I've got nothing to say.
I mean, what is there to say?
I've got nothing to say
How often does linkara get peg in the pass?
I mean Ass! Stupid Mac book pro
You would definitely know about getting pegged om the pass then.
Holy shit!! What the fuck happend since Iv'e been gone? XD lol
Good one.
Wow such butthurt. Much rage.
I'm sure he'll make a good single father.
I didn't know Linkara was dating the sassy black chick from Fembusters.
Good for him.
No, he'll make a lousy single father.
What could he teach to a child? Sports? Social skills? Discipline?
Look at him. He's a gross pale thing that can barely move. Any kid would grow ashamed of him.
Also, is that from a video, OP? If so, please don't embed it (that would give him half a penny) but give me the title so I can download the video and maybe make it into WEBMs.
his newest review of an MLP comic.
Please tell me is the one written by that cuck who turned dragons into neggers so he could talk about Baltimore.
Pic related.
The faggot just came out of the closet. Thats all.
Actually he still insists he's straight despite being fucked by Iron Liz pre-op.
I can't be the only one who thought about this…
I'm actually not sure - is this the same gorilla, or are all of linkara's friends fat nigresses?
patreon reward, everyone
What are his rewards? Also, does he deliver?
same, they're engaged.
which one you think's sucking more dick on the side?
Same person. They call her Viga, which stands for Violent Indestructible Giant Ape, if I have to guess.
She has a blog or something and likes comics too.
Also has a Tumblr. Before replying to this post I recommend you let the shock wear off. It's true though, she does have a Tumblr.
I think she has lost weight lately, and as far as I can tell she has always had Thunderdome hair, but changes it often.
Sometimes it goes beyond that, like when she had the terrible green Mohawk.
She started dating Linkara because she thought he was a giant chicken breast, and really haven't we all made that mistake?
But then she realised Linkara is a man and not a giant piece of raw chicken because he's too pale and greasy.
Her signature move is the Devastation Lock, or so I've heard.
you got a giggle out of me
now that you mention it, it DOES look like she's losing weight
maybe lewis is starving her so he doesn't have to buy two wedding dresses and sew them together
I have no fucking idea how you faggots are able to tell.
I lose the ability to tell weight classes apart after somebody exceeds 150 kilograms.
It's actually not hard to tell when she's in motion. Like, in the first videos I saw her she was with the Nostalgia Critic, some autistic guy and Linkara talking about some Adventure Time nonsense and she was like really terribly fat. Now she's just fat, so she's definitely doing something.
I know how she could loose like 200 kilograms in one day, though. In one minute actually.
I wager 900 quatloos this will be their wedding.
I haven't watch MLP in years.
Is the fandom still total garbage?
fandoms follow the law of increasing entropy
or rather
increasing degeneration
A fandom can only become worse over time, never better.
The fandom itself is becoming less vocal and therefore less cancer, for a while they acted like Jehovah's Witnesses, but not any more.
I don't know if that's because the fandom is losing members or because they realised they were impolite with their vehement recruiting tactics.
Is the fandom still total garbage? Yes, but it's easier to avoid garbage.
They still deliver great pony porn, so that's good.
congratulations. you've been chosen for the first late, late, late term abortion
say what you want, but the porn is top notch.
we're sending these horses to the glue factory, faggot
Yaaaaay! Whom do I get to abort? Also, how late is it? I usually work all week and can't stay up all night.
don't worry about who's getting aborted. that's already taken care of
on an unrelated note, you know of any good places to bury someone who's about your height?
Funny you should ask.
My father in law is a high ranked mobster and and my brother in law is in jail for burying corpses. They couldn't prove he killed them but burying them is still illegal.
And a while ago they claimed my father in law buried several people in a nearby forest too, in two separate incidents. They couldn't prove anything though so he's free. Anyway, I don't know if any of the corpses were as big as I am, but the forest is apparently a good place. They only find a fraction of the corpses.
So, yeah. I recommend the forest. Why?
don't worry 'bout it
Yaaaaaay! Not having to worry 'bout it!
but they're so beautiful.
Beautiful glue then.