Obsolescence of an armed proletariat

What will workers do in a decade or two when law enforcement and military has access to cost-effective combat robots, and personal firearms experience the same kind of obsolescence that city walls did shortly after ranged artillery were developed?

Is our window of revolutionary action basically no bigger than the time it takes for testing and deployment?


Any sort of struggle against the modern American military without seizing the military itself is already pointless.

Would it be possible to seize the automated portion of the US military? Would they not be hard-coded or something like that to preserve their original intentions, no matter what the non-automated portion of the military or civilian authorities do?

Obviously not a coding guy here, but it seems like a cogent and possible concern.

mass manufacture emp emitting devices?

EMP is not a magic anti-computer spell, it's actually not that difficult to build EMP shielding into most military hardware these days. Fighter jets are EMP shielded, for instance.

Robot will become cheap and abundant, it would be possible to refurbish non-military robots for combat.

Why would porky allow combat-capable robots to be available for the public to buy? Even if I had the money, I still wouldn't be allowed to buy a tank.

Pray that the people who control those machines will have mercy upon you as wealth inequality gets ever worse and people lose their jobs to automation.

The more automated military capability falls under the exclusive control of fewer people, the less chance any revolution has of succeeding. It will be interesting, if tragic, to see how it all plays out.

Also, I should add that most people here overlook what is by far the strongest and most widely used weapon in the capitalists' arsenal: propaganda and manipulation of online communications.

While everyone is worrying about how they're going to kill people when the revolution comes, porky has been developing better and better tools to prevent the revolution from ever occurring.

how do we convince the classcucked military to become socialist?


That's what Lenin did. That's the only way, anyway.

Not to get too sci-fi here, but what if the people who "control" the combat robotics edifice of the developed world discover that they can't use the robots for revolutionary means because Porky has programmed them to never follow any order contrary to his interests?

Maybe they'd still be able to order them to stand down or something, but this does tread into some weird issues about semi-autonomous machinery that has programmed contingencies to guard against being used against Porky.

And we end up in a robotic dictatorship?

Not that impossible…

Won't you just reprogram the robot? Programming it not to take socialist commands is probably a lot of cost for no benefit.

EMP vulnerability is Hollywood storytelling at it's finest.

The US military and a large portion of the Federal Government have been more or less immune to large scale EMP attacks since at least the late 1980's.
EMP shielding is either automatically built in or easily added to pretty much everything that isn't handheld, and is standard on a lot of shit that is.
Nothing short of a direct hit is going to knock out the military's vehicles and lines of communication.

In the USA you can buy a tank right now, bro.
I know a guy with a fully functional M4 Sherman and an M18 Hellcat.

Granted, it's FAR from top-of-the-line equipment, and of questionable value against the modern military, but there's nothing barring you from having on if that's your cup of tea.
State an local regulations vary, of course.

I honestly don't know that much about coding, but I'm assuming right now that there's a way to "hard-code" a robot so that it can't be rewritten or overruled. I'm sure someone else can set me straight on that, but if Porky can make sure that robots come off the assembly line with their most basic "instinct" being to protect his rents, that would be something that not even their direct human supervisor would be able to overrule.

I know there are antique tanks available for rich porky hobbyists to buy, my point is just that porky is probably going to enact controls to prevent any robot with a relatively bulletproof chassis and/or ability to aim and fire a gun from ever reaching the consumer market.

The future is gonna be great


… I'm gonna die fighting drones with my shotgun. Shit.


Put mirrors directing upwards, reflected sunlight fucks with the cameras. Reflective orbs are best. White surfaces in general fuck with them.

Drones generally attack from very long distances. Moving quickly and irregularly helps as missiles will very likely shoot slow.

Also try to do everything else to camouflage your position. Hanging blankets and other sheets helps with snipers, but also drones would have trouble unless they were very high up, in which case they were only there for recon.

Maybe if you ask islamic terrorist groups nicely, they'll tell you their tactics. They probably will if you say it's to bring down imperialistic western shit.

comrade Posadas descends from the stars and starts the nuclear space revolution

When 666 predicts the future and gives you the guidlines fro survival.

It doesn't matter because it's already impossible for another worker-lead revolution to happen again, and already inevitable that the internal contradictions in capitalism will lead to its demise once the third world lifts itself up out of its exploitation and demands to be paid wages they can live off of. At that point, the only profitable means of producing anything will be automation, leaving literally billions of people jobless and unable to consume, and thus leading to the end of capitalism.

Though it's more likely that capitalism will just get replaced with fascism.