I feel like there is no hope. Even as the working-class is being squeezed to death, people would rather rally behind a fucking trust fund kid (Donald Trump) instead of a social democrat like Bernie Sanders. He's not even a bloody socialist. Or at least he's hiding his power level to make himself more palatable to the masses. The masses would rather vote for fucking Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders ffs.
The white working-class seems to think that Donald Trump is going to be the saviour who is going to bring back all these good-paying jobs to the United States and stop the outsourcing of jobs overseas and populist bullshit about stopping automation from killing jobs. Meanwhile Donald Trump has went on record in a debate saying wages are too high in America! That Americans need more competitive wages to compete with the rest of the world! lol.
Automation should be the friend of the working-class, not your enemy. The problem is that when porky manages to increase labour efficiency, instead of say moving towards a 40+ hour work week @ say $15/hr average per employee to a 30 hour work week @ $20/hr average, he lays people off and doesn't give the existing employees a raise. And just pockets the profit. And in turn leaving many people without an income once their unemployment insurance runs out.
And you fucking working-class black people who are like "Bernie just cares about class, he doesn't care about race. So I'm going to vote for the Clintons, who fucked over the working-class black community in 1993-2000 with their neo-liberal policies. #BLACKLIVESMATTER!" FUCK!
I believe the Hispanic working-class is also voting for Hillary Clinton. I didn't look at their numbers.
The working-class seems to think that "entrepreneurs" like Donald Trump are "job creators". When the bottom line is that the hardest part about being an "entrepreneur" is having the capital necessary to start a business. And most working-class people just don't have the capital necessary to run their own co-operatives and 1-man self-employed businesses. You need money in order to make money. Plain and simple.
Working-class people like to glorify the "entrepreneurs" who got a lucky break and were the exception to the rule. Or they ignore the fact that the "entrepreneur" inherited a great deal of wealth and/or muh privilege from their families to start with!
If you want to get out of this recession, the working-class actually need to have money to spend! Supply-side economics doesn't work. If working-class people can't afford to buy your products and services and corporate revenue goes down, why on earth would you hire more workers? It doesn't make sense. Employers hire workers to fulfill demand. When there's little demand, you don't need so many workers on your payroll and you will have to downsize.
I don't know how a person could be financially destitute, potentially homeless, and still be so class-cucked. If you are homeless or otherwise pretty destitute, you should be class conscious at least. If not mugging and killing rich people. Not sucking Donald Trump's dick or Hillary Clinton's clit.
Classic example of how class-cucked working-class people are: Eggman (a 4chan internet celebrity) put up a video a few weeks ago bitching about how he's going to have to declare bankruptcy soon and go homeless. And says that it's the fault of all the people on welfare who leech the system while he pays into the system with his job. And he goes on a rant specifically about Muslim refugees as well. And he supports Donald Trump (how ironic).
He doesn't point the finger at the real problem:"entrepreneurs" laying people off instead of shortening the work week when labour demand goes down relative to supply and paying shitty wages to the people who still have a job. Oh and "entrepreneurs" asking for handouts from the government whenever they fuck up. But then saying that poor people shouldn't get any handouts when they fuck up…