European Union

If any of you idiots votes to stay in the EU this June you're fucking morons.

That's a conversation I've genuinely had with one of the empty headed retards from your side of politics.

When the World Bank and the IMG are demanding Britain stays in the EU what does that tell you?
It tells you the people at the top of society are scared we might actually leave and tear down their corrupt club.

Vote to leave or don't bother voting at all.
I mean it.
If Britain's still in the EU in a year's time I'll blame it on you lot.
Fucking lefties.

Other urls found in this thread:

Even though it's overwhelmingly every anti-socialist and neoliberal pro-capitalist in favour of staying in the EU.

But yes do blame the "left" anyway, whilst you're here, would you like to tell us why and how "cultural Marxism" has destroyed the UK and your chances of getting a girlfriend?

Why blame me, im not even British. I think most of us here are against the EU so……fuck you basically.

ill make sure to do that while sitting on my couch in Burgerland

Jeremy Corbyn: Pro EU
Labour Party: Pro EU
Liberal Democrats: Pro EU
Green Party: Pro EU
Women's Equality Party: Pro EU


Conservatives: Neutral

Virtually all leftist parties in this country have come out in favour of staying in their corrupt stupid club.
Even that politician who supposedly had principals, Jeremy Corbyn, is pro EU like the rest of his party.

Fucking lefties always showing their true colours.
They hate the white working class and they hate this country.
They'd much rather we were ethnically replaced with thousands of Slavs/Muslims because they inexplicably hold a vendetta against the people that built their movement but now turn to UKIP in droves.

Many of the Leftists I know aren't in favor of the EU so fuck off.

You've probably been talking to all the stupid liberals. Leftism is pretty much dead in mainstream politics. You should know that. They're all capitalist sell-outs.

Inexplicably indeed. You might be onto something.

Those parties are not far left like us


Can they even be described as leftists?

Only Corbyn, he seems pretty based

If you're going to put Conservative as "neutral" then so should Labour as you're allowed to be anti-EU, I would know I'm a Labour Party member who is vocally against the EU as are many of our local members and we will not be campaigning for the EU.

Lib dems are neoliberals, the clue is in the name.

Greens are a single issue party riding on whatever feels good to self ascribed low information "environmentalists", like UKIP.

Who cares about the Women's Equality Party seriously? Did you look up the Monster Raving Loony Party's views as well?

lol this is like that meme about billionaire bankers are actually really communists that want to destroy capitalism.

Nationalism is retarded like yourself, but you're somewhat right in that they hold the the working class in contempt, instead of arguing for socialism and fairer working conditions, they'd rather rile up idiots like you to work against your own interests and placate ethnic minorities by appearing to be on their side, when they're fucking both in the ass.

Also judging from the way you use "working class" as though it were interchangeable from being poor, suggests that you don't understand how capitalism works, it's no surprise that you're a reactionary.

Tony Blair joined the Labour Party because he believed he had a better chance of progressing than he would have in the Conservatives, but no in your mind it never mattered that he was a massive pro-big business shill and neoliberal, he was a damn LABOUR COMMIE ruining muh country.

Anyway you can rant all you want about it being a conspiracy against white people, but you act like it wasn't rich white people who benefited from immigration by depressing workers wages, and that by electing rich white people, they will do something to save poor white people. The current government just so you know, has slashed funding for border controls ie there are literally less guards available to inspect inbound freight than there were under the last Labour government. But to you this is merely a coincidence.

I feel sympathetic to them, I'm hoping once we're out of the EU, the Blairites will have to shut the fuck up and without the bogeyman spectre of Europe to blame our shitty policies on (even though our governments collaborate with the EU to make such shit policies on purpose), there will be more focus on class-consciousness.

Implying you don't always blame everything bad on the lefties, forever. Go back to Holla Forums please

The Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems are all the same to me.
You're all part of one big LibLabCon.
The only difference between you all is the colours you wear around your necks.

In UKIP it's not just reactionaries we have.
UKIP has the old Labour whites who feel betrayed, it has commonwealth citizens from India and beyond that want Britain to stay the way they found it in and not become like their home-countries. It has libertarians, socialists, black, browns - whatever.
That's why it's so popular. It's a movement to take back our country from the fat cat politicians at the top and bring back some normality rather than the crazy PC gone mad anti-English loony left culture that has taken control over the nation.

That's the thing.
You act as if I'm a friend of the Conservatives.
Well, I may have been under Margaret Thatcher but nowadays HELL NO.
They're basically just the same as Labour.

They say they'll control immigration but they don't. They say they'll oppose the EU but they don't. They say all this bullshit to attract people to vote for them but in reality they don't do anything.
UKIP on the other hand is lead by a guy that knows his stuff. Farage is charismatic, honest, plane spoken and an all round good lad. He's not ashamed of the fact that he's a public school boy, he's not afraid to tell the truth and he says what everyone's thinking. That's what a politician is supposed to be all about.

You guys are all in favour of islam and minority rights.
What about the majority in this country? Where's our protection against becoming a minority in the land our ancestors left for us???

It feels like I'm reading a Daily Mail comment, anyway I guess it doesn't matter to you that Corbyn is dragging the party back to the left, promising to nationalise the woefully run private railways which will materialise once we leave the EU or free education instead of loading our future talent with burdensome debt, or promises to improve air quality instead of turning into a future smog ridden shithole like China or India which again the Torys have no concern about.

Again I'm sympathetic, and once we're out of the EU, Labour even under a new Red Tory leadership can't and won't have the impetus to take us back, ie they will be forced to play the hand that they have and actually address the concerns of the working class.

"I'm not racist/xenophobic, some of my best friends are Pakis"

What normality? This country has been objectively on all metrics going to shit since the gold standard debacle and oil crisis of the 1970s, joining the EU and then there's Thatcher in the 80s which is a whole load of disasters in of its self.

Gosh UKIPers really are myopic and ignorant, you say you want normality, but what does that even mean? The normality of stagnation or do you mean back when Labour were under Atlee and were actually implementing quasi-socialist policy and things actually were getting better?

Are you trolling? Does Holla Forums actually unironically like Thatcher and Reagan? She made a shit situation even worse, privatising natural monopolies like electricity, water, gas, telecoms and the railways, the latter still being subsidised by the state to this day even though it pays dividends to its shareholders, and not to mention much of our utilities are owned by foreign state companies in France and Germany now, ripping of British workers to pay for their pensions, defence, health or whatever their governments end up using the profits for anyway.

Then there's right to buy, inevitably causing the precipitating in our current housing shortage and various speculation bubbles, no doubt also accelerated by her lax action on immigration (yes that's right Torys actually like immigration, they just say they like the "hard working ones", ie those who work for cash in hand and live 10 to a flat, putting white people out of work).

Then there's the financial deregulation and all the fallout that came with that later…geez someone needs to make some image macros on how awful she was, she truly was one of the worst prime-ministers we've ever had…but hey they waved the flag and sang the national anthem so that's all that matters right?

Anyway it's the other way around, Labour went right wing, not the other way around, we even dropped the 4th clause under Blair ie to seize the means of production. Fuck your Orwellian education.

That's Conservative politics for you, why would rich people who the Conservatives represent, want to fight against their own interests?

He's right on the EU and that's all.

Giving Muslims and minorities the same rights as everyone else does not make the left in favour of Islam, it's just that you're anti-Islamic.

I myself, would be in favour of banning the burqa in public & schools, ban all faith schools, abolish tax exemptions based on religion, and ban halal/kosher meat, but that's me.

The Welsh, Scots, Cornish and Irish aren't complaining much, but seriously your grandchildren will have more pressing concerns in the future than whether their neighbour is a nigger.


He's making it even loonier, yes.
I respect that opinion though. I prefer it to LibLabCon nonsense.

Sunday lunch with the family. having pints down at the pub.
Going off to work and making a decent living. Happy in the sun. Everyone speaking English, kids learning at school about British achievements and being proud of them. Remembrance day, bonfire night, the union jack.
Green fields, rolling hills, the seaside, singing hymns.
That's normality. The left wants to take all that away in favour of calls to prayer every morning and African studies with more housing estates for Muhammad and his 50 kids that refuse to speak English.

This is Britain:

You mock me for not being able to fully articulate what this country means to me but really it's like asking a fish in a bowl to describe the environment he lives in.
Those looking at the fish from the outside can clearly identify what's British and what isn't but the fish would have tremendous difficulty doing so because he's lived there all his life and has no external perspective.

She wasn't perfect and a lot of what she did was tough but she saved this country from the crazy communism that might have otherwise been imposed by the unions.
She saved the people of the Falklands from fascist Argentine aggression and pulled us up from being the sick man of Europe. She was a great prime minister and an inspiration to real British women, which is probably why the left hates her.
She entered a male dominated sphere, didn't cry and actually proved herself as equal rather than making a scene about it.
Yes, it was tough that a lot of people had to lose their job but in the end it was for the better. I'd rather a few thousand people in coal were out of the job than we succumb to communists.

Yes… and?
Can you not see the danger of Islam?
They're taking over our whole country. They're commuting terror attacks, raping little girls from black and white communities (to them basically everyone is inferior to the Muslims) and generally behaving in an unpleasant manor.
I think we should do what Orban is doing in Hungary and promote our Chirstian culture in opposition to the islamificatoin of our country.
I don't want my kids being fiddled by a bearded paki on government benefits. Do you?

That's the most pressing concern.
I'm alright with a few minorities in this country but right now it's too much.
If we don't act soon we'll be the minority and this will stop being Britain.
I don't want that.
Labour seem to though.


Nah hes only pro because party consensus. More then likely he wants out like labour did in the 80's. Kinda of a oxymoron that UKIP wants to leave the EU even though though they worship thatcher's clit. Shes the one who got us in this mess.

You'll blame everything on us anyway, faggot.

You'll be in a corrupt club regardless of whether you're in the EU or not.

Oh how so? You're just repeating memes you've heard in the media, he actually wants to do something substantive (however mild) for the working people in this country. But go on keep bootlicking the taxdodgers leeching off the backs of the working people in this country.

Seriously this is just a cop out response.

Erm you can do that right now, are you some kind of shut in? Do I need to post a webm of myself going down my local this Sunday showing you exactly this apparently long gone thing still happening?

Not going to happen without socialism, again thank Atlee for that bit of nostalgia.

lol those damn lefties ruining the weather

Uh huh, why does an otherwise functioning member of society who doesn't speak English trigger you so much?

History should be taught impartially with warts and all, if you can proud of what your ancestors did, you should also be ashamed of all the bad things that they did. I don't take credit or blame for what people born before me have done, it's illogical, I don't think Newton or Darwin were day dreaming about the flag and the British people when they were making their discoveries, it's absurd to believe that and absurd to credit their hard work to some kind of abstraction.

That aside history as taught in the UK is a joke, you're full of shit mate, I did GCSE history under a Labour government and it was a self-felating exercise in how Britain never did anything wrong, how Britain saved India and that the British Raj was really a humanitarian charity, and that St Winston Churchill won World War 2 single handedly. I bet you don't even know about Operation Axis, Gallipoli or the time he sent British troops to murder striking miners, I bet even Coventry is a vague memory to you if that.

And when I did history under the Conservative governments prior in primary school, it was the same old shit, pictures of nice dressed up aristocrats and monarchs presented as though they were the ordinary people looking out for what was best for the country when in reality they were the gangsters and despots who let their people starve and sent them to die in their personal wars that only benefited the ruling class.

British history as taught in schools is an exercise in ideology and it has clearly worked on you, and to think that this was supposed to be something that we laughed at authoritarian shitholes over.

A shame you lot subverted it from being a reminder of the horrors of war into a nationalistic circlejerk.

We still have this going…

Yes wave the flag, every thing's ok, if not wave harder

Is this what gets you off? War is sweet to those who haven't experienced it, this is abhorrent, you don't care what they die for so as long as we have a nice confetti parade and wave a few flags.

Because your ideology is based on this fluffy vacuous myth that the problems we face are not due to any material factors but rather a foreign toxin that must be purged in order to return to your vague "normality". Your whole post is just "feels".

This is a pretty convoluted way of admitting you're an ignoramus, most nationalists pretend to be superior to other cultures and claim exclusive ownership over common decency that apparently foreigners don't have.

Ha the Labour Party had been blacklisting communists AT THE BEHEST OF UNIONS since before the First World War, don't give us that crap, if you knew anything about political theory in the UK, you'd be aware that prior to Thatcher, it was commonly understood by the Unions that communism as they perceived it would render their organisations redundant and diminish their power, as people would assume a state owned enterprise would present itself as working in the interests of its workers (key word is "present") reducing their membership and make collective bargaining more difficult as it would appear that the workers in question are trying to milk the public purse, despite being the ones generating the revenue.

She had to, like how an airline pilot has to land a plane safely.

Am I supposed to applaud her for not playing the idpol card? She may have not made a big deal out of it, but Torys at the time were gushing over the prospect of the first female prime-minister.

Again you're pulling this out of your arse, Kinnock (you know that Labour leader who ran against her in the 80s) went on an infamous communist purge of the party to appease ordinary voters albeit he still lost the election. Where did these so called communists go then? You know the ones that were going to overthrow the government, if there were so many of them, I'm sure I would have met some of them by now.

And I didn't even mention coal, that's an essay in of its self, but trust me she was wrong and so were you…seriously we need to make a repository of info charts to educate these guys, it's starting to get boring hammering out these ad lib refutations.

Look I hate Islam with a passion (pedo profit, warmonger Mo, slave trader etc, savage religion) and we have our threads on here denouncing it, but it's really small fish, you've wasted a lot of my time already, but my take on the issue is that it's like someone breaking a really smelly fart in car with the windows rolled up with said car driving off a cliff and with everyone including the driver getting distracted by the smell and the right wingers secretly enjoying that smell and feigning indignation.

Assuming your scaremongering fears are right and assuming we should give a shit about race, what point is there in saving a white Britain if we're heading towards a Dickensian future except this time we'll have an all powerful police state, you don't care so as long as you can wave your bloody flag and so as long as the government pats you on the head and tells you what a nice white boy you are, all the while you slave away for a meagre existence but hey at least there's no wogs to ruin this smog laden post card image of yours.

Gonna ignore everything and focus on your last point because here is what it all really comes down to:

I think we're heading towards a much scarier future than that.

This is a pretty scary future.
Quite apart from your whole Orwellian image ethnic conflict is getting more and more likely.
People are getting angrier and angrier and they want to take all their anger out on someone.
Muslims are getting pissed off with whites. Whites are getting pissed off with Muslims.
Muslims are forming ethnically homogeneous communities and teaching their own to hate the whites.
It's getting really really bad.

I'm not some nazi LARPer that believes in a kind of racial war but minor ethnic violence is becoming the norm.
It could be like in Northern Ireland.

I don't want that future. Do you?

Surely it would be better to say "Ok, white people have a special place in this country and your position will be respected." and ease it all rather than needlessly making people feel like their identities are under threat from an external force?

Or even better, just cut out the whole myth that diversity works.
I get that the people at the top of society have this idea of a diverse world where everyone is happy but can anyone honestly say that's true at this point?
Everyone's so unhappy. The most diverse communities are miserable.

You might remember the Clacton by election a couple years ago? It was the one where Douglas Carswell got elected as UKIP's first MP.
Funnily enough I was actually up there campaigning for the Consecrative guy because mum wanted me to do her a favour.
It was a shithole remnant of what British seaside resorts used to be so it was invariably white and British but the kind of place nobody would ever voluntarily live in.
The responses I was getting from people on the doorstep were genuinely shocking.
I had to ask them "Why aren't you voting Conservative anymore?" to which several replies were "Too many fucking ragheads in the country haha".
That's shocking. For someone to just openly be like "Yeah I'm not a fan of brown people" was really a wakeup call to me that Britain is becoming scarily divided.

If you haven't seen that With Open Gates video you should check that out too.
Genuinely scary stuff. The sort of stuff I have nightmares about:

So what is the gripe the neo-left has with white working class brits?

Blair was heavily influenced by and in turn influenced the fabian society. Are they porky shills now too?


from a communist standpoint both leaving and staying in the EU are futile endeavors so the communist position should be to leave the bourgeoisie's problem to the bourgeoisie.

The only lefty groups within the EU that support withdrawing are Stalinists like the CPB-ML and KKE.

Why is the European left so pussy on this issue?

fucking white people


sounds about right


i kinda want to suck corbyns dick tbh
he looks like he was real cute when he was young


Watch it, you niggers.

You mean hazubando
Also you're right, he was pretty cute


British workers have been screwed hard by the undemocratic EU.

Watch it and educate yourself on how fucked u the EU really is, my friend.

the EU is anything but pan-europeanism
I know you're funposting but damn

I know, I just don't care about the opinions of people that put No True Scotsman arguments in video titles

They will get fucked outside of the EU too
You can't escape capitalism by just removing yourself from a political union

here if someone wants the whole movie

Like anything else, it pisses me off this is turned into a binary for/against issue.

Why can't the EU countries vote to change how the EU fundamentally works: like having elected officials and having country's citizens vote on laws instead of bureaucrats. The main problem I see with the EU is that it acts as a self fulfilling entity that dictates what europe will do and less and a representation of allied nations and their people. Eurofags could do with an intermediate between full blown EU support and full blown nationalism, like a concept of states rights.

Because the people in charge want it exactly their way, for profits, power, and what not. There's nothing to change, it's not your special little brand of european buddy club and was never meant to be. Either you take it and enjoy being buttfucked by Brussels for the rest of your life or you make the jump.

Not a yuropoor but I've heard that the EU is basically owned by Germany.

why is the thread anchored

It counters the reptilian agenda