
What is everyone's general opinion on protectionism?

My thought is generally that if it were a Social Democratic state you would need protectionism to keep jobs in the country to counter the Borgissi leaving the country for some tax haven and a sandy beach, bringing all the jobs with them.

But in a Socialist state, industry would be nationalized, and the Bourgeoisie is deposed of power (hopefully hanging from a tree somewhere). Therefore there is no fear of jobs leaving the country. So it wouldn't really make much sense to have protectionist policies that would hinder the economy so wouldn't we practice free trade?

I guess I could see protectionism being supported out of a humanitarian angle, as to not accept foreign products made in sweatshops or slave labor.

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Gotta take the world as it is, not as it oughta be. Right now we need protectionism. If we get to a place where it's no longer necessary, that is the time to re-evaluate and change policy.

I agree.

But could you give me an explanation on why protectionism is necessary in our current situation?

Sure. Corporations will make trade deals that benefit them and hurt workers if we don't. They'll always make their supply chain as cheap as possible, which means buying from countries where labor gets paid less, which means fewer domestic jobs in countries with higher living standards where labor costs more. Then you also have the incentive to outsource the company proper's jobs to countries where labor is cheaper, killing domestic jobs directly.

Then it gets really ugly when you consider how fascism (i.e. corporate control) has taken over western governments, esp. the USA. Corporations will always have an incentive for cheaper labor, which requires "developing" i.e. third-world countries. So it is in their interests to lobby for policies that keep other countries from industrializing and raising their people's standards of living (necessitating higher wages). One of the best ways to keep foreign countries in perpetual poverty is through continuous warfare.

Ok so then we agree then.

Necessary for a socialist country with a market.

Your citizens should not have to compete with slave labour. You should not rely on the capitalists for anything if possible.

you know what i mean mates.

This. Socialism is unsustainable if it relies on capitalism. Capitalist entities are designed to compete and will outcompete socialist ones because they can sacrifice decency to make more money and accrue more resources.


But think of the benefits of free trade in terms of exports. It could have more of an advantage, imagine if goods from worker owned factories are in competition with capitalist ones. It is clear that socialism makes factories and workers more productive, so I think socialist industry could beat capitalist industry.

Economic jingoism

undeniable proof that capitalism is flawed

but thats not true

Protectionism prolongs capitalism, and is thus shit.

That is true but we are talking about a Socialist context.

If your revolution isn't worldwide, then it has failed, and you are a nigger.


Leftypol in a nutshell. Be a bit more pragmatic guys… The point is better condition of work for everyone, not the realisation of your special snowflake revolution.

hi liberalism


user, I think you are the Liberal here.

But carry on, I am sure one day everyone will realize the truth of Anarcho-Communism, join in hands and smash all the governments around the world while singing songs.

I'm wondering, is it even possible to actually enact meaningful protectionist policies in this day and age? I mean, all it takes to move capital around the world now is a few mouse clicks. Is it even possible to stop outsourcing within capitalism?

That only makes sense if your society has the manufacturing capacity to dominate specific export markets like the United States did during the first three quarters of the Twentieth Century. Otherwise, all "free trade" does is create a race to the bottom.

It is needed because less some protectionism you're going to make many in the west a lot worse off and encourage exploitation of the third world. Even more.

Does your strategy involve "voting" and "changing the system from within?"

The point is to overthrow capitalism, something that isn't possible at a regional level you reformist twit.

My strategy involves whatever is necessary, partisan politics are no exclusion.

China holds a whole bunch of US dollars, Canadian dollars, euros, etc. And one day the Chinese expect to "cash out" those dollars and euros for our assets. Like real estate, our natural resource extraction operations, utilities, etc. Foreign ownership of real estate is a bad thing because this will turn us into a nation of renters. Home ownership used to be a primary plank of the American Dream(TM). And having Chinese corporations own our natural resources and utility plants threatens our sovereignty.

So yes protectionism is necessary. First world labour isn't going to drive prices of commodities as high as people think. Merchants charge what the market will bear. Plain and simple. If you can't afford to pay your staff $15/hr, then that means there isn't much demand for your product or service and you shouldn't be in business in the first place.