Milo permabanned from twitter
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Good, that unbearable racemixing faggot needs to be gassed.
Good, hopefully twitter bans all jews and faggots.
Step your game up shill.
So an insufferable faggot trolls a talentless nigger, gets banned from something I never even use, and now I'm supposed to care.
Got it.
Sweet one less attention whore, fuck ecelebs.
it's neo Holla Forums
Yeah anything eceleb related is about as neo Holla Forums cancer as it gets.
Trump himself is an "e-celeb".
Sperging about e-celeb is 2015 and a sign of neo Holla Forums.
How can we get Trump permab& from Twatter?
He's just a normal celebrity you fucking moron
Holla Forums, you're trying way too hard to be edgy.
We've all been complaining for years that we're the brave few standing against the lunacy, and now that we actually have a chance at winning, you want to go full sperg and trash the people responsible for the normalfag turn around.
Do you enjoy your oppressed minority status, lads?
In the way cuckservatives are professional losers neo Holla Forums are professional whiners.
All they want to do is sit on Twitter, Holla Forums, jewtube etc and whine about things.
You don't even know what a eceleb is.
Trump specifically said he'll be using Twitter and Facebook to garner fame.
How many fucking threads do we need on the latest escapades of this turbofaggot nigger lover?
Well he's a pretty bad then.
Its a little later for that, he already used tabloids and trash TV almost 2 decades ago.
see pic
Twitter is the modern equivalent.
So? as everyone other user has already pointed out to you Trump was considered famous years before twitter launched, before the internet went public even. There is nothing "e" celeb about him.
Oh you're just shit posting I'll quit giving you opportunity's to bump this shit thread then.
Mods should just start deleting this shit
only demented kikes, christkikes and hadjikikes (AKA "The Semites") hate homosexuality in principle
You do realize that gays can't reproduce with one another, right?
well, looks like the mods disagree faggot.
which faggot bumplocked