So why does this movie gets so hated/overlooked by the general public?
So why does this movie gets so hated/overlooked by the general public?
Well for one it goes against feminist ideals. So it wouldn't be popular today. But it never caught on back then because it kind of went under the radar for most people. Hell I didn't even know it was a thing till I started looking for around for DC animated movies some time back. Heard about nearly every movie in the lineup except for this one. Plus it's Wonder Woman. Not many people are drawn in by her besides horny dudes.
It was alright
I felt bad for the female villain when she made her little speech
The fight scene between her and Ares was awesome.
Well, because feminist won't like it and since goes for balance and does calls out some men actions anti-feminist won't like it calling it feminist.
And these are the ones who watch this kind of stuff.
DTV capeshit
I was surprised how the movie entered horror territory towards the end.
Plus, Wondy fighting barefooted is a rarity. not a footfag though
It's not really some magical reason much more than unfortunate timing. Remember, the direct to video DC animated movies hadn't hit the height of their popularity yet, because the quality wasn't as consistent as it got later. Remember shit like pic related? Around the time Wonder Woman came out and after, their overall quality was a lot better, but it took a while for people to notice. Without much marketing, it needed slow word of mouth to gain popularity, and by the time a few more people heard about it, they saw that it was in the 5 dollar bin and probably just got one of the newer movies.
And, as much as it sucks to say it, Batman and Superman are just more popular. That's probably in part due to WB taking so long to make a serious attempt at a movie or tv series. If Wonder Woman had gotten a cartoon, I'm sure it would have struggled for a season, but then found an audience.
way back seven years ago…
this is more likely
Except perhaps the part about Superman
It was probably the best of the first few DTVs they put out, much better than that pointless Doomsday thing. Nobody was comparing it to Brainiac Attacks. I don't even know wtf that was supposed to be, but notice it doesn't have the DC Anomated label/logo on it.
That fucking Doomsday thing was so shit I kinda forgot it existed.
Overlooked, sure. But hated? What's there to hate? It's the best WW adaptation we could ever hope for, even 7 years later.
I'm sure some would argue that's a pretty arbitrary distinction. It is adapted from "capeshit", so is it not capeshit?
With capesshit I meant equally bland.
You have superman who was raised by a loving family in a peaceful, christian, kind city for the most part.
So is expected for Superman to be like he is. Having seen the best of the people he expects to be the best and knows others can be the best, even the worst criminals.
And then you have WW, she's a warrior, trained and raised as one, loyal to her ideals (and since very stubborn) and ready to do what's needed, especially since she's not as invincible as Superman she knows the enemy is going to try kill her given the chance so is fair fight.
So when you have WW acting like Supes sparring lives just because she's a good one then you get capeshit.
When is he going to post that video?
Which video?
It doesn't get hated so much but it does get overlooked.
It is a Wonder Woman movie.
It isn't a bad film, but it is supremely mediocre.
It seemed like the most standard Wonder Woman movie that could have ever been made.
I like Wondy one of two ways.
You either make her a complete fish out of water like she was in Justice League: War or you make her completely acclimated.
Instead too commonly her character is in this goldylocks zone of bland characterization.
Real eye catching box art though for the special edition DVD.
She was a rookie in DCAU's Justice League too.
So considering WW's mom was a slut and since we know she was just lying to her when she told her the "Lightings and the beach sands" story her.
Who's Diana's real daddy?
Ares or Hades?
What? People hate this movie?
In New52, It's Zeus.
Wonder Woman is a faulty character who DC has long not known what to do with. They tried whatever they could come up with (swapping her support cast, shifting her base, putting her in pants) but have yet to not only define her for modern audiences but actually make her a hit for them in herself instead of playing off of Superman or Batman.
Maybe they could do an animated series in the same vein as Superman TAS and Batman TAS and focus on all the best elements of Wonder Woman.