What are some other criminally mistreated cartoons?
Mistreated Shows
You could say this about Young Justice as well, save for the movie bit.
It was so fucking good, but the movie was so shit I know most people didn't want to even think about GL for a while. Hell, I didn't even see the show until after it was on Netflix. It had so much good, crazy shit in it.
yeah, keep telling yourself that
What are you trying to pull here?
Whoops, meant sentai rather than tokusatsu - "tokusatsu anime" is a contradiction
Point being, it was never stated that Megas is /a/, but /a/-material is another source Megas takes inspiration from.
I didn't see the movie, so maybe not having the movie in the back of my mind made it easier for me to watch.
It really did.
Metalocalypse. The series was cancelled after Metalocalypse: The Doomstar Requiem even though it was originally planned to have a 5th season.
I was wondering why we never saw a season after that. That's a shame, considering how good Doomstar was.
I didn't watch GL because I was never really interested in the character and I hate 3D animation, but with the fact that it's universally acclaimed on amazon and comes highly recommended every time I've heard it mentioned it does seem tempting.
This series deserved better. Show makes a direct Pokémon reference and attack.
3D-CG animation is decent sometimes. this was one of those times
I'll warn you right now- if you don't like romance at all, you'll probably get annoyed by the second arc, but it's still a really good show.
Are you really that afraid to admit that something Japanese had any significant impact on the creation of something Western?
i want proof that these references are littered throughout the series. and just going "it's a giant robot that fights giant monsters" isn't enough, bro
They also made a reference to Captain Harlock, didn't they?
Just watch the show nigga, it's good
You think this is
a motherfucking game?
I just downloaded the torrent and even the first minute has been good, lol. I don't care for the 3D but it's almost TF2-tier at least so I'm not repulsed by any means. Looks like I might be in it for the long haul.
Hope you have fun watching, user.
would someone elaborate on this? who has the rights?
It's still on iTunes
probably Titmouse
but it could also be owned by Krstic & Prynoski
Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps, user.
What episode are you on?
It was apparently because show was straying too far away from comedy, and AS wants to all of their original programming to be comedies first and anything else second, with Toonami content being an exception.
It only gets better
HELL YES! This show is so amazing. My entire family loves it, especially my mother, who is a super fan of the type of detective shows it's referencing. I loved how straight it played everything. Even my dad, who is such a Scrooge, found it enjoyable.
They just departed from the city of muh dick on planet unf, setting out for parts unknown.
anyone have a download for MXLR? a torrent or a mega?
the next season was totally going to have Necron and black lanterns and more cool shit
and what a fucking ending. Imagery and scenario based on the origin of the universe as depicted in GL #40 and giving us a legit upbeat epilogue despite a major character dying. If that shit was last minute then for fucks sake give the creators an unlimited budget
I think they have it in 720p
I'm pretty sure their 720p is an upscale. The show is in 480 on itunes, and that's probably the best available quality
here is a torrent hash, but it only has one seed, so it's slow as fuck. I'm going to download all of it and seed until the end of days, though.
Two seasons was already too many. That show was strictly underwhelming.
post the comic strip where the creator bitches about retarded execs and focus groups
awesome, thanks user
I would've posted it earlier, but it took me a minute to find.
That was interesting.
I don't think I've heard a creator say "wow, focus testing really saved our show" in a very, very long time. It's one of those things that is just universally horrible, but it gives executives a power boner and so it stays.
That's some crazy stuff.
People actually used to say that at some point in time? Every time I hear about focus testing, it's about how awful it is.
I always loved how he made Timm as the cool loner that doesn't listen to Authority.
It's so cheesy it's great.
Kisscartoon always fucks up my browser. I have ublock, noscript, and request policy and it still constantly freezes.
try this:
set the player type to html5 (may default to flash)
look below the video for a link saying "click here to use your device's player"
this will access the video directly
Hogan's Heroes was the only show ever saved by focus testing
and only because they noticed a higher appreciation for the show with the laugh track on
the show itself was otherwise untooled
It doesn't seem like a good way to see if something would work. Why do studios still do focus testing?
This one suffered too.
it's supposed to gauge potential interest in an upcoming show idea. Not a bad idea in a market with around 1000 channels; it's not like when all you had was the lower 13 (and UHF if you were lucky) and anyone would watch a meh show just because nothing else was on
the problem with it is they already cherrypick their audience, lock out the notion of a secondary audience (such as adults who enjoy cartoons), and attempt to gather far too much feedback in the name of perfecting the show when just gathering a bit on the major stuff would do the trick
furthermore, for some reason they use it to gauge feedback on a show THAT'S ALREADY SUCCESSFUL
that faggot again?
You get dumb shit too like the apparent story with CN's suits angry that Young Justice had too many women watching, because women don't buy action figures. (which they barely had any of in the stores anyway)
Suits don't know what they want, and they don't know what people like.
It wasn't made to tie-in with the movie. At least, not in the sense that they share continuity.
The movie certainly fucked it, by being terrible. The toy stores didn't want to buy GL:TAS toys when they had tons of GL movie toys that they couldn't move
I hate that toy sales affect whether a show can continue airing or not. And that they use poor toy sales or the inability to make a toy line as the excuse to cancel shows.
Ken Penders is the reason the satam universe died.
I was raring to go and buy YJ toys after the premiere… and there wasn't SHIT on the shelves! They took forever to get toys out, and by then the interest had cooled, especially because episodes 3-6 are not really all that great. Once the show really hit it's stride, the toy side of things had already fucked up. I'm glad it got a second season, but if it wasn't handled so badly by the business side of things, I know it would have done a lot better. Fuck, the fact that they didn't make dolls of the female cast was also nuts, what a waste of a female fanbase.
It's weird because it's not like business people are completely unaware that you can market to multiple demographics. Fucking Star Wars used to know enough to put out dolls of Padme and shit (not sure if they still bother without Lucas involved). But no, if a show is for girls, it's ONLY for girls, same for boys shows. They wouldn't need DC Superhero Girls if they just capitalized on the huge female cast of YJ.
it's a cautionary tale
don't try pitching something to a major network unless you have other sources of income to help supplement your budget
you'd have to work on making action figures early on, maybe apps and video games, just anything to help the network want to keep this show going
would stuff like amazon and Netflix be good alternatives to the networks?
Wait, that all started because of that shit game Bioware made? Fuck, the writer should have settled out of court instead of being a fucking idiot, but I do believe that Bioware just stole the idea. Holy shit, that's just crazy.
Right now actually, the best (only?) hope for a season 3 of Young Justice is to get Netflix to pick it up. Which is possible, people have been watching YJ pretty hard since it was added to Netflix, and have even been contacting Netflix to ask for the show to be continued.
More cartoons should probably got to streaming services anyway. At least, any decent cartoons that have more than a 5 dollar budget.
yes and no
yes, it's a great alternative. there's no strict rules for making shows for them like the FCC forces on most of the channels so you have more creative freedom and don't have to make it "advertiser friendly"
on the other hand, there's several drawbacks to this. one is that they can't afford the same number of original programmings as other channels, another is that you can't necessarily advertise your shows outside of showing them off
that's not even bringing up the possibility of creators wanting to keep the ownership of their shows rather than give it to netflix, so they'd have to pay off monthly even if they fund its production. a great example is based on what said where he was hoping they'd pick up a 3rd season for Young Justice
this isn't an original series, it's based off of characters owned by DC, so you'd have to pay them their copyright dues to keep it month after month
I see so you have to be an established creator to work for Netflix. I kind of see this with their other shows that have big names attached to it. Hopefully other alternatives come about to allow for more creative freedom for cartoons and hopefully better cartoons coming out in general.
Megas showed up on Bleedman's creepy Power Puff/ Dexter's Lab comic.
what did he do with Megas?
Just a cameo as part of a big fight, thank God, he didn't have a chance to make it creepy or kill anyone.
Gonna get massive shit for this but whatever.
It's not like Bioware would be aware that the comic is anything other than Expanded Universe style stuff they can steal ideas from, rather than the legal clusterfuck it turned out to be.
The whole Penders situation is all kinds of fucked. Doesn't help that Sega is schizophrenic about… everything, mind.
I liked it, but I can see why other people didn't.
Maybe if it had gotten another season, it could've hit its stride.
not necessarily, but I can see why there are so many big names working with netflix. the fact that the FCC doesn't technically have any power to regulate what content they produce (hell, they could probably actually produce straight up porn if they wanted) but it's the same as pitching to any network
you want to see if they'll create something? think of what you want them to create and try pitching it
Only other series that i can think of that boost after focus testing is WB Legion of Superheroes animated series (2nd season).
Basically they focus tested the 8-11 male demographic, which caused them remove the female characters and then add another Superman (enhanced clone) to the show to maximise ratings (which worked) but it still got it's 3rd season cancelled (possibly due the takeover of that WB network due to 4Kids).
The difference is that GLTAS wasn't a clusterfuck of ideas all trying to assert themselves at once while lacking coherence in the end.
nah, it was pure shit. especially the ugly drawning style, cheap animation, super-ugly design, terrible characters and retarded story.
At least put some effort into it
Young Justice was actually cancelled due to low toy sales and even lower ratings. But hey, at least Netflix is considering a 3rd season.
I stopped watching Young Justice partway into the second season because Miss Martian is an insufferable cunt of a Mary Sue and I think at one point I just cracked.
Silly me, forgot the picture
OK,I'm a bit out of the loop here but what did Penders do?
Ken Penders used to use on the Archie Sonic comic. He created a number of OCs for the comic including most of the echidna tribe
he decided one day that he was going to take his ball and go home, presented a case in court with zero evidence and somehow gained rights to every character he had created despite Archie presenting a contract
and that's why the echidnas are extinct in Sonic
*used to write for the Sonic comic
So…dude's a lawsuit asshole who wouldn't let anyone even use his creations? And he also made a lot OC Donut Steel characters thus inspiring other hack Sonic fans to make their own OC Donut Steel?
Oh, OK, that's what all this Lara-Su nonsence is about, he took his Donut Steels and made an original universe.
Dude. This man tried to claim he OWNED Knuckles.
more like mary sue
At least it's not as bad as YJ's romantic bits.
You have these confused. Penders tried to sue Bioware first for allegedly using his work, but then found out he didn't have any rights to that work. So then he sued Archie for the rights.
Last I checked, that Bioware lawsuit hasn't gone anywhere, probably because he still has to pay off the court fees for his shitty echidnas.
Penders isn't that heartless. After winning his lawsuit, he said he was totally cool with Archie using the characters…as long as he got complete creative control over how they were used.
Pic related was most likely Archie's response to this "gracious" offer.
I would assume the IRS.
Titmouse does not have the rights to Megas. If they did, there would be a Megas revival RIGHT NOW.
… but most of their shows aren't actually funny.
The only good thing I can say about this show was they tried to show Batman as more flawed and that despite his skills he needs help. It was a nice change of pace compared to modern Batman where he's always right.
I hated how they handled Deathstroke in this show. They gave him some daddy issues with Alfred.
where's the money supposed to come from? you don't end a show that great that early for no reason
as compared to the original who had sonny issues with a corpse
That's the genesis war?
The new Mary Sue?
Thank god the comics ignored that season.
Why was Alfred the best part of this show?
as if i needed another reason to post this
I think he was a very good support for Batman.
This looks like a really rare pink Pepe.
I think I found the boys 8-11 demographic.
I imagine her only constant thought is "Please kill me"
The comics take the most broad strokes approach they can get away with to the games because they have to basically rewrite that shit to be coherent.
The game lore is better, though. While the SatAM lore is complicated, it's scattered and not really treaded into. The games have a ton of lore that's easy to get into, along with being complex instead of complicated.
I did it, I watched it all.
Thank you, everyone. Thank you…
What'd you think about it? Go into detail.
While there isn't a whole lot to say I suppose, it is 3:20am where I live and I'm long overdue for a nap. I'll talk about it tomorrow I guess, but I'm sure my perspective on it won't deviate much from what many others before me have said.
Clearly we need to lobby the government to fund Megas XLR.
There's something about Krstic/Prynoski shows, man…
hi tedddd
I'll preface this by saying that I'm fairly prejudiced against 3D animation that's anything less than what you'd see in a feature film, and I'm not sure if this show has changed that. Visually the show didn't impress me much, though I admit that a lot of the scenes and special effects that were done may have been incredibly difficult, expensive and maybe even impossible to do with any other medium.
While it wasn't often a feast for the eyes, it was pretty well animated, something that sets it far apart from its ancient predecessors like Reboot and Beast Wars. The characters generally moved convincingly enough, and the character designs themselves were appealing-certainly not "uncanny valley" material like some of those early shows.
The voice acting and sound in general was fantastic, with few hiccups outside of characters that were deliberately supposed to be annoying or retarded. One of the high points of the show, perhaps the highest, was the way the actors had really brought these characters to life throughout these scenarios through their performances.
The story and storytelling was very well done. Not completely unpredictable (it's a superhero show) or without episodes I wasn't absolutely enthralled by, but it definitely caught me off guard enough to seem fresh despite the archetypal subject matter. It was serious when it had to be, humorous when it needed to be, and sentimental when it hurt the most.
Maybe it ended too soon, but it ended well. It ended in a manner that was definitive enough to satisfy, but open-ended enough to leave the protagonists' futures to the mercy of our imagination, though admittedly the glutton in me would certainly take far more if I was able to get it.
Hal Jordan is a pimp, Kilowog is a bro, shout out to my niggas Mogo and Razer; frontier space represent, we all gonna make it fams.
Well, golly gee! Who would've thunk it?
post yfw you realize Timm was redpilled from the start
>mfw the Young Justice poster attempts to make Kaldur look like the main character when he may as well have been a speaking prop for the entire first season
Fucking Miss Martian had a deeper and more engaging storyline than him!
Yeah, that's pretty much how I felt, too. I'll say that the simplicity of most of the characters' designs made the CGI look better than it has in other CGI cartoons.
He almost had an interesting storyline with Black Manta being his dad, but that never really went anywhere. You can say that for a bunch of shit in YJ, though.
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned already.
This show had a lot of promise, but from what I heard it was shut down because it wasn't selling toys.
Aya is love Aya is life Ayadid nothing wrong.
lern 2 google
that and the dance scene forced a timeslot fucking
They never made toys
Evil coop had Geara Dogas even
If I recall, the excuse was that they couldn't make a toy for Ilana and her robot suit for some reason.
Trump will literally make anime.
Toy producers really, really, really hate making toys of women for boy-oriented shows, even if they're major characters.
IIRC, they made shitloads of Rey merchandise and still do; feminists complain mostly because they never do the research, but also because it was all sold out.
The Mortal Kombat movie
Think all those otakus with their shelves filled with female cast toys is some lightning in a bottle occurrence? If western toy companies were not so prudish than you can bet the guys would buy the toys.
I believe it.
Wait, that's the reason MTV got bashed so much in the show?
I actually had to correct a few people I knew when they talked about that story. Cause if they had actually gone to the stores they'd have seen Rey everywhere (fuck, she's packed with BB-8, kids love that shit) and she sold out most places because she's the main character. But things like AtLA toys not having a Katara figure got ignored because by the time Avatar was really hitting its stride, the toys had stopped (and it would have been a lot more blatant of them not to make Toph and Azula figures if they had continued into season 2).
Sounds right. These people ruin their own valid arguments because they go off on a vague rumour and never do the research.
The older market is a periphery; they think little boys are gonna get called gay if they buy toys of girls.
Also that.
Toy sellers are also apparently really weird about things. Apparently, the first Princess Celestia toy was off-model pink because stored refused to stock it in sufficient numbers unless the big centrepiece alicorn was pink. They may have made Cadence partly to get around that and give them their damn big pink pony so they can make on-model Celestia.
And it still talks like this