Opinion on why drugs are illegal

Lets have a honest talk about why we think drugs are illegal.

Revolution is coming fellow anons!

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because reagan wanted to fuck over hippies

if the future however when more and more jobs get automated, drugs will need to be legalized (or at least there will be far more prescription drugs that will be easily attainable) just to keep the masses complacent with their now 100% pointless lives, especially as they are no longer needed to be kept productive

and this here is the actual point, druggies wont' revolt, druggies sit at home and consume media

drugs are legal and can be easily prescribed, as long as they keep you producing in your 8 hour shit job

that's all they give a fuck about

you producing and paying taxes

Some drugs are illegal because they close your mind, they make you stop thinking.

because they are literal poison. if you let your stupid ass population drug themselves their stock will come out worst than vietnam babies.

why do you think autism is on the rise? you are genetically gimping your entire bloodline, forever cursed because your faggot ass wanted to "feel good" for an insanely small duration of time.
if you are a weedcuck you are cancerous and deserve death.

more likely autism is caused by the shit they put in processed food

disregard autism and others mental diseases are often made up and are used as an excuse for one's odd behaviour

Do you know much hard the EPA works to find out if all that shit is bad for you? Millions go down the drain. No but of course it's the ebil guberment and not the drugs from an unknown source.

if they were legal they would definitely come from a known source

especially some lil' ass shroom or some weed I've grown on my balcony

major plot twist: personally I don't even use drugs; I actually don't even drink

the effects ate known, just you ignore it.


why do you care so much if drugies do drugs (even if it's their downfall) you moralfag?

did those bad kids who blazed weed beat you up in school? boo hoo

bible, quran and torah

It's illegal because LSD was a threat against the regime. Then it turned out that criminalization is a gold mine for a whole bunch of industries, so here we are.

Autism is on the rise because of the chemicals you gladly eat every day, you fat, ignorant, American fuck.

Most drugs have absolutely no effect on sperm or egg quality. By drugs, I mean the old ones; marijuana, opiates/opioids, amphetamines, psychedelics… Most of these drugs also have no neurotoxicity. The most damaging effects are done to the lungs or the heart, if any damage is present at all.

Let's say they are poison. So what? Their mechanisms of action are very, very simple, as opposed to the additives in your food. The additives in your food (and drinks, including tap water) have the potential to degrade your genes over the course of just a few generations.

If we "let" (as if it's anyone's role to LET you do anything; as if you're not an independent organism) people do drugs, the overall consumption would drastically decline (as has been proven in multiple geographical areas, such as Portugal), the more harmful, new drugs would have no market, and natural selection would play out in the way it's intendez, and over time, humans would grow immunity to addiction, and drugs would be used only when there is a rational reason behind it.

All this is besides the ethics of drug legalization vs. criminalization. The latter acknowledges that you are in fact the property of your state, and cannot do anything to your own body without their permission.

You are cancer. You are autism.


Because you could make an overdose and die, and the government dosent want us to be happy.

I agree with this. It's all for the shekels, they will always say it's for our safety though.

You can overdose and die on a lot of legal drugs.

You can overdose and die on a lot of legal drugs.
sadly people overdose, its truly sadly.

that my friend is the future.

just like this:

Nellie is fucking hot!

Some illegal drugs can be used for a benefit, but responsible recreational drug use is rare among people.
A chemical solution to emotional problems sometimes is in order although generally its not.
Whenever something with a high demand is banned there is a rise of illegal supply and violent crime with it.
Ideally every person should be able to decide what they put in their bodies, but whenever a new choice of addiction appears, many people just take it, just like any other mammal would.
Drugs have been part of human culture for a long time, maybe policing drugs is shaping that culture in negative ways, maybe we should concentrate more on the reasons why people seek refuge in escapism?

i love u


nice TRIPS bro

Because the outcome would be verbatim to that of Fast Food, and Feminism. Actual Cancer. Unethical things should be reserved for people that aren't Degenerate Normies, or else it'll just consume them, and further degrade society.

Normies are already Degenerate Sociopaths as they are. Giving them Drugs would just make things worse, not better.

i have facts on my side drugcuck, no one besides other chicken littles buy your alex jones conspiracy.

t. toxicology major and intern at the EPA

I see you can't understand generilaztions. I would explain it to you, but I'm too high to care.

Or are you referring to the claim that autism is on the rise because of food and water additives? Because I'll respond to that.

get more people in prison, so the people that own the prisons get more money

The CIA makes a lot of money on drugs.

1. To centralize control of drugs (Federal government bans them, ATF are the enforcers, BigPharma offers the "legal" option, CIA imports the "illegal" options)
2. An addicted populace is a controlled populace
3. A spiritually aware populace is a difficult to control populace

You ever notice that the only "social pressure" you ever get to take drugs is from your Dr.? Never once has any street dealer offered to sell me something I didn't want. I can't get my doc to STFU about the newest pill they want me on (despite my repeated goals of getting the fuck OFF of medication altogether). DO NOT TRUST BIG PHARMA!

This is probably the best answer. I do some drugs now and again, because I enjoy the way they make me feel I actually gave them up for lent but that's another story. You only have to look at idiot college kids getting pissed out of their minds to see why it might be bad if they had easy access to other substances. Keeping them illegal means you have to put at least some effort into finding out about the substances you are taking. If you are obviously clueless the dealer will either rip you off heavily or just tell you to fuck off for wasting their time (see the kid who rings up a dealer for weed and asks him if it's hash or wants a gram of acid). Obviously you can get around this by having your mate who does know get stuff for you, but if they are knowledgeable it doesn't really matter

They would not degrade society, they would destroy it, so that it can start anew.

so basically a government parasite

lmao call me when you get a real job

you ain't shit kiddo

Drugs are illegal cause Jews are legal.

Puritans consituted a huge chunk of the colonists when the United States was formed. They basically hit the jackpot, and now they get to force their deluded bullshit on everyone.

Needless to say trying to repress drug use does more damage than good, but try telling that to them.

That's not all the CIA does. Daily reminder that declassified CIA documents state that psychic ability exists, is possible to improve, and is also easier to improve with usage of some ~consciousness altering drugs~.


My belief is now that the reason most psychoactive substances are illegal is to limit problematic development of all manner of things that the CIA does not want us to have. Because they're evil kikes and shit, tbh.

so government backed pushers can eliminate competitors and control supply


Looking around me, the most troubled use drugs. They wish to escape from life, wether it's a dying relative or general poverty. Can't be very happy when your thousands of dollars in debt can you?

whether* you're* shit