Who are the real terrorists?
Who are the real terrorists?
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American cowards kill children remotely, don't even show their faces.
I don't care. The entire region should be annihilated and repopulated with whites.
the drone killed them.
Yyes, all muslims and christians must be killed, so we can build great israel.
Only muslims.
>>>Holla Forums
Good Christians die for Israel, am I right? Praise to the chosen people
Was about to sage but ZOG just HAVE to show up.
Bump against ZOG and "hwhite Christians" who fight for Israel?
Stick to shilling Holla Forums shit-skin.
Fuck off mudslime
Too bad they didnt kill more.
good, some revenge for those shitskins
Sure thing, make me, kike.
Look at how all these ZOGs are so eager to die for Israel.
I guess hwhite nationalism was just a joke. Wait, it is.
They haven't experienced death.
They are mearly free.
Looks like a bunch of early-stage terrorists.
I see less dead whites as a result, and it makes me happy.
Thanks for brightening up my day OP.
Syrians aren't those that attack Europeans, you fucking ZOG lovers. The US is just again doing the kikes bidding to create greater Israel. If you'd have told me Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Iraq or Somalia was attacked I wouldn't have cared. 4cucks and reddit need to go back to their shitholes.
Again, all this will result in is less white women raped in a few years.
Can you logically explain to a white man how this is a bad thing?
ban assault drones
Reminder that the destabilization of Syria was a deliberate plot by Zionist elements for the benefit of Israel.
I hope you're also implying Israel.
The Middle-East was the birthplace of modern Western civilization, but we were removed by Rats and Kebab over time due to our powerful empires. Then we were pushed to Egypt and then split apart again, this time scattering into various places, mainly North (Scandinavia) and South East(Greece/Rome), then back NW (Europe) and the West.
Whites have literally been involved in nearly (Minus obscure island nations) every successful and not-so-successful civilization throughout History.
And nothing of value was lost.
And their dogs, usa.
Syria was pointed by the west as them being the source of refugees, to justify overthrowing Assad, who's goal is to fuck up ISIS. ISIS are Somali, Afghans, Iraqis and Saudis who sue fake Syrians passports to enter the west. It's all a fucking ploy orchestrated by Israel with the blessings of the US.
War is hell. Shit happens when you play with explosives and projectiles. As a side note, it's pretty entertaining to watch the people who advocate intervention in Syria fail to grasp that these situations are inevitable in bombing campaigns against a non-state enemy.
Look at those dead pices of shit on the floor.
They will never ever get to experience getting free EUbux and fingering a Swede.
It's ok when USA does it.
This is why I support terrorism, the west needs to see how it feels when your friends and family get killed for no reason
All this shit on midde east, arab spring and civil war on syria started when Kadafi said was not using dollar anymore to do international trade of oil.
After that, the kikes/americans started to invade and bomb everything over there.
Fuck em' glass everything, including Israel
…and Obama has the temerity to complain about guns
So… they weren't wearing the ISIL uniforms?
You do realize every fertile woman in that area is a full magazine of terrorists just waiting to be unleashed, right?
If you want to eliminate the hive you have to kill the queen.
dead sandniggers, who cares?
lol whoops, my bad fam they all look the same to me.
USA achieved their goal.
They gave even more propaganda to ISIS for recruitment of fighter.
This is typical Obama strategy m8. Same as PAkistan and Yemen.
Trump will have a lot of filth to clean up.
I was going to make a thread on this.
Do you know there are christians in Syria?
Do you know chrsitians and muslims live in peace there, and do so because of the Assad's government?
Do you know USA and Israel want to take Assad out of power to put radical muslims in power?
Get out of your bubble, burguer.
You mean future Jihadis.
Freedom ain't free, Achmed.
Hopefully you'll realize this someday.
Remember shit like this and MIDF are dead give aways for kikes.
Everyone already knows that America is the Evil Empire.
Matters not to me which imaginary Sky Fairy (tm) they pretend to be friends with. All I know is they want to kill me, and the spice must flow.
This is genocide. The systematic elimination of all life in the Sandnigger lands.
Hezbollah protects Christians and a good half of them are Christian themselves BUT NOPE GOTTA NUKE THEM ALL BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT (((FREE)))
I can't find any value in the lifes of niggers living under islam I hope we will nuke the middle east one day
The same freedom usa brought to europe on WW2, and to vietnam, and so many other countries, right?
We know that "freedom" USA and the kikes brings.
Nits make lice.
This is blatant jewish blood libel, happening right after the RNC convention. You best be ready for some extra large happenings real soon
Just like civilian hospitals in Iraq were mistaken for WMD hangars and just like Serbian hospitals were "accidentaly" bombed.
It's what ZOG is telling dumb burger "patriots" and they gobble it up like their burgers in mcdonald's when in reality these are terror bombings to break the will of the people from resisting them in order to take their shekels and oil.
Don't be fooled, there is nothing stopping them from making such "mistakes" in Europe when Nationalism reaches its breaking point due to shitskin invasion and terrible economic conditions.
Is everyone in this thread triggered? Man, I thought Holla Forums hated this whole censoring ideas thing. Looks like it's just another board full of thin-skinned hypocrites.
I don't care.
85 less refugees for me to worry about
Jesus, what is this thread???
Pretty sure nobody on Holla Forums approves of NeoCohen foreign policy OP
Apart from the Moishes who think we're doing it just because they're muslims.
America has been an evil empire for about 100 years now
Geography must have been tough for you.
Just remember, turnabout is fair play.
It isn't about shitskins getting killed, it's about ZOG spreading its influence and increasing its power with your tax money you dumb faggot. you're a simple minded fool if you think reducing Syria to rubble will have no after effects.
I'm already seeing a new pro-rapefugee propaganda for a second wave of shitskins.
Except Trump himself.
France is a shit. They're just doing this to create a 2nd Israel, aka Kurdistan.
Hello kikie!
I hope they nuke Israel, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and ofc Africa
Dont get me wrong, i wont be shedding a tear for them but how fucked up is the US?
Its like they dont even know what they are doing anymore, their operation in syria is only a level or two above the bay of pigs debacle. They arent trying to appeal to people by playing the good guy anymore. Its like they are doing things just because they think they should. A country with 600 billion+ a year spent on "defence" cant overthrow assad in 5+ years?
At this point they ahould pull back and not restart until they actually have a plan and people capable of pulling it off.
As someone who wants assad to come through this im viewing this as a pr win for him.
this is what these type of threads have lead us to
I watched this whole video. What makes it even better is the circumstances. Intellectual conversation in the middle of a fucking battlefield.
the whole plan is to destablizie the region around Israel
that's what CIA niggers posting among us did
Fuck off Sinead
They are recruiting civilians and supporting ISIS.
The Kikes is not wasting a shekel on this war.
They will hand the whole region to Israel and send the pops into Europe.
soon there will be nothing of value left even there
The French just did it too
How the Americans and the French can think their governments are fighting against ISIS is beyond me.
It's like (((certain elements))) have a vested interest in trying to turn the whole Muslim world against west and radicalize them completely.
Gas yourself shlomo.
Saved that new Pepe
They bring hwhiteness to the world.
They are terror bombing Syria in order to force Assad's forces to surrender and install a puppet government in Syria. ZOG has been doing this for over a century, nothing new.
I think you mean Juden. All of the blame. Every bit of it. Niggers, German-Americans, WASPs, etc. do not give a fuck what happens over there. Any and all intervention (probably even instigation) is due to Jews.
I live in America now and I can't fucking wait for the bombs to fall all over this piece of shit country.
Watch the news reports come out from the (((human rights groups))) screaming about how Assad is murdering children.
I understand Israel and Suaid Arabia, even Turkey, but why Iran and Syria? Is this in the interests of your people? You're calling yourself a nationalist but you're just a tool for kikes.
because of islam
The problem with this is that it's always turned into some gay shit to divide and pigeonhole. If you like that mudbloods died, you're suddenly a kike ZOG supporter that likes Israel. Another problem is that leftists use this to push the "America is the real terrorist" meme so they can jack themselves off about how they're commie faggots and hate the West.
Nothing new. Our military shouldn't be in other countries, wasting ridiculous amounts of money in strikes that amount to this. It creates more terrorists than it kills, and radicalizes many Muslims across the world. If we really cared about our security and our nation, we would pull out of these nations, stop bombing their populace, let them handle their own internal affairs, secure our borders, and kick all the damn immigrants and refugees out. But that doesn't serve the interests of Israel, so as always, with Jews, you lose. You, in this case, being everyone.
Damn Ronald ate my pic!
are you homosexual?
Hwhite men do no wrong!
Kids are annoying on planes and in restaurants, so I see nothing wrong with this.
how many protests did you hold against your governments warmongering?
Your silence is approval, if you are passive you are irrelevant
only a liberal cocksucking faggot like modern european leftists wouldn't stand with the united states of america in any case
People who film themselves beheading children in the name of Allah so they can brag about it.
I'd say the US military is what's homosexual.
What islam did to usa anyway? Muslims and christians live peacefully in Syria. USA is trying to destroy that. You are just killing people for no reason. Syria is an independent state that only wants to live in peace. 9-11 was an inside job, and if you don't believe in it, it still was nothing compared to the thousands of innocents americans and israelis already killed on middle east for no reason. Remember the Israel state is founded by american money, every innocent they kill is on USA also.
Which would be the very people Assad is fighting against, whose people were just bombed by the (((US Military))), which then pushes the survivors and family members of those attacks to radicalize and join ISIS. Try to keep up.
Islam has attacked the West and everything good since its existence. It should have been completely wiped out a long time ago. Israel should be done away with as well, and someone else should take it over. Jews and Muslims are both scum.
Protestants are also scum.
Sup Tel Aviv Steve
No nigger. I agree with the rest of that list but not Syria. There is actually a white minority there ( whatever is left from the Levant race ) and also Assad is fucking based. The rest of the list is pretty ok.
The United States of America is the golem of the ((((rootless cosmopolitan globalists)))) and has been for almost a century, as well as the economic cornerstone of the Saudi-led petrodollar system.
I bet you would stand with the US when they bombed Serbia and tried to start WW3 at Pristina airport as well.
That was after usa/israel killed thousands of them. Then they fight back and there's nothing wrong with it.
I know what they are doing, my point is how bad they are at it. 5 years and assad still stands while the US looks worse and worse everyday. Thus making any future operations much harder.
Again, i know. However there are much more effective ways of doing this than killing the US's rep around the world and making anything else much harder. There will surely be operations of a similar kind in 15-20 years and this is making sure those will be almost impossible.
American money is Jewish money. No, American citizens do not have blood on their hands because of our corrupt leaders and FIGHT FOR ISRAEL GOY military. Never forget the real enemy of every right thinking, rational, and decent person in this world. If the Jews didn't exist our people would be separate and advancing their own civilizations in peace rather than killing and dying for the ambitions and greed of people who care for nothing but themselves.
terrorist detected
Who cares? They're subhumans anyway. The white race is all that matters.
Checked for this too.
Has nothing to do with Christians, nor do I give a single solitary shit about non-white Christians.
Your argumentation is indicative of Semitism.
You can practically hear the echo.
This one's broken English suggests Muslim, but I would never put it past a Jew to argue like a Muslim to cover their tracks, especially given this shit-tier yet-thoroughly-Semitic argumentation.
Point 1: Nobody cares about Muslims (see: very-likely 90%+ Syria's population).
> en.wikipedia.org
Point 2: Nobody cares about non-European Arabs (see: very-likely 90% of Syria's population).
Point 3: Someone being Christian doesn't make me gives a shit about them more, especially if they're non-European. That kind of bullshit, prioritizing cult-affiliation over ethnic kinship, is why people call Christians 'christcucks'. In any case, Christians are very-likely less than 10% of Syria's population.
Point 4: Jews are garbage. So are Muslims, and so are non-European Arabs. Semites, and their cults, are all garbage. Sandy garbage.
Point 5: Any attempt to suggest or imply one who does not give a shit about the well-being of Muslims or non-Europeans is Jewish is an extremely Semitic argumentation tactic; demonstrated in that it is entirely possible to not give a shit about Jews, Muslims or non-European Arabs, and such is, in fact, the appropriate response, regardless of their ascribance to any Semitically-derived cult-system (see: Christianity).
Without Muslims, the West would have never known about Greek philosophers. After Christians burned everything they could touch, only copies from Muslims sources existed.
Solid liberal logic.
No, if we do things correctly, we'll purge our nation of Judaic influence and stop fighting in countries that have nothing to do with us.
Where are the proofs that Al Qaeda did 9/11.
This is massive fucking bait.
wouldn't it be nice if the mongol empire conquered the entire middle east and exterminated every single sandnigger and kike living there and it was populated by mongols to this day?
Learn some history m8.
I wish they were jews, like you OP>>6807465
How is this going to be accomplished through these actions?
The entire history of Islam has been violence and attempted forced conversion of the west. Hell, the US' first war after the revolution was against the Barbary pirates who were sanctioned by the state to attack western vessels. Fuck off.
In any case? Really?
USA is non-European.
If it werent for alcoholism this would have happened.
Google muslims celebrating 911 Ahmed
They would have all grown up to be terrorists that threaten our white nations. This is for the best.
The real terrorists are Muslims, OP. Drink cyanide.
and this board is sliding to shit tier real fast. Can we have competent mods who will delete anti-white threads? Why do we allow the subhumans to even be here?
Seems legit bro.
Problem is, it was likely Muslims that destroyed a lot of that knowledge, like the Library at Alexandria.
Why do you post people your hwhite granddaddies fought against? Are you some civic nationalist?
My point is that we won't be doing this in 15-20 years as you claim, since by that point we'll have purged our nations of the influence causing us to constantly waste our time over there. Either that, or civilization will have collapsed, which still leads to this being a non issue in that time frame.
Hitler hated americans. Can competent mods delete pro-americanist threads?
You have no idea how shocking is to see a person in another continent saying exactly what I believe with the same words.
Why do europeans enjoy so much arab cocks? Look at this thread, they are literally the only faggots defending islam
Shitskins stood with us until total defeat. What have you done against communism again?
I doubt that
1. US is majority European, indisputably.
2. US was founded by Europeans, indisputably.
3. The non-European population of the US should be deported in whole, including the Jews and Muslims, and non-European Christians as well.
4. North America was first colonized by European settlers.
Stay salty OP, be you Jew, Mudslime or non-European.
Ah right, " europeans "
I get that but i dont get how. Are you thinking about a race war type scenario? Are you thinking trump or someone else will break their stranglehold?
didn't you forget a group of people?
Obama purged the military higherups from anyone who would oppose him, now you have incompetent yesmen commanding hordes of niggers, faggots, the mentally ill and druggies
Discussing events that impact how the world perceives the United States is relevant to politics, you filthy fucking kike. This isn't a hugbox.
Tell that to de Gaulle. Even british are not considered european to continental europeans. Deal with it.
Not all USAs, we should definitely talk about drone control of some sort though.
I honestly thought when Barry shut down gitmo and pulled everyone out, it would all settle down, but no.
Nice Hitler. Who helped the commies destroying Germany again?
Let me go through a list…
the british
85 kebabs removed
Excuse me?
There's no 'greatest' ally, it's about the he existence of our people and a future for white children. Not the lesser of two evils.
So fuck off sandniggers.
We had to help the british because they are our loyal allies, what's even your point?
If the britcucks really took women and children, rather then rapefugeese, maybe this would not have happened.
This is true, they are quite jealous of our moat and historical superiority.
They shouldn't take women and children either, but I get your point.
Oy vey goyim just ignore this point and not exploiting it to shame the kikes!
Shaming the kikes and foiling their plan to radicalize mudshits flooding the world is anti hwhite!
So you turn 180 after just 2 posts.
Typical of a 60% "hwhite" half breed subhumans.
85 less future terrorists, whats your point.
Good. Non-white savages. Now kill the rest of them.
Powerful shitposting.
Is cool tbh fam.
Yeah man, you're right - Black Swedes and Arab Germans are legit European.
You are very redpilled. You are welcome to my board: 8ch.net
It's just the rational perspective. It's amazing how many nigger-tier brains infest Holla Forums now.
They should be outraged that our country is being used by the jew as a murderous mercenary force trying to disable the entire region for Israel, but instead they just circle-jerk each other over "I don't care about mudslimes in their own countries." Truly, Hitler would spit on them.
typicaly european islamist
You need to go back and leave us whites be.
That's all I have, user :(
We are rapidly approaching critical mass here due to political dissent between people. BLM and other marxist movements like it are just the tip of the iceberg. One of two scenarios currently presents itself, in option A) Hilary wins the election, and goes bat fucking crazy bringing in immigration on Merkel levels, and then some. She's said she wants to increase refugee immigration here by 500% of what Obama is already doing, so that's, bare minimum, 500,000 a year. This is on top of her ridiculously ambitious plan for all immigrants already here, that is, total amnesty, which means anywhere from 10-20 (depending on whose estimate you believe) million spics suddenly citizens. This will embolden the left to openly act like the absolute crazy, genocidal, and vicious marxists they actually are. You would see massive killings, break ins, and overall destruction against whites within two years. And on the larger scale, her foreign policy will cause us to engage in aggressive actions against Russian and Chinese interests that will doubtlessly plunge into World War 3, as Putin has warned. In other words, shit will hit the fan really hard, really fast.
Now, option two, B) Trump wins the presidency. He may be the savior /pol hopes for, though I am not certain myself. That is irrelevant, however, because that's not what the left believes, they truly have been told he's Hitler and must be stopped by any means necessary. If he DOES win, the same thing in many ways will happen, but for different reasons. The left is going to flip its shit if Trump wins the presidency. They will get very violent, very fast, and claim it is all justified because of Trumps election. They will agitate both on the ground level, and governmental level, and will absolutely anything and everything to tear him down, and regain their powerbase. They cannot, and will not, accept a Trump presidency. Again, you will massive violence all across the United States, mostly directed at whites. This will happen at the same time the (((government))) is agitating against Trump and perhaps even openly rebelling. The left is insane, they're a marxist cult, and those are not violent, peaceable movements that can handle defeat with grace. They will show themselves to be the rabid dogs they are if Trump wins. Either way, strap yourself in, no matter who wins, we're in for major happenings over the next two years.
How much does the US government pay you to shitpost and act like the biggest retard to push ZOG's propaganda?
Good they won't grow up to be shitstain muhammads who bomb europe
The white man is made to be free not be ruled by some dictator get over it faggot
Check em, then check out the posting history of the thing you're arguing with.
Then stop.
I mean, come on bro. Come on.
Then you can stop posting Hitler during your "hwhite" rant, no?
Of course, you are a subhuman mongrel 60% "white" spic though.
So red pilled!!!!!
Top shit post, Pedro.
Why are Amerimutt political cartoon so shit? Literally everything has to be written out on the cartoon. Thank God almighty I will never have to be a subhuman like them.
There's that echo again…
Oh wow. I so scare. Somebody is accusing me of being some rejected by god subhuman yid.
This makes me a yid despite my pro Germany and pro Hitler view.
Wow. Is the 60% hwhite getting into you again?
This thread is like a cave.
How are you enjoying your gun laws?
you have to go back
MIDF is out in full force tonight
It's time for Muzzies, Eurocucks, and the world in general to accept their new burger overlords.
Face it Abdullah, you're finished.
Your sons will become ebin shitposters like me and your daughters will pray towards McDonald's.
You never stood a chance.
What suggests you to be a yid is your argumentation and generalized behavioral patterns.
There are plenty of Jews who are pro-Hitler bro, and to say you are pro-Hitler is a highly dubious claim.
You reek of Semitism.
Am I supposed to give a fuck about dead sand monkeys?
The never would anyway. Syria is a peaceful country which never produced terrorists. Then USA comes and bomb schools and hospitals and everything else for no reason.
I think you're being optimistic and have confirmation bias because you probably follow world events every day. But I just see most Americans as brain-dead zombies and their lives still too comfy for anything to accelerate that quick. Most revolutions had a basis in suffering of the masses, whereas this one is the much less tangible jewish soul-poison.
It's not for no reason, it's for the political and economic aspirations of Israel. There's a reason this thread is being shilled so hard.
You imposed it on us like any proper Hwhite brothers would after the war. So you tell me.
Funny how Germany would literally beat anyone on gun quota if hwhite brothers didnt "save" Europe.
Nice freedom, subhuman.
No, we're not talking about the people at large. We're talking about the psychotic, radical left who WILL get very aggressive, one way or the other. Just read about communist movements in the past, we're already in the midst of a marxist takeover, and once things hit a certain point, they start actively getting violent and authoritarian. And that will happen after this election.
Reminds me of a week-old cockroach trap.
Still sounds to me like you're assblasted because you don't have guns.
85 dead sandnigger larva. Bretty gud.
And now this one is back all of a sudden.
This thread is pure D&C.
It has no value beyond D&C bantz and shitposting.
These three posters - or this one poster with two proxies open - are the primary contributors, and basically every post they've made has been shitposty bait in one form or another.
Listen here burger. This shit that is happening is all on you and Israel. Yes the white man is made to be free and not be ruled by some dictator but the people in the middle east are NOT WHITE MEN. They actually need a dictator , someone who dictates the how they live in order for their savagery to be kept in check by brute force. All this ME intervention is just creating more "excuses" for rapefugees for Europe and guess what for America too, and not only that, you also help build a greater Israel. I am ok with muds as long as they stay the fuck away from white mans lands. The ones in White Mans lands ( Constantinople , the west coasts of the area that today is known as Turkey , Cyprus , Europe ( yes the whole of Europe ), America ) if they are there yes they are invaders and they must die. But if they stick to their lands i don't give a shit , they can fuck their goats there for all i care. Keep spazzing "muh freedom, muh freedom" from your disability scooter.
When will they learn?
Must be depressing or euphoric, being an illiterate subhuman.
Muzzies are trying hard to subvert this board. I hope the mods ban the lot of them. There's a bloody 'muh dead sandniggers' thread every time I'm on and a constant defense of mudslimes and everything they do.
Where did Israel come from? ;^)
This threat is an attempt at D&C. Holla Forums can never be divided over dead sandniggers because every single Holla Forumsack fucking loves dead sandniggers.
I know you're talking about the extreme, minority elements on the left, but I still don't see them being able to mobilize enough reasons for people to care enough to bring about mass violence.
Also, I've read a lot about the commie movements in the past, which like I said, usually exploited true grievances in the masses.
Not really. I detest the thought of my nation killing in the name of fucking jews.
When we will not need israel anymore we will get rid of them, when you are a powerful empire unlike europoors you can wait
It's been a while since I've seen a thread so massively shilled by ZOG so quickly.
I wonder (((who))) gave the US bad intelligence.
Burger's are God's chosen, you filthy Muzzies and Eurocucks.
Bend over for the American McDick.
This is truth.
… But take note: Its not the dead sandniggers this thread is about.
The dead sandniggers were nothing but a seed, a foundation, upon which the house of
D&Cing has commenced in earnest.
That's how these people work - like Jews, their opening bid is nothing but a distraction, and a foundation upon which they will attempt to build a house of lies, subversion and discord.
That is the way of the Semite, and it is writ-large in this thread.
No, communist movements take over by utilizing a small percentage of radical youth to intimidate, bully, and eventually slaughter their political opposition. Which is already happening here, and many of the Democratic leaders are practically open communists. They will start moving on to the next stage after this election.
They're mudshits, I don't care.
This is what war is like you stupid fuckheads. If you didn't want this, you shouldn't have attacked us.
You should have done every little fucking thing in your power to stop them. You don't seem to understand: we don't care about you. We don't care about your life, your happiness, or your prosperity. We don't care if you were the guy who pulled the trigger or the guy next to him.
You can't hate us for that, I don't care. You don't matter. You're an insect. It's not going to stop here, either. This will go on until either every last one of you fuckers and your bastard children are dead or until you surrender your lands and resources to us, which we'll then use as a foothold to conquer the surrounding reasons under false pretenses. We'll build McDonalds and Starbucks on every streetcorner and fly American Flags on the movie theaters we build over your graveyards. We'll demolish your schools and put up factories to make dildos, condoms and birth control instead, just to sell them to the muslim locals so they never reproduce. We'll put abortion clinics where your mosques used to be all the while the practice is banned on the US mainland. Then, once we've drained every drop of oil and uranium your shithole has, we'll irrigate every inch and build farms where your fathers were buried. We'll make alcohol and sweets, bacon and ice cream. We'll sell them to the children who will never remember you, and we'll convince them to take out loans to do it.
Better hope you can get a bulk rate on rusty AK-47's to resist one more day.
Oh Jew. ;^D
Here, I'll help: It was the British. And the Jews.
As for who intervened in WWII - lots of nations, particularly the US. Largely because of effort on behalf of the Jews.
Better question though:
Rhetorical, I'm going to answer that one: It was also the Jews.
A (((pattern))) emerges.
First of all, Ali Alaweed al Faggot, this isn't your country. Second, killing sandniggers is always a good thing under any and every circumstance and if you don't like it you can
get the fuck out
It's the other way around my burger friend. They are using your money to fight wars that are not in your interests while your people live in increased poverty and are getting raped and murdered by spics and niggers in your own country.
this board is becoming more and more like KC with the international shitposting wars, double the assburgers
This is why people call you ZOGbots.
No, such events are very important to keep track of. The whole unbridled chaos of the ME is thanks to our involvement in destroying Iraq and Libya for the sake of a greater Israel. You have an incomplete picture if your only reaction to it all is that you don't care about muslims. What could happen to European and American countries with further destabilizing of the ME is the right question to ask.
We'll see. God knows a wake-up call is needed.
>implying we're not just having some cheeky banter
The jews and muslims are the real terrorists. Kill them all.
This thread should've been a discussion about how Israel is utilizing our military forces and costing us money, time, and resources better spent elsewhere. How this kind of action is what we engage in when faced with terrorism in our own countries, rather than closing borders and removing immigrants. This both placates the conservative elements in a country who now believe you are "tackling the problem" without doing a damn thing about the real issue, and simultaneously gives liberals an emotional grievance point to bring up in defense of Muslims when, inevitably, another terror attack occurs.
But instead of discussing any of this people shitpost and shill.
DRONES ""look at the pic all the head shots ISIS Propaganda
you're welcome.
I don't know what KC is tbh fam.
Name one Western power of import whose government is not rife with Jewry and whose governmental policy does not reflect Jewish subversion on a massive scale.
Even better: Name a Western power of import who has a higher number of Jews than the US.
I'll wait.
You shitpost against the US, but what you should be doing is shitposting against the Jews who control a subverted nation of majority Europeans.
But you don't.
You shitpost against the subverted nation of majority Europeans.
And you try to avoid mention of the Jew.
How (((convenient))). ;^)
I'm beginning to think Holla Forums is just a bunch of predictable reactionaries at this point. No one seems to consider anything anymore. I don't know what happened.
Israel's creation, its very existence has been achieved with British and European, American and Australian blood. They suck the life out of us from within our own countries and use our men, women and children as expendable resources for their greater plan.
typical islamist europoor reasoning
US elections are always a time where the retardation and shilling goes on overdrive, add all the fucking happenings left and right and you've got a ton more subcontractors assigned here and the influx of newfags who never come here outside of major happenings.
Not enough bodies.
Krautchan, German speaking imageboard that used to have the most autistic threads on its /int/ board (similar to this one) and was raided by ylilauta several times (shit was fun)
How did this happen? The US doesn't actually bomb ISIS, nearly every air sortie returns with all the weapons they took off with, though they occasionally bomb Syrian forces to help (((moderate ISIS))).
Russia is the only one who bombed ISIS.
Then you're being silly, faggot.
There is HARDCORE shilling going on here - this entire thread was designed to bring about
argumentation, and there are three posters in particular who have done everything in their power to bring about such argumentation, via shitposty bait and generalized faggotry.
There's nothing wrong with the population of Holla Forums, nor has it likely 'changed' in a significant sense - the primary difference is, we've attracted more attention, and with more attention, comes more shitposting faggotry and shilling.
Thus is the nature of the chan, and this thread is indicative of nothing more than that thre is a concerted effort on behalf of some (((factions))) to sow discord and division amongst us on the basis of meaningless shit.
Your enemies have taken note.
That means you must be doing something right.
85 less future terrorists to deal with. Thank you America, Aim for europe next
Ah, in that case, yes, I would agree - but I don't think it is organic, I believe it is a synthetic effort produced via concerted shilling and shitposting.
There are groups of people who legit work together to try and shitpost on Holla Forums more effectively (that is, in a manner designed to generate the most discord and division) and likewise those who will employ proxies to exploit the nature of this platform to create false narratives.
Protip: You have been in threads wherein the majority of the posts were someone arguing with themselves via proxies, in an attempt to create a herd-mentality response on behalf of Holla Forums and drive the conversation down an intended path.
I do aknowledge that Jewish infiltration runs deep within every nation be America , or be any European nation. However what disgusts me is that most use it as an excuse , as a meh we can't do anything about it anyway let's go fight their war, like they have no will of their own. You put your boots on the ground but you don't realise that they are your boots. Fight for what is righteous , not for endless bloodshed. What is righteous is the kikes sent to hell, what is righteous is the muds expelled by force completely from every white mans land, what is righteous is the prevelance of our people, and you are not helping.
The Kikocracy are becoming more desperate with every happening. This is designed to try and refocus the refugee debate on the 'humanitarian' cause; to pit us against each other and they hope, to sway as many goys into taking their beloved moral high ground which is subservience.
This, the best post itt tbh.
So that proves what exactly? That you can just pull the plug and stop licking their asses like that user implied? Kikes are the ones controlling every power structure in your country in case you forgot.
A lot of trump fanboys from plebbit happened + summer.
We're all celebrating the death of these mongrels, you faggot kike.
I'm just sad we haven't glassed that entire fucking desert.
meant for
The problem this creates is the dictators eventually start bribing American politicians like Hillary. And monopolies can't be split because the influence of America's rich will be dwarfed by kings of the niggerlands. Extermination is the only answer.
International law is a piece of toilet paper.
Holla Forums is under attack.
Whenever Holla Forums overtakes Holla Forums you can be sure shills a' comin.
And it's been the top board since brexit.
Since yesterday's Trump nomination we have the shilling ramping up at enormous rate.
They've even nuked 4chan Holla Forums to shit up the board.
(((They))) are scared. But it will be over when election rolls around since they won't be getting neetbux anymore.
Sage for potentially good thread gone bad.
There is literally nothing of value in this obvious shill thread to discuss, and you sound like a butthurt europoor.
When will you faggots understand that it's not about killing shitskins. It's about ZOG using your shekels to spread its power while your country is becoming less hwhite by the day. There's nothing stopping them from doing this to any bad goy country.
Any war that is not waged exclusively for the interests of your people is a very bad thing. Fucking politics 101.
Fair point.
I have never seen nor heard a single person, who was not obviously engaging in shitposting, make such an argument.
To suggest this is a regular argumentative approach suggests disingenuous intent on your behalf.
They aren't our boots.
You control your boots.
We do not control those boots, thus they are not ours.
Most Americans have no interest in wars for Israel.
And those that do have such an interest are typically subject to intense Jewish propagandizing (see: Zionist Christian Evangelicals) or are Jews themselves (the US has the largest Jewish population on Earth, second only to Israel itself - 40.9% of the global Jewrat population in Israel and 40.1% in the US, IIRC).
Our military might not be - but our political situation is making enormous strides, well-beyond what Europeans have shown themselves capable of.
I'm not suggesting Euros to be shit in any regard via this commentary, for they are not; merely, that their political environment will not allow effort to move the Overton Window in the manner which the US political ecology has, and continues, to display in this context.
For fuck's sake, do not misconstrue the actions of the US military, the sword-arm of a subverted nation, with the people of that nation - they are not equivalents, by any measure.
Short of full-scale civil war, we have no means of controlling the actions of our military, as dictated by our government, which is almost-entirely subverted by outside interests.
You are very-likely witnessing the Death Throes of the Repubulic anyway, so rather than crying about how we aren't helping, effectively doing nothing but pushing a line of D&C rhetoric which promotes hostility between the European peoples of Terra, why not see what you can do to help us such that we can start helping, eh?
No, there's several posters in here who have done nothing but use this shit to push a
line of argumentation.
I'm not going to argue with you over it - its blatantly obvious if you examine the thread, and I've already named some of the culprits in previous posts.
you are a faggot user
Americans supports jews. At least most of you people do.
So you are just as guilty as a nation as the jews.
Gas the kikes and the americans.
Westerners are taught from an early age that international cooperation is the best and only way to conduct relations. There is a special condemnation of nationalism and anything resembling it.
Lots of D and C to try and split Anglos.
Not going to work JIDF
Not keeping track of our involvement in the ME would be ludicrous.
If you're a protestant you are worshipping Satan.
you follow the teaching of a jew…
Well i guess what is done is done. Oh well we are gonna have some cleaning to do we can sort the infighting later. This is gonna need both of us because we bad goys are a minority currently. I look forward to see you on the battlefield , hopefully as an ally.
> t. Greekanon, proud cousin of a guardian of the gates of Europe
A perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Wew lad, you're right, you sure got m- Oh, hey wait, what's that?
That bit down the bottom?
Oh, oh really?
Hmmm…. So, it would appear the majority actually DON'T support Israel.
About half do - fair enough, we've a lot of Christians who love their Zionism - but about half don't or are neutral on the matter of Israel.
Have any data on the US populations views of war in the Middle East?
I mean, remind me again, but wasn't it due to MASSIVE UNFAVORABILITY that Obongo didn't already go into Syria when the whole "muh chemical weapons" shit happened?
Pretty sure it was.
Good goy. Keep waging war for jews, american.
When I said "glass that entire desert" I meant Israel to. And trust me wiping out those ragheads is good for everyone.
The jews killed Jesus.
Sorry no.
No more wars for Israel. Just Anglos and then Euros uniting against (((outside elements))).
As your ancestors held the Hot Gates, hold now to your clay, blood and iron.
In time, we will stand again in the Sun - as brothers, and as victors.
Just compare with other countries.
Compare, for example, with Mexico or Brazil.
Now you know why american elites are so anti-mexican and anti-latinos in general. Latinos are not good goys like americans.
Obama won't be blamed, it's like he is there as some sort of advisor to the military and when it goes tits up it's not his fault.
He's fucked the whole middle east and Europe as a result, Assad was right when he said it wasn't a matter of America being 'tough' with ISIS is was about having principles over Syria, which Obama and the neo-cons have not an ounce of.
Jos muslimi ystäville täällä älä jätä aion takaisin Ylilauta
t. Heikki
As brothers , as victors , as husbands to beautiful white wives , as fathers to beautiful white children that will continue our legacy. As fighters of the righteous and as rulers of our god given lands. Forever shall our hand stay vigilant to strike down any invaders.
only 85? We can do better than that. Either way. They deserved it, so I don't care.
Why they deserved it?
Now you're moving the goalposts in a most disingenuous fashion.
The US has the worlds 2nd largest Jewish population, is the center of Jewish media, and has a huge-majority Christian population, particularly of the sort prone to Zionism.
The only reason European nations, which also exhibit high levels of Christian population, do not exhibit such high support for Israel is that the Marxism has taken over in Europe to such a degree that, when a conflict between Israeli Zionism and Marxist egalitarianism/third world-worship comes to pass, the Marxist angle wins out.
The opposite is the case in the US.
Both experience hard Jewing, and demonstrate the consequences of such, it is merely a matter of the flavor of kikelry on display.
In Europe and many other Western nations in that vein (see: Canada), its the Marxist Jewry which has hold; while in the US, its the Zionist Jewry which has hold.
In both cases, it is the Jew you ought hold hostility toward - yet you attempt to drive European men to disdain and decry one another, even knowing of their subversion.
I would ask 'why?', but I believe I already know the cause: You are an agent of (((hostile factions))), or else simply a useful idiot.
So what, I'm a Westerner too, that's not an excuse for being a retard on Holla Forums
Which is what led to the creation, arming, training, and assistance for (((ISIS))) to do the job the American public prevented our military from doing. Which has been a much slower and more painful process, much to the consternation of the kikes. And now with Russia kicking the everloving shit out of (((ISIS))), the kikes circle back around to push the Western nations into military action once more. They are further incentivized by the discovery of oil in the Golan Heights, which they will seize for a "bulwark against terrorist aggression" once Syria completely destabilized.
Of course doing this risks World War 3, which is why NATO has begun its brinksmanship by beginning to set up missile batteries encircling Russia, both to fire into Russias industrial centers before they could respond, and shoot down any retaliatory strikes from the Russians afterwards.
But why discuss those things, when you can shitpost?
Many sons,
many guns,
and virtuous daughters all.
They want to kill us. So we gotta return the favor. Fuck appeasement and peace.
Fuck off you smelly kike
I hadn't thought of it, but I wager you're right: The kikes had hoped Iraq would keep the US on the ground, but the people were so sick of the bullshit associated with that conflict that the kikes realized they'd inadvertently poisoned the well.
They pulled back, let things settle down a bit, then created ISIS (with US and Sunni aid) to act as the match which would light the kindling, aimed at re-lighting the fire of war in the hearts of the American people.
Thing is, the American people had learned a thing or two, and invasion of another Middle Eastern nation, on the grounds of shifty WMD charges (AGAIN!) wouldn't cut it.
Now they're kind of left with their dicks in their hands… Unless Trump wins, in which case - as he said in his interview the other night - US troops will be on the ground again in the Middle East.
But 'just a few'.
I'd like to think its just that shitposting is easier, and a stress reliever, but I don't believe that.
The shilling is real.
They do not want to kill anybody. They are a peaceful population that was only caring about their lifes.
This is one of the key issues that Trump is very blind on. However, he has indicated he admires Putin and would like diplomatic solutions to the issues between our countries. If he speaks to Putin perhaps we can avoid conflict in Syria, or at least avoid going after Assad, which is what Israel truly desires. As long as Assad remains in power Syria will be relatively stable and their ambitions will be held back. Whether or not Trump can be convinced to destroy Assad is critical. I am not reassured after Krispy Kremes insane rant against Iran, Putin, and Assad at the RNC yesterday. Of course, Hilary is even worse, so there's that. Unless Trump catches on in office, if he wins, we will be fighting for Israel in yet another bloody, costly, pointless war in the Middle East.
I want the mudslime and jewtin lovers to leave this board
Only 85 shitskins dead?
Shame on us!
We should nuke the whole damn roachnest!
You think that the US isn't killing Christians in Syria.
we had to invade them to get that shit done because assad wouldn't
Start with Israel.
Are you sociopaths? Only a sociopath woud stand for kids and innocent people being killed.
I'm talking seriously.
Fuck off, Ahmed. You've spent this whole thread shilling for shitskins.
why should I care about some dead children that aren't even from my country? altruism is strange
We'll see what will happen, I'm really sceptical about it, but one thing is for certain, a very big happening is getting close and I have a feeling that this time we'll feel it directly, at least here in Europe.
It's just dead here. Like halfcuck before it, never underestimate the powers of mana.
We should nuke the whole damn thing at once you filthy goat fucker.
When someone kills a litter of baby rats do you feel sad?
What are arabs and jews except for invasive vermin?
I'm talking seriously.
I am sad about senseless slaughter of other people, but only for like 10-15 seconds because I cannot realte to them due to the great distance.
If the same amount of people die in my neighboor yountry for example, I would be much more bothered and even more if it would be in my own, or my city.
Maybe you should care for your children's future instead. These foreign wars are bleeding your country while your people are being replaced by shitskins. Bombing civilians in Syria is not in the interests of your people.
i'm from finland actually, not burgerstan, but I agree that fighting wars in sandniggerland is pointless
I cared when the Nice attacks happened because the victims were human, aka h'wite.
Holla Forums was lost a year ago, you piece of fucking shit. The mods are paid shills. They purposely create the spam that plagues us. Stop giving a fuck about it. No one cares anymore.
You are making Madoka cry.
You are bad people, like those villains from comics.
Faggot detected
last time I checked everyone in those isis propaganda vids wears a mask
Lad what are you implying?
The Holla Forums consensus has declared white=human.
Get fucked, and cry more nigger.
fuck you sand nigger
Even if they are no human, do not justify.
I don't kill animals for no reason at all. I kill if I need to kill, for example, to eat.
To kill animals for no reason at all is a strong sign of psychopathy, medically speaking.
You lay mousetraps for rats yes? You lay traps for cockroaches yes?
Arabs and semites are invasive and dangerous animals who must be exterminated for the safety of the white race.
These syrians killed are not invading anything. They are on their countries.
My immediate Holla Forumsack reaction is along the lines of
But then I remember that Israel really, really, REALLY wants Syria destabilized, and that Hilary Clinton and the Obama Admin greatly helped them in doing just that by supporting the wrong fucking side. The kikes want Syria and the mudslimes gone because mudslimes hate kikes too.
We should support the people who pose a threat to the kikes. Once the kikes are dealt with, then we can exterminate the sand people in totality.
I'm white.
Are you a swede?
I find that hard to believe.
He just doesn't support bombing civilians in the ZOG's interests unlike you. You do realise destabilising Syria is what the kikes want, right?
Not american. People in the rest of the world are not retard like americans, believe me.
Post proof, sandnigger.
I don't support the reasons for the bombings but I support the bombings.
South American detected
Good. Nuke all shitskin.
so are you Swedish or not?
Still, why would more than 1 ID post ITT (or 3 IDs)?
No. I'm of Polski/Italian/Netherlands ascendancy.
Here's a picture of my hand with a big dildo e-cig.
Your face looks like a potato.
I can already see it.
I'm strong.
sure thing, Sven, I believe you
I once saw a kid with down's syndrome lift a 200lb piece of furniture and throw it across the room.
Do you have Down Syndrome?
Post your face next to your Quran
Here in my country blacks, whites and arabs live in peace. Blacks make good janitors and they don't hate white people like in USA, they are nice and cool. And our president now is a Syrian and is making a good presidency.
this is like something from fucking 1984
Also, accidentally killing civilians in an ==INTENTIONAL ILLEGAL WAR OF AGGRESSION==.
That war crimes trial you like is going to come back in style, burgers.
With you and your kike masters in the dock.
Why am I suppose to give a shit
Shit happens in war, get over you pussy faggot
My head is number after reading Schiff's story.
Thank you for posting this and thanks to whoever made this.
You m8 just made my day
The idea that Islam saved the knowledge and learning of the Classical world, can only be described as a monstrous untruth. It is “monstrous” for it represents a precise inversion of what actually occurred: The reality is that far from being the saviour of Classical science and learning, Islam was its nemesis and destroyer. The real end of the Classical Age, as increasing numbers of historians are beginning to understand, occurred not in the fifth century, but during the seventh — immediately after the arrival of Islam on the world stage. And it was in the seventh century that Classical Civilization disappeared both from Western Europe and from the Middle East and North Africa.
The first author, as far as I am aware, to identify the true cause of Classical civilizations’s disappearance was Belgian medievalist Henri Pirenne, who showed that it was the Arab conquest of the Middle East and North Africa, in the seventh century, that marked the real boundary between the world of Classical antiquity and that of the Middle Ages. The Mediterranean, he showed, previously the world’s main artery of trade, now became a hunting-ground of pirates and slave-traders; and the great cities of the West, of Gaul, Spain, and Italy, whose prosperity was depedant upon the Mediterranean trade, began to die. (It should be noted that the closing of the Mediterranean had little to do with regaular warfare, and was rather the result of the Islamic teaching of perpetual war against unbelievers — a teaching which encouraged small-scale actions carried out by individuals and led to a virtual tidal wave of piracy).
The closing of the Mediterranean dealt a devastating blow to the literary inheritance of Greece and Rome. One of the products of the East which disappears in the seventh century is papyrus. Until the first quarter of the seventh century, Egyptian papyrus is ubiquitious in the records and documents of western Europe. By the second half of the seventh century it disappears completely, to be replaced by parchment. Now parchment, of course, was immensely expensive in comparison with papyrus, and there can be no doubt that the loss of the papyrus supply would by itself have had a devastating effect upon the state of literacy and literature in Europe.
Now, we know that the great majority of works of the Classical authors, of which an estimated 95% — 98% have been lost, were written on papyrus. A whole industry existed employing scribes to copy these books, which were then sold to other libraries, academies, or private collectors. Papyrus is more delicate than parchment and disintigrates after a few centuries if stored in a humid environment. But this did not matter as long as there were fresh supplies of papyrus upon which to make new copies and rich patrons to pay for them. The disappearance of both these in the seventh century meant that, in Europe at least, the great majority of the Classical works were doomed to disappear.