Need help and advice from Holla Forums - UK has finally done it

Newfag here, I need help. The socialist shithole that I live in has finally gone full retard. I need some advice to help me avoid this highly Orwellian shit.

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Hey there's nothing to worry about if you have nothing to hide right? Also think about the children, it's such a great thing that pornography is finally censored, hopefully degenerated will jerk off to what I find appropriate.
>not useful but cute

Use Tor, or a VPN.

Tor is free (gratis and libre) and very powerful. Your ISP will be able to see that you're using Tor, but not what you're using it for, and websites you visit will be able to see that you're using Tor, but not who you are. On the other hand it's pretty slow and some websites will give you trouble for using it. There is some concern that very high-profile targets can be de-anonymized with lots of resources, but that doesn't matter to 99.9% of users. It's designed so even the people running it can't link who you are to what you're doing.

You can also use a VPN. VPNs tend to cost money, but they're faster than Tor. Using a VPN won't be all that much different from using the internet regularly. But it's not as safe as Tor - the people who run the VPN are very easily capable of logging what you're doing, so you have to rely on their promise that they won't. I don't use a VPN myself and I don't have a recommendation for any particular one.

Tor or Gnunet m8

What's that?

Tor uses old/stable technologies.
gnu net uses more recent ones that gives more powerful privacy.

Plus it does not have the problem of exitnods that tor has since gnunet can only be connected to another gnunet node and more it's a very interesting project.

not a lot of people knows it for know but I think it has a very good chance of being the things that will break big brother (until quantum computers appears)

Does that let people connect to regular websites securely? Does it help hide your visits to embarrasing-porn.tld?

Is there any good reason you shouldn't be using a free VPN over a payed one? It seems to have the same issues, except you pay for it. Sometimes I'll use OpenVPN with VPNgate connections to go to Japanese websites that block my IP.

Kill yourself weebshit

Install Gentoo, install dnscrypt-proxy, install for, buy mullvad and install openvpn. Then sit back and wait for all this to blow over.

Free vpns will 100% keep logs already

A freevpn will more than likely keep logs. A paid one may or may not, based on what they state in their privacy policy. If you're looking for something on the cheap end, I use private internet access which is 40 bucks a year. /baph/ recommends mullvad, which is more expensive but probably more customizable (I'm not sure, I haven't used it myself. has a good comparison chart for different VPNs.

That would be bad anyway, you want all connections from anywhere to anywhere to look the same

Get your normalfag ass back to reddit, nigger. Don't like anime, manga, or otaku culture? You have to go back. Imageboards and chan culture was built off anime and otaku despite what redditors and normalfags who were only in it for activist faggotry will tell you.

Sneak barrels full of gunpowder through an old subway tunnel underneath Parliament then burn it all down.

This is what newfags actually believe

Back to cuckchan you missed abortion.

Nothing you can do, VPNs will be probably illegal later in the UK

Like I told another user, do everything you can to melt the fucking ice caps. once that's done, all of england will flood, as well as parts of california and jew york hopefully.

many businesses use them for infrastructure and such. Going to be hard for them to ban vpn outright. UK government is fucking retarded, all the are doing is forcing people towards vpns and other means just to look at porn and have some privacy which will just make secret services job harder.

You better get out of there while you still can, m80.
I remember when the UK first introduced those porn filters for minors, and I told people it would only get worse from there. And here we are.

They'd just do it the same way China does it.
Ban every popular VPN provider and their gateway servers.


For real tho, /a/ exists for a reason.


I don't think you know what that word means.
Sage for off topic.

Like said before only if the website has a gnunet node.
if gnunet wasn't that strict they would be problems like tor has just spread the word and ask people to put their website on the gnunet network.

Each transaction between servers are deleted there is no info left, the routes are always random and everything is encrypted from the end to the start without exceptions.

The point I'm trying to make is that it's not much of a practical solution to this problem at this point. People connect to world wide web sites, even you.

I've been on chans since SA days and yes, they were basically built on anime and otaku. Until Holla Forums took off the only people who even used chans were hikis.

You know the actual socialist in the Labour party is opposed to this spying bullshit. Try "fascist" on for size, it's slightly more accurate.

He obviously means English Socialism, or Ingsoc for short. :^)

>>>Holla Forums

Anyway, wasn't the UK and the Britcucks that post here eager adopters of Net Neutrality?

Makise Kurisu

Dude who said GNUnet is a Saint, praise him.

no it cannot and nothing can really make it secure, not even tor, if the website doesn't have a least HTTPS.

Gnunet only lets you connect to other servers that use gnunet and compromising on that will compromise the gnunet network.

why ?
You have complete anonymity from the start.
no one can locate you servers.
you can download without trouble/fear.
There is no exit node problems.
Gnunet basically solves the problems that tor has.

it's only not practical to people who are brainless zombies who can't even install Trisquel.

If Holla Forums had a gnunet alternative I would use it.
It is very unfortunate what the www has become.

It's way worse than just porn, under the new rules these are the departments that can easily view all you Internet logs just by asking a (whatever man) supervisor at the isp. The government are putting the privacy of its citizens at risk. It's just a mater of time before so idiot loses some of it or it gets stolen and posted all over the Internet. VPN under the new laws will be a must for personal safety.

My understanding is this is not the full list either.

Metropolitan police force
City of London police force
Police forces maintained under section 2 of the Police Act 1996
Police Service of Scotland
Police Service of Northern Ireland
British Transport Police
Ministry of Defence Police
Royal Navy Police
Royal Military Police
Royal Air Force Police
Security Service
Secret Intelligence Service
Ministry of Defence
Department of Health
Home Office
Ministry of Justice
National Crime Agency
HM Revenue & Customs
Department for Transport
Department for Work and Pensions
NHS trusts and foundation trusts in England that provide ambulance services
Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service
Competition and Markets Authority
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland
Department of Justice in Northern Ireland
Financial Conduct Authority
Fire and rescue authorities under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Scotland
Gambling Commission
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
Health and Safety Executive
Independent Police Complaints Commissioner
Information Commissioner
NHS Business Services Authority
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board
Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Regional Business Services Organisation
Office of Communications
Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
Police Investigations and Review Commissioner
Scottish Ambulance Service Board
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
Serious Fraud Office
Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Service Trust

Orwell was right
Gnunet when ?

you deserve everything bad that happens to you

why ?
Because of brexit ?

Why the hell do ambulance services need access to your internet history? You fucking britbongs are retarded. You should be rioting in the streets over this, but you're not. Even the South Koreans have bigger balls than you idiots.

Most normies don't even know it's happening, the media are not covering it at all.

Twenty years from now your children are going to ask why you didn't try to stop this and the only thing you'll be able to say is "We didn't know because the BBC didn't tell us"? Jesus fuck.

I know. But the normies are apathetic and suffering from outrage fatigue. Along with a media that has come to hate the internet and wants it curtailed. And that's not just the UK, on both side of the pond I see media talking about "fake" news and how it needs to be stopped from misleading the unwashed masses.

Oh because riots have solved 100% of all grievances in the past.

You're right, just don't do anything at all.

I can adequately protect myself on the Internet, thank you very much. If I want privacy, I will use tools that already exist for privacy. These tools include Tor and Freenet. The reason why I post in the clear network is because I know for a fact that it is very possible for anybody to record what I'm doing, not just my ISP. That's simply the consequence of the open Internet.

Still not a good reason.
This sounds just like I have nothing to hide argument

--Edward Snowden

See you in gulag when using an anonym networks will be punished.

If I have something to hide, then I will use the tools that will let me hide it. That was my point! Believe it or not, there are people out there who believe that some information should be hidden while other bits of information have no consequence and is irrelevant whether it's visible or hidden.

Rioting in our time does not accomplish anything the governments are too well organized and the police/military are to much brainwashed.
What people needs is guts to defend freedom (witch isn't their) weapons (witch isn't their) being angry (witch is partially their) military or police force to be also angry (witch isn't their).

If their isn't 50% of the population wanting to kill the people oppressing them their isn't any chance of that happening.

Revolution only happens when people are miserable it isn't just yet the day.

But remember that for all we know of history it was already a fucking mess and in that time they weren't 7+billions of humans depending on electricity and industrial/chemical harvesting.
This is going to be one hell of a final ride.

Do you remember the french revolution or the independence of America.
It didn't solve all problems I know but it made thing a bit better until some point.

good for you

Navigating thought the internet is private life whether you like it or not.
Do you film your everyday life and give copies it to any stranger police or secret services ?

Please read IBM and the Holocaust

You do not understand. I don't want my government spying on me if I have done nothing wrong. It's wrong for a government to spy on citizens who have done nothing wrong however, they are not the only ones with this capability. If our government can do such a thing for the Internet, then other governments are capable of doing this. Not only other governments but also private individuals are capable of this. The reason for this is in the nature of how the open Internet works. If you communicate on the open Internet, then you must assume that somebody is able to collect and archive everything that passes through - it doesn't matter whether somebody actually takes the time to archive the activity or not. If I wanted to, I can archive the Internet activities of all the people on my network - I am not a government of any kind, I'm a private citizen. That's simply the nature of how open Internet works and you should always operate under the assumption that somebody is collecting your information whenever you do anything on the open Internet.

You're right that privacy is important, all IBM did was help catalog prisoners, not average citizens. They made neither the bombs nor the planes that destroyed the supply lines, so no blood is in their hands.

And you didn't understand what I said too but your last post confirm that we have almost the same ideas.

You think my argument is "there is no point to privacy on the Internet". My argument is actually "don't assume that the government is the only entity who can archive your Internet activity".

IBM were not accessories to any by the Nazis any more than gun makers are inherently accessories to gun crime. IBM did not pull any triggers, IBM did not command anybody to pull any triggers.


People who care about online privacy are weeaboos?

/a/ is the proper place to discuss online privacy issues?

What the fuck am I reading here.

He's mad someone posted a korean commemorative stamp in a korean commemorative stamp sharing ouija board.

I understood (and already know) that when you posted
sorry I wasn't clear enough.

I don't say otherwise.
What I mean is that gathering information on the population, very specific and private information, that are automated, was used in a horrible way a long time ago so we already know the consequences of them so we shouldn't have to repeat similar errors.

Yeah, I no longer do most stuff on the internet. I just spend most of my time offline and only connect sometimes for corporate stuff, and if I have time, shitposting.
Such a thing we've come to.

No wonder he's so upset.

No, /a/ is the proper place for anime. Read the context of my posts nigga.

Work smarter, not harder.


clearnet is dead matey

clearnet is dead