How should they make a Metroid cartoon?
How should they make a Metroid cartoon?
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Light hearted irreverent self-referential 4th wall breaking comedy
Samurai Jack-like show revolving primarily around action, Samus' slowly-developing capabilities (ie a special or even small arc revolving around finding the Space Jump), and her interactions with the natives of planets she comes across (if any applies; a pervading theme of Metroid is Samus is totally alone and has no help). Bounty hunting jobs, brief flings with the Federation that result in officially-sanctioned missions as a mercenary, self-taken missions where matters of honor are concerned, where she believes Chozo technology might be, or clues as to where Ridley and/or Mother Brain currently reside. Cast Space Pirates in something of a goofy light, humanizing them through bits and bobs a la Prime data-logs, but take steps to ensure they're consistently dangerous; after all Space Pirates control various worlds and remain a formidable enough threat that they can semi-regularly clone Metroids as well as regularly clone a creature as dangerous as Ridley.
Alternatively just make a Space Pirate cartoon.
So you wanna know the producers didn't even try?
Oh, also: don't show Samus out of the suit at any point and keep her own dialogue as limited as possible, distorted by the suit. Show her out of it at the very end of the series, "see you next mission" line and a 100% completion rate and all.
I mean it's a moot point since everyone on the face of the planet knows by now that Samus is female, but it'd be a cool surprise for people who didn't know what Metroid was as well as not bring any attention to her chromosomes.
You poor, naive souls…
this but i want to see peter chung animate it
As 2-5 minute dialogue free shorts in a format similar to the one used by Aeon Flux.
They shouldn't
Or make a show centered around a group of Gfed marines that happen to keep running into Samus and Space Pirates. That way you can have character arcs and such without ruining Samus.
And yeah, goofy Space Pirates are a must.
That's sensible
It's either that or a remake of Alien from the Darkness
Simple, make her a beautiful well know cybernetic enhanced bounty hunter that is feared all around the know universe that still have a sense of duty but also know how much of a kick ass warrior she really is. You know, basically what they already did back in Captain N.
You are completely right, but hope is a thing that rarely goes away.
It begins as a light but compelling drama in which the beautiful and talented Samus must deal with the constant machinations of two jealous antagonists who constantly try to undermine her, even as they subconsciously do their best to imitate her. As Samantha X. and Noire Hunter work through their deep-seated issues, it evolves into a love triangle and the interactions of the main three become more humorous. Now Samus must decide whether imitation is the sincerest form of flattery or just plain creepy.
However, the scope of the show then expands. In one of her multitudinous roles as work-for-hire, Samus single-handedly put Metroids on the endangered species list. New research is sparking great interest in the once despised animal. Now larger entities such as the S.P. gang and G.F. security forces are interested in begin to clash over the few remaining samples, raising local tensions. How will Samus and Co. navigate an increasingly dangerous world, and more importantly, what will they learn about themselves while doing so?
Remember, the secret of finding love is to first learn to love yourself… :^)
My God, truly a match made in heaven.
Samurai Jack in Space seems to be the best approach.
Going through space encountering all kinds of weird shit, some one-off episodes, some ongoing arcs. Lots of room for weird and scary monster designs, and strange ancient ruins where Samus finds Chozo relics, and character development in the subtle style by how she reacts to that and occasionally interacts with others.
Cuts on the side to Federation marines and Space Pirate grunts being in over their heads and impressed by/terrified of Samus in action. Bit like the royal marines and the pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Bonus OVA:
Loli samus get trapped inside shozo ruins and must defeat the Space Pirates and she finds details about her Shozo origins.
>the award-winning episode where, trapped on an exploding spaceship with all doors locked and all Morph Suit capabilities fritzed out, Metroid learns how to crawl.
Samus should be completely silent, not even sighs or screams of pain.
Original music from the games slightly modernized.
Creatures should be disgusting and intimidating.
Traditionally, hand-drawn animé. No computer bullshit.
wait wait wait, I know that canonically F-Zero and Star Fox are same universe (as retarded as Command was, at least that ending was interesting), but where's the Metroid crossover?
I agree though that Samurai Jack in Space is probably the best way to go about it.
There also has to be some explanation for why she keeps losing all her suit upgrades though.
Or perhaps we say "screw game canon" and just let her keep upgrades between game plots? That way it's a really "oh shit" moment when she has to have her suit surgically removed in Fusion and has an actual reason to be mostly powerless.
As a side note, I really really want a Paper Metroid, featuring all of the following:
Kill yourself
Weavel before he became a hunter?
They aren't. Octoman in Command isn't the same one from F-Zero (like how James McCloud in F-Zero isn't the one from Star Fox) and in that ending it was "G-Zero Racers", not F-Zero Racers they became. It's just nods not any actual crossing-over.
I think you're on the wrong Holla Forums, normalfag.
I'm not sure which is funnier; that he's so butthurt that he calls anyone who isn't a pedo a normalfag or that he thinks I'm normal.
Sounds like you'd want the purist approach. aka, anti-Prime
Me, I'd want some emphasis put on exploration and how Samus seems to have an interest in the lifeforms she encounters. Her scan visor seems geared to provide information other than weakspots, after all.
Forgot to say, have much of her character come from body language and eye movements (things like widening in shock, narrowing in anger Ridley time!, and softening to "smile"). Any verbal communication should be terse, clipped, and mainly professional. A short chuckle, a snort, a sigh of exasperation, a shout of pain, labored breathing from a wound, these are all acceptable. She's efficient and indeed superhuman, but not robotic.
By contrast, Ridley should be very talkative between his minions and Samus. I picture him as someone who does his level best to get under Samus's armor. Like the Joker, he wants the satisfaction of provoking her into a response. She's just that much of a headache in his life. For her part, she will never speak to him, not even for interrogation purposes. That said, Ridley, Mother Brain, and Dark Samus are the only entities who can even possibly get her angry.
Yeah, I'm sure you're very quirky and unique.
Now fuck off normalfag.
Should the SA-X be allowed to provoke fear? I know that scene in the dark hallway in Fusion freaked me out (it helped that I was playing it in the dead of night). Do you think Samus is supposed to be afraid in that moment too?
Oh man that outfit and hair style are doing things to me user.
Point. I suspect that she's unused to finding herself at the mercy of her own weapons. Or to the sensation of being hunted.
Wew lad…
Are you mentally challenged ?
What's wrong, did they kick you out of reddit?
Its Hi-jinx, who else?
No need to be so edgy butthurt user.
Well of course. Samus knows how dangerous she is.
I think a lot of the problem with Other M is that the director wanted to be subtle with Samus' emotions, but was really, really bad at it.
Fuck off Hijinx.
You're trying to deflect attention from your failed "trolling" by accusing others of being you.
First option is you don't.
You don't ever make that cartoon.
Samus has as much reason to speak as Link.
Second is you write a movie about a girl who's parents are killed by a purple space dragon and is then raised by birds.
She tracks down said purple space dragon and has her revenge while taking down space pirates.
Now what you do is break that into 6 episodes that would be 3 two-parters you put at the beginning, middle and end.
Between those episodes you put self-contained episodes you can put in practically any order.
You write Samus as a cold lonely woman who doesn't talk too much.
You do not give her high heels.
The natural urge is to give her a consistent cast to interact with, but I prefer the idea of it mostly being lonely space woman who lives on the edge.
Practically the only time you'd see her outside of the suit is in more populated areas.
In the suit you would however need the whole Iron-man kind of HUD thing going on because it helps to be able to express what a character is feeling with their face.
You give Samus high heels and big ol tities. Instead of a bounty hunter, she's a stripper with a cybernetic arm and a heart of Phazon.
She goes on a journey to defeat her ex-pimp Ridley and his hacker crew.
Doesnt matter what concept, but there needs to be a swiming pool episode where she rides all the slides in a ball form, happy as fuck
By not making it. There's no way makers won't try to either spin Samus as some feminist hero held down by the foul Whitey Man Patriarchy or go Other M (complete with pulling out excuses and excuses to get Samus out of her suit).
Hell, Prime's already got you covered with that. There was a subtle reflection of Samus's face in all the Prime games, and you were seeing directly from her point of view inside her visor, HUD elements and all.
Do you have nothing more interesting to contribute other then 'I's scurred they gone make her some daggum feminist!'
Say something of substance, cretin
That's what that fan-film did and it's fucking terrible. It's terrible in Iron Man, and it would be terrible in a cartoon. Especially if it was 2D animation because you would have so much more freedom to make an expressive character through body language. If you decided that you really needed to see the face, just make the visor somewhat transparent so you can see her eyes. Hell, even Other M's take on it would be better than that (during combat the visor is completely opaque and glows, while she's talking it's like glass).
Keep pretending a Metroid cartoon wouldn't turn out to be garbage.
I agree, for the most part. A little bit of visor/HUD action might be necessary, to demonstrate the vision modes and get a bit of her face, but in my opinion, it should just be her eyes. The whole face floating in darkness with the HUD is too expansive, it feels like there's a ton of room, which doesn't make thematic sense.
Also, for expressive body language, imagine all the interesting things you could do with Dark Samus in 2D. Proper use of deformation and motion in stalking scenes make her comparable to the Alien, while straight-up action scenes would portray her as the Terminator.
It all depends on the creative talent behind it, things aren't always shit by default because you say so user.
Hot Jesus, her metamorphic nature could really come into play with 2D. Same goes for the SA-X, come to think of it.
Would be an amusing challenge to have Morph Ball Samus express herself.
Would be kind of an interesting deal to how Samus treats her armour; practically an extension of herself most of the time, given how she wears it for such long periods. Though she doesn't seem uncomfortable outside of it, either.
Eh? Seemed like the opposite approach.
While I can see SA-X as the stalking Terminator figure, keep in mind that Dark Samus has an entirely different character. She/it is a hammy sadist when it's not calculating. Thus, more gesticulation and body language. If Ridley is a professional, she/it is scenery-eater.
Derp, I should have been more specific, I meant the T-1000 in how it always picks itself back up and reforms. You're right about SA-X being a good T-800, though.
Hence being really, really bad at it. This was the director who demanded Samus speak in monotone because it sounds 'strong'.
Now I want to see Dark Samus vs SA-X.
SA-X would be like, somewhere between the T-1000 and the Thing, while Dark Samus is more Mr Hyde.
Aye. Relentless, silent, merciless, powerful, and with just enough odd or clever behavior to hint at a mind within.
That it would.
"YOU… wait… hsss……."
-SA-X and Dark Samus both smell/taste the air; the former immediately tenses and then opens up with a super missile; the latter warps/contorts out of the way and throws back her head, holding her free hand to her chest -
Man, that fight would be fucking bonkers. Especially when the SA-X is on the ropes and turns into a monster while Dark Samus stops bothering to obey the laws of physics.
No kidding.
At that point you wouldn't be blamed for pitying the SA-X. It's fighting a predator of its kind ascended to near-godhood, is now too wounded to hold onto its form, and said predator is gleefully aware of it.
Where a normal metroid would just kill and eat the SA-X in one move like any other animal, Dark Samus will prolong its fear and desperation for kicks. There is no way for it to survive by that point, let alone win.
At the same time, I figure that DS would be disappointed by the transformation. After all, it was so much fun to beat up that bitch again…
Funnily enough, Samus is the reason Metroid Prime was even able to leave Tallon IV. She'd still be just another Leviathan Guardian, as opposed to a starfaring demon-queen conqueror.
It hurt me physically
Did your spine telescope from the cringe?
On the other hand, the SA-X has one advantage: It isn't alone…
Weirdly enough, something like Federation Force would actually kinda fit in an animated series as an outsider's view of Samus and her shenanigans. I can imagine a mix of admiration, terror, scepticism and giddy crushes from Federation troops.
On the Space Pirate side, you'd have terror, hatred, grudging admiration, suicidal scepticism and the odd giddy crush.
My spinal column collapsed, my arms experienced spasms that brought them forcibly to my cranium, and I was unable to open my eyes.
Fucking stop dude
How many of those freaks got made, anyway?
In my defense, I'm a bit rusty at writing dialogue. Also, you try writing for something whose only lines of dialogue are "BWAHAHAHHA."
I'm thinking something along the lines of Samurai Jack. I mean, Samus is a bounty hunter, right? She must've had other stuff besides dealing with Mother Brain and such. Hell, maybe they can pull a Legends of Dark Knight style episode where a group of Federation rookies or Space Pirates debate on what Samus looked like under the mask as they were out hunting for something.
You could paraphrase the cackling and have the character emote through actions ?
The fact that you're doing it at all is cringey as fuck. The low quality just adds to the cringe factor.
Even on a Korean Calligraphy forum there are things that venture so far into the autism spectrum that it makes even the most hardened calligrapher tense up and experience emotional turmoil.
The wish fulfillment in that panel is cringe inducing
[spoiler]why won't she date me..[spoiler]
Adam guessed at the end of Fusion that there were around 10 on board, not counting the one that got blown up. He wasn't too trustworthy at that point, but the X do asexually reproduce.
Well, he's drawn as as fit and attractive, and maybe she likes em young.
Funny thing, I've heard that by the events of Metroid Prime 3, she's only 26.
With a hint of a smile at the end.
That reminds me: Do we want our Samus to be a social hermit, or to actually talk to the other hunters?
I don't think Samus should speak or make enough of a vocalization to give you an impression of her voice. If she needs to communicate, it should be a message log that someone else reads or is vocalized by the Adam AI. On missions, she should use hand signals or point to maps. And she doesn't stick around after the fee is collected to talk around the water cooler.
She's pretty unique as one of the last silent protagonists (notwithstanding Other M) along with Gordon Freeman and I'd like to preserve that. Less speech would also force them to express her emotions via the posture and gestures of her suit.
If she 'absolutely must' speak, then her suit should scramble her voice. In a Batman-esque way, she is taking advantage of her legendary status and lets others feed her myth by remaining aloof and unreadable. This naturally fits into a "Legends of the Dark Knight" episode where different people project different emotions onto her.
Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines like Samurai Jack. Samus doesn't talk much..except for some moments here and there. Still like the Legends of the Dark Knight idea though.
I meant literally. I wanted to preserve the mystery of what she sounds like, without leaving her as a totally blank canvas.
When was the last time you heard text make sound you retard :^)
I meant communication in general, like typed messages and such. Rundas, Gandrayda, and Ghor seemed to be on friendly terms with her.
That could be an important aspect of her characterization. Clipped, impersonal, utilitarian for most, but a respectful, comfortable tone for her peers, maybe even a handshake.
Regular (and high-ranked) Spess Pirates can be treated as fairly serious badduns. Science Team is black comedy relief.
Also, I say it does a mix of MP1's reptilians(?) and the crustaceans/insectoids found elsewhere.
Arthropods? Reptomammals? Whatever, they're their own thing, and change depending on what they have on hand. Should give them a fair degree of visual variety in an ongoing series.
have it rip off alien in every regard.
It makes the most sense for the Pirates to be a mix of different alien races, and it would be more visually interesting and could make for some interesting fights involving different species using their specific attributes.
The Space Pirates seem to be multi-species as a rule, Ridley being part of their hierarchy, but dominated by the crab-bug people at the lower ranks at least. Also jacked to the gills on absolutely every performance enhancer they can get their claws on.
And they stole/created a brain to lead them. One gets the impression they aren't very smart, overall.
..Please, user…I don't need to laugh that badly.
That, or they're idiot savants. Especially Science Team.
You know, I'm wondering whether or not she actually leads them, or is just an advanced grand strategic planning aid for High Command.
Silent protagonists don't speak at all, retard. Text speech is still speech.
Hard to say, not like they went into details. Maybe a bit of both; has a place in the heirarchy, but the ringleaders stay out of Samus' way.
Which is how Fusion breaks the rule. Technically, so does Prime.
I suppose that would make leaders like Ridley something like generals or middle management.
I know, it was merely a jest. In any case, Samus has never been a silent protagonist since she addresses the player at the end of Metroid 1 with her "pray for a true peace in space" spiel, and has a monologue at the beginning of every 2D game except RoS.
Yeah, but she's practically a silent protagonist, in that she retains the mystery of what she sounds like and utilitarian plot exposition doesn't do a lot to define her "voice". I'm not looking for the self-insert/viewer identification aspect of a silent protag, just the vague and intrigue building part.
I should mention I consider Fusion of dubious value to characterization, because of Sakamoto's involvement.
Sakamoto's been involved in damn near every game that wasn't the Primes, off the very top of my head. He just went fucking insane with Other M for some reason or another.
Though on the bright side after Other M was a total failure for a great many reasons he was pretty much stripped down to bitch-boy duties, last I remember he pretty much is only allowed to help with small projects and absolute crap like Federation Force now and even then with absolutely no creative-input role.
Involved? Yes. Off the leash? No. Whatever Sakamoto was, he wasn't free to ruin things until Yokoi died. Maybe I should have clarified that my concern is the level of his involvement and editorial control. I'm glad to hear he's in the dog house where he belongs.
In a way, it's probably a blessing that Metroid was pushed onto the GBA and ignored for first-party, big-budget development.
And he was put in charge of third-party development, presumably because he was supposed to BE the oversight.
So Other M retroactively makes any prior game he worked on bad now?
To each their own.
Reading comprehension, it's an essential life skill.
As for the quality of Fusion, it is far from a bad game, but it's also on the weaker side of Metroid games.
Consider the following: A man is credited in a popular and successful science fiction franchise. The franchise attains classic status. Now said man is propelled to power by the mythic reputation of the franchise and assumes more creative control. His undue influence blemishes the work, but he's still propped up by great foundations. Then, after a period, he is given total creative control and we wind up with garbage. As a singular, human entity, Sakamoto is probably the closest video game equivalent to George Lucas we will find.
He's even in sci-fi.
I'm puzzled by this Holla Forums tendency to assume that Japanese properties would be handed over to American rather than Japanese animation studios.
He went overbudget and past the deadline. 80 MILLION DOLLARS and he was still only half finished. Plus, check the writers for the series. Kojima co-wrote most of the games and Fukushima was with him for 1, 2 and 3, regarded as the best ones. 4 and V were with others.
It sucks we didn't get the V we wanted and yes, Konami did play a part. but lets not pretend Kojima didn't share the blame.
Well considering thus is Holla Forums it wouldn't make sense for us to discuss what a Metroid anime would be like.
The original budget was often noted as being too small for a AAA open world game, but even then it really was Konami's fault for expecting Kojima to make a game like that cheaply and quickly, especially without a team experienced in open world games.
And considering it was definitely the swan song (desperate milking aside) it seems he was pretty much set up to fail and fucked over from the start.
Kojima's the one that wanted to make it open world. He's wanted an open world MGS since 3, which was also supposed to have a day/night cycle. MGS4 was supposed to have each chapter be open world with Snake being forced to sneak around the fights between the PMCs and guerrillas. With MGS5 he essentially said "fuck it" and went for it regardless of whether or not he could do it properly.
She never loses the suit.
First they need to add some diversity to the IP.
Why can't Samus be black? Obviously the is a serious lack of PoC in video games, and related media.
I also think it would be great if we learned that Samus Aran was really Samus Ibn Al-Aran. It would be great to see a positive portrayal of Muslims in science fiction. This is another place where we can make inroads to greater understanding.
What if we learn that Samus Ibn Al-Aran is actually a transfemale? We can explore how xir sees the universe.
Maybe we can explore xir's home life. We can learn about Samus' life partner. We can have that life partner be a strong woman that helps Samus.
The most important thing is to get away from the violent nature of the games. Obviously the violence promotes gun culture and toxic masculinity. Why can't Samus use xir words and ideas to enlighten people to the real struggle of women and PoC? In fact perhaps we should consider changing the setting to a university campus in the current year. Samus Ibn Al-Aran would be a student exposing misogyny, rape culture, racism and Islamophobia.
We can change the title from Metroid to "Check you Privilege?" You know just to remind the audience that they need to explore their unconscious bias at the door.
First and foremost Nintendo needs to change the games to reflect the all new and all different character Samus Ibn Al-Aran.
Even as a joke you go too far.
I know this is a shitpost, but…
They already have Anthony Higgs, the only good character in Other M.
If that day is to come I'll just seppuku myself
This one always makes me smile.
Is this real?
It is not, but it's very believable. Isn't it?
You can even picture the show.
Yes, I get a Hanna Barbera vibe from it.
I think that's the idea.
Funny how Samus even looks mildly exasperated on the poster.
Is a good artist, right?
You'll be wanting something more like this, then?
More like this fam
So you want no under-the-suit at all, then.
Not him, but
Her under-the-armor outfits peaked in quality back in 1994
Hey, any of Samus's underclothes is a fine sight.
is right. If you google search "Samus Aran" over half of the results are Zero Suit despite that less than 1% of playtime is spent in it across all games. Brawl was a mistake.
They shouldn't.
Peter Chung could pull it off.
Fuck yeah. Whatever happened to him?
Last I heard of him was the Spawn cartoon.
And nothing since, huh.
I think the Aeon Flux movie was a real kick in the balls for him.
He'd previously pulled the Aeon Flux rights off the group that made Pax Deus when he felt that they really didn't "get it".
Imagine his displeasure with Charlie Flux.
I recall him going on record as the premiere making him feel "very small, and violated".
They must be stuck in the past