Local authorities are calling for classes on Islam to be brought in at schools across the country after a radicalized Muslim youth attacked passengers on a train with an axe on Monday.
Someone needs to put Germany out of its misery.
Local authorities are calling for classes on Islam to be brought in at schools across the country after a radicalized Muslim youth attacked passengers on a train with an axe on Monday.
Someone needs to put Germany out of its misery.
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Every day the blood burns hotter.
Double checked.
So if I'm understanding this hyper logical shit article.
Germens get axe snackbared, now forced to learn islam?
Do no crime, take full punishment?
I am disillusioned, are we really living in a world like this today?
Landsberg echoes pretty hard.
Probably a jew.
TRUMP-PUTIN 2016-2020
You're misunderstanding things. You have christian religion as a subject in state schools, which you can opt out off. They now want to have islam thingy for the Muslims, trying to water down their religion.
Only thing needed is to make the classes mandatory on non-muslim too and the terrorists have won.
Looks like Germans are close to snapping.
The ZOG is desperate with the brain washing.
Once Trump is elected, the gloves are off.
I don't think that ever works. There seems to perpetual shortage of Islam teachers in Europe, so all the ones that want to radicalize the youth have nothing stopping them from getting the jobs. It's not like the school officials can properly evaluate the applicants without being literally Hitler.
Anything is ok if it can destroy christianity…
One thing is being an antichristian, but they are offering their kids to be raped and slaughtered, shit is like 80s satanic cults.
Ah ok, thank you for clearing that up for me.
Have some screen caps.
It's the same cult. They've got hooked noses.
What is even the fucking point? Prevent lil' Mahmoud from going to his backyard mosque? He'll do that anyway. Do they believe Muslims will believe a single word a kuffar tells them about THEIR religion?
And the church is wondering why people are leaving in droves!
A lot of non-muslims in the west seem to think they are the highest authority of what is Islam and what is not.
Wait, a Christian bishop is arguing for proselytization of Islam?
Ok, Germanbros, you have to revolt. Like right now. We're trying to get Trump in office, but we can't do everything.
pick one Kekus Maximus
During one of Högge's rallies the bishop of, I think, Cologne also turned the lights on the cathedral off as some sort of cucky statement.
The rally-goers then completely illuminated the cathedral with their smartphone lamps, which was a way more powerful image.
Fucking hell reality is stranger than fiction.
This is just on so many of levels of cucked it would put the victims of the cuckoo bird to shame. Can we ever get off the ride of madness?
mfw i was reading this
AfD can't get elected soon enough
Germans are close to snap and they wanted to force the Islamic classes on them. Do they not realise this will backfire?
Can someone send their dogs to me so I can get lick and wake up from this horrible nightmare?
christian bishops are retards apparently
guy got 15 instead of 18 years because he "was provoked" and his lawyer seeks half-prison-half-home custody since next year
They totally won't chimp out when they find out.
Europeans don't understand their own religion anymore. There's female bishops in protestant churches now, it's absolutely degenerate.
Don't you worry. Once the USA goes down in nuclear hellfire, there will be a cleansing going on of both kikes and sandnigger scum.
Kek will be watching.
Reminder that the education system and academia should be absolutely purged of leftists and liberals, as well as any subjects reflecting these views or consequences of these views.
The only people who think anti-intellectualism is a bad thing are hipster faggot leftists and Jews.
What? Lefties love anti-intellectualism.
Seriously, kikes and muslims are just two sides of the same bloody coin.
The leftist mindset is easy to understand. They dislike anything mainstream/popular/proven because they are inferior at everything, and thus want to change society's standards so they are no longer the bottom of the barrel.
Such as? Saying that ISIS is not real Islam?
I hope you're not implying Christinsanity is European's own religion
Among other things.
Pretty much anything "bad" in muslim culture has nothing to do with Islam. This kind of perspective is somewhat understandable from westerners because for them religion can have its aspects be picked and choosed in any way one likes.
Looks like Deutschland is set to overtake Sverige as the Great King Cuck of the World
It's really one of the pinnacles of modern narcissism that random people on social media adamantly insist they know more about Islam than the leader of an Islamic theocracy with a doctorate in Islamic theology.
kek that perspective, thanks for the new attack angle
You're absolutely right, that is what I got from it too. The plan is to indoctrinate Muzzies into a cucked version of their religion, just like they did with Christians. It's insidious, and it's almost clever.
The problem is Germany doesn't have what it takes to pull of that plan, and it will blow in their face, probably literally. They're going to end up paying true-believing preachers to indoctrinate young Muslims into the true ways jihad. It's so obvious that that's the only way it can go. Imagine Hans Libcuck and Achmed Ackbar are both applying for the position of Islam teacher. Hans has a degree in comparative religion and feminist perspectives from the University of Mitteleuropa, while Achmed has a degree in Islam theology from an actual Madrassa in the actual Middle East. Who is more qualified for the job? Who is entitled to affirmative action? Who do you think is going to get the job? Once Achmed gets the job, he starts teaching the kids about Shariah, and how unclean the kufr is, and how it's their destiny to dominate Germany and eventually the world, and how women who don't wear burkas are whores, etc., etc. Are the Muslim kids going to rat him out? Not likely. Is he going to say that stuff when a school administrator is in the room? Probably not. Even if the authorities get suspicious and want to shut him down, all he has to do is take a deep breach and shout "RACISS" as loud as he can. If that somehow fails and he gets canned, his replacement will be exactly the same.
This is probably the best case scenario.
It is likely that the schooling system will openly encourage radicalism instead of tolerating it.
Protip: It is and it has been for the last 2 millennium. Stop living in denial, friend, you'll live a happier life.
There's lesbian bishops removing crosses from their churches as to not offend mudslimes…..
These are obviously anti-Christians, but no European has enough of a spine to call them out on it.
Stop trying to conform religion to your race, we're not Jews here. Nobody was forced to become Christian, they willingly joined.
This is what Christians really believe
Yes FAM I'm sure its the Germans who are in control of their country and and pushing this… on them selves..
You do realize that will piss them off even more, don't you?
Yes, because a religion that's been dead for thousands of years and even denounced by every European country is the true religion of Europe.
Well done, Chaim. This will surely help your cause.
Literally everyone who opposed catholicism were slaughtered. You don't know shit.
I still find it ironic how Holla Forums always remembers how bolsheviks slaughtered millions of christians on lands of russia, when when catholics baptized russia, mullions of pagans were killed in the process. Its just a sentence for their shit, and it will repeat again.
It's very tiresome disproving you christcuckolds.
You don't believe that for a second, do you?
Religion is all about tradition.
And like it or not, pagans don't have any in the Western society today.
You have only seen a glimmer of your ancestors' religious world through christian writers.
Paganism is lost, corrupted and simply gone. Only a faint echo remains, populated by fat dykes and LARPers.
Christianity is our heritage. We have bled, fought and martyred for it much more than our ancient polytheistic pantheons.
Embrace christianity and make it your own, or be doomed in a spiritually empty fad.
Literally the CURRENT YEAR religion.
>Guess you have to be a christian now ;)
Christians are the gamergaters of religion at this point. Take your jew worship elsewhere.
Christianity didn't have any tradition in europe back then either. That's a shit argument
I can't imagine the chimpout if Hans Libcuck was to teach the "truth" about Islam to actual muslims.
Mainly those that supported heretical ideas, most of Europe had been Christian by the time it was 500 AD.
Look at how they recoil when they have been found out. The truth is these cucks are the ones that are aiding their enemies with the destruction of their last hope of a traditionalist revival.
I will laugh when islamics become the mainstream religion and then the christcucks will tell you to either embrace Islam or become a fad instead.
All peacefully converted to your jewish desert god.
By your logic the mudslimes are right.
If they kill all Christians and destroy their works then Christians have no place in Europe.
That's not fucking true.
The vikings existed then, not to mention the slavs.
If Christianity isn't dead, why does it need a revival?
Look at this traditionalist revival guys, it's beautiful.
Nice try m8 but I'm catholic and just pointing out your argument a shit
Sorry, but I doubt that. Nobody in this country seems to give much of a shit about it and when they do they're usually the new "progressive" kind of christian that is as bad as the marxists.
The Roman Empire was literally being invaded by hordes of Pagans at the time
Christianity is alive, modern Europeans have just corrupted it. I said traditionalism needs a revival and Christianity is the best hope for it, stop playing strawman, chaim.
Your country isn't the entirety or Europe, friend.
The Goths were Christians.
For what reason?
Yeah, go enjoy traditional Christianity in South America and Africa, m8.
Turn the other cheek goyim
Isn't that allowed in those churches?
t. clueless former Roman Catholic.
Yes but that still means that christianity very likely isn't the answer to our problems. They may be for yours.
It didn't.
But it fused with the existing tradition of Roman institutions, religion and philosophy, and later with Germanic polytheism. Jesus became Wotan as much as Wotan became Jesus.
Christianity was (before its bastardization) a truly European religion, and a guiding light for our triumph over the rest of the world. I want to go back to that, instead of scraping together a very abstract for of polytheism abandoned millennium ago.
Meme replies.
Put some effort into your shilling. Or don't, because looking at your other posts in the thread it's very clear you don't have anything worthwhile to say. Filtered
forced conversions were done to ensure that the world we're living in today wouldn't come about.
Obviously, it didn't take.
this so much
I have my own non-degenerate church that's kept it's traditions. Europeans seem incapable of that for some reason.
Yes, it's allowed in protestant churches.
I love how these "white nationalists" are against the religion of their people just because it seems edgy and intellectual to disown the faith of your people. I thought most people grew out of that stage.
This is actually fine if they're teaching this:
Of course, this is germany, so no.
Yeah those evil Saxons spreading multiculturalism and ethnomasochism, they had to be killed.
Oh wait, Christians are the ones doing that.
I'm sure future islamics are gonna say the same for their forced convention.
What's the name of your church?
Totally read the subject as "Germany - Calls for compulsory school Islam axe attack"
Majority of western Europeans are atheists and they're the ones who want cuckold nations. While Eastern Europe has a majority of Christians who uphold their traditions and faith, they also happen to be the most vehemently against open borders.
I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics you'll use now.
Church of the East.
They are jewish slaves, their entire religion is based upon being subservient to jews. Its pure madness to be an european christian, when you think about it.
It would be the equivalent of being a sudanese tengri worshiper.
give it some time…
If you consider the time they wrote it modern.
What? The same cucks who live under Islamic rule?
So tell me, are you okay with your god being an actual Jew? Do you know where the term Jew came from? I would imagine you're racist since you're here, have you ever mentioned your beliefs to your pastor? What did he say if you did?
Sorry, trying to hamfist Christianity to coincide with your Holla Forums beliefs does not look well to the vast majority, and I'm talking the other 99.99999% of Christians. You are in the clear minority with your views yet you still fly under the banner. I'm nuanced to understand that doesn't impact the veracity of the mythology, but then again even that rests upon stilts.
The penultimate argument for tolerating christianity has always been that it maintains social mores. Well guess what, it's not doing that anymore. This is a case when you can throw the Jew baby out with the holy water.
The eastern europeans have even stronger paganic traditions than the western cunts.
They actually participate in pagan holidays.
Well, considering that the leader of ISIS has a PhD on Islamic studies, this seems a very good idea.
Who'll be their teachers?
German Association of CEMR Secretary General: Dr Gerd Landsberg Rat der Gemeinden und Regionen Europas / Deutsche Sektion Gereonstrasse 18 - 32, 50670 Köln Tel.: +49 221 377 10 Fax: +49 221 377 11 50 E-mail: [email protected]/* */: www.rgre.de
Wrong, Western Europe is majority Christian. In fact, Christians are the strongest supporters of open borders and bringing in your fellow man.
The Authority of the largest group of Christians is even calling for Europeans to open their borders.
On the other hand, look at Atheist Estonia and Bohemia, two of the best countries in Europe that are getting along fine without Christcuckery.
Italy is so cucked it's unreal. I thought Switzerland or Estonia would be good second choices though. The Estonia flag is so /fa/.
user, I think it's time for you to stop posting.
God is not a Jew, the Jews despise Christianity.
The churches are the community centers for my people, the priests aren't your typical Jew-muddled, cucked western European shit.
I don't need to hamfist anything when it literally says to reproduce/multiply and that bad seeds will bear bad fruit (racemixing).
Only in Holla Forums since you guys seem to be super smart and against evil outdated beliefs :^)
Stop being a faggot and accept the truth, Christianity was chosen by Europeans because it was an advanced monotheistic religion that worked. It carved the way for European values, way of life, philosophy, and achievement. Because that's what 2000 years of Christian cultures does, it's only when you let Jews corrupt it, that's when everything goes down the shitter.
name one place where they are doing that in the modern world you mudslime moon demon worshiping time bomb
the goal is for "future islamists" to not exist
this has been done before- crusades happened to stop this ackbar scourge, and they will happen again.
the sheer simplicity of these comics makes them such an effective tool
oyvey the bad goy was ready for the race war, good thing we got him hehe.
This is why you shouldn't make wave and stop using koscher social medias (even though Holla Forums is a honeypot)
I have been to churches in the American south (where I grew up) and in Western Europe (Italy). There's very little daylight between them. In fact, I think the churchianity of America is far worse. They are all Syrian-loving cucks across the board. The town where I reside now has two churches, one protestant and one Presbyterian, who accepted Syrian refugees for federal gibs.
Are you saying Jesus wasn't God? You didn't answer me, do you know where the term Jew comes from? It's pretty obvious Jesus was born to a Jewish nigh-royalty lineage which makes him, in terms of corporeal presence, a Jew.
So if Christianity really was the deciding factor in making Europeans great, why has it failed to make any other race great? Its spread to many parts of Africa and the Middle East and we haven't seen renaissances from these mud people which wouldn't make sense from your perspective. It does make sense if you look at it through the racialist lens that these people are not able to give rise to civilizations, no matter which flavor of jew text they fellate.
So yeah, Christianity obviously is no more a defense against the poz and is not encouraging it. I would enjoy if one of you christians record a conversation with your pastor talking about your Holla Forums views with them such as being against racemixing. Do it man, prove me wrong. It would advance the conversation.
I agree
Time of public free speech is over in Europe, if it ever even existed.
Pic related.
He's attempting to deconstruct everything European Christians achieved because he works for the kikes.
Literal third world shitholes.
Don't reveal I'm a jew, or the dog gets it.
Alright, we're done here.
Looks like you're beginning to understand how Abraham scam works.
Don't forget the czech republic too.
Bohemia is synonymous with Czech Republic, I just like to type Bohemia.
Jesus was a Judean, not a Jew.
You can do your own research, friend.
Except it's pretty obvious you don't know what you're talking about.
Why would Jesus deny Jews and call them the sons of the devil?
- John 8:44
Why would Jews have Christ crucified if they supported Him so much?
Why would countless Christian theologians denounce Jews and yet worship Christ? Can't you put two and two together? Do you really not understand history or are you just in denial?
It depends on the historic situation of the time. Europeans when they adopted Christianity were living in a time of strife, but they carved out their kingdoms and advanced as a people in comparison to the rest of the stagnant world.
Africa has only recently been colonized, but remember Africans haven't done anything with themselves for thousands of years, not even a written language, what makes you think giving them a real religion to worship will change that?
Asia has only recently seen Christianity, but it's the pozzed version of "Christianity" that they're witnessing.
No, it's a good unifying defense that's been used for thousands of years against Jews and Muslim hordes. Western Europeans aren't Christians or just "Christian" in name. Real Christian countries like Poland defend their people using their Christian culture to counter Islam.
Judean is the literal definition of a Jew. He came from the tribe of Israel from which the term Jew was stripped. His lineage is traced back to Adam, so either you deny that part of the Bible or you just can't come to terms with the fact that Jesus was born to the Jews.
Jesus was against other Jews who were trying to Jew him, standard fare. His whole money lender temple situation was because the money lenders weren't observing the rabbinical judaic law of disallowing profiteering on temple grounds. In other words, they were just being bad Jews.
Maybe they just disagreed with him? How am I to guess what drives neurotic jews to do what they do? Even Pontius Pilate just threw his hands up and told the kikes to just do whatever they wanted because he wanted nothing to do with it. Christian theologians knew the nature of jews as a people and knew in some way that it couldn't be divorced from their race as well. That has nothing to do with the verity of the fact that Jesus was himself a Jew.
That you think that you can criticize my knowledge of history whilst being wholly unaware that some of the oldest Christian churches are actually in Ethiopia is frankly laughable.
I'm starting to think this Francis is deep gaming for a holy war. He keeps forcing the issue whether he knows it or not.
The white nationalist movement really needs more atheist and Pagans.
Imagine all of the gay sex we could have!
I wasn't being sarcastic, homosexuals are gatekeepers of implicit white identity.
Don't be such a fucking prude.
I am not going to argue that christianity is not kike from the beginning or that its figures aren't kikes, but isn't thebible written so generally that it doesn't matter?
Europe accomplished many feats under christianity, but not in its original form. Europeans have subdued christianity, taken it over and changed the sound bytes. They paid attention to some passages, while ignoring the others. Nobody reads the whole bible anyway. Under Third Reich there was another attempt to subvert christianity to make it fit better with Völkisch ideals and race realism, so called "positive christianity". Christianity and Europeans are intertwined for a good two thousand years, or one thousand in the eastern half. One cannot just throw it out the window. However, could we not subvert it furthermore as was attempted before? It doesn't have to be cucked to hell, it can be reformed like in the past.
Seriously? Are you going to be this bigoted?
I mean think about it, Gays and Atheist are the only hope for our country. Traditionalists are all cucks and there is nothing wrong with promiscuity at all.
I mean, when you get down to it, the logical conclusion is to fuck as many people as possible and try to pass your genes along.
I mean fuck, Aryan seed raised by a single mother (or gestating in another mans asshole) is a sure-fire way of bringing birthrates up and making our only live on earth more bearable!
Seriously, look it up!
Like I said, he was not a Jew. The word 'Jew' has been mistranslated to mean everyone in the region of 'Israel'. Judea was a separate nation at the time with it's own people.
The 'Jews' of the time of Jesus were the Pharisees.
They more than disagreed with him, he was a threat to their elitist cult, he allowed the Gentiles to have spiritual truth, Christ dropped redpills wherever he went and the truth upset them.
It would still be contradictory regardless.
That you think that you can criticize my knowledge of history whilst being wholly unaware that some of the oldest Christian churches are actually in Ethiopia is frankly laughable.
No, I know of those churches. Ethiopia is the only country in Africa to have an actual written language, this was when they were first introduced to Christianity, while the rest of Africa was shit-tier.
Uncuck Christianity then preach its virtues because as it stands right now it has none. If you can manage that, then we can have a discussion, but I have serious doubts that you will be able to since the church is cucked from top to bottom.
I still won't think it's true from a mythological standpoint, but that's a different story.
So it's obvious that you're 2a92f9 who hopped on a different vpn exit node, and I wanted to let you know that your sperging is embarassing. If you just can't come to grips with the fact that your savior was born to the Jews then I suggest you reconsider your faith.
Better yet, commiserate your woes with your fellow christians about Jesus being a Jew here: >>>/christian/292140
Alright, you convinced me.
When faced with such beautiful men, how can I resist?
It is 2016 after all, I'm now a #homomissile
wew lad
Germany's school inspectorate will be shut down.
Christians who hate niggers and Jews are like Muslims who don't hate nonbelievers. If you try to change the cuckold message of Christianity into something better you end up with a religion that isn't Christianity. You'd be better off just getting a nigger-hating hippie to take some shrooms and write a whole new book for a new religion for white people.
Working on it m8.
If Jesus was not a Jew, then why did he worship and claim to be the god of Abraham?
Yeah no, that's not how it goes:
I'm pretty sure this is already the case in many places in western Europe.
Not an argument
Be sure to have a tl;dr section that summarizes what believers should believe and do
Jews turned their backs on God and started worshiping demons instead a long time ago.
Better make it confusing instead so it's harder for outsider to attack and critize. I like the Quran method of mixed messages to fool the kuffar.
It can only end well.
People that dont consider facts wont be welcomed on Holla Forums, ever.
Would you rather your daughter marry a black man that takes your ugly mulato grandchildren to church?
or would you rather have your daughter marry a numale white guy that lets niggers fuck your daughter while he jerks off in the corner, then takes your nu-raised (possibly mulato) grandchildren to school and kisses them on the cheek with nigger cock smell on her breath?
you think theres an obvious better option here user that made this worth screencapping?
Except the racemixing that cuckold prefers is 100% guaranteed demographic suicide while the 'atheist white' is only assumed to be a cuck. I'm an atheist white and am borderline genocidal on most issues, yet this guy would prefer that his daughter date a nigger simply because I take a different view on the god question than him.
Your whole nigger cock breath diatribe sounds like it stems from repressed inner cuckoldry, might want to get it checked out.
Its hard for me to even understand the thought process here. Immigrants were initially brought in, and we were told they would assimilate and become just like any other European (somehow, magically).
Now assimilation is not even on the table. Now they are actually actively aiding an alien culture to grow within society.
I guess this was the (((plan))) all along, but how can Germans still go along with it? How do you become this cucked, in only a generation or two?
It's because Germany is an occupied state. America, and thus Israel, has free reign on German soil until the year 2099 and even has direct elections of an entire layer of the German goverment. America also has many bases on German soil and an adminstration that has on many occasions intimated that any uprising by the Germans will be met by force. Meanwhile we have Trump who says that he would take his bases out, leaving the Germans free to be able to fight the battle they've been craving.
t. guy who knows germans
I think Holla Forums just found a vocation…
The source for all the stories about Abraham is Jewish priests.
You may say that the Jews turned their back on their god, but the fact remains that the jews are the ones who created and wrote about this god.
Christianity did not invent a new god whole cloth. It hijacked Jewish mythology.
Ive been in favor of removing bases for financial reasons, but I honestly never considered the cultural and symbolic impact of doing so. No wonder globalists are shitting their pants, at the prospect of a Trump presidency.
I would really love it. I'm hopeful Trump actually cares about Europe - his statements about our islamification point that way - and would do this mostly to unshackle the Germans.
I thought you Germans were supposed to be smart. Do they really thing that teaching their acceptable Islam in school to their snackbars will make them less radical in the future?
"Oh, my Imam said to kill all non-believers and rape their women, but my school teacher said my religion is one of peace. Oh, woe is me. Whomever shall I believe?"
citation needed
The quotes I find say he's going to make European countries pay for US troops there, not remove the troops.
Countries only tolerate our presence because we foot the bill. Like Japan has intimated, once they have to pay for their own defense then they don't want to pay for the privilege of having us occupy them. He's said this at a few rallies, but Im busy and can't be arsed to find it.
I hate Christians so fucking much. They are the original cucks.
youtube search "there are many things that need to be erased"
Good luck
the liberal solution to every problem when their religion tells them that everything is environmental
Most of the societies were illiterate you fucking retard. Vikings didn't write, Celts didn't write, Anglos didn't write, Gauls didn't write. Only Romans and Greeks wrote and their mythology was preserved.
great timing lel
Pagan does not imply liberal atheist cuck though does it?
I'd say we should teach them about Islam.
Teach them that Islam literally means submission.
Teach them that Islam does not respect women, and on the contrary, treats them as property, rather than people.
Teach them that Mohammad ordered two slave girls to be executed because they sang satirical songs about him.
Teach them that Islam is antithetical to Western culture.
why say "local authorities" when you can say the names of the political figures?
Germany is finished, all the good germans died in the world wars and only cucks are left
In fairness, teaching Islam in a sanitized way in religion class could be a way to make it less of a forbidden fruit. This will help prevent edgy liberals from converting to Islam as a form of "rebellion". Also, it takes the teaching of Islam out of the hands of Wahhabist preachers. So yes, I can see the logic.
What's even funnier is that the "moderate" muslim teachers are already teaching a watered down, "moderate" and "tolerant" form of Islam.
ISIS gets it's advantage on recruited young modern kids by making the subtle, intricate references and messages in the Quran, the Hadith and the Sunna, showcasing ISIS has the most knowledgeable source on Islam, but also refuting whatever legitimacy the moderates had and showing them as "Western-corrupted lap dogs"
So by watering it down even further, you risk making muslims even more vulnerable to ISIS
game is already over if he is a mulatto you disgusting inhuman living abortion. thank god Im not a kike on the stick worshiper
Germany was a mistake.
Prussia forever!
Because there are armed foot patrols on a regular basis. You're not fooling anybody, self-hating United States.
oy vey
u wot