Has Microsoft decided to push more Windows 7 to 10 updates? I have updates disabled, and my machine just restarted out of the blue and installed 147 updates upon restart. The Windows 10 update remover says that nothing was installed, but I'm wondering if Mr. Nutella is rolling out another stage of "you're gonna update whether you say so or not" updates. Has anyone else had the same issue recently?
Has Microsoft decided to push more Windows 7 to 10 updates? I have updates disabled...
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I don't know how you evaded the forced "update" for so long. I had updates disabled, but windows prompted me to update every day anyway. Windows = Microshit Nagware.
What probably happened is you installed a bunch of updates, didn't want to restart, and forgot about them. Windows also has a nasty habit of forgetting to run the final update process when you first reboot and can take up to three reboots before it finally updates properly.
That's Windows 8 you know.
W8.1 masterrace, get out
If you did not click anything OK, it should not upgrade to Win 10. Make sure the registry entry for updater is disabled.
This. Win 8.1 rules.
Nope. Pressing the titlebar X/close button was equivalent to "OK" on at least one nag window.
I think that was a long time ago. Anyway OP should either use this grc.com
Please remember that it's non free/libre software (aka= no transparency of source code and more)
There is no warranty that it will not reactivate at the will of Microsoft via the internet or via a specific events/backdoors or masked updates.
It is not because you see that it's unchecked in the gui that it is unchecked in the code.
Their is no compromise on that and if you think there is you'll be surprised one day.
Either the users control the program (free software) or the program controls the users
From this article
Install gentoo/parabola
Has technology gone too far?
Is that image real or fake?
Same here, OP. My fucking job computer has everything disabled and still updated a couple of days ago.
Run services.msc --> set Windows Updates to 'Disabled'. Enable it when you want to install an update. Why is it so hard?
They are disabled. that's the whole fucking point of this thread, nigger
whichever nip received that is likely ecstatic as it means he gets to look good in front of his boss when he sleeps at the office pulling 14 hour shifts installing that shit
windows 8 is only good with classic shell
I have literally never had a forced update. Not once on any of my Windows 7 computers. Even the ones I don't lock down have never tried installing any update I didn't want them to.
Tech illiterates need to get the fuck out of my Holla Forums fam.
Why would it update automatically now that they're charging for the update?
Win7 can and has forced critical security updates.
>never deal with forced updates except the updater updates I suppose. not even the security updates
>not installing critical' security updates, anyway
I've been using w8.1 pirated since it came out, updates have been disabled and it never installed shit or asked me to, only thing that i got was GMX shit that was on my notification area which I just hid till the offer ran out
Nigger I had updates fully disabled.
The whole point of the thread is that with the updates disabled, my computer restarted and upon booting, started installing updates. The point isn't "disabling windows update" but "is macroshit pushing forced updates for something like "adding critical W10 botn---I mean features"".