Suicide by Antifa

Hey Holla Forums I have challenged all of the local antifa over craigslist, indeed anyone at all who has a problem with my far-right NatSoc alignment, to fight me. Just me vs ALL OF THEM, I don't care if a lynch mob comes to meet me. I am doing this because my other plans to commit suicide have all failed and I seem to be immortal I'm so fucking hard to kill. I shall go down fighting with honour now. It was nice to know you all. 14/88

Other urls found in this thread: pro Tin 8th Century Scandinavian Sword Double Headed War Axe and Armor Burgundian Poleaxeé_Estebanez_de_la_Hija

Good luck.

You'd better buy a gun and kill them all.

Go out with a bang nigga.

Do you think any of them will show?

Go full-Hotline Miami and kill them all.
See you in the news, user.

Bring a gun and get as many as you can.

Attach your phone to your chest and livestream it, faggot


Can't, all I have is a knife, and I have prepared for this event by working on trance induction and demonic pacts to make me able to fight like vid related:

Can't get a gun because been in psychiatric ward.

No idea. We'll see. I'm going to fight them in the local park, might cut a sigil with a swastika on myself with the knife probably, then go berserk on them; or just straight up go into battle trance and start slaying them as soon as they attack. I'll probably black out in rage and find out later what I did to them all if I manage to survive the whole thing.

Hmmm that would require data and a service that works for livestreaming with android. I might be able to do it, not sure.

OP is a liar and you're all idiots.

make some bombs and lure them in to a trap and after the explosion just charge in and go full Dead Rising

Police, please, you aren't going to intervene on this one.

Can you really enter the berzerker state, or are you just saying that?

give them the dick

Be quick about it

Wouldnt it be better if you could take out some high up politican

No nazi allusions.

Paint Hillary 2016 and bring gasoline and a lighter. Or a machette

These pussies won't do anything at all.

Enjoy your life.

And you're a peice of shit subhuman

burn a (((bank))) down or something

See you in Valhalla

Antifa are the biggest cowards I've witnessed in my life, so don't count on dying, in fact, don't count on them even showing up.

If he has nordic blood in him he can.

I think every human can get into that state, for people of our blood its just easier to get into that state and even control it.

Its managing your adrenaline, blood pressure, anger, and readiness to die all at once. Its quite frightening actually.

Then at least give us the time/date and the name of the city so we can check the local news.

CNN won't pick up your little brawl and if you die, there will be no way to confirm a damn thing.

PLEASE live stream it somehow. At the very least get a GoPro and capture some footage.

I don't know how to do that. It's too complicated and I'd probably get caught making the bombs or having them in my possession before I can do anything. I am very physically strong and have trained in martial arts 10 years. Hopefully if a lot of them show up and I get a lot of kills, all with just a knife, you guys can use it as pro-gun-rights propaganda too by showing how you can be deadly without guns/bombs.

I can go into an altered state of consciousness in which I feel no pain, am very fast, can fight without any thinking about it, and my strength becomes much greater. Does that count as the berzerker state to you?

Too difficult for me and would make 0 differences as all politicians and political parties are extremely anti-white and leftist here.

I have a machete but it's shit. I'm just going to use my knife it's, a very good knife, specifically for combat. I will have matches on me too.

At least I'm going to die with honour fighting people that came looking for a fight. They know what they're getting into. No innocents are going to be harmed.

Banks here are stone, metal, and glass. Also very secure. You can't just burn them down.

If you don't mind me asking, why were you sent to a mental hospital?

Kek wills it.

Buy one off of the street.

I just dont want you to waste you sacrifice on low life antifa types. Try to make as much impact for our cause as possible.

Well if its a combat knife you're good to go mang, make your ancestors proud.

I really hope you dont die though and are found innocent claiming self defense

With no ties, preferably.

stream it on Periscope


yea and this too >>681144


You're a coward and unfit to be associated with us and our beliefs.

Don't know how to do that without getting arrested.

Time/date depends on when the antifa want to meet up with me.

City is too specific.

Not familiar with how that works. is a honeypot that's why. The admins there called the police on me.

I am Nordic af blond hair blue eyes 210 lb 6'4" all muscle.

I'm getting too restless and unlike Americans I don't have a Trump to look forward to in my country.

Fight me, coward. I'm not afraid to die.

Why can't anyone into fighting tactics? Where/when are you even fighting, OP? Most Antifa likes to use bats/chains to fight, especially if they can get you surrounded. Unless you're planning to fight them in a hallway, alley, elevator or other crowded or narrow place you're going to just get mobbed by people with longer reach than you.

What country are you in OP?


Wait wat. Wtf did you say??
What country are you from? If you dont want to be too specific what part i.e south europe, scandinavia, baltic states etc.

Maybe it is this ability to control ourselves that is now used against us, holding us back from taking any form of action? Could that also mean that if we finally respond we'll quickly trigger full Berserker rage due to this?

for what, allegedly?

Also, the only problem here is that you're probably not going to get killed, so if that's what you want you're doing a bad job of it. You'll probably just get mobbed, knocked out and wake up, possibly braindamaged, in the hospital.

"mo fo biddy nidy wix wudda pop pop nigga fo sheez biz wut gotsa two benjminnie frank shieeeet u hear fo real?"

You look like a stable individual and clear-headed Rajeev.
I'd suggest you to open an gofundme/indiegogo kickstarter.
Most of the funds will surely come from these liberals anyway.

It's a win-win situation.

sarcasm aside, if this is real tho, use youtube/twitter as weapon.
buy a go pro, or anything that can be mounted on a head or on helmets
and spread it live via periscope/yt/twitch
godspeed user

The manner in which I intend to fight is while in a trance. This does not involve any conscious thinking or planning really. Just pure rage. Nobody's going to join me in my fight and that's fine, I'm just looking for a way out, this country is cucked and I will have to stand alone. I have no future anyways.

Chains and bats? I'll probably just grab onto the bat, pull it out of their hand, and bash them with it. Chain? Will just grab on, pull it, and put around their neck and choke them out or fling them over me by the chain and slam them into the ground. Those are shitty weapons for them to use on me. I've broken so many sticks on me, I am very hard-bodied, they aren't going to do shit to me.

How would you even do that?

Guess. I won't confirm though.

It was a relatively benign thread. However there are lots of people that hate me on imageboards and someone is friends with the admins over there probably.

Not going to say more.

you are doing God's work user,
Might I suggest one of these?

Do it like the Gr33ks and fight naked. It will heighten your situational awareness and freak out your enemy

Chains and bats? I'll probably just grab onto the bat, pull it out of their hand, and bash them with it. Chain? Will just grab on, pull it, and put around their neck and choke them out or fling them over me by the chain and slam them into the ground. Those are shitty weapons for them to use on me. I've broken so many sticks on me, I am very hard-bodied, they aren't going to do shit to me
You better fucking livestream this

Spend all your money to stalk them


Well shit that I definitely don't want to happen. Any suggestions to make sure this is fatal?

Only 1.5% of the population is niggers here. Still enough for them to make up like half of the crime and cause a shitload of trouble though. Won't stay that way for long though with all these cucks eager to bring in as many shitskins as possible of every type.

How about some links concerning go-pros?

why the namefag if you're gonna die ? posterity?

I don't think that response has anything to do with my post questioning why exactly the police were called on user. I personally think this is a honeypot, too, but I don't care since I mostly just shitpost and shoop dicks into people's mouths. What are they going to report me for, saying nigger on a board where everyone says nigger alot? whatever.

I think you should take an example from OP and kill yourself

Have you been in many fights with degenerates? They're not going to be using bats that are going to be comfortable to grab, some still make nail-bats, especially if they're planning on fighting you and killing you. They're also not going to fight fair. They won't break their bats over your back, they'll be aiming for your head, groin, and joints. Furthermore, they'll rabbit-punch you whenever they can, so it's not so much their strength you'll have to worry about so much as their nasty strategies.

only thing I can think of is going straight allahu ackbar with a vest. Maybe wear a helmet so you can get some good fighting in without getting knocked out, then KABOOM!

Of course, I only say that since you asked. I'm not suggesting that you should do that.

choose one

You're not psychotic enough to pass as a far right NatSoc alignment, shill.

Try laying it on a bit thicker, we're too jaded to care about babby tier like "psych ward".

At this rate we will not start wanting to disassociate ourselves with the right, or think they're crazy.

Step it up.

Please don't, OP. Spread your seed. is also

Hosted on a joint US British Military Island Nation in the Indian Ocean

Things were tough for Hitler too, OP. I think you have potential just as any of us here on this board. You might be surprised what you could accomplish


Exactly the kind of shit you don't want.

google>amazon>gopro pro

do you also need links to setup a periscope account ? you should be able to find it out by yourself don't you think ?

oh user I thought you trying rustle me, know i know you were

I would think so. The moment Vikings quit being so damn barbaric was when their society collapsed.

Oh I'm sure if poked hard enough there will be chain reaction of our people going into a blood frenzy.

It's like poking a hornets nest. Even worse is that people feed off one another mental state. Get a band of Norse together who have learned to focus their rage and it would be terrifying. Would make ISIS look like pushovers.

user it's obvious everything we're posting on this site is satire and role play.

You'd have to be a stupid overpayed government employee to think otherwise.

Op, hold out one last bit of patience. Tie a knot at the end of your rope. You are valuable beyond your knowledge - user is right that you shouldn't waste yourself on Antifa scum. Immigrate to the US while it's still easy. Contriboot your zerker skills to a group.

This is obviously for self defense if OP gets attacked by antifa, for posterity

Its surprising how many don't understand this

Yeah, they apparently don't understand what LARPing means. Honestly, I don't think they care; they just have to make their numbers by claiming they're solving some huge problem, even if it attacking autistic roleplayers online.

Kinda sad. They should really go after real terrorists and whatnot

I would agree with this, I suggest everyone who is redpilled in EU to leave to come to the US

Improvise ammo by buying fired casings from milsurp stores, reloading their primers with matchead powder mixed with red phosphorus, then matchhead powder for propellant.

Go to >>>/k/ and ask for the '/k/mando's special plans in 9X19mm to build the gun.

Watch this: ( )
33:40 to end covers deadly and simple to use shit even a faggot like you can make.

that gasoline bomb made here can be made into a booby trap if you add a ring of matches taped around the fuse with a striker surface pulled off by a tripwire.

On mobile can't embed.

Hmm… I can't imagine. I'd say Sweden.

Are you being tongue-in-cheek or what?

It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience. - Caesar.

If you absolutely must go into battle, why do it alone? Surely you can find someone else willing and able to strike at antifa scum. 2 or 3 of you working in coordination, having drilled some basic tactics, would be exponentially more deadly.

pls share what you allegedly posted that got you in trouble – or at least what kind of thing. I've heard this from a number of people. Someone over at /fringe/ supposedly what hauled off to the loony bin as well…

It would really be nice to know the hard limits that exist in this LARPiverse, so as to avoid getting v& myself

I have a chainsaw. It's slow, heavy, unwieldy. Loud. Intimidating. A useless weapon if you want to do anything besides scare people away and give them the chance to run. Probably won't even cut through cloth and flesh properly, have you seen chainsaw execution vids?

but I have a NSM style shirt I want to wear and combat pants and goggles and so on

I could tear off my shirt though and they could see all the huge scars I have on me and be freaked out by it.

It's just a temporary trip without name and I am using it because I might, just might, end up making a follow-up thread later if I survive or antifa cowards No-Show or something.

I can take a kick in the nuts and it doesn't even hurt at all. My right-arm is already damaged. I am covered all over in scars. I have fought plenty of times before.

If they use a nail bat on me they're fucked, it'll just get stuck in my flesh, and I'll fuck them up before they can pull it out.

Even if they threw a fucking molotov at me I'd just keep fighting while on fire until my body just can't anymore.

I have military gear if I want to add some extra protection for head, joints, etc.

I have a military helmet that is similar if not identical to what they were wearing back in Vietnam.

I don't know how to make a suicide vest.

What? I have a huge fucking pile of Holla Forums-approved books, I've read Mein Kampf, I've shitposted on various white nationalist sites for over a decade, my computer alone will prove my alignment when police examine it.

I don't want to talk shit about myself but I have big reasons I want to die so unless one of you are a female Nordic and pro-white and me to impregnate you I won't think of changing course.

That's not what I was asking for. I've seen GoPros before. How do they actually work though? How do they connect to the internet and livestream? What is involved in that?

He should buy a chainsaw.
I'm in the mood for something brutal.

The man in all black that is how I dress.

Get an entrenching shovel. Sharpen it to a knife edge. Also remember nicotine as a deadly injectable poison. If you build an autoinjector syringe you can stab them anywhere and they'll be fucking dead in seconds.

Sure is agent provocateur ITT.
Let a storm come down upon you, shills.
May you know the wrath of the heaven.
Find your woman here

also the chainsaw fuck up because they have safety blades, the square cut blade I linked will tear through anything

Don't forget to get your self as high as fuck on meth as you charge in. Be sure to he holding a live hand grenade as you die, too.


Once we convince OP to become a radical white terrorist we can shift the agenda and claim whites are just as bad as muslims.

Then we of Mossad can finally destroy those pesky whites.

I know you're LARPing and all, but I'm still surprised by your lack of creativity. Most antifa, esp in the US, are pussy hipsters that grow out of it in a few years. The ringleaders, however, are easily known - University (cultural studies, etc) professors, local political activists etc. Since you can easily get their names, you could easily get their addresses…. I think you see where I'm going.

Obviously, I think going on a door-to-door killing spree is a bad idea compared to popping out beautiful white babies and raising them to be in the future liberation army, if that's your goal.

But you're LARPing anyway, so whatevs… just thought you could have been more creative

Pretty sweet theory. Tell me, how much damage did the Mossad (tm) end up doing with the Dylann Roof incident, hmm? Have they rounded up all the guns? Has the situation in any way, shape or form become worse because a White guy went and shot church going niggers? According to your worldview, it certainly should have.

Not a single fucking thing will happen if OP drives over to his local antifa group meeting and kills every single one of them. Nothing at all. Of all the violent crimes the Left tries to run with, it will give them the least.

The timing is a bit off but are you the user in image attached.

I don’t know why you are committing Sudoku but I as other anons have expressed would prefer it if you didn’t.

But OP is going to kill white people not niggers.

That will shift the narrative "not only muslims kill white people" and will lessen tensions against muslims long enough to quietly make Trump disappear.

you dun goofed

I prayed ro Christ for your life OP

I'm not even allowed to enter the US just to visit. I tried. Maybe with Trump in power, things might theoretically change, and I might become more welcome; probably not though. You're going to have to send in some Trump-Era Right Wing Death Squads to Canada to pick up as many pro-whites stranded here to join the fight, otherwise I'd just have to sit here for who knows how many more years, sulking.

I've looked into that stuff. The result would probably be a mis-firing piece of shit gun with ammo that isn't particularly effective.

I would like to do that and have tried to meet pro-whites in my area before and it just never has played out at all. It's always been no shows. Even if I ever got to meet one, they'd be all talk, and no preparations.

Just use proxies and don't become the personal enemies of the admins? Once you're under the scope of the admins you're fucked. Just avoid .pl, the admins there have no problems fucking with anyone. You could just post a gore thread and get in trouble, it could be anything really.

I've thought about this. It's a potentially very good weapon. So would some serum made from deadly nightshade work too.

I am not provoking anyone except the antifa to come fight me. I am doing this alone and my intentions are to die.

The best way to destroy whites is business as usual. Low birth-rates, everyone waiting perpetually for the happening, miscegenation, etc.

If anti-whites can be provoked into actually going full-scale genocide on us by trying to physically kill us all, the white race will fight back and win the race war.

Checking it out and it looks like a honeypot/scam site and it wants my personal info.

It's really not a practical weapon.

I don't need meth to reach a meth-like state of mind.

Don't have a hand grenade.

The best plan is SIMPLE and QUICK. You overcomplicate things and take too much time, you just end up being one of hundreds of people who gets arrested while having a massive stockpile of guns, explosives, and plans; all never even put into effect.

That's not actually me… but it makes me wonder if that guy might be in my country and might want to join me. Then there could be two of us working together.

I'll be killing race traitors, cucks, marxists; anyone who wants to attack me because I am a National Socialist.

Why does everyone like chainsaws so much? They're a pain to wield against moving targets and use fuel, so unless OP can pin one of the antifa -while avoiding the others at the same time mind you- he won't get a lot of penetration from the blades. He's better off with something that has more reach if he's planning on fighting them somewhere wide open like a parking lot.

I think it would be better if you went from mosque to mosque just mowing down mudslime until the cops finally catch you and kill you. One lone organized white man should be able to take out at least 300 before being killed. Nigers and mudslimes usually only get 2 to 3 kills when they go out for mass killings.

Become Holla Forums's martyr and hero, remove kebab.


Not a fucking thing will happen to the narrative. Nothing. Do you know what alphabet agencies actually do with their time regarding this shit? They set up honeypots, sure, they infiltrate groups and try to shut them down, and they do everything else to make sure that people with real ability and cause don't do anything. The last thing they want is people acting on their own initiative. In fact, I'd wager the meme that "if you attack your enemies, you only hurt our cause :^)" is in some part at least propagated by them.

Nobody is telling OP to give his details to us, nobody is telling him to join a group. Any group the Left tries to pin his actions on can easily shrug him off as "mentally ill", just as they did with the Roof shooting. You clearly have no idea how shit works, hinting at a simple mind that relies on universalizing concepts rather than trying to understand context.

Motherfuckers like you wouldn't jaywalk to save the White race.

You're going to valhalla.

One ring-leader is worth 50 or more drones, user. Think about it.

God bless you OP. If it's real, we will remember your sacrifice against Sodomerica.

Doesnt antifa have some local hangout that you can just storm and fuck shit up.

OP would you describe the berserker state as things moving in sort of slow motion, quietly, while you watch your own actions dispassionately almost as if you're not the one doing them?

I'm sure, but then he'd have to worry about the news spinning the narrative to be "evil white man commits hate crime at the gayest gay bar in Canada".

I grew up in nyc. Ive been in many many fights. Only about 5 or so one on one fights the rest.. The smallest group Ive fought was 9 guys. And they were all solo save for one where I had a buddy with me.. That one was insane it was like 60 leftist faggots at a metal concert and my buddy wasn't able to get to my side for about 5 minutes. Every single one of them I emerged the victor. The one on one fights I never entered the zone. But the huge brawls? Every single one of them I went into what you could call a trance. Its like because I knew losing meant I'd be in the hospital or dead I was able to tap into some crazy ancestral power or something. I functioned like a fucking machine pulling off moves I could never replicate if I tried a thousand times. The shit was so out of this world that I don't expect people to believe me when I tell the stories unless there are people who saw it in attendance.

Fam wat the fuck are you doin. Demons are the Jews of the metaphysical world; they'll withdraw their pact right when you need it most and after the anti-fucks kill you they'll drag your soul off to Hell anyway.

Hope you take as many with you as you can.

Praise Kek

Last time a pro-white did anything in my area was 2012 btw and antifa drove him off. The police stood by as the antifa fucked up his house. He just left, homeless, for Alberta.

Be sure to wear a shirt that says,

And put a bunch of 4Chan rare Pepe's in your pockets.

Show up dressed up like a jew.

Also, do it somewhere with security cameras so we'll get footage of antifa fighting a jew.

forget about gopros then.
you said earlier you have an android, do you have internet service on it ?
that's how most vloggers streamers do when they go outside their caves.
Register an account on or
use a tennis bandhead or a piece of cloth to mount it on your forehead pic semi-related

Okay OP I got you get one of these,

For me its not dispassionately. It is slow mo.. Like bullet time vidya slowmo. And I see targets. Like one instance I was completely surrounded by a shit ton of dudes and yet I managed to evade or block every fucking punch thrown and I'd see a glowing spot on a face or throat or shoulder.. They were never random but were the best possible spot to hit and get a desired effect. I was tripped up and fell to the ground in this fight. But before I hit the ground, I couldn't see shit but I could feel that if I cocked my knee to my chest and struck out in a specific direction I would connect with one guys knee, break his knee and use the force to propelled myself to my feet. And that's exactly what happened. It was fucking awesome to say the least.

Yell "Moot Akbar!".
Make sure you have something that looks like hacking equipment and steroids on you.
(Not like cuckchan wouldn't take the blame anyway.)

Better idea: dress like a dollar bill and run into a local synagogue. You'll find out what it's like being zergrushed.

I've only ever entered it for short periods mostly in elementary school, maybe that's why mine isn't as intense. Or I don't have a high enough Nordid percentage. Sounds like something out of assassin's creed but I believe you. The thing I most remember was how easy everything was.


Can you use anything else other than a knife? Maybe an axe, machete, shovel, baseball bat, any of those things?

Now these are what I'm talking about, it's got reach and some weight to it. Ideally, a large pole made of metal is my go-to weapon, but I don't know much about how a shillelagh feels while using it, though. The only problem with blunt weapons is that you have to go for the head or joints to be extra effective, so I have no idea if OP will be able to use it while "berserking" or LARPing or whatever he's planning on doing.

If we want to get really LARPy getting a glaive or something would be the best thing for fucking up antifa at a distance in a wide open space, and would maximize their injuries/minimize OP's injuries for as long as possible, but it's probably not as personal as one would like it to be.

They're loud and make a mess of flesh.
They are seen as super-brutal.

or go full viking and get a sword, a shield, a small axe and a spear

How about this?

Wait till you at least vote Trump please, we need all the internet nazis we can get for this win.

Need to go to sleep now. Hope ill catch you on the news in the upcoming days.

I've promised them the blood of my enemies and an opportunity to massively fuck shit up and cause incredible chaos nothing more. I haven't promised them my soul. I am trying to appeal to their bloodthirst and their love of death and destruction.

It can be like that. I also sometimes hear this echoing-like "digital distortion" portal sound which is really fucking loud followed by images just freezing in place like whatever I was looking at just becomes a frozen image until moments later something else registers in my sight and for the most part I'm blind, not "black out blind" exactly, but my vision isn't functioning normally at all and there's some overlay over it like dreaming with eyes open and all I feel is really fucking fast movement and intense vibrations as my muscles seem to unlock their true capacity.

Mostly I just feel everything. I have trained myself btw to fight with eyes closed.

Glowing spots? Are they like orange spark things? I see orange spark things.

Everything is super easy and executed perfectly that's why I prefer this trance-battle method over any conscious-planning. When it's time for fighting it's not time for thinking anymore, you think things through before, not during.

I have axes, machetes, shovels, baseball bats, hammers, tools of all sorts, long-sticks, glass bottles, etc.

You need to see my knife it's a combat knife and cost me a fair lot.

I need to configure my printer and print out some rare Pepes then to put in my many pockets. Maybe Kek be with me.

I will have to try and test that but it may be too impractical.

I made my own walking stick out of iron-wood.

Reality: your chain fucks up, sit down in the middle of the fight and spend a few minutes fixing it?

That's a bretty gud idea user.

however, a jew-gamergater-racist-drugged out-jihadist-nationalist-white man doesn't sound like a great cover.

The last sword I posted was a katana so to redeem myself Here is this Tin 8th Century Scandinavian Sword


Only if he also has a black fedora and trench coat as well.

That weapon must be accompanied with a fedora and trench-coat to be effective.

Lets hope antifa doesn't pussy out.

Better weapon but presumably requires months or years of training? Might as well just use the antifas own weapons against them, whatever they bring.

You people are cringe incarnate.

Aw come on, at least keep it European.


Chainsaw is gonna quickly get gummed up, and loud noises will draw attention even more than the brawl is going to be as it is. Furthermore, OP wants to fuck antifa up, not scare them off.

Antifa like to use baseball bats so you might want something with more reach. Have you considered some form of polearm?

OP vs. an antifa.
On second thought, maybe he shouldn't use a chainsaw.

Eh, if you plan using them for slashing, not really. You dont need to know how to be able to decapitate one with ease (what years of training would make you able to), but if you are strong enough to unstick the sword from the flesh , you'd be good to go as long you dont try to thrust.

Just dont buy a cheap ass katana like the other user suggested. Get a good replica (albion to be sure) from the sword your ancestors used.

No training needed for this Double Headed War Axe

Throw some wood axes or bricks

This is autistic beyond belief.Good luck anyway op.

Carry your combat knife as a side, and use the axe/machete/shovel/baseball bat as a primary.

Stick nails through baseball bat for extra pain. Make sure the end that comes in contact with them (like blade) is filthy for extra chance of infection. On the other hand, seeing how they probably do have group orgies, they might already have aids. Still, wouldn't hurt to try.

Die with weapon in hand and you will be granted to valhalla. Be creative with your kills, and go for the high score.

Weren't double headed axes entirely ceremonial?

You appear to be in the manic part of bipolar disorder

Don't those only work if you have multiple men to create a formation and you have big-ass shields as well?

Walking to the park with a sword would not be so great. The knife I have on me, I have it on me ALL THE TIME, everywhere I go, and it's perfectly concealed, yet ready to come out quick.

My "load-out" is:

If I want a primary weapon a baton or something similar, basically a hard-metal pole, should be effective.

I switch between manic and depressed like every 6 hours. Bipolar aren't like that, they switch over like a month.

what honour faggot

I think antifa will probably supply me with baseball bat.

I have a slingshot too, a really fucking good metal one, as I broke handles of some other slingshots I used because I am way too strong. I don't know if I should take my slingshot but it's easy for me to conceal. I don't know what you'd consider the ideal ammunition for it. It's probably a useless weapon in an actual fight.

good point and Armor Burgundian Poleaxe

*antifa detected*

Fight me.

For the most part, they were used for sacrifices sometimes iirc. They're still used today, but mostly for forestry. This means OP could probably get a double-bitted axe easy.

OP says he wants things to be quick and easy, which makes me think he may be better off with a slashing weapon like an axe with some good reach than something like a knife where you're stabbing and slashing and have to worry about the blood making it hard to hold the handle.

Remember to tie a rag around the top of the handle so blood soaks into the rag, prolonging how long your handle remains unbloodied.

I have read that some of the double-headed axes have it that way for balance-purposes and that one blade isn't sharp while the other is? Also that they weren't used commonly in battle.

Have you thought about covering yourself in needles?
Go to some junky den and pick up all the used needles you can find.
Then you remove the needle part from the syringe and glue it pointy side pointing out on a full body leotard.
Then you are a walking, talking, aids giving porcupine.

If you have half as much weight in the front, you can swing it even better than if one side is balanced.
Double axes are for dwarves.

Killing yourself is degenerate as fuck, faggot.

but if you must, make sure you take as many of them with you as possible

Just buy a red rider, and annoy the piss out of them with BBs.

I'll just trigger everybody and post a cold steel

I will have leather gloves on while wielding my knife.

I am very picky about axes, I actually have a lot of the, and I prefer a wooden one that has this certain balance to it that many other axes do not have.

Again, don't want to trash myself, but the way I feel about it is that if I just keep on living I will be a burden on people and everyone will hate me and I will end up dying anyways but maybe 10 years later, very miserable and sick. I have some problems.

I have a compound bow btw but can't really conceal that shit.

BB's would be funny but it wouldn't do anything to them and it would just scare them off.

OP why not just infiltrate antifa, collect information on them, then dox them and give all the evidence of their crimes to the lolice?

Just claim it was performance art.

what a waste of a thread as a wise man once said fake & gay

…because back in 2012 the police literally just stood by while antifa fucked up one of the very few pro-whites in this city. They just literally stood by as antifa threw bricks and other things through the windows, looted his home, and ruined fucking everything.


Any small metal balls, or anything small and hard like a metal nut should work. Use an axe to split their heads.


Blow up a mosque. Those Zero Day kids made nail bombs, it should be easy.

pics or it didn't happen.

Weighted-knuckle gloves, also called sap gloves, are a type of weapon used in hand to hand combat. They consist of a pair of ordinary looking gloves usually made of leather or a synthetic material, with powdered lead or steel sewn into a special pouch covering the knuckles, and often the backs of the fingers and the back of the hand. In some designs, this distinctive feature is obvious, while in others it is almost completely indistinguishable from an ordinary glove, allowing the gloves to be worn in plain sight without suspicion.
They are primarily used by security guards, and by bouncers and other security professionals where physical combat is expected.


He lives in norway and the likes.

And by kek it shall be done.


How do you know the antifags will go through with it? Or even agreed to it in the first place?

OP says he has a pair of leather gloves, so I'm assuming he's used to fighting gloved. This would be a good option.

Pretty sure he mentioned he was from Canada. I honestly don't know why OP just doesn't run away and hop the border in like North Dakota. We already have so many illegal immigrants, I wouldn't mind having one more that's actually white.

What kind of problems? If you're gonna die you might as well tell us.

So who gets /fringe/ after this Smiley?

>marries a trad wife with a very feminine penis

Are you sure that's smiley? I thought he was whinier than this.

If OP hasn't been training in martial arts for years he is a faggot. You aren't going to go into any fucking demonic trance you edgelord. You're going to sperg out and kill 3 people before a cop mag dumps into you while you REEEEEEE

There are many men willing to die for their country, but not enough willing to live for it.

His post style is really similar, and a number of facts about himself he mentioned point to it being him.

Could be someone else doing this to make fun of him though, that happens sometimes.

while you can or cannot broadcast the event, you should do - right now - a manifesto, or a letter.
and what's also important is to have
and at last, make sure that agencies don't rewrite your story

In your manifesto
'what I am, what I saw, what will be done'
add in some catchy headlines 'JEW DID THIS'
well, since I have read your posts I'm sure you'll do good

Do spergs have retard strength, or is that only for regular tards?

Only for BIG retards. Spergs larp for a reason.

Really though, it's not that hard to get fit. You just need proximity to a gym and 30 minutes every couple of days.

No, youre thinking of a pike. A bill or halberd you just use like a spear or a quarterstaff with a pokey bit at the end

Never forget.

How to make or where to acquire?

They've been really uppity and willing to attack most people, still, they might be too intimidated by me.

Ok then I will write a manifesto and give all my reasons. I will emphasize about all else the demographics issue but also talk lots about nigger-crime. We need to get ALL non-whites out regardless of whether they're violent pavement apes or scheming jews or sneaky chinks or poo-in-the-loos.

It won't be very long but it will get to the heart of the matter.

Maybe that's how Genghis Khan started.

oh I forgot :
post the URL of this pastebin or website or whatever into your TEXT.
connect everything together.

Believe me, I'm going to point people here in the manifesto, I don't care about all the faggots that scream "but that'll get us shutdown!" Holla Forums was made to be unkillable. If it gets shutdown, just start it up again. People need to receive the redpills. I'll have a big list of books and sites for them.

Alright, good man.

Just use an axe as your primary weapon, and kill as many as you can. Push your berzerker wrath to the limits.


How about a hatchet? An axe can't be concealed and carried over.

F i g h t m e .

Oh, so you're a shill who has managed to brainwash a mental patient and is planning to false flag us?
Thanks for letting us know.

You could use something like a duffle bag or a guitar case if the axe isn't too big.

Why waste your life on antifa? Why not just find the most prominent ((())) you can?

Those work too.

I don't fight blood bretheren, i'm no race traitor.

There is no better way to redpill people then to get them to come here. If any of you are going to be good for anything, sitting at your computers, it might as well be redpilling people. I hope you faggots don't disown me and claim White Nationalism is or should be a pacifist movement. It the site goes down just make many replacements. I'll point them to Amren, DailyStormer, IronMarch, and every other white nationalist site as well.

Too damned awkward.

I can't even drive, how about that? I'm not going to go to the capitol and find some politician to assassinate just to get shot by a guard before I even do anything at all.

I'm just one man doing my part, I could kill myself quietly at home like I've already tried a few times, or I could get antifas help doing it unless I end up slaying them all and getting away from the battle victorious, just to take a moment to post their corpses on Holla Forums and rally you all to battle

Are you saying you wouldn't fight a coal-burner, a marxist, an avowed anti-white that hates NatSoc? Traitors are #1 target.

This woman shutdown so many white supremacist circles.

I didn't meant to suggest 8ch, just to be clear.
but it's fine for me, you do as you want it to be done, as you seem to accept and reject some ideas ITT I'm confident you'll choose what's work for you.

Now I know you're a shill!


Wait, how are we gonna know when you die so we can use your bloodied corpse as a propaganda tool? You need to plan this out better.

There are 3 options.
1) OP is a mentally ill white man, sick because of multiculturalism, if so you need support from other white nationalists and i mean real life, not Holla Forumstards that encourage you to give away your life just because. Either way you will give ammo to the media to try to (((shut down))) this board.
2) OP is a jewish shill.
3) OP is just a larping faggot.

Traitors are no longer blood bretheren when they betray us.

Any chance on stopping you from suicide? The world rots only because the bravest men died in our wars of the past before they had kids.

I'm certain the FBI is watching this thread OP, so there isn't much I can do or say so for that; I wish you the best of luck.

OP is a guy who is known as Smiley on 4chon. Or maybe it's someone pretending to be him. He is mentally ill, don't egg him on. I don't know the whole story as I wasn't a member of the original 4chon, but I've been lurking their Holla Forums boards for a while.

His previous suicide attempt:

He's going full Boxer Rebellion on their asses!

Why are you tripfagging?

That's the story of the alt-right.

White Nationalist / White Supremacist / White Separatist / National Socialist / NatSoc / Alt-Right / Far-Right / Racist / Neo-Nazi / "Social Nationalist" / etc.

I prefer to use the scariest sounding titles because I'm not a faggot who is ashamed to be militantly pro-white.

White Supremacism is about whites being in control. Who else should be in control?

Everything we do or whatever you call it the objective is the fulfillment of the 14 words. We need a white nation for whites only. This must be accomplished by any means possible.

I'll be sure to describe in the manifesto Holla Forums as a place for diverse opinions and free speech, including a number of redpilled white supremacists, one of the few places on the internet where you can hear from all sides without censorship. That's how I'll describe it.

Rare pepes in my pockets.

I still haven't ever met another white nationalist in my city, ever. I don't know what kind of support you're thinking. I'm completely alone and intensely isolated with no meaningful contact with other humans for years.

If you want to keep any young 20 something man from acting out on their extremism and fighting wars you need to give them waifus. Muslim men go on suicide missions all the time because they get cucked out of ever having a decent wife their whole lives, as they kill female children too much, and practice polygamy, and other traditions that make sure many muslim men are going to die virgins (or die having only fucked goats and little boys).

Find me a waifu.

Just cite the turner diaries and hunter as a source.

Where are you anyway? BC? ON?

The video in (@43:45)will show you how to build one (and make the poison) cheaply and effectively use it. The guy building it was once part of Rockwell's ANP and was preparing to fight an actual communist invasion.

Expect cops to interfere.
Make sure you got a plan to destroy their equipment, or if you want more carnage bring more in by turning the switch on their dashboard. Remember there are shotguns in the car trunks.

Hand grenades are as simple as a sparkler bomb. Do you have any fucking idea how much fucking damage a 30 sparkler bundle sealed in ductape with a 2" cut sparkler fuse can do?
Check this out. Holy fucking shit:

When you think about it it pretty much is. Everyone agrees that shit is better when the white man is in charge.

It doesn't have to be a politician. Just go to the offices of some Israeli corporation like those guys who sell cosmetics at malls. A lot of them engage in shifty practices such as tax evasion and employment fraud, as well as collaborating with the Mossad. If anything the police investigation into your actions will hamper any illegal/espionage activities being carried out. You might even prevent the next 9/11!

"I can only hope soon. Nobody wants to duel me or an hero with me though anymore."

well that line can almost confirms what you said.

however, the webm added isn't clear legit as far as I know, I can't connect the two.

What if I used a 90 sparkler bundle bomb? How much more powerful would that be? Is there any way to know exactly just how powerful this shit would be so I know how far I have to toss it?

Where is this guy? I have to find him and partner up with him.

No wait fuck that guy, he's a native.

Good luck Fashanon, we'll remember you

He looks Canadian.

Crippling Autism: The Video

Is this you?


Hey faggot, you do realize there's an embed section, right?

Then buy a gun illegally. It's not that hard. Better to kill more Antifa than fewer.

As someone who has been an amateur boxer for 6 years, and has practiced other martial arts for a combined total of 11 years, I'll tell you that I don't believe in a 'berserker' state.

You can minimize the amount of pain you feel through certain drugs which will allow you to continue fighting long past exhaustion, but I don't believe there is a state of mind which allows you to be a 'berserker' in the colloquial sense. If this was the case, you would have professional fighters who know how to harness their 'berserker mode' and win every competition.

If you're referring to simply fighting with reckless abandon, it may work against the Antifa who are non-fighters, but doing something like that against a skilled fighter will get you destroyed. Knowing Antifa, especially in the US, there are all pussies and your plan might work. You might actually scare a lot of them into running away.

Whatever, do what you need to do, bro. Go make all the demonic pacts you want for all I care if it will help you kill more Antifa scum.


You can't force it during sparring, at all. It only works when your life is threatened… and anyone who can induce that state would NEVER demonstrate it to you because it's not a controllable thing, they would end up killing or mutilating you like a savage animal, they can't stop when you tap.

No you wouldn't because it turns you into a mindless blood-thirsty killing machine. You'd just get disqualified from the match.

I have about the same number of years of martial arts experience as you probably longer.

I can see why you believe what you do but you don't understand man. There's papers published on this by psychiatrists btw that talk about it and it's known to be only active when your subconscious believes you're faced with a genuine threat. It can't be reproduced in any fake scenario where some part of the mind of the subject realizes they aren't in any real danger. This is noted in the papers on it.

Where's your Craigslist posting?

Fellow Canadian here, I wish you luck in your crusade.

You will be like that one dude who took on 50 antifas in the subway.

Three times as powerful. Especially if you added nails and metal junk.

Just curious but do you think this would work really well if it was stuffed all into a glass bottle and then the end taped up? I imagine glass shards would be better shrapnel and it would take less time in preparing the whole thing, as compared to endlessly wrapping tons of electrical tape around it, you'd just tape the opening with the one sparkler hanging out. I could perhaps do something like wrap a ton of nails around the glass bottle too or that might just be overkill and not necessary?

Where it needs to be.

A glass bottle explosive like that also probably would have less chance of blowing up in my hand before I even toss it I imagine and the weight of the bottle might make it fly through the air better than a bunch of wrapped up sparklers and tape would.

Although there's also the problem of the glass bottle breaking and the contents spilling out. Maybe a little tape should be wrapped around it with cardboard in-between for padding so the bottle doesn't break?

I'm not sure a sparkler-based explosive could ever be used like a grenade. It might have to be set down in a particular spot, set off, and then you run. Might be entirely useless to me.

Without a very good grasp on the timing for such an explosive also there'd be issues. What if I throw it too early and it gets thrown back at me? What if I throw it too late and it blows up too close to me? Can the fuse-time be measured reliably with this type of explosive?

Maybe it could be used to blow through a door or something by ensuring all the explosive pressure comes out the right way.

I wonder what it would do thrown into the middle of a bunch of antifas.

Would a sparkler RPG be viable? At least a mortar-like tube thing that fires a rock or something out of it with incredible power?

Not exactly sure, haven't tried it.

It should work in theory. I don't know how strong the tube would have to be but one end would be closed off and all the explosive pressure would be forced to escape through the other end and send the projectile forward with a lot of force.

Going the Slayer route then? You're probably gonna need something bigger than a pack of socialist pussies who think they're tough guys, but it is pretty standard for a Slayer to start small and work his way up. Make Grimnir proud.

Best of luck OP i still think that little Antifa faggots would call the Cops on you just to spite you.

Just go and throw paint buckets of foul smelling liquids over their club houses

They won't fight fair, neither should you

Anonymity is your strength and total fits with the guerrilla style combat in fighting a Double think organization that simultaneously hates cop yet will happily use cops to brow beat their political opponents.

Don't fight them in a conventional sense.

Lure them in by pretending to be completely helpless, draw them in with an "all bark and no bite" attitude and trigger them into fighting you.

Also, please, for the love of odin, get over 13 kills.

don't kill yourself, user

OP do not actually follow thru with this Idea.

I guarantee you that the only people that will turn up are Cops that have been pre-alerted by a Little antifa faggot

You will be charged with provoking violence and you will have the "Book" thrown at you to make you an example.

Don't do it.

I get it you're young and got a lot of energy to throw around. You'll never win in a fair fight (Right now)

Please user don't actually go out and fight these antifa faggots, They will call the Cops and you will be the one who's charged Guarantee.

If you want to get back at them first find out where their workshops and clubhouses are and throw paint buckets of foul smelling liquids over their club houses.


Don't fight them, Stay Anonymous, Fight using dirty underhanded guerrilla tactics.

how funny would it be if they showed up and he won.é_Estebanez_de_la_Hija

I can see the article header.
Local Anti-facist not so tough after being raped

look at what sparklersx9 does here

I'm going to sleep. I'll update you guys tomorrow on whether any antifas have the guts to confront me. In case any antifas are reading the thread and think they can figure out my exact location and pounce me in the night, I sleep lightly, with weapons all around me, and I always jolt awake ready for action. You can't ever catch me off-guard or unarmed.

Yeah they probably would.

This is actually exactly what I did. I refrained from going navy seals copypasta on them and portrayed myself as timid, quiet, etc. and didn't tell anything of my training or weapons. They will read the post and think I'll be an easily fucked with soft target.

I'm not going to have anything on me other then what I always have. It's just interesting to talk about axes and explosives and so on but I'm going to just have my every-day stuff on me that I always have. The only weapons I need are my body and the environment and I will have my knife but it might not even get used.

I meant x9 sparklersbombs


More like 20 something white male charged with provoking violence

life ruined even without throwing a single punch

Anons, Don't encourage this young user in throwing his life away. There will come a time, I promise you that. Just not now!!!, especially when cops are literally looking for the stupidest excuses to throw the"book' at white males to even out the racial crime statistics.

Fucking Trust me on this.

Are you going to make a new thread or update this one?

not posting the slayer in his glorious sovereign armor

get on Holla Forums discord i need to talk to you user alone. my name is authentic shh mow

Who said you needed to throw it?

user with berserker rage reporting in, I never really thought about it until now.

But now i realise, every fight I have ever gotten in has been against bad odds (ripped as fuck guys/older kids at school/ganged up on) but everytime I have smashed them into the ground with almost no hurts myself. I don't really remember much about any of the fights, only that it seemed really easy, like I knew exactly what I as doing despite never having learned how to fight in my life.

Two fights in school ended up with the other cunts going to hospital. One i broke several fingers on his hand and the other I wrenched his elbow out of his socket. No one fucked with me or my friends after that.

in case you check back over this thread tomorrow, i want to corroborate the idea of using poison. concentrated tobacco syrup (i believe nicotine is very water soluble) would be highly toxic. the atropine found in nightshade and datura would also be highly poisonous if you did an extraction. there are probably other things you could think of but the best way to do this wouldn't be to use autoinjectors. that'd be for some kind of stealth op. you obviously don't plan on being stealthy.

i would recommend using a firm bat like this with nails hammered through it and the end of the bat and all the nails soaked in either nicotine or atropine extracted from plant material.

with something like this, you could create a large number of open wounds on your enemies and hopefully get just enough poison in those wounds to be lethal in the time it would take them to make it to a hospital for an antidote (granted, there aren't many decent antidotes to nicotine or atropine poisoning but they might be able to provide life support and prevent death if they were quick enough and clever enough to figure out what the poison was in time).

This is supreme shitposting! Praise the great Australian! Grill some shrimp on the barbie ya wankers!

You are not gonna kill them so, meh you are wasting your time. I hate antifa too , but if you are to do something , do something effective. As your picture states the slime needs to be eradicated. Now you have a craiglist ad and in a bit possibly some past with fighting antifa , which will give to authorities looking for you in the future leads on you if you are to take effective action.


Also, to paraphrase chinky-chink Sun Tzu, a much smaller army will always be overcome by a larger one and forced to surrender or perish.

Sure, insert 300 jerky-jerk historical fiction but seriously… In a straight head-to-head fight between two forces where one is far numerically inferior than the other with no advantage of terrain, equipment, or training – the larger force will almost certainly always prevail.

Do yourself a favor and take your meds.


I'm a former antifa. Antifa in Canada are shitsack cowardly fucks used as a combination of false flag and honeypot by RCMP. False flag as in "Look how much you need us goyim give us more funding", as in the 2011 hockey riot herded into the city center to do more damage.

Honeypot as in heavily composed of the incestuous charities/RCMP/NDP/Pivot Legal and the children of rich, old shabbos goyim looking to tie up legitimate anger in self defeating causes. Like Occupy was.

The best source for info on antifa and their connections is this bluepilled cuck inadvertantly catalogging Commie connections:

Read his entire blog, he's a fucjing feminist raised beta but he's making your fucking kill list for you. Kill these fucks in their own safe spaces rather than have them hide behind their Frenemies in blue.

It's okay user, your memory will live on
We're all connected

If you don't mind me asking, when and why did you join us?
What got you to see the light?

Get a gun/knife if European and take as many as them with you. May Kek grant you a glorious death.

''formare junto a mis companeros que hacen guardia sobre luceros"

Bro. Are you in Vancouver? I used to hang out with Anti-Poverty Committee back in the day. Never did much antifa stuff, though.

You should come hang out with our fascist/reactionary crew if so.

nvm. You know too much about bombs and weapons. Best to work alone. Godspeed, brother.

…it kind of did though when their culture changed around that time period.

Their civilization and culture is what killed them over, however don't get me wrong.

Norse are the white equivalent of the mongols, truly bread to be warriors, but the problems arise in that culture and society when there aren't traditional wars (((Religion))) to be fought.


It actually started with Occupy Vancouver. I was part of it from the first breath, and was one of the few remmnants left over after the SJWs took over and we were meeting in the basement of the new Woodwards building.

I saw a democracy start in the tents I patrolled as a peacekeeper (volunteer security), and saw the council-committees turn into factions and the general assembly go from good discussion to a knife fight by proxy, factions making laws never intending to keep them soley to attack the others across the aisle.

I saw us get hijacked by pseudo-native-elders that blew our donated cash on a sacred trashbin fire.

I was there when that girl overdosed and we couldn't save her.

I tended her shrine and stopped SJWs from stealing the offerings many times. Commies have no respect for the dead.

I was part of the copycat march on the port with Ben Pearson, my friend. I was the one that called out the Irony of the cops blockading the port to stop us.

They arressted me and others but dropped us outside city limits and even gave us our pot back. False flag, especially when we found out CUPE planned this to fuck over the Longshoremen working that morning over petty politics.

I saw Ben thrown out of one of the final GAs by feminists with false sexual harassment charges because he looked too deep at occupy's books and found the figures not adding up.

I was there at May Day 2012 when antifa attacked the speakers at the art gallery, and was there at the Bonfire in the street on Commercial Drive, and found it suspicious they picked such a visibly visceral fight without shields or even weapons, even with their entire bodies covered in black, even pantyhose over their boots to hide the make.

Gamergate led me here. First it was bantz, then it was more interesting books to read, then awesome info. But in the end all you guys did is draw lines between points in my head, I did the rest.

Heres a Tip on dealing with the commie scum.

Their morale is that of a spell. The belief of invincibility, that they basically have the RIGHT to do as they wish.
This is reinforced by Chants, Drums, and smashing. If you took a few folks and bashed in with a v-formation through the side and did horrific damage the spell breaks and they mill about confused like drones disconnected from the hivemind.

Thats what shatters their morale, actual meaningful counteraction.

I'm also the former Degenerate that lived with David Jacobs.That redpilled me pretty hard.

internet buttstalker pls go

I lived with that girl very briefly a few years earlier.

I remember meeting a guy in that scene who got really pissed off at the "de-colonise" people, because he was white and 5-generations Canadian. I wonder where he is these days. I always knew there'd be other hardcore nationalist types coming out of that scene.

There are countless examples of smaller forces defeating larger forces. Through use of tactics, terrain, information, psych warfare etc…

You would know that numbers are not everything, not by a long shot, had you paid attention to his book.

I should. I am starved for friends and allies. I'm basically a living repositary of knowledge and analysis, and have done a lot of horrible shit I regret. That's what drives me forward.

Let it also be said that being an autistic shitlord is hands down fun if you have a redpilled support worker. You can troll the living fuck out of people and he defuses the situation if it gets ugly.

Word of advice, if you need a hospital in surrey, go to peacearch, not Surrey Memorial, Peace Arch is white and competant. SM is a place of shitskins and muslim infiltration, as in rampant theft, overdoses and abuse of Power of Attorney.

Lol you autiste?

I'm not in town just now, but I'll hook you up with my guys. Email me at [email protected]/* */

Your death will not have any value, since your life does not have any either. But sure, go on and kill your fellow whites, you are trying to save our race after all!

>I'm not in town just now, but I'll hook you up with my guys. Email me at [email protected]/* */

Yes, part of the "906 club."
I only started hating musilms after me and my degenerate potsmoking hippy friends invited Zahid Mahra into our social circle. That was a fucking mistake.

We called him Zack. Nice guy, at the time. We smoked pot, had potlucks, Did things for each other. I even helped him move a matress from a store to his place on foot.

2 years in, another friend, Quinton, (complete degenerate) his mother gets gravely ill from a combo of liver failure AND a stroke, Zack offers to help out. He drives her to her clinic appointments, helps her shop, nice person things like that.

This goes on for a month until the poor womans condition is worsened by neglect Via hospital staff (sandniggers and pajeets, Surrey Memorial Hospital, again don't go there) her leg has to be amputated, and Zack strikes.

We didn't know until a week later that Zack (with help from a muslim nurse with a female neckbeard) had tricked the woman into signing power of attorney while she was in a halfblind halflucid state by pretending to be her real son.

So with the magic paper in hand he bankrupted her of $30,000, legally took possession of her van and was in the process of moving his entire extended family into her house as she lay dying in hospital, even got the RCMP to protect his ass when her family came to throw him out and stop her selling the dying woman's stuff.

That was a year ago, he's still driving her van, and there's nothing the (((RCMP))) can do about it.

The RCMP with corpse eyes are no longer human. Their wills serve someone else. I even know how that shit works. Only a monster could force another to go the entire breaking-rebuilding process without interuppting it.

Hail Ceasar, those about to die salute you.

Bring fuel, lots of it.
Have container with fuel lying around, and in the shrubs. Make sure that there is petrol spread around, once they move in you ignite and then proceed to fight them while on fire!

Or get your head unfucked and raise a family that`ll be the worst for kikes.

Death, zack and mushit deserve death. Get on with it.

No, use a knife, so they can't argue for more gun control.

If you are going to commit suicide anyway, then you might as well see if you can beat the knife high score.

No, I'm thinking he's too mentally unstable to truly have good genes that need passing on.

It makes good propaganda for us to have him take on a load of antifa and fuck them up before dying. The media won't be able to argue the guns angle, and they won't even be able to argue terrorism because its many who are not innocent attacking just one guy. If OP can give them hell before he dies this could become legendary and worthy of folk songs.

Sayt hat you did it in the name of 4chan.

I realised that nobody mentioned the fact that you had chosen craiglist, which is a terrible choice, instead of using a more rational and efficient way to reach out to them.


Sure, craiglist might make it possible to confront some of them, how many tho ? 5, 20, 50?

Everytime I see this webm in a thread I try to see it and it won't load.

I blame the kikes. What system are you using?
Try this

May Kek be with you and may Bane watch over you.
They expect one of us in a wreckage, brother.

Onemore question suicideanon.

Are you in toronto? Because this is your kill list:

Black lives are fecal matter marched during mayday celebrations this year, and open commies attacked RCMP folks with non corpse eyes. That article is a list of Antifa Leaders and Organizers. Use it!

giving his name & location, here

anons, or should I just say newfags, please be careful with anonymity.

Unless you know you are done with this life, or that your email/discord had been carefully created as a sockpuppet, don't post personnal information here.

Well then shouldn't you be happy he is removing himself from the gene pool?

I don't understand your gripe and foot stomping son.

I witness you brother. may you ride shiney and chrome into hell and drag as many of those faggots with you as possible.

do not underestimate.
they clever and act as organized militants.

they have a secret police who take pics of random people in crowd of whom they are suspicous

I have recorded much of them in detail, have look at youtube channel to see how they behave

You guys should find an interstate that supports a key area for the black community and block it. Try to economically damage a poor area even further and prevent the sickly of color from reaching the hospital.

If your suicide attempt fails and you win against Antifa as a whole, what will you do then, OP?

One of the folks I mentioned is dead. The other disappeared ages ago with absolutely no trace. The email used to connect to the other user has no linkage other than to compose a reply.

That and I'm Former antifa user, not suicide user.

It's not worth it. Kill someone like Soros or at least John Oliver. So unless you do that, go in a vacation to clear your mind. Antifa scum are already dead.

OP, you should reconsider this course of action. There's a place for you in this world. The tide is turning. I'm sure that you can find a good Nordic woman to settle down with.

Also, there's a very real chance that your adversaries have read this thread. They might know that you're coming alone and unarmed. They're fucking cowards, and that will embolden them.

Of course, your decisions are your own. Perhaps Valhalla awaits you. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck.

Truly, we live in the land of confusion.

Deus Vult Brother!

Get help OP. No one is going to be browsing craigslist and see some fucking nut saying "come fight me" and come. If you've been alone and isolated for a long time consider that your perspective is really warped right now. Even if some dumb kid is an antifa, he has a family and people who care about him or might depend on him. You yourself say you used to be an antifa.

This thread and the thread on Atlantis on the front page confirms this place is now total shit tier.

I'm gonna be real edgy and say don't do it OP, Jesus loves you and wants you to lead a productive, healthy and moral life. SO THERE.

TBH this, infiltrate and destroy. Grow your hair out and let them come to you

You need some good protective gear, fam
If you wanna go out with a bang, you better do it well
Make some makeshift protective armor if you can

There are two types of bipolarity, one with longer cycles and the other one who can flip multiple times a day.

Godspeed Berserker

Assuming you're not just trolling, that's fucking retarded and edgy beyond belief. Assuming any Antifa faggots even show up, and assuming the pack of trannies actually wants to fight you, all your /fringe/ tier dragon ball snownigger tai-chi bullshit is going to do absolutely nothing.

It's not going to help our cause either, since at best you just look like some pathetic, crazy retard and at worst, you succeed and look like Dylan Roof.

Antifa faggots = no show, today

The ad will still be up 43 days though.

I actually got a nearby redpill also responding to my craigslist posting.

Can anyone tell me what the fuck pic related is that I received from someone?

I got another coded message too, hold on, I'm going to decipher it and post it here.

coded message?

The other message I got decodes to:

A N G E L I S C 0 M I N

and it also includes spooky references to specific things concerning my life.

It also came with this.

Wait a moment, I missed part of the code, hold on I'm going to get the rest of it…

wtf are you on about.

Alright here is the full message unless I overlooked anything:

A N A N G E L I S C 0 M I N

the cause needs martyrs

Judging by the message, I suppose someone is going to meet me, and identify themselves as "angel".

yea thats what im not getting. How are you getting messages and why. And you said that you got another coded message. So what was the first message.

I've been getting random coded messages now for years.

The other message is somewhere in that first pic I posted with filename "index".

The key or cypher might be "AQ".

I probably won't find out what it means until later if ever.

For all I know the purpose of all this encoded bullshit is to waste my time and make me seem paranoid if I ever talk about it. Probably I should just shut up about it and refocus right now.

Are you alright user?

You're still alive?

Damn, you were right in your OP … you fucking suck at suicide. Then again, I still suspect you're just an attention whore.

So, here's another (you) for you.

Sounds fishy, very few details given as to how/when messages received, antifa doesn't show (not that I'm surprised) and we have very little evidence that any of this has actually happened. Help us out here OP


Not my fault the antifa are cowards. It's not over yet anyways, I haven't taken the ad down. At least I didn't walk into a bunch of police waiting for me.

I'm disappointed and anxious to get this whole thing done. I don't think, realistically, that I can get my shit together and find a decent wife in this sea of degenerates and anti-whites. I still feel it's better I go down fighting.

Ignore the coded shit, it's nothing connected to my challenge to antifa, it's probably just some autistic user who likes to send out stuff to anyone who can be bothered to decode his shit and he probably keeps sending me messages because I waste my time decoding them. Whoever it is obviously has been monitoring me a long while and reading my posts so it's got to be someone from imageboards.

How are you receiving these messages?

Email at present. Sometimes I receive them through imageboards and through IRC and through random chats.

Just start the fire and it's all good.

ITT: trolls trolling feds, feds shitposting

Nice job FBI

Death before dishonor OP!

Make those leftist scum pay and may the dark lord grant you your death wish.

I am a pro white female I would let you impregnate me, not nordic tho :'(
and I have 2-5% nonwhite so I'm basically a nigger.
I love you OP

Those crazy twin are she-boons!

how was school?

>I'm not in town just now, but I'll hook you up with my guys. Email me at [email protected]/* */

Sent you an email. Two actually.

At least your kids will be white ;)

When is the RaHoWa going to begin already?

I doubt it.

If you're not Nordic what are you then? Germanic?

What country are you in?


Well if OP dies I'll volunteer myself to impregnate you.

Muh dick

You never go full demon. Ever.

oh look, a spiritualist hallucinating fucking faggot here to gay up the place

almost as bad as a jew-worshipping christcuck

kill yourself OP

this is why women must never be allowed to make sexual decisions for themselves

Even odds on OP killing over 5.5.