Another fucking chan user….sigh…

Another fucking chan user….sigh…

Other urls found in this thread:

Did he died? Got arrested? Lets pray for him, nice guy.

No, he is claiming to have killed someone.

Story links MOAR.????

His name is Marcel Hesse. Do your own research.

Wheres the video? Wheres the zelda thread? Come on, OP.

Where on TOR can I find the video.


I don't have the video. I just came across the story on a news site.

i dont get some of this faggots. i know we say a lot of shit. but to actually cross the line. this attention whores got to delt with.

Wait so he is on the run and might post more.

Torture video needed.

Maybe he will kill more people.

I bet he was a subject to some wierd mind controll program.


Sup NSAfag.

Are all you NSA guys pedos? I don't understand why you always post child models and stuff.

Is it because your protected under some law so you all just come out as pedos? I don't get it.

kek totally agree. fuck this pedos faggots.


I'd like to bust a sweet ass nut in her. *heavy Pedo breathing*

No like legit a lot of child model posts are by NSA agents and govt paid shills.

I think hes here because this guy is wanted by interpol and on the run and is a chan user.

So system would have set him to check all threads on chans about this guy.

But why do LEA workers always post dam child models please tell.


i alway suspected some shit like that. i wonder what they do when i report the websites they post (i hate pedos). also if they are stupid and expose themself i dox hack and destroy there lives.

Why won't you answer the question NSAfag..

Whats with the child model meme in your agencey.

They also post CP vids that have trojans inside them. If the person doesn't know how to open the file properly, they can track them.

this faggots and there tricks. never really examined one of these videos, its enough with just a picture to get me mad.

"NSAfag" as you lot say here. We not allowed to disclose anything to you but since we always breaking rules I might get away with this one.

Won't give to many details but here is a few key points on why.

- We get paid extra to
- We use them to see if someone on our list bites if they do we have something we can use to make them cooperate and disclose information to us
- Sometimes we can use them to throw local police a bone and get some good press by busting a "ring"

tits and timestamp or I call bullshit

He was NSA indeed.

I think they recurit those kids in college and they must have their own imageboard.

Imagine a NSA imageboard. kek

checked. you know the rules after lurking faggot .tit or gtfo

any available video?
in witch imageboard this happened?

I too, like to roleplay as an NSA agent on backwater imageboards.

So he could successfully steal candy from a kid. An true hero.

Thats why I could tell you. Its all roleplay after all.



The autism is real (inability to focus) a thread starts here on one topic and then branches off into another. This is a pedo thread now?


Stop posting the little girl pics. make your own thread.

they caught him yet?

Paedophilia is attraction to little girls autismo. He is posting little girls in bikinis. Something gelling?

Tell me, how many have you framed with this technique of yours?

How does it feel to upload ilegal shit into other computers moments before the arrest?

You feel safe?

how about you just stop being a filthy pedo then?

The ones with nude girls gets deleted, not the bikini ones. So go make your own thread. Or go on endchan. They allow TOR users to post files.


Spot the cop is the name of the game.

Its fairly popular in the DEF CON.

no, he is one the run.


he's an alright guy

How bored you can get mr NSA?

How triggered can you get?

checked, not nsa


He's posting pics, doesn't mean he's into it. Just like someone who posts gore isn't a necrophiliac.

but really enjoying the videos


current thread

Well, he is posting for ppl who are. Regardless, that is not what the thread was about, autismatic. Thank the Mod for deleting the shit.

Back to the thread:

You're on Holla Forums

no faggot, your on b


Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, disgustingly-vile lovely youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of adorable joyful innocence!

Does not compute.

That's the kid that got killed.

That's a nice


Right there

Multiple connotations figure it out


Every time a boy/man dies, it means a woman is left for us to have :^)

He killed a kid that cute? Wow, he must be a tremendous faggot. Fuck that murderer.

he killed a race traitor, DotR is coming!!!

My heart sank, just why do people murder for no reason…?
change "cat" to "cute"

there's some decent content in that thread on 4chan
you get everything from the german cops, to sjws, to journalists on the one side and a mix of edgy kids and Holla Forumstards on the other. the motherchan is still the best chan.

I fucking knew it.
I've heard this on the news a couple of time in the past days, and every time they claimed that he posted his videos on the "darknet".

How the fuck is 4chan the darknet?
I could understand if it would have happened here since you can't find Holla Forums on google, but calling 4chan part of the darknet is just shitty research


He posted some pics on 4chan but the videos were posted on some actual gore themed darknet website apparently.

it's a journalistic way of not channeling traffic to 4chan. the mainstream media do the same with any site they disapprove of.

repost it?


W-why do you have so many screenshots…?

Did he ever get a girl?


claimed he killed a woman but those hairy arms look masculine to me


Thats the kind of shit you guys use to torture people on gitmo?


Did they got him alive?

I wonder what he used to eat and drink…


Fucking r9k motherfucker

Translation; Can't be bothered, I don't want to work, live is the only reason, I would have to send application but you know…

Apparently one of the voicemails, no clue if it's legit, probably not since it's the only one.

Fuck this, bild is 4chan just worse

Sorry, english is not my first language.

I am no expert, but I think there are many reasons, one could be the enjoyment of seeing people in pain another could be shit ton of drugs and became batshit insane another could be the urge to kill to feel free from these urges, heck even a rampage of pure anger could be a reason to kill.
I think this guy in this thread is for enjoyment of pain and killing.

all of them.


woman can have hairy arms, ever seen a turkish woman??

bodycount: 8
I'm right back
needed a bit, all proxy ips banned on 4chan
however, statement comes sooner
can not post pictures
will post evidence
was recognized today, but not found afterwards
photo at the train station was not me
the boy and girl, who recognized me and were not afraid, are now dead
no new news I am surprised

Why did the kcmods ban you from KC?

how do you wanna post an evidence if you cant upload pictures?

Give me a (you).
Want to be edgy and have a (you) from a real killer




https:// eDnarwd

dafaq is dis?

not sure if fake or real .-.

writing is similar to the other posts but i think he'd open a new thread not sure tho

Manlets once again BTFO

Write DEMOCRACY on the bodies, or somewhere near. Make it a fight for freedom motherfucker.

Im sorry tor is really fucking buggy and slow right now.

I was banned on 4chan and kc but i maybe could post with my new ip, but not gonna do it before i move on.

I maybe post some new pics later on 8ch pl because they allow tor users to upload pics.

I probably won't show my face, but i will give proof another way.

Fuck that, just write democracy in a body.

Its easier to defend a freedom fighter than a insane person.

Nigga, you don't know how this works.

Consider the following please:
Can you say no?

Is it humanly possible to say no to something like that?

CIA blackmail people a lot, they don't even pay them they're just prisoners because they posted NN at some point of their lives.

Yeah. No.

prove needs face

Did you do those deeds to set you free from the IMPERIALIST WHITE SUPREMACIST CAPITALIST PATRIARCHY?

i guess pass works too

If he write DEMOCRACY in the body we'll have a proof.

Fake & gay.

liefern jetzt wie versprochen!!! 21 uhr war die rede

Remember, make it about democracy!

Warum bist du nicht am Altschauerberg 8?

I can't post pics with tor you faggot, this is how Holla Forums works.

I dump the pics from the clean ip here before i move on.

proof its you faggot

upload here


You kids know kids there's a chance that he doesn't even exist.

They may be manipulating the news 'n shit.

One way or another, they're manipulating TV on the area.

Look at this video, it may or maynot contain a malware from the NSA one way or another, they can make the TV seem that they're talking something they arent.

Just remember death note when they fist discovered that he was japanese..

Falls echt.
Ach Bernd, ich bin enttäusch.jpg

wegen den fakern hier poste ich nicht weiter
mal sehen wo


Leute chillt mal ist das jetzt Safe er oder ist nur ein Fake ?


Clearly not a cop trying to trace you.

bleib doch hier,falls seriös. Es nimmt dich schon jemand ernst,wenn du ein paar details verrätst die einfach schlüssig klingen.

seh nix beim onion link, nur die matrix scheisse

Hier kotpfostieren und behaupten man wäre Marcel Heße ohne auch nur eine Idee einer Ahnung eines Zitats eines Abziehbilds einer Behauptung von einem Beweis zu posten = Ins Gas mit dir

Just write democracy in a body.

Tell them you were subject to mind control experiments 'n shit.

Woanders hochladen und hier verlinken ist als Hauptschüler natürlich nicht möglich du Hurensohn

Erzähl Berrnd doch einfach wie dein Tag war und was du angeteasert hast etwas genauer.

wenn du echt wärst wäre es sehr einfach es zu beweisen, faggot.

You were supposed to be on in 15 minutes anyway.

Don't you kids think this is connected?

In fucking MARCH?

na komm schon,du brüstest dich mit 5 Morden,also hop hop Beweise

Leute was denkt ihr wann meldet er sich ? ich denk net das es Safe 22 uhr wird oder so

Anscheinend verhindert Thor das Uploaden von Bildern hier,da er aber ja so schlau ist,sollte er doch eine andere Methode finden können.Aber das ist bestimmt wieder nur ein Trittbrettfahrer.

Gut das der Spinner gerade festgenommen wurde!!! Demnach kann es nur ein Fake sein

Proof ?


In Herne

I'm expecting that the media will make him into a "Reichsbürger" so politicians can justify creating laws which will disable the basic rights of deplorables.

Ach Bernd…

das ist legit
der rest nicht

21:15 kommen 200 zeilen infos
englisch auf pastebin

Ich glaub net dass er sich gestellt hat warum denn auch ?

Meinste ist zu weit hergeholt?

Er wurde vor gut 15 Minuten festgenommen in einer Wohnung in Herne! Werdet ihr gleich in den Nachrichten sehen

toll, noch mehr gelaber auf pastebin, wir wollen fotos, beweise! geb mir ne stunde und ich schreib dir auch 200 zeilen.

Ich hoffe dass es stimmt! :D

Not if he make it about democracy and freedom.

He may even get asylum if he play his cards right.

Ich hoffe nicht. Ich will noch mehr Passierungen.

Two minutes until he posts.

Gibt doch genug durchgeknallte "Reichsbürger" die schon geschossen haben. Marcel ist außerdem viel zu gestört, jede politische Gesinnung würde durch seine Geisteskrankheit übertönt.

I regret starting this fucking thread. Kraut motherfuckers all over!

dann haben sie aber den falschen erwischt, lel

welche Nachrichten ? N24 oder sowas

Ja stimmt wirklich, keine Ahnung wer sich hier als Marcel den Psychopath ausgibt, aber er ist es definitiv nicht

muh hermetic safe space
Ins Gas, ewiger Anglo

Hahahaha genau weil du Marcel bist :D

Es ist vorbei er wurde festgenommen!

Hast du es gesehen oder was macht dich so sicher?

Game Over ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Warum? Ich wollte noch mehr sehen. Was für eine scheiße.
Was kann der Hurensohn eig.

what the fuck they're saying

hat sich wohl selber gestellt


Danke, hab noch das gefunden

Whats with all these moralfags..
Old chan would be thirsty for this shit.

Fuck you party poopers

probably a victim of MK ultra

police captured him right before 3mins in herne

he get catched

Nein ich stand nicht dazwischen, aber wenn der Freund von der Polizei im Einsatz diesbezüglich ist, gehe ich davon aus, dass er mir keinen Müll erzählt ;)

Glaube ich erst, wenn es ne offizielle Meldung gibt. Twitter… Hmmmm. Hoffe aber, es stimmt.

Fuck this fag.
I hoped for more gore.

Mit offiziell meine ich die Polizei.

is there a live stream from heren

Und da steht auch nur "soll festgenommen haben", also auch nichts definitives

Komisch nun ist der Marcel, der gerade noch geschrieben hat ganz ruhig


Its over. Ich hoffe nicht das er in eine Einzelzelle kommt.

I am mean english is not my first language eiter, but dude

The beauty of MKU is that they have to push him only when they need someone to be on the news.

Anyone remember that Hans kid?

From the /scanners/ board.

Fresse, Bild lesender Menschenmüll! Dich kriegt der Marcel auch noch.

Was kümmert es dich, ob er ein Kind und eine Frau, vllt. sogar mehr, abgestochen hat?
War es dein Kind?
Du nutzt das ganze doch nur als Plattform, um deine Gewaltphantasien zu probagieren und dann von anderen Zuspruch und Anerkennung zu bekommen.
Dir geht es gar nicht, um eine gerechte Strafe.
Dir geht es nur darum, dich selbst mit diesen Gewaltphantasien hochzupushen, dich in die Situation reinzuversetzten und dir dann auszumalen, was du/andere alles mit ihm anstellen könntest.
Das lässt dich gut fühlen.

Aber das Kind geht dir am Arsch vorbei.

Ich denk net dass er in den knast kommt ich will ihn tot sehen

Pleas post this fake i would read it

q:^) umadbro?

That Hans guy was one of those subjects in Europe, yes.

er hat gestern geschrieben, dass er heute um 21 Uhr was neues kommt

er hat sich pünktlich um 21 Uhr festnehmen lassen

die wohnung hat er angezündet

dann wäre auch wahr, dass er mittlerweile 5 Menschen umgebracht hat

verdammt, wo sind die fotos von der teenieschlampe die er vergewaltigt und umgebracht hat?

Who are you talking about? link?

MKU is real, who could've belived it before, eh?

i hope you get cancer

What if they just shut him down?

They hijacked all of his connections, and he is literally living in a world where only he exists?

All the news are fabricated in the area, everything is a lie. Everyone around him may be an agent 'n shit.

Wow :D xDD

wird dann wohl nix mehr -.-


woher die Haare?

cause fake and gay

Passt, endlich, gottseidank.

a cat and glue >D


Das Fahndungsfoto war nciht aktuell. Wurde aber auch berichtet.
Auf dem Bild vom Bahnhof und das andere in der Wohnung mit dem Yugi-Oh Poster sieht man doch, dass er längere Haare als auf dem Fahndungsbild hat.

LOL es gibt erste Gerüchte, dass er nicht Heße ist!!! nur ein Spaß gewesen?!

Thats not him.

selbe handschuhe das is er :D

die hoffnung stirbt bekanntlich zu letzt
vielleicht findet sich ein nacharmer?

Der typ auf dem foto kann einfach nur die klamotten angezogen haben


Ja Gerüchte, Gerüchte, Gerüchte
So wie ja hier der echte Marcel geschrieben hat XD


hat er gestern weil er auf 4chan gebannt wurde

Same brand, not same thing.

They'll make everybody but him to think that he is on jail now.

Same gloves. One hand is hurt. yeye…

Its on tv now
Game over

The question is how long it take to find the woman, when it was real

welcher sender

Thats not visual confirmation anyway.

He told us to watch the news didn't him?



I mean, they got him 5 minutes before the time he said he was going to post.

is there a link to see it complet

Share it here.

Here is the Video

two dead bodies found in burning building


2 Leichen in der brennenden Wohnung gefunden

That doesn't show him.

That only show that they put a lot of trucks in asmall street and got a lot of blue lights.

I hope he get a perineal tear in jail

So where is his manifesto or something? "I don't want to go to work" isn't enough of an explanation for me, if he had time to post on chans, then surely he wrote something. It would be best to hear from himself why he did it, the German officials always lie, they'll never reveal his true motives.

Ich hoffe im Knast kümmern die sich um die Ratte

Gott sei Dank gibt es hier noch normale Menschen wie dich, die diesen kranken Menschen nicht feiern für all das was er getan hat


You are welcome
are you still have the whatsapp chat or need it

only have it in bad resolution

That can be change

the audios you find in the pastbin

Solche Volksschädlinge müssen ausgemerzt werden

Absolut deiner Meinung!

already have the audios, tanks!

Have you the informations from the german federal employment agency ore school grades or somthing this im missing

no nothing from the employment agency, just sow the post containing his pw and user.

school grades you find in the pastebins

They don´t have him,not confirmed, yet, probably he switched Area before asking someone to report the fire that looked similar to him.

they have him, compare shoes from the guy on the police station and the bloody shoe from the whatsapp picture

I did,where is the Blood?

Different tips,because differend shoes.

the blood is obv only on the bottom.

you cant call that from those pics

Okay thanks i have find it :)


but i still hope for a real shit of paper from school :D

thank you!
thats new for me

what do you mean and why?

im not sure but i have read from a report from school but now i think that can be the grades from the german federal employment agency site

and i have read from 200 missed hour in school and this normaly stand on the report from school

They are from the employment agency.


But it is in german

itt theres everything.

thanks for hosting the germans, 8ch.

You are amaying man know i think mz archiv is complet :D

aight workin bub

your doing something wrong.

can u share your archive?

I put the whole link in, but fill in the gaps user cause I just woke up and have a major headache

Never go full retard.

k. then you got it now?


try it again. the link does work. still.

he was talking of 5 bodies the whole time. recent news tell that one of the corpses was male.


Kid, Woman, Daughter, Dog, Cat

So what you're saying is on top of killing a person, this user managed to get some pussy?
Damn, this dude is what all of us hope to be.

it wasnt a fat woman, it was a fat gothic guy. he posted it was a woman to confuse the police.

did he killed that beagle?

Yes and made a BBQ with it

i don't give a fuck about some 9yo twink, but that beagle… he is pretty fucked up twat

he posted himself that there was no dog, just a cat. but yea he also said it was the womans cat.

BTW does anyone have the whatsapp pics in full size, not just the screencaps?

such like this one?

according to german news the Second victim found in the burning Appartement is a 20 y old male
no 3rd victim?

from here

i was looking for that post the whole day!! didnt he also post a pic of that cat?

someone posted this pic earlier, also pics of police helicopter flying around from same username

thats fake check your facts

check them and let us know if they were posted there

those are old, i think he posted in more recent one from today, let me check sec!

I only have this one savedße-marcel-hesse-on-the-run-after-killing-a-9-year-old-boy-updated-info-03-09-17.5681/page-2


thank god

He was caught a few hours ago

Dr Pavel, I'm CIA.

yes i just found on google pic is fake


sry my pc was down i hope you get the link

Tor: temp.jusfileobjorolmq.onion/5KrSyn49kD
HTTPS: temp.ÿ.fr/5KrSyn49kD
HTTP: temp.ÿ.fr/5KrSyn49kD

Color me suprise

Holy fuck this is fucked up, was this on Holla Forums?

Is that the kid?

This bastard is sick.

I wonder if they got him alive… and how long before he suicide with the blankets in his cell.

Imagine if you could spend some time with him, what would you ask and what the cops would ask?

He is still at large and has killed 5 people.

Pretty sure they got him a few hours ago.

At the moment there are 2 dead people.
Jaden and a men how was found in the burning flat.
At 4 pm in germany are a news conference.

Kann man die sich irgendwo anschauen auf YT oder so weil ich find nix



It's called psychopathy. This idiot has no feelings or is severely limited as an emotional being, as such when he was faced with problems in his life he was contemplating suicide. Yet he was a loser and couldn't do it and somehow he made the mental jump and reasoned that he can't get over it and just want the government to take care of him.

Instead of taking an ego hit and sign up for welfare/disability which is a horrible and long process, he figured fuck it and he opts to just randomly murder the first target of oppertunity which seems to be a close neighbors child and go down in history as someone who will always be remembered on the internet.

It's socialist shit hole gerMONEY after all so he'll be living off the taxpayer dime for the rest of his life, since he can default back to the "nobody will hire me now that they know i'm a killer" meme.

Neckshotting these kind of people should be the preferred solution rather then this cuck mentality from christians that the criminal is also a victim, just let them choke on their own blood while they bleed out.

You know what the fun part of all of this is, female psychology.

He killed a kid, he goes to woman house that he knows, they spend the night gaming and then go to sleep. Somewhere around noon presumably, the bitch wakes up and checks the news or internet and finds out he's wanted for murder. SHE GOES AND WAKES HIM UP and stabs the shit out of her, then he tortures her for passwords to her phone, computer and other shit saying he'll call an ambulance for her, AND SHE BELIEVED HIM haha, this is nothing short of evil.

Female psychology is fucking idiotic. The second she found out she should have hoped in her car or gone outside and called the cops, instead; she wakes him up. Not once did it cross her mind that he was simply biding his time to strike her, she thought he would never harm her because they've been relatively good friends even though it was mostly superficial. So a 120kg woman, aka obese beast thought she was special and he wouldn't hurt her haha, instead of doing what instinct tells you she goes and wakes him up after this bitch just learned his killed a bloody CHILD! Someone who kills a child has no fucking remorse or borders to cross, it's completely brutal. And her mind went to, oh well better wake him up because he's wanted for child murder.


Why is this story so compelling to people? It's the typical story you see in the news every couple of months.

You aren't up to date with your information, he didn't kill a woman, that 120kg beast was actually a 22 year old man Christopher W., who he was friends with, Marcel pretended that he killed a woman so that he would fool the police.

This fat woman?

I'm actually shocked at how incredibly angry I felt when I got to the part about him killing the kid. My initial reaction was "Some stupid beta with no self control snapped on some stupid single mother, again." Crimes of passion show he's weak, but at least he might still be human, what possible fucking justification could he have to murder a child?

Fuck you, you wimpy faggot. I hope when you get arrested they tell all your cell mates the details of your crimes. What's a matter, bitch wouldn't suck you off or take it in the ass? You'll see things from her perspective pretty soon, prisonbitch.

He did nothing morally wrong, but legally wrong. You're an emotional faggot.

Fuck off you autistic sociopath. Guess murdering you is okay as well then.

Yeah, it's called half chan.

Why is it morally wrong? Further, why should we be morally inclined? Morality leads to the protection of the weak.

The most basic moral tenant of every religion, every philosophy, every set of laws on Earth ranging from christianity to satanism is "don't do unto others what you wouldn't want them to do to you" thus unless you want to be murdered you shouldn't be murdering other people. As most every living creature has a survival instinct, you would have to be mentally ill to desire to be murdered, thus it's a pretty universal standard and frowned upon in every culture.

Immorality leads to chaos, degeneracy, weakness and decay, it's what's destroying western civilization as we speak.

Your way of thinking suggests incredible weakness on your part.

But morality leads to a society that is weak, coddled, and looks forward to nothing but their next meal. In a moral society it's not the strongest that survive, but the weaklings. Morality must die to reach the next step in human evolution.

He'll say morality is a spook I bet you. Don't even bother with these people though, they dont seem to understand morales and how murdering is morally wrong.

Wrong, you're demonstrating the weakness of your character, you think the moral path is leftism.

r/K selection theory tells us there are two breeding strategies in nature, which humans switch between depending on their environment.

r selection is that of rabbits, many herd animals, weak creatures. They reproduce quickly, care little for their individual children, mate with as many partners as possible and focus only on where their next meal is coming from. Their strategy is that it's okay if three of their children are eaten because 7 survive. These are weak, prey animals.

K selection we find in wolves, elephants, elephant seals, cuttlefish, and so on. They're more likely to be monogamous, spend a great deal more time and energy producing children and thus reproduce more slowly and who gets to mate is determined by competition/merit.

In humans, conservatives are K type, they care more about morality because they think long-term, they have well-developed amygdalas.

r types are more progressive, they detest competition and invite invaders, they like the idea of a socialist state that feeds and cares for them, and don't care about statistical deaths, because they assume they'll never be part of those numbers, this is why Stalin gave us the quote "the death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions just a statistic." This leads to failure, weakness, and your basic beta male SJW.

Your thinking puts you squarely in the r category. It should stand for retard.

morals are the architypal social construct. my cat doesn't worry about murder and nor did the vikings. this shows morality to be a cultural and historical artifact, rather like pic related. i suggest you use your morality for similar purposes.

Morality leads to society, and society leads to weakness. Why do the weak gather in cities, why do the weak want more government, more control, more protection from the world? They're weak. Conservatives, Socialists, Liberals, all are fucking weaklings. Only the strong should survive, the weak must die off and be consumed by the strong.

Says the dweeb posting on an anime forum.

If you're so strong, why are you depending on anonymity, electricity, the internet and your computer? You don't practice what you preach, which shows deep down you know you're full of shit, and very very dumb.

I'm not strong. I've never said I'm strong. I want the strong to carry on the race, and for mankind to evolve beyond weakness. It's impossible to practice what I preach in this fucking cuckold society of morality.

You could have stopped at "my cat doesn't worry" but even then your statement would be retarded. Cats protect their offspring all the time, and there are plenty of videos of cats protecting human children.

First off, the vikings don't exist anymore. Second, they most definitely had a moral code, Valhalla is their version of heaven which you can only get into if you're an honorable warrior. Thus you demonstrate you're talking out of your ass, which is where you've clearly been stuffing those dildos you had saved on your laptop likely because you were debating which to purchase, you big stupid homo.

Even if we didn't just demonstrate that you're a profoundly ignorant child with no idea of how anything in this world works too stupid for pity, what you've said still would prove no such thing, and you'd still be as stupid as you are a faggot.

Why? How can they carry on the race if they murder eachother? Kind of hard to carry on the race when you're dead, retard.

You know why homo sapiens thrived and cro magnon died out? Empathy. The key major difference was that cro magnon buried their dead in shallow graves, our ancestors dug deep graves and buried them with clothes, weapons, jewelry and other items of comfort. Community and caring for others made survival easier for them, it allowed them to work as a group to take down mammoths. This is strength, not weakness.

If we lived in the society you propose, all it would take for me to destroy your entire world is get a group together, and each individual would be slaughtered one by one. If you feel this is an "unfair" advantage, then you've invalidated your entire concept. Is a gun an unfair advantage? How about a knife like the faggot in the OP used?

Not eachother, but the weak. The weak must die, this is basic eugenics. Moralist society protects the weak. Hitler's Germany was bleeding heart liberalism compared to the ideal society which will destroy the weak.

Then kill yourself.

My life serves a greater purpose in this wicked society. I will preach the coming of the super man, and the death of the weak.

On forums designed to share reaction images of Mongolian cartoon girls.

No. You serve no purpose. Kill yourself.

I don't listen to Communist niggers.

That's illogical. Times have changed, we no longer need to rape and pillage to have a somewhat good life. If you dont give a shit about morals then give a shit about other people, you kill one person that family suffers. Would you want your family to suffer, do you want to suffer like they would?
No? Then you don't kill people do you.

Figures he killed a little boy. Pedos are gay and gays are degenerates. We should be building ovens for them.

Ovens aren't enough for people like this, whats really needed is an extreme punishment for murder to prevent it.
Like flaying them alive and then chucking them into an oven.