If females can't form their own opinions and only get opinions from other females then where do they get all of their...

if females can't form their own opinions and only get opinions from other females then where do they get all of their opinions from?

is there a queen female that passes the information down to the rest?

it's complicated, there are alpha females, but their behaviour, in a male, would categorize said male as a beta male, so among females, the most beta one "wins"


why can't females form their own opinions? i'm a female and i have formed the opinion that you're a misguided faggot.

The irony of posting this on a chan where everyone has the same opinion on fucking everything is amazing

I bet you're a >female
Post vagoo or you're out, missy.

Go back to Something Awful, faggot.

I'm a male and I have formed the opinion that what you think doesn't fucking matter and you have no place here.

It's the queer who has been posting >le drumf maymays while RPing as a whiteknight for "EPIN TROLLE XDDDDD", disregard this poster you dumbasses. This isn't a fucking woman at all.

Telling me to go to another website becausw i disagree with you sure did prove me wrong on this one

Whag exactly did I disagree with you on, faggot?

He's calling your idea that everyone here thinks the same way bullshit and just a dumb perpetuated meme.

I bet it's Beyonce. Women seem to have a thing for her even though most men are in agreement that her music sucks and she's not that hot.

Calling something a meme doesnt make it false

Calling it bullshit does make it false.

Was just about to post this. On the money.

Your thought process is a meme.

They have it fucked into them, of course. I knew a girl who thought sports was stupid. She got a boyfriend who was into soccer and BOOM! She started wearing Ronaldo/Beckham/Rooney soccer jerseys whenever she went out.


if everyone has the same opinion how can you have an opinion different from the guy who says that not everyone has the same opinion and why doesn't your post confirm that your confirmation was false?


show my pussy to a group of misogynistic neckbeards. sounds like a great idea, really.



you pick

Ban him.


do any of that shit and i will report this website to the fcc internet division for sexual harassment. you're already pushing the limits as it is without trying to directly bully a girl.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Huh? How can we bully a "girl" on an anonymous imageboard without proof that you're a girl. For all you know I'm also a girl.

This is how our board volunteer bides his time. Responding to low quality shitposts.

this is actually my thread
t. dysnomia

What did he mean by this?

He's just like us!

That doesn't matter. I already reported "her" post to the NSCIA for bigotry and homophobia.


Oh wow what a shitlord. I'm glad she's banned I don't want to shitpost with a homophone. Thanks for keeping this space safe.



Because anyone who doesnt suffer from autism should realize it was an exaggeration to make a point.

The queen female is usually just the pop singer of the week who gets her opinions from her Jewish producers

All I see is everyone disagreeing with each other and calling each other faggots all day. The one thing everyone agrees on is that jews are scum and niggers are inferior species. But that's like saying we're a hivemind because we all agree the sky is blue and grass is green.

Whoever they perceive to be the alpha male. The "queen female" only has authority because she is perceived to be parroting the views of the alpha male.

Although women are, to some degree, capable of independent thought, they are mistrustful of their own conclusions. There are few things they are more afraid of than being ostracized, and if a woman finds her thoughts are leading to a conclusion that would cause conflict with the majority of the herd she considers herself to be a part of, she will literally panic.

As to who they perceive to be the alphas at this point in history, that would be the (((media personalities))).

the problem is not taking others opinions, per say, since that's only piracy

the problem is taking others opinions in order to fit in/hide in order to continue mercantilist thought and assuming all competitions are zero-sum games

Since the majority of women always agree with what celebrities say, you're actually right. This also applies to Californians of both genders

hahahaha funny

But sadly true

Low quality females get there opinions from each other. Circle jerks that change a little at times.

That video made me want to end womens sufferage

Memes can evolve in near-random fashions. Once one becomes popular enough, women will act like they share it so they can partake in the social aspect of being part of the group that shares it.

Women don't really have opinions. When was the last time you met a woman who really actually liked a movie or tv show or book or even song? More likely, you've met women who sit through these things, half heartedly paying attention, while really just paying attention to how those around them are reacting, so they can parrot the reactions and be part of the group.

Women are casuals.

Although there is one opinion they have, and that is that their own lives should be better at any cost. So sometimes they will invent lies to try to achieve that goal. Others may believe it if those lies become popular enough. See: feminism.

That's what your shit girlfriends always say.