Should i learn, C, C++ or C# ?

should i learn, C, C++ or C# ?
how difficult are they to learn?

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Original pepe

bump ya cunts

It doesn't really matter, all three can be used to make useful programs, but if you need performance you are better off with C/C++. C is the easiest to learn.

Very simple language, lacks the crutches modern languages offer, but it will be a useful tool in your arsenal. Easy to learn, but it has pitfalls because it doesn't protect the programmer from making mistakes.

Take C and bolt every paradigm in existence onto it. This leads to awful syntax, but the result is a modern language that's still as efficient as C. Hard to learn because of all the cruft that got bolted onto it. It's still useful cruft, but the backwards compatibility makes it very ugly.

Has nothing to do with C/C++, it's Microsoft's NIH take on Java. Easier to learn than C++, but not native machine code, and full of crutches to protect Pajeets from their own stupidity, which makes the language even slower. Still harder to learn than C because of all the language features it has.


This is like you're asking "Should I visit New York City, New York, Texas, or New York, Lincolnshire"?

They're very different languages. Although most C code is valid C++ code, typical C++ code is not at all like C code, and C# is not compatible at all with either.

I recommend Python. Try the attached book. It's a really easy, powerful language that lets you focus on basic programming principles and write useful programs much sooner than the languages you named. It's simple in such a way that it ends up getting used a lot both for education and at Google.

C is notable for the understanding learning it gives you of what happens "under the hood". I don't recommend it as a first language to learn, but it's a good second or third language.

Has a complement you can watch this lecture

so you don't want him to understand what's "under the hood"

Are you ignoring part of my post? Specifically, the

Understanding what happens "under the hood" is a great thing, but it's not necessary right away.

Just messing with you m8 ;)

indeed, I just wanted to state that it's not useless and at some point you need it if you want to "optimize" and have a better understanding of computation.

So you just wanted to state something I already said?


C is fun, learn C


C++17 should be a pretty decent language if you ignore all the wonky shit.

Why do people still bother learning these obsolete languages?

I recommend OP to check out Rust.

Democracy is pretty good if you ignore the jews, blacks, asians, mexicans, puerto ricans, etc.

I'm saying it's possible to write non-painful code if you adhere to a strict subset of the shit C++ has. C++ is what it is.

Rust is infested with SJWs tho

Who cares? As long as the language does what it does, I certainly would not care if Rust was developed by Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and Benjamin Fischbein.

If you use a language in isolation, sure. But at some point you generally are going to have to interact with the community. I'd rather not have to deal with some cupcake-colored hair faggot getting triggered because I made a joke, or receive pull requests to change he to she.

C# is the easiest to learn but I would say its better to know C++ because more people use it.

I recommend OP to check out a language that people are still going to be using in ten years.

Go with this one:

Have you learned python, VB, or something similar as a "beginner" language?

Start with C. It's a very simple language that doesn't hold your hand, for good or bad. It's very easy to write bad code because of this, but you'll either learn how to write better code, or go to another language.

C++ adds many new things, and like says, it adds pretty much every programming paradigm to it. These are really useful if you know how to use them, otherwise you can completely ignore them. You'll eventually end up using them anyway once you figure out how to use them and how useful they are, but they're not essential to your use of the language.

All that said, programming is a generic skill and if you're just wanting to learn to program, any language works. Just pick a language and write some code.

Start with C. Its perfect abstraction/machine proximity compromise will teach you a lot and its unforgiving syntax will give you good habits very soon. If additionally you learn how standard I/O works and how to use argv before scanf, you will quickly be able to write comfy shell utilities.

Don't bother with OOP for now. This much abstraction is only for quite complex programs. If you don't do it right, it may complicate things even more. Whoever needs OOP to write a simple cat utility deserves beheading.

Don't listen to Bjarne Stroustrup. He is a complete faggot whose dream is to turn C++ into Python 4 (auto typing is a perfect example of how catastrophic future C++ versions will be). You don't need OOP unless your program structure can actually benefit from inheritance and polymorphism. Functional programming is the most disgusting thing ever. Implementing a quick sort/bubble sort hybrid yourself is not much harder than using std::sort. No, random is not easier than srand and rand. No, C strings are not that counter intuitive unless you come from Java.

Also, secured input is much easier to do in C (with fgets) than in C++ (with cin), and you may quickly need to learn it.


Sodomite, pls

Learn Python if you're learning for the sake of learning without a real goal.

Once you learn this language, what do you expect to do with it? Get a job, toy hobby projects, brag on Holla Forums and try to get nerd cred? What kinds of programs do you want to write (and why)?

How is C# harder than C? It has a million keywords for things like OOP that he has no idea about. The language is easy to use for a competent programmer, but to a noob who knows no theory it would be confusing as fuck.

I don't know how young pajeets cope with it. Though maybe that's why they keep writing shitty code.

You can't make a blanket statement that one language is more useful than another. They're all widely used languages and they have different roles. C# is most likely to find you a job for beginners.

You don't have to know how all of C#'s features work to program in it. You start with the basics and expand outward, acquiring new knowledge as needed.

No. Learn Python, Java and Rust.

C# is pwned by Micro$oft, C and C++ have UB.

Start with C then move to C++

Then learn CUDA and AMP, git gud at it and make mad dosh programming GPUs

What's the problem with auto-typing? It's still static typing but you let the compiler figure out the type for you at compile time.

This. It's a a good abstraction. Maybe the other user was referring to debugging getting harder but it won't because type-errors and cast errors are easy to spot and the compiler complaints are informative.

It makes the code less readable, both because your eye will be raped with autos everywhere and because type errors will be harder to notice.

Python error messages are more informative than GCC.

but i'm not an SJW lesbian with colorful hair nor a Pajeet