Tango Down
Came here to post this.
It was a good ride lads. What was the last thing you snatched?
rutracker master race
the French did this
transcodes everywhere.
Collection of Bowie 1984 RCA CDs
it's still sinking in... that site was amazing. Probably 90% or more of my library came from what.
I had a 4.6 ratio; wish I had downloaded more.
YES - Tales of Topographic Oceans (Steven Wilson mix); it came out few weeks ago, and it reminds me how easy was to get both the 2.0 FLAC and the 5.1... the next day of the release.
I'm eager to know what comes next, V2 releases will be a thing of the past, all hail opus @ 192.
Reminder to drop openmailbox
I'm so happy right now.
Thank fuck that cancerous cabal site is finally gone.
Studying to join a torrent site is paying to browse a forum tier
Yeah, it's bullshit that there are transcodes everywhere.
Don't trust ruskies. Also the music selection is trash unlike which had lots of very rare things.
If you were too stupid to be able to pass the test without studying you probably don't need to use it. Enjoy your 320kbps mp3 from piratebay.
Enjoy your 3000 dollar cables
You always crack me up, Ameribros.
I uploaded tons of FLAC files to What.CD with added random atmospheric noise (EAC is easily reverse engineered to generate an according log file) so that I could laugh at faggots like you who downloaded them.
does your dad work at Nintendo also?
I doubt I was the only one doing it either.
Wasnt there some drama in one of these torrent sites because it turned out one of the uploaders were just putting up mp3s encoded to FLAC, and people couldn't tell for a long time until the article was published?
It's circulated around public knowledge a few times, from my memory once on W.CD and once on JPS.
That's probably why is damaging controlling. Doesn't want an unclean conscious after all.
I'll only be glad if something better replaces it or people move to public services, or even something like i2p or IPFS. As much as I dislike private trackers, they do have content I can't find elsewhere. I couldn't care less about the site itself, just the content. Their system was stupid and made it so I never wanted to download from there unless I had to.
If this is true that's more autistic than whoever you're mad at. You actually spent time editing audio, faking logs, uploading, and seeding files that you intentionally made bad just so you could say they have bad files because you don't like them. That's FLAC quality temper tantrum autism.
I know, spending a few minutes to troll on the internet, what has the world come to.
Hope you downvoted him like I did.
If you can't tell the difference between 320kbps mp3 and flac you're either hearing impaired, use happy meal hardware or listen to nigger tier electronic music. The most likely scenario is that you're a sour grapes ghettofag who has convinced himself that his happy meal mp3 player is just as good as audiophile studio hardware.
good thing I have a non-autistic taste in music so my downloads are safe from your tinkering
Not really, it takes just as long as transcoding a FLAC to MP3 and it's not like my uploads magically didn't count for upload and buffer count.
I download loseless most of the time though.
I just simply hate the ideas behind exclusively private trackers and their respective communities.
Just install Spotify.
So glad I used almost all my shitty tokens
Still, it was a comfy place to grab rare music since rutracker loseless is fucking images and I want fucking tracks
There was nothing exclusive about, it only took a simple test to get in. Besides, it was for people wanting music unavailable elsewhere, not just to get in and to see what's up; which is why there are some incredible butthurt people in here and /g/ samefagging.
By exclusive I meant as in it doesn't have a public section as well like dmhy for example.
Which should never be the case in the first place.
It's not like they created that problem, they were only addressing it.
Actually addressing the problem would be uploading to public sites whatever they downloaded off What.CD, but I can bet that most of them didn't and of those: they are a part of the problem.
How likely is it that they wiped ZERO userdata?
How likely is it that the admin traded all the userdata for immunity?
How likely is it that there will be an increase in fucko activity now?
Not an argument.
Into the trash it goes.
Get fucked faggots
But that's not the same, since you can't and shouldn't help "those poor Africans", while those problems are our to solve.
those rapey fuzzy-muzzies cause a lot less harm to society than you, illegal downloading man basterd bich
Do you honestly think whatever site you are using is gonna stay safe forever?
This is a dark day for all of us.
I almost want that to happen just to see the state of the world that would be needed to make it possible
You faggots don't seem to understand how big of a deal this is. was THE largest library of music in the world. Destroying it is comparable to the burning of the Library of Alexandria.
the torrents are still in existance, just harder to find now
we should move as much as we can onto IPFS anyways, its a superior format and much easier for torrent-like file sharing
The problem will always be indexing. But at least with IPFS you aren't reliant on a tracker. That's the real crime with what happened here, rebuilding will be very difficult, you can't just reconnect existing seeds with the arrangement they had, since they wanted you to use exclusively their tracker for their torrents. And that wasn't completely unjustified, either, it's the only way they could make all of that music consistently available.
Ahmed pls
source on webm?
Even for free music that is no longer available anywhere it was useful, I'm upset over some things potentially being forgotten and lost forever.
Why are people giving up all their privacy in order to join a private tracker anyway?
Did a interview once for fun.
I laugthed, turned 360° and walked away like Michael Jackson.
interview cucks are fags anyways, cool kids get invited by friends and skip that shit
More like you tried to get in and were rejected.
I just dropped like $50 on requests last week to buff my ratio up by 40G too.
goddamnit you're doing it wrong
it wasn't that terrible with the elitist chucklefucks in the very beginning
it was only until later that all the staff and upper ranks of power users became a cabal of fart huffing hipster apparatschiks
I've dumped a lot of money into What. It was nice to have a community to contribute to. I had hundreds of gigs of uploaded torrents, and contributed many hundreds of torrents. It wasn't "paying for piracy", it was paying to contribute for other people. What was the only place that had tons of obscure local bands. There's a lot of music that might not exist anywhere on the internet at all anymore now that it's down.
Pretty sure that process is built specifically to help prevent DMCA bots from getting in.
matt daemon, all I got
Not even close, because the other problems are theirs to solve. It's more like if somebody has a car with the doors missing and they decide to get it a new paintjob instead of fixing the obviously bigger problem.
Maybe it only had obscure content because elitist assholes put it behind a paywall so they could jerk off over their special club status. Really makes you think
The western side of the internet needs their own version of Share or Perfect Dark to avoid mass data loss like this and to destroy private tracker autism.
Why is it elitist to want to keep retarded people out. Anyone with a functional brain can pass the interview.
Hey... it's still one someones drive. We will build another.
You clearly were rejected and you're still mad about it, it's incredible how childish your complains are.
Contagion (2011).
slsk still exists, so it might be a good idea to migrate there, and upload all the music over there, or as said, IPFS.
I didn't use, mainly because of laziness, but still.
Did they have anything by leslie fish?
Enjoy your ads.
Enjoy DRM
Enjoy latency issues and lag
Enjoy not being able to actually own the music, so if spotify goes down, yer fucked.
y-y-you're just f-from /g/!
A reminder to anyone who's saddened because of the fact that some of this music may not be on the internet any more, there must be people who have it on their hard drives. If you know these people's emails, ask them to join as many alternative trackers, networks, and generally as much shit as they can, to keep these files on the memetubes in someway or another.
You retards paid real money too?
This gets funnier with every revelation.
Why is the methodology of Japanese P2P bad exactly?
Retards sperging out over failing the interview are hilarious.
Why are you even on Holla Forums if you don't know VBR/CBR/lossless/lossy?
They paid real money to buy rare albums in return for getting access to more rare albums.
It was contributing to a community, even if there's no real recognition, something you will never do.
There's like one guy in the whole thread who wasn't able to do it.
Just because someone hates a private tracker doesn't mean they are unable to be/not a member. Picture related.
Who would want to contribute with real life money to an autistic and shit community like What.CD?
Millenials everyone.
I haven't read a single valid reason to dislike the All I read is little kids complaining because they didn't get special treatment and because a tracker had rules (all for a reason).
Like exactly you just did "autistic shit community"; instead of just downloading and maybe uploading some albums and be done with it.
if you never made it into a private tracker how do you know they are alll shit?
checkmate faggots
What.CD had garbage rules and terrible moderators who banned anyone they didn't like. This is a given since it's a cabal tracker.
I basically only did that though, but that doesn't mean I can't observe the overall quality of the site past the content it delivers.
Also for further reference, I am in: OT, AB, ADC, U2, IPT, BiB, GGn,, PTP and M-T.
BCG and now W.CD for dead ones.
All except U2 (maybe M-T and OT as well) are absolute shit.
Like what? all of the rules made sense.
Seems like you just had an encounter with someone and can't let go. Site is dead m8, time to move on. Be the better person next time in the next big music tracker iteration.
How would you even get into conflict with the rules/mods?
There is no rule forcing you to participate in the community.
No VPNs and proxies allowed is the main shit rule.
OT allows them, and they have little issue with "B-but the traders/sharers!". One of the main real reasons why they won't let you use them is that if you mess with the staff on a cabal site, they want to be able to ban you on all cabal co-operating sites.
Also just about every forum rule was shit.
Nope, I've never made a single forum post or torrent comment ever on a private tracker.
It's simply an observation from lurking. If you step one foot into any private tracker forum or watch how the moderation team treats users, you will know what I mean.
I've never been banned from a private tracker before.
samefag right?
You would expect tons of damage control from people who likely seeded hundreds or even thousands of GB worth of buffer just for it to all go down the drain. Not to mention that some of them actually spent real life money to be able fill requests as well.
*able to
There are no general music trackers left, user
The real irony here is that the smug assholes that are users, with their repository of "rare" music, kept all their music to themselves, shunning public trackers and DDL sites, and now it's all lost forever. Their downfall was their own greed.
F-f-fuck y-you /g/!
the whole point of private trackers is to evade detection from certain organizations for as long as possible
When sites like this literally hand out access to anyone with what essentially boils down to a password (their interview), as well as near unlimited invites for members to give out, they're anything but private anyway.
What also had a twitter account so it's not like they're trying to be sneaky either.
Private sites that focus on sharing are a bad idea in general, it feels the same as security through obscurity. Instead people who are concerned about the safety of a site and themselves should take advantage of proper security, it's not like we don't have things like i2p,, freenet, et al. You can even keep the private aspect by using some other F2F protocols.
I'm getting sick of these places getting shut down because they're all centralized and more or less wide open on the clearnet, a login form is not going to protect anyone from anything and that should be apparent, not just because of what but all the recent takedowns.
I personally am looking forward to IPFS routed over i2p, I can only hope it comes soon and takes off because I'm getting sick of all this shit disappearing. People need to step their security and redundancy game up, it's getting frustrating to watch.
The only difference between and thepiratebay is that one is actually online and working.
Oh shit
Their proxy servers were raided. It was basically a reverse proxy to the real dedicated servers.
Waffles still up
Nowhere near the organization or catalogue of what tho
sure, enjoy your honeypot with DMCA bots crawling each and every torrent
And yet, one kept no previous backups to restore from, leaving it permanently dead.
That sounds like the real joke right there.
I'm sure they kept backups. Whether they want to release the metadata and indexes, collages, etc. is anyone's guess.
Additionally, there's crawls of the metadata on
They're playing it safe. Maybe you'd understand that it's probably not the best idea to continue at the current moment after you'd just caught a break and only your reverse proxy servers were seized.
But I'm guessing you're the sort of retard who thinks someone should chance it in a battle versus hundreds of jewish lawyers, and destroy their lives no matter the outcome.
Hopefully I don't need to remind you what happened to tiamo, anakata, and brokep, but then again you sound like the kind of moron who wouldn't recognize those handles.
b-but private trackers are for cucks!
oh man how am I going to look cool now that I don't have muh sekrit 96kHz 32bit FLAC downloads to go with my golden cables
Private trackers are a huge problem. They unnecessarily divide pirates into tiny groups that do not communicate or share with one another. Private trackers need to die for filesharing to flourish.
Why use LaTeX for something like this?
Why not? It's probably the simplest way I can think of to go from plaintext to pdf and/or png.
It could also be written in something like org-mode, which can export to pdf via LaTeX among other formats.
while I agree with the other 2 posts, I only made the first one
I had 800gb up and 400gb spent on requests.
I could put up a request with 20gb on it and a link to where to buy the files and have them in 10 minutes, that's what was great about the request system.
But the loss of the buffer means nothing compared to the loss of the site. You wouldn't understand if you weren't on it
Every tracker not running Gazelle is trash. If there was a public one that did, and also had a decent community then I would upload everything I have
Here to you Nicola and Bart
Well, what is replacement.
If BTN, PTP and HDB dies as well next, then my years long dream will finally become true. Nothing of value would be lost.
Nice meme. This type of thinking is why private trackers are shit in the first place, aside from it already being a shit concept.
Good. Another blow to the elitism and autism of private trackers.
Maybe it will finally begin to sink in for everyone that private trackers have never been one inch safer than public trackers, except for being less visible to the common public.
Torrent piracy days are pretty much numbered. We need a completely new file sharing system like and suggests. Ideally everything should go the tor / i2p route if we could address the download / upload speed problem somehow.
Are we talking about mass DMCA notices happening here?
Are we talking about massive leaks of user information through server seizure?
No? Then you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Good luck with that.
What is cross-posting between trackers.
Are you some sort of fucking retard?
Are you suggesting that cross-posting is the norm?
(if it was it would still be inefficient and redundant)
Free ratio on the tracker you're posting it to, yeah. Happens all the time. HDBits uploaded to PTP. What uploads uploaded to Waffles.
And yet, the alternative is DMCA bots crawling swarms.
This thread is hilarious because it's filled with people who think that this problem is solved. Nah, it's not.
The best solution that anyone can envision is a curated community. Otherwise you're just jerking off trying to place a square into a round hole with technologies you do not understand, trying to wield them like magic.
And boy oh boy, I can't wait for retards who have no idea what they're doing to share content in your magical system, with no guarantee of anything.
Aye, faggots
Around 300 of us are hanging around in SoulSeek, (WHAT.CD room). Make a screenshot of your past profile (via cached google) and pm the link to one of the mods in the channel. You'll get an invite to the private room. We're rebuilding our music archives and sharing without restrictions.
In case you don't know what that means: combined 30Gbit pipe and almost 1 Petabyte of free lossless for everyone with a past profile.
Some of us started dumping shit on rutracker, too, so keep an eye out.
We will revive wcd in a different form, which will be more takedown resilient. Yes, yes, hosting in france wasn't genius but they didn't do much.
Go try out Perfect Dark.
Copyright infringement is outlawed by criminal law rather than civil law in Japan, so to compensate they build amazing P2P systems.
It took 4 years for the police to crack Perfect Dark's encryption for the first time and it was easily fixed by update form, so if it is adapted to the west there won't be DMCA problems.
Also as for regular retards, it is rarely a problem since your average person can't set it up and if garbage ever gets uploaded people can just downvote it.
SoulSeek most likely tracks everything you do given that it is proprietary, requires registration and is centralized.
Private tracker users should have no problem with it then I guess. :^)
And yet, people get caught all the time over that network.
Perfect Dark is not "amazing" you stupid weeaboo.
Encryption does not equal anonymity.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Pack up and go back to /g/.
They didn't host it in france, dumbfuck.
Not a single downloader has been caught and the amount of uploaders caught is in the double digits, usually the cause for the uploaders getting caught is because they used Share too which hasn't been updated since 2006.
I never said that. Also it uses a mixnet for anonymity.
To further my point about its security, there has only been 3 people on record who got caught without side channel attacks and all of those were back in 2010. Complaining about that is like saying Tor is unsafe because people got arrested while having JavaScript enabled.
Also there is CP on the network uploaded past the 2014 ban with thousands of downloads and not a single downloader or uploader has been arrested for it.
What.CD retards don't know what there talking about, they clearly have received head trauma from shoving their noses up private tracker moderators' assholes.
Why would you trust proprietary software if it's made by the Japs? Are you some sort of pedophile, you CIA nigger?
I don't trust it.
However, basically all Jap programs are proprietary. Also Winny was one of PD's predecessors (also proprietary) and when the source code got leaked, it was found that the creator wasn't fucking over the users.
Regardless of that, I'm not calling for What.CD users to upload to PD or to make an exact clone of it.
I'm calling to have it adapted to the west with improvements, but clearly the way that it is designed would be a great foundation.
Is it so hard to believe people liked the site because of the music? you're just here to complain, to make epic troll posts and for the facebook-tier drama
Because it has codes that's been typed ten thousand times and can cut through any law enforcement, duh
Pretty funny watching this retard trying to shill backwater shit the rest of the world moved on from. Guess it's just what weebs do.
Sorry you got triggered, I'll ask the BO to put a trigger warning in OP
Are you seriously that mad? you just keep samefagging over and over again; we get it, you're mad because you were rejected/banned.
Meanwhile, 99% of users of the big 3 (now 2) are happy sharing, seeding and just enjoying life in general.
The only true thing being said here, is that it's time to move on to a better system (IPFS is my bet), with a similar way to keep people like you out, just to see how much angry you get, thinking it's some sort of a secret club, even though I encounter the most average taste in all of those sites. You know, regular people who found out about the site even by mistake who can adjust to basic rules.
You can clearly tell by posting style that him and I aren't the same person.
That's me:
Like no VPNs allowed? Enjoy getting tracked, better hope What.CD admins weren't lying with the farewell message.
Isn't this that big thing that Holla Forums is always railing against?
You just did.
an mod could take a look at a spectrograph and just delete your torrent.
the retards roleplaying about spitting out equivalent rip logs are just stupid.
it's funny how asshurt people get because they failed the test.
You keep saying this one thing over and over again, user
Most private tracker users who are retards in this thread have lost their composure quite obviously.
It's funny to see them protect websites that are proprietary and anti-privacy so hard because otherwise they have to admit that they wasted:
1. Upload data.
2. The amount of time it takes to transcode/upload files.
3. In some off and really retarded cases, real life money.
No, I said that DMCA wouldn't be a problem. That is because the downloaders have plausible deniability since the encrypted blocks containing the download and the encryption key are sent through different channels.
How would a spectrograph pick up random noise? It's not like mp3 -> FLAC in case you're that ignorant.
Also: - I had an account.
In cases like BCG and, once authorities managed to infiltrate among tracker users, the only reason there hasn't been mass notices or prosecutions among regular users is because they decided not to bother. Going after small fry has been proven to be innefective and bad PR, after all, they're only going after big fish. But they sure could fuck everyone in the ass if they wanted. And there's no way to make some sort of plausible deniability excuse like in public trackers.
Keep going, I'm really enjoying the salt.
You said that the only reason "no one was detected" was because they "cracked the encryption."
First of all it's a spectrogram and second of all it doesn't have to, compression entails frequency cutoff, and you'd be able to hear that, let alone see, if you try to do that shit.
It's just roleplaying. Are you autists seriously this lonely that you dream up scenarios in which you're spending hours editing music, to lash out because you failed the interview?
Shit's sad.
That's not the case here.
What happened is that reverse proxy servers were seized.
It doesn't take infiltration of a userbase to do that.
Or rather the reason people were detected.
Yes, because there is no way for the police to know what was being sent and from where due to the mixnet.
However, encrypted blocks contain IP address information of the original uploader, so when the encryption was temporarily broken they were able to find who uploaded certain files.
False, especially the idea that it takes hours of editing.
Why is it stored in the first place
Compression entails frequency cutoff, you fucking retard.
You'd be able to hear the noise that you replaced it with. SOMEONE would be able to hear it, but not all adults.
It's good to know that you're the roleplaying samefaggot in this thread.
How sad your existence must be.
I don't care if you passed it or not. Do you think you're making anyone angry with your roleplaying about how you "REVERSE ENGINEERED EAC AND MORITORI AND UPLOADED FAKE LOSSLESS FILES MUAHAHAHA"
I guess this is what autism actually is. The fact that you think anyone's upset over your LARPing is the real joke.
No one knows why.
People are really going to be able to tell the difference between picture related 1 and picture related 2 without having a way to compare.
Also for the record, that was only after two minutes worth of work.
Also most people aren't going to be able to hear small ~40 dB snippets scattered throughout the entire duration unless they are specifically going out of there way to find them.
Bet you want to go check your files now faggot.
Traffic analysis works on any mixnet. It depends on your threat model.
You see the frequency cutoff in your images? They were compressed after mastering, obviously.
Tell me, did mommy convince you to get your autism bux yet? It warms the cockles of my heart to interact with a real life loser who roleplays like this.
I don't need to, but here's an example from the top of my library.
I guess they didn't work hard enough to keep retards like you out, when you don't know about frequency cutoff effects of pretty much every lossy compression algo.
What am i looking at?
You're looking at a retard roleplaying on the internet.
Just laugh.
So is an mp3/lossy format that was converted to flac and is the original?
You can see the frequency cutoff in his images.
is a lossless rip, and I should know because I ripped it.
What the fuck are you talking about lol? If you cut off the top bit and overlay it, it's identical. The first graph was the original file and it was in a wav format.
Send me your FLAC file and I will do the exact same thing.
Yeah, i see, it. What's the format in *.wav ?
Also, how did you generate the images? Sorry for the baby questions.
Both were .wav. His image is of a completely different song, they aren't related at all.
The program is Spek.
Yeah, this is getting sad.
No, it's not.
Compress it so there's a frequency cutoff?
Again, you should listen to your mother when she suggests you get your autismbux. It'll help support her in keeping a retard around the house.
Not an argument.
Also if that faggot sends me the FLAC file he used in , by uploading to a website like, I will demonstrate the exact same thing so he can't use his "cutoff" bullshit argument which doesn't even make any sense.
If you overlay the two, you will recognize that the frequency cutoff is so small that you wouldn't be able to know that it had been changed.
And quite clearly no one on What.CD who downloaded my files was able to contradict this principle.
Stay mad, faggot.
Yeah, it does. The file you're showing a spectrogram of was compressed after mastering. That's undoubtedly a roll-off at 20.3khz. It was, most likely, an mp3 compressed at 320k.
No one's mad, retard. You don't understand frequency roll-off.
Get some autismbux and support your mom around the house. Sad to see such a nice lady dragged down by a retarded waste of oxygen. It's not her fault that the genetic lottery didn't work out that one time.
I didn't rip the file, so I wouldn't know. But if I am able to the FLAC file in , I will show you that the difference is basically unnoticeable if you take into account the fact that you wouldn't be able to compare it to anything.
If I don't understand it why didn't I get banned?
Also you seem pretty made seeing that you are constantly projecting at the end of your posts for no reason.
That's what it is.
Again, this isn't about intserting subtle noises into the file. This was you roleplaying about how you "REVERSE ENGINEERED THE EAC TO PRODUCE EQUIVALENT LOGS" of some compressed shit, and pass it off as a lossless rip.
You were roleplaying up in the thread and you're roleplaying now.
For what? Roleplaying on Holla Forums?
Also by your standards either:
1. I do understand it.
2. Private trackers are inefficient at keeping out obviously edited files, therefore being pointless.
Take your pick.
Quote where I said that. As far as I know, I never said that I turned compressed into lossless. All files I uploaded were loseless -> loseless + noise.
You just did, because that's an obviously compressed file.
You really fucked this bait up, champ.
Too bad, maybe next time you try engage in "le epic trolling" while your mother works a double to support your fat ass, you should actually understand what you're trying to get people angry over.
I didn't rip it and I never uploaded that specific file to What.CD. I used it as an example.
.wav files weren't even allowed on What.CD, you would know this if you were an actual member.
you do understand that secure EAC rips can be compared, right?
Again, it's a lossy file.
And without the log, it's worthless.
Just stop. Please, this thread is embarassing enough after you revealed the fact that you've been samefagging about your "lossless" troll escapades. Don't embarass yourself anymore.
I have the log file:
INCH-0004.log -
Elaborate on how I did this.
Here's the .cue file too:
INCH-0004.cue -
There is no reason to believe that this file is lossy.
Because you've been in the thread non fucking stop bragging about it.
And as soon as I called that out as fucking retarded, you jump right in to get that sweet, sweet attention that you're craving.
The checksum will not match, you fucking retard.
Just because you edited, and burnt a new CD, does not mean it's undetectable.
In addition, you can tell that particular example is compressed shit because of the cut-off.
Really sad, to be honest. Hopefully you do apply for some autismbux for your mom soon. Sounds like her hands are full when her son is this stupid.
Fair enough, I'll admit that there may be a way. But if this is the case, why did I never get caught after uploading tons of files?
Seems like private trackers are worthless if so.
Probably because roleplaying on the internet is serious business.
For your own sake, stop. And if you fail at that too, much like you've failed at inciting anger in this thread, my suggestion would be to suck-start a shotgun.
Just like when you were saying that I wasn't ever a What.CD member until I linked ?
You seem pretty mad to me.
It doesn't matter if you were a member or not.
The CRC wouldn't match, you fucking retard.
This isn't even getting into rubyripper logs.
Not as mad as the faggot roleplaying, thinking he's doing some "epic trolling" for attention.
And yeah, since you don't even know when to stop, or how to get your story straight, it seems like suicide is your only option. Thankfully your mother will be relieved of her burden.
Elaborate how that is the case within the current context.
But you said earlier that I wasn't a member, and clearly you were wrong. Seems like you can't get your own story straight.
I don't think so, as:
1. You keep bringing up the fact that wav file was originally compressed which had nothing to do with the demonstration.
2. You keep getting butthurt about a post made yesterday.
3. You don't understand the concept of decibels.
4. You keep pretending to know how PD works but clearly you don't.
5. You keep throwing out edgy projection last-liners as if we are posting on Holla Forums or something. (Mommy issues?)
Also I forgot to mention:
6. Your precious little private tracker is gone forever, all the time you spent involved with it is gone.
Because if you
1) burned a new CD
You could compare the checksums to another accurate rip
2) edited the file without burning a new CD
The checksum would not match, period
You're beyond brain damaged a this point.
I said you probably failed the test. I was wrong, you're asshurt over private trackers and archiving in general. Silly of me, I should've known that an autistic subhuman could probably memorize factoids about lossy/lossless, but unfortunately when autistic subhumans have a grudge they assume their knowledge is airtight.
It's easy to tell that it's a compressed file.
It's easy to tell that a file doesn't match the logs.
And it's easy to tell that a rip doesn't match other secure rips.
You're not as clever as you think you are.
You mean, your post? So you admit that you're the faggot that's been shitting up the thread and whining about private trackers for TWO DAYS?
And you don't understand the concept of checksums
I don't care how some shitty jap win32 program works, you're the retard that thinks mixnets aren't vulnerable to traffic analysis and correlation attacks. Which is wrong.
No friend, you're the one with mommy issues. Your mother is probably a very nice lady and you're letting her down with your roleplaying on the internet.
And if no one else made a rip?
No you didn't. Also nice edgy damage control.
Nothing to do with the demonstration.
There's multiple people if your crazed mind isn't aware that more than one person can reject sucking private tracker dick.
It's has never been a problem in its decade long history.
Maybe you're underaged as well? I had a feeling that you were a "I'm 16 and my intellect is fucking superior!" type anyway.
*It has
I don't even remember why I didn't use them, my buffer was enough to download everything I had twice.
It's really hard to find well seeded classical stuff on rutracker...
That's unlikely, with the AccurateRip database.
The most you could say is that you enjoy shitting on hipster's vinyl flac rips. But you didn't really think your roleplaying game through.
It's alright, it's not rare for autistic subhumans like yourself to have their epic trolling all planned out only to get told they're a fucking retard, and why they're retarded. Back to the drawing board I guess.
You definitely claimed it did. If someone actually looked at your files, along with the mismatched checksums, when you supposedly did this multiple times.
It was real in your mind, though, I understand.
That's correct. You do not.
It can very well be.
Yeah, except for the fact that the gook win32 program exposed IP addresses of those who uploaded content originally.
Friend, I'm not the one disappointing my mother, nor am I underage.
Or maybe I could say that most people wouldn't bother with checking. Shocker.
The checksum isn't mismatched you retard.
Nothing to do with the statement you made.
Not to mention, we're supposed to believe that an autist like yourself only joined What in 2016, and was able to actually upload and supercede lossless rips on what with shit he'd found, and edited, on public trackers.
Just ignore the fact that it's highly unlikely you were going to find a lossless rip missing on what, in 2016, that was readily available elsewhere?
You need to get better at planning your ruses.
Yes, it is. Unless you're saying that you computed a collision.
I guess you don't really know how all this works. Explains your obvious ignorance when it comes to mixnets. Shame you're on Holla Forums, but I guess retards are just the norm now that Holla Forums has died.
I didn't use public tracker, I got them off Share and Perfect Dark.
To put it into perspective, there is still thousands of visual novels that aren't on AB which you can find on PD.
Go check the log file I uploaded retard.
I would say being underaged and filled with angst is worse.
Oh no, why did the replies stop.
Did I reveal too many flaws in your plan to rustle my jeromes, friend?
Quick, think up an excuse. Yeah, you bought obscure CDs using mommy's good boy points, to rip, edit and troll those FLAC fags. Joke's on them, I guess. Even though you'd just claimed that you uploaded an edited EAC rip to What that had a timestamp of 2008.
So yeah, you better get on them autismbux asap.
p.s. I've never even been a member of What.CD.
Kinda makes all your sperging, including pretty pathetic. :^)
You can't check the log without the actual files that were ripped.
Yeah, you're fucking retarded. You just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.
I have the files that were ripped as well.
got completely BTFO by
If you read earlier, I said that I never uploaded that.
You are so retarded that you can't even use basic reading comprehension.
You claimed that you did it all the time. Dozens of times, even.
You really so desperate for attention that you're going to continue this?
No, that's not how it works.
I wish you well in your future roleplaying efforts friend. Hopefully they pay well. :^)
Yes, but not files that are from 2008
Also picture related is the amount of EAC files that I can access PD alone, while also being connected to a small amount of the entire network. If you go through the list, most of them weren't on What.CD.
This is the tone of someone who just lost.
Right, which is why you don't show any of your handywork, and which is why you don't show any of the logs, and why you aren't uploading any of the music files.
This isn't a ruse battle, friend. I enjoy making fun of retarded NEETs on the internet who are obviously asshurt and construct elaborate stories and spend massive amounts of time desperate for attention talking about how they downloaded and editing files, claiming they won't differ in checksums.
You just admitted, remember, that there is another rip to compare. And, depending on the version of EAC, your plan, which I suppose would be to edit the checksum of each track in the TOC, wouldn't work because of the checksums of the logs themselves.
So to sum up: even funnier than sabotaging flac fags precious archival music, is an autist who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, who only joined what in 2016, and worships some shitty gook win32 application. It's even funnier when said autist doesn't know the failings of high throughput, low latency mix networks.
Now this is autism.
I did, check the stereographs.
The example one is 350 MB large. Also you didn't bother to upload your FLAC file, so why should I?
If the rip wasn't already on What.CD and is only on a non-English P2P program with only 9,100 current nodes, I doubt anyone is going to download it just to compare especially when there would be nothing to demonstrate that something is wrong.
You didn't join at all.
If this is the case, then why hasn't it been a problem for PD which is a decade old?
Again, not relevant to the comparison.
You need 1) secure logs, 2) spectrogram and perhaps another rip.
It's called a spectrogram, you fucking retard.
I'm not going to upload the FLAC file, because the checksum will obviously differ from my secure rip. There's no question about that. The checksum will differ, from the EAC log, and especially if I go and rip it with Rubyripper.
And? That doesn't stop me from belittling you as the fucking retard that you are.
Yeah, you've been droning on about it.
It can be, and PD has had problems.
Nice double post, fucktard. I can only imagine you hunched over your shitbox and dirty keyboard desperately correcting your posts and hitting the submit button several times with your fat fingers, to brag about how you edited archived music, not that your plan would actually work, and didn't get caught.
Quite simply, anyone who knows what the fuck they're talking about is laughing at you.
You're the retarded kid everyone laughs at. Some fuckhead who doesn't know what checksums are on Holla Forums, pretty amazing.
The logs on PD are rarely secure.
So by that standard you are a retard too?
How so in that area?
I've quite clearly shown through my past posts that I know what one is.
Here's a list of what you have got wrong so far:
1. Thinks that others were not apart of What.CD when they were.
2. Thinks that you can magically hear scattered low decibel sound if you are not an adult.
3. Thinks that the checksum on the log file that I uploaded doesn't match.
4. Thinks that the example wav file was uploaded to What.CD despite explicitly being told that it wasn't.
5. Thinks he understands how traffic encryption and mixnets work when he doesn't.
6. Thinks that a rip must be super obscure to not be on What.CD or a database.
7. Thinks that every anti-PT poster in the thread is all one person.
8. Thinks that he doesn't have mommy issues when it is blantantly obvious that he does.
B-but maybe I'm right this time and you're just roleplaying! Especially considering the fact that people haven't done it on a mass scale in the past before, right?
Okay, and because they weren't secure logs, they would be superseded if another rip came along. If someone pointed out how many of your rips differed, you'd have probably been banned.
That's all assuming that you actually did this, which, I got to hand it to you it's becoming more and more likely.
What with being hunched over your keyboard, correcting your own posts more than five times, and submitting several double posts, it's clear that you're clearly severe on the spectrum.
Why would I be a retard? Isn't for chumps, as you claim?
You've brought up several instances of it.
It's written by a stupid gook who thinks his security through obscurity is actually secure.
And yet you're asking me to upload a flac so you can change it that would obviously not match a secure rip.
You seem upset, friend.
Did the fact that I called you out for the mentally ill subhuman that you are annoy you? :^)
Better get those chicken tendies with food stam-I mean good boy points.
PD requires you to rar your music before you upload
It's actually "ensuring no Japanese gets arrested" through obscurity, and it does that job.
Almost the entirety of the userbase of What.CD is western, so quite clearly it would have been very difficult for them to rip it themselves, as most of the stuff I uploaded was either Japanese or Korean. Also if you were to ask most What.CD users what Share or PD is they wouldn't have a clue. Facebook normalfags is the main audience.
I was using your own logic, not mine.
I originally did not know that it was a secure rip.
Quite clearly it is seeing that only 3 people have ever been arrested for something that wasn't their own fault for the entirety of its decade long lifespan.
As I mentioned earlier, you can find CP on the network with thousands of downloads yet no action taken.
It's already failed. Publicly reported four times.
Let me remind you, what your subhuman, autistic squawking sounds like:
Then who gives a shit? Also, if it was ripped with EAC and submitted to accuraterip by just one person it doesn't matter if no one could rip it. It's easy to check. Just burn the rip and check it, right?
Again, you're not as clever as you think you are. I think it's hilarious, honestly. Best discussion making fun of retards there's been on Holla Forums for a while.
Four. Publicly reported.
Much more than four private tracker owners were arrested.
Again, PD only has an estimated 9,100 current nodes and almost the entirety are Japanese.
Also if you are not using a Japanese VPN then it can be hard to download files since many users use PeerBlock to stop foreigners (mainly because Koreans like to pollute the network with Korean garbage).
Also from memory I only had like 50 uploads.
To think that my circumstances are impossible when people have done hundreds of mp3 -> FLAC transcode uploads on certain private trackers without getting caught for months is absurd.
Holy shit maybe I am autistic.
People using private trackers know they aren't immune from criminal prosecution
kill yourself
You do realize that the amount of private trackers that have been seized over the years is massive right?
Also regular private tracker users have had their IP's injected into public swarms before. You can't do this with PD.
Okay? Congrats, friend, on the false, and fundamentally incorrect comparison.
Are you actually this stupid or are you just seething with rage and breaking down in response to being called out for the subhuman that you are?
Don't change the subject, by the way, I want you to realize that you're not as clever as you think you are, after having spent the entirety of the thread gloating about how you supposedly wasted your time to edit archived music.
Yeah, you are.
It doesn't need to be downloaded through perfectdark, fuckhead. It just needs to be ripped with EAC one time. Obviously they use it over there.
I like how you're moving from what to "certain private trackers" as if I give a shit.
You're the subhuman that's debasing yourself like this and flaunting your ignorance.
You keep going on and on, salivating over some stupid win32 program created by a gook.
Here's the thing, faggot: no one cares about your shitty weeb program.
No one cares about your FLAC edit/lossy transcode roleplaying.
No one cares. And yet you keep going on and on about it, shitting up the thread, gloating about it over 2 days.
No one cares, except for you, because you have some massive grudge against private bittorrent trackers and archive quality media, to reconstruct and preserve the original copy 1:1, because you are a fucking subhuman.
Also not to mention that when you are on private trackers you have to deal with "people" like picture related getting forum staff or regular staff status on ridiculous bases (in this example, for being female) who abuse power 24/7.
Most Linux users (even Gentoo users) don't even verify their .isos with checksums.
Also you can try it out for yourself, most of the rips on PD aren't on the database.
Never said anything about lossy -> loseless.
lol nice edge
Also I forgot to mention, you are so mentally damaged and traumatized that you think the two posts were made by the same person.
Haha, I love private trackers so much!
You should all link me your PassThePopcorn profiles, I mean you wouldn't want to upset now, right goys?
Also remember, no VPNs or proxies allowed!
Believe me, it's not as edgy as some fat fuck autist gloating to people, who don't care, about how he took the time to edit archived sounds of gooks squaking with noise and uploaded it, that he downloaded with his weeaboo p2p client.
Doesn't happen with secure rips. Which is why, if you want to archive music, you download secure rips.
I don't understand why you think anyone gives a shit, are you just trying to troll audiophiles or some shit?
Believe it or not people use FLAC to actually archive music. Perhaps you don't realize what's happening with streaming services and the shitty 128k mp3 stores where most music has been going for the last decade.
This is the 10th, 11th post of yours you've had to correct?
Man, there is a lot of asshurt in this thread.
Come on goys, don't you want to archive quality media, to reconstruct and preserve the original copy 1:1 (despite that not actually being that case due to missing disc subchannel data)?
Not like we laugh at you behind your backs and share your IP around to other private tracker staff if you so that they can ban you if you say something I don't like!
Either you use the existing methods or you don't use anything. You don't get to be picky. is dead and it's not coming back.
You clearly don't know who you are talking to.
I'm more autistic about preserving 1:1 media more so than probably anyone in this thread.
I download all my anime in raw formats such as .m2ts, .iso or even .bin if possible for example.
The reason why I uploaded those edited FLAC files is solely because I hated the site and its community in general.
feels good man. the unwashed masses have their dirty fingertips all over your "perfect" FLACs.
What are you doing goy?
This is another shoah I tell you!
Don't you know that the public tracker goyim are creatures no different from livestock?
Wow, I've honestly never seen this much asshurt in a thread on Holla Forums.
Disc subchannel data isn't important for no more than 100 or so CDs in the history of CDs, and the pre-emphasis can be fixed with those rips.
I guess you're just lonely. It's alright user. I believe in you, hopefully you don't let your mommy down.
But it's still not 1:1.
The funniest part is, rutracker has plenty of .bin/.cue uploads with all the original subchannel data.
How would that be when you responded to me in the post above yours?
Also (yet again):
Never happened, shows that you were more often wrong than me.
Don't worry now though, I'm sure some private tracker staff will allow you to suck their dicks to make you happy.
It's 1:1 audio, because lossless compression.
Again, not important for more than 100 CDs, again. It's in the TOC, for everything else, if it is important.
You're right, I've been bored and have been feeding a fat fuck for hours. I guess it was just out of kindness, I could've left it at "you are a fucking retard."
Have fun downloading child pornography, I suppose, salivating over your weeaboo shit, and spending time downloading and editing archived audio before uploading instead of getting a job.
I believe in you though, user.
Still is required for a 1:1 archival copy.
p.s. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a useless autist, thanks for reminding me that they do exist.
Addendum: I'm sure you'll be shitting up this thread until it hits bump limit
Correction 5: ayy lmao
Also what would be even more autistic is if you were an American, given the time in the US right now.
I really don't care about private trackers.
p.s. I'm don't even use them, not even what, even though you tried to imply that I did, after you went for two days bragging about shit that didn't happen.
Addendum: Remember to pick up some tendies at the story.
post-post-script: Epic, nice, meme
I'm -> I
story -> store
p.s. Dump some more epic private tracker memes, I want to see all of that pent up frustration.
C-Can I join this conversation?
meant for
Gee, this is kinda fun, being a useless faggot who shits up a thread. Thanks for teaching me, senpai.
I actually didn't defend What, I felt like calling you out for the retard that you are.
Also, /g/-tier rumors from your shitty private tracker general that you've probably been having a field day in, being so desperate for attention, aren't facts, either.
Addendum: hopefully I didn't make any typos in this post, I won't be able to bear it. :^)
I was already that though.
Did that have to take 6.5 hours or something?
The site staff have publicly announced it in the past.
Nope, I don't use cuckchan, unlike you probably seeing that you posted earlier that this site was "dead".
Wow, you mean they moderated low-quality content?
Holla Forums is dead. It's been dead since March-April. The only thing keeping this shithole alive is Holla Forums, and its garbage.
Did it take 2 days to inform everyone about your epic ruse that's easy to detect once downloaded and properly investigated if it wasn't just garbage music from the shithole known as Asia?
Hopefully you don't mind if I insult great nippon, I know you're a weeaboo and everything.
I mean it as in mass-scale action required. As an example, there was a infamous uploader to What.CD who uploaded over a thousand times, and after a few months the staff found out all of his files were edited. When it happened they did a public announcement specifically to inform the users of that. mentioned it earlier.
Holla Forums right now is as popular as 4chan was in 2009. It's far from dead even if you were to take out Holla Forums, given the common popularity of regular forums.
Over the course of two days you mean.
I only spent less than 30 minutes yesterday, so my total is only 30 minutes over yours. Still a pretty autistic level for you overall.
Nope, so long as you recognize that they do P2P better than the west.
I got into sekrit club, I'm the one who has the most files
full retard
No fucking shit.
Try converting a wav file to flac and see what happens.
granted m4a can store lossless codecs but you in all likelihood did lossy to lossy
ishygddt etc etc
G-guys use Perfect Dark, it works perfectly well (other than for those who were arrested) in backwater shitholes!
Only 4 people have ever been arrested for using a proper configuration of Perfect Dark, and that was back in 2010.
Far more private tracker users have been arrested, especially considering that you can just inject private tracker user IPs into a public swarm filled with DMCA bots.
Clearnet trackers are dead, why are people still refusing to use I2P? Do you guys want to be raided or something?
this is what she looks like irl?
jesus christ
100% military grade autism
The others got caught because of side channel attacks or because they were using Share as well.
Would you say Tor is unsafe because people have been caught due to them having JavaScript, Java and Flash enabled all at once?
Plenty of private tracker users in this very thread stated that privacy is an issue, hence being one of the reasons why they use PTs, so clearly that's wrong.
Yeah I know.
I made an argument against it back here before the thread devolved into an autistic shitheap.
what the fuck is going on in this thread?
I guess I was truly the only one on because of the music. Can't believe the autism and FB tier drama.
Some retard bragging about how he spent quite a lot of time adding subtle frequencies to lossless versions of gooks squawking, that he found on his weeaboo version of soulseek, to post on
+ some other anti-anime retard who spent ages trying to prove him wrong while pretending as if he wasn't just as bad.
Nah, just not a weeaboo.
As soon as people saw it she immediately started getting less attention.
Pure coincidence.
Who the fuck is she and why would anyone care?
meimei from AB - A typical corrupt private tracker staff member.
She has hundreds of nu-male orbiters and hundreds of haters (they can't speak publicly without a ban however) on AB.
As for I, she serves as a perfect example of how private trackers in general have shit moderation.
So when will these trackers use technology like IPFS to have a p2p hosted tracker?
Yes, a pedophile as well.
that would be pretty awesome
does it have to be private? how does IPFS manages "users"? seems like everyone as anonymous would be desirable
as long as it's all organized neatly
It would manage users like any other website i suppose.
I would really like to see a system that mines/rewards butt coins by seeding torrents. I don't know how that would work, but it could end up being cancer for the tracker scene.
You can't mine coins anymore. It certainly could reward coins for seeding but would you really do that? Just throw away money?
When were you when was kill?
Who the fuck cares about private tracker forumfaggoty?
You faggots unironically browse private tracker forums?
The fact that you know the names of anyone, beyond a quick glance of a guy who wrote an encoding or uploading reference guide, means you're just as cancerous.
Forumfaggots should be gassed. Everyone knows this. There is no forum where the faggotry ceases to exist. That's why we're here. The only reason to even peak at their interactions, because you should know how it always turns out by now, is for technical and/or support reasons.
Go sit on a rusty stake, forums are still 10x better than modern social media shit and sites like reddit.
Asshurt detected.
As I thought, you unironically browse private tracker forums and then bitch about forumfaggotry when you encounter it.
Your cancer is terminal. Suck it up, faggot: you're the thing you despise.
You can create alt coins.
People seed for the heck of seeding.
Maybe they can use seed-coin to advance their circle jerk, while being useful.
For instance you could use Seed coin to request an obscure file.
Except I'm not a part of any private trackers. Also, while forums may not be the best they are still better than 90% of the other persistent online methods of discussion available today and are significantly more popular than the few better methods (you can more easily find forums about obscure topics while you may be SOL with other methods).
That's not relevant to the discussion. We're not talking about forums dedicated to discussing technical niches. We're talking about general and off-shoot forums.
Again, forumfaggotry is a thing. It's what the retards obsessing over the ayy lmao in the thread do. They're forumfags, because they actually care, and produce drama about, other forumfags.
You're just mad because your crippling autism doesn't let you have normal conversations with people online.
I've browsed their forums like 3 times in total and I've never posted.
It doesn't even have to do anything with the forums anyway, it's the fact that the staff members of the site gave special status to another user on a laughable basis and that the staff members ban anyone they don't like (who posts on the forums).
If you upload anything to the private tracker, you are inherently supporting shitty moderators and their respective shitty behavior.
You'll faggot never have my StarWars