Essay from a teacher at a black high school

The truth is usually a tough thing to accept, so I understand if this is flagged. It would be a cowardly thing to do, but I understand it. Some people just ignore unpleasant truths. However, if you think ignoring the problem, or trying to censor the truth, will help our black children improve, you're dreaming. This is important, so I'm happy to repost - indefinitely if necessary. I find it interesting that NO ONE has had the intellect to refute anything in the essay. They can only attempt to censor it, as if doing so somehow makes it invalid. Weak minds, weak minds.

Until recently I taught at a predominantly black high school in a southeastern state.

The mainstream press gives a hint of what conditions are like in black schools, but only a hint. Expressions journalists use like "chaotic" or "poor learning environment" or "lack of discipline" do not capture what really happens. There is nothing like the day-to-day experience of teaching black children and that is what I will try to convey.

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Most whites simply do not know what black people are like in large numbers, and the first encounter can be a shock.

One of the most immediately striking things about my students was that they were loud. They had little conception of ordinary decorum. It was not unusual for five blacks to be screaming at me at once. Instead of calming down and waiting for a lull in the din to make their point – something that occurs to even the dimmest white students – blacks just tried to yell over each other.

It did no good to try to quiet them, and white women were particularly inept at trying. I sat in on one woman's class as she begged the children to pipe down. They just yelled louder so their voices would carry over hers.

Many of my black students would repeat themselves over and over again – just louder. It was as if they suffered from Tourette syndrome. They seemed to have no conception of waiting for an appropriate time to say something. They would get ideas in their heads and simply had to shout them out. I might be leading a discussion on government and suddenly be interrupted: "We gotta get more Democrats! Clinton, she good!" The student may seem content with that outburst but two minutes later, he would suddenly start yelling again: "Clinton good!"

Anyone who is around young blacks will probably get a constant diet of rap music. Blacks often make up their own jingles, and it was not uncommon for 15 black boys to swagger into a classroom, bouncing their shoulders and jiving back.

They were yelling back and forth, rapping 15 different sets of words in the same harsh, rasping dialect. The words were almost invariably a childish form of boasting: "Who got dem shine rim, who got dem shine shoe, who got dem shine grill (gold and silver dental caps)?" The amateur rapper usually ends with a claim–in the crudest terms imaginable – that all womankind is sexually devoted to him. For whatever reason, my students would often groan instead of saying a particular word, as in, "She suck dat aaahhhh (think of a long grinding groan), she f**k dat aaaahhhh, she lick dat aaaahhh."

Black women love to dance – in a way white people might call gyrating. So many black girls dance in the hall, in the classroom, on the chairs, next to the chairs, under the chairs, everywhere. Once I took a call on my cell phone and had to step outside of class. I was away about two minutes but when I got back the black girls had lined up at the front of the classroom and were convulsing to the delight of the boys.

Many black people, especially black women, are enormously fat. Some are so fat I had to arrange special seating to accommodate their bulk. I am not saying there are no fat white students – there are – but it is a matter of numbers and attitudes. Many black girls simply do not care that they are fat. There are plenty of white anorexics, but I have never met or heard of a black anorexic.

"Black women be big Mr. Jackson," my students would explain.

"Is it okay in the black community to be a little overweight?" I ask. Two obese black girls in front of my desk begin to dance, "You know dem boys lak juicy fruit, Mr. Jackson." "Juicy" is a colorful black expression for the buttocks.

Blacks, on average, are the most directly critical people I have ever met: "Dat shirt stupid. Yo' kid a bastard. Yo' lips big." Unlike whites, who tread gingerly around the subject of race, they can be brutally to the point. Once I needed to send a student to the office to deliver a message. I asked for volunteers, and suddenly you would think my classroom was a bastion of civic engagement. Thirty dark hands shot into the air. My students loved to leave the classroom and slack off, even if just for a few minutes, away from the eye of white authority. I picked a light-skinned boy to deliver the message. One very black student was indignant: "You pick da half-breed." And immediately other blacks take up the cry, and half a dozen mouths are screaming, "He half-breed."
For decades, the country has been lamenting the poor academic performance of blacks and there is much to lament. There is no question, however, that many blacks come to school with a serious handicap that is not their fault. At home they have learned a dialect that is almost a different language. Blacks not only mispronounce words; their grammar is often wrong. When a black wants to ask, "Where is the bathroom?" he may actually say "Whar da badroom be?" Grammatically, this is the equivalent of "Where the bathroom is?" And this is the way they speak in high school. Students write the way they speak, so this is the language that shows up in written assignments.

It is true that some whites face a similar handicap. They speak with what I would call a "country" accent that is hard to reproduce but results in sentences such as "I'm gonna gemme a Coke." Some of these country whites had to learn correct pronunciation and usage. The difference is that most whites overcome this handicap and learn to speak correctly; many blacks do not.

Most of the blacks I taught simply had no interest in academic subjects. I taught history, and students would often say they didn't want to do an assignment or they didn't like history because it was all about white people. Of course, this was "diversity" history, in which every cowboy's black cook got a special page on how he contributed to winning the West, but black children still found it inadequate. So I would throw up my hands and assign them a project on a real, historical black person. My favorite was Marcus Garvey. They had never heard of him, and I would tell them to research him, but they never did. They didn't care and they didn't want to do any work.

Anyone who teaches blacks soon learns that they have a completely different view of government from whites. Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by having students write about one thing the government should do to improve America. I gave this question to three classes totaling about 100 students, approximately 80 of whom were black. My few white students came back with generally "conservative" ideas. "We need to cut off people who don't work," was the most common suggestion. Nearly every black gave a variation on the theme of "We need more government services."

My students had only the vaguest notion of who pays for government services. For them, it was like a magical piggy bank that never goes empty. One black girl was exhorting the class on the need for more social services and I kept trying to explain that people, real live people, are taxed for the money to pay for those services. "Yeah, it come from whites," she finally said. "They stingy anyway."

"Many black people make over $50,000 dollars a year and you would also be taking away from your own people," I said.

She had an answer to that: "Dey half breed." The class agreed. I let the subject drop.

Many black girls are perfectly happy to be welfare queens. On career day, one girl explained to the class that she was going to have lots of children and get fat checks from the government. No one in the class seemed to have any objection to this career choice.

Surprising attitudes can come out in class discussion. We were talking about the crimes committed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and I brought up the rape of a young girl in the bathroom of the Superdome. A majority of my students believed this was a horrible crime but a few took it lightly. One black boy spoke up without raising his hand: "Dat no big deal. They thought they is gonna die so they figured they have some fun. Dey jus' wanna have a fun time; you know what I'm sayin'?" A few black heads nodded in agreement.

My department head once asked all the teachers to get a response from all students to the following question: "Do you think it is okay to break the law if it will benefit you greatly?" By then, I had been teaching for a while and was not surprised by answers that left a young, liberal, white woman colleague aghast. "Yeah" was the favorite answer. As one student explained, "Get dat green."

There is a level of conformity among blacks that whites would find hard to believe. They like one kind of music: rap. They will vote for one political party: Democrat. They dance one way, speak one way, are loud the same way, and fail their exams in the same way. Of course, there are exceptions but they are rare.

Whites are different. Some like country music, others heavy metal, some prefer pop, and still others, God forbid, enjoy rap music. They have different associations, groups, almost ideologies. There are jocks, nerds, preppies, and hunters. Blacks are all – well – black, and they are quick to let other blacks know when they deviate from the norm.

One might object that there are important group differences among blacks that a white man simply cannot detect. I have done my best to find them, but so far as I can tell, they dress the same, talk the same, think the same. Certainly, they form rival groups, but the groups are not different in any discernible way. There simply are no groups of blacks that are as distinctly different from each other as white "nerds," "hunters," or "Goths," for example.

How the world looks to blacks: One point on which all blacks agree is that everything is "racis'." This is one message of liberalism they have absorbed completely. Did you do your homework? "Na, homework racis'." Why did you get an F on the test? "Test racis'."

I was trying to teach a unit on British philosophers and the first thing the students noticed about Bentham, Hobbes, and Locke was "Dey all white! Where da black philosopher a'?" I tried to explain there were no blacks in eighteenth century Britain. You can probably guess what they said to that: "Dat racis'!" One student accused me of deliberately failing him on a test because I didn't like black people.

"Do you think I really hate black people?"
"Have I done anything to make you feel this way? How do you know?"
"You just do."
"Why do you say that?"

He just smirked, looked out the window, and sucked air through his teeth. Perhaps this was a regional thing, but the blacks often sucked air through their teeth as a wordless expression of disdain or hostility.

My students were sometimes unable to see the world except through the lens of their own blackness. I had a class that was host to a German exchange student. One day he put on a Power Point presentation with famous German landmarks as well as his school and family.

From time to time during the presentation, blacks would scream, "Where da black folk?!" The exasperated German tried several times to explain that there were no black people where he lived in Germany. The students did not believe him. I told them Germany is in Europe, where white people are from, and Africa is where black people are from. They insisted that the German student was racist, and deliberately refused to associate with blacks.

Blacks are keenly interested in their own racial characteristics. I have learned, for example, that some blacks have "good hair." Good hair is black parlance for black-white hybrid hair. Apparently, it is less kinky, easier to style, and considered more attractive. Blacks are also proud of light skin. Imagine two black students shouting insults across the room. One is dark but slim; the other light and obese. The dark one begins the exchange: "You fat, Ridario!" Ridario smiles, doesn't deign to look at his detractor, shakes his head like a wobbling top, and says, "You wish you light skinned."

They could go on like this, repeating the same insults over and over.

My black students had nothing but contempt for Hispanic immigrants. They would vent their feelings so crudely that our department strongly advised us never to talk about immigration in class in case the principal or some outsider might overhear.

Whites were "racis'," of course, but they thought of us at least as Americans. Not the Mexicans. Blacks have a certain, not necessarily hostile understanding of white people. They know how whites act, and it is clear they believe whites are smart and are good at organizing things. At the same time, they probably suspect whites are just putting on an act when they talk about equality, as if it is all a sham that makes it easier for whites to control blacks. Blacks want a bigger piece of the American pie. I'm convinced that if it were up to them they would give whites a considerably smaller piece than whites get now, but they would give us something. They wouldn't give Mexicans anything.

This wonderful. Nice Op

What about black boys and white girls? No one is supposed to notice this or talk about it but it is glaringly obvious: Black boys are obsessed with white girls. I've witnessed the following drama countless times. A black boy saunters up to a white girl. The cocky black dances around her, not really in a menacing way. It's more a shuffle than a threat. As he bobs and shuffles he asks, "When you gonna go wit' me?"

There are two kinds of reply. The more confident white girl gets annoyed, looks away from the black and shouts, "I don't wanna go out with you!" The more demure girl will look at her feet and mumble a polite excuse but ultimately say no.

There is only one response from the black boy: "You racis'." Many girls – all too many – actually feel guilty because they do not want to date blacks. Most white girls at my school stayed away from blacks, but a few, particularly the ones who were addicted to drugs, fell in with them.

There is something else that is striking about blacks. They seem to have no sense of romance, of falling in love. What brings men and women together is sex, pure and simple, and there is a crude openness about this. There are many degenerate whites, of course, but some of my white students were capable of real devotion and tenderness, emotions that seemed absent from blacks – especially the boys.

Black schools are violent and the few whites who are too poor to escape are caught in the storm. The violence is astonishing, not so much that it happens, but the atmosphere in which it happens. Blacks can be smiling, seemingly perfectly content with what they are doing, having a good time, and then, suddenly start fighting. It's uncanny. Not long ago, I was walking through the halls and a group of black boys were walking in front of me. All of a sudden they started fighting with another group in the hallway.

Blacks are extraordinarily quick to take offense. Once I accidentally scuffed a black boy's white sneaker with my shoe. He immediately rubbed his body up against mine and threatened to attack me. I stepped outside the class and had a security guard escort the student to the office. It was unusual for students to threaten teachers physically this way, but among themselves, they were quick to fight for similar reasons.

The real victims are the unfortunate whites caught in this. They are always in danger and their educations suffer. White weaklings are particularly susceptible, but mostly to petty violence. They may be slapped or get a couple of kicks when they are trying to open a bottom locker. Typically, blacks save the hard, serious violence for each other.

There was a lot of promiscuous sex among my students and this led to violence. Black girls were constantly fighting over black boys. It was not uncommon to see two girls literally ripping each other's hair out with a police officer in the middle trying to break up the fight. The black boy they were fighting over would be standing by with a smile, enjoying the show he had created. For reasons I cannot explain, boys seldom fought over girls.

Pregnancy was common among the blacks, though many black girls were so fat I could not tell the difference. I don't know how many girls got abortions, but when they had the baby they usually stayed in school and had their own parents look after the child. The school did not offer daycare.

is* wonderful

Bit stale m8. You could have linked to it.

Aside from the police officers constantly on patrol, a sure sign that you are in a black school is the coke cage: the chain-link fence that many majority-black schools use to protect vending machines. The cage surrounds the machine and even covers its top. Delivery employees have to unlock a gate on the front of the cage to service the machines. Companies would prefer not to build cages around vending machines. They are expensive, ugly, and a bother, but black students smashed the machines so many times it was cheaper to build a cage than repair the damage. Rumor had it that before the cages went up blacks would turn the machines upside down in the hope that the money would fall out.

Security guards are everywhere in black schools – we had one on every hall. They also sat in on unruly classes and escorted students to the office. They were unarmed, but worked closely with the three city police officers who were constantly on duty. There was a lot of drug-dealing at my school. This was a good way to make a fair amount of money but it also gave boys power over girls who wanted drugs. An addicted girl – black or white – became the plaything of anyone who could get her drugs.

One of my students was a notorious drug dealer. Everyone knew it. He was 19 years old and in eleventh grade. Once he got a score of three out of 100 on a test. He had been locked up four times since he was 13.

One day, I asked him, "Why do you come to school?"

He wouldn't answer. He just looked out the window, smiled, and sucked air through his teeth. His friend Yidarius ventured an explanation: "He get dat green and get dem females."

"What is the green?" I asked. "Money or dope?" "Both," said Yidarius with a smile.

A very fat black interrupted from across the room: "We get dat lunch," Mr. Jackson. "We gotta get dat lunch and brickfuss." He means the free breakfast and lunch poor students get every day. "Nigga, we know'd you be lovin' brickfuss!" shouts another student.

Some readers may believe that I have drawn a cruel caricature of black students. After all, according to official figures some 85 percent of them graduate. It would be instructive to know how many of those scraped by with barely a C- record. They go from grade to grade and they finally get their diplomas because there is so much pressure on teachers to push them through. It saves money to move them along, the school looks good, and the teachers look good.

Many of these children should have been failed, but the system would crack under their weight if they were all held back.

How did my experiences make me feel about blacks? Ultimately, I lost sympathy for them. In so many ways they seem to make their own beds. There they were in an integrationist's fantasy–in the same classroom with white students, eating the same lunch, using the same bathrooms, listening to the same teachers–and yet the blacks fail while the whites pass.

One tragic outcome among whites who have been teaching for too long is that it can engender something close to hatred. One teacher I knew gave up fast food–not for health reasons but because where he lived most fast-food workers were black. He had enough of blacks on the job. This was an extreme example but years of frustration can take their toll. Many of my white colleagues with any experience were well on their way to that state of mind.

There is an unutterable secret among teachers: Almost all realize that blacks do not respond to traditional white instruction. Does that put the lie to environmentalism? Not at all. It is what brings about endless, pointless innovation that is supposed to bring blacks up to the white level. The solution is more diversity–or put more generally, the solution is change. Change is an almost holy word in education, and you can fail a million times as long as you keep changing. That is why liberals keep revamping the curriculum and the way it is taught. For example, teachers are told that blacks need hands-on instruction and more group work.

Teachers are told that blacks are more vocal and do not learn through reading and lectures. The implication is that they have certain traits that lend themselves to a different kind of teaching.

Whites have learned a certain way for centuries but it just doesn't work with blacks. Of course, this implies racial differences but if pressed, most liberal teachers would say different racial learning styles come from some indefinable cultural characteristic unique to blacks. Therefore, schools must change, America must change. But into what? How do you turn quantum physics into hands-on instruction or group work? No one knows, but we must keep changing until we find something that works.

Isn't this an old AmRen article? Still decent

Public school has certainly changed since anyone reading this was a student. I have a friend who teaches elementary school, and she tells me that every week the students get a new diversity lesson, shipped in fresh from some bureaucrat's office in Washington or the state capital. She showed me the materials for one week: a large poster, about the size of a forty-two inch flat-screen television. It shows an utterly diverse group – I mean diverse: handicapped, Muslim, Jewish, effeminate, poor, rich, brown, slightly brown, yellow, etc.–sitting at a table, smiling gaily, accomplishing some undefined task. The poster comes with a sheet of questions the teacher is supposed to ask. One might be: "These kids sure look different, but they look happy. Can you tell me which one in the picture is an American?"

Some eight-year-old, mired in ignorance, will point to a white child like himself. "That one."

The teacher reads from the answer, conveniently printed along with the question. "No, Billy, all these children are Americans. They are just as American as you."

The children get a snack, and the poster goes up on the wall until another one comes a week later. This is what happens at predominately white, middle-class, elementary schools everywhere. Elementary school teachers love All of the Colors of the Race, by award-winning children's poet Arnold Adoff.

These are some of the lines they read to the children: "Mama is chocolate . . . Daddy is vanilla . . . Me (sic) is better . . . It is a new color. It is a new flavor. For love. Sometimes blackness seems too black for me, and whiteness is too sickly pale; and I wish every one were golden. Remember: long ago before people moved and migrated, and mixed and matched . . . there was one people: one color, one race. The colors are flowing from what was before me to what will be after. All the colors." Teaching as a career: It may come as a surprise after what I have written, but my experiences have given me a deep appreciation for teaching as a career. It offers a stable, middle-class life but comes with the capacity to make real differences in the lives of children. In our modern, atomized world children often have very little communication with adults – especially, or even, with their parents – so there is potential for a real transaction between pupil and teacher, disciple and master.

A rewarding relationship can grow up between an exceptional, interested student and his teacher. I have stayed in my classroom with a group of students discussing ideas and playing chess until the janitor kicked us out. I was the old gentleman, imparting my history, culture, personal loves and triumphs, defeats and failures to young kinsman. Sometimes I fancied myself Tyrtaeus, the Spartan poet, who counseled the youth to honor and loyalty. I never had this kind intimacy with a black student, and I know of no other white teacher who did.

Teaching can be fun. For a certain kind of person it is exhilarating to map out battles on chalkboards, and teach heroism. It is rewarding to challenge liberal prejudices, to leave my mark on these children, but what I aimed for with my white students I could never achieve with the blacks.

There is a kind of child whose look can melt your heart: some working-class castaway, in and out of foster homes, often abused, who is nevertheless almost an angel. Your heart melts for these children, this refuse of the modern world.

Many white students possess a certain innocence; their cheeks still blush. Try as I might, I could not get the blacks to care one bit about Beethoven or Sherman's march to the sea, or Tyrtaeus, or Oswald Spengler, or even liberals like John Rawls, or their own history. They cared about nothing I tried to teach them. When this goes on year after year it chokes the soul out of a teacher, destroys his pathos, and sends him guiltily searching for The Bell Curve on the Internet.

Blacks break down the intimacy that can be achieved in the classroom, and leave you convinced that that intimacy is really a form of kinship. Without intending to, they destroy what is most beautiful–whether it be your belief in human equality, your daughter's innocence, or even the state of the hallway.

Just last year I read on the bathroom stall the words "F**k Whitey." Not two feet away, on the same stall, was a small swastika.

The National Council for the Social Studies, the leading authority on social science education in the United States, urges teachers to inculcate such values as equality of opportunity, individual property rights, and a democratic form of government. Even if teachers could inculcate this milquetoast ideology into whites, liberalism is doomed because so many non-whites are not receptive to education of any kind beyond the merest basics.

It is impossible to get them to care about such abstractions as property rights or democratic citizenship. They do not see much further than the fact that you live in a big house and "we in da pro-jek." Of course, there are a few loutish whites who will never think past their next meal and a few sensitive blacks for whom anything is possible, but no society takes on the characteristics of its exceptions.

Once I asked my students, "What do you think of the Constitution?" "It white," one slouching black rang out. The class began to laugh. And I caught myself laughing along with them, laughing while Pompeii's volcano simmers, while the barbarians swell around the Palatine, while the country I love, and the job I love, and the community I love become dimmer by the day.

I read a book by an expatriate Rhodesian who visited Zimbabwe not too many years ago. Traveling with a companion, she stopped at a store along the highway. A black man materialized next to her car window. "Job, boss, (I) work good, boss," he pleaded. "You give job."

"What happened to your old job?" the expatriate white asked. The black man replied in the straightforward manner of his race: "We drove out the whites. No more jobs. You give job."

At some level, my students understand the same thing. One day I asked the bored, black faces staring back at me. "What would happen if all the white people in America disappeared tomorrow?"

"We screwed," a young, pitch-black boy screamed back. The rest of the blacks laughed.

I have had children tell me to my face as they struggled with an assignment. "I cain't do dis," Mr. Jackson. "I black."

The point is that human beings are not always rational. It is in the black man's interest to have whites in Zimbabwe but he drives them out and starves. Most whites do not think black Americans could ever do anything so irrational. They see blacks on television smiling, fighting evil whites, embodying white values. But the real black is not on television, and you pull your purse closer when you see him, and you lock the car doors when he swaggers by with his pants hanging down almost to his knees.

For those of you with children, better a smaller house in a white district than a fancy one near a black school.

I have been in parent-teacher conferences that broke my heart: the child pleading with his parents to take him out of school; the parents convinced their child's fears are groundless. If you love your child, show her you care – not by giving her fancy vacations or a car, but making her innocent years safe and happy. Give her the gift of a not-heavily black school..

I've read this years ago. Pretty well written essay.

just to lighten the mood

This is a weblog written by a real life special education teacher.

First I had read it was today. Randomly stumbled upon it on craigslist while trying to find the post where the user in the other thread is trying to go berserker mode on all antifa in his area.

This always does the rounds but you never forget it, it's the horror of what awaits schools that courts order to bus in a thousand negroes and end it as a viable option for any non black student.s

Good post, even though it's an oldie. I laughed because my high school was majority black and had the coke cage. I understood perfectly what it was for.

i dont why i find this so amusing.

shieeet. you think reading about it is bad. you should try being in school with them. i'm not shitting you when i say there were 3 white kids in the entire middleschool and one was some kinda jew (said he was italian, dont habeeb it)

the hate is real.
had history (african studies) and they decided it would be a good idea to take a whole week off of "learning" (which was arts and crafts, no lie. we made fucking mud pots and bead jewlery for an academic grade.) to watch, in its entirety, the movie roots.

needless to say after the back of my skull healed up i left that place.

they're savage chimps. you can hardly call them human.
Another fun read about someone experience.


I have not read this before. Thank you for posting. It's what we all already knew, but that doesn't make it any less pleasant to read.

I shudder to think

Makes me so angry there are parents who send their kids to these places out of virtue signalling bullshit and teaching their kid 'diversity'.

Probably just as bad with spics now too.

And this is why even "based" sic blacks must go.

The year before I entered high school, they started shipping spics from the overcrowded city high school to ours. By the time I graduated there was a daycare center in our previously 90% white, non-teen pregnancy having school. This was nearly 15 years ago.

I'm pretty sure my history teacher from high school wrote this

Were you the half breed he was talking about?


This was a large part of why I stopped working in education.

Being as my only serious career experience had been in education, after I quit being a teacher I went back to my college job - the service industry. Let me tell you, the school is not the only place that will ruin your view of black people. I was a server and a bartender for several years, and even other black servers and bartenders hate dealing with black customers. Even the most ghetto "how-did-you-get-a-job?" black server cannot stand having to deal with a black table, and for good reason.

I've worked in cheaper bars, in more upscale restaurants, in touristy joints, in a number of different major cities in the United States. Doesn't matter where you are - West Coast, Midwest, down South - if you have to deal with a fight, if you have to deal with someone trying to get a free meal or drink for no reason, if someone is being loud and disruptive, if someone can't read a menu, if someone is dressed and behaved extremely inappropriately for the environment, it is 95% of the time a black person. The absolute neediest people, and the least likely to pay for your services, is definitely a black person.

Don't get me wrong, there are horrible white customers, and there are perfectly fine black customers. But those are both rarities. You are surprised when you get an asshole white person who seems utterly incompetent at life. You are surprised when you get a black person who deals with you like a reasonable human being.

This is true regardless of apparent socio-economic status. Just as when I was a teacher, people of all races seem more intelligent and kind and reasonable if they come from a middle class background, and speak as if they have some education. But the average middle class black person is still far below the average lower class white or Asian person.

It took me a long time to admit this to myself. I grew up pretty left-wing, and I dreamed that all humans are equal, part of one race with different colors. It is not true, and experience will teach that to anyone who can see past their ideology and will keep an open mind to experience. Just as different breeds of dog can be wildly different in inherent nature, yet still be the same species, so it is with humans. Africans and Europeans developed for thousands of years as different breeding populations, experiencing different survival pressures, sexually selecting different traits, spreading different genes. It would be exceptionally surprising if we were exactly the same, save skin color.

We are not the same people. I do not hate black people. I simply realize that people build societies that are suited to their biological tendencies. Chimps cannot succeed in Lion society. Whites cannot succeed in a society developed for black success. Blacks cannot succeed in a society tailored to white success. And, since white society is extremely more effective in the real world, blacks will always be at the bottom of any mixed-race society.

We need real diversity in the world, which comes from preserving our own people in our own societies. The African population needs to be given a chance to develop their own society without the interference of other groups, and the European population needs to quit dumbing down their society by mixing so heavily and trying to accommodate those not suited to it.

So, I'm with the new 4th wave Intersectional Feminist SJWs on this one - segregation. The races need to be treated differently, and they need their own spaces. Segregation will better us all.

Pic related - it's the Black Safe Space.

mother literally a fat bitch libshit with glasses and dyed hair (black not red) step dad actually named chad and is full cuckshed "dont talk to me or my wifes son ever again" status. father is cuckservative, stepmom a pill popping jew. i am an user through and through eating tendies while being a wagecuck.
sage for offtopic blogpost
but yeah, libshit parents need a reality check.

great post, the server thing is 100% true and I've even seen it brought up on reddit of all places. It is very common to see that specifically mentioned as a "turning point" for middle of the road types

cap semi-related

yeah, i think it was first or second grade that we got our first "diversity student" just one black kid. about 15 years or so indeed.

now we have the occasional pack of them running around. causing trouble.

it really is like they're being imported
forgot to sage last time

Wow, that could come straight out of Huxley's Brave New World.

bump for visibility

semi-polite sage because what the fuck is this, American renaissance?

Pick one

Not even niggers are safe there

Forgive me, anons, have another bump

True. But that is their home and their problem to deal with. We are not doing them any favors by giving them the ghettos and dem programs.

They, just as we, need to unite as a people and develop as a people. Just as we need to face and overcome our own problems, so do they. Neither of us are benefiting by pretending to share a society.

We have a somewhat related "poem" here in Norway, the smileys indicate how you do with your eyes using your hands.


Africa is a continent rich with resources. Seems a waste to let niggers own the place.

I say throw the niggers in the bog or dump them in the ocean.

I read a similar article from Vice before it was pozzed. And when it was still printed. Except it didn't come from a racial angle. I don't know where you can find the articles nowadays so I can show you guys. Other than the books of old ass articles that is. I used to have one.

Have you seen what happens during test day when you're the the only white in the class?

They will run towards the white man and obnoxiously scream "AAAAYYY OOOH WHAT THE ANSWER TO DAT QUESTION?" while the teacher pretends like nothing ever happens

public schooling was my first red pill on how nogs and spics behave

Quality thread.

And this is the most infuriating thing.

For some comfortably middle class white academic who uses the word 'postmodernism' a lot; the constant accusations of racism are some kind of serious plea from an alienated class about deep, subconscious inequality in society. They don't fucking get it that to these niggers 'das racis' is the standard response to absolutely anything and anyone they don't like. Its like a horseshoe theory of intelligence. The dumbest of the dumb are taken seriously by the best educated to mutual ruin.

And again, this is what these liberals don't get; blacks are irony of ironies, race realists. They classify themselves according to a racial hierarchy (like the spics), they hate the spics (and the spics hate them) and realise whitey is what keeps 1st world living standards running but they also realise whitey is absolutely terrified of being called a racist and use this to milk the welfare cow.

They are literally parasites, not even being edgy here; that's just the best description of it all. They know that they're inferiors and so commit themselves to leeching off the milk of white civilisation

Article mentions and quotes (((Arnold Adoff)))'s poem "All of the Colors of the Race"

I seriously doubt my mum would have gone full race realist if it wasn't for her being a teacher

You're lucky you only have to teach the negro, i was the only white boy in an all black ghetto, the more the left will push this it makes two things.
1. A rise in neo nazism,
Let's face it any reasonable white man will realise this fact and turn to the only people who seem to care. And everything about them changes. Radicalization happens easy.
2. A greater Hatred for the rich bastards.
I'm poor myself the rich should burn for what they do as they are the ones pushing this they push this onto us and we hate it. As the wage gap between the 1% and the poor grow the more we are heading to 1917 russia and fast, it can go only two ways and i think it will go to the right.


You can take the ape out of the jungle but…

What did she say British nigs are like? There's no data on them here because our wonderful egalitarian monarchy believe IQ is harmful witchcraft. The ones I've met are significantly louder and dumber than whites but I've only encountered them in already selective environments.

Public dollars spent educating niggers is a waste. We could have a moon and possibly a Mars base with all the money we've wasted on nigger education over the past 70 years.

They are the same everywhere. Loud, animalistic, aggressive and dumber than bricks.

Thanks OP, I hadn't read this in a while and I was actually thinking about it just this morning.

Secret from the depths of the black mind: If they find out that something annoys white people, then they will do it as often and as loudly as possible.

What we need to do is start pretending that blacks acting like good, normal white people annoys us more than anything. If black people believe that, then they'll start acting white and stop being so damn niggerish.

straya so the diversity is mainly islanders, low tier asians and muslims. Teachers refer to these groups euphemistically as "low socio economic". Islanders may as well just be nigs. The blacks that are here are fresh out of somalia or some shithole so they're all full boogaboo. We literally just have a gang of "youths" show up to every public event in the city and cause chaos now. (((Someone))) seems to be mass importing them. deport these chimps to Africa and kill those who refuse to comply voluntarily.

You can't deport citizens, you can only learn to control them.

Russians have a wonderful saying just about that. It was originally intended for Jews masquerading as Russians by obtaining citizenship:
"You get punched in your face, not in your passport"

Can confirm from my own experiences.


The United States is not Russia. In order to deport citizens, several amendments will have to be repealed from the Constitution. Those same amendments protect you, too.

Great read OP, but now I'm wondering why are there several essays like this on blacks but none on Hispanics. As a white guy I spent my entire childhood trapped in 90% Hispanic schools, and they seemed to behave almost like blacks. A different sort of hell.

They aren't quite as bad as blacks. They're like the lite version of niggers, in my experience.

As the most violent chimps continue to remove the weak non-psychotic ones from the gene pool, students will have to get cages around their desks in a couple of decades.

I'm fairly sure the government can basically revoke citizenship on a whim?


Lmao fucking niggers

See I thought maybe the opposite was happening, violent nogs kill each other off before age 25. They manage to have 2 or 4 kids before then but those kill each other off too. The weaker nogs survive because they avoid the violence or their mom moves them into a cheap apartment in a somewhat decent school district.

Well the thing is there is a pretty broad spectrum from a small but notable elite that is pretty much pure european to a large middle class that is mixed to some degree and then a small underclass with mostly native origin.

That said even the worst spics aren't QUITE as bad as your average city ape.

And only around whiteys cages, and they will be blamed for racism and oppression etc.

In America, the last line is: and I'm all fucked up.

it was first published on marty nemko's blog but he took it down years ago

That's no nigger, that's a fucking wraith.

throw them in the ocean, they just become fish food, which you have to eat.

Throw them in the bog and one day they will become oil!

now that's the best solution.

It's not that I don't believe this person but the way he writes suggests that he is trying to come off sound so smart. Such a tryhard. The language isn't natural. And I'm not saying that him using big words is the problem just that the lexicon seems robotic.

Webm related.
Don't reveal your name, use a VPN.

Question: how many teachers are redpilled? (as a rough % of the teacher population)

their mom moves them into a cheap apartment in a somewhat decent school district.


I got into an argument with a niggress once who was saying that the constitution needed to be "deleted" because it was written by white people. Didn't matter how much I broke down the history of our constitution or that we make amendments to it. She, and another nigger, continued to say that because "racists" wrote it, it was white "supremist". It was too damn stupid to be coming from trolls. Sadly the conversation was deleted before I could cap all of it. They have no logic or comprehension abilities at all.

I think it might be a critical-mass sort of thing. Blacks can be just fine in very low populations.

Where I am from, a very much predominantly white place and culture, we had a few token black people. Literally only a few dozen as far as I was aware were in my town. And I knew some of them from the time of elementary school. They were all pretty well adjusted, none of the incompetent speech or hyper-violence or any of that. In fact one black girl I knew was a skinny anime nerd, very pleasant with an attractive personality, who went on to study business in graduate school. Even the irritating guys were simply stupid in a lacking-common-sense sort of way, though academically adept.

But they made up less than a percent of the population from where I am from. In fact the closest thing we have to these welfare-parasites are Indians (feather, not dot). The ones who live in the cities away from the low-income places where more might congregate are decent and even exceptional citizens, but those that live either in clusters in low-income areas or worse on the reservations tend to be drunks, brawlers, and thieves who work only to get beer money and to tide them over before their next government check comes in.

Point is, maybe the problem is that when certain racial groups hit a certain concentration, the group averages for tendencies like this teacher observed begin to overtake the cultural/group tendencies of the white populations in that area. The same would be true for white populations forming an enclave in a black nation, or whatever.

But this means that if the population of blacks was either distributed so thinly that they were more exposed to white civilization and populations, perhaps they wouldn't devolve into these cretinous types so readily. But the only way I can imagine doing that would be to reinstate banishment for criminals to be disallowed from being in various areas anymore, if not outright revocation of citizenship and deportation as a valid form of punishment. That would be more humane than other options I suppose…

Anyway, maybe it is simply too cold up where I am for many non-white people to want to move here, or maybe there's a reputation about the place that repulses them, or maybe it is simply a culture of "Fuck off," if you bother us. But the only gangs we have are petty thieves, the only drug problems are meth-related, and the only racial problems concern certain Indians being belligerent drunks and general unproductive assholes. I can only speculate as to why though.

Read the whole thing, and it was so worth it in the end.

If you're one of those just lurking the thread and scanning it over, I suggest you stop right here and read it. Yes, all of it. Thank me later.

Classic video. God bless that White Girls heart.

A real life special ED teacher or not; this is gold.


So what if they can behave? They are still polluting European culture with their presence, even if they were only a few people. However, anywhere you bring a couple of niggers, moslems or Asians they will always multiply their presence. I think that is the human nature, everyone wants to be along their own. If niggers were forced to be alone they would leave, they wouldn't want to be the only black among whitey. That's why they form their gangs and

Holeee fuck. This is a gargantuan read but I'm enthralled. I can't stop

That is one of the best reads about African intelligence. Apparently they can't understand time as well as humans can.

Well I would say that the people I mentioned did graduate and move off to places like Georgia and black colleges anyway on their own, so perhaps they got what they wanted.

Very similar to my circumstances. My high school had very few blacks. Two were twins who were adopted by a white lady. For all intensive purposes, they were white. Spoke and comported themselves like members of their friend group. Both are now adults and have good jobs, wives and kids. Both their wives are white. I think they didn't like black urban people very much at all. Probably hate them more than I do.

The other black kids were people who moved into town. They turned out fine too. Also, it represents a selection bias. Those families who would be willing to move to a white town were more likely intelligent. This was in the mid 90's, I'm sure things have changed with housing vouchers and similar measures to disperse the urban black population.

This is the real reason behind HUD's plan to disperse the black population to rural and suburban towns through vouchers. Blacks cannot exits as a community. They know that. Their best chance in life is to be surrounded by whiteness, hopefully obviating the genetic inclination to lawlessness.


Even raised well they still went after white wymmin

An old essay but good enough for a repost.

That's not normal. They size each other up before fighting like on the animal planet channel. To do otherwise is suicidal. Normal is terrorizing the weaker and avoiding the stronger.

That's what everyone said about invading Iraq without a formal declaration of war. We see how that played out.

That self-selection bias is an interesting thought. I haven't met a completely retarded black person in my state before, so maybe that reasoning is behind it. In fact when the one clueless black guy announced that he was going to Georgia, everyone laughed because it would be like a clueless Labrador wandering into a den of pitbulls.

Can you blame them? White women are great.

There was a funny prank involving a guy dressing up as a zombie and running at people. The clips were all of him scaring the living shit out of groups of black guys, who ran away wailing and screaming for their lives as the white-zombie shambled up towards them. When asked why his video showed only black people, he said quite simply that they were the only ones who had good reactions: White people would stare and know it was a joke immediately, but the blacks would always flee in terror.

This better be in order…

I went full derp and capped these if anyone wants them.

Thanks, OP, for posting this. I'd never read it before. As someone who attended a predominantly–I'm talking, like, 90%, without exaggeration–black school, this actually brought me to tears. I could only wish I'd seen a teacher or one of my fellow white students acknowledge this bestial behavior. Just once.

Day in and day out, high school was a nightmare. I was the perfect, dedicated student in an IB program that kept the school alive with a small gaggle of white and Asian students, an island in a sea of black. Day in and day out, having to walk among these niggers was a nightmare, and some of my peers were far less fortunate than I was. I'd grown to 6'4" by the time I was 17, and I find that seldom do blacks aggravate upward. They generally choose smaller victims who they know they can surprise. I'd one uppity fuck try and spring me in the locker room once, for who fucking knows why, and I was nearly expelled for smashing his head against my locker door.

They broke me. I tried so, so fucking hard to be "tolerant." I didn't want to be racist. I didn't want to go against my Marxist programming. But being around these animals for four years finally did me in.

I want nothing more than to watch these parasites be wiped out.

Not in order, look at end of file name for the part #..

Got a bit repetitious in my wording there. Just really happy to see some in education have woken up.


You got me, I'm fucking triggered

At the very least, all niggers should be deported back to Africa, hopefully one day they'll make Africa great for once.
Preferably, we should permanently throw their inferior genes in a dumpster and wipe them off the face of the planet.
Even with everything we've given them, they choose not to succeed.
They have dozens more scholarships, diversity quotas, and legal protection than any other race, yet still are incapable of making use of any of this.
They evolved on the continent with more natural resources than any other, but have never invented anything of worth and still live in mud huts to this day.
Personally, I think complete extermination is the only answer.

It's to spread the cancer faster.

I didn't even catch her flipping the bird before, haha.

Also, more WebMs like this. OP's copypasta is great, but no one will believe it unless they see overwhelming video evidence (even then, for the truly far left libtards, who knows).

Might as well post this

You can't convince leftists with facts and evidence. They will always claim the viewpoint opposite to theirs is bigoted.

Any video you show them will be claimed to be cherry picked, and then you will be called racist while the leftist blocks their ears and runs away.

Agreed, which is why I called for more video evidence. The center-leaning liberals will at least not be able to use the "cherry picking" argument if there is overwhelming video evidence that this is as widespread and drastic as it really is. Then we simply have to present the data "as is" without commentary. I think you'd be surprised how quickly people turn around, and at the very least you'll put them into an uncomfortable cognitive dissonancem which is preferrable to zombie-mode.


Well they would call that video "cherry-picking", I'm sure.

Yes, there are some exceptions. Liberals can be converted to rationality with hard evidence but it's very rare.

Sure, the center leaning liberals will have a hard time with videos like these and some might switch. But the vast majority of liberals will still use the same excuses no matter what you show them. In their minds, whites and conservatives are always racist and bigoted, and therefore everything they argue with must instantly be disregarded.

Source: I live next to an extremely liberal college

Let's hope it fucking sticks. The wife's bluepill as fuck, so she's no help, and if I push things too far, my little girl might end up dating the little shit-goblin in later years just to spite me. Got to be careful. I am NOT raising some rat-bastard's changeling child.


Hey, at least it's only one instead of 40.

That ending hits home.





Is that chief keef and Kay Kay?


Fuck off ya pommy cunt



it's fucking copypasta, dipshit, and whoever is doing it is obviously not from here



I wonder if gooks would tolerate them.

A working theory of mine as to the level of degradation in the Mexican population is that it coincides with the degradation of Catholicism. As soon as you get the southern Mexicans with heavy native admixture ignoring long-standing church values, they chimp. their population booms and they head north. I rarely see a Mexican (here in California) that is from one of the northern states.

there is on on amren, lemme try and find it

edit: found it almost instantly



Nothing redpills you like first-hand experience.

We all know that negro students leave school at 14 and are immediately arrested for shooting their 36 year old grandmothers boyfriend in an argument over the last piece of fried chicken at the barbeque.
So here are the two sequels to the school essay, dealing with black people in the justice system.

Obama's father was Kenyan. Not seeing a problem with doubling the national debt makes sense now.

I wonder (((who))) is behind that


That sounds lovely, where do you live m8


Motherfucking Vice of all places accidentally redpilled a lot of center-leftists with a video documentary series they did a few years ago called "Last Chance High". I don't think anyone, but the most brainwashed of liberals can watch these videos and come away believing it is it all possible to educate blacks.

Good to reread this, thanks.

Also, a very true statement about losing sympathy and empathy for blacks. At this point in my life I could live a perfectly happy life slaughtering black babies because they simply are not human to me. It would be no different than thinning herds of cayotes or wild hogs who would otherwise continue destroying the land.

It's not even edgy… its just a result of the exact same experiences as the author.

Very good stuff OP, I can confirm pretty much all of this, especially this particular post.

t. Millenial

…I always thought the person in the gray hoodie was a dude



This is either a someone sliding or one of thse advanced memetics motherfuckers.

How can you all be so stupid to bump this? It's at least 2 years old


This is happening every month now.



Sorry, I had never read it before and I thought it was pretty interesting.

He never said he wrote it, fuck you faggot.

if you send a person with sociopathic behavior to grow up in a white neighborhood, they just exhibit sociopathic behavior of middle class dysfunctional white people, (alcoholism, walking out on their spouse after 6 years, tax evasion, fraud, embezzlement, non-violent larceny etc etc)

And people wonder why I turned out racist.

Look at how the chinks deal with islamists in xinjiang province

Look at how Singapore keeps the peace with such high levels of "diversity"

no they don't tolerate that shit

I was responding to the post which linked to the 2009 article on Amren. …and specifically said…


Fucking autist. Bump.

>Black version of banjo kid from Deliverance unable to figure out how to use electric pencil sharpener and miming stabbing teacher in the back

This is a fucking horror movie, user.

Went to a nigger infested school growing up. This thread and OP's pasta, regardless of age,ring so true it makes my temples throb.

My smug, virtue signaling parents refused to listen to my pleas for sanity and a transfer, and sent me to a therapist to try and cure my "bigotry".

I skipped their funerals, and I felt nothing for it.

Congratulations on the monster you created.

I was in a fucking Dave and Busters and some dude started throwing chairs. Great introduction for a tourist. (This was in Times Square)

What the fuck?
Just what the fuck?
How can some one be this stupid? HOW?

Never overestimate the nigger


Holy shit, dude, why the hell am I laughing so hard at what is obviously a personal tragedy?


Her shift from anti-racist to race realist is going nicely. It's a real fucking shame ignorant people still have a voice on matters they know nothing about.

Yeah, I grew up pretty poor and had to be around blacks constantly. When I moved up to a school that was more white I saw the rich kid's parents advocating for more 'inclusiveness' and other garbage as sort of a group exercise in virtue signalling.

Of course the high school got progressively worse so those same rich parents got their kids out of there while I had nowhere to go. Got lucky in graduating when I did. It's mostly black and muslim the last time I visited my old teachers.

Hard to leave that experience with any libertarian leanings. I saw what happened when people made their own decisions without any social change or control, it screwed over the people who could have a future. This crap won't work itself out without us losing and these same asshole kikes and swpls getting away from the effects of their evil and retardation, respectively.

Would've helped me out a lot too. It's like gaslighting, everyone ignores it and it just confuses. Some try to embrace niggerdom, some just don't know what to do, some go full 14/88.

It's like the whole world is against you, not even your friends like to talk about it.

I just started carving swastikas everywhere. Had to bring a knife because in middle school they kept threatening to kill me for sitting in the back of the bus (the irony isn't lost on me).

I got expelled from middle school for the knife, while some 16 or 17 year old brought a fucking combat knife to school and got two says in house suspension.

How does Singapore keep the peace? All I heard was "muh diversity"


Public bloody ass-beatings with a cane, complete with rubber apron to prevent damage to the tailbone or the femoral arteries. Death penalties for drugdealing, sentance carried out immediately.

Basically ruthless punishment like Duterte Harry's rule. He doesn't take any nigger shit, if they nig, he'll fucking kill them. And if anyone does it for him, he'll give them a medal.

Public bloody ass-beatings with a cane, complete with rubber apron to prevent damage to the tailbone or the femoral arteries. Death penalties for drugdealing, sentance carried out immediately.

Basically ruthless punishment like Duterte Harry's rule. He doesn't take any nigger shit, if they nig, he'll fucking kill them. And if anyone does it for him, he'll give them a medal. And a fucking reward.

Fuck you flood smhthy

IIRC this used to be on Tucker Max's site in the early 2000's.

The thing with these stories is that they are probably fiction, but like the Protocols they might as well be real.

this feels fake

Nigger slang may have changed throughout the ages, but that's basically their syntax and mentality.

Hopefully electrified as well.

Spoken like a spoiled little cunt who's had the good fortune to live in predominately white areas their whole life.

Wrong, I'm just from Australia where we didn't have as many nogs growing up. I also know that if this were posted anywhere except here, these parts would be singled out immediately as bullshit. It doesn't sound like real ebonics, but like an imitation.

That's not even going into the dubious origins of this entire thing. It's not that I find the behaviour or anecdotes unbelievable, but it really reads as insincere. Reposting these "white supremacist forgeries" doesn't look good.


I guess the Bene Gesserit are feminists, huh?

So you don't know what the fuck you're talking about then?

Brit here.

The only good part about having come from a shitty area of our nations seems to be the trump card it provides us when in conversation with leftists, their socio-economic rhetoric doesn't work when you're a living, breathing example of a white who lived under the exact same conditions as their pets and yet came out a solid citizen.

Kinda like CNN commentators. Just more noisy.


I mean, if you're gonna be a good little Aussie shitposter then make it believable.

Singapore here.

We get this question a lot. This answer is

- we have no niggers
- we have diversity, but the law applies EQUALLY TO EVERYONE, no race-card pulling allowed
- Chinese are in charge, not curryniggers or mudslimes
- minority races have been here for decades, they have plenty of time to fit in and assimiliate
- we cane illegal immigrants
- no niggers
- all legal migrants are heavily vetted before granting citizenship
- did I mention we have no niggers?

Only problem is, social justice degeneracy is slowing creeping in, and the old guard in the government is dying out, to be replaced with ministers who are more 'progressive'.

I heard about that and heard that the social justice was being pushed by - I think - the Malay minority or something.
Lee Kuan Yew should have mad several clones of himself.

What would happen if (((they))) tried to pull a Ukraine over there?

Not Malays. Faggots university grads who come back after studying in Yale and Harvard and sprouting their shit everywhere, thinking they're better than everyone else because MUH WESTERN EDUCATION.

And this faggot here

I saw a cap of a Malay complaining about how Chinese dominate is waaaaaycis.

He was probably molested.

Yup, that's a leftist. What a sick fuck.

Well they can fucking deal with it, can't they?

Still nothing compared to this is Malaysia

Montana. It is a nice place for the most part.

Are you saying that a white enclave in a black nation would act the same as the surrounding culture? Because I'm saying they probably wouldn't once they reach critical levels. Maybe the critical levels are different for different groups too - some need a majority to have their tendency take over, and others need just a few?

I have seen 2 different niggers with the name "Unique"

Funny you should mention time. Greentext incoming because you've sparked my memory.

you see, in Australia, most of the population is coastal, and concentrated in the capital cities. Anything outside of the capital is basically a satellite suburb that is an unfortunate distance from the metro area.
Brief note about mum, she's probably one of the smartest people I've ever met, and I work at an engineering company. She just has very feminine interests I guess, and doesn't really go overboard about responsibilities.
>The school has a disproportionate amount of abos who are perpetually late for everything

Growing up in a "regional center" but being quite unsuited to the lifestyle, I can only describe the indigenous people as unpredictably aggressive hobbits, but dimmer than even hobbits are supposed to be. Or maybe they're the hobbit equivalent of an orc; where normal orcs were once elves before turning, but retained their craft skills and developed an evil countenance, one could say that the abo-hobbit kept the slow, ponderous nature of half-men and developed a grudging, intemperate manner.

It's a quality that, until now, I thought was unique to them.

OP here. Never claimed this was my work. In fact I said I stumbled across it on craigslist and enjoyed the read. Sorry I triggered so many of you copypasta screaming cucks.

Yes you do, I've seen niggers pimping whores around Geylang.

I attended a public middle school in Brooklyn which was considered a "magnet" school, meaning that it attracts gifted students. True to its reputation, the work was certainly challenging by public school standards, there were relatively few blacks by Brooklyn standards, and the teachers were professional. Despite that, the school was still 20% black and the lower performing classes were similar to what the OP has described, but the largely white and Asian population was able to balance out the blacks. Although this was a public school, the blacks were held mostly at bay and the talented teachers helped me during a crucial formative period in such a way that it propelled me to a successful high school career, followed by a scholarship at UPenn for both undergrad and grad (the school of choice for the God Emperor, mind you), and good friend who sat next to me is halfway through Harvard Medical School at the moment. Yes, were both white men.

Recently, I met a lady who works as a teacher in my old middle school. Upon learning this, I took the opportunity to ask her some questions with regard to the school demographics and if any of my favorite teachers were still around. Her response was grim: the school is now close to 60% black, has lost its reputation and status as a magnet school, all of my favorite teachers had either retired or transferred schools and she, a 26-year-old white woman, feels unsafe teaching in a middle school for gods sake. She is afraid that 13-year-old blacks will stab her in the hallway. She is afraid that some semi-retarded 16 year old, 6'4, 300 lb gorilla will attempt to rape her. She receives threats of violence like this nearly every day to the point where she is considering quitting her job and going back to school, or trying to score a charter school gig. She is considering even teaching special education because actual retards are only slightly dumber than average blacks and far less dangerous.

Sometimes I wish blacks attacked whites more often, because the problem with many liberal whites is that they are sick. They have been brainwashed with Marxists propaganda to the point where they will perform any and every form of mental gymnastics to maintain their illusion of a redeemable black America, but even cucked whites are (barely) human, and their self preservation response will override decades of Marxist brainwashing when they are the victim of a black crime. Being the victim of black crime is Redpill Express for most people.

Fair enough, at least they stick to the red light districts and don't infest hdb blocks - yet.

quintuple nigger

Of course she feels unsafe. Niggers are unhinged beasts who have low impulse control and she should get the fuck out of there. Fuck everyone responsible for forcing niggers into white schools.

I noticed that some people in this thread were discussing a sort of "critical mass" for blacks before their behavior becomes unmanageable on an individual basis.

I disagree with this point. As someone who has had the displeasure of dealing with Ivy League blacks for the past 8 years, I will tell you that while there is a heavy selection bias due to them being accepted to the university in the first place, they are still FAR dumber than the average non-black student.

Ivy League blacks are not generally violent unless heavily provoked to chimp out and they speak well because of the selection bias I just mentioned, and because most of them have went to private school in the presence of white peers, but the real giveaway here is that despite their supposed intellect, they are prone to the same irrationality of your typical garden variety ghetto negro. For example, if you try to explain why Black Lives Matter preaches a false narrative to an Ivy League negro, he will verbally chimp out using slightly better grammar than a street negro, but the content of his argument will remain much the same. They are impervious to statistics, will attempt cheap shots in a debate, cannot logically follow through with an argument, accuse racism and bias almost as often as the wonderful nignogs in OP, but worst of all, are incapable of changing their opinions when confronted with contradictory evidence and a sound counterargument.

Many people, I find, are so shocked and amazed by the sight of a literate negro, that they will automatically consider him as intelligent and "one of the whites" without considering the content of anything he says. There were in fact legitimately intelligent blacks that I have met over the years, but these people probably represent the 99.9th percentile in the black population. An aberration if anything.

Dubs confirm. College-educated niggers are the worst.

The book of Enoch, I'm pretty sure, describes the black race basically being bred out and turning white. That is something I definitely see that happening right before our eyes.

Ever notice how the most ghetto blacks or just the blacks in jail are much darker than the rest? Well, it makes sense if you think about it.

And if you go on youtube and check out the videos made by the black community in regards to the dating scene it becomes painfully clear in how much disarray their race really is. Practically, all the blacks that hold themselves up to a higher standard of living are bragging about race mixing because blacks hang around each other their standards slack!

It's sad that their inferiority complex is so out of control that race mixing is seen as an esteem booster to themselves.

how do such well spoken ivy league types find their way to Holla Forums's pol, the core farting butt of the internet

Reality will eventually redpill anyone who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

With the advent of Trump and the 'radicalization' of the internet, there's finally a lot more room for people to not only discuss this but to find that their opinions are recognized by now just a tiny majority but perhaps even a big majority.

We had that at my primary school, only the last like is "and look what happened to me". I bet if a primary school kid did that in today's Britain, their parents would be called in.


as an observant white (now 18) student i went to school with a majority black population in texas and i can say all of this is completely accurate

They literally forbid anyone from talking about their race, made everyone learn English (a language native to none of the ethnic groups there) and a form of Chinese that isn't even spoken by the Chinks in Singapore. Then they forced the pajeets, chinks and muzzies to live together and be good neighbours OR ELSE to prevent ghettoization.

tldr: you cannot have multiculturalism without dictatorship.

Who cares if copypasta? Every word is accurate

Here is what you guys do not realize. Deportation, of any sort, is entirely implausible. There are 38 million niggers in the United States, from the most successful to the least successful.

4.2 million of which are in prison or in the system and incredibly hostile. We are talking about, an entire army, which will not move, will not be deported and will not live in Africa.

If you were to make a nation in the South, as I once thought according to NFP principles, they will not move there. They will not want to be there.

If we look carefully, thanks to planned parenthood and abortions, the black population is relatively stable. The greatest threat is actually Hispanic immigration… and the the H1B1 Visas of Indians and Asians a steep second.

Trump, can fix all of this. We will get the exasperated air we need from this. But, I'm afraid, all of you are thinking on a short term kind of basis. We're not talking about… relocation… or deportation.

We're talking about dealing with a people, in a white country that will not leave, that will argue and put a fight and are willing, as seen now, to fight to the last man for benefits.

Just to extend our nation's lifespan another 20 or 30 years, with Trump, at most, our nation is already at pitchforks… near civil war points. And the election is not even over yet. We have yet to see the real results.

They are calling a tame, watered-down Goldwater, a man who simply was for segregation, a man who actually RAN in 1964 as LITERALLY HITLER. Imagine that, a man who is just a few steps away from their imagined far right, is being called into question and encouraging their violence.

Let me ask you guys this….

Why do you not see the obviously impending civil/race war

Fuck all this back to Africa shit.

There's only one way, unfortunately, our Jewish land and bank owners want this to go down


thats what ive always wanted to do when niggers start "dancing" then i remember i dont want to get jumped

I severely doubt this. This seems to be grounded in genetics and consciousness. Blacks literally have a lower level of self-awareness and therefore they're not actually conscious of the fact that they're doing what they're doing (in a sense, they basically have weaker/no souls). A society however can only function with people being attentive to the consequences of their actions. A white enclave in a black nation would not behave like a black enclave in a white nation. The whites would naturally be at a higher level of consciousness due to their genetics and therefore they would see the consequences of their actions and choose not to indulge in particular behaviours they can see are destructive.

He never even implied that.

>Because I'm saying they probably wouldn't once they reach critical levels.
When you say "once", do you really mean "until"? That even whites would have a tipping point where they would mimic the behaviour? Consciousness is about how much you can perceive at once. As long as whites have the perception that they do, no amount of surrounding blacks is going to alter their behaviour. They cannot regress simply because what has been seen cannot be unseen.

True. Even Singapore's shitty neighbor Indonesia were peaceful when The Smiling General aka Suharto, Southeast Asia's own Pinochet, was prez. Malaysia on the other hand have always been a pseudo-dictatorship which is why it is relatively peaceful similar to Singapore despite having an Islamic constitution.

this is fucking 15 years old

Thank, had not heard that one before.

This is a story from 2004, and yeah it's true.

Obvious shill.

Reservations, deportations and sterilization are the easiest ways to reduce a population.

This is why fucking Israel is doing these things, the Jews know how to genocide.


Do not reply to tripfags

shieeet boi, you be raycis

Surely we can put them on reservations or something?

We can get someone to buy a giant donut shaped piece of property. No easements are granted for travel across the land. Then the property owner builds walls around the land to keep out trespassers. Degenerates and brown people are placed in the 'hole.' The government declares the airspace above the hole a no fly zone. Anyone flying over the hole is shot down. Anyone stepping onto the donut is shot for trespassing. Tunnels under the donut are constantly scanned for and destroyed.

Said the white princess who grew up in a white-only town. I went to a ghetto as fuck school and this is 100% spot on.

You could watch the hope and dreams of the teachers slowly fade and the light in their eyes die.

I grew up in literally a nigger ghetto, not even kidding. Whites were like 10% if not less. I just can't stop feeling smug that that snooty little princess can't even deal with it for one year. She crawled home to daddy and wants to get hired at the private 100% white school she went to.

I say we send every liberal to live in a "diverse" neighborhood before they're allowed to vote for more "diversity." Just sit back and imagine that. The nervous breakdowns, the hair pulling, trying to come up with excuses and pull gymnastics left and right, their brain being pulled in two of the natural reaction of wanting to leave and the liberal indoctrination of blacks as harmless nonviolent saints who dindu nuffin.

If there's one good thing about niggers, it's that they do our job for us.

Trips of three`s speak wisdom.


I feel lucky to be born in eastern Europe with only gypsies to deal with, I feel your struggle ameribros.

I agree that affirmative action is garbage (though perhaps for different reasons than most here might). Meritocracy ought to determine who rises, because then the best individuals get the best resources to produce the best results, which helps everyone in society. Whereas pushing forward runts ahead of the capable simply because of stupid sentiments like 'muh racism' is suicidal.

But whatever the percent of 'aberration' individuals are, they still exist. Why is my question? In the black people I knew, the girl was not necessarily top of her class but smarter than most of the idiots I got to observe (white idiots, given my region). The guy I mentioned might from time to time throw a mild tantrum about something or do something idiotic/loud out of lack of self-awareness, but nothing like these urban sorts I've heard in the thread. So why were these blacks, in comparison to the urban examples, so well adjusted? I think they didn't develop badly because they were extremely low populations and didn't have a chance to 'jive' and clump up. Maybe they would have turned into Laquishas and Demarc's if they had such an opportunity though.

Well, curbing immigration from undesirable locations (i.e. undesirable populations) would be probably the best long-term solution, but banishments for criminals wouldn't necessarily be unheard of. Australia was a penal colony not too long ago in the grand scheme of things. Unlikely? Yeah, but unlikely things sometimes happen under the right circumstances. Smaller countries can do it better just from a logistical standpoint.

Then why do Wiggers occur? Are they whites with weaker genetic 'souls'? Or are they misguided on an individual level to accept a predominant population and its culture/tendencies as their own? I think these would be variation of course, but I've seen wiggers even up here in my predominantly white state. They are absolutely vile creatures.

Remember that even the tamest domesticated pigs can become feral with just two weeks left to their own devices in the wild. I don't think ALL white people would succumb to group pressure, but some might - just as not all blacks would change from their chimpening tendencies just because they were plopped into the middle of white populations, but some obviously do.

Why are there these exceptions is my question.

Aren't ghettos essentially black people reservations? The rotten core of many cities seems to be inhabited by black neighborhoods - causal links as to why those cores are rotten aside.

Speaking as someone who knows about actual Indian reservations since they're nearby, the only difference is that you give in inhabitants political power over their districts. Naturally they abuse these powers against outsiders and protect the insiders who commit crimes against outsiders more or less. If your goal is to round up blacks into Thunderdomes, is it necessary to give them political powers beyond what they already possess as citizens?

Besides, the 'hole' idea is little more than a concentration camp. But whether it is a concentration camp or a ghetto or a reservation, they all breed the worst sorts of malcontents and vile scumbags when supported from the outside. Without support, I imagine they would turn into 3rd world areas even faster (Most Indian reservations might as well be such).

Experience certainly is the best teacher.

Top post but fuck your animu bullshit.

If we could find a feasible way of sending every wealthy student for a mandatory 1 year in a ghetto school and vice-versa I think the US would be much better off.

Everything in OP's post is true yes.
But lest we forget they are only pawns on a larger chess board;

From a different perspective, I spent three years in an elementary school where I was one of three non-blacks in my grade. It was an arts magnet school in an upper-middle class environment in Miami (so they were well-to-do niggers) however aside from their pseudo-language and blunt manner of speech, which was spot in the story, and their love of rap they otherwise acted as generally "normal" people. They were capable of creative and artistic expression as well as anyone else I felt, performed adequately in all academic fields and conducted themselves civilly as far as I can remember. In fact, with my terrible childhood ADHD and Napoleon Complex, I was the always the loudest and thus the de facto leader of the honor-niggers. Conversely, in high school (granted, no one really has a reason to fight in elementary school) there was an appreciable degree of violence. I attended an all-white "red-neck" high school which included two hispanics and one black family. Though a single anecdote, this would indicate to me that (despite their lower IQs on average) a lot of what the story describes is a result of their home environments/upbringing, their culturally-programmed ideas of what blacks ought to be. I would argue that for any child nurture plays a key role, though the influence of nature is undeniable.

If I can point out one the biggest "themes" I noticed among the blacks (and equally so among the rednecks) it was an idea of defeatism and insufficiency based on their race. Whenever something was difficult or they failed at something many of the blacks would simply give up stating that "I can't do x, I'm just too stupid" or "not good enough" ect. I found this defeatism and complacency with failure quite pitiable, honestly. While I don't think blacks are capable of all that whites are, elementary school is, as the expression goes, so easy a monkey could do it.

Because I know my argument will be ignored and my credibility as an arguer will be attacked because I have admitted to having qualities similar to blacks and have declared myself as their one-time peer and leader, I will simply announce ahead time that I will not deign to respond to such an attack.

You tried sufficiently enough to have earned this "(1)."

Nah, we're mostly sharing anecdotes here, and it's fine to have anecdotal stories that don't match up with everyone else's experience. That's just how the world is.

But you must realize - some of these stories match up with overwhelming data showing that blacks have lower average IQ, higher crime rates, higher propensity for violence, and lower achievement in life… *even when accounting for socio-economic class, education levels, and family structure*. This is true even in nations that are primarily black, thus eliminating the factor of the feelings of inferiority by racial minorities.

That is not to say that there are no reasonably intelligent and creative black people, or that there are no niggerish white people - your story clearly shows that there are. I simply mean to say that, as you story is the opposite of statistical trends and is quite surprising even among anecdotes, your story seems to be an outlier - the exception that proves the rule rather than invalidates it.

Top kek

Anyone know the title?

Sorry for not paying attention, but can you briefly explain what '(1)' is meant to mean? I missed getting on that meme train.

My anecdote basically said the same thing. I think everyone can observe that, even if what they personally observe is that they are extreme outliers. I just find the phenomena interesting, and wonder why there are such variations.

Whence do 'good' and 'bad' populations come from? Genetics sets the distribution of traits, but what traits are expressed in humans often seems to be a result of something outside of individual predispositions. The Stanford Prison Experiment made wild-eyed sadists and whimpering cowards out of average college students just by what groups they were randomly assigned to for instance. Individual exceptionalism or averageness is one piece of the puzzle, but there are other forces at play that bring out the best and worst qualities. I'm curious what those factors are without resorting to a shrug and saying, "They were outliers to the norm."

God damn that was funny. How do you find cool shit like this on the internet anymore? I used to have alot of websites I browsed regularly but now it's this, 420chan, few misc forums, tor, and sometimes freenet. Where did all the cool shit go to?

Well, some of those factors seem apparent from the data. Violence, crime, addiction, and low education are very highly correlated with fatherless homes. Black people in America have the highest rates of fatherless homes by far. I think that can reasonably be traced back to the welfare state and, in some respects, the drug war. I think that affects black people more than others because they are biologically poorly suited to Western society (at least compared to most other races), but that is just theory.

And, of course, poverty plays a large factor here as well. All races have lower fatherless rates in higher income brackets, so of course you'll have middle- and upper-class black people from more stable home environments, even if it is at a lower rate than whites or Asians. And, I have some personal insight into this, as I grew up extremely poor in a mostly black neighborhood, but am now a financially stable adult. There is a sense of defeatism in the ghetto, for people of all colors. There is a general feeling that everyone is stuck where they are, and that there are very few ways to rise above and achieve anything. Since the only people with money in the ghetto tend to be drug dealers, that is seen as a good ambition, although it usually ends poorly. Violence is also a way to establish dominance and control of your own life, in a way that is usually done through careers and gratuitous shows of consumerism in other strata of society. Of course, seeing violence as a social good comes with many problems. And, since black people are largely poor in this country, this will affect them disproportionately. And my experience seems to back up the stats - even within the ghetto, black people seem more easily prone to these behaviors than others, even if the others are poor and from fatherless homes. Again, I personally think this social difference is due to biological difference, but I cannot conclusively prove this.

Those are my thoughts on it, anyway.

I don't browse from work

I agree completely with what you're saying. I'm merely arguing that, though I think they are less intelligent and capable than whites on average (to a large degree even), the behavior described in the story is "learned", a product from their environment. I argue that blacks, surrounded by more capable/driven blacks, will perform better than in a school where chimping is the norm, encouraged by their fellows. The latter environment is an overwhelming majority for blacks, thus most of our anecdotes show this and our daily interactions with niggers reflects this.

I agree my anecdote IS an outlier, not by virtue of an extremely coincidental league of extraordinary niggers, but because these environments are just rare in the real world. I believe that an average nog raised in the most excellent and perfect environment imaginable will fail compared to an average white in the same environment, however, the behavior expressed in the story, despite being what we realistically see most of the time, is not the height of an average nigger's potential.

I definitely agree with this. Although I think blacks would be more suited to their own style of society, and are not particularly suited to Western society (relative to other races), the average nigger in the ghetto is not the best he could be. Environment plays a factor for all of us, even if genetics determine what role environment can play.

I personally think that, if we eliminate the welfare state, treat drugs as a medical issue rather than a criminal issue, have a better armed and trained populace, and start making public schools a place to learn relevant life skills (rather than the liberal hugbox / babysitting bullshit it is now), we would see an extreme increase in the quality of black communities within a couple generations.

I doubt this will be tested in the foreseeable future, unfortunately, so we'll probably never know.

It's supposed to imply that the person being replied to is baiting by starting shit and leaving, but by now it's degenerated to just another way to say "I don't like what you have to say, but I have no counter argument". Pic related.

But why the (1)?

Hover over the ID to see the amount of posts that poster has made in that thread.

Any more videos of Dindus nigging and chiping out?

go on leddit and educate those fuckers

Great thank you for that.

I'm sure a bunch of people can whip out "muh talented tenth" anecdotes, they mean nothing.

If there's three nigs in all of a city/county/state, then unless they fell asleep on a Greyhound bus and are homeless, they must have moved there for some reason, such as a job.

I knew moderately intelligent blacks in high school who could mingle with average whites. The nigs fucking hated them, but our "integrated" school used the "Gifted & Talented" program to run a school within a school that was 98% white so usually they never mixed.

Makes sense, though I've also noticed that the kinds of criminal activity resulting from things like poverty have very different profiles of 'flavors' depending on where it is and who is participating in it. I've always attributed that to culture, though maybe racial attributes have a greater or lesser impact on that too. One would need to look into that.

But anyway, Indian reservation crimes are not the same kinds of crimes you find in a black ghetto even though the poverty, defeatism, and social inhibition is generally the same or extremely similar. Your typical reservation Indian hardly educates himself, enjoyed the firewater, is rather tribal if not outright racist, disrespectful, and self-centered. Their crimes are usually from brawling from getting drunk, petty theft, and being poor workers (because they wander off to do whatever pleases them in the moment).

Compared to ghetto crime that all seems rather mild! But if we packed reservations to such a high population density as a city ghetto is. would we start to see more 'thuggish' behaviors arise in them? Compared again to the white trailer trash types of poverty-stricken people around where I am, you still don't see the kind of crime or culture profiles you see in black ghettos. Among these 'poverty' groups you generally have a somewhat similar but somewhat distinct brand of human degeneracy, but each one is distinct. Is that just 'culture' at work, or is it racially driven, or some combination of the two plus other factors? And which is more important to the results?

I tend to think that 'black culture' is highly reliant on race as a sort of 'entrance' into it. Wiggers are white niggers - they are white people who try to embrace black culture, and they are somewhat rare because they don't fit the proper mold to participate in it. Same with Weeaboos who try to actually be Japanese.

Whereas many cultures predominant in white society don't use race as an important entrance into it - like the original article stated with punks, jocks, goths, etc. Because 'black culture' basically starts and ends with 'You're black', it both recruits basically only blacks and is associated only with blacks.

That might help creative the 'jive' problems when groups of blacks collect together. They become tribal as they associate with people 'like them' and, because 'black culture' is based on things their racial tendency might find particularly enjoyable, it just sucks them right into becoming niggerly. Add onto the effect of generations being brought up with the piss-poor value systems of black culture and you have a self-sustaining pitiable muck of a population in terms of culture.

Contrast that with the Japanese, who are extremely versatile at putting on hats from different cultures and incorporating into different systems. So what makes them more adaptable than Africans for instance? Is that a racial tendency, a cultural quirk, or some other set of factors as well?

Thanks for explaining that! I thought it was because it resembled a hook, but the (1) being the number of posts makes total sense now.

You`re just a poor teacher. Fact that you are using Holla Forumsitics as your excuse is despicable.

So are you a new teacher, bright-eyed and fresh out of college? Or do you work in a nice, liberal, white neighborhood, having no experience of racial differences in education? Or have you simply never been a teacher?

Anyone who works any kind of service in a mixed or predominantly black area will tell you the same damn thing. It's exactly how I, as a college kid working part time at a restaurant, started turning into an unapologetic racist.

Black people are loud, rude, and greedy. They have an unbelievable, unwarranted, inflated sense of entitlement that they not only want but need and deserve more. And more and more and more.

I guess I'll give the full scoop (no pun intended). I worked at Chipotle for a while in college, working the line taking peoples orders and making their food. If you've been there you know the process, burrito or bowl, rice, what meat, what salsa, etc.

Black people would come in and they wanted extra extra rice (extra rice is free mind you), sometimes they'd want an entire seperate overflowing bowl of rice. They always want extra meat without actually paying for it (one of the only things that does cost more), it's always "give me a lila beet mo den dat". One time I had some giant nigress report me to my manager for politely informing her extra chicken would cost more.

The worst by far was the cheese and sour cream. Good god. Again, cheese and sour cream (even though they are the most expensive ingredients Chipotle has by far), do not cost anymore for extra. So people can get as much as they want of both and believe you me they fucking do. Every nigger. Every single one. Wants extra extra cheese and extra extra sour cream. And then some more on top of that. Almost all of them want you to drench their bowl or burrito in sour cream, cover it completely. To the point it's spilling out the sides and getting everywhere, and they still want more after that. They want some more in a cup too. It's no wonder niggers have such a problem with obesity because they do fucking nothing but sit around drinking sour cream all god damn day.

And they just smile and laugh the whole time, and it's your fault if there's a problem, not their's.

We also had a tip jar. I don't have to tell you this but whites will throw a five in there, blacks won't even spare change.

I did that job for 8 months and it broke me man. I started popping excessive ibuprofen by the end just to get through my shift. And after I quit, and I tried to tell people what I experience there, the only response I ever got was that I was a racist even though I was just telling the truth of what I had seen.

I happen to thankfully live in Finland, but yeah I`m on my 2nd year of studying to become teacher.

Well, I hope that you manage to find a nice job in a middle-class white neighborhood, and I hope that Finland doesn't go the way of Sweden, so you can continue to hold on to your very pleasant delusions.

I don't get it. I've got no experience with these kind of blacks. I grew up in a liberal all-white town in New England. I've met plenty of blacks. At cocktail parties. None of them have been ghetto. You'd think I'd suspect that blacks on the news are fake. (Black man calls 911 claiming McDonald's clerk got his order wrong.)

But I'm a race realist. Apparently, I got this not from experience with blacks, but from experience with SJW.

deport them and make they pay for it

I swear, there is just something about punishing ass that keeps society in line.

Do you think Eesti would be a similar academic situation?

I don`t think that they even have public education system, it`s such shithole of 3rd world country.

Blackness is amplified around other niggas

Interesting, from the graph, it seems that there are just as many whites

After the third lash, he says alahuakbar after most of them.

Pretty serious punishment. That guy will have to stay in the present ass to allah pose for a month.

Is that the punishment for being a dirty kebab there?

Good thread btw. Reminds me of my experience of the diverse highschool I went to until I could transfer to a mostly white school.

Or the Right just takes a page out of the Left's handbook and hangs the Constitution up for a few years due to "emergency circumstances" the Left caused earlier, and then perform the "citizen-triage" where the shits are selected and removed.

It's an uncommon one, and frankly full of keks and many Holla Forumsiticians probably haven't seen it.

Call me when it shows up twice more in the next two weeks.


But what about niggers?:^)

Didn't you remind them that the west has no culture and that the asian culture is superior to white devil culture and thus his SJW bullshit is invalidated?

Do that and watch their heads explode

Catch 22: In order to become a race realist you need to be confronted with other races, but in order to fix our nations we need to throw the other races out. So even if things got so bad that we had the momentum to throw them all out, within ONE GENERATION our children would be bluepilled one race commie chucklefucks again because you only believe the differences when you witness them yourself.


I hope that White boy had a nice funeral at least.

Jew shill detected.

Won't the summer trips to Europe work…?

It was lost on them though.

No, that wouldn't work because it's too easy to rationalize as a different country where things are run differently and (((institutionalized racism))) is causing race differences somehow etc. etc. Come on, you should know this by now.

Also, I'm European and a little salty that you would plan for a future where we are still JUSTed. We're in the same kind of boat. Two boats somewhat far apart but plagued by the same problems for the same reasons. Corporations push for a bigger brown underclass some of whom will do the dirty slave labor we don't want, while the regular people are duped into thinking it's some sort of humanitarian welfare program and are willingly voting for more of it and paying for it with their taxes. This shit is a universal phenomenon around the globe, there is nothing historically European or American about it. I'm sure it happened in India at some point and that's how they got their disgusting poo-in-loo population in the first place, and I wouldn't be surprised to find that similar things are taking place in China, just with a different underclass population (not niggers or arabs).

Our fundamental problem is the political reach of businesses that only or mostly offer shitty fucking jobs that noone wants to do. We all want to buy fresh bread in the morning but noone wants to get up in the middle of the night to make it. That was the "integration program" for the Würzburg axe rapefugee from the other day - guess he envisioned his life in Germany a little differently. We all want to buy cheap products and we complain when shit is outsourced to different countries but honestly, outsourcing looks like a brilliant idea when you work in a factory. I did that as a summer job recently and just seeing the people who worked their for decades and how bent out of shape their broken bodies were set me straight. Automation can't come soon enough, really the best thing that can happen is that all uncomfortable jobs become automated so noone ever has to get up before 5 am, noone ever has to bend over for hours every day etc. My optimistic dream scenario for the future is that we outsource in the short-mid-term and in the long-term the factories move back into White nations once we don't need physical laborers anymore. Once it's all a big robotfest and even the trucks drive autonomously there should be no reason to set up camp outside of Germany / Western Europe / North America where there are well educated engineers who can fix and improve the machines.

It doesn't need to be a plan. Just look at Sweden - they are beyond hope now. What plan could possibly save them?
And, of course, the EU is continuing to encourage the invasion of Europe. I haven't lost hope for all of Europe, but I have lost faith. I don't know if more than a handful of countries can be saved. I will work for my country, and I support you in working for you own… but let's be honest about the chances here. It seems quite likely that a trip through Europe will include encounters with culturally enriched societies (even if places like America and Australia are saved), and that is a hell of an education.

Its pretty old but its pretty great and there's nothing wrong with reposting it once in a while.


Isn't this old as fuck?

I remember this from halfchan

I am glad that my parent are not shitty. Damn! I want to hug you, not in a faggotish way.

Honestly mind bending. Biggest redpill I've ever read. The idea that they don't even have the capacity to understand abstract thinking is really hard to comprehend when you just take abstract thought for granted. It's really fucking hard to imagine not having the capacity to even think of the future or of internal morality.

I went to school with aboriginals (ausfag shitposter detected), and my father knew just how bad they could be. When we finally moved from the west coast to the east coast, it was staggering just how much the people who have never lived with them think they know. Honestly they revel in race-baits, and don't even have the cognitive capacity to realise why theft and violence are such wrong things to engage in. There's no bigger redpill than actually living with the bastards.

are you 12?

this is so fucking fake, the sentiments in it and the observations are pretty accurate for the most part but its still some larping faggot

wow nigger could you make it any more obvious, I love how hes desperately trying to sound like a 40-50 year old mom lul

fuck off you lying kikes, you are no better than the brady campaign or any other menagerie of cunts, pushing your agenda with bullshit you pulled out of your ass

all of you faggots will love this because it fits your worldview, you dont give a rats ass if its true or not which is why you are scum

this is so fucking fake, the sentiments in it and the observations are pretty accurate for the most part but its still some larping faggot

wow nigger could you make it any more obvious, I love how hes desperately trying to sound like a 40-50 year old mom lul

fuck off you lying kikes, you are no better than the brady campaign or any other menagerie of cunts, pushing your agenda with bullshit you pulled out of your ass

all of you faggots will love this because it fits your worldview, you dont give a rats ass if its true or not which is why you are scum


Calm down Yidarius

The high-school I spent through my last two years in is full of people exactly, to a T, like the ones OP describes. The only difference being that it was not just the blacks; Dominicans and Puerto Ricans were just as bad. I can't be too specific, but the school used a more independent teaching method, which means that you are more responsible for doing and making your own work. By far, the white kids were much more well behaved and actually did their work, whereas the dark skinned kids would slack off and just yell in the direction of each other. They don't have conversations, they just yell in each other's direction about nothing. All the schools I had gone too before that were mostly white, and I'm no stranger to the dark skins having Latin American roots myself, but nothing can change your view of niggers and spics more than just observing their behavior yourself. They are barely even "human" in the less literal sense, because they have no grasp of social or societal norms.

It's a good read, but the majority of niggers I've known have demonstrated some ability to understand the future and other abstract thoughts. Assuming the conclusions drawn here are true, this is probably due to the fact that most American blacks are about 20% White. I bet if we sent American blacks back to Africa they would very quickly become the elite class of the continent.


OP's post is pasta, but good pasta

here is more interesting reading for you


sage for not having checkd catalog

What does this mean?

I saw a similar thing at my overwhelmingly white school about the blacks and foreigners in general, but the mexicans varied a bit more in how well the adapted to white behaviour. And after leaving school almost all un-whited themselves. I was thinking it was because of their incentives from gibs and illegal families not wanting them to fit in, but now that I think it over, every one that was worth a damn had legal parents and a more normal IQ. The children of the illegals varied from outright retarded to maybe 85 IQ tops.

I haven't looked at the tard thing yet, but there's a lot of good shit out there you will never find because there is no money in it, and oldfags like keeping simple sites usually. It's just keeping your eyes out for links from interesting people who don't just post whatever is popular. Everything seems like an aggregator of everything else, or clickbait these days.

And avoiding ads is a good heuristic.

I think you'd be surprised by how many of my classmates and colleagues go on this site. Yes, most of the content on Holla Forums Holla Forums sucks, but that is the price you pay for free speech. Sometimes you will find a sliver of excellent discussion here. While the average level of discourse is higher in 'moderated' forums, the usual content which such discourse concerns is pozzed to the extreme and there is no way for you to break that censorship.

My argument was less about affirmative action and more about the general behavior of negroes.

It is true that in areas with smaller and more dispersed black populations, the blacks there commit less crime due to the fact that their infrastructure is better (more cops, better schools, neighbors less tolerant of trap houses) and there aren't enough other blacks to form gangs.however the general demeanor of negroes changes very little with increasing education.

Most will still exhibit a similar irrationality and incompetence as they would in any other setting, just with a slightly more refined flavor of irrationality and incompetence. There are the Ben Carsons and Thomas Sowells of the black population, but they are a drop in the bucket. Too few and far in between to have any effect on the black population, and too embarrassed of the black population to even desire to identify with them on any level.

Off topic: What a goddamn shame the wachowski (((brothers))) spent more time planning tranny surgeries than making sure the matrix sequels were worth a fuck.

Truly could have been the greatest movie trilogy of all time if they didn't try so hard to poz themselves. Fucking tragedy yo. Still hurts.

On topic: all niggers must hang.

What the fuck point are you even trying to make?

Is this a kikebot? Are you legit retarded?

Get raped.

STFU and go get AIDS'd by Jamal you faggot

Great post


good post