What is the point of Sociology ?

Wtf did it contribute in the past 60 years ? What objective positive vs what objective negative did it produce ?

It has the very important function of preventing socialism.

Does it ? How does it do it ?

Dialectical materialism and alienation theory.

Also, there's no such thing as an objective positive or negative. Both are relative to a subject's design.

yeah no

to humanity.

Humanity needs to be tossed in the nearest garbage pail.

"Humanity" is a useless abstraction.

the sum of all human beings.

There is no sum of human beings, we are all individuals.


the point of sociology is the study of society and how it relates to individuals.

and what's the point of studying society and how it relates to individuals ?

go away max

anyway, sociology is obviously necessary but has gone downhill since it started being more liberal and less marxist

That's the point my friend. To learn about society. Perhaps you should read some introductory socilogy. Its quite interesting.

though this is also true

You guys are saying it's "obviously necessary", and I don't see how it is, that's the point of the thread. I have been introduced to sociology in college and all it does, as far as I understand it, is explaining problems but never giving solutions to them.

what's the point of quantum physics? what's the point of philosophy? what's the point of 99% of the shit you study in college

Sociology's main problem is that everyone is so afraid of the stigma that comes with socialism, communism, and revolution (even in socdem Norway) that they can't/don't dare propose solutions.

quantum physics may one day lead to tangible innovations.
Philosophy makes one understand life better and enables him to live better.
99% of the shit you study in college should be about getting a job.

There is no stigma coming with socialism and communism. Say you are either or the two and your life won't change. Say you are a nationalist and you will lose your job and have a mob after you.

Lol, no stigma? Suggest socialism as a solution to class issues and you'll be treated like a leper.

Get me one article of a socialist losing his job over praising socialism.

Ah, okay, you're a Holla Forumsack. No need to bother with you anymore.

Yes I am, but I'm open minded, I genuinely want this question addressed and I want to argue it cordially. PLease, raise a point.

Stigma does not necessarily mean losing your job. That some stigmas are worse does not mean lesser stigmas don't exist. You are fucking retarded.

Ok. What kind of consequences come with the stigma then ?


new ways of thinking

Like not being taken seriously.

Ok. There has been a terrorism/islamist problem in european societies lately. Many sociologues worked to explain how and why a european national would become a terrorist/islamist, but they never pointed out a solution to the issue, have they ?

I'm sure some have.

Is that it ? The fear of not being taken seriously is what prevents sociologists from giving socialism, communism and revolution as answers ?

I'm french. For more than a year now since the Charlie attacks, not one sociologist came out publiclyly (in the press or on TV) to give a solution.

And you honestly think the media has zero bias in allowing people a platform?

Don't get me wrong, I know the media has its own bias in giving people platforms, but even trotskist outlets like l'Humanité or Le Monde Diplomatique didn't feature a sociologist giving out answers for the situation.

You do realize that in a field where what you say and write is your livelihood not being taken seriously is a somewhat big deal? A biologist or a physicist or taxi driver may be vocal about communism because it is not relevant to him being right or wrong about things in his field. When the general consensus in sociology (at least where I study) is that left liberalism is the correct answer defending communism or going full market retard are career-wise risky moves. You can, of course, just not bring your ideology into what you say and write but then you'll feel alienated.

What solutions have been proposed and by people from which fields?

Well either soc/com/revol is right answer for it doesn't rely on ideology, or it isn't.

The official rhtetoric from the neoliberal gov has been relayed everywhere "muh diversity, muh multikulti".

One would think so. But what is "right" is not necessarily what is correct. My own experiences: Issues discussed are rooted in class differences. I or someone else suggest capitalism to be a causal factor. Lecturer and everyone agrees. I or someone else suggest leaving a competition based economy and adopt production based on needs. Everyone agrees. But when we suggest this change can be achieved with socialism/communism/revolution we are told we read to much Marx, that human nature is to be evil and we are slaves to this nature. We can say "we want to fix class issues by leaving our competition based economy and adopt production based on needs" and they applaud me. If we say "we want to erase class differences by socialist revolution" we are laughed at, but no one has any other suggestions, and the solutions are simply categorized as "very difficult to find solutions to". Even in the face of facts people CANNOT see past capitalism. So the formally "right" answer is "we don't know and won't try" but the (scary) correct answer is: socialism.

Not one of the people in the pic was a sociologist.

Ah yes, it is the same shit in sociology. Talking about cultural compatibility issues and integration is extremely taboo. Which is a travesty as there are loads of knowledge about these things.

I know.

So the point is that the right answer isn't accepted because of a lack of empirical evidence (a succesful socialist experience) that suggests it is the right answer ?


To put it in an analogy, the physicist explains why gravity makes you fall down and tells you how not to fall down. The sociologist explains why gravity makes you fall down, but can't or won't tell you how not to fall down.

No. The point is that the right answer isn't even being explored DESPITE evidence that the current model is detrimental to nearly all aspects of human life. Jesus, something tells me I'm feeding a troll…

Ok, I genuingely misunderstood you. So what do you think could be done to overcome that obstacle ?

Well, apparently soc/com/rev is accepted as long as you don't use these names, so letting people get more comfortable with the ideas before they are called by their red names may be a start. Another thing is to not necessarily appeal to scholars but rather to the workers themselves. I've tried this out on my GF's stepdad and when I was sure he agreed I started using the words socialist, communist, and revolution. He's gone from apathetic alienated worker to a hopeful, but cautious revolutionary. Again, I'm a faggot and don't have the balls or brains to do these things on a larger scale.

I realize I kind of left the point of your question, but I see little hope in getting the academics to open their eyes as they are entrenched in PC culture and years of socdem propaganda (they still think they can maintain control over capitalism).

The classes I took boosted my GPA a little, so that's a plus imo.