Tumblr isn't bad, Political Correctness is not terrible and all in all the new world isn't that terrible but what is terrible of course is the state of art these days. It's all flash based. Terrible! Why can't we actually care about art anymore eh?
Why did CalArts get such a monopoly on the artistic and animation world, eh? It makes no sense.
Tumblr is awful and so are the people there. You should be ashamed of yourself user.
Elijah Evans
Umm, not really though? They want to help the downtrodden and those who suffer from systemic oppression. Not exactly hate-filled like Holla Forums is.
But regardless, let's get on topic. CalArts? Why do they have a Monopoly?
David Foster
I'll answer your first question. I don't know how Cal Arts got a monopoly on the animation world in America. I guess the animation industry in America has low standards or something and isn't very well handled.
Regarding tumblr, they are a bunch of spoiled, American, middle class teenage-20 something year old brats who bitch about how bad the world is but never do anything about it. They're like hipsters who bitch about capitalism and homelessness yet never go out to help people at a Food Bank or soup kitchen. They are pseudo progressive slacktivists who do nothing but bitch. They are the definition of privillege and most of these fuckers are middle class white women. I hate their entitled attitude so no, fuck tumblr and fuck the white women there that enable their shit.
Gavin Barnes
That picture is so accurate. Make one of king of the hill
Brody Murphy
Dominic Barnes
Sure provide me some pictures and I shall!
>>>Holla Forums
Henry Rogers
So me criticizing tumblr makes me Holla Forums? How? I don't want to gas the jews or have the white master race. I just want to live my life in peace away from these fucking idiots.
Daniel Jenkins
>>>Holla Forums Do you know what problematic language actually is?
You sound white.
Nolan Ramirez
You really don't have reading comprehension do you? Please stay away from this guys bait everyone.
Elijah Powell
You shut your filthy mouth user!
Leo Adams
Stopped reading right there
Austin White
Then maybe you should go to tumblr instead, user.
Brody Brooks
Like when they protest games like the Witcher 3 for not having Blacks in it? Or movies like Gods of Egypt for not having oy Blacks in it. While also chimpingout at cultural appropriation (while letting non-Whites use the White Man's, inventions discoveries).
Like Blacks who riot over dead thugs like Trayvon Martin? Or Muslims raping European women and otherwise chimpingout (which Obama has yet to talk about instead of blaming Whitey)?
Sebastian Myers
How to murder your own thread in 11 words or less.
Gavin Anderson
This was a b8 thread from the start.
Elijah Jones
The language and buzzwords you use make it clear to me that this entire thread is bait.
I would tell you to kill yourself, but you probably get off on that.
Levi Ross
Lincoln Rogers
Jacob Harris
Jayden Mitchell
I PERSONALLY don't entirely hate tumblr. I just view it as a medium for dumbasses in the same way facebook's a medium for old people, but I will admit that it's got some of the dumbest communities I've ever seen gathered up there
now, as for why calarts is constantly perpetuated, it's simple. proximity think about it, where's hollywood? where's all the television studios? where is the majority of this shit produced? California
Granted, there's some down in the south (I think Nickelodeon is in Florida and Cartoon Network's in Georgia) but the vast majority are in Cali the studios don't have to wait for them to move out there, they're already there
adding onto that, there's a good chance that CalArts grads were in positions there, so they can help out people from their alma matter
it's why I gave Steven Universe a try before getting diabeetus from it. as bad as the shows art style is, as awful as the coloring and character designs are, as cringey as it can be, the creators didn't go to CalArts. I don't think that Sugar even got a degree in art, and I know for a fact that Quartey doesn't have any art school experience
ultimately, you gotta look at this like a businessman. would you just hire any artist off the street to create these shows & design these characters? I wouldn't honestly, you want this to stop then you gotta prove that people without art school experience are generally better than calarts grads
Sebastian Peterson
gas yourself asap
Jacob Gomez
There was never anything worth salvaging from Holla Forums. I'm honestly not sure why you guys are still here. 4chan has more traffic for you to go and discuss with, and it's not like you will have any issues with the moderation.
Angel Rivera
How about no? There are posters non-facetiously defending Korrasami there.
Aiden Long
You opened your thread with a series of moronic statements. You started this.
Tumblr IS bad. The format, layout, design, and overall functionality is broken and counterintuitive as fuck. The communities that exist there are rotten to the core and the worst assholes manages to build up massive followings while preaching the most hateful bigoted shit in the name of equality.
On an average day, tumblr makes Holla Forums look like a calm, reasonable place.
As for political correctness and "systematic oppression", the problem with these concepts is that idiots like you think they are doing the world a favor by trying to take control of everyone's lives.. and yet, you can't even provide a concrete example of oppression actually existing beyond minor inconveniences and shit that is fully the fault of the people it happens to.
Jace Perez
Political Correctness was invented to describe literally 'What Stalin has you shot to say'.
Kayden Price
Tumblr is only popular because it's too badly formatted to moderate effectively.
Ryder Bell
Uhhhh yes? because not having blacks is kiiiiinda racist? Same with Gods of Egypt? Christ dudeā¦Do you even racism?
William Phillips
Holla Forums did nothing wrong.
Even the most devout bootlickers have realized that hotwheels was a fraud. Do you have any examples of what they did wrong besides "hotwheels told a bunch of people that they were destroying the site"?
Brayden Hughes
agreed its racist to say n-word and stuff and whites need to realise their guilt, hotwheels just likes nazis. whites r literally demons
Gavin Parker
Not that better formatting would help. The moderation there is, incompetent would be an understatement.
Camden Hall
Opinion status: 'DISCARDED
Matthew Perez
Oy vey, don't forget the far right has destroyed 6 trillion pieces of culture too, like the wonderful sculpture in pic related. Are you some kinda anti-semite?
Brandon Allen
this must be bait. please. fuck off
People called me autistic when I told tumblr to fuck off. This is what you've made
ok, now I'm sure. It's definitely bait.
Oliver Evans
How appropiate, since Holla Forums are the niggers of Holla Forums.
Michael Clark
Holla Forums is like a dog chasing a car. They wouldn't know what to do with it if they caught it, but they love the chase anyways.
They do shit just to do it.. But that doesn't mean they aren't a bunch of obnoxious cunts who would greatly benefit the site by drinking bleach.
Ethan Price
This feels like a bait thread. Is this a bait thread?
Adrian Baker
Yes but tumblr IS shit and so is political correctness We gotta reinforce this so actual tumblrcunts/leddits/etc don't wander in and mistake the bait for sincerity
Grayson Watson
Jesus user. How fucking brainwashed are you?
Colton Butler
So since this is a shit thread, does anyone know the name of that show where a bunch of anthro characters travel around the globe? It looked like it was set in the late 19th century iirc.
John Rodriguez
Its still shitposting even if you are joking, user. Gas yourself.
Cameron Torres
Can you supply a few more details? That does sound vaguely familiar, but no title is coming to mind.
Carter Powell
If I could remember a little more I could probably find it myself, but that's all I've got to go on.
Luis Watson
Easton Powell
You filthy nigger.
Austin Ortiz
Bro, do you even Poland? Here, lemme help you with that:
All of those, except for Romani, are "white", by the way. Do the math.
But hey, I guess those backwards slavs should always depict American demographic percentages in their fiction, right?
Adrian Foster
The person you're calling Holla Forums explicitally said "fuck the white women who enable their shit." That's kind of NOT a Holla Forums approved attitude you retard.