Are you Frenchanon(s) still interested in redoing the translation last two volumes?
I was almost halfway done with typesetting, but since bad things come in pairs, I lost my work to a hard drive's failure when backing things up, ironically.
Are you Frenchanon(s) still interested in redoing the translation last two volumes?
I was almost halfway done with typesetting, but since bad things come in pairs, I lost my work to a hard drive's failure when backing things up, ironically.
Other urls found in this thread:
so, you guys lost your LoB vol 2 translation?
Are teh threads archived somewhere?
I have translated pages from volume 2, but only things left from volume 3 are first three pages.
is there a link to get vol 3 & 4 in french?
user who did the translations here. Good to hear you're still interested in continuing.
You're very right about bad things coming in pairs. Between jojo autist pulling his latest stunt and my Word file going corrupt, I lost the whole text. In better news however, I did save every page of the comic from the last thread so I can provide the originals. In even better than that news, I've also been working on once again translating the whole thing. I was planning on making a thread when I was done with it, but you've saved me the effort.
I got 9 more pages to translate before the whole thing's done again. Give me three days and I'll dump it all in one go.
Thanks user, you are doing God's work here.
Thank you user, we can always count on you.
Comixology is the only source as far as I know. I bought them, and took screenshots in full screen. This method gets the job done, but unless you have screen bigger than 1080p, splash pages will not look as good as they should.
I can zip them up and dump in our volafile folder or on mega if you want. I was planing to include them with all four other tomes in English once they were translated.
I figure since the first thread was several months old, some anons might not know/remember the beginning of the series. So, as a buildup, I'll be publishing an album today and tomorrow, and drop the translated text for album 3 the day after tomorrow.
This first album was translated by someone going by the name Alice, who previously translated a lot of French stuff. Her retirement is what prompted an user here to ask for help translating the rest of the series.
And that's it for tonight. Tomorrow I'll be dropping the first fruit of our labour, the translated second album. Be there, same burger thread, we'll see what burger time!
thanks user, this is by the same guy that draws Ekho, and that drew the original WITCH comic, right?
Alessandro Barbucci, yes. A very prolific artist who also worked on Skydoll, PKNA, and Monster Allergy, all great series that maintain a cult following to this day. The scenario is by his frequent partner Christophe Arleston, however.
Sadly, Barbucci only drew the cover for issue 2, but don't worry, he's back on art duty for 3.
Re-storytiming album 2 tonight.
When this project first started, Holla Forums was actually quite enthusiastic! We got about 3 or 4 anons with knowledge of frog dropping translations for the first three to five-ish pages.
Continuing that way quickly proved untenable, unfortunately. The kind anons who'd provided translations for the first few pages were quick to avoid assuming any continued responsibility and made it clear their contributions would be entirely a matter of circumstances.
Further compounding the issue was the fact that without bothering to decide on a single translation to use, everyone kept pointing out spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, or simply better sounding phrases for all available translations. Doing what comic- and cartoonfags do best, they quibbled over every little detail. The zeal was admirable, but such a methodology would ensure we could go several threads without translating so much as a single album.
That's where yours truly comes in. To make some headway, I submitted my translations already embedded into the comic. I had hoped doing so would help anons accept this version as *the* version, so we'd at least have a baseline to start from. And even if that didn't happen, there'd at least be one available english version in the end.
To further speed things up, I asked the anons to refrain from suggesting improvements until the whole album was done. The plan was to have a finished product first, and polish it up afterwards. Sadly, it seems by the time it was finished, everyone else had already left.
Was I too slow in trnaslating the whole thing? Did personal circumstances, a happening, or a more interesting project distract everyone? Or did they simply decide to stop helping, as they'd already mentioned they might? We may never know.
After the whole album was translated, typesetter user appeared and graciously offered to redo the lettering for the whole comic. I don't have the means or knowhow to do properly letter this stuff, and people who were around in those days will probably remember the lettering of that first version was atrocious.
Once the arrangement was made, we fell into a rhythm: once or twice per week typesetter user would submit some relettered pages, and then I'd be the asshole who pointed out every little spelling error. To user's credit, every mistake was patiently corrected, although the proper version wouldn't be posted until after everything had been relettered.
Apologies for the spelling mistakes in these pages. These are the 5 pages whose corrected versions were never posted. I'm told typesetter user has them however, so it should be fine when the albums get bundled and put up on the vola.
And so it was that eventually, we were done! The whole album had been translated and properly lettered, and was ready for distribution. We on the other hand were already looking beyond, and itching to get started on album 3 which typesetter user had bought and scanned. Talk about devotion!
With the crew and work method well defined at this point, album 3 got translated a lot quicker. But it was then that everything went wrong on all sides. You can read about it at the top of the thread.
Much like the rest of Holla Forums afterwards, we proved ourselves more resilient than you'd expect and continued undaunted, picking right up where we left off. The entirety of album 3 has since been fully re-translated, and its text will be dropped tomorrow.
Hope you guys enjoyed the album and this little behind-the-scenes history lesson! See you tomorrow!
Third and final day of the Burger marathon! I'll be dropping the translated text along with the original images, so no commentary today.
Let's get the little things out of the way first…
Pages 1-2 don't need any translating.
P3 (Credits - Please letter these in the same golden colour to preserve the page's aesthetic.)
Scenario: Christophe Arleston & Audrey Alwett
Art: Alessandro Barbucci
Clean-up: Daniela Vetro
Colours: Nephyla
Cover colours: Cecilia Giumento
Lettering: Serena Blasco
Panel 1: Amber: My brother and I sure had a lot to deal with in the previous episodes!
Amber: Everything started three months before the Michelin Guide's publication. Daddy was on edge and wanted the Spice Garden, his three-star restaurant, to be even more flawless than usual.
Alessandro: What is this rag? Start over, or you'll be the one who gets flat ironed!
Panel 2: Amber: As for my brother Arthur… Well, he was working at Fast-Do to spite daddy, and to pay off his Chemistry studies.
Fast-Do boss: You almost done changing the recipes, Arthur?! That's gonna be two extra hours for your trouble!
Amber: On my end, I probably shouldn't have left to study the art of smithing in Japan.
Panel 3: Amber: Because that was when the accident took place.
Alessandro: Tss, she could've at least put away her tools!
Panel 4: Amber: Nobody knows how daddy managed to get himself trapped in the cold room.
Amber: Anyway, it got him killed.
Panel 5: Amber: It was Oscar, the Garden's sous-chef, who found the body.
Panel 1: Amber: We'd only just cremated daddy, when we met Philip Berdieux of the Intercredit Bank.
Philip: Hi there, youngsters! When will you pay back the three million euros your father borrowed from us?
Amber & Arthur: HOW MUCH?!?
Panel 2: Amber: We figured we could get through this, but that was before almost the entire Garden's staff left us.
Former employee: You understand, we had some other offers…
Panel 3: Amber: All of a sudden, we had to make do with new, uh… "professionals" who were trained on pretty short notice.
Cook: What do you mean, two pan-fried lobsters? We ran out of lobster over an hour ago!
Panel 4: Amber: Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for the inspectors who discretely paid us a visit.
Michelin guy: I'm sorry, but the Michelin Guide is obligated to remove your three stars. The Spice Garden isn't what it used to be in your father's day.
Panel 5: Amber: That horrible Berdieux also upped the pressure again for us to repay daddy's debt.
Philip: So you want an arrangement, my little piggy?
Panel 6: Amber: But I think I managed to make him back down for now.
Panel 7: Amber: Obviously, we can't count on mom, since she's in a nursing home…
Adèle: And I know all your grandmother's recipes by heart! You can make me recite them if you want!
Panel 8: Amber: So, except for Oscar, who stayed with us, we're totally on our own. And here we are, in this mess that not even Chuck Norris would know how to get out of…
Panel 1: Caption: The beautiful Tuscany is a paradise for gastronomers. The people there grow grapes and olives, each one more exceptional than the last. With the grapes they make marvelous wines like the Brunello di Montalcino, and with the olives they make… oil.
Caption: And an olive oil tasting session can be as sophisticated and complex as a tasting of great wines.
Panel 2: Antonio: Nice colour, intense…
Panel 3: Antonio: Is this Corregiolo olive oil?
Panel 4: Vendor: 60% of it, yes.
Antonio: A rather particular olfactory intensity, such a pity.
Panel 5: Antonio: Hmm…
Panel 1: Antonio: On the other hand, an intense fruity body… rich vegetable load, overtones of artichoke and cardoon… an ardent, fluid oil.
Antonio: Excellent.
Panel 2: Antonio: You will have 200 liters delivered to this address. The Spinazzi family.
Vendor: Um… Wouldn't you like to hear the price first?
Panel 3: Antonio: That won't be necessary. You'll be reasonable, won't you?
Panel 5: Antonio: And what have we here, that you're acting so mysterious about it?
Vendor: An exceptional production, signore.
Panel 6: Vendor: I use leucocarpa, a sublime virgin olive that, as you know, is an almost extinct species…
Panel 7: Vendor: …and of which the oil was once used to perform a king's last rites.
Antonio: Never tried it. They say the core is too big: it doesn't have enough flesh to be profitable.
Panel 8: Vendor: That's what makes my oil so rare!
Vendor: As for the price, certainly, ah… but I seemed to understand that you're looking for something better.
Panel 1: Antonio: …
Antonio: Perfectly uninteresting.
Panel 2: Vendor: Well, obviously! You'd have to be an expert to appreciate this!
Panel 3: Antonio: Ah!
Panel 4: Antonio: May I?
Vendor: Be my guest.
Panel 5: Antonio: Then we will judge your level of expertise.
Panel 6: Vendor: Hey, wait, signore! What are you…?!?
Panel 8: Vendor: GLLLRGHH GLAAARGH!!!
Panel 1: Passersby: That guy's crazy! We can't let him…
Vendor: Spinazzi famiglia.
Panel 2: Passersby: Oh dear…
Vendor: Exactly.
Panel 4: Antonio: Ah. Would you excuse me.
Panel 5: Antonio: Pronto! (t/n: Italian for hello, do not translate)
Phone: Antonio? You're going to Paris.
Panel 6: Antonio: Right now?
Panel 7: Phone: Alessandro's kids are in trouble…
Panel 8: Phone: You'll get it fixed.
Antonio: Capito. (t/n: Italian for understood, do no translate)
Panel 9: Antonio: Parigi! Andiamo! (t/n: Italian for Paris! Let's go!, do not translate)
Panel 1: Caption: Far away from Tuscany lies Paris, world capital of fashion and gastronomy.
Caption: Nonetheless, the Spice Garden, formerly among the City of Light's most prized restaurants, nowadays works with a reduced staff.
Arthur?: You can bring out the rest to table 5.
Amber?: On it!
Sign: The Spice Garden [P] reserved
Panel 2: Arthur: One lobster with citrus sauce!
Amber: It's disheartening to see the kitchen so deserted…
Panel 3: Arthur: Yeah, but I'm more annoyed by the empty room!
Panel 4: Amber: The loner at table 5 is watching everything… He might be a critic.
Amber: In the end he ordered a third meal, a tenderloin.
Arthur: If he's yet another one of those vultures, I'll add in rat poison!
Panel 1: Tulio: So what do you think?
Panel 2: Miguel: Better than people say.
Miguel: These little asparaguses, they're top shelf. Nice and crispy…
Panel 3: Tulio: Their meals got the quality, but above all they fit the image nicely.
Panel 4: Miguel?: Yeah, they could be a real hit.
Panel 5: Tulio: Take a good look, here she comes.
Panel 6: Amber: Did you enjoy your meal?
Miguel: Oh yes, very much.
Panel 8: Miguel: Check out that ass! With just two or three close-up shots, we could make the audience ratings soar!
Tulio: For sure.
Panel 1: Miguel: Yeah, and the brother could make the babes melt…
Tulio: We gotta have them.
Ingredients list: Ingredients
1 truss of green asparagus (they're best to get in the season, in spring, but the rest of the year you can find some decent ones coming in from Chile)
30 centiliters of whipped cream from Isigny
4 pieces of pork belly (black-bottom from Bigorre is the best!)
60 grams of green lentils from Puy
Recipe: Crispy asparagus tips (please preserve the text's pink colour)
and a Bigorre black-bottom cream in the same green colour please
Place the belly pieces (please preserve the text's pink colour)
in the oven to bake for 2 hours at 110°Celsius.
We'll boil the lentils in three times their volume's worth of
unsalted water, cold at first. This takes 30 minutes.
Wash the asparagus and broadly
cut the stalk.
Put them in a frying pan for 2 minutes
with a bit of oil (hazelnut
is best, otherwise olive)
and then throw them in chilled water.
Wipe them with paper towel.
Now the lentils are cooked:
lightly salt them, add a bit of pepper
or chili from Espelette, and move them to
the mixer with half of the whipped cream.
You'll obtain a bit of cream that you keep
warm in a saucepan on a lowest fire.
(Be careful not to let the whipped cream turn!)
That's it, the bellies are also cooked! (please preserve the text's pink colour)
Crispy on the outside, melting on the inside…
Recover the juice and deglaze it with the rest of
the whipped cream: you'll obtain a very nice
bit of sauce…
All that's left is to set the plate! For each one 1 cube of pork belly,
4 artistically arranged crispy asparaguses,
a line of sauce, and a little glass of lentil cream.
Panel 1: Amber: The two from table 7 seem to be enjoying themselves…
Oscar: Maybe they'll send some of their friends our way?
Panel 2: Amber: But the other guy, the loner, is weeeeeird!
Amber: He ordered everything on the menu and now he's barely touching it!
Panel 3: Arthur: Yeah, definitely a critic then.
Arthur: But as long as he pays, I'll be happy to cook anything he wants for him!
Panel 5: Amber: Paying, always paying! And with the debt we've got, we'll never see the end of it anyway!
Oscar: Easy, Amber, easy! Let's not get discouraged!
Panel 6: Amber: Everything was so much easier when daddy was here…
Amber: I miss hiiiiiiiiiiiiim!
Panel 7: Arthur: It'll be alright, li'l sis…
Panel 1: Antonio: …
Panel 2: Tulio: I asked around, they got some financial troubles. They won't be able to refuse.
Miguel: They shouldn't be too greedy…
Panel 3: Tulio: I've set up a modest baseline, and we'll make the big prize dazzle them, the 200 000 euros.
Panel 4: Miguel & Tulio: That's it, we'll take 'em!
Panel 7: Amber: Here you go, sirs.
Tulio: Ah, the bill!
Miguel: But in fact, we're not paying.
Panel 8: Tulio: Yes, instead, we'd like to make you an offer.
Panel 9: Tulio: Have you ever heard of Cook & Fight? It's a tv show we're launching this year…
See pic 4.
Panel 1: Amber: Television?!?
Panel 2: Amber: It's just that… I don't know too much about that… I'd have to talk it over with my brother…
Miguel: I'm sure he'll love the idea. Here's my card.
Panel 4: Amber: But about the bill…
Tulio: 200 000 euros at stake!
Panel 5: Miguel: I'll be expecting you very soon in my office.
Miguel: You'll become a star.
Panel 6: Amber: Ah…
Panel 7: Amber: Sir?
Antonio: I'll be back.
Panel 8: Antonio: Signori! A moment…
Tulio: Yes?
Panel 1: Arthur: Amber! What's wrong?
Amber: They…
Panel 2: Amber: They all left without paying!
Panel 3: Arthur: THEY WHAT?!?
Panel 4: Arthur: I'M GOING TO KICK THEIR…
Panel 6: Arthur: ?!?
Tulio: Um… In the end…
Panel 7: Miguel: About the bill, we gave it some thought…
Tulio: Yes, short reckonings make long friends, right?
Panel 1: Tulio: And the service, of course…
Antonio: Bene bene… (t/n: Italian for good good, do not translate)
Sound effect: tip tip
Panel 2: Sound effect: flip
Panel 3: Sound effect: chop
Panel 4: Antonio: It must be through there…
Panel 6: Arthur: Where does he think he's going?
Sound effect: brzz
Panel 7: Antonio: Here, this will do perfectly.
Panel 1: Amber: Are you crazy? Why did you let him go up?
Arthur: I was collecting the bill! Since the clients were resistant to pay, I couldn't let them go!
Panel 2: Amber: Excuse me, sir, but this area is restricted for clients.
Antonio: You'll have to empty this room, little girl. I plan to stay here for a while.
Panel 3: Arthur: Thing is… we're not a hotel!
Amber: And this is my room!
Panel 4: Antonio: Yes, very charming. You can leave the plushies, I quite like them.
Panel 5: Amber & Arthur: ?!?
Antonio: For now I need to be alone for a bit.
Panel 6: Antonio: Have my shirt dry cleaned, thank you.
Panel 8: Amber: Who is this guy?!
Arthur: I… He…
Panel 1: Antonio: Let's see…
Panel 3: Report title: Accidental death of Alessandro Caprese - Police report
Antonio: Hmm…
Panel 5: Amber: Are you sure we can go, with this guy staying at the Garden?
Arthur: Meh, Oscar can keep an eye on him.
Panel 6: Arthur: Besides, you know what the nurses said. We need to go see mom every week, or she'll throw a fit.
Amber: Yes.
Panel 7: Amber: But still, she never gets any better. These visits kill me!
Panel 1: Oscar: So, ah… Are you enjoying your stay, sir?
Panel 2: Antonio: Why a cold chamber? Don't you work with fresh products?
Panel 3: Oscar: Oh, we don't store food there. It's actually the safe of a bank that was here before.
Oscar: Mister Caprese turned it into a cold room when his daughter got interested in ice sculpting.
Panel 5: Antonio: Mister Caprese, hm?
Oscar: Yes. He died four months ago. By getting locked inside. Just… a stupid accident.
Panel 6: Antonio: People can get locked in? That's dangerous.
Oscar: Normally there'd be a safety, but it's buggy. Amber also got herself trapped in there once or twice.
Panel 7: Oscar: That's why she kept the door open when she sculped, most of the time.
Antonio: You speak in past tense. Did she quit?
Panel 1: Oscar: We've kept this room sealed since the… the accident.
Panel 3: Antonio: Hmm… The accident…
Panel 5: Caption: Not far away from Versailles, Adèle Caprese is being cared for, whose mental state is so fragile that the death of her husband is still being kept secret from her.
Adèle: Then, you add the corn to the stuffing and thoroughly coat the cockerel with…
Panel 6: Adèle: You're not listening, mister Citrouille!
Panel 7: Adèle: I'll put you in the corner if you keep this up!
Panel 8: Adèle: Now, let's continue the lesson!
Amber: Um. You told us that she had made progress.
Panel 9: Nurse: I'm sorry. It's that blasted cookbook that alway smakes her lose her grip on reality. We don't know why.
Panel 1: Amber: It was the recipe book of her mother, our grandmother…
Panel 2: Amber: We never really knew her, she died when we were very little…
Panel 4: Amber: She managed a fabulous cajun kitchen. Even daddy folded before her…
Panel 5: Amber: The family was united back then…
Panel 6: Nurse: Anyhow, she never stops repeating that her mother had talent and she doesn't…
Panel 7: Nurse: She gets stuck on that book, we'd have to help her get rid of it!
Arthur: Alright. We'll see what we can do.
Panel 8: Amber: Hi mom!
Adèle: Amber, my dear! I'm so happy to see you!
Panel 1: Adèle: You're just in time! Mister Citrouille wasn't listening to anything I was telling him!
Panel 2: Amber: Oh, you… you killed mister Citrouille!
Adèle: It's only a pumpkin, dear.
Panel 3: Adèle: It's cute, but you're past the age where you believe in things like that.
Adèle: Isn't your brother with you?
Panel 4: Arthur: SURPRISE!
Arthur: I got you a present, mommy!
Panel 5: Adèle: A present? For me? Oh, my little darlings!
Adèle: I adore presents!
Arthur: But in return, you also have to give me something…
Panel 6: Arthur: Gramma's recipe book.
Panel 7: Adèle: Uh… I can't…
Arthur: Ah. But then what will you give me for my birthday?
Panel 8: Adèle: Is… is it your birthday today?
Arthur: Yes. And you always give me a present for my birthday. Don't you remember, mommy?
Panel 1: Adèle: Yes… I'm your mother… I would never forget this day…
Panel 2: Adèle: Here. Happy birthday, my dear.
Arthur: Thank you, mommy.
Panel 3: Arthur: In exchange, I'll give you this.
Panel 4: Adèle: Pastry recipes, by Adèle Laplume-Caprese…
Adèle: That's me!?
Book cover: Pastry Recipes, by Adèle Laplume-Caprese
Panel 5: Adèle: It's empty…
Arthur: Of course. It's for you to fill in. With your very own recipes.
Panel 6: Amber: We'll leave you be, mom. We have to go.
Panel 7: Amber: Never do that again!
Arthur: What do you mean?
Panel 8: Amber: Manipulating her! She doesn't understand! It's cruel!
Arthur: I got that damn book that keeps her stuck in the past away from her, that's what matters.
Panel 1: Caption: With 31% of the market share, Cook & Fight quickly established itself as the hit program…
Caption: Two weeks later, the studio is restless…
Panel 2: Tulio: Where the heck are they? We're going live on prime time in 30 minutes!
Miguel: Relax, they called to confirm. They'll be here.
Panel 3: Arthur: Isn't it to the left?
Amber: No, Studio 122 is up ahead!
Panel 4: Employee: Ah, there you are! Hurry! We're waiting for you in Make-up!
Panel 5: Arthur: Make-up? Me? But I'm not a girl!
Amber: Don't worry, it doesn't hurt, you'll see.
Panel 6: Announcer: …We now go back to Adriana on the set of COOOOOOK & FIIIIIGHT!
Panel 7: Adriana: We've got two fantastic teams tonight! The rising pair, Tony and Laura, from restaurant La Rivière in Baule…
Panel 8: Adriana: They've just landed their first star, and there's already talk of a second one coming up!
Panel 1: Adriana: Across from them are Amber and Arthur from the Spice Garden, who just suffered the horrible ordeal of a demotion in the Michelin Guide…
Panel 2: Adriana: …and who have their heart set on finding their way back to the highest level!
Oscar: Yeaaaaaah! Wooo!
Panel 3: Adriana: And of course, our always extraordinary jury, Renaud Paragnac, Raymond Valleroy, and the irreplacable Auntie Louise!
Oscar: I apprenticed under Valleroy… he's a tough one! Oldschool!
Antonio: Hmm hmm.
Panel 4: Adriana: But our second jury is you! Cook the recipes along with our candidates and vote!
Panel 5: Miguel: So, how's our audience?
Tulio: We're off to a good start. Now we have to keep them here!
Panel 6: Adriana: For starters, our four candidates are going to the market! Today's theme is duck!
Panel 7: Adriana: So, Amber, Arthur, getting inspired?
Amber: Um… Yes…
Panel 1: Dad: We got any duck? I feel like playing!
Adriana: Our candidates have four minutes to come up with a recipe they'll propose to us, and we'll be back after the break!
Mom: There are some breasts in the freezer.
Panel 2: Staff: Going back in 3 minutes 30!
Amber: Quick! We need an idea…
Arthur: Leave quickly?
Panel 3: Amber: What recipes with duck did daddy have?
Arthur: I… don't know! Amber, the whole world is watching us! I'm freaking out!
Panel 4: Amber: This isn't the time to break down, Arthur! We can do this! We're gonna win this!
Arthur: Ah?
Panel 5: Staff: Candidates in place! On air in 10 seconds!
Panel 6: Adriana: We're back on the stage of Cook & Fight! So, Tony and Laura, did the duck inspire you?
Tony: Oh yes, Adriana!
Laura: We'll start with a land-sea combination, duck with citrus fruits and crunchy lobsters!
Panel 7: Adriana: It already sounds delicious! How about you, Amber? Arthur?
Panel 1: Amber: Well… Actually…
Arthur: Burger.
Panel 2: Adriana: Did I hear that right… a burger?!?
Panel 3: Adriana: And we're off! Candidates, gather your ingredients!
Oscar: A burger! Mister Arthur's gone crazy!
Panel 4: Amber: Are you out of your mind?
Arthur: I said the first thing that came to mind…
Panel 5: Arthur: But it was a good one! I know exactly what we're going to do!
Panel 6: Arthur: I'll start preparing the bread for the buns, you pluck the duck already!
Amber: Um… Yes.
Panel 7: Adriana: What does the jury think about our candidates' choices?
Valleroy: One must reserve final judgment until they've tasted the dish! But a burger, no. I refuse to even touch such a thing. It's an insult to cooking.
Paragnac: We'll see! Cooking isn't something fixed, you have to live and eat with the times!
Louise: Either way the little one doesn't really have a knack for ducks…
Panel 1: Amber: Gniiiii!
Panel 3: Mom: You doing alright?
Dad: Yeah, I got it out of the wrap.
Panel 4: Laura: I start by preparing the blood oranges for the sauce's foundation, Tony takes care of the meat.
Adriana: Tony and Laura, you seem well-coordinated…
Panel 5: Adriana: Everything alright, Arthur?
Arthur: I'm kneading a mixed dough, wheat and rye, whose consistency and taste will perfectly suit the duck's potent taste.
Panel 6: Adriana: Amber seems more comfortable with the slicing than the plucking!
Amber: I have good knives, crafted in Japan by a master smith geisha.
Panel 7: Arthur: We cook the buns on one side, peppers on the other, the marrow bones will join them later!
Panel 8: Amber: Chop up part of the breast with a knife, meat and fat separately.
Panel 1: Arthur: A honey and red wine sauce, a drop of vinegar. I'll deglaze the fried breast with this.
Panel 2: Amber: A couple of pear and fig slices, to cut out shapes with a cookie cutter…
Panel 3: Antonio: Bene, cousins, bene…
Oscar: Ah, they're your cousins? They didn't tell me anything!
Panel 4: Tony: The duck's in the oven, it's been filled with a creamy stuffing of orange and ginger. I just need to poach the lobsters, a minute will do.
Panel 5: Adriana: So, is the jury getting hungry?
Valleroy: One does not lose stars by accident.
Paragnac: This is all taking a lovely turn!
Louise: In the end, it's more two tinkerers and two real cooks!
Panel 6: Arthur: I put the chopped meat back together, lean on the inside, fat on the outside.
Panel 7: Arthur: …And we cook it! The duck's fat will mildly soak in the meat, which remains protected and nicely red. We'll remove the fat before setting up the dish.
Panel 8: Miguel: How we doing?
Tulio: Excellent. The viewer count keeps rising. This burger bomb's got the whole world on edge: there's already a buzz online. They're waiting to see the kids get crucified.
Panel 1: Amber: The bread is crusty, the toppings are ready…
Panel 2: Arthur: Let's go!
Panel 4: Mom: Hurry, you're running behind!
Dad: They've got four hands, I only have two!
Panel 5: Amber: Deglazed honey sauce…
Arthur: Some arugula leaves…
Panel 6: Arthur: Medium rare ground duck…
Panel 7: Amber: Pear teardrops…
Panel 8: Arthur: Sliced duck breast…
Panel 9: Amber: And a nice spoonful of marrow!
Panel 10: Well then, it's time to present all this to our jury!
Panel 1: Adriana: Raymond, will you at least try Amber and Arthur's burger?
Valleroy: Hmpf… This isn't the job's greatest moment…
Panel 2: Dad: It's done!
Panel 3: Son: Thanks dad!
Panel 4: Dad: Noooo!
Panels 5-6: Adriana: The tension reaches its highest point as our jury focuses…
Panel 9: Adriana: …But…
Panel 10: Adriana: They won't say anything for now, since there's a second dish to judge!
Laura: Duck with two kinds of orange and crunchy lobsters!
Panel 1: Paragnac: Yum yum!
Panel 2: Mom: That also looks really good!
Dad: Don't care. Tomorrow I'm redoing the burger.
Panel 3: Adriana: You can already start voting at home, by texting 1 for Arthur and Amber, 2 for Tony and Laura!
Panel 4: So, what's the jury's verdict?
Panel 5: Adriana: We'll start with Amber and Arthur…
Panel 7: Adriana: Two reds and only one blue! I'd say they weren't impressed!
Amber: Ah?
Panel 8: Paragnac: I liked it a lot! Inventive, original, a success!
Louise: A farce!
Valleroy: It's impossible to eat with a fork and knife!
Panel 1: Paragnac: Of course! That's all on you, Raymond! To appreciate the vertical organisation of tastes, you have to chomp on it, not take it apart before eating!
Panel 2: Valleroy: I've been cooking for 50 years, you're not going to teach me how it's done!
Adriana: We won't get an agreement!
Panel 3: Adriana: Then, dear jury, your opinion on Tony and Laura's dish?
Adriana: Three blues!
Panel 4: Adriana: A grand slam for Laura and Tony!
Laura: Yesss!
Panel 5: Adriana: Any comment, Renaud?
Paragnac: I also gave blue since it was very well executed, but very traditional. Essentially, I was expecting something more fresh…
Oscar: It's over!
Panel 6: Oscar: Did you see… But… where did he go?!?
Panel 7: Adriana: It's up to you to keep voting! We'll be back after the break!
Panel 8: Arthur: I shouldn't have done it! A burger, that was ridiculous!
Amber: You believed in it, you were right to do it.
Panel 1: Tulio: A record number of participants! We've never had this many calls!
Miguel: Those two really were a great idea.
Panel 2: Miguel: Regardless, doesn't matter who's ahead, we can't let them win.
Tulio: Why not?
Panel 3: Miguel: We're a show about gastronomy! If burgers win, we'll lose all credibility!
Panel 4: Miguel?: Here comes the result.
Panel 5: Miguel: Change it.
Panel 7: Miguel: Don't change it. Put the paper in the envelope and take it to the stage.
Antonio: Bene.
Panel 8: Oscar: I haven't had any vodka since mister Caprese's death, but now…
Panel 1: Sound effect: SCRUTCH!
Adriana: …And it's time to find out who you've chosen…
Panel 2: Adriana: They managed to win you over with their talent, they risked everything tonight on the stage of Cook & Fight… They're our new grand prize winners of 200 000 euros…
Panel 3: Adriana: Amber and Arthur!
Panel 4: Amber & Arthur: YEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!!
Panel 5: Oscar: YEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!!
Panel 1: Caption: There are mornings when the sun seems to shine brighter than usual…
Panel 2: Caption: On the schoolyards…
Mobile trash: You watch Cook & Fight yesterday?
Handheld casual: Yeah, I even tried the burger my dad made! Fun times, but it doesn't beat Mickey D's.
Panel 3: Caption: In the offices…
Employee 1: …And did you see how cute Arthur is?
Employee 2: So handsome!
Panel 4: Goth 1: They say he used to work here. I already ate here.
Goth 2: Daaaaaamn!
Panel 5: Caption: Everywhere really…
Worker 1: Did they specify if the pear has to be a Williams, a Comice or a Beurré Hardy? They don't absord cooking juices the same way!
Worker 2: If you were in his place, wouldn't you have tried to cook it on a lower temperature, in more steps?
Panel 6: Caption: But mostly at the Spice Garden!
Crowd: We were here before you!
Crowd: Don't push!
Panel 1: Amber: They all want burgers! The one they saw on tv yesterday!
Arthur: Coming through! We'll have to look for more ducks again!
Panel 2: Oscar: Regardless, the restaurant is full! Not like these last few days when we only had your cousin to feed!
Amber & Arthur: Our cousin?!?
Oscar: Well, yes… the client who lives here! He's your cousin, isn't he?
Panel 3: Greeter: but I'm telling you, sir, we're full!
Philip: Move.
Panel 4: Philip: Where's my cheque?
Arthur: Mister Berdieux?
Panel 5: Philip: My 200 000 euros! You won them yesterday! You'd better not have deposited them at another bank, you hear?
Arthur: If you want to be paid back, let us work!
Panel 6: Philip: You little shit, you don't talk to me like that! Where's that slut of a sister of yours?
Panel 1: Amber: Would you like me to settle the issue, mister Berdieux?
Panel 2: Philip: You, if you threaten me again, you go straight to jail! Master Hunepa is here to record any violence!
Hunepa: She approaches brandishing a knife…
Panel 3: Antonio: Mister Berdieux, master Hunepa, if you would follow me into my office…
Philip: Hey! Who're you then?
Panel 4: Antonio: Antonio Spinazzi, newly in charge of the bookkeeping.
Panel 5: Antonio: And I appreciate your formal tone.
Panel 6: Amber: "Newly in charge of the bookkeeping"?!?
Arthur: Spinazzi, that rings a bell…
Panel 7: Antonio: I've closely examined all the terms of the Intercredit Bank's loan contract, mister Berdieux. You have no right to demand an early reimbursement of three million euros.
Philip: Of course I do! Multiple deadlines have not been respected!
Panel 8: Antonio: Everything's been normalised with a money transfer from the Monte Dei Paschi Bank in Siena. The credit will thus retake its usual course.
Philip: But…
Panel 1: Antonio: Master Hunepa's presence is a fortuitous turn of events. I'll ask him to effect an acknowledgement of a certain number of records I've pieced together, mister Berdieux…
Panel 2: Antonio: We clearly see here that you have abused your position at Intercredits to try to bankrupt the Spice Garden in order to recuperate the real estate for some friends, in addition to some solid personal gain.
Panel 3: Philip: HOW DARE YOU…
Antonio: I will therefore send a copy of these documents to your superiors, as well as the district attorney.
Panel 4: Philip: I…
Panel 5: Philip: And what if we reduced the loan's monthly payments, hm? After all, that'd give these up-and-coming youngsters some breathing room. We gotta help them, no?
Antonio: What a great idea!
Panel 6: That's perfect, I'll await the rescheduling contract. You are excused.
Panel 7: Amber & Arthur: ?!?
Panel 8: Amber: I think we need to have a chat.
Arthur: Now.
Panel 1: Amber: So who are you?
Antonio: Antonio Spinazzi.
Panel 2: Arthur: That's it!
Panel 3: Arthur: Dad's older sister married a Spinazzi, didn't she?
Antonio: Manfredo, but today he's called Don Spinazzi. My grandfather. A remarkable man.
Panel 4: Amber: Then you really are our cousin! But why are you in Paris?
Antonio: We have a strong sense of family. If one of ours is in trouble, we intervene.
Panel 5: Arthur: Yes, but… I remember why dad wanted nothing to do with the Spinazzi. It's because you're from the maffia!
Antonio: Tsss… that's very exaggerated. We help out our relatives, that's all.
Panel 6: Oscar: Miss Amber! Mister Arthur! We really need you in the kitchen and the room, we're not making it!
Amber: Coming!
Panel 7: Amber: Cousin Antonio, I don't care what daddy thought of the Spinazzi. You came to our help, and we're really grateful!
Amber: You can keep my room.
Antonio: Grazie!
Panel 1: Oscar: It's a disaster! This time we've definitely run out of duck!
Arthur: Don't panic!
Panel 2: Arthur: I've got lamb, pigeon, flounder, sea bass… Amber, suggest to them that I'll improvise other burger recipes!
Panel 3: Amber: I'm on it!
Panel 4: Client: Pigeon!
Client: I want another!
Client: A double lamb without marrow!
Client: It's my turn!
Client: Flounder!
Client: Do you have a foie gras burger?
Client: Lobster!
Client: Miss! Please!
Panel 5: Arthur: We're going to need reinforcements for tonight! We can't keep this up!
Panel 6: Oscar: But everyone who left found new jobs…
Panel 7: Antonio: You'll have help until you're done rehiring. I'll take care of it.
Antonio: There are some Italian networks in Paris…
Panel 8: Arthur: I'm dreaming… I brought in fast-food people while we were managing a three-star restaurant, and now that we're making burgers we'll be working with pizzaiolos!
Antonio: Ah! The world of culture!
Panel 2: Amber: This time it's calmed down…
Panel 3: Oscar: That's the tv effect: it won't last.
Amber: Well I say it will!
Panel 4: Amber: Thanks to Cook & Fight, we got a reputation of making deluxe burgers. We need to fully exploit that!
Arthur: For now, I'm going to exploit my three hours of breaktime to take a nap. I'm exhausted!
Panel 5: Amber: We'll push the art of making burgers to perfection! The greatest burgers in the galaxy!
Amber: We'll regain our three stars with burgers! We'll make the ultimate burger!
Oscarbot: Um… Miss Amber?
Panel 6: Amber: Yes?
Oscar: I believe mister Arthur is asleep over there…
Panel 7: Arthur: RFFLLZZZ
Panel 1: Arthur: Dad?
Panel 2: Arthur: I thought you were dead!
Alessandro: Oh, you know, it comes and goes.
Panel 3: Alessandro: So you're still making hamburgers.
Panel 4: Arthur: We just call them burgers, dad. There's no ham in them.
Panel 5: Alessandro: I watched you work today. you did good.
Panel 6: Arthur: Re… Really?
Alessandro: I'm proud of my son.
Panel 7: Alessandro: And your sister is right. You can go very far. The ultimate… burger… exists.
Alessandro: Your maternal grandmother had found it. It's right there, within reach.
Panel 8: Arthur: The cookbook!
Panel 1: Intercom: …to remain seated until the plane has come to a full stop and to not turn on your cellphones before arriving at the airport.
Panel 5: Granny: Spice Garden, 16th district.
Panel 6: Caption: Next episode: THE ANCESTRESS' SECRETS
Page 48 doesn't really need any translating either, it's pretty straightforward. Jus t a list of other works by the same people.
And with that, we're back where we left off! I'm going to rest now, will check back in a few days to see if anything needs spellchecking.
Thank you for all the translating the whole thing again, user! Here's what I got so far.
Thanks for the work you guys are putting into this
This, you guys are doing pretty great
Recipe and splash page were quite a handful. it's all downhill from now.
Thank you. Sorry for taking time with the lettering.
ok, i am listening
It's alright dude, not like your getting paid to do this. Though thanks for the work.
Another ones.
I'm pretty sure that it is meant to be an asparagus tip.
You're welcome and thank you.
tank you
These are all perfect. Not a single error! Congrats!
Page 2, panel 5: the debt, not tohe debt.
Page 4, panel 1, balloon 2: Tuesday, not Tueseday.
Page 4, panel 1, balloon 6(?): a jury composed of our three celebrity chefs…
Page 4, panel 2(?): reflected, not reflceted.
All perfect again. Nice!
Thank you for spell checking once again.
Page 1, panel 9: always makes, not alway smakes.
I'm not too sure about the way you lettered the è in panel 5. If your keyboard doesn't have it, did you try Alt+138? Or does the font itself not support it? In that case it might be better to just use a regular e without an accent.
So, is this still being worked on? Been a while since the last update.
Kind of related, but I'm thinking of working on some European comics. Is there any French or Italian European comics that people would like to see worked on first? I don't promise the best translations so I'd probably need help fixing up some lines here and there. Had some computer issues earlier and finally got it resolved. I'm working on something /a/ related at the moment. Planning a schedule for the group to get things started ahead of time. So if there is any interest, I'd like to plan to make time available for it.
I'm kinda lazy, but if you give me a download link for a Spanish comic and a decent font I could use, I would gladly translate it to English.
There was one faggot bringing up Doctor Mortis from time to time, and it sounded interesting. I wasn't able to find any links to it, though.
Updates are sporadic, but theoretically still happening. Could be typesetter user is just busy at this point in his life.
Here's translation.
Thank you as always. I tried multiple ways, but apparently Wild Words doesn't support letter è.
It is still on. I just had a lot of stuff on my plate in the last two weeks.
Another great translation, but in page 3, panel 3, could you edit Antonio's "mhh mhh" to "hmm hmm"? I think it sounds more natural in English, even if mhh mhh works in French.
Another translation.
Thank you, it's changed.
fuk, i wanna bone the hostess
Thank you to someone who's working on this
No errors anywhere, congrats!
Unrelated, but could you post the corrected versions of the pages in ? They never got posted in the previous thread, and I'd like to have the complete album as a backup just in case.
Flood detection slowed me down.
Here are corrected pages. Sorry for being this slow with these lately, but grant season is just devouring all my time.
Page 1, panel 8: already a buzz
Thanks for posting them! But although pages 4 & 5 have been corrected, page 1 is still the old version… I'll repost the errors just in case you simply forgot to correct that one.
Panel 4: - Amber is missing a period at the end of her last phrase.
- Old lady: a pervert
- Philip: ma'am
And relax about the schedule. This is just a little project we're doing in our spare time for free. School comes first. If you need it, we could take a break after album 3 is finished. If you upload the scans for album 4 I could already work on translating it in the meantime, and you can make a new thread when things have quieted down on your end so we can resume the work.
you guys still on vol2 or already on vol3?
Vol2 was fully finished last thread, vol3 is translated and in the process of being lettered.
you guys trying to translate the complete thing?
i recall some person on 4ch back in 2013 or 14 only translated vol 1 and claimed it was super shit, dropping the rest
any links to the vol2 scanlation?
The whole series is right here in this thread.
I will put up more pages on Wednesday evening.
Why do the french make such good comics anyways?
It took me a while, but here it is.
And that's all. Thank you for keeping the thread bumped.
I will upload volume 4 pages tomorrow.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
So how many Power Lords figures do you own?
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Confirmed for tranny
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Holy hell, from one size fit all now we have one hunter ship with all …but anything that have AlfredxHunter in it, I'm in.
After ask couple friends of mine, it seem the second option is better so I'm gonna finish that one ^^. If this thread was saged before it done, just stick with the next soulbourne thread; I'm sure gonna wander over there.
thread 150 save
Can you add me? Maxxedj
super pooper power
We already have a loli Oni, a curvy Oni and a muscular Oni. So what kind of body type can we expect from the fourth one?
Fucking top kek. You do know these things are unpredictable as fuck unless they've been refurbished by a tech. I got a Polaroid Spectra in seemingly spotless condition, after inserting the pack it took exactly one photo and then jammed up for good. Thing is I paid $20 for it plus $12 for a film pack, so I could comfortably toss it in the junk where it belongs.
If Show Jon is any indication, 100%.
this is good.. too good.. i'm crying now
Wow this thread made a lot of progress.
Once more onto the breach.
Page 2, panel 5: absorb, not absord
No mistakes at all here! But I was wondering if in page 1, panel 3 you could replace Berdieux' "hey!" with and "oi!" ? It would probably make the "formal tone" joke in panel 5 work better. This one's on me, sorry.
Another perfect batch! But unfortunately I made a wrong translation that I'll need you to fix. In page 3, panel 5, the phrase "you did good" should actually be "you did well". Sorry again!
With those few small corrections, album 3 is finished! I'll be here to translate volume 4 whenever you're ready.
An an aside, I'd like to remind you of and to ask once again if you could please post that one missing fixed page? Thanks in advance.
Its now confirmed, this is beautiful.
France is stupid
Volume 4 at last.
That's the end?
That ending is pretty disappointing.
Is a shame I can't talk frog to actually understand what's going on.
Anybody care to upload it to MEGA?
Reading through the browser is a pain.
Quick bump to put the few people still following this at ease: album 4 will be translated. Holidays are hectic, I might not get around to it until after New Year's. Please be just a little more patient!
thanks for the efforst bruh
No worries and thank you for translating.
What a horrible, shitty comic.
Thanks for your effort.
Plz upload them to mega, reading it from the browser is a pain.
So I finally got to read this, and I liked it. It has two things I like: hot chicks and delicious food. Special thanks to the anons that took the time to translate it.
the rumor back in 2013 was that Alice only translated volume 1 cause she read past it and found the whole thing very "meh"
God speed user
Now we need to compile everything into one pdf.
Can't wait.
Waiting patiently
Still waiting
Shitty Holla Forums forced meme they are spamming on other boards.
Well it looks like the mod finally did something for once.
And here we are with some translations for and ! It's not much but it's a start!
Cover title: The ancestress' secrets
P2: Nothing to translate.
P3: Roles: Script - Art - Colours - Cover colours - Lettering
P4: Thanks: - Thanks to Benoît Fradette, the Farinoman Fou of Aix-en-Provence, who took us in for a night close to his stove to reveal bread's secrets to us… A. & A.
- Thanks to Audrey and Christophe for setting me off on this beautiful project. I'll never look at a hamburger the same way again. A.B.
Legal blurb: All rights reserved for all countries. Legal deposit: October 2012.
Panel 1: Caption: A title of Best Artisan in France is very useful to open a shop. As soon as the sign is put up, the whole world is interested.
Panel 2: Victor: So you're like, a journalist? For "Le Culinaire"?
Panel 3: Antonio: That's about it, yes.
Panel 4: Victor: An excellent magazine! I'm flattered that you want to do a piece on me!
Panel 5: Antonio: Hmm, you're not exactly the subject.
Victor: Uh… That so?
Panel 6: Antonio: I wanted to meet with you to discuss your past at the Spice Garden. You were the pastry chef there, no?
Victor: Indeed.
Panel 7: Antonio: Perfetto.
Antonio: In that case, you'll help me with my inquiry: I'm investigating the murder of Alessandro Caprese.
Panel 8: Victor: Murder? How so, murder? I thought it was an accident!
Antonio: Or not.
Panel 1: Victor: But-but-but I don't understand!?
Antonio: To understand is my job. Let's go over the night of November 20th, alright? What do you remember?
Panel 2: Victor: Well… It was a very ordinary night. The chef was a bit stressed out because he was about to close for a week and the Michelin Guide inspector might come by, but that was all.
Panel 3: Antonio: Did anyone have reasons to dislike mister Caprese?
Victor: Um… Everyone?
Victor: He was a bit volatile, you see.
Panel 4: Antonio: Let's start with you then. What grievances did you have with him?
Victor: I? None at all!
Panel 5: Victor: Apart from, well… his daughter was clinging to me that night and he didn't like that. He asked me to stay away from her.
Panel 6: Victor: It wasn't easy, because between you and me that girlie's got one sweet ass!
Victor: It was harassment, I tell you!
Antonio: Ah.
Panel 7: Antonio: Then, someone else?
Victor: He wasn't on the best of terms with his son. But that they'd kill each other…
Panel 8: Victor: But I might have two suspects for you!
Panel 1: Victor: Oscar and Michel. The souschef and the roast chef.
Antonio: Why those two?
Panel 2: Victor: Oscar often went to visit Adèle, the chef's wife. Alessandro might have thought something was going on between them.
Victor: He was a jealous one, the chef. You know how those Italians are. Ha, ha!
Antonio: Ha-ha.
Panel 3: Victor: And Caprese also often said that Oscar lacked enough creativity to become a chef. He couldn't have liked that.
Panel 4: Victor: The roast chef was even worse. The Michelin inspectors had already made several remarks about the pigeon's cooking.
Victor: He was in the hot seat. The chef was on his back nonstop. He might've cracked…
Panel 5: Victor: You can verify it with the Guide if you want to.
Antonio: That's exactly what I'm going to do.
Panel 6: Antonio: May I?
Victor: Uh… yes, of course.
Panel 7: Antonio: Fank you for your pafience, mishter Lamul.
Panel 8: Antonio: The souschef and the roast chef, hmm…
I'll try to drop a next batch on Wednesday. And I'd like to take one more opportunity to whine about . Typesetter user, if you're reading this, there are a few pages in albums 2 and 3 whose corrected versions still haven't been posted. Please do so posthaste, it's best to have a backup of the files just in case.
Translation of volume 4 has begun!
Holla Forums used to just be footfags and waifu-postan.. Now it's a sad, sad place full of shitposting and Holla Forums goons.
This is what happens when mods go postal and refuse to moderate a board.
Kept you waiting, huh?
Panel 1: Caption: Since its young chefs' victory on the show Cook & Fight, the Spice Garden is attracting customers again. Although the crowds of the first days have died down, things are going well. Nonetheless, pressure is mounting to find a new idea that will allow the young heirs to settle their debt…
Panel 2: Arthur: It can't be! The page is erased!
Panel 3: Amber: Impossible. Mommy took care of it as if it were her own child!
Arthur: Look, the Gombo-burger! That's our grandmother's ultimate burger!
Panel 5: Amber: Hmm, it'll be difficult to recreate the recipe. All we have left is the list of ingredients…
Panel 6: Arthur: At least we know what she put into it, but it's her way of preparing it that made her famous in all of Paris.
Panel 7: Arthur: She had such success with this burger! I had hoped that in recreating it, we could bring her former glory to the Garden.
Panel 8: Arthur: Looks like we'll have to find another w-
Antonio: Scusi, cousins, but I found this lying around the kitchen.
Panel 9: Amber: Sachi-sama?
Sachi: Konnichiwa, Amber-san.
Panel 1: Amber: Konnichiwa gozaimasu.
Sachi: Hmpf!
Panel 2: Sachi: Enough of your rudeness, vile apprentice! You've dishonoured me.
Panel 3: Sachi: I've come to make up for your mistakes.
Panel 4: Amber: Ah, you've heard about the restaurant?
Sachi: An unacceptable failure! If people learn you were my disciple, the disgrace will reflect upon me!
Panel 5: I'll settle myself in here.
Panel 6: Arthur: Hey, but this is my room!
Sachi: That's nothing to be proud of!
Panel 7: Arthur: Um…
Sachi: Do you at least have a plan to fix this disaster?
Amber: Sort… Sort of… We'll go into making deluxe burgers…
Panel 8: Amber: Our grandmother had perfected the ultimate burger. With her recipe, we'd be sure to get back on top of things!
Arthur: The problem is the page got erased… and we don't even know what it tastes like…
Panel 1: Sachi: Ah yes, the Gombo-burger!
Sachi: Extraordinary. I ate one every week when I lived in Paris.
Panel 2: Amber & Arthur: YOU… YOU KNOW THE GOMBO-BURGER?!
Sachi: I'd recognise it even by its pepper grains. My taste memory is infallible.
Panel 3: Sachi: We'll talk about it later. For now, I have a jetlag to recover from. Go on, git!
Panel 4: Caption: Like every other night, the most served dish at the Spice Garden is the duckburger that earned Amber and Arthur their victory. But in the kitchen, not a day goes by without a bad surprise…
Amber?: And where is the new sommelier? Still sick?
Amber?: Either way, he didn't warn us!
Panel 5: Antonio: We'll do without him.
Amber: Um… you know, mister Antonio, it's highly specialised work…
Panel 6: Amber: But I suppose we can trust in you!
Panel 7: Arthur: Our troubles are over, Amber! Sachi will become our official taster! She'll be able to tell us if we're not on the right track!
Amber: In the meantime, we'll need to draw up a plan of action. And I need to serve these dishes while they're still warm.
Panel 1: Arthur: At its base, the Gombo-burger is fairly classic: bread, meat, cheeses, vegetables, sauces.
Arthur: In order to have a fighting chance, we need to become experts in all these domains.
Panel 2: Amber: In order to stand a chance, we need to serve the customers we've got now!
Panel 3: Amber: For the lady, the lobsterburger, slightly acid espuma, on bed of oysterleaf…
Panel 4: Amber: And for the gentleman, chef Arthur's famous duckburger.
Client: What is… oysterleaf?
Panel 5: Amber: A plant that we use with our seaburgers. It's got a very delicate oyster taste, it's amazing.
Panel 6: Antonio: Hermitage Blanc le Méal 2003 for the lady. A nice minerality and flavours of grilled almonds and apricot, the ideal companion for your lobster.
Antonio: Château Fonsalette Rouge 1996, a jewel of freshness with a foundation of black fruits to accompany the gentleman's duck.
Panel 7: Amber: The burger served with its own glass formula seems to be well received!
Arthur: Good good.
Arthur: Did you think about what we were talking about? Bread? Cheese? Meat? Vegetables?
Panel 8: Amber: If daddy were here, he'd advise us to start with what we've got on hand.
Amber: Paris is the capital of bread: we'll go see the best.
Panel 9: Arthur: Cabredousse? He's got a reputation of being a nasty piece of work!
Amber: Not like we're not used to that type of chef…
Next update sometime Sunday.
And I still would really like to see those missing pages, typesetter user!
Bumping for great content.
Sorry, I just kept putting off uploading them and forgot. Here they are.
And here are the new translations.
Well, dammit. Order got messed up.
Aw shieeeet! Thanks, user!
And now for the next batch.
Panel 1: Caption: Since its young chefs' victory on the show Cook & Fight, the Spice Garden is attracting customers again. Although the crowds of the first days have dwindled, things are going well. Nonetheless, pressure is mounting to find a new idea that will allow the young heirs to settle their debt…
Panel 2: Arthur: It can't be! The page is erased!
Panel 3: Amber: Impossible. Mommy took care of it as if it were her own child!
Arthur: Look, the Gombo-burger! That's our grandmother's ultimate burger!
Panel 5: Amber: Hmm, it'll be difficult to recreate the recipe. All we have left is the list of ingredients…
Panel 6: Arthur: At least we know what she put into it, but it's her way of preparing it that made her famous in all of Paris.
Panel 7: Arthur: She had such success with this burger! I had hoped that in recreating it, we could bring her former glory to the Garden.
Panel 8: Arthur: Looks like we'll have to find another w-
Antonio: Scusi, cousins, but I found this lying around the kitchen.
Panel 9: Amber: Sachi-sama?
Sachi: Konnichiwa, Amber-san.
Panel 1: Amber: Konnichiwa gozaimasu.
Sachi: Hmpf!
Panel 2: Sachi: Enough of your rudeness, vile apprentice! You've dishonoured me.
Panel 3: Sachi: I've come to make up for your mistakes.
Panel 4: Amber: Ah, you've heard about the restaurant?
Sachi: An unacceptable failure! If people learn you were my disciple, the disgrace will reflect upon me!
Panel 5: Sachi: I'll settle myself in here.
Panel 6: Arthur: Hey, but this is my room!
Sachi: That's nothing to be proud of!
Panel 7: Arthur: Um…
Sachi: Do you at least have a plan to fix this disaster?
Amber: Sort… Sort of… We'll go into making deluxe burgers…
Panel 8: Amber: Our grandmother had perfected the ultimate burger. With her recipe, we'd be sure to get back on top of things!
Arthur: The problem is the page got erased… and we don't even know what it tastes like…
Panel 1: Sachi: Ah yes, the Gombo-burger!
Sachi: Extraordinary. I ate one every week when I lived in Paris.
Panel 2: Amber & Arthur: YOU… YOU KNOW THE GOMBO-BURGER?!
Sachi: I'd recognise it even by its pepper grains. My taste memory is infallible.
Panel 3: Sachi: We'll talk about it later. For now, I have a jetlag to recover from. Go on, git!
Panel 4: Caption: Like every other night, the most served dish at the Spice Garden is the duckburger that earned Amber and Arthur their victory. But in the kitchen, not a day goes by without a bad surprise…
Amber?: And where is the new sommelier? Still sick?
Amber?: Either way, he didn't warn us!
Panel 5: Antonio: We'll do without him.
Amber: Um… you know, mister Antonio, it's highly specialised work…
Panel 6: Amber: But I suppose we can trust in you!
Panel 7: Arthur: Our troubles are over, Amber! Sachi will become our official taster! She'll be able to tell us if we're not on the right track!
Amber: In the meantime, we'll need to draw up a plan of action. And I need to serve these dishes while they're still warm.
Panel 1: Arthur: At its base, the Gombo-burger is fairly classic: bread, meat, cheeses, vegetables, sauces.
Arthur: In order to have a fighting chance, we need to become experts in all these domains.
Panel 2: Amber: In order to stand a chance, we need to serve the customers we've got now!
Panel 3: Amber: For the lady, the lobsterburger, slightly acid espuma, on bed of oysterleaf…
Panel 4: Amber: And for the gentleman, chef Arthur's famous duckburger.
Client: What is… oysterleaf?
Panel 5: Amber: A plant that we use with our seaburgers. It's got a very delicate oyster taste, it's amazing.
Panel 6: Antonio: Hermitage Blanc le Méal 2003 for the lady. A nice minerality and flavours of grilled almonds and apricot, the ideal companion for your lobster.
Antonio: Château Fonsalette Rouge 1996, a jewel of freshness with a foundation of black fruits to accompany the gentleman's duck.
Panel 7: Amber: The burger served with its own glass formula seems to be well received!
Arthur: Good good.
Arthur: Did you think about what we were talking about? Bread? Cheese? Meat? Vegetables?
Panel 8: Amber: If daddy were here, he'd advise us to start with what we've got on hand.
Amber: Paris is the capital of bread: we'll go see the best.
Panel 9: Arthur: Cabredousse? He's got a reputation of being a nasty piece of work!
Amber: Not like we're not used to that type of chef…
Next batch next Wednesday.
Here are the pages.
Annnd I just noticed I uploaded the same segment twice. Stupid!
These are all perfect again!
Next batch:
Panel 1: Caption: Appearing out of nowhere, Gabriel Cabredousse set up shop on Île Saint-Louis three years ago. Since then, he's turned his bakery into a must-visit spot for all lovers of good breads.
Client 1: Two baguettes, please!
Client 2: One wholewheat farmhouse!
Client 3: Three croissants!
Panel 2: Clerk 1: Baguettes… wholewheat farmhouse… Here you go, sirs, ladies!
Clerk 2: Eeep! We get more and more people every morning! We'll never make it!
Panel 3: Clerk 1: Gabriel! We're already short on bread!
Panel 4: Gabriel: Gnnmfr?
Panel 5: Clerk 1: We just sold the last baguette and there are no more croissants! When's the next batch?
Gabriel: When it'll be baked. Now let me sleep.
Panel 6: Clerk 2: I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but we're fresh out for this morning! Please come back this afternoon!
Client 1: What?!
Client 2: Oh no! Not again!
Panel 1: Client 1: For crying out loud! They never make enough!
Client 2: I stand in line here every morning and I leave empty-handed five days a week!
Panel 2: Clerk: To think we could be earning thrice our profit if he'd only be willing to work a bit more!
Panel 3: Clerk: WE'RE OUT!
Panel 4: Amber: We'd like to speak with mister Cabredousse!
Panel 5: Clerk: And do you think he wants to talk to you?
Amber: Well…
Panel 6: Clerk: Go on, try your luck. The bear is hibernating.
Clerk: Word of advice. If he turns around growling, run away and above all, don't come back! Hee hee!
Panel 8: Amber: Alright, first, let me handle this. I'll use my charm to win him over.
Arthur: And if he's not affected?
Panel 9: Amber: Then you'll take a shot at him!
Arthur: Ah…
Panel 1: Amber: Hiii!
Gabriel: Wuh?
Panel 2: Gabriel: Now what?!
Amber: Um… I… It's about, uh… a special bread for the Spice Garden…
Panel 3: Gabriel: Those losers who lost their three stars? Not interested.
Panel 4: Arthur: No, I won't allow that! Not after all the trouble we've been through!
Panel 5: Gabriel: Tell me, what time did you get up this morning?
Arthur: Uh… At 6. Why?
Panel 7: Gabriel: So long, losers! I'm returning home to sleep!
Panel 1: Amber: Mister Cabredousse, wait!
Gabriel: Only my mother calls me that. For the rest of the world, it's Gabriel!
Panel 2: Amber: Fine, Gabriel then. We need your help!
Arthur: We want to regain our stars by recreating a legendary burger!
Gabriel: Don't care.
Panel 3: Amber: We need bread based on corn flour and red beans.
Panel 4: Gabriel: Corn? Red beans?
Panel 5: Gabriel: Can I see that?
Amber: Only if you'll help us!
Panel 6: Gabriel: Hmm… That's a pretty strange mixture.
Arthur: Um… you know, we're standing in the middle of the street…
Panel 7: Gabriel: And you really need these little buns of yours?
Panel 8: Amber & Arthur: Yeeeesssss!
Panel 9: Gabriel: I accept. In exchange, you'll become my personal slaves for two days. I just needed a couple of extra hands for my special order.
Amber: Slaves?
Arthur: Ah yes, of course…
See you guys next Sunday.
Keep up the good work you guys.
Bump for exellence.
Checking those dubs to aid in its exellence
i know this thread is for Lord of Burger but could any frenchanon translate the lastman comics?
here is the link if any of you guys are interested
Id be willing to read this.
Big batch today!
Panel 1: Caption: Meanwhile, in one of the nicer Parisian palaces…
Michel: So how are my crispy veal sweetbreads on a bed of lentils with yuzu syrup? Don't they deserve three stars?
Panel 2: Antonio: Quite so. I'm sorry to have doubted you.
Panel 3: Michel: Oh, no harm done. I'm well aware of the rumours the souschef spread about me. It's not your fault Oscar is a piece of shit!
Antonio: Oh? But he was the only one to stay with the children…
Panel 4: Michel: Oh, that… But we didn't all abandon ship to ditch the kids. It was because no one could stand Oscar anymore!
Panel 5: Michel: That bastard said things about me behind my back! And when he messed up, he blamed it on me.
Panel 6: Michel: At first I didn't realise it, until one day Victor heard him chatting with a Red Guide inspector.
Michel: A pigeon had turned out overcooked. And Oscar pinned it all on me! Very corporate, right?
Panel 7: Michel: Anyway, it's not hard to verify: ask the Michelin Guide!
Antonio: That's exactly what I'll do. Good day to you, and thank you for the sweetbreads!
Panel 1: Amber: Gnnnn!
Panel 2-3: Amber: Whoops!
Panel 6: Amber: Hyah!
Panel 8: Amber: Sachi's still sleeping.
Amber: I brought down some of your things, Arthur, seeing as we're now both squatting in the reception lounge.
Arthur: Oh yeah, right…
Panel 9: Arthur: We're missing more and more cutlery from the silverware!
Arthur: Worst are the little spoons. The clients are all thieves!
Panel 10: Amber: Can you handle things without us for a while, Oscar?
Oscar: No worries! A burger, even a deluxe one, I can do with ease!
Panel 11: Oscar: And Antonio will manage the service like a pro! You can rest easy!
Antonio: Hmm hmm.
Panel 12: Oscar: Well, I think we've done most of the work. I'll be back at 5 to finish setting up. I have some shopping to do. See you soon!
Panel 1: Antonio: Hmm. I need to go look for some wine in the cellar.
Panel 2: Arthur: Um… Antonio? The cellar's over there.
Arthur: Antonio?
Panel 3: Arthur: Someday I'd like to know what our cousin's up to…
Amber: Same.
(Oscar is singing the song J'ai demandé la lune by Indochine for the rest of the page. I'd argue against translating it, but just in case:)
Panel 4: Oscar: I asked the mooooon and the sun doesn't know…
Panel 5-6: Oscar: I said to myself, such bad luuuuuck, and the moon mocked me…
Panel 6-7: Oscar: I asked the mooooon if you still want me…
Panel 1: Adèle: Oscar!
Panel 2: Adèle: Oh! You shouldn't have…
Panel 4: Caption: At the Spice Garden, once the last client has left, the squatters' victims move into their apartments…
Amber: Pass the toothpaste!
Panel 5: Sign: staff locker room
Arthur: What time do you think we should go to Gabriel tomorrow?
Panel 6: Amber: Dunno, he didn't shay anyfing.
Panel 7: Amber: Considering the bad mood he's in until he's had his nap, I'd say we best arrive early afternoon.
Panel 8: Arthur: Cool! It's been years since I slept in!
Amber: Well, we'll have to have cleared the salon before the noon service.
Panel 9: Arthur: Even until 9AM already counts as sleeping in!
Arthur: Come in my arms, my love!
Panel 6: Amber: Eeeep!
Panel 8: Antonio: ?!?
Panel 1: Arthur: Is he crazy? He could've called us!
Amber: Hurry! He can't leave, we need him too much!
Panel 2: Amber: Ah, you guys woke up too?
Arthur: Well, see you tonight then!
Panel 5: Sachi: Did you get up to make me some breakfast? Very kind.
Panel 8: Sachi: And make sure the rice is sticky.
So see you guys Tuesday.
Ayy, actually on time for once!
Panel 1: Gabriel: For two days, you'll have to obey my every order.
Gabriel: Now, take notes, because I won't repeat anything.
Amber: Sir, yes, sir!
Panel 2: Gabriel: Tomorrow, I have to take on a challenge. A huge order. I thought about asking those two clowns who sell my breads for help, but you'll do the job better.
Gabriel: If you want my help, this will have to succeed.
Panel 3: Arthur: So what's the challenge?
Gabriel: Later.
Gabriel: Right now you shut up and listen.
Panel 4: Gabriel: You can't make bread without gluten. Gluten are what keeps in the gas, and therefore the aroma, during fermentation. Without any gas, the bread won't rise and it won't have any taste.
Gabriel: You can add external ingredients, but no more than 30% without messing up the fermentation.
Panel 5: Gabriel: The dough has to be at least 80% hydrated. The more water it contains, the better the bread will keep.
Gabriel: For example, a flatbread will need 10 liters of water, 12 kilos of flour, 300 grams of salt, and a bit of sourdough of course. Or yeast, whichever you prefer…
Panel 6: Gabriel: Right, got all that?
Amber: Yes yes…
Panel 7: Gabriel: Of course, here we only make rye sourdoughs. Wheat is for faggots! It breaks down too quick into sugar.
Amber: Ah, yes, obviously…
Panel 1: Gabriel: Rye can ferment a lot longer without turning, and the taste is much more fruity!
Panel 2: Gabriel: But… ?!
Panel 3: Gabriel: You're dressed in black!?
Arthur: Um… yes, we are…
Amber: You don't like it?
Panel 4: Gabriel: Oh, I do. Very much.
Gabriel: Hee, hee, hee!
Panel 5: Gabriel: And now wash your hands and get to work, maggots! It's 3 in the morning! Because of you I've never been this late!
Arthur: Owww! Where'd that whip come from?
Panel 6: Gabriel: There, the proofing's done! Devat all that and put the dough in the bannetons!
Panel 7: Arthur: Proofing?!? Bread needs to be childproof?
Amber: The primary fermentation! You shouldn't have slept in the car!
Panel 8: Gabriel: Put it aside to get finished. We'll let it ferment for another 40 minutes.
Arthur: you really understand what he's saying?
Amber: Zip it, you'll anger him!
Panel 1: Gabriel: You, go feed the yeast! We'll need it in three hours!
Amber: And what do I feed it?
Panel 2: Gabriel: You, get started on a wheatbread with chestnuts! And moisten it well!
Arthur: Uh… "moisten" it?
Panel 3: Gabriel: Add water until the dough is well formed!
Arthur: Yowch!
Panel 4: Arthur: So, uh… Do I add more chestnut flour or wheat…?
Gabriel: There are no gluten in chestnut, dumbass! The wheat's the most important part, otherwise you get a deflated bread!
Panel 5: Gabriel: And knead it all!
Arthur: But what's kneading mean?
Gabriel: It means you mix it!
Gabriel: That dough is ready! You, cut it and weigh the loafs on the electronic scale!
Gabriel: It has to be 500 grams, not one more!
Panel 6: Amber: We'll never survive this night…
Panel 7: Gabriel: Move it, slaves! Some rhythm! Some talent! Some genius! You're working for Gabriel Cabredousse now!
Panel 8: Caption: Some nights are longer than others. But some seem downright ultraneverending…
Gabriel: The clients are arriving! Get it out of the oven!
Panel 1: Arthur: Whew, that's the last batch!
Panel 2: Amber: These kind of nights really are exhausting!
Arthur: Our sleep will be well deserved!
Gabriel: Sleep?
Panel 3: Gabriel: Psh, no dignity, these slaves!
Panel 4: Gabriel: Follow me.
Amber: Where we going?
Panel 5: Gabriel: My place.
Arthur: His place? To do what?
Panel 6: Amber: I'm sure it's for the Gombo-burger! We'll talk about the buns!
Panel 7: Amber: Now that he's taught us most of the work, he'll no doubt want to share the secrets of his most secret techniques with us!
Panel 3: Gabriel: Home sweet home.
Panel 4: Amber: So, will you help us now?
Gabriel: Hmm?
Panel 5: Gabriel: No, I'm going to sleep. In the meantime, you'll massage my feet, and you'll prepare my breakfast for when I wake up.
Panel 7: Amber: Did you bring any arsenic?
Arthur: No, but put in some rat poison, it's more painful.
See you guys Thursday.
Small update today.
Panel 1: Caption: The time when bakers can take some rest is when restaurant owners start the day…
Oscar: Huh, already out and about, mister Antonio?
Panel 2: Antonio: I decided to get an early start today.
File: accidental death of Alessandro Caprese - police report
Panel 3: Antonio: Amber and Arthur are with the baker. You have the kitchen all to yourself, Oscar.
Oscar: Ah, they already left? Because we'll be having deliveries. Mister Thiébault is going to come by with his vegetables and…
Panel 4: Oscar: Ah, there he is! Well, guess I'll take care of everything then…
Panel 5: Antonio: Is that your plan, Oscar? Marry the widow to take over the Garden? Become chef in the chef's place?
Antonio: Obviously, he would need to remove Alessandro Caprese…
Panel 6: Antonio: Ugh…
Panel 7: Antonio: These Frenchmen! Their coffee's less worse than that of the English, but still…
Panel 8: Antonio: They don't know how to set the machine! There…
Panel 1: Oscar: 1800 euros. We're good for it. And you'll see our debt shrink before your very eyes!
Thiébault: You're a good house. It's only natural to trust you.
Panel 2: Antonio: Bravo, Oscar. I'd say everything rests on your shoulders now.
Oscar: Yes, I love it when things fall back in place.
Panel 3: Oscar: We've taken up contact with most of our suppliers again, which helps. But it will still take weeks to put everything back in order!
Antonio: With you managing it, it will go smoothly, no?
Panel 4: Folder: Wines
Oscar: Take the cellar, for example! We keep taking bottles out! But who's taken care of restocking it?
Panel 5: Oscar: At least you'll help me, you're good with wines.
Panel 6: Antonio: Huh?
Panel 7: Antonio: Newspaper clippings… about your old pastry chef…
Antonio: Why was mister Caprese keeping these?
Clipping 1: MOF AT 23 - Victor Lamul wins the title of Best Artisan of France thanks to a revolutionary caramelisation technique. - (small text is gibberish)
Clipping 2: ICTOR AMUL - A remarkable innovation! - (small text is gibberish)
Clipping 3: A UNIQUE EXPERTISE! - Victor Lamul - (small text is gibberish)
Panel 8: Oscar: I don't know. I've never seen that folder before!
Antonio: Hmm.
Antonio: Tell me, was the chef satisfied with Victor Lamul's work?
Panel 9: Oscar: In general, he was very good! It's just that… Victor always made the same recipes. He wasn't very innovative. A bit like me, ha ha!
Antonio: Ah. Coming from a BAF, I imagine the chef must have been disappointed… Especially since the press presented Victor Lamul as the new Pierre Hermé…
Clipping: BAF: jury amazed by this new method - Lamul: gold in his fingers - (small text is gibberish)
See you guys Saturday.
Waugh! Sorry about the wait, people. I had a lot of stuff to do today.
Panel 1: Caption: A bit later, on a small road in Val-d'Oise…
Amber: You could at least tell us where we're going!
Gabriel: Not far.
Panel 2: Arthur: I don't like being a slave, being a slave sucks, you never sleep when you're a slave.
Gabriel: When I agreed to help you, it was in exchange for a little help with a very special project…
Panel 3: Gabriel: So here it is: the Élysée Palace placed a giant breakfast order with me for a press reception.
Gabriel: Cool, innit?
Panel 4: Amber: So… What's so exceptional about that?
Gabriel: Me. I'm exceptional.
Gabriel: This order is a challenge. And since my oven wasn't big enough, I made another.
Panel 5: Amber: I don't get it! You already make hundreds of pastries every day! Why there…
Gabriel: You'll see. Welcome to Cabredousse Mill!
Panel 6: Arthur: Cute ruin.
Gabriel: I'm very fond of it. It's been in the family for over three months.
Amber: And the oven's inside then?
Panel 7: Gabriel: The tower IS the oven.
Amber?: All of it?!?
Panel 8: Gabriel: I worked out the concept and went in deep. Here's the hearth.
Panel 1: Arthur: Are you crazy!?
Gabriel: Yeah, so?
Gabriel: The tower's floors correspond to an oven's decks. I've finished two, but I need a third.
Panel 2: Gabriel: And the bad news is… this breakfast needs to be done by tomorrow!
Amber: Hwa?!?
Gabriel: So get a move on and help me solder this third baking plate!
Panel 3: Caption: High gastronomy leads one everywhere…
Amber: Meh, tell yourself it's like finishing a crême brulée with a torch!
Arthur: I suck at pastries.
Panel 4: Gabriel: You're doing alright… I'll go fetch the refrigerator van and the butter.
Panel 5: Gabriel: We'll need ingredients to make those pastries, after all! Don't mill around while I'm gone.
Gabriel: Mill around, ha!
Panel 6: Amber: Surely you're not letting us slave away two nights straight without any sleep!
Gabriel: Finish quickly and you'll have two or three hours to rest. On flour sacks, can't be beat!
Panel 8: Gabriel: Assure my victory and I'll take care of your buns starting tomorrow!
Panel 9: Amber: Chef, yes, chef!
Panel 10: Amber: The things we'll have done, to get that Gombo-burger!
Panel 1: Caption: Meanwhile, in Paris' 6th district, where the famous Red Guide is conceived…
Panel 8: Inspector: Huh? A new card? Did the boss change this evening's program?
Inspector: Off to the Spice Garden, then.
See you guys Tuesday.
New batch, don't let it get cold.
Panel 1: Victor: Why is that guy ogling my display like that? That's not how journalists act!
Panel 2: Victor: In that case, he's a cop who reopened the investigation of the chef's death…
Panel 4: Victor: I wonder what the others told him…
Panel 5: Victor: Of course, if I want to know, I only have to ask…
Panel 6: Amber: Victor? …Yes, yes, I'm glad you called me, it's just… I'm a bit surprised, that's all.
Panel 7: Victor: you know, Amber, last time we parted a bit fast and I thought it'd be nice to meet up again, get a drink together, all that…
Panel 8: Victor: I'd love to see you again, Amber.
Panel 9: Amber: Um… Well, I need to finish something tonight, but does tomorrow at 9 on Île de la Cité work for you? …I'll text you the bar's address!
Panel 10: Amber: Eeeeeee! I have a date with Victor tomorrow!
Arthur: Oh no! Don't tell me you're getting back together with that moron!
Panel 1: Caption: At the Spice Garden, for the first in a long time, Oscar is the only one managing the evening service…
Panel 2: Inspector: Not bad… Not bad at all, in fact…
Panel 3: Inspector: Waiter?
Panel 4: Inspector: I'm a Red Guide inspector. Your burgers… Well, it's true that it'd be a first for us to award a star to a restaurant that only cooks these, but they were fabulous.
Inspector: I'd very much like to meet with miss and mister Caprese.
Antonio: Hmm, I will go and ask for them.
Panel 6: Oscar: This is bad this is bad this is bad!
Panel 8: Oscar: Good eve- good evening! We're very happy that you enjoyed the Garden's cooking, but unfortunately miss Amber and mister Arthur aren't here tonight.
Inspector: Neither of them?
Panel 9: Inspector: Well, I don't applaud their dedication. I'd have thought that they would be more serious about regaining their stars?
Inspector: I was thinking of putting in a good word for you, but I might have to review my notes.
Panel 10: Inspector: ?!
Panel 1: Sachi: Today's special?
Client: Um… Yes, that's us…
Panel 2: Client: Ha, ha… Your sabers look pretty sharp. And burning on top of it.
Sachi: Instant cooking.
Panel 11: Inspector: Hum… I must admit the Spice Garden might not yet have given away all its surprises.
Inspector: I'll recommend you for another visit by one of my colleagues. We could consider giving you back a star…
See you guys Thursday.
Lets rub our dicks together to celebrate, like bros.
Today's batch.
Panel 1: Caption: And while the Spice Garden is producing spectacular burgers, somewhere in the countryside close by Issy a sick loon is abusing his slaves…
Gabriel: Faster, you miscreants! It's a race against dawn!
Panel 2: Gabriel: The losers will die in the abyss of shame and guilt.
Arthur: Really! I feared the first rays of sunshine would kill us, like vampires.
Panel 3: Gabriel: I'll be your ray of sunshine, if you don't move it…
Panel 4: Gabriel: Can you feel the power of divine creation in our hands as we're shaping our masterpiece?
Arthur: Yeah yeah.
Amber: Same.
Panel 5: Arthur: What's that racket?
Panel 6: Gabriel: That, my friends, is the delivery basket arriving! We'll have to speed things up!
Panel 1: Caption: When one is Chief of Protocol at the Élysée, one must be able to stay calm at all times. Especially when the president wants a giant breakfast with the press, and the press is there but breakfast isn't.
Chief: Where are they? Where are they? Where the hell are they?
Panel 2: Assistant: The journalists are becoming impatient, sir. Shall I let them in?
Chief: Do you see anything on these tables? No! Because nothing's been delivered! But sure, go on, let them in, we'll give them some napkins to eat!
Panel 3: Chief: I've served three presidents and now… This press conference will be the biggest shame of my career!
Panel 4: Assistant: Whew! Everyone's so high strung this morning! The security detail's in a panic too.
Assistant: Apparently there's a helicopter that wants to fly over the area. They say they're coming to deliver the breakfast, but obviously that's not possible. Because you can't just fly over the Élysée like that.
Panel 5: Chief: Let that helicopter pass right now!
Panel 6: Bodyguard: It's forbidden to fly over the airspace of…
Panel 7: Gabriel: We're in, they're letting us pass. They're even sending a SWAT team to escort us. Cool or what.
Panel 1: Gabriel: Aim well for the table!
Panel 2: Journalist 1: What's happening?
Journalist 2: Is the president arriving by helicopter like a rockstar?
Panel 3: Gabriel: Action!
Amber & Arthur: Chef, yes chef!
Panel 4: Reporter: Quick, get me a shot of them!
Cameraman: Got 'em!
Panel 5: Gabriel: G'day, ladies and gents! Gabriel Cabredousse, at your service!
Journalist: Cabredousse, the baker?
Panel 6: Gabriel: My team and I have prepared breakfast for you. We hope you'll enjoy it.
Panel 1: Press: Oooooooooh!
Gabriel: Bon appétit! [should be obvious enough not to translate]
Panel 2: Journalist 1: Mister Cabredousse! Look over here, please!
Journalist 2: Mister Cabredousse, is this your idea of a French breakfast?
Journalist 3: Mister Cabredousse! A few questions for Channel 6!
Panel 3: Chief: Er… Mister president, it'd be best to wait a bit, the journalists are um… occupied.
Hollande: How so, occupied?
Panel 4: Arthur: …of the Spice Garden!
Amber: Open every day except Sunday evening!
Panel 5: Chief: Mister Cabredousse, you'll pay for this!
Gabriel: You ordered a giant breakfast. You got it.
See you guys Saturday.
Nice! One small mistake: one page 3, panel 4 Arthur is saying "through!t". That last t should be removed.
New batch!
Title: It's not breakfast without… Please try to conserve the original text colour
Subtitle: the ultimate brioche Please try to conserve the original text colour
Text: Hop! Mix the yeast into the milk, add the melted butter,
the sugar and salt, a nice big spoonful of flour and
let it rest half an hour at room temperature,
just enough time to watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory,
for example.
Add the rest of the flour, the rum, and the eggs. (Amber's
secret advice: don't put in the whole egg, because
the shell is too crunchy to eat.) And now,
knead until you get a supple non-sticky dough.
If necessary, add a pinch of flour.
Put it in the fridge for at least 8 hours. Take it out, reknead it,
spread it out, fold it, spread out again, fold again, roll it
and cut pieces up to two thirds of the moulds' height. Put them
in the moulds, and wait two hours
for them to rise at room temperature,
normally just up to the rim.
Then off it goes, in a preheated oven, 220° Celsius,
for 30 minutes, makes it golden! After that,
it's up to you: glaze it with sugar
or swipe on some chocolate nuggets right before
putting it in the oven… or keep it basic!
Ingredients list: Ingredients
500 grams of flour
250 grams of butter
80 grams of sugar
1 yeast cube
6 eggs
half a glass of milk
1 spoonful of brown rum
1 teaspoon of salt
little baking moulds
Panel 1: Gabriel: We really came through like gods!
Panel 2: Gabriel: I'll be honest with you kids.
Gabriel: I always knew I was the best, but you two weren't bad yourselves.
Panel 3: Amber: Whoo! Coming from you, that must be high praise!
Gabriel: Yep! And now I'll fulfill my end of the bargain: the buns for your burger!
Panel 4: Arthur: What, right now? When will we sleep?
Gabriel: A true baker only lies down to die.
Panel 5: Amber: I'm sorry, but you'll have to start without me. I have a date at 9 and I'd hate to cancel…
Amber: I'll be back in about an hour?
Gabriel?: Go on, we'll manage.
Panel 6: Gabriel: So, I was wondering…
Arthur: Yeah?
Panel 7: Gabriel: Your sister, is she single?
Panel 1: Arthur: Well… I don't know. She's going on a Schrödinger's date.
Gabriel: A Schrödinger's date?
Panel 2: Arthur: Yeah, until she comes back, we don't know if she's single or not. You see, it's like with the cat.
Panel 3: Gabriel: Are you telling me cats are a singles thing? Is that it?
Arthur: Nevermind.
Panel 5: Arthur: By the way, with your Olympics-level skills in baking…
Gabriel: I like the start of that sentence.
Panel 6: Arthur: …Have you never tried the BAF competition?
Panel 7: Gabriel: …
Gabriel: Contests are overrated.
Panel 8: Arthur: What? Did I say something wrong?
See you guys Tuesday.
New batch!
Panel 1: Caption: Meanwhile…
Antonio: What have you come to do on Île Saint-Louis, mister Lamul?
Panel 2: Antonio: Meeting up with accomplices, perhaps?
Panel 4: Antonio: Hum.
Panel 5: Victor: Amber! I'm so happy to see you again!
Amber: Um… So am I, Victor.
Panel 6: Victor: Wanna drink something?
Amber: Just a coffee. I won't be able to stay long.
Panel 7: Victor: You're right, let's skip to the serious talk right away.
Amber: The serious talk? Isn't that, uh, isn't that a little hasty?
Panel 8: Victor: Amber, I wanted to ask you…
Amber: …Yes, Victor?
Panel 9: Victor: Has an investigation been reopened for the death of your father?
Panel 1: Amber: Huh?
Panel 2: Amber: But… I don't think so… Why do you want to know that?
Victor: Some shady guy is prowling around this case.
Panel 3: Victor: He came to ask me some questions and…
Amber: Listen, I… I don't want to talk about daddy's death. And I need to go, I'm being expected.
Panel 4: Victor: This is important, Amber. He might… attack you!
Amber: Leave me alone, Victor.
Panel 5: Victor: I'm worried about your safety, you know…
Amber: Arthur and I are hurting bad enough in our mourning without you bringing up conspiracies!
Panel 6: Amber: Daddy died in an accident, end of story!
Victor: Yes, I'm also convinced of that, but this guy…
Panel 7: Amber: Then leave us in peace now!
Arthur: Look, Amber's returned from her date.
Panel 1: Gabriel: And?
Arthur: The kitty-cat's dead.
Panel 3: Arthur: What I mean is: I'd say things went bad.
Gabriel: Ah. Very good, very good.
Panel 4: Gabriel: But…
Panel 5: Victor: Are you sure he didn't come to see you? An Italian? Tall? Blonde?
Amber: But…
Victor: Cabredousse?
Panel 8: Amber: You know each other?
Victor: Hey! take it easy!
Panel 4: Arthur: Oh yes, they know each other. They even seem pretty close…
Amber: Stop it!
Panel 6: Amber: I SAID STOP IT!
Panel 7: Victor: Let me go!
Gabriel: I warned you!
Panel 8: Amber: Explain.
Amber: Now.
We're nearing the end. See you guys Thursday.
Late, but today's batch is a bit bigger than usual to make up for it.
Panel 1: Gabriel: I'll tell you why I don't like contests, Arthur, especially not the BAF.
Panel 2: Gabriel: I had perfected a new technique to make spun sugar sculptures. I had created multiple completely original desserts.
Gabriel: I was working for a large caterer, where I trained for the competition. Victor was there as well.
Panel 3: Gabriel: He watched me work, he encouraged me, very kindly…
Panel 4: Gabriel: The day before the event, there was that stupid accident… He spilled boiling caramel on my hand.
Panel 5: Gabriel: Trusting idiot that I was, I didn't see it coming… And the day after, I found out…
Panel 6: Gabriel: …that snake had also entered the competition.
Panel 1: Gabriel: He had stolen my techniques and put me out of service, without a hand.
Panel 2: Gabriel: I had to give up.
Panel 3: Gabriel: Ever since, I've sworn not to get near pastry anymore, and to go into baking.
Victor: This is all a big bundle of lies, accusations without proof!
Panel 4: Antonio: That wasn't Alessandro Caprese's opinion.
Panel 5: Victor: That's him! The fake journalist!
Amber: Antonio!
Gabriel: And who's this guy?
Antonio: A cousin.
Panel 6: Antonio: The chef had put together a file on you, Victor Lamul. And now I know why.
Panel 7: Antonio: He had discovered that you were an impostor! And for that, you killed him!
Victor: Are you crazy?
Panel 8: Antonio: I don't like my deductive capacity being called into question.
Victor: Hey! Take it easy!
Panel 1: Antonio: So the best thing for everyone would be a spontaneous confession. It wins time, it's cleaner, and it avoids spilling brains over the fresh bread.
Victor: Mmmhhhh!
Panel 2: Gabriel: Wait! You're not going to blow his head up right in the middle of my bakery, are you?!?
Antonio: No, of course not.
Victor: Mmmhhew!
Panel 3: Antonio: I'll slaughter him in the cellar, after I've spread out a plastic sheet. I'm a serious professional.
Victor: MMHHNN!
Panel 4: Gabriel: I like your cousin a lot. He's a swell guy!
Panel 5: Antonio: Unless mister Lamul has something to say?
Panel 6: Victor: I…I…
Panel 7: Victor: Caprese… He was suspicious about my BAF… I didn't know what to do anymore…
Panel 8: Victor: I didn't want to hurt him! Just that it'd stay between us…
Panel 1: Amber: You… you killed daddy!
Victor: He was going to fire me… tell the profession everything…
Panel 2: Victor: One night, I… I locked him in the cold room and… and there…
Panel 3: Victor: It was an opportunity… I don't really know what came over me…
Panel 6: Antonio: Alessandro Caprese was your father, it's up to you to decide…
Arthur: To decide?
Panel 1: Antonio: In the family, it's not really our habit to let the police settle our affairs. So if you want me to, I'll be his judge, jury, and executioner.
Antonio: This won't take 10 minutes.
Panel 3: Victor: I'm begging you! I'm on my knees! Amber, please remember…
Amber: SHUT UP!
Panel 4: Arthur: Um… Wait, Antonio…
Arthur: We'll let the justice system run its course, no? It's longer and it kinda sucks, I agree, but we were never for the death penalty, you see…
Amber: And when you're behind bars, we'll spread a rumour that you're a child molester.
Panel 5: Arthur: Right, I'll call the cops.
Gabriel: The buns!
Panel 6: Gabriel: I nearly forgot about them with all this fuss!
Panel 7: Arthur: Are they burnt?
Gabriel: No no!
Amber: Just in time!
Panel 1: Antonio: Ma… porca puttana!
Panel 2: Antonio: Gran figlio di…
Panel 6: Sachi: Hmpf!
Panel 7: Sachi: It's about time you started taking your job more seriously. You're lucky I have business around here.
See you guys Saturday for the final batch.
Keep up te work
The final batch is here!
Panel 1: Amber: Sachi?
Panel 4: Amber: And?
Panel 5: Sachi: Just as good as your grandmother's. Maybe even better.
Panel 6: Arthur: We're getting there, little sister! The ultimate burger! We're gonna save the Spice Garden!
Amber: We're almost there!
Panel 7: Amber: We'll put stars on our burgers, little brother, I promise you!
Panel 1: Victor: They're crazy! Save me!
Cop: Don't worry, you're going away for a long time.
Panel 2: Antonio: If he has any trouble remembering what he confessed, I'm at your disposal for some assistance.
Victor: I'll tell the judge everything! I swear! Don't let him!
Panel 3: Cop 1: In the meantime, you're making us reopen a closed case.
Cop 2: Yeah, that's not cool and it pisses me off.
Victor: I'm sorry.
Panel 4: Gabriel: Um… Amber, now that it's over… Um…
Amber: Yes, Gabriel?
Panel 5: Gabriel: I don't really get Whateveröger's cat, but maybe we could get some coffee together sometimes?
Amber: Oh yes!
Panel 6: Gabriel: How about right now?
Amber: If you want…
Panel 7: Sachi: No.
Panel 1: Sachi: In a burger, you need to have meat. The best beef in the world is made in Kobe, by mister Okusangai. He refuses to sell to foreigners.
Sachi: I got you an appointment. The plane leaves in an hour.
Panel 2: Amber: I…
Gabriel: It's okay. If the coffee's gone cold before you get back, we'll have another!
Panel 3: Amber: Oh, screw it!
Panel 5: Sachi: Tss tsss!
Panel 6: Amber: You better wait till I get back, Gabriel Cabredousse!
Panel 1: Sachi: You won't be able to devote yourself to love until you've fully accomplished your mission, Amber-san!
Amber: Oh?
Panel 2: Sachi: Your burger has to reach three stars. For that, find the best cheese, you must.
Sachi: Find the best lettuce, you must.
Sachi: Find the best on…
Amber: With infinite respect… Weren't you just a bit jealous because you're old and wrinkled, Sachi-sensei?
Caption: END
And with that, I take my final leave. It's all up to typesetter user now.
WE DID IT Holla Forums!
Feminism in action.
Shit, that was the last issue?
The comic is pretty old.
First half…
Thank you, I fixed it.
…And the other three.
I could not find good replacement font of sfx part, and erasing it looked bad. Eventually, I just went with how they are done in manga translations. Let me know if it needs changes.
I got tired of waiting and began to set the remaining pages, getting as far as page 36/37.
If you want the .psd's you can have them.
welp, forgot link.
Looks great
Sorry to hijack the thread, but any anons here know good French comics besides Tintin that are officially translated to English?
Asking for
All perfect, good job!
Before you move on, I wanted to ask a favour: I've saved all translated pages of album 3 posted in the thread (in case of another series of unfortunate events), and I noticed a few pages never got their corrections posted. Since you've probably already done them, could you post them now? It's the following ones:
- page 13 >>689553
- page 15 >>689553
- page 22 >>691681
- page 45 >>738623
And these were correct, but I should've translated them better:
- page 27 >>700125
- page 40 >>738623
With these last corrections we can finally put album 3 fully behind us and focus everything on album 4.
Nah, this is probably the best way to do it. Removing all that text would require a ton of redrawing, and I don't think anyone here has the skill and/or willingness to do that.
Thank you for your contribution! Any chance you could post some flattened copies as .jpg or .png? Without Photoshop I can't open that filetype unfortunately.
Asterix and Lucky Luke probably got English translations. Not sure about Spirou & Fantasio, or Gaston Lagaffe.
Heres the ones from before plus the rest.
Sorry it took so long, I'm having a real busy week. Good thing it's probably the last time I'll be proofreading. It's a bit of a rush job, but I think I found all things that need correcting.
-Image 027, panel 7: "i t’s" more painful. "It's" should be together.
-Image 030, panel 7: you're using the wrong "i" for “is”, that one is reserved for capital letters or people addressing themselves.
-Image 035, panel 1: there's an extra period (".") before “special” that shouldn't be there.
-Image 040: it says "themin" instead of "them in". Also, “Celsius,for 30 minutes” & “after that,it’s up to you” need spaces after the commas.
-Image 042, panel 8: "saysomething" instead of "say something", needs a space.
-Image 044, panel 6: "atn" accident instead of "an" accident, the extra t should be removed.
-Image 049, panel 2: the correct expression is "blow his head off", not "up". This one's on me, sorry. Panel 8 also has a wrong text, it's just a repeat of the text in panel 7.
-Image 054, panel 5: "sometime" is correct in this case, not "sometimes". My bad again.
-Image 055, panel 1: "tohave" instead of "to have", needs a space.
Apart from that there's the general awkwardness with accentuated letters like é and ö (especially in the word Élysée), but I know there's nothing that can be done about that, so don't mind them.
The errors listed above are all fairly minor and should be easy to fix if you still have the .psd's. After that, it's done!
No worry
Impatient typesetter here.
are the specific pages you wanted touched up.
is a complete batch of my pages.
Nice user.
So…. what other languages do you Anons speak?
Anybody interested in working on some other French or other European comics? Not sure if there is any interesting ones that have been dropped to work on or ones with no publisher has picked up to be released in English officially.
I would like to work on Melusine. I know Cinebooks has released 5 volumes but they are inconsistent with releases. The current run in french is at 24 volumes already. If there is any other interesting comics from Europe, I might be interested in working on that because I know very few of them to know which are the good unfound gems of the bunch. If someone could translate them then I could edit them whenever I have the time.
Sure, but i cant speak frog only spic.
Sure but i cant speak french
Damn user, I'm sorry. You've made a tremendous work and while I'd started trying out helping at first, I'd assumed you were sharing already translated pages because you thought they were already acceptable/good enough, and thus thought my help was unnecessary. Didn't think it was just a "test version", I would've stuck longer had I known.
Perhaps you were right however in kind of "forcing" people to see something "get done", as otherwise with most chan projects, it would've amounted to nothing.
D'you think perhaps something like a discord or slack or whatever could make this easier to work with ? It would allow to quickly stay in touch with translators of specific languages, typesetters, editors, whatever. Or do you believe it needs to stay on Holla Forums ?
You've done impressive work nonetheless. Thanks both for the translation and the storytime. You've been doing amazing stuff in this thread so far.
Also those gals are still insanely hot
I only know moon and ching chong. But I can typeset whatever you need.
Spic mostly, trying to learn nip.
Everything's corrected, thanks!
Original typesetter user, if you're still here, I'd like to repeat my request that you upload the corrected versions for the album 3 pages, please.
After that, please also upload the corrected page 12 from . You claim you already fixed it in
I'm sorry for constantly harping on this, but these are literally the last few pages that need uploading before the whole series is over and done with. Please take a minute to upload them and you'll never have to deal with my nagging again.
I've got knowledge of frog, but 19 albums seems a bit daunting. If I remember correctly, translation on Lord Of Burger started sometime in February last year. That means it's taken over a year to translate 3 albums, and technically the project's not even completely finished yet.
Frankly, saying you'll work on it "whenever [you] can" also doesn't inspire confidence. A big long-term project like Melusine would require commitment and discipline, meaning you'd have to actively make time to work on it.
If you think you're willing to commit, by all means, dump an album on the vola and I'll look into it. If I like what I'm reading I could help you out, and I swear I'll finish any album I start. But I'll have to insist on reserving the right to quit between albums in case things don't work out for whatever reason.
Corrected page right here.
Well, it's mostly due to me. 2nd one went pretty quick, but then my job got int the way. There was also a month or so of break in between volumes 2 and 3, because I was looking for cbz files before I decided to buy digital copes.
Things would go much faster if there would be more than 1 person doing the lettering, and it can be done by anyone with photoshop and some time to spare.
Thank you for your excellent efforts. You are a machine.
Could you please upload corrected psd files? Letters in some balloons are needlessly small or laid out in odd ways. Not a big deal, but it rubs my autism the wrong way. Very good job over all!
Nice work
Damn nice
Not too worry
Thanks for posting. That completes albums 2 and 4! Can you please post the 6 pages from album 3 whose revised versions haven't been uploaded yet? They're the last ones that still need final checking.
- page 13
(second page)
- page 15
(fourth page)
- page 22
(first page)
- page 45
(third page)
And these were correct, but I should've translated them better:
- page 27
(third page)
- page 40
(first page)
When those final 6 are uploaded the whole series will be 100% done, and this thread can die.
Keep it up
Still here, still waiting. (Original) typesetter user, please upload these final 6 pages for proofreading.
Nice man
Sorry to keep you waiting, but I was away for a while. Here are pages for tome 2.
Sorry, I meant tome 3. Anyway, here are the other two: pages 27 and 40. And here is a link to the entire tome 3 translated:
Thanks for the corrections! Five of the six pages are perfect, but page 45 is still the old version? Same with the zippyshare.
On page 45, panel 5, instead of "you did good", chef Caprese should be saying "you did well". It's the correct expression.
Please just make that final change! One last word to swap and the whole thing is 100% done!
Bumping again for that last page. I don't like loose ends. Original typesetter user pls respond.
Sorry, here it is. I corrected it, but didn't overwrite old JPG file. Sorry for keeping you waiting and thank you for translating, proofreading, and patience.