Why is the left wing always outnumbered by the far right?

Why is the left wing always outnumbered by the far right?

For example as we see in Europe, there is a resurgence with right-wing parties and 'alt-right' movements.

Why is this? Is it because shouting 'DA JOOOS' is more appealing? Or is it because the left is somehow now associated with tumblr and its liberal entrails?

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It's because the left wing is an intellectual movement and not meant for the blind mob. The masses prefer to be drawn to reactionary, populist drivel rather than address concrete problems.

The left applies no true scotmans to everything they don't like, while also calling everything they don't like "fucking fascists"

Disagreement within the left wing is intellectually honest but often pretentious, and thus fosters extreme sectarianism until all that is left is 40 Trotskyist groups that hate each other.

In the right wing, capitalism gets to proliferate, invariably reigning supreme by nature. This pragmatism means that ideological difference in the right is largely irrelevant: they are all useful idiots for capital. Even populist movements supposedly opposing financial exploitation only serve to change who gets to extract the surplus labor.

Because Europe is on fire and the left want to throw oil at it.

You guys have a rigid ideology and read books written at least 100 years ago. You don't even acknowledge the problems we have, you just worship your ideology and want to force it on others and sometime you wonder why people don't join you.

Rightist tenets, positions and values are more popular than leftist ones. Unlike the users of this board, most regular people don't oppose things like hierarchy, owners, bosses, nations, states, races, cultures, tradition, religions, morals, standards, etc. They also strongly believe in wageslavery and personal subjugation (known as "work ethic"), regarding anyone who questions this as crazy or stupid, and anyone simply won't work as lazy and "parasites;" hence the extreme hatred for taxation and social welfare.

The leftist tenet of support for the downtrodden, the vulnerable, the "underdog," is anathema to the popular view that the weak and poor deserve their suffering, and should be left to their fate. If you can't compete in this world, it's "not my problem." Society likes winners, not losers.

Leftism is inherently radical, subversive, and anti-establishment; attitudes that have always been the exception, not the rule. And, unless there's a major and widespread change of consciousness, it will always be that way.



Sure. Tell me more about a new social class made of people who over exploit the social protection made for workers. Tell me more about globalization and social dumping.
I want to see what Mark have to say about neo liberalism.

We are not even trapped in a class at birth, gaining or loosing a social position is easy as fuck. The world is just not the same and can you even figure there is not one absolute solution to fit all the countries and cultures of the world?

You wanted to know why the far right is more popular than the far left in a mosaic of different country, people, situations and culture and I answered you. Now do what you want with that.


You know that since Marx there were lots of other Marxist thinkers who updated his theories to fit the new developments of capitalism? Not everyone here is a Leninist who blindly follows their leader's outdated dogma.

Don't be so defeatist, comrade.

How about you tell me what "Mark" has to say about it instead of strawmanning, stupid Holla Forumsyp.

It's nothing really new

Covered by Marx

Pretty irrelevant to his theories

It's not different either.



Learn a trade and work your ass out of misery. Sure your boss will take half your money, but you can be independent if you want, or get friends and start an company in cogestion.
We live in a world where you can have a job and no boss or even auctioneers. What are you waiting for?

This is exactly what I said, you refuse to even acknowledge it. The working class is milked by two sides now. Choosing who to vote for is just choosing one over the other. Why should I choose one?



Except it isn't what you said.

The exploitation by capitalists is part of the system. It's done to such an extent that the cost of "welfare queens" is practically non-existent compared to it. With the current technology, in a just society (i.e., socialism) we would have such an abundance that "welfare queens" would have no negative effects on anything else but their fat bodies.

If we have such an abundance, then capitalists are not such a big deal.
See? It work both way.

Just become a plumber or bake bread or whatever, what is the problem?

You saying it like it was a good thing
We need left populists to dumd down our message

I'd rather have some good theory and only some understanding it than for a bunch of idiots being able to understand a dumbed down version.

How boring. I'd rather complain on the internet.

Then how the fuck do you get a socialist person voted?

Hatred is fundamentally easier to understand than abstract theories and large books. Period. The floor of entry is easier, immediate, and effective.

Fuck off, retard.

Based Bernie is a better start than I would have thought possible even just a year ago. Take heart, comrade, our message is taking off.

The same reason that authoritarians outnumber lovers of freedom.

People prefer security.

In the current society, being a lefty is not economically viable after you graduate College unless you get a cushioney management position/academic position. All the decent jobs are in far-right states who tend to have fewer taxes and fewer employee rights. This allows them to produce better, more numerous jobs for people who need to eat, and leads to people accepting this viewpoint. I'm not saying that it's morally right or wrong, I'm just saying that's pragmatically what happens.

Leftism is plagued with idiotic, contemporary identity politics, political correctness and a complete disregard of scientific evidence and reality.

I have been saying for awhile now that we need a left-wing populist political party. Someone bombastic and not afraid to fling mud. A left-wing Donald Trump. Not a weak cuckold like Bernie Sanders.

White working-class males feel like Muslims, feminists, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTs, etc. are given preferential treatment and white heterosexual Kaffir males are treated like second-class citizens. This is why they vote for Donald Trump, not Bernie "Prep The Bull" Sanders (though admittedly if I were American, I would vote Bernie because he's pretty much the best we got. And as a Canadian, I held my vote and voted for Green Party. Even though they are head deep into IDpol.)

I feel like I'm the only white heterosexual male who acknowledges that the modern left treats white heterosexual males like second-class citizens. So whenever I have to explain myself to a conservative reactionary, I tell them, "look man, I'm not for this cuckold IDpol shit. I just believe that workers should own the means of production. I believe that workplaces should be democratic rather than a dictatorship like we have now. Once you punch that time clock, you enter a dictatorship. And often times these days when you punch out that time clock, you still haven't left the dictatorship. Since employers monitor your internet activity outside work and everything now."

Political correctness doesn't exist; you're just a coward.

Obviously political correctness exists and the only way for your leftists to have your movement is to destroy it first.

Not really, no. It's a spook, a rhetorical scourge, intent on narrowing the current dialogue to a lampshade of ethics.


Smugness is what's destroying the political left, bro.


The more the left focuses on appealing to the right with this anti-political correctness the more we fail to organize against capital that is so concentrated you're not even aware of its existence.

It does you faggot, otherwise Trump wouldn't be breaking it.

Trump is merely the result of this delusion that Jews run academia, not that Jews actually run academia.

Ayy lmao son, do you ever read what you write ? The normie pleb out there doesn't know or care about jews, in fact, he wants to die for Israel.

As someone who came from a "weak and poor" household that made less than 25k/year from the age of 11 to 21 in the USA, I can tell you that most of us were there because it's our own fault.

If you established a UBI, 60% of the people in that group would still be in that group, just with a mildly better standard of living.

I'm all for helping a brother out, but I think they need to help themselves in the process. There's a homeless shelter in our town that has a program for helping people get their life in order by teaching them life skills and discipline similar to what a military private would get minus the intense training and being beaten to a pulp. It has a 75% dropout rate, but those who get through it are doing better than ever, and are objectively happy.

It probably has something to do with the fact that we're trying to overturn a social order that dominates the entire globe.

No one really gives a fuck about Trump and Academia since most supporters of Trump are union factory workers and trade skill folks.

It's just protectionism dealings between what used to be considered "middle class" and the elites.

Normies are a spook too.

nice meme

You played your hand too early, Holla Forums

This actually. The Right is based in reality, we understand the necessity of hierarchy, suffering and struggle.
The Left is mostly pseudo-intellectually egalitarian and pseudo-religious, glorifying the mediocre, "down trodden" and counter propositional under the secular theology of equality.
People respond to reality, nature, truth, whatever you want to call it which is why the Right will always exist and cannot be destroyed.

The reason republicans are rallying behind PC-baiting is because their views only work against strawmen. Like when Trump throws up his bloviations about PC-culture almost daily about his microscopic metacarpus.

I am not Holla Forums. I don't give a fuck about securing a future for white children. The last two women I dated were racial minorities and the last three women I had sex with were racial minorities. Also reproduction in 2016 is a fucking scam anyway. Why bring children into this fucked up world? Holla Forumsacks aren't going to reproduce. But not by choice. They want white children. They just can't get laid and secure the resources necessary in order to support a family so that's not in the cards for them.

I just fucking hate smug snarky liberal/modern leftist hipster idiots. I think Bernie Sanders is a weak bitch. But I understand I'm better off voting for him than Donald Trump (if I were American). But if the modern left is to appeal to the white working-class, we need a leftist candidate who isn't a weak bitch. Bernie Sanders allowed two female BBC to push him around (#blacklivesmatter chicks). Can you imagine what Vladimir Putin, China, Saudi Arabia, etc. would do to him?

Jeb Bush even wielded the political correctness mitigation as an aegis against his use of the dehumanizing calumny "anchor babies."



Majority of Trump supporters lack a "college education" when college education is meaninglessly defined as a bachelors degree, ignoring associates.

Most factory and trade jobs don't require a college degree, or only require a trade-based AAS (like HVAC or Auto-Collisions).


Honestly if the left got rid of their smug and pushed for worker's rights instead of destroying the rights of others, they'd probably get back a decent portion of the factory vote. See

Because if you want social institutions, you need youth who are capable of both funding the social institutions and working in the institutions where robots cannot.

The very notion of political correctness is a great misdirection to rival the canards of old. It is naught but a diaphanous veil, a sop, to the hidebound electorate who, being inculcated to capital, joyously sojourn in a blinkered dearth of humanity.


You and all your right-wing buddies are too stupid to win on merit.


I think he meant traditionalism rather than "the right."

The right in its current form are mostly authoritarian dickheads and LARPers pretending to be "traditionalist."

Mind you traditionalism doesn't take on just one form, and I hate the Holla Forumsack idiots who think Traditionalism = Nuclear Family. Lefties can be just as much traditionalists and righties if they embrace the idea that traditions have a pragmatic/practical reason behind them.

Yeah, like the pragmatic tradition of capitalism extracting the surplus value of labor and impoverishing one so that another may live lavishly.

They've got bigger cocks than Bernie Sanders at least. lol.

Hardy har har.

We have different meanings for the word Capitalism, so for all intents and purposes, I use the term Voluntarist and Free Trade when talking with lefties rather than Capitalism.


I agree that traditions may have a pragmatic/practical reason behind them, however this doesn't mean that they should be free from criticism nor that they always progress linearly. For example, having witch trials may be practical for puritanical labour cohesion, however, believing in witches is not based in reason. Nowhere does having something be practical suggest that it is right.
I believe that traditions arise due to relations of previous sense experiences and that makes them inherently falsifiable and in need of rational revision.

The burger is strong with this one.

No, the rise of fascism in eastern europe is only the normal outcome of economic crisis, and how capitalism preserves itself.
Add to that false propaganda by NATO against Russia and the old memories of USSR hatred, and you have your good old Nazis blaming everything on the "Degenerate Gommunists".

We need simplification. Not simplicity and dumping down.
Propaganda is a tool. Use it to tell truths and you use it for good.

You people, can make your ideology be what you want.
But you cannot change reality, and reality is, there is no such thing as a viable capitalism. Deal with it.

Because the right poses no threat to the status quo and thus is allowed to flourish.

Look the bottom line is that due to automation and globalization, the number of job vacancies at any given point in time is far smaller than the reserve army of labour in the west. It's a game of Musical Chairs. There is always a guaranteed loser. It's built into the system. It's rigged. Not everyone who is willing to work is able to get a job, let alone a job with a living wage. I think this is immoral. Every able bodied person who is willing to work should have a livable wage.

The problem is that logistically it's far more difficult to force employers to institute full employment policy and give everyone $15+USD/hr than to just give everyone a basic income. And the vast majority of people would not be content with the basic minimum anyway. The vast majority of people would still be willing to work in a basic income world.

Too many of us are too fucking smug and sectarian. Yep.

You mean like racial pseudoscience, denial of capitalist self-defeat and delusional obsession with ethnonationalist spookery?

underated post