I want to know if anyone here knows of a way to find a non-pozzed church

I want to know if anyone here knows of a way to find a non-pozzed church.
I live in the fatherland and in one of its worst cities.
I've been thinking of going back to church but I have no clue on how to find a based church.
So I am asking for aid.

I just want to see if I can find god again.

Other urls found in this thread:


last based church out there is the Orthodox Church but since you're not a slav, greek or armo it would be LARPing



I'd settle for one that simply isn't pro faggotry and immigration.
It doesn't even have to be in opposition to it.

KJV only baptists


There are orthodox churches all over the west, you are the one larping if you think its a 'slav thing'.

what city do you live in exactly? hamburg? dusseldorf? munich?

Let me rephrase this.
I'm not looking for a certain type of Christianity.
I am looking for a church, a building, where the priest doesn't hold summons inviting faggots to join the club.
I don't want to go and be told to pray for refugees.
I just want to go, pray, be among Christians and try to believe again.

The arguably worst.

I was thinking the same thing.

I would suggest worshiping Kek, but if you want to be a heretic then has the right idea.

Follow the processes illustrated by the friendly wizard in the picture then repeat.

My condolences. Doubly so if it's Kreuzberg.

There are slavs all over the west.

if you want to stay in Europe then i would recommend the orthodox church
otherwise come to the american south
there's some based as fuck churches down here

Praised be he.
Thank you very much user. That actually helps a lot.

Luckily not.
I'm in one of the more "alright" parts of the city.
I'm actually quite surprised at how few people in the Deutsch/pol/ thread seem to live here.
I thinkI wish I knew some Holla Forumsacks in person. I think they'd make good friends.

That is a very good idea and I understand what you mean, but I'm not about top become an immigrant.
While I don't mind white immigration as much; I'm not about to betray my country.
I'll be here on the day of the rope and I'll help out my nation.

Latvian Lutheran church is pretty based.
They are impervious to degeneracy, and don't ordain women as ministers.
But I've seen that the Lutheran churches in Germany and Sweden are hotbeds of cultural marxism and godlessness.

I think your best bet is to find like-minded people and start performing the services yourself.
Everyone who is a man of God is capable of that. Even the worst believer is better spiritual leader than a sinner who reads the scripture well.

Here you go bro. FSSPX chapels for Germany. There is one listed for Berlin.


Hope this helps.

well i guess you could see if any of the denominations from the american south have churches in your area.
probably nowhere near the real thing, but couldn't hurt to check them out
look for Baptist, Pentecostal, Church of God, Church of Christ, etc.
also no Catholic churches

american south is south africa tier user, except instead of dutch descendants we're scots-irish and anglo descendants

I am not a man of god anymore. That is the problem.
I've stopped believing a long time ago.
I wish I could believe but can't seem to find it in me.
I'm hoping to change that.

I don't think I want to go there. I'm a German and don't really want to deal with Russians.
Should I check it out anyway?

That one looks pretty good.
I'll give it a go.

Yeah, I've always disdained evangelists.
Fucking cucks.
I was baptized as a catholic.

Go to startpage and look up "anything but Christian churches"

Oh gods, I love Kek so much now.

Good luck OP. May Kek meme your dreams in to reality.

Read bible yourself instead of listening to heretical interpretations of it. And pray to Christ and ask Him for help in understanding and believing.

Start with New Testament and read old one later, its better that way. Its that simple.

cuckstianity is pozz, you'll never find a non pozzed cuck church.

This won't work. Cause you are lying to yourself in committing sin of hate anyway, and now you just want everyone to agree with it. Its like homosexuals who made up LGBT bible. Same shit, but different sin.

the bible forbids murder, not self defense
if there's a race war and i defend my people, there's no problem with that
also you don't have to hate to kill

I hope so too user.

I just picked a picture from my Holla Forums folder.
I am not violent, never have been but will if it's necessary.
I just want a church that isn't pro-faggot and pro-immigration.
I'm not asking for a church to be "1488, race war now! Gas the kikes!".
It's silly to even insinuate this, user.
Besides, the bible doesn't want you to murder, not to just take all without resistance.
There is a big difference.

It's refreshing to see that Holla Forums finally understands this point.

There's a commandment that might be relevant to this. Thou shalt not [verb].

I'm drawing a blank, mind helping me out?


yeah i guess all those guys who fought the philistines are going to hell amirite?
i guess david should have just sat back and let golliath cuck him right?
just ignore all those times God had people kill in self defense
just ignore the scripture telling you to sell your shirt to buy a sword
for fuck's sake have you actually even READ the bible?

You're not going to find faith by forcing yourself user. Think about the services you used to participate it; were they the thing that instilled faith in you?
Like you said, you have to find the faith in yourself. The church comes afterwards.
Of course you should go and have conversations with devout people, but the real initiative comes from within.

Don't mind the shills, especially the ones pretending to be christians condemning the nationalist ideology.

Keep searching, don't get discouraged, and you will find it. Without a doubt there's no true faith.

Thanks for pointing out how your faith has no internal consistency. I know of those times, but they were also in the old testament. I would ask you to source some of your retaliation passages from the new testament instead of relying on the Torah like some slimy kike.

There are some based christian churches, but honestly, if you want to joke about killing niggas tonight… god probably doesn't want you to find him.

Of course the main reason I'm looking for a church is the community.
I think that'd help me greatly in possibly finding faith again or, at the very least, a community of good people.
I have to make the best of everything, right?

And yeah, people spouting "muh christcuck" as well as the ones that claim christiannity is in conflict with nationalism won't be heard.
Why arethey on Holla Forums if they're not nationalists? It's literally the only thing Holla Forums can agree on.

user, where in the bible does it mention to be a complete pacisfist without agency?

Sure, I guess people aren't allowed to be people if they have faith.

Like I said, the faith has no internal consistency. Even Islam is more consistent since they practice doctrinal abrogation.

You have verses like:

And on and on. Then there's some vague passages that, I guess, could be somewhat retaliatory but retaliation is not exactly a theme in the bible. In fact, Jesus himself preached against retaliation. To pretend otherwise is pure disillusion.

that verse i referenced IS from the new testament you fucking faggot
Luke 22:36 - Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take [it], and likewise [his] scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

No user. In Christianity (and most religions), there is a division between the sacred and the profane.

You posting that image with this thread/topic shows that you're pretty damn far from holy mass.

See my post above. You know that the Bible isnt a book preaching retaliation so the occasional sprinkling of not uber-cuck verses is the exception that proves the rule that Christianity is a non-retaliatory meek religion.

Nope. More like non-vengeful meek disposition. That''s a huge difference you don't seem to understand.

Oh, so huge :)

Kek granted this get.


You are epic user!

Vengeance is so lame am I right? Praise Jesus :^)))))))))))))


Fascism is the only religion you need friend. Churches are good for meeting qt's though, so find a church filled with women your age and fix them

Keep all christian discussion in >>>/christian/

Yeah, it's a middle-eastern religion that explicitly states there are no individual nations.

Sorry user, but Cucktianity is going the way of the dinosaur.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life but I really wouldn't mind finding god again.
>implying I could meet a qt in Berlin.

I'll be honest, I didn't think of that.
I'll not bump the thread anymore.

Fatherland as Russia or Fatherland as Germany
if Germany you're fucked. Become your own church because the (((church))) has abandoned God.
if Russia stop being a faggot and join up with the Orthodoxy, not as flashy as catholicism but still largely uncucked and loyal to the bible.



The Jewish Church.
Do you think they racemix or act cucked?
Alternatively, the Muslim Church but you'd have to drastically change your lifestyle.

German user is allowed a sense of humor, not to mention excellent tastes in rap music.

I have already found a few non-pozzed churches, including ones affiliated with the link above, so with perseverance he will too. Maybe if you searched too you'd be freed of your illusions???

There is no need for vengeance or retaliation in personal affairs. I cannot see why you are so against repaying evil with good. Two wrongs do not make a right. On the other hand, the New Testament does not positively forbid self-defense, and has never been interpreted by the Church as doing so.

Anti-Christians are like Protestants. They feel free to take a passage out of context and derive an interpretation that suits them, even if it has no history in orthodox theology. If non-Christians would admit that the Church has never taught that self-defense is sinful, their argument would go away.

They don't exist anymore

So if Achmed rapes your daughter, you must forgive him? Hmm, this seems like that whole 'meekness' cancer I was talking about. I'm not trying to be a sophist, but taking your interpretation to its logical extremity means that the RWDS we opine for would be outside the bounds of godly law and thus not a desirable law. Of course that doesn't effect the veracity, but I don't think its true on its own merits regardless what I personally think of the laws themselves.

No user, I am saying the opposite.
If Achmed rapes my daughter he deserves death.
In fact, Achmed shouldn't even be here.

I don't disagree, but your holy book has many passages that would attempt to get you to stay your hand. That's my point. Christianity would work in an all white world, but we don't live on that world so it can't.

I know user.
I'm the OP looking for a church and maybe a way back into faith.
This doesn't mean I'm looking to stop being a fascist and nationalist.

Yes, but maybe your temple should be fascism. Instead of spending your hours in a church, maybe get politically involved in some way. Start your own podcast, learn photoshop (or GIMP) and make some memes for the cause. Anything of that sort would be infinitely more useful than attempting a vain quest to find some metaphysical lovepillow upon which you can thrust your woes. It's a delusion.

If you want though, go speak with any pastor or priest and explain Holla Forums views and see what he tells you. I promise you he won't be receptive and will cite many passages as to why he thinks that way. The Holla Forums deus vult larpers are some of the most misguided people I've ever known.

Son, I have an absolutely based church for you. It's called The Shepherds Chapel.

Every day they read the bible chapter and chapter, verse by verse so you will learn the word of god.

Join in The Shepherds Chapel youtube channel for a new hour long study, 5 days a week!


That is exactly was I was planing to do user.
You seem to underestimate your fellow user.
I wanted to start a podcast but the person I'd do it with is sadly too paranoid right now to put his neck on the line.
It has naught to do with my woes. I have none.
I love my life and I love myself.
I just think it'd be good if I was a believer again or at least met some decent people.
I can't really go wrong to at least attempt this pursuit.


Yes it'd be nice, but must you supplicate yourself to christianity simply because you want friends that aren't degenerates? Mind you, christians are major degenerates, sometimes even moreso. Just do things that require high agency and you'll be surprised at the moths you'll attract to your flame. For example, I enjoy rock climbing. Rock gyms are fertile grounds for whites and /fit/izens.

You have to remember that I'm not in the US.
It's different here.
I'm simply looking into it, hoping for the best.
I know I probably won't meet all that decent people here.
I'm moving away next year for plenty of reasons, this one being a major one of course.

Any more recommendations for hobbies like that?
I've always wanted to rock climb but completely forgot about it it.
I'm fit too so it might be a perfect match.

Where are you from?

I'm 24 but I recently got into sailing. There's nothing more exhilarating than piloting a 26 foot monstrosity with your own digits. I actually have my first license and intend to pursue other licenses. Eventually I'll have enough deck experience that I would be able to rent a boat in the Caribbean and island hop to different islands that are completely uninhabited.

I'm from glorious Germany.
Sailing might be good, I'm a bit too young now (21) but that sounds right up my alley for the future.

Diving, sailing, rock climbing, serious trail running, all great past times. Get a friend and take some long hikes, you'll have a blast. Bring a knife so you can gut some slimes you might encounter.

Just don't waste your time supplicating yourself to Jewish mind poison. Christianity is on its way out the door for a reason. Race is the most important issue, so believe in your people. A certain funnily-mustachioed gentleman once said that.

Will do user.
You seem like a good guy.
I wish you all the best.
I hope you already have, or will find, a qt waifu to have children with.

Thanks kameraden, I wish you the best in your endeavours as well. Sig Heil.

Sieg auch für dich mein Kamerad.

You mean the Orthodox Church whose leader marched with MLK when no other would?

Standing up for your ideals beats being a doormat anyday.
Thats why the orthodoxy rejects modern sjw-tier liberalism while the others threw away their scripture long ago.

Are you really defending participation in the civil rights movement?

Don't listen to these faggots.
Baptist, Lutheran, Evangelican - all HERETICS. They will burn.
I would tell you to go to a Catholic church, but the Vatican has been compromised.
Research the third secret of Fatima, and try to find a Ukrainian/Greek CATHOLIC (not orthodox - they're heretics too) in your area that still says the old mass.
DO NOT ATTEND A ROMAN CATHOLIC MASS. Most Catholics are pretty based but since vatican ii faggotry has begun creeping in, especially since his holiness (false pope francis), and anyways, the roman mass isn't valid anymore.
There's a shit ton of stuff on the web about what happened and what's going to happen. Including stuff about Martin Luther and how he poisoned Germany against the Church/diluted your beliefs/turned you all into cucks and communists.

Back in MLKs days, as a christian preacher?
I dont agree with it, but i respect someone who has solid ideals and stands by them.


I'd research prospective churches online. If they have events like, "food and clothing drive for refugees", you'll know to avoid them.

Most of them will have presence on social media, see if their congregation seems like a gaggle of cucks, or if they're decent people.

That's just the preliminary stuff to peruse at home before attending church services for further review.

The trad catholic milieu isn't 1488 but has a good concentration of relatively redpilled people. Look for a traditional latin mass in your area.

Heretical since the 16th Century Council of Trent, user.

Think again.

There is probably at least one traditional churches in the area if you live in a big city. Don't expect them to talk about race politics very much since church is a place of healing, and doesn't cover important political issues because it wants to be a place where people feel comfortable as a community, not a political forum.


Let's not inflate expectations. I go to these churches, my description is accurate.


Christian Identity (also known as Identity Christianity) (CI) is a white supremacist religion which advocates the view that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Nordic and kindred peoples are the descendants of the ancient Israelites and also the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is not an organized religion, instead it is independently practiced by individuals, churches and some prison gangs. Its white supremacist theology promotes a racial interpretation of Christianity. Christian Identity beliefs were primarily developed and promoted by two authors who considered Europeans to be the "chosen people" and Jews to be the cursed offspring of the "serpent hybrid" (in Dual Seedline Christian Identity) Cain. Many of these teachings were later adopted by white supremacist sects and gangs. Christian Identity also dictates that all non-whites (people not of wholly European descent) on the planet will either be exterminated or enslaved in order to serve the White race in the new Heavenly Kingdom on Earth under the reign of Jesus Christ. In conclusion, Christian Identity doctrine states that non-whites can never achieve salvation or paradise, instead it states that only "Adamic" (White people) can achieve salvation and paradise. Non-whites are referred to as mamzers or tares by adherents of Christian Identity.

source: wikijew

I approve.

Don't you have a kike you should be worshiping?

you have so much to learn user

Go to Vox Day's blog and check out his archive. He has a post on how to find a non cucked church.

I'm in the exact same situation as you.

Dude, Russia is the motherland (Rodina).


Honestly, user, I would suggest combining and just trying out churches until you find one that resonates with you.

If you want a recommendation:
And, of course, one of the Mormon detractors' favorite things to do is point out the relationships they had with Nazi Germany

Find the one closest to you
https:[email protected]/* */,13.342824,11&id=Berlin::Berlin::Germany:52.339630,13.089155,52.675454,13.761117

t. Mormon

All churches are pozzed
Abrahamic religions are blue-pilled as fuck

If god exist, he's not jewish and there are no written books about him.


What do you think they mean by "god," user?

Name five of those paintings.

Christian Identity is kinda cool, you should check it out user.


It's so fucking sad, I'm a Lutheran and I used to be proud of my church for its resistance to being worldly. I don't give them my money anymore, and I don't see the point in doing so again.

Man those Shi'a in the pic on the right. That shit they do, cutting themselves and whatever on that weird holiday. It's like Christian flagellants x 100.


This just means that christianity always was and always will be a fucking slave religion for dumb goys who like to be controlled by jews.

Reported for intl.


FSSPX Deutschland

Join your local Society of Saint Pious X church group. If you are a student also join your local Burschenshaft.

Info on fsspx, "

Holy unsourced article, Batman.

just pray to kek, faggot. we have more proof of his existence than some stick-yid.

I feel you, OP. All Protestant churches AFAIK are the biggest Israel shills. I just had to sit on my hands when they did the inevitable jew-loving and rabbi worshipping.

Orthodox/Catholic is where it's at. Catholic, go to FSSP, or SSPX even better. Traditional Catholic churches are your best bet. There are forums like fisheaters.org If you get a good one where women wear head coverings so they don't distract, etc, it's really great. Where else could I publicly oppose gay marriage/adoption, etc? I never bring up the jew, for obvious reasons.

SSPX is more hardcore, FSSP is more just focused on the Latin mass, but go to one and people there will be able to tell you about other groups, etc, because we all go in the same circles.

Good luck.

Quads confirm, cucksitanity is a slave religion for dumb goys.


because you worship one :^)

That isn't likely to happen, so prepare yourself. These days, most churches and people calling themselves Christian, are modernist heretics.

If anyone would know if there are any true Christians and/or churches in your area, it would be the brothers at www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com.

Look over their material, they have books and documentaries on youtube that explain what's going on.

Also, pray the rosary. Get to the point where you're praying all 15 decades every day. I can't recommend that strongly enough.

Utter nonsense. Leave it to the wikijew.

The devil always takes a truth ans twists it a little bit.

Cain is the son of Satan. He is not in Adams line.

Mary was beguiled by satan and beguiled means "wholly seduced". Yes that means she had sex with the devil and that is how she birthed Cain. The idea that she ate some fruit is just false teaching.

Able on the other hand is from Adams seed.

The sons of Cain, who are now part of the modern day Jews, would like to keep the world from knowing this. This is why they are the synagogue of satan and literally the sons of satan.

Also, in Genesis is states that men were created on the sixth day. These are the races of the world. God saw that all he created was good.

Adam was created in the image of god on the eighth day. He was capable of becoming red in the face. This is a trait only of whites.

Nowhere does it state in the bible that non-whites cannot achieve salvation. Teachers of these facts do not claim this either. This is just false teaching and or false reporting by the wikijew to shamecuck christians to think that these are evil teachings. This is because satan likes to hide the truth.

All are capable of salvation under the new covenant, through jesus christ.

However, let there be no cucking on race mixing. There is a distinct and repeated instruction from god that nations, that is different races, are to live amongst themselves and not mix. This has always been the case since the beginning.

The context of the "…neither jew nor greek…" scripture was around everyone being capable of obtaining SALVATION not that all should engage in RACEMIXING which is an abomination. God created the races to be different for a reason.


Anywhere that performs the traditional mass. I've even noticed a huge difference at the same church between the people that attend NO mass and Latin mass. NO seems to be a containment mass for weak liberal christians and ethnic minorities.

At the Latin mass I attend, there is only two ethnic people out of the 50-100 that attend. They're a jap mother and daughter.

Hillsong and churches based on its styles are what I would suggest.

Not necessarily. Watch the video to learn about the SSPX, for example. Also, race is irrelevant when it comes to the faith and membership in Gods' church.

You mean MLK the racist, coke-snorting, woman-beating, prostitute-fucking Marxist plagiarist adulterer who was a willing catspaw for the Feds?

here, fam fundamental.org/fundamental/churches/

You need to go to a Freikirche (AKA the German equivalent of a Baptist/Independent Bible church).


pick one, user. The religion itself it pozzed, not individual pastors. Why do you subscribe to semitic, love-those-who-hate-you-and-inflict-harm-on-you bullshit? The pathological altruism that is written into it is part of why things have gotten so bad in the first place.

And yet, things have only gotten bad after the influence of the Church has declined immensely. When Christianity was all present in Europe, people didn't have issues with pathological altruism at all. This is not a comment on the text within the Bible, just history.