Do you hate identity politics, intersectional feminism, radical social constructionism and other such pseudoscientific nonsense?

Do you believe these trashcans of ideology have infested the left and divert and distract from the one struggle we all share, the class struggle?

Then maybe you will help to try and reclaim a part of the internet for reason and from the idpolers and modern day Lysenkoists who currently dominate it.

I read some of you here came from reddit, specifically /r/fullcommunism. That subreddit has reasonable growth and activity more than most leftist reddits, but along with most leftist reddits is dominated by blank slate intersectional manifold-oppression dogma. They reject class essentialism in favor of their idealist identity politics and they enforce these views with swift permabans for anyone who dares to speak out against it. Marx is turning in his grave.

The thing is, while the mods strongly believe their bullshit, not all of the users do. And there is some grey area in which you can raise concern while claiming to be 100% behind feminism and its necessity for achieving communism, i.e. some sophisticated concern trolling to make the case against their blatant man-hating for instance. I think many lurkers there would agree. You can also downvote idpol-y posts and spread more neutral memes.

Now you're probably thinking that I'm a massive faggot for posting this, and that's k, I may well be. You're also probably thinking that it won't work, that the hardline idpolers will know what's up and tell the mods to ban all dissent, which they might. But they might also just leave. You see, yesterday someone posted this


and a few people complained that it sexually objectified men and should thus be banned in accordance with rule 1. Of course the idpolers were quick to maintain their dogma that men can't be objectified as they are the "oppressors" and accusing the dissidents of being brocialist. One of the triggered hardliners went on to make a post claiming the subreddit had a "gender problem" and was becoming less "inclusive" because people dared to take equal offense at the objectification of men and women. More discussion erupted, mods intervened, bans galore. The thing is, the "coercively assigned male at birth trans woman" who made the post deleted her account after arguing with some of the dissenters. It seems identity politics has made them this fucking thin-skinned, they will just literally leave when exposed to opposing viewpoints. Maybe this could work? Slowly drive out the bigoted idpolers with careful disagreement and devil's-advocating? I know it's a long shot, but I think it's time we start to expand our thought into other leftist boards and try to uncuck the left.

What do you think? Fuck off back to reddit, I know, but aside from that?


If only that, they're the internet equivalent of the Indian police.

You do realize that identifying as a worker and others as porkies is identity politics right? Property and money and all these tools of oppression are just social-constructs and spooks to oppress you.

gulag with you

Damn I dread the day they use the reaction bot on me

No, having little discussions about gender/race/sexuality and so forth does not distract from the class struggle provided it's done within the framework of socialist ideology. It just makes cishet white dudes piss their pants because they can't disassociate themselves from the cishet white bourgeoisie that they're complaining about, thus see any attacks on patriarchal racist authority to be an attack on themselves.

Moreover looking at jacked dudes does not objectify men, likewise looking at fit women does not objectify women. Contrary to what retards of either persuasion would like to believe.


It does distract from the class struggle when we apply the oppressor/oppressed system to concepts where it doesn't apply in modern times. It muddies and delegitimizes the class struggle.

Intersectionalism is a cancerous tumor to Marxism.

That's what the far-left on reddit and almost everywhere believe. You literally cannot objectify men, you literally cannot be sexist towards men.

This is what I want to fight against, it's the crazy bigotry that's taken hold of the left. Discussions on race gender and sexuality are perfectly fine. I recognize disadvantages these groups face but I'm not willing to classify it systemic oppression as I would capitalism.

I don't think I myself have ever used 'cishet' or anything similar as a criticism against my political opposites but the fact that half this board would start foaming at the mouth just from being called that proves you right. Even still, if r/fullcommunism is as ban happy as I gather from what I see here then it's even worse.

What the shitting fuck.
I keep seeing this outlook on Reddit, this "ban people who disagree from completely unrelated image boards". It's w fucking communist image board, only lifestylers and other scum would think being a reactionary has anything to do with cultural wedge issues like men's righ- HOLY SHIT THESE FUCKERS ARE WHAT /Holla Forums MEANS WHEN THEY SAY " CULTURAL MARXISM", ONLY IT'S DREADFULLY, DREADFULLY MISAPPLIED. These lifestylers are basically "communists but only for the aesthetic xd" or "cultural communists".
I'm fucking done.

But it does apply. It applies for precisely the reason that capitalism still exists. As long as capitalism exists it will divide the working class is a vast number of ways.

The struggle of various marginalized groups within capitalism is simply an outgrowth of the system itself. It's equally foolish to say "Complaining about sexism/racism/homophobia/whatever distract from the class struggle" just as it is prioritizing identity politics over the class struggle. Because both problems share in a common cause, thus it's impossible to alienate one from the other.

I largely agree with the latter half of your post. But the point I'm making is looking at muscular dudes with Stalin's face photoshopped onto them is not a crime, nor would it be of any significance if someone mocked up a picture of Rosa Luxemburg in lycra.

As long as the chad class exist, they will divide the beta cuck class in a vast number of ways, dividing the neckbeards into spooky camps of fascism and socialism, all the while they don't realize they're being cucked by chad.

That's actually true.

Chad is literally just a stereotypical white, heterosexual well to do man partaking in the bourgeois community of women. It speaks volumes that a lot of what Holla Forums believes in is fuelled by sexual insecurity.

Yes, betas are a marginalized group created by capitalism.

The goal of communism is to abolish classes, including the proletariat. It's not identity politics.

But how will your classless society stop chad, born with flawless good looks and a red hot metabolism to boot? Are you going to deprive him of his personage capital by smashing up his face with a pipe and force feeding him until he grows at like you? And chad will pass on his genes to his children in a most nepotistic form of genetic capitalism.


I'm truly at a loss for words in trying to articulate how bad this post is. It's like you took all the bad things about Holla Forums that I keep bringing up and put them together into this abortion of a post.

I have no love for reddit or liberalism whatsoever, but holy shit this is just the epitome of Holla Forums e-activism. This is like GamerGate with a coat of red paint on it.

Oh yes, very much so.

Stop and consider for a second why betas exist. If you visit the other any given /r9k/ they're not united in genetic failings, they're chiefly united in being socially maladapted and as such the natural social awareness of Chad is lost on a beta.

Elliot Rodger is the greatest case study into this. Since he was very rich it's apparent that being beta isn't a natural outgrowth of material conditions, but social conditions. It's a matter of bourgeois capitalist society alienating a handful of men for various reasons that are unique in themselves, but all have the common result. If you are hapa, or autistic, or your parents just left you inside all day to watch TV growing up because they had to work two jobs each, or for any number of reasons capitalist society is going to leave you socially stunted not just on a basis of material conditions but of the societal reality created by the structure of society. Additionally it's very important to notice the reality of objectification here, for /r9k/ autistis who try to learn how to be sexually successful their only frame of reference is what alphas on TV look like. So you get nonsense like /r/theredpill. To be alpha you need to be stoic, lift, be sexist and learn a laundry list of other rehearsed behaviours, but of course this just leaves them worse off than before.

A classless society would solve this because the societal conditons that serve to create betas would not be in play. Good looking people would still exist and bad looking people would still exist, but a socialist society shouldn't see the rise of a class of alienated men.

You refuse to acknowledge the inherent contradictions of genetic capital in a civilization without natural selection.


You missed the part where I said being beta isn't a product of being ugly, it's a product of being socially stunted.

Being ugly has never stopped anyone from getting laid.

Perhaps one fine day you wizfags will learn that outdated 1968 wolfpack dynamics papers that have been debunked a billion times over are no basis for your pseudosociology to be taken seriously.


No, autism is definitely real.

But the chan concept that autism=being just like /r9k/ is absolutely retarded.


Autism is chiefly genetic.

What's your point?

Genetic capital is real, and once you remove economic capital from the equation you will have to deal with the inherent contradictions of genetic capital by gulaging all the chads and having children's parents selected by lottery

Identity politics is used to divide the left, when you want to talk about workers rights guys like this show up.

Then instead of talking about workers rights you fight about perceived racism and nothing is solved.

The alt right was able to defeat the neocons through epic memes….but just like bernie you lefty faggots are too pussy to go dirty.

Why dont you make your own subreddit with black jack and hookers?

You have to "rebrand" leftism as the capitalist would say.

You have to be the cool nirvana alternative guys and idpol has to be hair metal

No you don't because sexual success is almost solely determined by social skills, genetics matter but won't exclude you from partaking in relationships.

There are uggos with gfs, there are autists with gfs. But the kind of /r9k/ involuntary celibacy is an extreme instance of someone being so poorly adapted to society that a relationship seems unattainable.

In communistutopiastan would some people have more sex than others? Certainly. Would it matter? No.

1. You do realize that idpol people do talk about workers rights.
2. The simple act of discussing workers rights does not emancipate workers anymore than taking about feminism liberates women. Both are as inconsequential as each other, if you are to propose something your time is better invested in than talking about idpol it's not talking about workers rights. It's organizing and agitating workers.

3 and most importantly. The alt-right have not defeated anything other than a hot-pocket in the microwave.

Social skills have a genetic component. If you standardize the material conditions, the impact of society will be uniform, making genetics the only thing that matters. This genetic component becomes the genetic capital, which is the means of production, and sex is the labor, and the capital is nepotistically transferred to offspring.

Yes, and they lack the means of acquiring the superior capital of the chad genes.

It will be the eternal gene and it's impersonal selfishness that will bring down utopian gommunism.

Social skills don't have a genetic component.

Who cares? Their kids might be uggos just like them, so what?

Right, so you're a Holla Forums migrant then.

Yes they do. Are you saying autists don't have crippled social skills?

Just like porky kids will be porky, and prole kids will be prole, so what?

I'm actually just being sardonic because I'm a revisionist.

Yes, autism is extremely diverse. Some of them are less socially able than others, and more importantly the overwhelming majority of bitter virgins aren't autistic.

Because the material conditions of bourgeoisie vs. proletariat are the pivot on which every other arm of oppression moves. Including normal people vs. /r9k/

Just the primary one. Let me know how you're going to post-scarcity spouses, even sexual partners, or the means of production to producing a good kid, while respecting the individual's rights and not creating robot sex slaves and cloning.

You don't need to, human sexual dynamics largely sort themselves out. With the exception of /r9k/ which is a matter of social skills (in this case lack of) grown out of the society created by capitalist material conditions.

As stated before, is everyone has the same material conditions, but the genetic input is different, you will no longer be able to blame the material conditions for the majority of social skills. It will be the genetic input.

But the genetic input does not matter.

This is why capitalists always beat you in debate club

I was about to post some choice comments from /r/socialism ; turns our the entire comment chains were deleted.

One was in response to the woman who drew nude trump being beaten up: "it's really shitty to draw an extremely detailed naked image of somebody and share it with the world" .

Another was a poster who claimed everyone was transphobic for various picky language related reasons; taking problem with the statements "On average women tend to be smaller and have less body/musclemass than men" and the use of the word "transgenderism". Then, after attacking everyone's language, they refused to provide any kind of alternative acceptable term.

I don't know why I humour them, to be honest.

No humans are tabula rasa in the case of social skills because they very clearly are.

If you've never met a bone fide beta with a very well adjusted sibling/parent or vice versa you've lived a very sheltered life.

My view on this is that if someone says "you can't be sexist against men/racist against white people" that is in itself a racist and/or sexist statement because it treats women or non-whites as people without the capacity to be irrational assholes in a certain respect, which is denying them a unsavory but essential aspect of being human.

Despite that, they may not even really believe these kinds of things, but just repeat them because of the pressure to fall in line with the groupthink of whatever clique the consider themselves a part of, or for some other psychological reason. If they do seriously believe it I don't feel the need to alienate them, by constantly pushing them on it. I'm not even sure how this belief really effects much except making them say obnoxious things.

Is this even a non-internet non-college campus problem, anyway? Prominent left people seem to fairly often be openly critical of identity politics, sometimes even explicitly. People I've known who are involved in leftist organizations have been largely similar in this way. Even if they are 'SJWs' on the internet, they seem to be able to compartmentalize their class consciousnesses from their social justicey concerns fairly well, and can even be self-aware about how silly it sounds to constantly call people out for their perceived muh privilege. It's not like I hear people interrupting "but how does this impact differently-abled-trans-gay-native-women-of-color" all the time.

Fighting it just makes more political energy wasted on minor concerns. Just talk about what you think is important without feeling the need to step on other people's passion about trans-rights or whatever, and the problem half-vanishes almost immediately. It vanishes almost completely if you stop going to fucking reddit and hoping for a productive discussion.

Can we just agree that whether you believe in it or not the issues of 'chad' and so on are small compared to those of capitalism and deal with it later?

This is dumb and you should feel bad, and you already admitted some people have austim spectrum like you imprinted on their tabula.

Siblings and parents don't have the same genes. By making the material conditions standard, you are letting the genetic component express itself much more purely, whereas with the current extremely variable material conditions, the genetic component may play a relatively small role.

All this says is the standard deviation of the material condition component is larger than the genetic component. But the fact that it is means that stratification is based mostly on the material condition component, not the genetic component. When there is no longer a material condition component it will stratify on the genetic component.

That's not you, right?

chad is the problem that threatens post scarcity gommunism

learn to look ahead, gommunism isnt perfect utopia, you must gulag the chad

Yes but autism isn't what you seem to think it is.

Additionally you seem to be operating on the very capitalist premise that hierachy is inescapable, that no matter what you do there will always be some new form of oppression to rear it's ugly head. But this line of thinking is absolutely retarded, in a society where everyone is on equal material terms suddenly the people who have more sex won't start being in charge. Sex doesn't magically allow you to get a leg up on everyone else, it just allows you to have an orgasm. Owning the means of production on the other hand allows you to exploit workers on a material basis that's clearly totally alien from having lots of sex. The fact of being good looking is not comparable in any way to the fact of possessing private property.

End yourself you edgy cunt.

Reddit's idpol has nothing to do with any actual desire to liberate women, it's just that accusations of racism or sexism are easy tools to maintain power in the discourse. "I self-identify as a pokemon therefore you are oppressing me when you criticize Mao" etc, it's no different from the academic or patriarchal power structures Foucault was talking about. These people are only interested in being the biggest fish in the pond, they couldn't care any less about what happens outside it.

Had idpol people like this any real desire to attack patriarchy they should have been the first to criticize the widespread clan-politics of Rotherham. Had they any desire to work against racism they wouldn't try to kick out actual first-generation immigrant Muslims who talk about ethnic and sexist conflict among immigrants (as is happening in our Left Party).

I'm probably one of the most feministic posters on this board, I think gender roles, patriarchy etc are all very important questions for a genuine communist project. And I'm worried that Holla Forums is becoming contrarian on these issues to mark their distance from the idiocy abound on reddit.

But I have also read the social theorists these kind of liberals like to name-drop at their leisure (because I give a shit), and the difference between what they are, and what they claim to fight against - is nil.

Thus it's not: "these people are not discussing class, only racism and sexsim" No, they are not discussing either, and that's the problem.

Nah, I've just grabbed these from old threads.

I am a diagnosed autist. Why do you think I am still arguing with you. I think I have a decent grasp on autism.

You fail to comprehend that sperm and eggs and sex are means of production. As individuals? Only so much as they create social cliques. But as genes? Porky is not just a individual. Porky is a class. Porky spans generations. The porky here is the gene.

It allows you to spread your genes.

It is, it gets you sex. Sex is the means of production for babies. You can not separate looks from the person (reasonably).


So am I, but that kind of Asa Blackman card pulling is daft.

Here is why sexual activity isn't an axis of exploitation.

The relationship between the bourgeois and the proletariat is clear. They have the leverage of private property to employ proletarians to work for them and exploit their labour for personal gain. It's a clear material relationship of hierarchy between party A and party B.

However there is no relationship between a sexually successful individual and a less-successful individual. One spreads their genes and has lots of orgasms, one does so to a lesser extent if at all. The two are not involved in any kind of exploition of the other, but rather one just happens to surpass the other in a particular activity.

If your neighbour has lots of sex it makes no odds to you, it does not contribute to any kind of structural oppression nor is it a direct material relationship. You are simply 2 individuals with unrelated activities.

The exploitation is they kill your descendants before they are even born.

But more (un)realistically speaking, what if they create blood-ties. They can make your life miserable simply be demeaning you for not being a descendant of the clan founder. They show off the dickassery they can do and still get women, and will actively steal women at the gommiebar from you just because they can.

This is no different from the school bully picking on the geek. Even without any monetary exchange, the bully is extracting utility-value from the geek, boosting his own ego and using the act of bullying as a form of entertainment, at the expense of the geek, who experiences negative utility-value.

Of course in any good gommie government, you could not be able to coerce anyone like that. But it it's stealing the attention and baby making capabilities of another individual with their own rights, it's technically not any sort of overtly coercive action. The technicality is that the beta has no natural right to baby making or another person. But the chad is perfectly capable of ruining that guy's life, it's just not oppression because it's not violating any rights. Any emotional harm done is blamed on lack of stoicism.

The process spans generations, just like porky.

The genetic component is the fact that it is hereditary capital that perpetuates itself.

What the FUCK are you smoking?

im smoking gommunism

I wonder what's the best means to kill them off.
I would love to have some secret Marxist academic conspiracy headed by Zizek to kill off these idpol "leftist" scum, like say smearing them with ISIS and presenting them as a danger to the USA government. Once the USA kills off the idpol leftists, then things will become easier.

What's wrong with you?
If my neighbours have 4 kids or more, i'm not "oppressed".
I hate people like you.
The word communism is meaningless when mongoloids like you go on about "its communism" for any bullshit they bring up, like religion, weird gender ideas, purity,etc.

Are pickings that slim in the CPUSA that the CIA are shilling here now?

Your genes are oppressed. Even if you solve the problems of material conditions and the contradictions of capitalism, you still have genetic capital.

Well, you are currently tied with Jason for being the King of the Autists.
And what the fuck is wrong with you?
Are you saying human sexual reproduction is "oppression"? That even sperm and eggs are "means of production"?
Holy fuck, this is the worst extent of IDPOL bullshit I have ever seen.
Next thing, having healthy organs will be seen as "oppressive" to people who have cancer.
Then I expect BS over how nature is "oppressive".

So the fact my neighbours have 5 or 6 children somehow makes them "higher" in the socioeconomic hierarchy and makes them 'better'?
Poor people have more children and rich people have less children.

Instead of wasting your time on this, and our's, why not focus on making Porky infertile and give them incurable diseases?

I'm not the CIA, or some shit USA agency.
Why can't Leftypol agree to kill off idpol 'leftists'?
Unless you kill them off, they will forever prevent the revolution.


Going into labour does not mean what you think it means.

No, the fact that your neighbor keeps stealing your girlfriends and impregnating them does


Yeah but it is usually to tell people who care about workers rights and other issues of class to shut up and stop being so excellent.

Fuck off Holla Forums.

I'm not the 'CIA'.
It just seems to me that you don't want to do anything about idpol bourgeoise scum.

Do you really believe that the CIA personally sends such posts to 'bait' some bored troll?
Of course you can't kill people, otherwise it gives porkies ammunition.
Even so, everything is so hopeless.

Of course, user isn't actually in the CIA. It's just just such a blatantly retarded post that deserves to be mocked.

Why can't you just admit there is such a thing as hereditary genetic capital?

Say what you like about people here achieving nothing, but at least it's only nothing.

The sort of shit peddled on reddit and in the mainstream liberal left generally is actively destructive to building any kind of mass working class movement.

I think Occupy is actually a good metaphor for leftist politics in general. It started strong with a basically class-focussed message of unity (we are the 99%) and began falling apart pretty much as soon as identity obsessed hobbyist activists moved in and began dividing people up into the increasingly narrow hierarchical categories of the progressive stack.

I wonder how many more grand failures of the left its going to take before we realise that there was a good reason that primacy of class was a staple of traditional leftist activism.

Wait, is our favorite nut case BjornIronside back from exile?

Oh god please let this be true

You're a fucking idiot if that's what you think. The issue of feminist idpol rendering certain persons above criticism is a long standing true of feminist behaviour. If you go watch footage of people recounting their experiences of the 1980s you'll easily find people reporting anecdotes of rastas surrounded by feminists uttering all the "misogynistic" language they liked.

In that light I view your post the same way I view the all "muh theory" people on this board; you're all only competent in regurgitating opinions you've been given and the name-dropping is a method of closing ranks and excluding outsiders.

Fuck you OP, it's already bad enough here with the redditcucks we have and we don't need more shitting up the board.


I agree and while I am a masochist, I'm not masochist enough to spend prolonged amounts of time there.

1980s idpol: Black guys could call feminists bitches and cunt as much as they liked. Feminists would be quite happy about it.

I think this is proof of what is wrong with your entire mindset.

Fuck off back to reddit