Not being a defeatest but I seriouly might kill myself or completly lose my mind if Americans elect Hillary...

Not being a defeatest but I seriouly might kill myself or completly lose my mind if Americans elect Hillary. What are we going to do if she gets elected? Im here in Wisconsin and people seriouly fucking hate trump and nothing you can say will change their minds. The electoral college is set up so Trump basically has to win all the midwestern states, penn, and NY. Thats going to be hard because these fucking cucks are out in full force, how can we get these people to not vote or at least keep them from voting Hillary?

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But she won't be. Stop being a defeatist.

Even if you cuckolds hate Trump, you don't actually like Hillary, so there's a high chance you'll just stay home come election day.

Every day stand in front of the mirror and recite "Trump will win" 20 times. Then make sure you have done something to help make this happen every day, whether it's volunteering or organizing or redpillng or whatever. Every day counts, up to the hilt.

There is always something you can say to change their minds, you fucking defeatist. There's a myriad of reasoning you can use on them. It's not all that hard if you give it a little thought. Most young adults are still children mentally, and do not like being told or proved that they're wrong. Lead them on and let them think they come up with the answers on their own. If you enter the argument neutral it'll help also. For not liking either is a valid stance apparently.

Faggot, I'm actually looking forward to things if Hillary gets elected. I'll have my civil war and we'd actually be able to fix laws from the ground up in a reestablishment of our government. Honestly, I see more being fixed in a civil war than under Trump.

You are

Look at the polls, faggot. Trump is growing. Shillary is shrinking. Look, no matter who is elected the honest truth is not much will change due to the way that the US government is structured. Stop wasting your life on politics, focus on your self, spend time in nature, build a business. Let others shoulder the burdens of the world for a while, and stay out of it if it's really weighing on you.

Trump will be president.

He's not being a defeatist dumbasses. He's pointing out a problem, and trying to work out a solution.

Actual defeatist: "You aren't going to win. I have no argument or explanation why."

Not a defeatist: "Here is a problem, here is a component that generates the problem that we should do something about."

Learn the fucking difference.

Good god, you "durrrr defeatist!" shills need to be fucking shot. I swear that you guys are more shills than anyone here, because your posts are thought and action stoppers. Calling someone defeatist who is asking to solve something effectively stops us from acting on a potential fucking problem.


Sure its getting to me but people being worthless degenerates is getting to me anyway. Ive already cut myself off from people and got back to nature but its sad to see my fellow humans commot suicide. Something has to be done now before America falls for sure. There are still kids and nerds worth saving.

You just dont realise how bad a hillary presidency will be. War with russia, millions of refugees, no free speech, no guns, carbon taxes etc.

Sounds like fun. UN troops on the ground, martial law, and good goy camps.

Yea im being serious. I know 3 people with documented IQs over 140 voting for hillary and hundreds or normies who hate trump for being racist egomaniac who wont support poor fags.
These fuckwits cant get past the social aspects to see reality for 5 seconds.

If you agree with him then why did you sage the thread?

Not everyone with a high IQ also have high EQ, I suppose.

Romney's states plus PA, OH, FL make 273

Oh and Trump is either tied or pulling ahead in all three of those


Trump is not the end all be all, he's not our final chance and you're a retard for thinking so

I'm not sure they will user. Remember the media is on her side and the media are so out of touch with average American Joe that's its become farcical.

Start preparing for the war, rather than offing yourself.

Actually he kind of is.

If he loses then due to demographics there will never be another president who isn't a race traitor or some kind of nigger/spic.

Hillary will make the illegals into citizens. They will vote Democrat. That will be the end of the America we love.

He'll win user. It is a similar phenomenon to Brexit, but even more so. The people will win again. This is the year we start winning.

ITT: delusional faggots desperately clinging onto hope that was never there
It's all fucked, OP. We're already dead.

user, get out of Madison or Milwaukee and talk to people. Lots of support for The Don in red Wisco. Walker was elected and survived his recall; most of those voters are on board the trump train,and trump is also going to bring in the sconnie working class who traditionally voted Dem. I'm from a mill town in the fox valley; there is more support than people realize.

You can not control other people. You can only control yourself. As soon as you realize those two things, your life will improve immensely.

And by the way, you have to live with what you put in your brain. If you spend all your time reading about degenerates, watching degenerates, criticizing degenerates, then your mind will become degenerate and in turn your life will become degenerate.

Find the things you want in your life, focus on them, move towards the things that attract you and away from the things that distract you.

Consider the following: I want to call you names for this clause.

You can fix yourself.

Be sure to chew your food 32 times too,

Make her life a living hell. Use our status as the underdog to lash out from obscurity to attack her and her administration in the most effective ways. Count the days, minutes and seconds until the next election. Build support for groups who put up opposition toward her fucked up anti-american platform.

Looks like a tasty dish

Don´t even try to talk sense to them, Ive learned that people on Holla Forums act so tough and being so adamant about everything, while im sure none of them even talk about the stuff outside of internet.

Why would NEETs talk about things outside the internet? They live on the internet.

Your sanity is better off if she gets elected. Under Trump, social politics will be more right-wing, which is great, but as far as we know Trump is not planning to reverse economic damage the jews have done to our country. Unless he leads the way to a much more red pilled president immediately after him, it's just going to be a few good years of false hope before the collapse.

go back 2 reddi


let's say hypothetically she does become POTUS. Why the fuck would you kill yourself faggot? There will be several million disgruntled Americans ready for a civil war if that happens. Get prepared, and get lifting niggerfaggot, Day of the Rope is drawing close.

Try leaving Madison.

People who arent 100% indoctrinated commies fucking hate Hillary. Even if they dont like Trump they wont vote for her.

The only way she wins is with massive vote fraud.

Probably get nuked when she starts a war with Russia.

The electoral college won't do shit this year.
If it's 500k popular vote difference for 2 mediocre candidates it's gonna jew the vote.
If it's a 10-20 mil difference between Trump and Crookillary then it is powerless.
Just kys already.

This thread is pretty shit. If you're as big a failure that you'd actually an hero over the results of an election you probably should just kill yourself anyways.

Take some of (((them))) with you, user.

Why wait? Do it now and get it over with.

Kick her out of office immediately user.

and people still insist trump didn't cuck Holla Forums

Yea thats what ive been thinking. America was already conquered in the 80's when our parents generation snorted their brains out, started worshiping shitty music, and didnt teach us anything their parents passed down to them. They thought with this modern age schooling would teach us everything and they could just make money and forget they ever had kids.

Also %80 Americans are begging to be slaves

Im not actually going to kill myself faggots im just going insane watching all these fucking cucks support hillary and call trump racist for not wanting to take our rights away and shoot down russian planes while sticking the koran us our ass.

prolly this. just worry about myself and praise kek im not retarded as all these cucks.

we not 100% dead yet man this is 2 minutes to midnight RIGHT NOW. We could still get jobs back and pay down our debt, then overthrow hostile regimes and use cutting edge technologies with strong alliances to keep the world nuke free for at least a few more decades.

Good advice but im already out of the big cities, I see most of the horrible shit people do just on the internet like facebook.

Nothing. I'm betting that your life one change one scintilla, regardless of who gets elected.

Violent revolution. Drive through a single large city (>2M population), sabotaging electricity and communications. You can quickly cripple the grid and the reliance on refrigeration will lead to the depletion of food within 1-2 days.

Within 2 weeks, there will be cannibalism and race riots among the diversity, along with mass rape, murder, burglary. Damage will rise into the billions.

We're so close to the happening though, why wouldn't you want to be a part of that? Even if Trump gets elected, I don't think he'll be able to prevent a full blown economic collapse. If Hillary is elected, it guarantees full blown economic collapse with ZERO chance of preventing it.

You should get comfy OP, our time approaches.


American Worker's Party
t. Trump

Is not the emotional burden of knowing a person is in power whose aims are contrary to the advancement one's own race count as affecting one's life?

One word away.

I thought you shills were done with this.

Dude… you honestly sound just as pathetic as those people who donated their most of their money to the bernie sanders campaign. Grow the fuck up



Fuck off.

counter-sage you moronic faggot. you motherfuckers really need to take a course on reading comprehension. a good 70% of the posts here are some douchebag calling everyone a shill or a cuck. YOU ARE THE SHILL, FAGGOT. A SHILL FOR PASSIVENESS AND IGNORANCE.

If you're going to kill yourself, do it in a blaze of glory.
Eg: shoot at the crowds during Hillary's extremely unlikely to happen inauguration, blowing up a synagogue, etc.

The point is, the ride never ends.

make sure to pretend you're a bernout cuck if you do take this approach

Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here
Summer is here