Comics Alliance has discovered "Assigned Male".
They want everyone to read it. They consider it "one of the best original ongoing comics being published today".
Comics Alliance has discovered "Assigned Male".
They want everyone to read it. They consider it "one of the best original ongoing comics being published today".
wew ladder
Yes, you can't normal, sane people to think like people with mental illnesses or identity with them.
How much longer until trannyfaggots retract to their own contained society so we can nuke it?
* you can't expect
So you mean they're filled with depression, cynicism, and self-loathing?
Are transsexuals gay? Last I checked, they want us to believe they're women, not fags in dresses.
They're trying to be several things genders at once, typical symptoms of mental illness.
How about if they choke in my cock?
wew lad
"Queer" means whatever they want it to mean at any given instant.
Can we hurt CA in any way shape or form? Do they even have an office we could infiltrate and shit in key segments or some shit
I dunno, he sounds pretty gay to me.
"queer friendly" I fucking hate that phrase…
Implying that everything else is somehow queer un-friendly, or queer offensive.
So does it up the fag specialty in AIDS?
…This does not surprise me, but I wish it did.
I just love it when even the readerbase starts calling someone out on their bullshit.
There's a special feeling when someone who is actually gay/trans/woman/black/whatever calls out the rich white cry-bullies on their shit.
That sounds awfully familiar, like I heard it said about another supposedly "queer friendly" comic.
I don't care.
Guess they ain't so bad after all :^)
Little by little, all of the pet "marginalized" and "oppressed" minorities that SJWs have claimed as belonging to them are realizing that SJWs are fucking cunts and they want nothing to do with them.
Even trannies just want to be left alone to live normal lives as normal people. They don't want to stand out and constantly scream at the world that they are trans. Real trannies don't even ascribe to that tumblr bullshit that a boy can declare himself a girl without making any changes (like the faggot author mouthpiece in Assigned male)
No they don't. If they did they wouldn't have caved in to the delusions of their disorder.
Makes sense.
The internet has lied to you. Not all transexuals are pink haired camwhore suicidegirls.
I see you can't read. All transexuals/transgenders are mentally ill. It doesn't matter if some aren't attention whores, the moment they cave in to their delusion is the moment they've lost it.
And the moment you caved in to your Holla Forums delusion and shitpost was the moment you lost it.
Way to go, retard. Guess we should start telling Anorexics "Yes, you are fat", give Bulemics ipecac prescriptions and tell schizophrenics it's natural to have multiple voices in your head tell you to harm people.
Go back to tumblr, you tard.
Ignore him. He's some resident goon who goes around Holla Forums acting like a dumbshit SJW to cause shit. I've seen him in at least three threads already. Same rhetoric, same post formats.
Never said they weren't mentally ill. They've just made the decision that the way they want to deal with this mental illness is surgery and pills.
At the end of the day, however, they just want to act like normal people. Beyond that, what's there to give a fuck about?
The problem occurs largely because tumblr is at war with the world on behalf of a microscopic minority of crazy people. Demanding pronoun enforcement and bathrooms and legally recognized made up genders is the problem.
Gender is an utterly pointless concept. Like even before all the transcrap it existed and was pointless even back then. Biological Sex and nothing more is needed.
It's funny because even most of the social justice types think the comic is giant piece of shit. This is basically just bog standard liberal virtue signalling with no actual research put in. I bet that he (because the name "Tara Marie" sounds like something a tranny would pick for themselves than something an actual woman would have) probably never even read the damn thing, just picked shit at random.
Having a hard time confirming trannyness since I can't seem to find any social media for this person. Just one twitter that may or may not be them (feed is full of tranny/LGBT shit and retweeting people like Noelle Stevenson) but no confirmation.
LOL, even over at Bad Webcomics Wiki, which coincidentally listed the perfectly good Sandra and Woo only days after the writer said he was anti-feminist, they think this comic is bullshit.
I think I'm going to vomit.
it seems like the amount of patreon support is always inversely related to talent
That's fucking bullshit, she was fine with it till SJWs started attacking her, now she hates it.
They'll suicide en mass once their great goddess hillary dies on live television, thousands of insects fleeing her corpse.
Actual people don't want to be singled out.
Snowflakes want above all else to be singled out and will use any excuse and convince themselves of any reality that justifies it.
god that arstyle is so ugly. Why are they all so fat?
And the SJWs then turn on the pet minorities that openly disown them like a pack of rabid wolves. Look at how dangerous it is to post on NotYourShield.
Oh cute, are you here to defend your boyfriend Holla Forums?
I never thought about it, but that episode describes SJWs perfectly.
It's basically about one of the behaviours that got taken to a total extreme with SJWs.
It's easier to coddle and rabidly proclaim your support for the marginalised and minorities than it is to simply treat them the same as everyone else and take their needs into account when necessary.