Stop Motion

Post some good stop motion films or shorts

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Obligatory Junk Head.


there really should be more Lovecraft related stop motion films.

I really like this short. It's partially stop motion.


Since Halloween is on it's way, seems appropriate to post this.


Svankmajer's stuff's always delightfully bizarre.

that was pretty great


Kinda a no-brainer.

Here's another by the same guy. I like the last one a little more, but this is cool too.

The only thing that could have made this movie better would be more experienced stop motion animators. Still a 10/10 movie.

It's supposed to look a little rough and old-fashioned

I could see that, but there are quite a few times where the motions and spacings are off. It wasn't enough to take away from the overall quality, but it was noticeable. A lot of stop motion animators haven't read the animators survival kit thinking that their form of media is different, but really they are identical besides one using drawings and the other using models.

as the movie went on you could tell they were getting better at it though.

That's fucking spooky.




another spooky one.

not the original because fuck Vevo and i was too lazy to make a webm

Anyone got a mirror? Looks like this one's down.


huh, that's annoying.
Well here's part one.

Part two.

Part three.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums


Neverhood was a god damn masterpiece.

Neverhood was good, really good. I fell for the Armikrog KS and that was OK as well, but unfortunately the gameplay was nowhere near as good (two puzzles were repeated 3 times a piece).
The animation was still nice though, so it's good to see how they were still up to snuff on their clayworks and Terry S. Taylor always does good stuff.

Also fuck this captcha bullshit, they rolled it out while it's broken as fuck.

That just puts extra pressure on Yooka-Laylee

I forgot the first movie existed

Do music videos count?

Pingu Cats vs The Thing

From the same guy who made Pingu vs The Thing comes his new version of it starring cats instead of Pingu characters which got the original video pulled down by it the owners of the Pingu brand.

oh if thats the case heres another one.


Oh no, just you.

I mean, I get that Wes Anderson attracts hipsters like a madman but still, he's the bastion of uniqueness in an otherwise stagnant and self copying industry that would rather pump out Capeshit movies with same soundtracks, samey scenes, samey dialogue, and samey action sequences.

Even if you don't like his style you can at least appreciate what he represents in the industry and how dedicated he is to not half assing it.

I just hope his upcoming stop-motion picture about dogs has a smaller budget than Fox

Time for some quality claymation here

Russia had such a promising start with animation.

What do you mean, "start"? Russia had animation industry at least since 30s, and it only went downhill in 90s.


I think he got canned because he was shit

In comes the russian defence force.

anyone know any good tutorials for sculpting, building models for stop motion, and how to do stop motion in general. The thread has kind of inspired me.

You can look go look up some of animateclay's stuff on Youtube.


this makes me laugh like seeing a 1 legged dog trying to walk makes me laugh




Adam Elliot's work always turns me into an emotional wreck.
The man is a fucking master at telling beautifully tragic stories.



this is all stop motion.




Paper cut outs?


That's some crazy dedication.