We all know Bolshewikipedia was subverted by Jews from the beginning, but this is just getting ridiculous.
I avoid Wikipedia at all costs, but their articles became worse. If you strg+f in the USSD Article, Jew now appears TWICE instead of once. The additional mention is how persecuted and unfairly treated they were:




Is this a fucking Joke? The entire USSR was a Jewish project from the beginning and they don't even mention it once. Free encyclopedia my ass!

Other urls found in this thread: Communism.pdf

Didn't they form a new oblast where they deported the kikes?


Yea I tend to also not believe it very much. There is just too much jew shit with it, from the secondary jewish officer rape squads in ww2, to the propaganda past that. There were huge jewish traces throughout all of this.

AT BEST I would say that one clan of jews was killing another clan of jews. At worst, it were jews all the way through, and perhaps still are.

The archkikes aren't above throwing their "lesser brethen" under the bus if it means obfuscation and gain.

but I thought that it was the Jews who oppressed Russians and not the other way around?

Even till this day, the education in russia still is mostly egalitarianistic. Where the "higher educated" are being taught that niggers are still the same as whites.

they also still have strict anti anti semitism laws.

So I am quite skeptical about russia.

Then on the flip side, russia did ban the soros foundation and all of its branches. Putin also openly admitted that the revolutionaries were something like 80% jews.

So I dont really know. But the indication is very high that past ww2, there were still jews in control.

tl;dr every Jew after WW2.

Reminder that the Confederacy was backed by (((them))) to build a Slave empire

then they have the gall to write books like 'Lincoln and the (((Merchants)))' as if he wasnt discusted by them

They are rewriting history before our very eyes

Pure coincidence.


its kinda funny how obvious the censorship and propaganda is.

Here you have a head of state directly admitting that its not anti semitism, that its the truth.

Jewish Bolshevism is confirmed to be truth by the nation in question, on camera, plain as day for everyone to see.

If it was 50% you could still say "but they werent all leaders of the movement", but its way past that…

The Jews just can't stop lying. It will be the end of them. You need to set a Jew trap. Watch them go up in flames, hopefully literally back to Hell.






Yea, shit like this is why I am skeptical about russia. I just want to go to a nation where jew hatred is accepted, but without all the kebab and other barbaric races shit. Just a white nation with jew, nigger and mudslime hatred…probably poland.







holy fuck this pisses me off so much





Most of this is during ww2 and pre though. What happened after that? The new narrative by russia is being spung that stalin killed the jews. Or that he made life difficult for them. But I wonder what happened between 1945 till 1990, and beyond?

Its obvious that there are a lot of jews now who hate russia and that there is some small amount of stuff like that diminishing at least. Not entirely, but also not full pro white race death as a attacks on brown people are normalish in russia.

It's great seeing all this content, but to make sure we don't miss anything later, can someone put this in a .rar file or such and throw it up on MEGA or another file host?



Jewtin is not our friend

The only way to stop Jews from tampering with the truth is to wipe them out. That is the only solution. We knew this 100 years ago, and we know it now.

Until we wipe out this plague, things will continue to degenerate.

A shame really

So russia is not exactly an ally to all of this, but more like a lesser enemy instead of a full blown enemy like israel?

Yea, all of this horseshit that we have to deal with on a daily basis, from dumb people, to cops, law and censorship. In a world without war, where your daily life mostly is work, your money gets stolen by jews (taxes), you listen to jew media (radio) and you cant even socialize without the jew prying on you (jewbook)

So many problems would be solved if we just removed them completely from this planet. I am getting kinda tired of the fact that we constantly have to defend ourselves. They should already be exterminated.

This is probably in response to Putin's recent admission that roughly 80% of the government in the U.S.S.R. was Jewish.

The problem, I think, is that people don't see reality, they don't know reality, they don't understand reality. They think that we live in a world that is basically good, they don't understand that there are no rules aside from the laws of nature and that the Jews exploit this.

People are force-fed fantasy 24/7, super-heroes, religion, science fiction, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Go out in the woods in some camouflage and just watch from the trees, you don't even need to hunt, you just have to watch. Go out in your backyard and watch lizards hunt bugs, watch cats hunt lizards.

The world we live in is constantly be covered up, just look at Pokemon Go, a fake world on top of the real world. People need to see reality, or we're doomed.

This is also probably why they want to corrupt us a lot, as well. Basically by destroying them, we become the Jews because they taught us again and again that our empathy and goodness, our care and forgiveness, our mercy and tolerance are all weapons to be used against us in the future.

The problem has always been the bell curve. If you have average to low IQ, you wont understand enough of the world to see its man made machinations.

Do you think clever people like us number many of the whole population? We are lucky to even get to 5% of the whole population. 5% of those who are CAPABLE of understanding that. If they never bump into this information, they wont even get to use their potential.

So we have been lucky on both counts.

A normal to dumb person will spend his whole life trying to figure all of this out. As his brain requires more time to process the same stuff as we do. Perhaps he will only gain some wisdom when he is 70, while look at us here…I havent hit 30 yet. Yet I can talk to old people on the same level, while only getting the cuck responses back from people of my age and also higher.

Some never learn

It was a joke when the religions said that everyone has a soul.

Well it aint true, there are multiple levels of having a soul, from a really shitty one, to a mediocre one, and to a high to genius level one. We were never equal and we were never one as a humanity. Though I find it poetical that through the chaos, I managed to find you guys, and became one of you, even though I am a slav. Sharing more kinship to you guys that to my own blood.

I'm 22 and I already feel old. It's strange.

This accusation of Soviet oppression contradicts what immigrant Jews were saying in the 1980s: Communism's collapse would leave Judaica vulnerable to revenge attacks by the formerly subjugated masses.
Communist totalitarianism kept the anti-semitism under control, and it's loss would cause another shoah.
The "save Soviet jews" campaign of the Carter administration was predicated on this fear of retribution ==which never materialized== .
Their insatiable need to rewrite history is an untreatable psychopathology. Communism.pdf

Glad to hear that. The forgiveness for our forefather's past crimes against eachother and having kinship even outside of our blood is a very Christian merit as well, though - At least how I've been taught the faith.

To respond to the Bell Curve, I suppose this is why we all have a responsibility to spread this information in easier, small packages. We already have those: Memes.

Lucky you, you beat me by 3 years then, when I was about 25 I first started hating the jew. Though the intensity of my hatred took a while to grow to large enough proportions like I have today. I feel no pity in my anymore for the kikes. No desire to solve anything peacefully, looking at history its clear as day that it has been tried multiple times.

The only solution is a 100% genocide of all the jews on this planet.

Well its a bit more tricky than that with mixed breeds and whatnot, but the jew problem must be eliminated completely.

No, that is just adaption. If a birds decides to purge the cuckoo from his nest, he doesn't become a cuckoo.
There is much more to being jewish than that.

I don't think so. The usual normalfag doesn't care as long as he doesn't get a strong kick into his fat bottom, so to speak.

I hope for a world, where everyone apart of the jews, niggers and mudslimes comes together and removes all of them. I think that globalism may have this as one of the consequences, once the actual productive and less shitty races come together, they may see that there are a few races that are just plain horrible compared to the average of the better races.

Its the dream of holding hands in different colors that the liberals have. Only with more stomping of boots, ornamental weapons and different nationalistic costumes, on those 3 groups.

Because while the other nations may not invent much, at least they dont shit up the world as much as those 3 horrible, terrible groups. There could be a period of stability and actual world peace waiting around the corner if we removed them.

You're being an idiot. This isn't even saying the USSR wasn't founded by Jews. All it's saying is that Stalin decimated the original Jews after WW2, which has been known for a very long time. Jews began to emigrate to Israel, which eventually became a US ally and enemy of the USSR.

It's so depressing, even with mountains of evidence with Jews stating that they collectively manipulate information, people STILL deny that there's a Jews collectively manipulate information.

Goyim are really that fucking stupid. I wonder if we deserve to be exploited?

The original Bolsheviks were almost all kikes, but once Stalin got purgin', the jews were victims of their own monster as usual.

It would be best if this information was posted in a thread on /polarchive/

Its just that the jews are very visible as a race inside of a country, most of the propaganda was produced by them, the stasi, the purging of russians still kept on rolling after the end of ww2.

So that most likely means that the jews never really left it. The education system also still was jewish.

All the evidence just points towards the fact that they never left, that at best it was just one group of jews persecuting some other group of jews. So just jew infighting.

We have a surprising amount of information for the revolution and ww2, but very little for the 50 years past that.

The mostly jewish oligarchs in russia are still in power. Just saying.

You can use Ychan.exe to atuomatically download whole threads.

probably yea, and we are lucky that the jews, genetically speaking are psychopaths at those levels. Which means that many of them are so insane that they often forget about their own race and just kill/persecute eachother.

The russian jew oligarchs vs the Ukrainians for example. So that is why the other user probably just considers them as a lesser enemy. Which they technically are.

and I dont think that its a conspiracy either of them, because what would they have to gain from turning ukraine into a warzone. They dont have 100% control of the information, we are in an age of cellphones, of internet and their power base lies in MSM. From my perspective, ukraine seemed like a legitimate struggle.

I think Stalin really purged lots of Jews but this is like saying Jews were the only group being persecuted so.

The nutjob killed most of gentile officers of the former Russian army before the WWII. It was part of the reason why the Soviets had so few success in the war early on. That, and pretty much anyone else he saw as a threat to him. Basically paranoia.

or perhaps he was just used as a figurehead by the kikes to hide the kikery, who knows.

We've always been at peace with Eastasia

its happening…hopefully faster…

I don't want Big Brother, I want Big Uncle.
Instead of watching the citizen it would watch the government.

The joke is that the idea that we need to be united as a world may yield completely different results as the old cultures who are still somewhat sane, become the majority in this global democracy and then start gravitating towards the removal of the big 3 evils.

That the former colonies realize that the british rule wasnt as bad and that their own self governance does not yield terrible good results, like the smog and human hell misery in china. Or races who were just grateful for the assistance in the other places.

The whole world may actually gravitate towards hitlers vision of actual proud, worldwide nations loving their own cultures and being generally cool people to eachother. Even though it was not one of the consequences of this approach by the kikes.

The negro and mudslime may easily be removed. But the most formidable foe will still be the kikes.

We just need to shift the focus to the stars and be severely autistic about it.


Yes and no, the jews themselves are weak, it's their servants that are strong (or at least numerous and insidious enough).

Kek, I am thinking the same way as you user. But we cant focus on the stars with the anchor weighing us down to the planet (the 3 big evils) before our long journey, we first have to cut it off.

I dont even get it why its so hard to do, we have a lot of impersonal weapons of killing. If I were given control I would start to remove the 3 big evils right this day without any remorse so that our scientists, and industry, even the public could work on space things without terrorists, kikes and niggers doing naughty stuff in their nations.

God that would be so delicious

I have the desire, only not the means. But seriously I would do this in a heartbeat. It would be so easy.

Heres how it was in 2006

At least the old one had facts. statistics, information, and figures. The new one is just commie tripe.

pick one

Yes they did.

Too much of redtext faggit.


Wikipediago delenda est.

kek, SJWs thought they could let this little piece of revisionism get away

I can actually believe this tbh

There is no "deserve". Do red blood cells deserve to be repurposed by viruses if the immune system fails to stop them? No. Everything can be exploited. The agency is with the exploiter, and the guards against exploitation. Our ethnic immune system just needs to learn to handle the Semitic virus more robustly.

"Jewish power is the ability to discredit and silence anyone who tries to speak about Jewish power."



Wikijew was started a Jewish ex-pornsite owner.

No shock that its biased.

Jews are the original DINDU NUFFINS.

There is no need for a conspiracy if you can get away with corruption without even conspiring.

Humans care about their own wealth too much to make the fairytales that are sometimes told on this board true. Jewish people compete with each other. Besides that I can't really take anyone seriously who believes in the pile of garbage called talmund with its horrendous ruleset. I don't think anyone can really follow all those rules in modern age, I don't even see many who claim they are jewish actually practice their faith.

Why is it that Jews are so attracted to making porn?


They hate muzzies but not the kikes. They all believe in the 6 gorillion.

(1) pretense. liars get to lie, confess the truth in full knowing, feel absolute pride and praise, and feel awesome that every one else praises them.

aside: make a script, make an equally conjured currency, and 'reward' women and men for degeneracy. but these women are now unsuitably damaged sluts, and the men are effectively permanent stags. and in their collective depression, no memory forms when everyone is drinking to forget. that shilled / annuity profit is made on each transaction is an added bonus: only the jews get to keep their memory (currency/money), and they know it's a lied memory, now adopted and grounded (laundered into legitimacy in coin, in publish, and in the works of host nation's men). not that they even care about keeping the lie, but it does make life more comfortable for them.

(2) muh dick. sex with women who would never otherwise accept, nor be permitted, nor be so complacent afterwards with out screaming rape.

aside: because it is rape. but rape with a script is 50-shades-of-gray: now legal, now codified, now accepted into worth-networks, now legitimized, now unassailable to women's retraction. encouraged fully by failed females, the vast majority of whom were jews, and the vast majority of the worst of whom are still jews. fully supported by beta-conniving dicktip eater males as well: they get what they don't make, can't replace, and live in the ruins (calling it yiddish master living room). as an added bonus, the host nation's men rightfully abandon their millennia-projects to make their women, as no one, certainly not jewish, nor the most vallored of valhalla can housewife a slut. and the men, demoralized, not wanting to strike their prior creations, stare at their losses, and loose any memory of how or where the loss came to be.

(3) frankensteins. they absolutely love like company. short lived though it may be, being that the parasite cannibalizes, being that it will soon now starve. but, as cannibals, they just now eat each other. all these same methods, know no boundaries, and can, have, are, and will be applied to their own kazakh off-breeds (who so willingly served 'the zion' to infiltrate the host targets, now so deliciously eaten).

and people wonder why 'stuck in time' is a thing.

whom ever gets to make the currency, makes the memory. and all that follows, be it media, stocks, or otherwise, get to remember, and no one else does. it doesn't need to be this way, but give a single penny to the unable, and it will be, for they have not the ability to make anything other than cannibalism.

no we don't.
shut your lying mouth.

too many jews may surround us, cloak themselves in us, and the weakest of us fall. but we. do not. believe 6 gorillion.

