I'm not joining military if it accepts demons like them, in fact it puts a bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing.

Other urls found in this thread:



It seemed fun, and it would allow me a chance to be killed.


FIST is that you?

FIST is just one of the evil pricks in there. I hope he is shot.

wait are you that fucking Italian?

no. Even if the number is only 100 it's too much to ask of me.

He's probably the bug guy

You're a fucking moron, either way don't know who you are but they don't bully someone unless they act retarded.
and judging from this post and your response on how to act for them bantering you then I can safely say that you deserved it for being a bitch.

10/10, into the fridge it goes.

i.e. if you don't act within extremely tight parameters of a 'cool' person

I admit I'm a bit eccentric, but that doesn't mean you get to group up on me and talk shit like that just because I'm not a normalfag.


People from the military banter way harder than normalfags because they are hardened people OP. You have to be an really tough man to handle their horseplay, you know the kind that being battle hardened will produce.

no, you are a thin skinned baby.
you never had the resolve to begin with if a bunch of people on an internet chatting server bullied you into changing your mind.
you're a dumbass

either way, get cucked.
learn how to take banter and dish it out

But I'm not witty or funny, how could I ever hope to dish it back?

ur a beta

That's not an answer friend.

I wouldn't know, it just comes naturally.
you're still a beta bitch for having a tantrum though.

The moment a man enlists in the United States armed forces, his chances of being sexually assaulted increase by a factor of ten. Women, of course, are much more likely to be victims of military sexual trauma (MST), but far fewer of them enlist. In fact, more military men are assaulted than women—nearly 14,000 in 2012 alone. Prior to the repeal of "Don't ask, don't tell" in 2011, male-on-male-rape victims could actually be discharged for having engaged in homosexual conduct. That's no longer the case—but the numbers show that men are still afraid to report being sexually assaulted.

Military culture is built upon a tenuous balance of aggression and obedience. The potential for sexual violence exists whenever there is too much of either. New recruits, stripped of their free will, cannot question authority. A certain kind of officer demands sex from underlings in the same way he demands they pick up his laundry. A certain kind of recruit rapes his peer in a sick mimicry of the power structure: I own you totally. "One of the myths is that the perpetrators identify as gay, which is by and large not the case," says James Asbrand, a psychologist with the Salt Lake City VA's PTSD clinical team. "It's not about the sex. It's about power and control."

If I apologize can you teach me how to banter like a man? I grew up without a father


it all makes sense kek.

Was it my fault? I tried to be a man but I didn't really have any male role models. Shit's hard bro.

tv? radio? recreation center? drug dealers? your molester?

Do yourself a favor and find something else you want to do in life.

It's one thing to aspite to be someone, it's another to have them involved in your life. Maybe if I joined the Boys and Girls Club at 12 I would havebeen alright, then again I didn't know it existed.

I work for an engineering company but I already feel cucked.

ARMY, 1976–80
I heard one of them say, "Get that broom over there by the lockers."

Pay a therapist to hear you bitch about your life.

Shrinks don't work to be fair. He should visit a gun store. He was fucked the moment his dad left. World's crueler than ever these days and you can't survive if you're not a man.

What about the other gender?

They have vaginas and people want to fuck them so they get free passes constantly, duh.

Why not be a faggot? You're already really gaaaaaay.

What is a Discord? I have heard of this a number of times. Something to do with strelo/k/s?

It's just a website that people chat on. It's like an IRC with more features, like posting images. It's gay as shit.

Don't let them put you off user, i inquired about the Air Force and they acted like elitist cunts, we should raid their discord


No dumbass it's a client. People use it because it's superior to skype


Wait seriously? You too? Tell me more about it user

Please leave

No their grown men in their late 20s/early thirties

I find that hard to believe honestly.

well they did just tell me you had a bug crushing fetish

No. This was never true at any time period

I don't have a bug crush fetish, I just film it. I make plenty of money from it

lmao they said they kicked you just because you were posting jail bait and that shit. what are you on about?

No, I mean they act and sound like literal children. "muh i op'd the haribo raid thread" "muh i've been here since 2005" It's utter cancer. They make Roblox memes user.


There's no way in hell these people are grown ass men.

jailbait? That's not true. Also they never kicked me. I joined and left twice voluntarily.

Not him but are you talking about Holla Forums or OP's group?

Holla Forums

you sure m8? funny how "adopted a silly attitude" got you kicked

I am quite unconventional and say shit that a more serious person might get annoyed by. I'm laid back.

But hey dude if you'd rather believe them that's your prerogative, I've got no reason to lie. A group of people who probably don't like me on the other hand..

But you did admit to having a fetish for girls crushing bugs with their feet

OP if these are bad people then maybe you should leave their group and not come back. From my experience, group chats are cancer. Look, you can see how making a thread bitching about them didn't help, all it's doing is making them laugh at you and possibly, like you claim, tell lies about you to discredit you.

Just move on dude, grow up.

Pretty sure I literally just told you I don't in , but ok. It's clear you're one of them though, you talk like them.

Because my thread discredits them.

you would probably break down crying at initial training, you crybaby bitch. give up on your military dreams until you grow a pair.

Sure thing m8

You got him.


Block them, stage a raid on their server, call it a day. Stop shitting up Holla Forums with bad threads

This is more a problem with Discord than the Military. Discord is the reddit of VOIP software and each Discord group is like a sub-reddit, some are more cancerous than others but they all have at least a few small tumors.

TS3 master race. It's weird how a minimum pay barrier of even 3-5 bucks a month for a server weeds out 95% of all cancer.

So is Reddit is full of smug assholes that OP is describing?

Yup. But it really does depend. If you're in a Discord group with just your friends it's going to be fine but as soon as you start communicating with randoms in a moderately sized group prepare to get brain AIDs.

But hey Discord has le epic funny me me quotes when you start it up so that's a bonus.

OP here, I noticed that. I joined a discord with friends from 2013-2014 and everything's fine, but anytime I join a random group its always complete irredeemable trash

Yeah I don't really know why Discord is like that. It's really popular with bottom of the barrel 15-18 year old PC gamers that play all of the shit gamer gurl friendly games like Overwatch and League of Legends.

Also Discord's shitty overlay gets detected as a virus all the time by anti virus programs and even got some people banned from GTA Online.

No shit

I accidentally wandered into a room with 15 year olds on discord once. I felt physically ill and left.

If Discord had even like a $1 a month fee it would keep most of those shit heads on Skype.

Shut the fuck up, bitch. If you can't even handle some faggots in a discord hurting your precious fee fees I doubt you could even cut it in the chair force. Just fucking kill yourself you disgusting faggot, don't puss out just because some ragheads won't do it for you


is this the australian trannys shit "/k/" discord, or another? there's like 20

so use whatever opsec you use (or more likely, don't) on unsecure lines, jesus. even irc is mass logged these days.

There is literally nothing wrong with being in the military

The problem lies with (((those))) in control.

Here's a discord you might like, OP