to be raped, milked, and shat upon (nuPPG).
She's had red-dyed hair for years. They also failed to have any children until recently.
Sugar IS a jew.
Can't argue with that.
He watched his show go through the years turning into a giant cuckfest.
Why does Butch get so many hate? I thought everyone here were horny over his characters?
Is it because his style never changes?
Remember when we all regarded Hartman as the talentless hack that he is?
4chan migrants are getting so easy to spot
The "I defy you Hartman!" picture used to get posted all the time by Inspector Redwood
Really makes you think…
Real talk, because the Fairy Godparents seasonal rot, Tuff Puppy being a terrible show, and season 3 of Danny Phantom (Which is ten years old, I think) not living up to the potential.
Also, his kind of humor is becoming kind of annoying.
Overall, he is a decent guy.
Dude, what? You can find weird people in any fan base if your scour deviantart hard enough.
Unless you mean that one episode where Kitty wore a baby disguise or something.
the ultimate evil of the series should have probably been Vicky? i mean she did become an evil ruler several times (though, so did Crocker).
its mostly one autist, the sagefag in here, doing it. no one really knows why he irrationally hates Butch Hartman so much, its like how Mighty Magiswords has this one autist making constant threads about how its the shittiest cartoon ever, and then when people did a little digging we found its because the creator of it dissed him on deviantart or some shit.
autists are becoming more and more inclined to use boards like this as their personal army and its distressing.
butch hartman has his faults and is a shitty writer but he also demonstrates time and time again that he has amazing creativity and huge respect for the business. so its refreshing to see someone interacting with his fanbase without being all like "DRUMPF SUPPORTERS ARE ALL STUPID!" like Alex the manlet Hirsch.
You're a real fucking riot.
True, but I'm not talking about dA, I'm talking about people posting on this board that for some reason have been allowed to fester in their shit (both figurative and literal).
no one cares, the real cancer here are faggots like yourself who spam these shitty reaction images, sagebomb, and act like they own this place when you literally just discovered it a month ago.
Are you talking about the guy who drew FOP characters as babies in the thread? Wow big fucking deal.
What I'm wondering is why you'd go into a thread of a subject you don't like in the first place, bitch about it, then go into this thread and continue to bitch about it. It's Fairly Oddparents, it's not worth that much effort to engage in flame wars over. Worry about something that is actually cancerous.
Not only did you steal this thread from 4chan, but somehow this board actually managed to make it remarkably more worse than the 4chan version
Link please.
shitty artist but a good guy, and as bad an artist as he is, he's still better than Sugar.
That's an accomplishment.
His TMNT drawing gave me cancer…..
Dude, I found this video elsewhere
Or, follow me here, Butch Hartman is just fucking awful and most of his work has few, if any, redeeming features for non-autists who aren't looking for terrible waifus.
But autismcorn is a reboot too
Or, follow me here, you're a faggot who is mad you got trolled with a Trixie Tang image and is obsessively crying about Butch Hartman on every imageboard imaginable while claiming to have a personal army backing you that no one else here can see
You're sounding a little rump rattled yourself, user.
It's more faithful to the original comic book than any of the current series actually.
I thought Twilight looked cute… he somehow amped the cuteness and striped the lewdness out of her.
Wonder if he realized Timmy Turner does the voice
Nobody cares.
He said as much in the video.