Are leftistis more depressed people?

Are leftistis more depressed people?
It seems that they're more critical of the conditions of this world and reject feelings of national pride, heritage etc.. Although we see the world as a rotten place to what it could be, we really shouldn't languish in despair during this lifetime. There are things worth seeing and joys worth experiencing.

On the other hand, rightists are often attracted to reactionary politics for the sole reason that bluster about spurious use of military force and withholding social programs from the poor and "undeserving" makes them appear tough and masculine by association. Life for them is sort of defined by constant, exhausting vigilance against implied critiques of their manliness, even if they're purely imagined and sheer paranoia.

Could go either way, really.

Higher IQ is linked to depression.

We are more in tune with our existential despair.

Freudfag will probably show up soon to babble about how our "psychoanalyzing" of political identities is stupid, and he will probably be right, but I really think both OP and are on point

In particular, that thing about right-wing people wanting to be "manly by association" is the reason I think so many socially anxious guys I know end up going to the far Right. If you expose someone to bullying, low self-steem and sexual rejection you're pretty much throwing in the recipe for a neo-Fascist.

Now, that's not a description that would fit all of the far Right, but it fits a type that seems almost exclusive to them.

Also, /r/ing that Zizek text someone once posted about how too much freedom can scare people into a reflexive desire for someone to impose order and control. I think a case can be made that despite all the boasting of elitist, social-darwinist views, many reactionaries are deep down afraid of not being able to make it in a world where social activity is not regulated (by legislation or customs) and individual merit prevails. Kinda like how young men today blame too much sexual freedom on their inability to get laid.

leftism is about self hatred, hatred for your race, your people, your country, your history.

The average leftist could knock out the average rightist in direct, open single confrontation. :^)

Comrade please stop.

Sorry, not my intention; I'm trying to provoke a reaction demonstrating that this claim is deeply consequential to in spite of the fact that it has no political value.

Found a better image for the middle one


If you were any more spooked, you'd be sharting ghosts


I've lurked Holla Forums for a few years.

The anons there (and on halfchan) seem alot more depressed and isolated than the ones here, quite frankly.

I'd agree with this. The "leftist depression" is more about romanticizing oneself as a lonesome intellectual giant being forced into a large society of mental midgets.

Leftism has much more sex appeal than the far-right. That's why most leftists are college aged middle-to-upper-class white men with black unkempt hair and skinny, ripped jeans who smoke cheap cigarettes.

All of the far-right people I know are cringy autists or fat and sweaty neckbeards. It's not a pleasant scene, anyway…

also, /r/ing that article which tried to show calling yourself a socialist got you laid more. lel

The truth is, Wilhelm Reich was right and it's all about sexual represion.

I could even say thay most people on pol have repressed homosexuality.

No. But instead of blaming "ze joose" or something, we can deal with the fact and move on.
And this is, IMO, what makes leftypol more "depressed". Accepting the Void and becoming an absurd hero.

I dont think I'm depressed, just sad that I'm quite so lonely and then I get randomly angry over nothing for a whole night and just feel shit in general.

That only happens now and then though. The rest of the time I'm quite happy with being alone.

so, depressed?


Don't you guys read John Green? Depressed dudes definitely bang more chicks nowadays.

No, I'm not depressed, probably just edgy.

I've come to realize that I don't even want to live in socialism anymore. I just want to revolt to fulfill my blood knight urges and die before it's over.

Fixed it!

O neat fam.

What made you change your mind