Again, dweeb, you don't understand how fractional reserve banking works.
How you think banking works:
-Someone needs $50,000 dollar to start business
-Bank has $500,000 dollars in deposit
-Bank takes money from deposit "pile" and gives out, assuming people won't come for their money
How banking actually works:
-Some black "person" who doesn't deserve a loan needs credit
-Government makes it illegal not to lend to underqualified dindus
-A bunch of dindus apply for loans totaling $97,000
-For simplicity's sake, bank has $100,000 in deposits. It has a required reserve ratio of 3%, so for every $100,000 it can "only" create and lend $97,000
-The bank LITERALLY CREATES MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR, transfers it the dindu accounts (just typing in numbers), expanding the money supply, and collects interest on that money. No, this was not a fucking typo, if the bank has $100,000, it can create $97,000 out of thin air and then collect interest on that money they didn't earn.
-Dindus spend it, the people who receive it deposit it in other banks, who loan out 97% of the value of every dollar, meaning banks can create millions of dollars out of thin air from the initial deposits of $100,000
In a free market, your deposit would not be guaranteed and people would seek fractional reserve banks with lower returns on deposit (less interest paid back), but more safety for what's in there. People with higher time preferences (read: niggers) would choose banks with lower set reserve ratios (they create and loan out a lot more money than they have on deposit) but they would be less safe.
Because the government guarantees individuals' deposits, this creates a moral hazard where people have no incentive to seek a safe deposit, they only seek a high interest rate. You can give people a higher ROI if you take bigger risks (make more loans) as a bank, and if people only care about ROI because safety is guaranteed by a third party, your incentive is to be risky as fuck, hey, the government will buy up these shitty niggerloans anyways.
In a free market, which had a free market in not only interest rate but currencies (yes, the U.S. used to have competing currencies), sane people would keep their gold in banks backed by gold where the shareholders were personally liable if the bank went under. They would lose all their money if the bank tanked, so they wouldn't treat it like it's fucking Las Vegas.
The cancer that is modern banking has nothing to do with free market capitalism.