What do you guys think about this video?

What do you guys think about this video?


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its shit and that bitch is an attention grabbing whore.
the recent rise in women in the right wing circle are just attention seeking whores who will jump to the left wing crowd as soon as the right rises to power and the left becomes edgy again.

Go away Sinead.

Seems to have a really good grasp of Hegelian Dialectics.

Truly it is all about the Jew.

I think your shitty low-effort thread is saged, reported, and filtered.

The thing about milo that people seem to not be getting, is not that we( not all of Holla Forums, obviously) support him because he's gay or w/e.

The reason we like him, is because he's like an avatar o vengeance, you know how the left used gays to supress, mock, difamate, etc, the right-wing? Well, milo is the other side of that coin, despite being gay, the left still considered him disposable because of his skin color and political views.

He's the living response to all the "in-your-face" homosexuals the left used against the right for the past 15 years.

Lets be real here, yes hes a degenerate racemixing faggot, but is he imposing others do that to? No, he's actively fighting against it, fighting against the political bullshit. So here you go, i hope this can clear some of the fog surrounding the Milo-Holla Forums relation.

Disagree about Trump, but still a solid video.

My ex is a "redpilled' female youtuber, can confirm what you said, they are mostly very misinformed about things concerning the redpill.

The redpill for women should, idealy, take a different road, all this thing about jewish conspiracy is not really all that relevant for women at the end of the day. You want to create a group of responsible, concious, loving and respectable females? Expose them to people like Karen Straughan, not Julius Evola. Things would be so much simpler to solve if wmen simply disengaged from the political world all-together and let older white agnostic/christian men run it.

The thing about facism and the redpill in general, is that if tings go wrong, they will start voting left again, while men will have to go die on battlefields. This is the ugly truth and everyone knows it, even when they dont say so.

On a side note, i would like to point out how much western women fucked up, not just men, but women in general. To the females on Holla Forums, can you imagine living like a 50's wife? Staying home, doing little work, having fun with friends who came over for coffe/teain sunny afternoons? Sounds pretty good, right? Now add to that all the technology we have today, plus having all the free time in the world, while your loving white conservative husband happily worked to provide for you, since he is motivated to provide and cherish women who are not promiscuous feminist lunatics.

This is what they threw away, a life of peace, love and plenty. They decided to take matters into their own hands because "i dont need no man!" and 40 years later everyone is enslaved by multinacional companies owned by jews with mental problems.


Fuck off Goldstein.

I think Sinead is an attention whoring controlled opposition shill but this video honestly wasn't bad.

Pay attention before calling people shills.


alt right faggotry


Why did this autoplay right after it?

Milo is a nigger loving kike faggot who happens to be right wing. I enjoy the butthurt he causes (not the literal kind) but other than that I see no further link.


All women are slut. And you are forced to marry them to even reproduce.

I think he's that sperg who thinks Sinead is the puppetmaster behind some giant Aut-Right conspiracy.


Holla Forums loathes Milo and wants him to die.


Are you the guy who groomed Evalion?

Oh (((you)))


You are a shill.

all i got from this was joos joos joos joos, nobody is going to listen to her outside of Holla Forums

its more complicated like that, these powermongerors bred or were born into jewish families and engineered the holohoax. and now they're making alt right controlled opposition.

i do agree they deserve to be exterminated but if we just leave it at jews then we will see a repeat of this but with another racial fringe group. Its not just a jew thing its an inherently anti white self destructive sentiment and anyone can be this.


Holy shit, this Kike actually has the chutzpah to post her shit on Holla Forums after she got caught trying to coopt the Fed silent protests started by some Holla Forumsacks???
I mean, I know she never stopped using this board to shill her colleagues like Red Ice Radio, Black Pigeon, Evalion etc, but actually using her own name, lol.

In the same video that she has now deleted, she tried to shame us into dropping encryption, showing faces, giving HER your real postal address and to stop criticizing feminist infiltrators or be called "little mgtow virgins who just hate all white women."
Shit, I need to dig that video up, looks like people are already starting to forget that all of these interlinked "alt right" groups are just a bunch of leftist kikes gathering dox, sowing d&c and injecting feminism/acceptance of racial impurity on a trojan horse of merchant memes "RWDS" and alt-right (((brackets))).
Don't even bump, any publicity feeds these kikes.

look you fucking moron, the jews need to get killed, but even after they get killed, the cucks you throw out instead of killing off will turn jewlike.

you need to be precise and stop another jewlike group from manifesting itself. this requires alot of research into wars and how the loser was controlled, if it doesn't work then you exterminate them. hell it may require a huge rethink, like demonizing jew like behavior and passing it through generations.

the jews were cuckhold parasites that spread because nobody wanted them, so they kept the hate going for generations, its in their genetics, and legacy. Whites aren't this spite ridden since they know how to live alongside eachother and built up homelands in difficult areas where other races would call a quits.

Sinead uses Hegelian dialectic while telling you about it.
Tip:her "enemies" are her friends, they "attack" one another to control both sides of the debate.

They have been using this method since they first appeared. When cornered the Sinaderkike cries "joo jus hate all white women", there is no conflict between sinead and the " alt right" they are the same people.

Man that's an awful lot of work for internet pissants whose target audience is extremely narrow, holy


Wow it's like she's saying what we're all thinking.

If only there was some way to throw money at her!

Except… "whiteness" as a concept was invented by Jews. They wanted to blend all of the European nationalities together and destroy their identity. Educate yourself, of course America is an artificial nation with no actual history. You're as ignorant about your ancestors as the negro slaves are about their own.

"White people should unite"

Ask a German or a Pole what they think about the Russians.
Ask a Romanian what they think about a Hungarian.
Ask a Slavshit what they think about a Croatian.
Ask a Greek what they think about a Turkroach.
Ask a Portuguese what they think about a Spaniard.
Ask a Frenchman what they think about an Englishman.

Fucking lol, white people. Grouping all Europeans under one identity was the beginning of multiculturalism, you dumb pieces of shit just go die. HURDURWEREAMERICANSSAVETHEWHITERACE.

How about we end America and wipe you loud obnoxious shits off the map? Maybe that will end war since you've been one of the root causes of it for the past 60 years.

This. Women are basically incapable of having opinions like this. There's some man coaching her through this shit. Women either don't care about politics or take cues from strong men in their lives.

Wait, I went away from the internet for a while after the first Fed protest was a decent success in Atlanta. How did she try and co-opt it and what happened to the protests?

He's not right-wing, he's an opportunistic queermo. Milo is a nigger loving preening media faggot who is easy to control via his ego and his need to flamboyantly seek attention and cause spectacles.

Milo is a good useful Knight in the chess game we're playing, but Sinead? She's not even a pawn, she's not even a fucking checker, hell she's not even the old boot in monopoly.

When are you faggots going to realize he's the one using you, not the other way around.

Ok, he said nice things about "muh videogaems" and makes fun of feminists. He's still the enemy,

The Renegade/Firestarter assholes aren't alt-right, they're the people who come here and bitch about the alt-right the most. I'm sure they're all paid to make everyone on the right look like total morons, anybody who would seriously try to associate semitic flat earth bullshit with the pro-white movement has got to be on the take.

He's not using us, he's using whoever it is that reads his articles. We just spin his more useful antics into narratives that help achieve our ends.

Nope, you're just a useful idiot.

Promoting him or anything he does only perpetuates the myth of the good jew and pushes more people towards kosher conservatism. You're helping him achieve his racial ends.

Flat-Earth is retarded, but that's just an excuse Aut-Right faggot who are triggered by her "homophobia" use.

John Friend is a flat-Earther who claims nobody died on 9/11 and says every mass shooting is a hoax, yet Spencer let him run a booth at NPI.

What so white people should stay divided and conquered by Jews and Muslims instead of uniting to drive out their oppressors and invaders?

Oh, European detect, so guess you are willing to cut off your nose to spite yourself because you're stillpissy about shit that happened 400 years ago.

Who? And nobody takes NPI seriously except media faggots.

Oh well if you assert it, it must be true!

No, i'am not even from america.

I saw some user on a thread about her claiming to be her bf or ex, thou.

Calm down pls, you are starting to sound more of a faggot than him.

SinAIDS + summer fags = this thread

The Jews are not united.
The Muslims are incredibly divided, there's been a civil war in Islam since the death of Mohammed.

My nose? America was a mistake, you are the MILITARY WING of the NWO and the Zionists control you with nationalism and ahistorical revisionism to keep you divided as a people and unable to organise against established power, fix your social problems and end the wars you continue to perpetrate.

Pissy? 400 years ago? To this very day Germany rules Europe with an Iron fist, it has a death grip on the finances and businesses in dozens of smaller countries. The only reason the EU exists is because poor European people were tricked into thinking a union with Germany and the nordic communists would meaning sharing some of their wealth and prosperity, or at a minimum be good for business. They didn't share shit, they turned them into 3rd world slave farms and poached all the educated people, doctors, scientists, engineers.

Of course if you actually had a real country with a history and people proud of it, keeping traditions and memories alive, you would have real newspapers and media, which was not controlled. And coupled with an actual education, you would have the tools to understand bullshit, and the common sense to speak about it.

American discourse is a manufactured cyclical loop of inner conflict, while you bomb the world. And it started in the 40s and 50s when you let in millions of Jews some of whom saw an excellent opportunity to control these stupid politicians. Personally I think it goes back even further to the Industrial revolution and the Railroad kings who rigged elections and started the civil war, but whatever the case may be, the good times have run out for America and you're about to face a cull, a trimming of the fat.

For anyone outside your sanitized commercialized hellhole, it's incredibly obvious. Your nukes haven't been maintained, there is scandal with respect to your military spending, your economy is fumes and vapour, civil unrest is at the level of the 60s. Comfy, very comfy, watching you dumb fucks burn.

forgot my sage

Quit shilling your shit here, you fucking whore.


I think she makes some good points, Trump is not the solution and Milo is a kike. But I really don't think she is being practical, we don't have the numbers to actually fight against the system and in short of all out war to take back our country's we need to play the memetics game. The hegelian dialectic works both ways. He need wake more people up and she is ignorant of the Jewish influence on Feminism. It could be D&C shilling but at the same time having Hero worship could really cuck your sit up. I mean Trump is clearly Pro Israel. At the end of the day what is important now in short of war is Memes and genes.


A retarded communist feminist shill


hahahhahahahaha holy shit.

just goes to show anyone outside of Holla Forums saying Holla Forums rhetoric are left to their own devices and basically create their echochambers. atleast back here people can take a joke or atleast assess threats without screaming hard like kikes.

Idk, the caller sounds like an effeminate Jew trying to gaslighting a righteously pissed off family.

yeah but where is the proof?

this is just cringe, this is the problem with Holla Forumstube or any attentionfaggot saying their stormers on youtube then showing their faces online, in order to be "the face of the movement." it may be unintentional because they may be mentally ill, want the attention, or want to manipulate people this is no better than acting like some alt right faggot.

we should stay anonymous, there's better people to listen to, than just pay attention to

random eceleb faggots who show their faces.

fuckin aye I prefer that crypto fag Spencer than this blatant fag Milo as a figure for the "alt right".

Shes a coal burner who literally abuses her kids with vegan diets.

I could call cps and have her son seriously investigated.

I think she needs to show her tits already.

Shut it you or else i will come over there and peg you in your neg hole.