R8 my teeth

r8 my teeth

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how much did it cost?

I didn't pay a penny.

that's not what i asked you goofy motherfucker

Dentist told me that the insurance company payed $800-$1000 for every crown. Is that the answer you wanted?

yes, thanks. now i can laugh at your shitty teeth

They're not that bad. I can't even get cavities in most of them now.

Why can't you just brush your teeth you fucking leech?

I'm too lazy.

Half your teeth are metal and the real ones have huge gaps and are dirty.

Most of the white ones are fake too

4chan thread/10

Only 4 of my teeth are real.

Dude what the fuck did you do to your teeth? They are all fucked up!

Drank a lot of soda and didn't brush properly for several years.

How old are you?


What the fuck is your problem? How difficult was it to brush and floss at least once a day?

What king of backyard dumpster dentist are you visiting, faggot?


Some asian chick.

Very difficult



Flossing is a waste of time, just brush your teeth

Wouldn't even shit in your mouth/10

Brushing your teeth is a waste of time, just floss

Having teeth is a waste of time, just smoke meth

normalfags get out

Are those fucking amalgam fillings? I thought they stopped using them in the 90s

Geek stink breath/10

what the fuck am I doing wrong? I didn't even know it was a piece of my tooth, or maybe a prior filling that broke, until I checked my teeth before brushing a few minutes ago

you're wearing away the enamel.

Well fuck this then.

it's partly genetic.

Fuck my teeth, I started using a grind guard to late.

Moderation, ya dumb fuck. Get a soft-bristled brush, brush before bed and right when you wake up, and maybe after lunch.


I'm literally you before you got all the work done and without socialized medicine to pay for it. I'm fucked.

How do you not want to kill yourself everyday? I'm stressed every single day because I've got holes in my teeth and I can hardly eat.

At this point I've built up becoming a millionaire and being saved by regenerative medicine as my pipe dream, but frankly I just want to jump off a cliff with a bomb vest that detonates mid-air.

Did you just have the shittiest insurance policy or what? Also, since you're missing two teeth up front, was it experimental ortho extractions or trauma?

I work in dental insurance. Wtf.