I'm looking to watch something actually good for once. What are your personal top seasons of the Simpsons?
I'm looking to watch something actually good for once. What are your personal top seasons of the Simpsons?
I consider seasons 4-8 the golden era (but I actually liked the Scully era)
S1 - Pilot, finding its niche
S2 - Fleshing out
S3 & S4 - Absolute apex of quality, best of the golden age, couldn't be replicated
S5 - Still great, not absolutely incredible
S6 - Again great, slight decrease in quality and lowering of freakishly high standards
S7 - Dipping in quality
S8 - Last good season
S9 through S11 - Nosediving
S12+ - Zombie Simpsons
This is interesting considering recent claims that this was the best season of them all.
This seems like it's sacrilege considering he's indirectly responsible for Phil Hartman's murder.
Let's do more baybee
After some thought, I decided that I do indeed have nothing better to do than go through my Filenames folder for decent Simpsons images, and rename them after different boards.
Rewatching now
Almost done with s10
Get out.
Its almost as if some people have different opinions.
That middle webm shouldn't be in this folder. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Bart Sells His Soul" is in my top 5, maybe even top 3. But some of the other episodes had notably heavy moments uncharacteristic of earlier seasons.
Aside from the infamous "Marge Be Not Proud" of course. I wouldn't let a community college dropout anywhere near the writer's room.
Are you saying it's bad for there to be even some emotional depth sometime? I'm assuming you're referring to episodes like Mother Simpson.
Anyway, Season 7 has plenty of good episodes like Radioactive Man, The 138th Episode Spectacular, The Curse of the Flying Hellfish, and Summer of 4ft. 2.
Why is Marge Be Not Proud controversial?
Pretty sure that's why it's on there.
Is that the one with "Iran Butterfly"? Because that one's in my top 5 too.
Just because it sucks and isn't very funny. The drama is forced and Marge is totally out of character.
As a kid that episode made me so uncomfortable for Bart. But now I really think it's a good episode with really good classic jokes in it.
I'm saying they should never have let him be on the show. It's on that list to highlight how frequently modern Simpsons relies on guest stars.
its better as a gif
Season 1-12 are great. As soon as Al Jean takes over as show runner, it's all down hill from there.
Thanks for the explanation, user.
What? Why wouldn't she be disappointed with him for shoplifting?
There's one skeptical take on it.
Anyway, I should correct what I said about Season 5 in . I was probably thinking of S6 when the golden age stopped being absolutely incredible. S5 ought to be included with 3 & 4 in "absolute apex of quality".
(Rosebud is in my top 3.)
You're god damned right it does!
What exactly is the story behind that?
Future Milhouse is /fit/ personified. 'Emotionally crippled mini-Hulk' is perfect.
Needs /hgg/, /r9k/, and… /erp/, apparently.
/suicide/ seems obvious. Holla Forums I have no idea about.
American cheese.
SCENE: a party
Andy Dick: "hey want some cocaine"
Phil Hartman's recovering drug addict wife: "lol ok"
and the rest as they say is history
I can't say what my favorite seasons are since my local tv station showed them out of order, but I know that I stopped watching the Simpsons in 2007.
I remember watching the movie in the theater and really liking it, so I watched the first episode of the first post-movie season and it sucked shit. I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that the Simpsons had stopped being good for quite a while now, but after the movies it got even worse because they actually stopped being funny.
There's three major indicators for when the downfall started. One is the use of real celebrities instead of stand-ins like Troy McLure or Rainier Wolfcastle, the others are the use of swear words and dumb Family Guy-style humor. Like, remember that hilarious scene when Bart drove a combine harvester over a pile of shit and it came out as Pirates of the Carribean 3 on the other end? Now, that's the type of humor I want to see in the Simpsons.
I don't know where I was getting with this, I guess I'll just go back to being sad about the Simpsons.
Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson is a really good episode.
That isn't in any of the first ten seasons.
That was the point.
The movie strikes me as the last time anyone involved had any kind of enthusiasm for what they were making.
I disagree. That's the kind of topical humour that is funny at the moment in history that it was written, and may potentially be funny for some years after, but will surely age as gracefully as the aforementioned pile of shit itself. It relies on that movie (and its quality) being fresh in the public consciousness.
A certain amount of jokes that refer to the culture of the present moment are to be expected, of course, and that's not necessarily a bad thing (especially if the material being parodied is itself an enduring work). However, the best gags in classic episodes of The Simpsons (or at least the ones that have helped assured the enduring quality of those episodes) are ones that are funny without having to lean on transient external cultural factors.
I liked this part, but I have to admit that it falls down under scrutiny. I mean, it's only 64 slices of cheese, and it only takes slightly longer than 'one-Mississippi' for him to eat a slice and move onto the next.
Surely it wouldn't take him longer than about five minutes (and that's being generous) to finish the entire stack.
Then again, I'm only a Britbong, so maybe American cheese just possesses some kind of time-diluting property that I'm unaware of.
wew your never going to be a wizard at this rate
You would probably start slowing down after the 20th slice or so.
He's going at more or less the same rate after it skips forward, though.
I'm willing to believe he just lay there breathing heavily for a few hours at some point, though. Or that he got up to get more cheese.
When you're getting a slovenly, half-awake midnight-to-dawn snack, you take your time.
The Simpsons was always fun with juxtaposing everyday life with various levels of absurdity. And Homer manages to be both relatable and very, very strange.
At the very least, it was better than everything that came after it.
very nice
I actually plan on puttign that bob on my facebook when trump is elected
because why not
It was sarcasm, guys.
that's what neurotypicals always say to excuse their lies
What a surprise.