Jon Leibowitz on the Late Show after Trump's speech tonight

It's 8 minutes of infuriating bullshit, followed by him ranting at the end that the country isn't ours.

Other urls found in this thread: past sad panda

Jews are such disgusting hypocrites.

wtf I hate kikes now

I stopped finding Colbert funny years ago but damn he's actively unfunny now

Shit. Uploaded a .webm but the post isn't appearing. I'll transcribe the infuriating part, but give me a bit.

Starts at around 10:55


if it makes you feel any better reruns of jimmy fallon are pulling better numbers than the late show.


…You just want that person to give you [Trump supporters but he's being a Jew and conflating shitty cuckservatives with all on the right] your country back, because you feel that you're this country's rightful owners. There's only one problem with that: THIS COUNTRY ISN'T YOURS. You don't own it. It never was. There is no real America.
You don't own it. You don't own patriotism, you don't own Christianity, you sure-as-Hell don't own respect for the bravery and sacrifice of military, police, and firefighters. TRUST ME! I saw a lotta people- I saw a lotta people on the convention floor in Cleveland with their "Blue Lives Matter" rhetoric who either remained silent, or actively fought against the 9/11 First Responders' re-authorization.
I see you, and I see your bullshit. I see it.

I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews.
In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.
For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.
If you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives our substance and jeopardized our liberty.
""If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands."" I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.
Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American's, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.

The entire bit, he just manipulates and manipulates, conflating shitty cucks like Hannity with all Trump supporters, makes insincere comparisions and just generally acts like a Jew. Everything he says is bullshit, omissions of critical information everywhere, and he ends it with this rant, with the smuggest expression on his face as his crowd of zombies cheers. Made me want to punch a hole in a wall.

Any debatefags know what the term is for that kind of argument he makes? I know there's a good description out there.

He said anything about Hitler or fear mongering? That seems to be the consensus now.

Trump's popularity must be off the charts if Colbert thought doing this hit piece himself might get the show canceled.

Colbert must be pretty desperate if he's going to suck off Stewart on air for shekels

That whole "america doesn't belong to you!" "you're the divisive ones!" bullshit just makes my blood boil.
Who does he think he's even fooling?
What country does he think this is?

Black lives matter not divisive?
Blue lives matter anti cop?
The left having an ounce of respect for the fucking soldiers in this country?

Is this the Berenstain bears universe spillover?

Well, I'll give him that. America died the moment we elected a spear chucking, half breed porch monkey mongrel into office.

Attempting .webm again. Cut to just his rant.

First time. Didn't know it had to be under 8mb

It's a meme

"wtf I hate ____ now"

Hello newfag.

I was cooking up my own two-part encode but you beat me to at least part of it, oh well.

new to pol, but read this article about the rat

"you don't own this country, never have"

Fuck you jew. p.s. I'm related to George Washington.

1) It's Holla Forums
2) Linking to archives is preferred for a lot of reasons:

That is probably why half the time the audience laughed it was half hearted, even they knew his jokes were bullshit. He didn't make a single meaningful point in that ramble. This was a religious leader telling his sheep how much better they are than other people and that is what got the cheers. No one cares about anything he said. Seeing Colbert lick his boots was absolutely pathetic.

He looks like shit. Skinny, thinning hair. Really tan too. Looks like he is starting to get sick with something, maybe hepatitis.

Been here a bit over a year, actually, but this is the first thread I've created. Didn't want to leave out a .webm, so I mustered my agency.

(good digits)
Yeah, I remember that. Back when I was a normalfag, I listened to Marc Maron's podcast, and one episode was an interview with Wyatt Cenac black Daily Show correspondent. He had a falling-out with Jon when he disliked a bit that he thought was untasteful. Cenac was just trying to voice his complaint but Jon flipped his shit, cursed him out, and said some things that were "racist". Jon was completely incapable of seeing how the bit bothered Cenac and would freak out on him for the next few weeks before he quit. Leibowitz is a typical, unstable Jew.

Nice. Ancestors dating back to at least the 1630s on my mom's side. Great great great? grandfather who fought in the Civil War. I was raging.

Shill his videos here that'll show em!

Kill yourself.

Not so fast, kike… which side did he fight on?

I've never heard this before but it sounds good.


…T-t-the Union…
Sorry, Southernfags.

He's shaking almost the entire time.
What a fucking pussy.

yeah it is lol


I was flipping off the screen the moment he started his "you don't own this country" horseshit.

wtf i hate 4chan now

it's been all over 4chan for months.

be careful when you're sarcastic, you might stay that way.

I'll let it slide, since it's a nigger tactic to blame someone for the sins of the past… but I'm watching you, Silverstein.

they are scared

Well, thanks for putting an end to that meme for me.

My mother is one of those people just crazy about tracking down lineage.
I had Ancestors on both sides of WW2, a Nazi great uncle apparently, and a cousin who was an Army ranger at that time too. (both long dead, Nazi uncle died some 40 years ago, was on my mothers side which is mostly french so you can understand what that means)
Also had Ancestors who killed brits in the revolutionary war and scottish war of independence.



he looks like a mess

Remember his big hit on Donald Trump at the start of Donald's campaign?

Yeah, not laughing now are you faggot.

He looks scrawny and scraggly as fuck. I swear he didn't used to look this shit

Think he's just showing his age.

I don't understand what was the point of all of this? Cherry picking Hannity clips where he is inconsistent over a 5 year period? He's a talking head not a real person, he says what his script tells him to say just like Leibowitz, who presumably rehearsed and wrote this entire segment out before he said it.

They don't talk about Hillary at all because she is indefensible. They don't mention Obama being blatantly aggressive towards police at their own funeral, using some of the strongest language an American sitting President has ever used when it comes to inciting violence, suggesting the entire country is racist and has to change. They don't mention the warmongering from the democrats or the immigration problems, or the BLM problems, or the deficit problems. Instead they focus on Trump's wealth? Is being wealthy a sin in America? I thought every American dreams to be rich, isn't Leibowitz himself a multimillionaire?

This makes me question, is the average person really dumb? This type of gotcha splicing of clips might have worked in 2008 or 2009 but in 2016? When we are all so connected and aware of the facts, it just looks petty and desperate.

The point is that those in charge of the show are going insane and we're seeing who's behind the curtain.

That he met my great grandmother during the Nazi occupation of France.
Means my great aunt was one of those french "collaborators" that slept with a Nazi.
Though to my understanding they both left France together at some point.

He's vegan now.

when a jew is cut off from its feeding supply, it quickly reverts back to its original form.

nice dubs. and nice ancestry!

I'm a descendant of William Bradford

did he get AIDS?

He had a team of wranglers that washed, cut, trimmed, and dyed every bit of hair on his body, plus he was caked in layers of makeup. Now you see him for what he truly is, and always has been: A crooked old Jew.

Doesn't it just warm your heart to have this jew tell you your ancestors who founded and built this country didn't really, it doesn't exist and it doesn't belong to you?

Wow. He really is a mess. Sad!

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!


I live with the shame of being related to kike cock sucker (((Abraham))) Lincoln and having DNA proof to back it up. Just kill me now, fam.


Did he get HIV from Bill Clinton?

You don't own Judaism, Khazar.

oh please tell me ol willy bill is a bug chaser.
that and hillarys little spasm will just make today perfect.

Nothing more disgusting than CI crazies.

hillary's spasm was months old

Ah well that must be it.

Daily reminder who John Leibowitz' brother is:

You don't own the holocaust.


really now?

I'm just meme'ing fam. Chill out.


Is it me or does Jon (((Stewart))) look a little more cucked lately?

ooh gotcha.

The beta trembles before the alpha

even when the alpha is miles away

Trump is destroying liberals sleep

They probably wake up screaming in the the middle of the night dreaming about Trump

Checked, you shifty Jew.

Colbert tried to be a Late Night Comedian until he realized that all he really was is a cheap Jewish prostitute and propagandist. Wouldn't it be nice if these two were murdered. I miss Johnny Carson more and more

And we're fed up with your double tongue. Technically it is true - the Neocons of FOX&Co. never owned and never will own the country, because their ideology is shit and unsustainable. But you meant the Whites. You meant those who either pay with their life time (work) or money (taxes) i.e. mostly Whites. You meant the 30 million innovative and strong shoulders of the US who do the work of progress and production for the other 200 millions. This is what you meant. You meant those 20 million working in construction, mostly beaners who won't earn more in the years coming but less, despite busting their asses and hoping for the Murricandream to come true. You want those few million blacks on the very right side of the curve to be dragged down again, instead of giving the other half some hope of making it too, maybe. You want to kill dreams. You killed aspiration. You meant US.

So you're not funny anymore. You're a FOX-tier cunt.

Holy fuck it's true:

Leibowitz has gone too far this time.

Three generations on both sides of my family have fought for this clay. Pearl Harbor, WW II Okinawa, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War I, Haiti, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq.

This jew doesn't get to me this isn't MY fucking country.

This has gone beyond a simple culture war, it's a real war now.

Trump might not be the fix, but he's got this right, "Either we have a country, or we don't".

There's no where else to go lads. No Whiteopia, no Iceland, no South Africa to fight with the Boers, no more Germany or Europe, no (((Based))) Russia, no Japan. This is it.

In 35 years there will be arabs, spics and niggers in Idaho, Montana and Alaska on housing vouchers.

We have seen what happens when people get conquered and don't get genocided.

I am not living on some white reservation to have little Mexicans talk about the noble honkey in 50 years.

It's like a joke or something… they don't even care.

Kikes ran the Confederates you stupid fuck, not the Union. Greenbacks wasn't a kike idea as far as I know, but slavery was the kikes bread and butter. Why are you listening to the KKK plebs? Lincoln wanted to remove the niggers from the country, then Booth shot him and his Vice was a Confederate who wanted to keep them here.

All you have to do is kill Stewart and his entire family. Then copy cats will follow with the rest. That's if Trump loses… because Hillary will make everyone a fucking terrorist. She's batshit crazy

Nice t-shirt with a tie. I hope that isn't the new fashion. He looks like a lunatic, like a crazy homeless man.

Fuck off namefag

"This country isn't yours"

It sure as fuck is. And every time you say shit like that, you do nothing to attract people from the opposition but you slowly chip away at your own support base because there are people who were once good liberal soldiers, like myself, who are really fucking tired of being told that I don't have a right to equity in the country I was born.

Holy shit, hebeowitz is a mess. Maybe he should take a long vacation to Israel when Weimerica comes to an end.

Go back to Reddit you newfag cunt


Interesting he wears street clothes on the show because he's "everyman". Nope, not a banker!

I've always believed every jew should go to israel because that way they're all in one place so we can keep track of them.

When Trump says "trust me" you believe it because it sounds matter of fact even if he does repeat it a few times, it's always blunt and without emphasis.
When this Jew says "truuuusssst me" it's like the snake from Jungle book, you know he's lyin', he knows he's lyin'. He has to wipe his mouth from the saliva as his false words get caught up in a jumble. It's pathetic, and good to see.


This kike is still sore about the time Trump named him.

This meme magic is getting ridiculous.

This is a ANONYMOUS imageboard, little faggot. If you want to someone to feed you narcissistic supply fuck off back to Reddit.

Drop your name or kill yourself. Bonus points for doing both

Welcome, brother


But that's stupid, Trump also had a different last name:

Getting a strange "Bernstein" bear feeling from this.

What's my name?

A pen name is user you foolish child.

holy fuck weeb get rid of that faggot nametag

What about eastern Europe? Poland? Hungary? Bulgaria?

Well, at least you're making it easy for us to filter you.

Congratulations user, you've realized John Oliver lied about that whole bit just to try and demean Trump.

Welcome to 6 months ago

No I remember it being far more complex and longer..

Suck it

Naymefaggotry 4 lyfe

Thomas Paine was a namefag, what now?

Btw, Jon Liebowitz has 2 mansions he owns under a "trust" so he can avoid taxes and be a maximum crypto.

That is called a pseudonym you fucking retard.

Pseudonymity != Anonymity

Nicknames are pointless here, you narcissistic piece of shit go back to /r/AltRight.

Go be a e-celeb somewhere else, people aren't interested in your self absorbed autistic shit.

You're proof that namefags are mentally deficient. You can't understand or get the point of user message boards, piss off.

What about them? If you think you can make a stand there and weather the jewish problem, then go.

Poland is chock full of Catholics - and the pope is compromised. The only thing keeping them strong is their LANGUAGE that subhumans can't learn.

Hungary and Bulgaria is not my clay. Have fun defending it against (((IVAN))).

It's funny I heard his dad was a physicist. Nothing about his investment banker brother.

It really wasn't. Oliver made up the name Drumpf because he had nothing else to bash Trump with except "u racis"

Ha, okay. Don't spend that $0.03 all in one place faggot.

I'm telling you it was Trump, Drumpf or anything small, it was totally different and German.

Polish Catholicism is deeply rooted in Polish nationalism, though. Even as the Pope has demanded that Europeans racemix with foreigners and take in all refugees, the Polish have not only refused but have actively taken measures to make Muslims uncomfortable in Poland, and Polish national culture is deeply anti-Muslim.

I really don't think the Russians would succeed if they attempted an invasion of Europe in their present state. Eastern Europe is probably more on guard against the Russians that any point in history.

why are leftists and jews suddenly playing the crypto-nationalist card?

Even if you were right, what does it matter? The whole name bashing thing is retarded

Sweet summer child

That's why it matters.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums

Fucking epic line.
Is this a quote or did you come up with that yourself?

what a great movie, kids grow up with complete garbage these days.

Didn't they have their noses in both sides as usual?

.. and here we are cursing them.

The two are completely different.

Trump's ancestors had a different name. He himself did not change it.

This is different to a litany of slimy Jew comedians who use white sounding stage names as opposed to their birth names.

There is a difference of both agency (who had control over the name change), and time (one person changed their name while still born; while the other's ancestors did).

Now imagine a legion of hyper-smug, civilization wrecking reddit fucks cheering this idiocy about "Drumpf" on as if it somehow undercuts the claim being made.

Colbert is really pulling off that mid-1960's jewish subversive radio star look.



That will resonate well.

Don't tell me about my own people there user.

14 years of POLISH CATHOLIC SCHOOL gives me an insight into the mindset of them.

Anti-moslem today, but when the pope puts the screws to them, inserts some more cucked bishops, more will fold. Not all, not at the same time, but it's a cancer.

Unless Poland goes full Nationalist and starts manufacturing their own weapons/tanks/jets and becomes more independent, they are susceptible to jewish tricks. And there are still quite a few jews in my homeland.

Never underestimate the jew.
Never underestimate the innate need for masochism under Catholicism.

I am sure the jews can find some nice African Catholic refugees to import into Poland instead of arabs.

Hi learningkike

Lying by omission?

Selective reasoning?


this isn't a real quote.

Both sides of my family have been in North America since the first half of the 17th century and fought in the Revolutionary War; when did your ancestors get here?


the only real quote from Ben is

Jew tells americans that america doesn't exist
have fun with that civil war fam claim some oven dodger scalps



Kek is telling us something.

Liebowitz is heading to Tartarus soon.

Leibowtiz will have an accident soon

holy fucking shit

Kek be praised.



Nice digits.

Holy shit this thread is truly blessed.
Kike Leibowitz BTFO!

The Order of the Nose





The only one here who doesn't own this soil is you. You filthy kike. My ancestors were soldiers and pilots. Farmers, rail workers, businessmen, and tradesmen.


Stole my fucking dubs!


Dubs you say?

Not to you guys, though

Underrated posts.

I already received my threadly dubs.

What the fuck. Kek, why have you abandoned me?

Contribute to the thread and your sins will be redeemed, user.

What is it with kikes and liberals that they cant form a coherent fucking argument?
"This country isnt yours!"
Oh really then? Whose fucking country is it, then cocksucker?

My family is of american fucking founding stock. My ancestors bled for this country in 1776, again in 1812, and once more in 1861. You damn fucking right I feel entitled to the fruits of my ancestor's blood and labor, you goddamn hebe.

Fuck that incoherent, disingenuous Arch-kike.

He sounds absolutely furious though


Is gud thread.

i await the parodies of the chimpout. like someone screaming at their oblivious dog happily playing

Kek blesses those who contribute

tfw every gets dubs but OP

Rerolling for Trump brutally stumping Leibowitz


Kek wants you to stop begging for dubs, lad.

I think Leibowitz just marked himself for the Trump curse with this vid.


They come when needed.

I'm definitely using this.

Top kek Leibowitz looks absolutely JUSTed.

The more white people circle the wagons around themselves and reach out to their kinsmen, the more desperate and shrill the new will get. Seriously, we need to ramp up White Identity memes big time before November, because if there's one thing that makes kikes and leftists more furious than us trolling them, it's when we express love for each other (no homo). That sends them into incandescent rage, because whites ARE NOT allowed pride in themselves or their kinsman

Kek blesses those ask the least, OP.

Kek vult!

how about you fuck off to a "real" country then, you scraggly hooknose faggot.


So what was it about the speech that made all of the leftists lost their fucking minds?

It specifically went out of its way to pander to fags, yids and niggers but apart from that it seemed more-or-less like a padded-out version of the stump speech that he's been giving for the better part of a year.

Wew lad. Pull up a chair and stay a while, why don't ya.

Perhaps not but the military members overwhelmingly vote republican so our side owns the military itself.

This got me angry and thinking of something I consider all the time.

(((People))) like Mr. Leibowitzenbergsilvergoldstein should be sent to Israel, and since the US basically owns or created all of Israel's defense including their missile defense system… We should turn that shit off and nuke them until Israel is just a big hole made of glass :^)

In this moment, I am fucking ecstatic

If you are trying to make a welsh version of "my nigger" it would be "fy nigger" , I know it's not as obvious but it will make the few Welshies here chuckle.

All I see from anti-Trump is desperation and insanity. They have the support of the media and every other leftist yet can't seem to grasp why Trump won't bow down like every other enemy.

They've essentially gone insane from the fact that they literally cannot stump the Trump. I don't think any of them understand that their petty insults and rants will do nothing but cause more people to flock to Trump.

Someday, you will come to understand that the Holocaust never happened, but it should have.

What an evil kike.


"This country isn't yours!"

OK. Which one is? I'll go there. Which country do I get to have equity in?

Where's the article of an anylsis of trumps speeches and everything he's said up to a POINT, being hogwash and make less sense than a pegged keister or some such…

I'm ready to kill someone. These kikes aren't hiding anything anymore.

my ancestors migrated from Scotland to burgerstan in the late 1820's, what about YOU, Leibowitz? did they flee from Poland/Germany/Hungary to escape da ebil gnatzees?


I'm not even joking, this little speech of his has changed the way I see liberals. I used to just think they were stupid and naive. Now I realize they're my enemy and they want me powerless and dead.

Trump is only the beginning. It's long past the time when whites should have started fighting back.

Are you a murica polack? I know a few and they are supreme cucks. Love fags, globalism, immigration, etc. I found it disturbing b/c that's the exact opposite of what drew me to the Polish people. Although one did say that since I'm such an evil racist I would love it in Poland kek


It's absolutely ridiculous. The idea that being born here means nothing, that this place we've lived in our entire life doesn't exist.




This is good info. How can we package it for normies?


IIRC it was "Trumpf" or something like that


Fixed version


Holy shit you can almost see his jewish features becoming more pronounced in the last two minutes just look at his nose and eye area when he screams "You don't own America GOYIM!"

I can't be the only one who got triggered by this kike can I?

is slowly turning to the right?

Oy vey


based rubin

Yeah that part, as they get older it gets easier to tell if they are jews.

Fuck off namefag cancer

Nose jobs and name changes can't stop nature.

Caricatures of jews are 100%, fam.

Accurate I mean

Such a shame your family line ends with you.


The crazy thing is that Japs look at that and say that girl is supposed to be Asian and that she looks Asian.

It's a retarded argument. Pointing out native americans is an argument in our favour - they didn't control those that came next and were beaten and lost their land. Now we own it, and if we don't like he suggests, we'll have the same.

Liberals have never understood that simple fucking argument.

Blue eyes gave it away.

It's amazing really, they say it's bad what happened to the Natives but then if the same thing happened to us it would be good.

It of course makes sense when you realize that they hate white people and it's as simple as that.

Why do shitskins live in such a bubble of delusions?


Very well put. The entire Drumpf thing is such an excellent snapshot of the sickening and unending depth of the hypocrisy and purposeful ignorance of even middle-of-the-road lefties. There's no comparison to be made between the two but "everything's all the same" or something I guess.

They don't even listen to the speeches. They just repeat what their echo chambers tell them. None of them actually listen to the speeches. It's just propoganda for the purpose of making people afraid to be called racist for supporting Trump.


Upvotes to the left.


It's time to quit posting, lad.

No one's afraid of the word racist anymore. I don't care if someone calls me racist or thinks I'm racist. I used to be 100% liberal, white guilt, all my friends were non-white, the whole she-bang. Recently though I realized they weren't my friends, they constantly shit talked white people, and in the past it didn't phase me, because I didn't used to identify with white people.

Trump has changed things, he really has. Whites are waking up.


She adds the needed flavor of shit to the post. She is the personification of reddit.


lion king is basically nationalistic propaganda

thats how you get exterminated.

Japs do what the (((WESTERN MEDIA))) wont do, idolizing the perfect Aryan physic. If you are going to design a pretty character, there is no reason not to make them white. And why would you not make your female characters pretty? Ugly females are a waste of flesh.


He's turning to the cultural libertarian type, which is still against the left even if its not really like us. He was pissed as fuck when twitter banned Milo.

It's not even just that, it's having the complete opposite effect and actively turning people to Trump (or at least away from Hillary), something they've failed to react to or even recognize and that will be their downfall. They don't understand how sharp the contrast is and you'll see it on full display at the DNC Monday.

Someone like Bill Maher is going to have to get up in the current year and make a case for a pro-Iraq, pro-Islam, pro-PC candidate, all the while genuinely believing himself to be doing the right thing.


All third generation Ameri-Poles that are Catholic succumb to the cuckening.

It's the Catholic churches that are directly doing this.

I went to school with fresh of the boat poles, my principal spoke polish, I dated girls who did not have vowels in their last names.

None of them like jews or muslims. BUT - if that brown or black person is Catholic…….

The major barrier to Poland getting enriched is their language #1, lack of gibs #2, and secret hatred of jews and moslems.

Go visit Poland. Hate the weather, it's gray and dreary, depressing. Love the food and women (till they hit 25), music, culture and camaraderie.

I grew up around niggers and Island spics, so the Poles I now are racially aware in the States.

The poles in the midwest are a different species. Kind of jealous in a way, to be ignorant of niggers because all you know if what you see of TV and are told by your good goy priest.

This is what we need to meme to gain final victory over the normiesphere. Liberal white guilt people have to be associated with "bad". They are the real bad people, and the opinion they have is more than uncool, its wrong. Kind of how you would treat a junkie, eww, stay away from me you human trash.

Wilhelmina is beautiful.


wtf im a clinton missile now

Don't think so Cuck Wilson

I don't know why I wrote "physic", I meant "aesthetic".

I agree. Because she is white.


Holy shit, that's it right there. President Trump has unleashed Level 50 Shitlords on this earth.


Everything in moderation, user. Except guns, ammo, lynchings and 2D girls, I guess.

i dont understand. "theres no real america"? last i checked in a book, america was real. its a continent and on that continent is two nations, one called the united states of america and canada.

how people even watch this kind of shit? jon stewart, john oliver, john fallon, john noah. theyre all the same, no logic just stupid "jokes" mixed with liberal bullcrap. theres no argument

Some people actually can, not sure why that's considered an insult.

Mexico is also in North America.

Is it really a country, if no humans live there?




Holy shit, that guy looks like Sloth if he was a 120lb old faggot.

Cuck status confirmed.

Who the fuck is Mark Cuban and why is he such a faggot?

This is nothing but hollering into the liberal echo chamber. Colbert's audience is nothing but clapping trained seals. Stewart looks like the years of twisting truth have finally decimated him.

Nothing this man said has any validity outside of the stupid, ignorant people that will believe anything that tune into this drivel. It's no better than the endless feminist "lemme educate you" vids that get posted to youtube. Nobody but other brainwashed feminists take them seriously.

They're not trying to convince us, they're trying to convince themselves.

never stop weebposting m8, everybody faps and Holla Forums should be fapping to non-jewish material

(((owner of the Dallas Mavericks)))) realizing the clock is running out

I hope trump makes zimzam hus general tbh

It's the perfect formula I say!

Real womyn really need to step up their game

Where does one find such quality content?

I don't know why, but I love black bras.

Maybe it's something to do with color contrast emphasizing the tittiness of the titties.

What the fuck, the first part was intended for

ayy lmao


all i can muster is a low-energy non-red reee…
fucking jews, mang.

Make America Real Again

that guy's a fucking legend

You're not wrong, but to be fair he's also a kike.

Liberals claim that Native Americans owned it, but liberals aren't currently living under huts while participating in native american rituals.

Instead, they're living in white culture.

Most leftists haven't ever HEARD a Trump stump speech before. You have to keep in mind that Trump's rallies are never broadcast in their entirety on TV - most of them are used to getting Trump in tiny out-of-context soundbites presented by the news and (((media))) to make him sound as bad as possible. And, as Trump always says, they never pan the camera and show the crowds.

This is the first time for many of them actually hearing his speech. And seeing the cheering. And feeling the love. And realizing he's right about everything.

The cognative dissonance is frying their brains.

Goddamn, that guy has done a lot of cocaine.

Total douchebag, but epic troll.

It is when you're white.

yup the Confederacy was (((their))) Slave Empire project

they know that they mostly supported the Confederacy but are trying to retcon it now with books like 'LINCOOLN AND THE (((MERCHANTS)))' because of their chutzpah

also general order no 11 was given by a union general (later president) not the (((confederacy)))

The average person doesn't even watch colbert's shit show.



I don't know shit who this guy is or why I should care, but damn that dumbass is funny as fuck.

Useless picture.

I'm descended from the Frenchmen that settled the Louisiana territory. I'll have to do a more specific inquiry at some point

These fucking kikes need to get out of our country.

That this bitch can't control herself and shut the fuck up while this guy makes his case is a perfect demonstration of why black people and women, and especially black women, can not get anything done. At all.

yeah man, just do whatever you want, you know what I mean? like, just have sex whenever you want with whomever you want and take drugs and go to parties and get drunk, broseph!
whats the problem, bro? are you a nark? LMAO!

We know for sure that the only reason the South was so reliant on slavery was due to the kikes bringing over so many slaves through the trade route with Africa though. They owned a lot of the slave ships. Not to mention enslaving other races is written into their scripture. So they share a huge portion of the blame at the very least.

I do believe that Abraham Lincoln wasn't a crypto-kike though, that's precisely why he was assassinated. Every president who opposes the Fed gets killed.

Well he's right, we don't own this country. The jews own it.

But I don't think that was his point. He is expressing an aspect of the jewish mindset, the idea that there should be no borders. Everyone should just be free to go wherever they please (so the jews can blend in and not be singled out for another holocaust).

I wonder if he's told the Mexicans that they don't own Mexico? Or the Chinese that there is no China?

Has he told the blacks of South Africa that they don't own it?

Not even Satan wants to be associated with Fox News. Sad.

I should clarify, I don't mean the populace at large, I mean economically the huge plantations owned by really rich slave owners produced the most cotton so the South as a whole was kind of reliant on it.

Its too late, I know

But should we somehow try to get him to say ''This land doesn't belong to you" in relation to Israel: hashtag or some normalfag friendly mode like that. It will hit so many triggers, the hypocrisy, his jewiness etc.

Everyone hated niggers back then. The South was totally and utterly destroyed at the end of the Civil War. They were under military occupation and in no position to deport millions of negroes.

I dunno man, those Jews are pretty possessive of 'their' land.

Has Leibowitz become anorexic, he looks skinny as fuck - almost Carl the Cuck level.

You ever seen the inside of an oven, Jon?

You ever seen the inside of an oven, on WEED?

i bet all his fucking faggot friends tell him how good he looks because he's skinny but really he looks like a kike fresh from the labor camp

"…give me thy birthright."

top kek. sick movie

do SOMETHING with your NEET selves!


I don't know how or why I watched the entire 30 minutes of this at 8am but it was worth it.

It has EVERYTHING. Ups downs Rage Keks.

I listened and watched this while watching 5 different types of birds earing fruit from my cactus in my front garden.

Today is a great day. From Trump's speech to this.

We're winning.

It's been so long.

Since July of last year to today, whoever I haven't converted to Trump,made them rediscover their whiteness, or national socialism - are currently working at the salt factory. Including my sister.

The Red Trump Hat was a stroke of genius. It's the only signal we need now to identify each other.

Leibowits is going to burn for this speech.
Colbert is going to get cancelled.

a yid

False. They have about 500 undeclared nukes in their Dimona facility that they have constructed themselves, during the Arab-Israeli wars of '73 a warhead was actually armed and the PM warned Nixon of "severe escalation" if they did not immediately send our air forces to back them up when they were losing a battle and on the brink of defeat. It is an open secret that Israel has the world held hostage with the Samson Option which is why they get away with so much shit, and there is no simple way to disarm a nuclear power, Metal Gear Solid shit doesn't happen IRL unfortunately. If it was not for those nukes, everyone would wipe them off the face of the Earth, and every last kike would be hanged yesterday. But a world held hostage is rendered helpless unfortunately.

wagecucks get out
absolute waste of adolf dubs

Nice trips, NEET master race confirmed.

You're either a ironic shitposter, a retard, or underage

Trump's coming has been a big step forward for us. However, he is vulnerable, especially with a V who doesn't share most of his policies. The good thing is that if he is assassinated (God forbid), a new Hitler WILL rise.

I want to hang paedos too, if it makes you feel better.

Sadpanda and pixiv is where I find most of it. Unless you want the names of the artists, in which case you should just reverse image search.

Black is a good color on clothes, it just doesn't work on "people".

He looks like they just rolled him out of the AIDS ward after a five day bender and slapped his older brother's dirty clothes on him…

Lol you'd go to jail like one in most western countries if people found that on your hard drive.

Why even bother being in denial, faggot?


It was a well-executed, high energy speech that unified several of his talking points, fired up the crowds, scored very well with audiences, marks a swift major shift in the Overton Window and political discourse, calls out the media and crooked establishment, and Clinton can't even begin to come close to matching it. And as says

This is their first exposure to Trump other than media bullshit narratives, they still thought he was a big joke and a clown. They're not laughing now that they realize how badly they underestimated everything, how deep with in self-contained bubbles out of touch with the reality they were.

Shit just got very real, very fast for them.

A risk I'm willing to take, gay boy. And why are you so intent on making me a paedo? Are you projecting or something, Mohammed? Also, if they took my hard drive, anime porn would be the least of my worries. I mean, I could just claim to be a muslim convert or something.

He screams, as antifa lookalike national front kicks his bedroom door in.


Not yet. We going to be very bad goyim.

Heiling those dubs

He really does look like a father caught him giving HIV to his 12 year old son. That's just what jews look like in general, I guess.

You know, Trump was wrong about one thing.
I'm not sick of winning.


even worse than a self deluding lolicon.

Trump must've won over tons of cuckservatives, dems and independents last night.

Look at his demonic yellow eyes, creepy fampai

Just report and filter him. The crypto-pedo is just going to pretend it isn't a problem and use you as a red herring.

I don't know what that means, so I assume the answer is no. I have a bunch of "Illegal books", ie books my government like to pretend don't exist plus a bunch of incriminating hilter folders filed under Holla Forums. Also, I'm not self deluding, but I guess all crazy people say that, right :^) ? Real girls aren't attractive most of the time, and the once who are, are usually closer to 16-20.

I bet he caught some wasting disease while he was filming his movie in Jordan. Or some mud poisoned him.

they do not.

The fuck does that even mean?

Subconsciously they probably do. They just don't know it.

It's a general term for lolicons and people who look at images of scantily clad child models.

If you cannot control your inhibitions to post pedo-shit tier drawings, at least spoiler them, you sex-obsessed retard.

user returned to court to face sentencing today. user, pictured right, was found guilty of possession of more than 5000 child abuse material images and received a non-parole period of five years.

"The risk to the community on part of the individual is too great", Judge Grabbler remarked.

Naughty bomb making books? who gives a shit.

Same concept as a crypto-kike or crypto-commie, I would assume.

It isn't, but if you keep pretending maybe it will be?

lolicons arent pedos

Same thing as crypto fascist. Nothing.

Why Cirno is such a lewd fairy?

So how about you enlighten us on what a crypto-pedo really is?

Like clockwork.

just spoiler your porn

(((Who))) owns it then, Leibowitz?


ie the antithesis of realization. they are merely in denial as always.

Even the New York Times can't deny that most of the things Trump said yesterday were right.

Just use the filter, if it triggers you. And I'm not a pedophile, but I might very well be a sex-obsessed retard.

Don't worry, I won't let them take me alive! I'll get a bowl cut.

Who knows, but she sure is strong.


Hail to you, brother- your ancestors as well. Checked.

So does Trump and so is Trump. What loud guy in the suit is he talking about?

So I should use a filter because you deem it necessary to post porn in an unrelated thread? Are you legitimately retarded or are you doing the shills job for free?

But it's true.
At the time, men meant white European men, not women, not niggers, not kikes, not plains niggers, and not spics.
Indians were given the right to vote 2 years after the formation of the nation as a political gesture.


This is amazing

It's autism. Don't engage. They like attention.

I knew about the nukes and the Samson Option bullshit, but I didn't know the specifics. I appreciate the knowledge.

That being said I was just throwing out a highly unlikely scenario for keks.

No, you should use it for your own benefit, since you clearly dislike what I'm posting and I don't plan on stopping.

Then post more of this pls >>6836776

This is also true. Notice that all my posts are replies.


Multiple fallacies - whichever works in the moment, but in my experience most jews and good goyim most often cast Appeal to Motive when they're backed into a corner i.e. "you're just saying that because you secretly hate _"
Here you go, Null is great, but I don't think I have anymore of his stuff saved.

the artist goes by "null". have a field day.

I do have the right. Being attracted to drawings of little girls is quasi-pedophilia at best. You can't argue that they are unrelated, either.

Just report him and everybody encouraging his shitposting. I already did that, and you should, too.

Checked. Thanks for the vid.


your link is broken

No, but you are new.

I always wondered why those 2 loli touhous have those sentient eye things

can someone explain to me so I can decide if I fap to it or classify it as eldritch horror


they use it read minds.

I dont visit hentai sites on the regular, you're right about that

IT'S HAPPENING past sad panda

You better believe that it's happening.

True Anonymity means you gain no reputation from your activities and expressions. That means no infamy, no glory, no renown, nor any associations with the past. Your actions now are judged on purely the basis of what you do and say, not on what you have done or said or what you have built yourself to 'be'.

In one thread my ideas might be lauded. In another they might be reviled. In another still I might be ignored. No reputation from any of these threads will persist with me, nor will I carry it around because my ego demands I be compensated that way for my efforts to communicate here.

Speaking in a forum like this isn't about building your ego so you can prance around with a following that salivates over your pen name. Save that for your other works, for it is inappropriate and conceited here.

Here, we are all tabula rasa, and through that design we are able to discuss reality in a far truer and more useful way than one can shackled by limiting reputation or granted authority. You will sink or swim by the ideas you express, not by your mere identity. You cannot speak those ideas that would brand your person heretical, politically incorrect, censorious, radical, and all manner of restrictive reputations unless you shirk off the monikers of identity and embrace formless Anonymity.

That is the purpose of these boards. And that is why many people call you a tripfag and view your activities with disdain, because you running around with a recognizable identity is the antithesis to the spirit and design of this association and displays only ego-driven conceit for the concept of this place.

Fuck that


So are you a moron or an internationalist?

There's no actual evidence that it's fake. The ADL's current argument is that it must be a hoax because it isn't in the Franklin Institute, as some later printings allege, but the original made no mention of that and explained how it was obtained.

Fucking saved

Well, it needs to.

And there are other verified statements by Franklin about the kikes

You can just log in on the forums. Unless you want to support the LITERAL JEW fakku.

They are a Japanese ghost story thing. Nothing too Lovecraftian.



even secondaries know such basic things about the touhou girls
you need to apply yourself

Fucking this. I had family since 1670s Virginia, family in the Revolution and the Civil War, along with being related to a famous fucking train robber. I am the direct result of the unique American mythology; I am not a rootless kike.

I rarely get this heated from browsing Holla Forums, but see above.

Fixed that for her.

Yeah, most are effeminate nu-males and screeching harpies who would flee like cowards the moment SHTF.

Geez, are you that much of a normalfag a little 2d porn bothers you? lol grow up!

what are you talking about? i have muslim friends and they never

Here's your reply, lardass.

Just ignore Rick, he needs to distract himself from his wife and daughters loud moaning.

That's pretty weak, normalfag cuckold. Afraid your mom will walk in and see you looking at naughty pictures?

Scared of those awful anime nazis again?

Obligatory visual aid

and I thought I was making a joke when I did this two months ago. Maybe he does have full blown AIDS already.

So no arguments today? K

Stop deluding yourself

You would be too, if you where Jewish.

Anyone else get the impression Colbert is blowing Stewart under the desk the entire time?


Jews fear the samurai.

Time has made him weak, he's squirming, he's weak.

It will be a nice day in hell, when this loser has seen Trump win the General Election.

Holy fuck. That vegetarian diet an age is ruining him.

He's retired, but looks haggard as fuck.

I wouldn't be surprised if he did catch some Middle Eastern disease/autoimmune/virus from his time directing in the Middle east.

Sand Fleas and some other shit there will fuck people up from America. There are a lot of vets with fucked up illnesses you never hear of here that they got in Sandland.


Not even all white men are created equal. Compare Rand Paul to Trump.

These heebs were fine when Bush, Mcaine, or Romney were the presidential candidates. In their words, "it would be good for my job. They're stupid so it's easier to make jokes about them."
Why are they so averse to Trump being president then?
Really makes u think…

Remember when Jonestein used to always brag about how Jon Stewart and Colbert were listeners who supported him and got ideas from his show?

Reminder that both, extreme anime-posting & anime-bashing are common derailing tactics.
>If somebody is complaining about you using anime pictures: Do NOT respond also, use ID filter

sage for off-topic


That's a first.

It's also conditioning, I've ID blocked him.

your mind has faltered, that's why your ass lost to the computer

So, America doesn't exist?

Why hasn't he killed himself yet?

Plays chess

Oh, when was this?

Dude, it hasn't even begun. The bullshit they do doesn't fucking end. I was like you. Then, jews jewin'

What did Maisie Williams do?


Basically said that if you arent a feminist you are not human.

Mugi is an Aryan goddess.

During the Bush years.

He also used to say they were "always" inviting him on the shows, but he could never make it.

Lead us user!


The older I get the more I believe that Chess has little to do with intelligence

Would you a Tomoko Holla Forums?
Sage for off-topic

True, even though Leibowitz had a minor breakdown when Bush was reelected, the tone was still comic. It was post-election depression. Hell he had two ongoing wars. Trump just wants to change immigration policy. But that actually cuts to the bone of lefty identity and it's making them anxious as fuck.

seeing as she looks debatably human….

Don't let Holla Forums hear you talking shit about the rat goblin.

Most people on Holla Forums hate her too, its just two tripfags who worship her.

tomoko a cute
tfw no socially-retarded neet gf

Yeah I know.

I still don't get it

Why would you pick the slag over the minx

That's because


Bella Ramsey? Sicko.

Fuck off weeb, I'm getting tired of this shit. little girls are not meme magic.

What are you, gay? Dropping bombs is pretty manly, but you wouldn't paint a buff dude on your plane, right?

Fucking really? Meanwhile, the more attractive Sophie Turner BTFO feminists over the Ramsey Bolton rape scene.

Feels fucking bad

This is pretty fucking good.There is one without blur? I want to see the coloring on the face.

Nah m8.

Dont even reply to me, trash. You're in my water filter now.
Keep feminizing memes and I will make you faggots suffer.

you wanna know why you're too easy to spot, goon? Holla Forums has a sense of humor.

Calm down autismo.

Shame,thanks user.

She is basically turning into emma watson 2.0 except that she was never attractive
Thread derailed so hard now, not like there was much left to discuss though

At least Emma Watson still has her shape. Maisie is gonna blimp up big time; look at her arms.

They're making it obvious that this election is a fight for the very soul of who America is.

I beg any lurkers here that are Holla Forums or libertarian to just hold your nose and vote for Trump (even if you then pretend you didn't). Your race needs you right now.


My family has been in what would become the US for about 500 years, but to this newcomer Jew, I'm not American.

Reminder that the "bad" ending to Bioshock was actually the good one.

Honestly, which do you prefer? Becoming the most powerful being this world has ever seen, or watching the little sisters you saved burn coal, as your weak, old body slowly withers?

Then of course they went on to make White Guilt Simulator 2013, also known as Bioshock Infinite.

Who was the main writer behind the story of these games again?

So, John Stuart has been keeping it up with Hollywood and the media for decades now. Statistically, he has to be involved in some sort of scandal, probably of a sexual nature. Anyone want to help dig up some dirt and fucking ruining him, for betraying America?? Besides, if he is a pedophile we should make the world aware.


It's beautiful

What are you talking about? Are you heaving some sort of seizure?

He got his ass tanned by aids-carrying tyrones behind the scenes
*Ghost takes off his belt*
HYAAAAAAAA *belt slapping sounds*

That's what we do, fellow Chosen One. Lie, cheat and swindle. The goyim have gotten to you, Chaim, you're losing your edge.

I've been waiting for an opportunity to post this

My fucking ancestors pioneered the west. They turned useless land into farms and cities.

Fuck this goddamn kike.

But I'm not the intended audience, this is pure jewish media and it is directed towards kikes.

And yes, kikes don't own this country and never have, they are pure fucking bloodsuckers who would die off it weren't for the hardworking white people on this country.

A kike

His real name is Garik Kimovich Weinstein


That's right. That's why I always make sure to call 'progressives' anti-whites, because that's what drives all their bullshit. If straight white men wouldn't like it, they want to say/do whatever it is. This is what we should all be doing. Force them to address it. Force them to answer whether or not they are anti-white. Same thing with the most nasty blacks, just ask them if white people should suffer/die out. Their need to always go along with the anti-white narrative and never give credit to or show respect for whites will always surface.

The central tenet of white progressives is ethnomasochism. That's the most important thing for them. They would be left with nothing if they didn't have that.

Slightly off topic, but I can see his followers sharing this type of thing. Does anyone know if this is edited? People are using it trying to push the incest meme.

tbh I detest incest, but even if it were true I'd still vote for him over Hillary

nice dubs

is there a link to the youtube of this?


Quite sure that's sped up.

Why the fuck do our MODS ban anti-Alt-kike shit and then leave this pedo porn up?

Fuck Laurie Penny


I'm a direct descendant of "Stonewall" Jackson. I'm named after him.

Many shitlibs are fatherless so they despise an intact nuclear family - they have to find a way to destroy that image with suggestions of incest or some other disgusting think occurring behind the scenes so they can feel better about how fucked up their own family is.


Wow really made me think, Leibowitz.

Holla Forums will never be as good as it was before the second exodus.

its clear he threw that line in there to rustle white people's jimmies and its clearly worked (makes sense since that is what he is good at really), but its so telling that he and others of his tribe have gone this brazen with the anti-white rhetoric. (((They))) tend to be good about being subtle in their subversion but at some point their natural arrogance gets the best of them and they lay out their wicked thoughts and schemes openly in a chance to boast.

Let us rejoice that (((they))) have been driven this far and have become this desperate. It will make it all the sweeter when they finally purged.

those seem like niggarell threads

How dare this goy use the real name of a chosen

Its like he cant enough of being an open cuck

I literally watched the whole thing and didn't laugh a single time. Jon Leibowitz is one of the worst comedians I've ever seen. He's not even funny.

Duh. His entire schtick is "wow, just wow." Fucking kikes.

OP propbably on a new ID

you'll hang from a rope, kike.

so is greenland, geographically


It is much needed that Leibowitz be added to the list of those that have been met with divine stumping.


There we have it folks, the great psychological abuser, straight from Israel and the Soviet Union, Jon "The Jews" Stewart!


shorter version

Fuck Americunts you are cucked to hell


It seems like a fairly common fate for those constantly at war with themselves. Can you imagine how exhausting it must be have reality constantly interfering with your enlightened pre-scripted narratives?

Look at someone like CM Punk, loud and proud straightedge (although I think he avoids the term for whatever reason), under 40 years old and looks worse than Mick fucking Jagger.

Can't believe I didn't know he was jewish back when he first started on the daily show.

He actually is. He's a key psychological reinforcer for the judeo-communist grooming of americans.

You had a good run, kikes, (jk you suck) but time for the white man to take over.


It's called being a kike. Hitler described this style perfectly.

Jews look white to most people, it looks like he has authority to speak about white america. But the nose knows.

So why do we pay taxes then? What kind of club is this where its paying members are treated worse than no-members!

Why does Liebowitz also look so frightened?


It's called raw psychological abuse.


Does Jon realize he's actually endorsing Trump?


The word being sought out in this post is "pilpul"

Couldn't be more transparent, John.

Why can't you do to him what you did to Waismann?

what song is that?

I doubt there's much on Stewart. He probably just did a bunch of blow here and there but not much else. He's a politically and socially biased douche who is just as self interested and biased as those he criticizes and more than happy to throw the goy under the bus to make himself look good and make more money, but you aren't going to find much in the way of scandal.

I doubt he's even ever hit a spouse. If he didn't have such ironclad blinders on, he wouldn't be such a bad dude.

He purged his own DNA

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

He's gotten jewier since the Daily Shoah ended


This forced 4cuck meme is one of the worst things ever done.

Yeah, nah, fuck off. My family has been here since the 1650s. Go back to your fucking sandbox you slimy semitic piece of shit

Fucking LIEbowitz, i wish Seth had Curbstomped your Head for real Last Year.

Made a thing.


I want in on this dubs thread

the same way Whites live in a bubble of ethno-masochist delusion. It's what we've been force-fed since birth


That's a really dank Heqet shield, user. The cross should be an ankh, though.

Wait till we reach Level 100 Meme Masters around the election results in November.


He will bitch about not having cock and rock

You have to remember that Stewart isn't LIKED outside of his circle of HuffPo, Colbert, etc. Everybody knows that he's a dishonest bastard useful only for propaganda purposes. And chances are he's, at one time, pulled a hit piece 'interview' on somebody you liked.

How can I know this? Why hasn't he been offered a cushy talking head position at another media company where he goes in for 30 mins a week and makes 100K doing it?

Anyone have info on the "first responder bill" that Leibowitz has been patting himself on the back for for 5 years and is now using to bludgeon conservatives? I know there's more to it than what he's let on.

I've worked with him before and here are the best two ways to get him ridiculously butthurt like nothing else.

1) Call him short, a midget, a complete manlet. Do this constantly on twitter or anywhere else you can engage him.

2) Call him by him by his REAL name, especially his FULL REAL NAME. Like many (((others))) he is extremely butthurt to be reminded he is in reality an inbred chosenite tribe member. Name (((him))), HARD.


I wonder who he is talking to.

Thank you for capping such a poignant post

Requesting a picture of "The swirls according to John Leibowitz, showing almost everything normal, except America is replaced with an ocean with ???s on it. And Sweden says "Heaven"

Very nice.

Kek. According to celebheights com, he's only 5'6". He's literally shorter than Ben Shapiro.

It's hard to tell in a lot of the glamor shots on jewgle image search, but Leibowitz has some serious eye baggage.
Dude looks like he is knocking on deaths door now a days.


You have to go back

Jon looks like he went full JUST since he isnt doing his gay show anymore.

He comes on in a grey T and all unshaven.



Underrated comment.



Argument by assertion (logical fallacy). Or, alternatively, WAY too broad/vague to even be called an argument.

Jon's ex roommate (((Anthony Weiner))) aka Carlos Danger was on last night.

'I was like the Chinese guy in front of the tanks': Weiner tells Stephen Colbert he cried when Obama beat Clinton in 2008, comparing himself to famous Tiananmen protester

I mean I know Letterman was liberal and anti-Bush, anti-Palin, but I can't imagine he'd be on board with this.


Jon looks like he's been doing meth with Tom Sizemore for the last 8 months in a row.

Oh, that explains a lot.

Jesus christ look at this scraggly fuck.

What a fucking piece of shit, talking about "thin-skinned" with a complete lack of irony.

I feel like punching him in the larynx just for that alone, the filthy little shylock.

Anyone remember what a shit-show the Daily Show's Election 2012 was? He and Colbert might as well have had Barry on the show and just sucked his cock for an hour. THAT'S what it fucking felt like to not have my country.

2016? 2016 feels like coming home.

Why is Laurie Penny still alive?


Well' it's a hell of a drug.

Only in cucked countries like canada.

Most of the time people are arrested for this shit in the U S A is because they have ACTUAL 3DPD CP on their harddrives mixed in with it.

Or crossing the border.

Anyone noticed how he went from trying to look as Germanic as possible in his early days to what he is now - an foaming, rabid kike?

Wew lads

What did he mean by this?

Well reasoned.

nice .gif, m80

This guy looks a lot more Jew-y than I remember him being

He meant that true Christians are Progressives. Jesus was a big old hippie who said to love everyone and share everything and we're all equal. Right-wingers are insufficiently loving and accepting; they misunderstand Jesus's message. Therefore they are not true Christians and they don't own Christianity.

Not saying I agree with that, just saying that that's what Liebowitz meant.

According to kikepedia it was "Drumpf" around 400 years ago, and "Trump" at least by the 1800s.

That face is so memeable.

Blood descendent of the Mayflower crew checking in.

Gonna have to check that.

Only space elevator, and cripplekike (may his soul rest in piece) have ever had valid namefag tags worthy of respect.

EVERYONE else here is user. A fat mt dew swigging cheeto's eating frog worshiping kike hating basement dwelling faggot. We is one person and are only arguing with ourselves. Worthless normal faggots can fuck right off till after you take a god damned redpill and shove it up your ass like a good faggot shill.

My god Kek…. this thread chain….

your epic seamless bestowment of such holy dubs in so awesome a grouping…. the memes are indeed strengthening.

Get cucked.


You can only be held hostage if you care.

Put someone like me in charge of the nukes. That place will be gone in an instant. And if they Samson anything it is cities filled with their own kin, and their shitskin invader pets whom are consuming my cousins anyway. So fuck it. Win fucking Win. Remove Kebab, all semetics are kebab.

No women on the internet you fucking trans faggot. Frig your aids poz hole.

Drown yourself in semen.

Drown yourself in semen.

This guy is going to get himself killed soon.

Colbert is fucking DEAD to me.


The only thing more dead than Colbert's jokes are his career (or his kosher-owned soul)

KEK doesn't play ouija.

Sorry, meant to:

America was founded as a white ethnostate.

Leibowitz has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

A Trump win will be survival for the White race. A loss could very well spell our end.