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now that the coup is on what is there to be done?

- Why is it a coup?
- Why is it being approved by everyone?

not trolling, i just don't know much about it and most places that i've seen call it a coup aren't very… trustworthy.


Are there Brazilians on Holla Forums?

What's your opinion on this?

No coup, so wait and see how dilma defends her ass.

-its not a coup
-people got tired and mad after they saw dilma screwed the economy big time and used public funds to finance her shit, and her friends shit.

You will only find PT cocksuckers that will call it a coup and that its not her fault at all, like they always do.

alguem printou/arquivou a thread gigante(300+ replys) que tinha sobre o brasil?

BR HUE here.

I'm just laughing my ass off at the dumb fucks who said Dilma was no better than a right-wing government. Too bad the country had to go to the shitter for them to be proven wrong.

I've seen a few Brazilians mainly on Reddit defending the coup so I was curious how popular opinions like that were

Most people defending the impeachment say a) it's not a coup and b) are usually right-wingers/lolbertarians who think the Worker's Party (PT) is the worst thing that's ever happened to Brazil.

There are actually very few left-wingers defending the impeachment (most are against it), but I've seen some pansies saying that "Dilma and the PT are not actually leftists, they're no better than the right-wingers". They're dead silent now they've seen what an _actually_ right winger government can do in a matter of days.

Esse é o elitimismo clássico da esquerda. "Ou é do meu jeito ou jeito nenhum", como se um SocDem não fosse uma puta duma melhora para o povo se comparado ao que tinhamos.


Dilma's government wasn't pleasing the bourgeoisie enough so they decided to get rid of her.

Seriously comrade?

Too late, maybe the only hope now is PSOL.


hi Holla Forums, do you have any sources on that? If by "her shit" you mean social programs then yes she did.
vid related.

O Brasil tem que parar de pensar que é 1º mundo.



PSOL é de dar vergonha. Partido moralista sem projeto, sem experiência, sem capital intelectual, sem visão. São as Marinas da esquerda, por isso só estudante bobo gosta.

Espero que a Dilma consiga passar a conversa nos senadores que viram a verdadeira face do Temer.

Mas honestamente a esquerda tem que se reestruturar urgentemente, até agora só vi circlejerks de que partido é X e Y logo não combina como Z e F.

É deixar de viadagem e asperger por um segundo e construir um plano onde todos consigam encontrar um projeto em comum. Se não o futuro é esse turbo neoliberalismo lindo de morrer .

For a fucking troll you come equiped with decent links. Still wrong though she embezzled into her own programs that she ran herself that directly fed herself and her friends additional paychecks.



Based Chosmky talking about the coup

Are you a true retard?

Two can play at that game laddo

Wait, when did we not get a corrupt government in Brazil? Actually, the most corrupt period in our history (the military dictatorship) was openly right wing.