Right so at what point does the 2003 TMNT go to shit, and does it ever recover? Fast Forward? Before that?
Right so at what point does the 2003 TMNT go to shit, and does it ever recover? Fast Forward? Before that?
Ninja Tribunal arc
I don't remember much of the quality of the show but the Ninja Tribunal stuff was probably the part I enjoyed the least.
I remember liking pretty much all of it (even Turtles Forever)
then again, I grew up with this shit in early middle school years
gotta admit, though, the 2012 show outshines it
Ehhhh maybe early 2012
but recently 2012s been lacking
i've only seen earlier episodes of the 2012 (mostly before space season) but I really liked the transdimentional turtles
It goes to shit after season 5. It gets even worse with Fast Forward but improves a little bit with back to the sewers but it never reaches the same glory it once had in the early seasons.
Pretty much all the correct answer. The rest might be true too, but I'm too lazy to check the actual dates.
Ninja tribunal was a boring arc with a handful of interesting ideas, but also a lot of stupid ones. Also, the way they actually tried to refer to their masters with -shisho ended up only making every dialogue with them sound stupid
At the same time dear lord, the scheduling on this show fast forward happened, which was absolute shit from start to finish, save for one or two episodes That featured Bishop.
It did, however Finally give Baxter Stockman a happy ending, which is the single redeeming quality
Then came Back to the Sewer, which featured our radical turtles riding scooters, wearing helmets and kneepads. At least in the intro, I don't think it actually happened in the show. It was stupid, not very engaging, but still leagues above FF.
The single best episode of the series was Insane in the membrane
Personally I felt season 2 of the 2012 tmnt was the best.
Ironically I enjoyed fast forward. It cleansed the pallet of that stupid shit with the turtles turning into dragons to fight a bigger dragon. I think it's because in my opinion it blends better with Sci-fi bullshit than mystical bullshit. But that might just be a matter of taste. Then Back to the Sewers was a shitfest I can't bring myself to watch or like even when I was a kid. I have the whole series now and rewatching all of it I somehow STILL like fast forward a lot. Turtles forever was god-tier. Fun as all fuck.
How is 2012 TMNT. I hear it combines old and new pretty well. Does it hold up past the first season?
The 2012 is good for the first 2 seasons. The third one weakens a bit that and I think they over do it with all the references to 80's films. The 4th season they go into space so I don't know how you feel about that. If there's one constant in this show its that it has one of the best versions of the Shredder I have ever seen. Every fight with him is brutal and I want to see Leo take him down once and for all.
I'd say that turtles require a balanced blend of three quarters Sci fi, one quarter mysticism.
I agree, the dragon shit was really, really stupid, straight up from a bottom shelf shonen anime. But I found FF to be even dumber, and, worst of all, having a ton of unbearable characters, like the robot butler, robot cop or future boy genius.
Ayylien shredder>Chick shredder>Demon shredder=Video game shredder
What? No love for Uncle Phil Shredder?
This too. I couldn't finish any of those three arcs. Any point before them was just fine, though.
All hail the alien Shredder.
Well..there's this TMNT anime that turned the turtles into some weird sentai thing. Is that it?
Season 4 or 5 of the 2000s tmnt was about how "The Tengu Shredder", an ancient dragon-demon (whose legend "inspired" the modern/alien Shredder's appearance) returns to conquer the world, and the turtles need to train in a monastery to unleash their magic dragon powers.
episode 1
t. 80s Turtlesfag
all the Shredders he listed were actually in the 2003 series, video game Shredder was 'Cyber Shredder'
On that note I was surprised it was Laird who came up with Utrom Shredder. It's such a bizarre twist and deviance from every other version that I'm amazed one of the original creators approved it.
Why would an alien pilot a robot body and use martial arts
Have you seen what an Utrom looks like?
Yeah like chewed gum, but Krang had the right idea, eye lasers and retractable chainsaw hands or whatever. Or he could just drive a tank.
I don't know about you, but I loved it.
Okay. As an user who has watched all available 2012 turtles, I'd say it's my personal favorite. I also enjoyed 2012 version of Bishop. Some little quick notes for those that don't want a blog post.
Doesnt demean 1980s turtles
Little 1980 easter eggs of turtles
Act like stereotypical ninja more often than not
The different mutants
Ralph gets himself space pussy
Casey, Don, and april love affair
Leos love affair
Bebop and rocksteady
Turtle design
Some episodes are too cringe
Micky being a dumbass
Man, Tengu and Cyber Shredder sure do have a ball.
Maybe Ch'rell was a hobbyist. A very skilled hobbyist.
Seriously, not a one of his fights was easy. Every fight got someone badly wounded.
I have no way of arguing with that logic
Every word in this sentence is a lie
Much like his catchphrase, None of you will leave here alive!
who's the better shredder? Utrom Shredder or 2012 shredder?
It was basically making Shredder and Krang one and the same.
I'd have to say 2012 Shredder; as much crazy shit as Utrom Shredder got up to, 2012 is better realised and more legitimately scary. Guy fucks around with mutagens and aliens and magic and really doesn't give a fuck as long as he can get his revenge for what was his own damn fault in the first place.
The 80s route of making Splinter a mutated Hamato Yoshi also works way better for consolidating the story and giving him some pathos rather than being a koan dispenser. Hell, 2012 Splinter best Splinter.
The fact that 2012 shredder blames all his own problems on everyone else is something that struck odd to me. Don't get me wrong I like it but I always thought that was more of a character trait of Cobra Commander.
the only time Mikey wasn't really a dumbass in anything was in the original turtles where he was basically a literature & pop culture savant
It makes a good motivation for a villain; he does awful things, then blames the consequences on other people and seeks bloody revenge.
And not like there aren't PLENTY of real people exactly like that. 2012 Shredder basically is the most human of the Shredders; not a cackling buffoon or alien, but a somewhat believable criminal overlord fuelled by wrath.
Good point
user. 2012 shredder sacrificed the entire planet earth just so he could stab splinter in the back, literally stab him in the back. That shit is cold blooded.
Meant more like mickey of 2012 might of been dropped on his head a couple of times dumb. Not clutzy like other mikeys were.
Though I have to say this..80's Ralph is less of a jerk like every other Ralph, whose role is basically "Team's Asshole that somehow popular with the crowd"
the Raph from the 80s is more of a sarcastic & sassy version of the character while all the others have anger issues up the ass
B&W Mikey was more of a showoff than a klutz or a goof.
Raph was scary hot and cold instead of a rage-head or an edgelord.
Donatello was a gearhead instead of a nerd or a pacifist.
Leo was always a bit Big Brother/Cyclops in NO LOGAN WE HAVE TO BE A TEAM, but did tell his brothers that if her ever started sounding like Splinter, just to slap him.
I didn't like 2012 Mikey that much. He feels to dumb while the 2003 one was just a comic book fan who just wanted to have fun.
Yeah, like every other Ralph always had to be the Turtles' version of Wolverine. One of these days, I'm expecting him to say "SNIKT BUB"
I never realized the X men connection in TMNT so would Mikey be Nightcrawler and Donny would be Storm I guess?
Think Donny is more Forge than Storm.
Good point I was kinda spitballing there.
Pretty sporting of him to not use a body vastly stronger than a human being*
(a cartoon ninja master human being, I mean)
like this series or hate it, it did a couple of things I really liked
first it actually made Casey into less of a joke. he was originally supposed to be this guy who wanted to be a badass vigilante because he watched too much A-Team on TV, but ehre he was actually someone who was just tired of the Foot walking all over everyone, himself included
the second thing I really like about this series was Hun. dude was a stone cold badass and the perfect guy to serve as Shredder's enforcer, but being built like a tank and moving like someone 1/3 his weight
Yeah I loved this version of Casey. I always thought Casey was meant to be a Punisher parody rather than an A-Team Parody.
That's almost on purpose, given the TMNT were originally a parody of (among other things) the X-Men, and Wolverine is a ready source of mockery.
Indeed. Though I like the 2012 Casey being a fucking lunatic but also having goddamn cast iron balls. He served soup to the Shredder without breaking character. And nearly everything in his arsenal besides maybe the firecrackers duct taped to hockey pucks is a legitimate weapon.
2012 Hun hasn't been shown much last I watched, but he seems to be literally Bruce Lee.
well, Bruce Lee is a fucking badass AND originally started as a gang member in China
Can you spare a moment to talk about the true hero of 2003 TMNT, Doctor Baxter Stockman?
A scientist of great ambition, recruited and trapped by Shredder, he never lost the strive for power. Tortured, crippled, reduced to a bodyless head, then a brain in a jar, he was never humbled, and kept fighting for his freedom.
Killed, drowned in the ocean, he was brought back to the world of the living, and his never-ending struggle continued. for a hundred years, when he finally took up his rightful place as the vice president of the world.
I'm quite happy that him and Bishop got their happy ending.
2012 Hun isn't Bruce Lee, he is actually Marshal Law.
Jesus. The shit that Baxter went through and still stayed relatively sane. In a kids show no less.
What happened to Bishop?
I've never seen that one.
They finally made Baxter black, like he was in the comic?
In the stupid cartoon he looked like Albert Einstein.
They were afraid having Shredder boss around a black man and feared it would look racist. That's literally the reason why he was white in the 80s.
remember the time he figured how to clone his body and transfer his mind and despite Bishop's warning he proceeded with the experiment, but then everything went horribly wrong, his new body becoming rotting, gangrenous and zombie-like, poisoning his mind, taking away his sanity, all while he was hallucinating, and having flashbacks to his childhood, and in the end he dies?
He basically became immortal through some science bullshit. ~50 years into the future, he realized that fighting all the aliens out there is futile and no way to protect humanity, so instead he turned to interplanetary diplomacy, securing earth's place in a galactic alliance. He was later elected as the president of said alliance, and continues to make Earth great again.
After the 2012 series ends will there really be anything left to do with the Turtles on tv?
Would you actually be down for something that really does something new and unprecedented next time?
user, what?
It's from when the Foot infiltrate the TCRI/Utrom headquarters.
there's tons of stuff you can do with another reboot
personally, I'd like to see a return to 2D as well as some more focus on the super hero parody aspects
make Raph into kinda Batman from Justice League. he takes the cases too seriously and often splits off from the group to do detective work. take away the anger issues for sure, just give him more of a "I work better alone" complex
Donny is the second Blue Beetle. has a ton of gadgets (mostly stolen rather than him just being some kind of super genius) and is constantly trying to reverse engineer or upgrade them. maybe also kinda make him a neurotic caffeine junkie who spends days on end trying to figure out different technologies
Mikey, don't know what I'd do with him. maybe make him like Booster Gold mixed with Flash, a jokester who rarely takes things seriously and thinks he's the shit, but in reality he's hiding the humblest personality of the team behind a facade
as for Leo, the only thing I can think of for him is something of a Captain America style leader. he's put in charge of a band of misfits and has to deal with handling them as well as their own stress, ultimately trying to live up to an ideal (in this case Splinter's teachings) and always insecure he'd never do it
That episode got banned in the USA iirc. I can see why.
Also, Bishop going from paranoid MIB to immortal galactic benevolent God-Emperor is surprisingly heartwarming. And maybe justasplanned.jpg for the aliens that originally abducted him.
Raph without anger issues would be hard to sell these days, but I can see it working.
Don already does a lot of stealing/reverse-engineering in nearly every incarnation, that'd be fun to work more on. Make him a one-turtle X-COM operation, practically.
Gender swap everyone
thats hot. Mikey looks thick. I like female Donny.
those are some big veins fem Raph has going on. Is she on steroids or does she have a tube pumping Venom in there like Bane.
Lol, I guess we know where all that pizza goes.
Bayturtles had one thing right; with how heavy the turtles must be with their shells, and how fast they are, they must be built like goddamn superhumans.
Well, they are fucked up on mutagen from day one.
Shit taste fam. Post Fem Splinter.
I would legit reboot them in feudal Japan and alter everything accordingly.
okay, how do they get turned from normal turtles to human-sized turtles? Chi magic?
Why not just make a Usagi Yojimbo animated series?
Say they're kappas raised to do good.
that's a pretty big leap.
What, you wanna make them aliens next?
Yeah, because I'm totally the one using using shitty Japanese in a TMNT picture.
You're getting upset over poor use of one of the hardest languages to learn in TMNT fan art
user confirmed for being monolingual and never attempting to speak another language
Katakana is not even close to the "hardest" in Japanese, it's the first alphabet you learn as a foreigner studying Japanese because it's used to write foreign words (like your name) together with counting from 1 to 10. It'll take one or two hours to learn and two weeks of Japanese to master it, even if you're studying alone.
Also, Jewgle Translate will give a good translation with the vowel extenders properly set and if you just copy-paste and set it to vertical it would be right but the author of that picture went all the way to take something that's vertical and rotate it horizontally. The result now is that all vowel extenders became "ichi" (numeral one) which makes the reading harder to understand and draws attention away from the picture to the writing to make sense of it if one knows the most basic of Japanese.
It could also be avoided by spending 10 minutes on Jewgle Images looking up Japanese manuscripts of vertical writing examples and seeing that vowel extenders are also kept in the vertical and that text is top aligned.
This is not even doing the bare minimum and then going all the way to fuck it up for the sake of aesthetics. It would be like writing vertically in Latin alphabet but turning the "i"s horizontally because they don't fit in a nice block, but worst because it actually changed meaning.
There's no shame in trying something new and taking risks, that's how you learn things. But before displaying a final version for people one could just hit a place for advice (the nipponese threads on Holla Forums, plebbit, language forums, etc.) and asking "hey, does this looks right?" and avoid making public mistakes that are easily avoidable.
it could still be da ooze, don't forget in at least a few continuities already the Utroms landed on earth centuries ago.
Other mutants could be yokai or other magical beings.
TMNT 3 as we all know was an abominable movie but the premise of the Turtles in feudal times has some merit, some of the better time travel stories already dealt with it even on the 87 show. And IDW made them literally reincarnated from that time.
that would be awesome.
Didn't the IDW comic have the turtles and Splinters be reincarnated from feudal Japan?
There's already a running gag in every series that whenever they go to Japan, feudal or otherwise, they're mistaken for kappa.
IIRC, one of the time travel stories had them teach ninjitsu to the ancestors of the Foot clan.
Making a running gag canon is pretty risky, you know.
Though it has the potential for a scenario where they time travel to modern day, and somebody things they are giant mutant turtles
yeah as was mentioned IDW made them humans in the feudal era that the Shredder murdered, Splinter really was Yoshi in that time and the Turtles his real child sons. They were for some reason reincarnated as a rat and four turtles in modern times.
It makes about as much sense as the usual version where a ninja clan operates in the 20th century.
2012 seems to admit that Splinter is kind of morally dubious, though he wanted to give up the ninja life to be a family man before all the Bad Shit happened. Before then he was basically somewhere between a martial arts instructor and mercenary assassin.
Is this the Splinter that was a human turned into a rat, or the ninja's pet rat that learned ninjitsu and THEN mutated into a furry?
2012 is the former, which was first done in the 80s cartoon; the latter is 2003 and most versions of the comics.
Like I said, I think the former works better; gives more character to Splinter and more motivation for him and Shredder's continued enmity.
original comics, movies, and '03 series all had him as the pet rat who turned human in the same sense as the turtles
'12 series and '80s series both had him as human-mutated-rat
in the rat-turned-humanlike situation it's kinda a "You killed my father" situation
morally dubious? I'm still waiting for the series that does what the comics did and admits that Splinter raised four mutants to become assassins
that's like something a comic book supervillain would do
You're never gonna see that on a tv show dude, you still can't even show Foot ninja being seriously hurt or killed, even the "darker" and edgier 2003 series couldn't get away with it, much less a show that will address outright that Splinter raised for assassins to kill a guy.
Giri, man, part of them being family is taking on their master's obligation to avenge his master.
Besides, Original Shredder was ten kinds of slime, they did the city a favour erasing that snake.
It's kinda implied that the Foot is running out of ninjas in later seasons, though; implication that the fights with the turtles are resulting in a lot getting killed, career-endingly injured or otherwise getting the fuck out of there. (and I doubt Shredder accepts resignations with grace) Hence why they start making Foot-bots and rely more on mutated super-soldiers, and Shredder starts throwing his weight around to dominate the rest of the NYC crime scene.
Hell, it's flat out stated that they're running out of Foot soldiers (ha) at that point, actually.
Cartoons can get away with a shitload as long as they don't say it outright.
Well, what else were mutant turtles gonna do? Deliver pizzas?
i just thought they'd kidnap princesses and terrorize plumbers
Pretty sure they've scared the shit out of some sewer workers, does that count?
But yeah, Splinter raised them in the only life he knew, and put all his effort into it, you can't fault him much for that. Not like he could send them to school. The turtles turned out amazingly well-adjusted all things considered.
And once the Shredder was killed, it's not like he hired them out to the highest bidder to fill the power vacuum that Shredder left, which would have been smart money. Hell, their challenge ruined Shredder's bid for a security contract.
No, the Turtles just mostly deal with personal shit, like Utrom/TCRI, and Foot Clan, and occasionally wander into trouble, like the bank robbery or Casey Jones or Baxter Stockman's Mousers.