What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

It is probably a guy. Anyways, tits or gtfo!



Eww thats one ugly vag and can hardly see much but she is a total roastie.

she was p. cute tho

Nice standards you got there

I am kinda mad now

Low standards, not cute.

I live in eastern europe and I could take any women under 30 off the street and they would be %500 more cute then her.

She is somewhat ugly.

Good BO. Anime porn is ridiculous

she's sexy.

Those tits are saggy and awful wtf.

Why are you lying to yourself. Its kinda pathetic.

I love slav flower head dress.

My slav girl friend works in a flower shop and I made her wear this with tradional clothing.

So dam pure and good, god I love european race.

You wouldn't give her a kiss?

that is a weird way of saying good


She looks like she doesnt wash her hair often or herself.

user wasted a lot of money paying a whore to make these pics.

Im not surprised. Dumb desperate betas tend to give women alot of very generous gifts


Everything about this is sloppy. Get out, Sloppy Stacy. Shoo.

you should get laser hair removal

That she needs to clean her room.

She's p. cute. People saying otherwise are retarded.