Please tell me it's a joke or guido being on high
So Python 3.6 has now went full SJW
I mildly prefer keeping it out, although I think having it is not really all that harmful.
But that aside, how is this "SJW"? Has the term grown even more nebulous than I previously imagined?
Yes, just ignore the retards like OP.
anti-tau is a code word for anti-White, obviously
Fucking SJWs, amirite?
tau day people are wacks. it's like dozenal numerals, it's just too much effort compared to the benefits.
nobody but people who watch pop mathematics shows like "numberphile" and "i fucking love science" know about tau. no mathematician or scientist i know of knows about tau or wants dozenal numerals. nick is probably just another guy who thinks he is a hot shot mathematician because he knows how to program in python and he watched a numberphile video.
How exactly is this related to SJW?
Most mathematicians are familiar with the concept and the minor annoyance about pi... They may not be familiar with the name "tau" itself because that's a made up name but they're familiar with the slight inconvenience of the notation.
I only ever heard about this from viHart.
Wait, so are they saying using pi is sexist or something?
Are they saying that pi is the invention of angry white male conquerors and so we should use something like tau because it's more inclusive?
I don't see anything like that in the OP.
I want all the SJWs in this thread to leave.
Hello OP, why are you trying to create an Ebiuc Thread about SJWs ...without anything actually about SJW
Sorry guys, the AI fucked up. We have given the post bot a clearer definition of "SJW" so this shouldn't happen again.
As retarded as it is having a constant for 2 π and another for π, this isn't SJW. You did scare me at first, so congrats faggot.
I see, you bait me into thinking it's sjw when really the developer was actually made full of sense, has used all in his power in both statistically among existing works, among professionals related to the topic and has began to further question people coming to the convention whether or not this tau crap matters
this is taste
No problem. Could you implement a defagotting filter as well?
Sorry guy, the bot learns what to post based on other posts. Unfortunately this means it also learns from its' own posts and those of other bots which causes a feedback loop and degradation of post quality until it degenerates into full faggot shitpost gibberish. We tend to step in and reset the bots at that time, so every so often you will see a sudden rise is post quality, that's us.
You're forgetting dedicated Scrabble players, they know all of those number names.
Mathfag here, you gave me a scare there for a moment before I clicked the images.
I hate τ-people (OK, hate is maybe to strong of a word), but this is so insignificant to the standard library that it's not even worth thinking about it.
Here is the deal with π and τ: it doesn't matter. π is the one that's used for a number of reasons and using τ just obfuscates the Truth. τ proponents have to resort to polemics like "π is wrong" (it's a number, it cannot be wrong) and how π being wrong is the reason you suck at math. No, the reason you suck at math is because you are a lazy shit who cannot be assed to remember four numbers, and that's coming from a guy who couldn't remember more than five numbers if his life depended on it. τ people are just pretentious hipsters who want their special snowflake constant with no respect to history and the bigger picture. No serious mathematician or scientist would use τ ever. τ faggots are just one ι better than the idiots who think that n / 0 = ∞.
Python has always gone full SJW. That said, Tau vs Pi is not an SJW issue. It's something Mathematicians care about, and everyone else doesn't care about. They know there's a lot of advantage to expressing things in terms of Tau instead of Pi, but everyone else who uses Pi doesn't really know of or care about it.
As both a mathematician and a pythonista OP scared me to death.
Fucking master baiter.
What? Genuis I'm on your side, and I'm not OP. My post was saying I see no evidence of SJW content from what the OP posted. So can either someone explain how this is SJW or why the tua thing is a thing or what
Back to your contianment board, Holla Forumstards
Wouldn't want to get triggered when reminded that Chump is a Jewish puppet, Hillary won't be arrested, Obamacare will stay, among a dozen different broken promises would we?
Count pi/tau computations in personal projects and report each's scores.
egrep -ri '\b(pi|twopi|M_PI)\b' code | cut -d : -f 2- | sort | uniq
Mine is tau: 22, pi: 6, neutral: 4 (also pi/2: 1)
For a really simplified explanation, when you refer to circles by their circumference, diameter or radius you use pi. circumference = 2 x pi x r, or pi x d.
In some branches of math maybe calculus, can't remember for sure using degrees to measure angles meant you had to do conversions afterwards. It was discovered that you could skip that by defining 360 degrees as 2pi radians. As in 360 degrees = 2pi radians, 180 degrees = pi radians, 45 degrees = pi/4 radians and so on.
A bunch of hipsters saw that in this one example of using pi everyone was refererring to 2pi as a whole circle, and decided that calling 2pi something special would be a better idea. That's what tau is. Sure, it makes your formulas look nicer when using angles, but it's a fix for a problem that barely exists. Tau is there for hipsters to circlejerk over on March 14th, while everyone else is buying pi-themed trinkets for their friends who watch The Big Bang Theory.
tldr: tau is nicer for some ways of using pi, but the benefit to using it is barely noticeable. It's the math equivalent to those weird inventions you see sold on TV to gullible idiots.
Pic for reference, red = circumference, green = radius, blue = diameter.
Well, that's sad to see. Python is a pretty useful language, and adding this one small shitty thing to it won't make it less useful, but its symptomatic of the brain cancer spreading. Do enough retarded nerd memes like this, and gradually you will make the language less and less useful, until you hit critical mass and it becomes flat out useless. Then somebody says "hey, language X doesn't have this bullshit and it's better, back when we adopted python, python was great and x was shit, but now python is shit too, and x has actually gotten a lot better since then" and there goes your shot at becoming a classic language that stood the test of time like C. Instead, you choose pandering to basic bitches desperate to signal how well they follow a fashion trend that will last no more than a few years.
The very definition of bloat, folks. Reminds me of people who define constants like "ONE=1; TWO=ONE*2;". I seriously doubt anyone actually uses this shit except to be a snowflake, why not just put it in some optional package, like faggotmath, so that normal decent people can just import math unmolested?
Granted, Raymond snuck in a little bit of bullshit of his own:
Really, the most cancerous and autistic "nerdy" community, probably 100 or more people between them, and not a single one has heard of this retarded meme that has been all over slashdot, plebbit, xkcd and whatever other "nerdy" cancer site these people all go to? I'd say more like they were too ashamed to admit they knew, but god knows the people who like this shit never have a concept of shame.
You know, at the college level (I'm very skeptical it makes a difference at all at the research level) it seems like tau is slightly more convenient (and I guess that is the one field where people are least capable of dealing with a simple constant factor), so if I could go back in time and swap tau for pi I would. But it seems like it improves matters very very slightly, while the taufaggots act like it's some titanic reinvention that will change all of mathematics forever.
And yes, if multiplying by 2 is such a difficult concept for you, I think the circle constants are going to be the least of your problems in math.
It's stupid too, because pi is a known constant and thus is not used as a variable in formulas everywhere because everyone knows its supposed to have a specific value. Tau isn't a constant, so it gets used as a variable in formulas whenever (like when calculating torque).
These fags wanting to use tau don't realize that if we do that, we also have to go and redefine dozens of mathematics, physics, and fuck knows what else formulas because of all the occasions where tau is used as a variable.
Pi occurs in plenty of places with no factor (area of circle), in which case tau would cause an even uglier factor like 1/2 or 0.5*. And it appears in many places with a completely different factor (area of sphere) where tau would provide no convenience but create a potential compatibility problem. So I don't see how you could possibly think this matters, unless you thought mathematics ends at trigonometric functions.
What's wrong with numberphile, user?
polite sage, also Op thread is misleading
Subject field, fuck
That's not really an issue, mathematicians recycle symbols all the time. Someone might use π as the symbol for a permutation as long as it's clear from context what that π is supposed to mean. Think of it like lexical scoping: the constant π is the global value, but you can within scope rebind the symbol to anything else you want to. There is no difference between functions and data, so you can use π for a function and pass it to other functions without ambiguity.
π is often used to mean nucleotide diversity, homotopy groups or the prime-counting function. The letter has meanings besides that constant. τ is no different in that regard.
The reason I don't like τ is that it makes some formulas more ugly, and it makes them look much more ugly than it makes the other formulas look nicer.
I have 3 degrees, never heard of pi. Ever.
How did you manage to achieve that?
Its just two wasted days of being a Python library maintainer, to say, "We implemented Tau". Well whopptie-fucking-do.
Also, its clear that Guido van Rossum implemented Tau on a whim because he thought it was clever. That's because he's secretly a piece of shit with big penis-envy. I can prove this because he has no plans to support other derived constants, because that sounds too much like real work, and being a smug piece of shit he can't let the thought of hard work ruin his cup of coffee while he implements a singular inane derived constant.
I'm not surprised they didn't teach you about π in gender studies, postmodern art and African studies.
nothing wrong about numberphile per se but part of the audience is kind of obnoxious in a way
How the fuck did you manage that. I'm a fucking classicalfag and I know about pi. I know about tau too. Forget university, how the fuck did you get through high school without hearing about pi at the very least, or tau when some smug hipster started ranting about it in trig?
I learnt about pi in year 7 wth
This is pretty sad. The guy behind tauday is actually fairly bright but he doesn't make the case for the 2Pi definition introducing any limiting cognitive load on people. If you're able to understand the Fourier series, you're not going to care about an additional 2.
The important thing to remember is that the "degrees, minutes, seconds" system of subdividing the circle is of a purely arbitrary nature. We could easily have chosen 100, 256, 400 as the measure for a complete circle. 360 was chosen by early astronomers as it yielded a rough correspondence to the yearly motion of the sun.
Pi on the other hand is intrinsically related to the properties of a circle. Being both the area of the unit circle and of course the ratio of the circumference to the diameter.
U mad
it's desktop with HiDPI display
Macbook Pro is master race, you should rub it in to these guys as much as you can.
Fair enough.
Again, off topic and thread is shit
Maybe the hardware is, but not its users.
Not all laptops with 'retina' displays are macs tho.
Liar. Apple literally invented the technology so they are the only one that has it
Posted from my iPhone
You can see from his screenshot filenames that they came from MacOS.