I think we're on to something here. Is it possible to track the Daily Show and record them when they venture out into the wild? How about during live shows in the studio? How do we keep tabs on these faggots?
Daily Show gets ass-blasted when filmed
Other urls found in this thread:
Stupid fucking millennials.
i would have knocked that faggot out
Which one? They're all faggots.
lol that beta cuck trying to act all intimidating is hillarious.
LOL you'd think people in media wouldn't get so frosty as the mere sight of a camera
Just this.
This is exactly what needs to be done.
More pollacks should be active and harrashing.
Do it, every fucking time. Find out where the Daily Show is next filiming and arrive there to film it. The press as a whole are the lowest form of life sustained by democratic society. They think anegles watch them shit. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
Come on user.
Top kek. These fragile faggots.
Ironically, the best way to harm these retards is using their own weapons against them.
Like that doxxing site, just send them info of other SJWs taken out of contest et voilà, they get fucked.
Seriously, the best ways to destroy our enemies is using the weapons our enemies created against us.
shut it down
If you're 36 or younger, you're a millenial.
This user should set up a Patreon to do this often.
Btw, were they doing this since the Jewart era?
The Jewish privilege complex is strong in that one.
Need some of those Trump bikers to show up and provide security for events like this. Give them some 60's era southern hospitality.
One of the Camera guys looked /fit/
I think it's the first time I saw a /fit/ leftist in public, do you think he's just there to hold a camera?
The nose knows
Could be. Isn't cameraman a comparatively technical and physical job in the media sphere?
This, use their own tactics against them in addition to our own. It'll trigger them into the next dimension because they think they have ownership of these things.
This fine fellow. Why the fuck is he working for the Daily show?
That's my only guess, he's just there to hold the camera, and he might just work for the studio though;
Sounds like a great idea.
This guy looks normal enough and masculine enough to be considered a "rapist, sexist" or whatever.
Unless he's gay.
Being a cameraman requires you to hold a pretty heavy camera extremely stable. You have to be a bit strong to do that.
what's daily show
Nice work.
I don't know either.
This is how you fight them. We are the insurgents, they are the establishment. We have to use more guerilla tactics to take them off guard.
I also didn't know, but instead of asking other people, I did a 2 second Google search and now I know what the Daily Show is.
Break their cameras
So why exactly are they afraid of someone filming?
Surely the people who watch that show are aware that their interviews are semi-staged and edited to be "funny"?
It's like The Young Turks mixed with Family Guy.
No, that is the answer. It's a show where libtards act like libtards.
Many years ago I watched "The Dailey Show" on a daily basis. This was like from 2002 to 2010. Now when I see whats behind the curtains, it disgusts me beyond all measure. These people are bad people regardless of what you may thing of (((you know who))).
If they did it to gays and people had proof they'd be shoad.
So they wouldn't have said the interviews were with gay Trump supporters, making it look like regular straight white cis males instead or something?
They'd film themselves asking you questions for 2-3 hours and then edit it into a 5 min. clip that would make you look like a moron.
They'd also have the actual guy asking the questions be different from the man they show interviewing you in the final cut.
This is actually common practice in television interviews. But the Daily Show were famous for blatantly abusing it. They weren't even subtle about it.
yfw they get fired for displeasing their jew master
And yet normalfags still ate it up thinking they were so witty and clever for watching a complete fabrication, designed to manipulate them.
This fucking show was never funny.
For libtards, The Daily Show is the news and Portlandia is a National Geographic documentary. Can't wait for November when the collective fractured ass of the Left explodes entirely and all the white guilt cucks get slaughtered by the beaners and silverbacks they propped up.
guy with glasses must have some huge chip on his shoulder with that passive aggressive behavior
In their defense it was a complete fabrication designed to manipulate them. That's what propaganda does.
That guy is so used to getting whatever he wants because he works for The Daily Show that he doesn't know how to respond to someone telling him to go fuck himself. He's so enraged that he's on the verge of violence. Pollack was excellent. Kept his cool and refused to be intimidated.
One of the problems with these media fags is that they think that their media product ought to be everyone else's religion.
Spread this video around, maybe TDS will have to address it.
He works for TDS because it's a job that pays well and he worked his dick off for years to get a steady union gig. The problem with live events, film, and media is that it's unionized. You don't necessarily get to pick the opportunities you pursue. If your ticket gets called for any gig, you take it or you get sent to the end of the line. Chances are, this dude is at least sort of red pilled. But he needs the paycheck.
Source; guess what I do for a living.
Yeah, I thought that was absolute gold.
Daily Show bro?
LOL. The Daily Show is the pinnacle of media bullshit. There was one conservative youtuber who basically outlined their process. They do interviews for like +1 hour with stacks of papers and assistants off camera, then they take out probably 2-3 minutes so they can push their narrative. Catching them when they can't behind their fucking bullshit is sure to trigger the fuck out of them.
Sounds a lot like the Celestial Dragons from One Piece
When you think about it, One Piece is pretty redpilled with its implications of a jew controlled government with horrible plans for the world
One Piece? Never watched this anime. Should I watch it?
Eh, not really. It's normalfag stuff (manga), plus the anime is plagued by QUALITY animation as usual.
You can watch it if you want to relax, but the Holla Forumsitical worth is low.
All I know about it is the english dub version is pretty laughably bad because it has stock sound effects everywhere. They also censored the fuck out of it.
No, that's Gen-Y.
Unless they mean the same thing now…
No. But in the industry.
Not only cuck, but kike.
I'll just say it probably had the most fun watching it out of any anime I've watched, if you look closely enough, you'll see that it has a ton of redpilled implications.
If you're bothered by slow pacing, read the manga while listening to the soundtrack from the show, it makes for a really good experience.
The "cool factor" of the left is almost completely dead now lol
I couldn't watch the full thing, these homos always annoy me to the point of wanting to slap them until they cry, can somebody explain me what they were trying to film and why they were annoyed that they where caught filming something ?
These lugenpresse kike faggots are fucking disgusting.
They start with an air of assumed clout, then shift to (a pathetic nu-male) attempt at intimidation, and when that doesn't work, they try Jewish emotional reasoning, and when THAT doesn't work, when confronted by the reality that they have no power, no control, and are called upon their disingenuous piss-poor excuse for 'journalism', they get emotionally upset, aggressive and act like the pissy children they are.
And that nu-male Jew trying to act like a hardass needs to get his teeth knocked into the back of his Semite bitch throat.
Yes dear, exactly.
I thought he was trying to come on to him.
That little pencil neck honestly thinks he's intimidating?
Very good summary.
People that continue to watch that show do not know that. They tune in for the signalling. Otherwise they wouldn't continue to watch that show.
one must not take away their eyes from the truth
This dude should do it again and not get caught this time so he can compare his raw footage to the Daily Show's edited interviews.
Hey I found his twitter :
And someone please explain me what happened
Click this:
This thread is racist as fuck and disgusting.
WTF were you seriously thinking making this shit.
Fuck everyone.
I don't get that. If you were already an adult before the turn of the century, why would you be a millenial? Wouldn't it be more apt to say that people born in '83 or later are millenials?
I got just what you pieces of shit need.
What is a tripod?
I think you forgot about something called "hide by ID".
It's been 80 years since the civil right movement and POLTATOES thinks they're helping the country with their blind hatred. You're not cuckheads.
If you're not a foreigner, then this is a good sign, it mean kids today don't even know what the fuck the Daily Show is. But if it is a foreigner then it's nothing.
So he ruined their potential "Hit piece" right ?
The fucking definition keeps getting pushed back a year every so often. It really should be anyone born late 90s early 00s.
Note the cuckspam not even 100 posts in. I think we hit paydirt, boys.
Told you all we've been invaded. Think back the past week. Muzzie acceptance and cuck posters.
reported - enjoy your ban faggot
Oh yes, we've struck jew-gold.
It's just women enjoying life. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT YOU PIECES OF SHIT?!?!
You fuckers make us so fucking mad with all your bullshit. You make us all look bad.
Kikebart journo saw Daily Show interviewing fags coming out of the RNC. He decided to record the interviews from off camera to see if the interviews would be depicted accurately when broadcast on the Daily Show (inevitably edited to mock the interviewees). Daily Show producer gets triggered and tells the kikebart guy he can't record. gets rebuffed. Then asks him to be nice guy and not record. Gets rebuffed. Then tried to physically intimidate kikebart journo (despite looking like he has anorexia). Then he threatened to stand there until 4am if kikebart guy wouldn't leave.
Ten seconds later, Daily Show fags pack up and leave.
Exactly. They were looking for a Trump supporter to interview so they could edit it until he looked like a total retard so they could broadcast it nationally for liberals to laugh at.
The guy with the camcorder spooked them and they left.
Oh yes.
This bully appears to harbour "bad" ideas.
Source: archive.is
I knew leftists are bad, but not this bad.
By the way guys, click the blue arrow next to the spammer's posts and click Add Filter - ID.
someone posted his dox on yt
Jewgle has folded them together since millennials from the ages 10-17 were getting booty blasted they were getting labeled just like the baby boomers, right down the negative cogitation. I guess (((google))) needed to prop their userbase's feeling up so they would continue to use shit like goybook and jewtube.
Here's a guy who got interviewed by the daily show, and they spliced his interview to make him look like a complete idiot.
They interviewed him for hours before they finally got enough material to cut into a 5 minute hit piece.
Just to showcase how they operate.
Enjoying the cuck porn or something, you mong?
Is this supposed to have some effect on me?
I'd like to have intercourse with your eye sockets.
I was just pointing out that women who do porn absolutely hate it and have about 5 crying fits a day.
Oops, missed one.
can anyone confirm that's legit?
Women cry when forced to do physical labor? What a shocking revelation! I gotta call slowtaku!
His kikebook
We have a lot of work to do
Is this a raid?
It's hard to call two fags from Holla Forums a raid.
Probably just a butthurt daily show participant.
Wouldn't surprise me to learn their staff are the sort to have a huge BM-WF folder and spam Holla Forums with that bestiality filth.
Just one angry heeb resetting his router.
Time for relocation, fellas?
if by raid, you mean shills who want to derail the thread, then yes.
Nah, some faggot is probably upset we made fun of his "news" show.
Does he not realize it takes like one click to filter him?
Do you remember Dana Carvey's character the Church Lady? Well leftist comedians today are all a bunch of 40s-50s washed up hacks who have become unironic church ladies scolding their audiences into believing whatever shit their owners and sponsors tell them to push.
Meanwhile we're over here being the subversive cutting edge that they wish they were.
Don't you know most leftycucks are too brain-dead to actually realize anything? Realization means you have to show SOME critical thinking skills.
Geez, is it a Daily Show staffer or just someone who jacks off to Jon Liebowitz and the new half-jew/half-nigger?
Of course he lives in fucking Astoria. That place is where fucking hipsters go to become new yuppies. My apartment in upper manhattan is cheaper than the same thing would be in fucking astoria.
I thought stewartstien broke all ties from the daily propaganda show?
Any idea why my filter isn't working anymore? I click the arrow, select Add Filter > ID and nothing fucking happens. This site management is all sorts of fucked up….
Works for me so it's probably your browser.
Don't have whitepages premium but seems to check out.
So what we have so far.
Devin J Delliquanti
3554 33rd st Astoria NY
Browser confirmed. I had to update palemoon to get the tools working again.
Daily (((Show))) reminder to monitor the monitors
Same Hyde spotted on his twitter?
His writers guild of america account.
Legal name: Delliquanti, Devin
Phone: 201-286-9398
Email: [email protected]/* */
Last time I read this, someone said something about deleting cache or whatever. It's on your end
So funny Devin.
All it takes is few clicks to hide him.
It's probably that butthurt Devin guy or his friend. His wife has a problem haircut btw, and probably fucks niggers;
no wonder it's tanking in the ratings
My god you are pathetic.
I'll never get why libshits think posting stuff like pornography is going to bother anyone here. Same fuckers probably couldn't get past the 50-40 on ED, let alone the whole list.
Come on, they are too much of a pussy to have gore or anything of shock actually saved so they have to pull it from their pornography folder. Big shock, they have folders full of black cock saved on their computer.
It's most likely just a triggered nigger.
He hates white people?
Summarized and cleaned up the info.
Name: Devin J Delliquanti
Address: 3554 33rd st Astoria NY
Phone: 201-286-9398
Email: [email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
Social Media:
protected my ass its
devdell213 at gmail.com
The butthurt from the daily show staff and this cuckolded spammer are delicious. Energizing start for the day, although I probably should watch my sodium intake.
They think seeing white women fuck black men is demoralizing.
They fail to realize that 95% of the people here understand that whores exist, Jews peddle smut, and niggers muh dik.
They also fail to realize that, as per our 'yearnings', we employ racially-charged violence in place of traditional pornography.
Here's a bunch of mudslimes dying.
One World. One People.
Hate Will Never Win Over People To Our Side
This guy is getting desperate. Changing ips takes him quite a long time.
Wow, so funny, I love your SNARK Devin.
Trigger Warning ;^)
Now THAT'S funny, why don't news comedy shows do that? You know, the lighter side of terrorism.
Spot on, any white woman that would fuck a black dude is a good riddance. But let's not let that fag derail the thread.
It's really unfortunate that the guy recording ended up arguing with them instead of capturing a full length video of an interview. It woulda been delicious seeing a side-by-side comparison calling out their lying on a massive scale.
Filter him and ignore him. He's trying to derail the thread, and talking about him serves that goal.
They can't debate, so they just throw a tantrum to draw attention away and disrupt. They don't understand that this isn't like IRL or le reddit. We can just scroll down and keep posting whatever the fuck we want.
Is it possible to make this into a screen saver?
That's a racist epithet. I wonder how his employment will survive hate speech reports.
I think it's fine it worked out this way, shows how weak these fuckers are when you actually confront them. People need to do this more often, we've played defense long enough, time to start getting aggressive about calling them on their bullshit.
IRL throwing a tantrum just makes you look like a little bitch, so it doesn't work there either. As seen in this video.
Of course he does. He's a jew.
Right. About that.
The hide function doesn't work at all for me on Holla Forums or Holla Forums. It broke around the same time the site was getting 'fixed'.
How fix? Please help.
It has worked surprisingly well until recently. They've gotten away with way too much shit for way too long. Just look at what they do at Milo's events alone.
Is he crossdressing?
Tweet: twitter.com
Sauce: archive.is
Libshits really don't have a brain, do they?
For those not paying attention - this slimebag switched IPs, because their shit got banned by kampfy.
Bot? Or just that desperate?
> 8ch.net
So… dude… how many bulls have you prepped? Jesus. Your HD is loaded with this shit.
Anyone else think this guy could make a great lulcow?
Then again baph could have fun with him too.
Choices choices.
Try the usual like clearing cache, updating browser and all that
Is that artosis?
Aaaaand its gone.
I don't even get excited at the prospect of exposing the lugenpresse anymore - they're just so pathetic.
I'm not even interested in exposing their bullshit anymore, as its clear-as-day for anyone who isn't completely indoctrinated.
At this point, I merely wait for the day when my society will permit us to handle these people as they ought be handled, akin to the vermin they so-often resemble.
beats me
That's his wife? I thought it was his mom. Why are liberal women so fucking ugly?
that faggot doesn't know about the mound builders and instead uses it to make a shitty joke about terrible candy
HEre's the archive in case he deletes this and denies it:
Devin Delliquanti Live at An Evening With The Daily Show and Friends
His channel: www.youtube.com/user/devdell213
clearing cache
Thank you. You have improved my life.
I must be getting old though.
Choose 1
Devin Delliquanti Live at Comix, April 2009
His channel: www.youtube.com/user/devdell213
Rot of the interior is often visible on the exterior.
Why are liberal women so ugly?
Because their souls are rotten.
Look into Emma Watson's eyes as she is shown her own muff.
You can see the empty void where a little girl once dwelt.
Now, there is only the hollow, which she - like so many - tries to fill with feminism and muh vagoo (the white female equivalent of muh dik).
It never works though - that hollow just begins to rot and fester, driving them deeper and deeper into depravity and self-hatred.
Remember: No matter how self-righteous and social-signally these progressive twats act, they are full of self-doubt, and, while there is nothing and nobody which they care about more than themselves and their immediate gratification, for many, there is likewise nothing and nobody whom they hate more than themselves.
No millennial is over the age of 21. You're combining them with Gen Y.
Millennial logically can't start until the mid 90s at the earliest and 2000 at the latest, because if the metric for what constitutes a generation is the environment they were raised in, the people who grew up post 9/11 cannot be in the same generation as those who grew up before.
It never ceases to amaze me how much of that shit people have stockpiled. Grats bub, you've demonstrated your MASSIVE interracial folder.
Even if it wasn't, most of it is plain terrible pornography. Who wants to see a bunch of close-ups on dicks? Missing half the fun there, I say.
It depends. The nepotism of union gigs does exist, but it isn't ((nepotism)). I have never seen a jew on a loading dock at 4AM. Never.
purge this whole generation
Devin Delliquanti at Gotham Comedy Club, January 2008
His YouTube Channel:
This picture makes me smug.
Devin Delliquanti at Comix Comedy Club, December 9 2008
Devin Delliquanti at Comix Comedy Club, December 1 2008
Jennifer Skog
Social Media:
Address Confirmed
Building got knocked down otherwise it's identical.
No way that it's real? Sauce?
Devin Delliquanti at Caroline's Comedy Club, September 2008
Devin Delliquanti at Caroline's June 2008
Devin Delliquanti Live at Caroline's
Just a tip, assuming you're unaware go to the site options seen in pic related and put on colored IDs (for easier following of conversations) and pick a better theme like 'tomorrow' (easier on the eyes)
This was incredibly well done
We need to ruin Jon Stewart. He's one of the most dangerous men in America.
He's trying to come back via Colbert's show and he's still exhaling his poison breath through John Oliver's mouth.
Stewart is one of the most worrisome propaganda threats to this country. I want to see him diminished, humiliated, and brought down
Aslo his wife retweeted him, they both felt the same, lel
It was only good if you treated it like a fucking comedy show. Somewhere along the line, leftycucks decided that this somehow is cutting edge news. The daily show and colbert report was reddit before reddit was a thing.
Colbert's ratings are in the toilet and he's hanging on by his fingernails, and Stewart's credibility isn't exactly high outside of the liberal echo chambers who take his word as gospel.
Real good chance Colbert is off the air once Trump is inaugurated and if Stewart had a shred of self-awareness he would slowly tip-toe away from this dumpster fire and be remembered as a "sensible one".
Even Colbert showed some humility and humanity at points in his life. Has Jon ever been honest in a day of his life?
please clap
please clap
please clap
praise kek
what a surprise
Watching that breitbart video I had the thought about creating a mass-contribute website interface combined with a cell app that lets you upload footage taken from political events tagged with whom you are filming.
You see here how well it worked in shutting down TDS. We could, if not shut down, invalidate and publicly shame a sizeable amount of leftist propagandists if more people used this tactic and this tactic were packaged, sold, normalized, and made easy to do (for example by creating a quick upload app for citizen investigators to give their data to)
James O'Keefe is doing good work on this in a more privately funded manner. I've thought about contacting his group Project Veritas and joining as a volunteer but don't have the motivation.
Agree 100%, we need to be able to locate wherever the crew goes and interfere with their production. Make them feel there's consequences to lying and pushing marxist propaganda. These pussies should eventually cave and at the very least it will cost the show thousands if they can't complete anything on time.
Probably not, but we're talking about perception-is-reality currentyear people here. That he morphed into a stooge who was reduced to wondering aloud why the media couldn't sell the marxist agenda as well as he thought they should have was entirely in line with the wishes of his audience.
The probability is astronomical for this to happen…
Kek be praised
what a fucking moron
My guess would be it was that shit with John Oliver, but I could not see him in the video where those faggots were shitting around… so…
I assume it's a youtube channel, right?
Also, women in NYC are apparently dating obvious flaming homosexuals? What "man" decides this is a good look?
Stewart never wanted to leave, and only did because his rep was ruined being so far left despite being a self-righteous leftist that gets mad at anyone who doesn't worship him like the Suey Park
I'm surprised we never set feminists after him and watched the left tear each other apart. That said a good way to fuck them over would be to use his own shit against him.
He's exceedingly full of himself.
This. They also lost a ton of credibility by refusing to scrutinize Obama, despite the mountains of prime material he's generated over the years. At least Trevor "Ratings Shoah" Noah is tanking the show hard.
That reminds me, is Samantha Bee's show doing well at all? I can't remember her ever being funny on the Daily Show.
look at that nose
Remember one of the bad goys for the daily narrative works in the media.
We've got a lot of people infiltrating right now.
Sorry, I meant The Weekly Narrative.
Millennial is anyone born between 1980-2000.
Hate to break it to you. I wasn't too thrilled either when I went back to school to finish my degree and had all the business and marketing professors tell me I'm lumped in with all the teenagers who've had a cell phone ever since they could talk, despite growing up in the 80's and early 90's myself.
For >>>Holla Forums, she likes Mass Effect 2.
She is the very antithesis of funny but I think you can file these political "comedy" pep rallies in the "not made for the purposes of profit or ratings" file.
It's so they can have 2 or 3 minute clips to throw up on YouTube so their politically illiterate followers know what to get mad about this week.
There was some shit about cycles. It is accurate, 20 years with a +- 10 years margin.
Women shouldn't be educated or allowed to use technology
who the fuck thinks shitty, rundown buildings and a vacant fucking lot are beautiful
I'm not that big of a Daily Show fan, but I have to say, this was quite rude of the person recording them.
Why are some people such jerks?
Just accept it user. Embrace your millenial heritage.
City "people", globalists, nonwhites
Morons who live in Jew York
So, this shithole is what success looks like? Seriously, most of Baltimore looks better than this dump.
This is why feminists are giving Noah shit and want her to replace him. They always wanted her but got mad when she was passed over. That and the left is unhappy with the fact that he is not an effective attack dog (partly due to Stewart ruining the show and Noah being an unfunny hack as the other).
That's bullshit. The term was pushed back to include the 80s only because millennials have been such fuck-ups and embarrassments that they tried to drag everyone else to excuse their shame. It's like jews trying to call themselves white.
ME2 isn't bad
I found shit like that beautiful too when I was under 18. But it is sickening, the more I went into the countryside.. I could not comprehend the difference. Cities must be a jewish invention to kill the soul. Or maybe cities were something better until jews pozzed them.
Someone works at VH1?
Sounds like good project. Do you have the skills?
Mass Effect in general is shit
Fuck off, bioware was dead after Dragon age 1. The writing was on the wall to the point an ex-bioware employee wrote a blog about the decline before it was scrubbed off the internet. it still upsets me that I can't find a copy of that site.
Who the fuck doesn't like food? Can these people ever form actual opinions? Like… you need food to fucking live. Of course you like food.
Peter schiff is a smart dude when it comes to economics.
Guess Gen X was just discarded when Millennials (who are only kids born around 2000 despite what Wiki says) found out they had zero personality and decided to try and absorb other generations for credit.
It's this shit young girls and women say nowadays, "omg i like fooooddd xDDDDD im so faaat food is my life xDDD"
Ride the sticky to heaven user.
Love or hate this guy and his free market economic theories, this MUCH be watched, because he effectively explains what this Liberal shit show does to people.
Off the top of my head, nope. I would be a better creative director working for or with O'Keefe but I don't have the drive.
It's more that that faggot thinks paying $3000+ a month for a shithole is somehow "beautiful".
The first thing he probably tells people is he lives in NYC. Lame faggots make that their sole personality trait.
Bully the cucks? Bully the cucks.
lame faggots define their personality by their possessions or tastes anyways.
Gen Y was discarded by the media, with them trying to spin the idea or push the idea that Gen Y never existed or that it was fake (yes, this is what they say) and now they are trying to push back Gen X and/or remove it altogether. The media itself tries to pass offf this idea that the media are the ones to define it.
And guess who else is pushing for the widened definition?
The whole thing is a fucking sham.
Are there major differences between one born in 1990 that is now 26 and one that is born in 2000 and is now 16? What about one born in 1980 that is now 36 and one born in 1990 or 2000?
A jew got jewed by some jews?
It didn't work for me for some time either, then it started working again. I'm guessing cache.
You don't think there is any difference between a 16 year old and someone in their 30's?
Someone should put this to slapstick comedy type music and sound effects, especially for that dumb fuck who takes a digger at the end. Would be hilarious.
The sooner you accept your millenialism the sooner you will be free.
What about a 16yo and 26yo?
If you are seriously asking this question you need to be reported for underage…..
Where have I seen this tactic before?
kek la kek
don't post pics where she looks pretty if you want to demean her, dumbass
Is /baphomet/ still active nowadays? If so, they might like to take the op.
If not, well, some user in Long Island should go fuck him up, or at least scare him a bit.
No more pizzas, Qurans or Jehovahs.
Thanks for the explanation user. I too can hardly stomach watching/hearing them most days.
But Chaim, it was your own klan who decided what is and isn't a 'millenial'.
Why are you struggling against the tribe?
No, he's right. The more you spread pictures of them looking terrible, the more irritated they get. Even here, since the more often posts pictures tend to see more traction in the public consciousness since shit posted here tends to leak out anyways thanks to reddit and so on.
I posted a thread overthere
And all I see is her shitty attitude and the most I can do is a hatefuck and even then, that sounds fucking horrible. A shitty attitude is a boner killer you know.
Answer or stfu
That was based. And those two Daily Show goons were Jews.
I think it's more sinister than that. I think that the left have been so browbeaten into sticking to the narrative, staying on message, and remaining unoffensive that they are terrified to express any opinion that isn't party propoganda or generality.
They're afraid to say "I fucking love tacos!" because that's cultural appropriation and exclusionary against anyone who doesn't like tacos. So, they say "I love food!".
Seriously though, I can't stand all this faggot stuff on Holla Forums.
The difference between 16 and 26 is that there are 10 years of life experience between me and you. And another 10 for the 36 year old. If you don't know what difference 10 years can make you're still too young
aw. better get Holla Forums to help.
This. At the same time, they get a slight high off of being politically correct which they conflate with being intellectual in the absence of actual intellectual pursuits in their life. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Born in 1980 = saw the advent of the internet, was 20+ when 4chan was still new, now a legendary oldfag.
1990: newfag; lived with the cancer and fall of 4chan. Left after the Cuckening.
2000: now a 16yo summerfag, probably doesn't even know why Jewt is a cuck. Either thinks POL is le ironic nazis or a place to be edgy.
Just to illustrate, but you probably get the point (if not, lurk more).
You're literally the stupidest person in this thread.
They have different last names! AHAHAHAHA
They are scared as shit to offend anyone, yet still feel the need to attention whore on nonsense like Twitter.
Clickbait working as intended.
Continue being blind to viral advertising and reverse psychology Holla Forums.
Definitely. What's… "funny" to me about it is that not a single one of their statements is ever the result of cognition or the intellectual process. It isn't like they think about it on their own. They let their social group dictate their opinions to them. Their "opinions" are all concensus based. I used to circulate in artsy fartsy circles. I even worked at this underground music/arts venue. A drifted away from them for a lot of reasons, but among them because I refuse to accept a conclusion that I don't explore the reason to myself. So, clearly, we disagreed on a lot until I found myself no longer invited. Intellectual monoculture.
Sure, she wants to maintain her independence for when the black bulls come over and her pussy husband has to go sit on the "veranda".
This. If you can remember a time when not everyone had computers, you're not a millennial. That's how I see it.
i miss surveillance camera man
i accidentally posted it in another thread, can't delete it for some reason
Autistic response. It is about millenials. 10 year experience? There is no difference between a dumb cuck fuck born in 1990 that is now 26 and a dumb cuck fuck born in 2000 that is now 16.
There might be a difference between one born in 1980 and one born in 2000, which would make the millenial theory to include only the ones from 1990+.
But then, I see your autistic butthurt 30yo+ answers.. you fucking cucks get triggered when compared to a 16yo. Well.. point proven, millenials can be born in 1980 too, some call you manchildren or autists or permavirgins.. I just call you, fucking retards.
Toasting in a good bread.
mfw OP's video
It has nothing to do with that.
Hear me out anons…
The aliens in Heinlein's "The Puppet Masters" were leechy things at the base of the neck right?
Well what if the aliens (of the Juden variety) saw that movie, and decided to be less conspicuous? What could they endeavour to take the form of? Shitty nerd fashion glass frames is what. This bullshit is everywhere anons, fucking everywhere. Whats worse is mother fuckers I know don't need glasses are suddenly wearing them. Glass frames exactly like the beta in OP's video. Fuckers are infiltrating user.
Just watched it. This is a good video, I'll send it to my libtard relatives.
I don't get it. Hidden audio and video devices are so cheap these days. Every celebrity or politician should have them to counter the (((journalists))).
You'll know the difference when you're older, kid. We all were 16 once and thought of ourselves as oh so grown up and smart and what-have-you. Then we became older and realised how retarded we used to be.
And in another 10 years I might think the same about my current self
jesus fuck, stop posting you massive fucking retard….
The only thing you proved is that you are a butthurt retard that can't even mount a basic counter-argument. But by all means, continue to ignore the sources showing that the very definition that you are trying to use to excuse the fact that your generation is full of bullshit is something the media contrived and people like Goldman Sachs is pushing. Nothing unusual there.
I know lots of 20+ and 30+ that are just as the ones -20.
So what generation are the ones born in 1980? Are millenials just the ones born after 2000?
That's a good definition.
I'm 1994 and a eurofag. As far as I remember, everyone I knew had some sort of computer, but it was usually discarded crap - or built with stolen/discarded parts. We get creative with electronics.
Internet was worse, especially because you need to keep paying for it and can't steal it. We were using public places like libraries or schools when we could, usually to play older games. Only around [CURRENT YEAR - 5] did it get common. Good old times.
Hmm, and does it have something to do with you being a blazing faggot?
Yeah and I know lots of niggers that are really smart and well adjusted!
has anyone sent him any pizzas yet?
The problem with that definition is that it differs regionally. In rural america you'll have a different time for that than in the cities. And in east yurop you'll have a different time than west yurop or murrica for example.
Indeed. The odd thing with them also is that they see themselves as being above others and even each other (especially each other), by entrenching themselves in conformity. The more they conform the more they think they are distinguishing themselves. And even by their own logic, it is conformity since, according to them, they are on the right side of history and how can anyone think differently than them and so on, yet they simultaneously reject the notion that they are conforming to this altered reality where being overly PC is the norm and that they are being individuals at the forefront. They are literally living in multiple incompatible realities at one time.
Interesting idea, but might it run afoul of wiretapping laws?
keep in mind who runs the media and courts
Alfredo Sauce and anchovies.
What the fuck is "The Daily Show" even about?
Literally never heard or seen them before.
Meme magic is to me very close to Carl Jungs concept of the archetypes. He said that "the motifs may change but the archetypes stays the same". To understand mememagic is to observe the archetypal forces, the patterns of natural law and human nature. "Holla Forums is always right" for a reason. We expose ourselfs to the truth, we don't censor it, we seek it even though it might hurt. We call it being redpilled aka seeing through the illusions created by our culture and social conditioning. We want raw information and not the narrative. Our ability to create dank memes is rooted in this quest for truth, seeing clearly we can spot the pattern, the waters are not being muddied. We personify the charachteristics, the archetypal behaviors into memes like Pepe, Wojack(feels guy) or the cuck. I think this is how mythology works and why it is essential to understand that the mythologies of old are not simple fairy tales but rather a sofisticated way of condensing such truths in to a coherent concept to last through generations. So I think this is the reason we can find such correspondence to Egyptian mythology, they were essentially doing the same thing we are doing. Take a look at this vid to get an idea what I am getting at.
This is very good!
Fuck this, wrong thread. Ignore.
Correct. The millenials are just as dumb as niggers. There are exceptions, but the rule is that they are no big difference between one that is 16 now and one that is 36 now.
Am I the only one who gets all this "Daily Show" garbage mixed up? There's fifty different daily shows, then there's weekend shows, then they have different hosts, then there's the nightly shows. It's all the same shit with a different host and one different word in its title.
Gen X and Gen Y.
started out as a comedy news show. eventually went full lefty sfw tier.
The staff of the daily show are known to be the biggest scumbags out there. Over the years there have been stories of their general fuckery in public, but it all got buried as you can imagine.
One incident that comes to mind is when the writers went wild in public on some guy, embed related. All these stories get buried, so it's hard to find them
And that makes all the difference.
It's a shit show on the TV. It used to be run by (((Jon Stewart))) and now it's run by Trevor Noah, a nigger
If we're going to discuss world mythology I find that Neumann touches on the subject a lot more aptly than Jung.
Would highly recommend "The Origins and History of Consciousness" to any user interested in memetics, whether cultural or magical. I come back to this text and constantly find new ways of correlating the internal mindscape with behavior, society and the world at large.
It won't be entirely new to people who are familiar with the heroic archetypes, but the sheer depth to which he combs those depths makes it a great read.
The one pressing his nipples into the guy filming this. That's a fight.
I've seen two things from her: an interview from some college age Trump supporters where the funniest line was one of the guys calling her a media whore. And I saw her response to Brexit which was basically her calling Britain stupid for several minutes. I can't imagine she's doing well at all.
Reminder that if you insist on bringing a tape recorder to the interview if you are interviewed by these slimebags, they will cancel right off the bat.
Trevor Noah is a Jew. His mother is Jewish, so by Talmudic law, so is he. You really think they gave that show to someone who wasn't (((Chosen)))? So now the Daily Show is run by a literal nigger jew.
blees 'em
check 'em
Thank you
He's terrible.
She had some countryball-tier bantz about Canada in pic related. That was about 10 years ago, though.
I agree I probably would have bashed his skull in, but to be fair the rest of the Daily Shows crew would've then jumped on the guy, and the (((media))) would then run headlines of "crazed Nazi shitlord Trump supporter brutally assaults completely innocent and righteous reporter" so the guy did well in not responding to provocation.
So gen Y and gen X when combined with 1990-1999 = Millenials?
A day that shall live on in infamy.
No, you are wrong.
Millennial is the generation after Gen X.
The etymology of the term is, children who wold come of age in the new millennium, I.e after 2000, that is what it means, it has nothing to do with being born around 2000.
The upper cut-off is around 1980. All who are under 36 and over 6 or so, are Millennials.
Stop trying to weasel you way out of what you are.
Put an end to this shit right now:
Arthurian Generation (1433–1460)
Humanist Generation (1461–1482)
Reformation Generation (1483–1511)
Reprisal Generation (1512–1540)
Elizabethan Generation (1541–1565)
Parliamentary Generation (1566–1587)
Puritan Generation (1588–1617)
Cavalier Generation (1618–1647)
Glorious Generation (1648–1673)
Enlightenment Generation (1674–1700)
Awakening Generation (1701–1723)
Liberty Generation (1724–1741)
Republican Generation (1742–1766)
Compromise Generation (1767–1791)
Transcendental Generation (1792–1821)
Gilded Generation (1822–1842)
Progressive Generation (1843–1859)
Missionary Generation (1860–1882)
Lost Generation (1883–1900)
G.I. Generation (1901–1924)
Silent Generation (1925–1942)
Baby Boom Generation (1943–1960)
Generation X (1961–1981)
Millennial Generation (1982–2004)
Homeland Generation (2005–present)
You need to stop.
I just ordered the new double pepperoni from Pappa Johns… for myself.
Gen X has nothing to do with Millennials.
Gen Y and Millennial are synonymous, but millennial became the preferred term.
Well, I think wiretapping laws only apply to court evidence - making it inadmissible. And to privacy laws, (i.e.: someone else's phone)but I'm pretty sure you can tap your own phone with little repercussions. Besides, plenty of interviews are filmed in public, and you're allowed to film there - so interviewees should encourage this, or at their own venues where they are allowed to film anyway. And those that aren't, well, there are plenty of people perhaps unrelated to the subject of the interview willing to say they "left that silly thing on by accident."
We live in 2016, in an age of cheap communication technologies. The Daily Show's ambush and edit interview format should not be allowed to exist without extensive public documentation of the incidents.
These deceitful "comedians" reinforce the globalist narrative for a large section of the population (their reach goes beyond their abysmal ratings, into peer groups, etc.). They should be interrupted and exposed at every shot.
We should send teams to the studio audience to fuck up their filming too. Figure out the worst times to interrupt the show and interrupt then. Of course it will be edited it out. But if we can make the show more difficult and longer to produce, it will become more expensive as well, and a net drain on their energy.
It would be equivalent to the BLM protests they so cherish and endorse, happening at THEIR place of work and costing THEM money and time, over a cause THEY have no interest in supporting (honest media).
Tickets to that shitshow are free, all we need is some bored NYC NEETS that want to get real with the shit.
Colbert tried to bring back his old character the other day, for the convention.
If he brings him back, he'll get his needed ratings.
Wikipedia didn't come up with Strauss and Howe's model.
nice embed, faggot
Aren't these the same type of people who demand that cops wear a camera?
Except everything you wrote is wrong and fucking retarded.
The people who came up with that model were demographers, which is more than anyone in this thread is.
The term is stupid and a huge misnomer.
Millennials should be people who were at most preteens in 2000.
I'm 31. I am not a millennial.
So someone that is now 36 is Gen X while someone that is 16 or 26 is Millenial.
Close enough. But it can include the ones that are 36 now, too, that never grew up.
I doubt that.
I think that when someone refers to a millenial, especially here, he thinks of someone that is between 14 and 24.. but that is wrong.
You guys are Idiots.
Wear a hidden body Camera,let them edit to defame you, then sue.
Yes I do think this is a fucking game. In fact I think we should step it up and get autismos to step it up and employ lefty tactics.
For instance, they throw urine and feces at their political opponents. How would they feel if their favorite "news commentator" suffered the same fate?
The kikes label you as a millennial.
Sounds like a last gasp attempt at relevance before he's unceremoniously dumped without any of the love Conan got. The ship has sailed on sanctimonious left-wing "comedy" and he won't be the only one to go.
I remember reading a story about how vince mcmahon always brings his own camera when he does interviews.
Its pretty smart, since you have evidence if they take you out of context.
If you are conservative stupid enough to go on the daily show, probably should bring your own camera
Why do the people who film these kinds of encounters always stop everything they're doing to respond with a whiny/smug tone? Why don't they just carry on with their business and ignore?
Why do they always go full cuck and just stop in their tracks and let themselves be falsely detained by a conversation they didn't consent to participate in, and let themselves be slowly surrounded by a mob who will limit their free movement, every single time?
All these milquetoast "muh beg this random stranger for permission to do what I'm already doing" niggers should spend a month living in Chicago, you'll learn to ignore and storm right past any faggot trying to get in your way for any reason, and you'll do it without any apology and without giving them a single second of your time.
No. Millennials are people that were more or less born after 2000. Gen Y are commonly masked over because the media failed to properly define them and companies failed to market to them especially like they did that other groups. This is why people born in the 80s are not considered millennials, due to actually being socially defined and recognized from a media and market perspective. The current shit about making them into millennials is pure retconning by sjw media who treat the world like their comic books and are just re-writing history.
Well, yes, but they were demographers recording a slanted version of history engineered to pigeonhole each generation into the role that the (((elites))) of that era wanted them to be it. You could just as easily call every single one of those generations the "WageSlave" generation. Prove me wrong.
Takes a pro to do that, someone who stumbles into a situation like that will be unable to go ranty and focus on the main thing.
I told you guys.
That is a problem, but the very concept of a "generation" is flawed as well. People are born in-between times and to differently-aged parents. Some children can be born to parents of the same generation as them, if you only decide a definite 20-year period.
In the end, I think the best definition is to consider how the child grew up, in what world. Teenage parents in the 80's are Gen X because they grew in the era of mass media, without personal computers. Gen Y is the one who knew that world of mass media, and saw the mass distribution of personal computers and cell phones as they grew. Millennials are the ones who couldn't remember a world without either already existing.
Manlets, when will they learn?
That mole
Jesus that's a couple of people forced together by their poor looks.
I mean really now.
The dude is average fam
Iced Nigger Cum.
We all know where he sucked it out of.
ugly nigger detected
Why are you even alive at this point? Isn't there an exhaust pipe you could be using to end your live right now?
Failing at suicide is like failing at failing, fam.
Foreveraboy spotted
Their neighborhood is so shitty they have to use Boros Taxis.
For those who don't know. They go to places regular taxis won't.
His face is symmetric, his features are angular and everything is proportional, he's too thin, but he has no "Unattractive" traits, everything is average besides his shallow brow.
what's the problem?
you will love this one
samefagging gone wrong.
or not… just ignore me.
Chuck Johnson is trying to do just that with his Wesearch website, for example see here
The site is still in its early stages and could use some tweaking but I think he's really onto something with the bounty idea
Use their own fans against them.
Start a hashtag along the lines of #Dailyshowwatch.
Maybe even an associated account.
Get normies to post whenever they see them with selfies or some bullshit.
Like the wiener mobile.
Feminist NYC women love men who look like lesbians.
More like woman sees popular thing among nerds and copies it
Why an associated account would be good?
Retweet their selfies as a way to self promote.
They'll eat it up like niggers fried chicken.
That's all normies need. A way to seek attention.
Eva is one of the most popular shows in the world. Some ugly, autistic cunt putting on a wig means nothing. Especially because it's a girl, and one who plays Fallout 3. They like to copy anything they see as popular in order to get attention.
you embed got buried goy
Too bad he has gross squinty eyes like a middle easterner.
1st pic.
Can you spot the token black friend?
It's funny how liberals think right-wingers always have the "token" black guy because we're racist and we need to assure the world we're not. Yet they are the ones who always has that, while we don't bother having black friends. How can they not see?
well, I guess he worked his ass off
you need to make 3 statements and ask to pick 2 you retard
Andrew Breitbart was bluepilled on the JQ, however if he was on their side they would not have assassinated him, and his coroner original autopsy never found
Here is Andrew doing exactly that, embedded. Longer one here
Any fake twitters should harass his twitter account.
Point out the hypocrisy, etc. Attack daily show as well about hiring someone like him.
Use the Streisand effect against them. Even if they try to ridicule it and play the victim, many normies will see the truth.
Nope, that's ugly over here. Not necrosis-level ugly, but still ugly.
In OP's video, he didn't look that ugly, just like an average faggot. In better light, he still looks like a faggot, but a fugly one.
Noah could at least pretend not to be a shill, or he could try to be funny, but that would be asking too much, I guess. The Daily Show can't be funny anymore. Can't be even kind of fair, either. And that shitshow with Larry Wilmore (or whatever the fuck his name is) that replaced Colbert is even worse. They just sit around and shoot the shit about the most inane garbage they can find.
this word right here is the sign of a manlet's colossal ass fracture
Okay twiggy. Sorry you can't lift 5 lbs due to your retarded limb span, not my fault though
they have been doing this shit a long time
Only the invited interviews were fair mostly because they are conducted infront of an audience.
The only place it doesn't is in the Scandinavian countries, and all of them are cuckolds anyway.
Man, that was really, really, really unfunny. This isn't even cringey… it's just not funny.
sorry for disappointing you faggots
Cringey is the SJW humor.
They can't have truly funny comedians. But they'll laugh because they are with their friends and they assume that they think it's fumy.
They are sheep.
Assuming that most people start using chans while they're still underageb&, someone born in 1990 could easily have 10 years of chan time by now.
Or, at least, I do.
I think being here and, previously, on cuckchan for a cumulative decade doesn't really match "newfag."
Is this a D/C tactic to get us arguing about who is a newfag/oldfag/millineal/etc?
Though it is nice to see newfag and oldfag back in circulation, people don't use them as often anymore and it makes me feel muh nostalgias.
He is a diversity hire, he wasnt hired on the basis of his comedy skill, he is there to push the agenda.
If he was white and bombing this hard, Comedy Central would have bought out his contract and told him he'd never work in this town again.
Even then, they are dited.
Look at the Jon Stewart/Bill o Rielly interview about White Privilege. They edited a ton of shit from there to fit the interview on TV, but plenty of points Bill made were cut out.
why is this thread sticked?
and Jews are supersized people hate them
I meant the sit-down, invited interviews where things happened in front of a live audience. Not the on the street ones. Those have always been shit. But they were so obviously shitty that I thought "Hey, that must be the joke!" As if it were some sort of ironic thing they were doing. But now I realize that it was meant to be taken at face value.
It was never fair. It was only "funny" if you thought clapping and laughing like a seal to a fabrication designed to push degeneracy and impugn conservatives was amusing. Nothing has changed, you just see past the veil now and try to believe it didn't exist back when you were a bluepilled faggot.
Delusional cityfolk, who else?
Maybe you're right.
Either way, we need to try and finish the Daily Show off.
What's the legality of filming them like in OP's video? Is there any possible hitch we could run into?
Are there any anons in Cleveland who can keep cockblocking their RNC segments? Anyone who has friends on the inside to feed us locations?
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post user.
Do the black bulls supply all these cucks with the same glasses?
Try going into the "Options" menu on top right of 8ch screen and "erase storage". This clears it up for me when I cannot filter.
Seriously, why don't people get that shit lanced off? It would be a cheap 5 minute procedure and you could spend the rest of your life not making people puke.
in defense of the faggot asking why not do with race what was done with gender, he was probably right about the whole private space thingy
this fucking madman, I love it
and the drivers are.. ?
Sam hyde is a model now?
oh it'll be a laugh-o-rama i'd say.
Thanks, that worked
1990 here
I've been on the chans for about 7 or 8 years now and would say that, having giving it some thought, finally crossed the precipice of newfag. Granted I only started posting frequently when I arrived here and spent almost all of my time on cuckchan exclusively lurking.
I wouldn't consider myself an oldfag though.
but maybe a newoldfag
they were only funny when your political views align with theirs, so that they pander to your opinions while making people you disagree with (le republicans) look stupid. They do not actually make jokes, they quite literally pander to your sensibilities, get that dopamine hit of high self esteem, and give you a caricature of your political opponent to intellectually abuse. I know because when I was a casual blue pill I would occasionally watch it and think it was funny, but looking back now I realize its just cut up soundbytes and editing, then a cut to Stewart making a smug face. And the whole 'splicing up interviews thing' is not hyperbole, its a complete fabrication how the interview went and is nothing more than propaganda.
They are not comedians, because they don't actually write jokes. When you were laughing, they were making you do so in the most mean spirited "wow republicans are le stupid XD" way possible. Its good you got out of it like the rest of us, but I cannot stress enough of insidious a propaganda machine The Daily Show was, and how far back this project was in effect.
Daily Show writers attack kids at "We Are Change" for asking about 9/11 at Jon Stewart's book event. Jews have security guard hold them down while they punch them then run away
You dummy.
Woah, that guy was really intimidating!
I'd ride em'
Im getting pretty sick of this tbh
This truly is the hero we need.
He is Irish after all.
That's brilliant.
Jews can be extremely vicious when confronted.
Can we harass this guy and have GooberGate take the blame again? It produces top keks every time.
why is that head so big
Still better than 5'5.5"
Let Pluto be your guide, anons:
they are going to get blamed either way
what the fuck
post the video
Satan trips
post one of the nigger pictures and say something about token nigger
Can't wait for him to notice.
requests to
What should be posted.
Red Pills? Memes?
1. How? How do they hack TW accounts?
2. Why? Why would you do that with a hacked account instead of sending life-altering tweets and DMs?
I guess it was over before it began.
he's a big guy
LMAO they haxzordd that shit
You can't set up a tripod in dynamic situations walking around trying to talk to people on the street. Tripods are normally only used for set up planned shit like a speech or known event.
Too bad you can't reach the top shelf at the supermarket. I really feel for you, tiny man.
Man, if Holla Forums had its own TV network it would be the funniest thing on TV by far. There's a gorillion ways to satire lefties far worse than anything the left can accomplish especially considering how crazy they have become now.
Oh and of course point out things like Jon Leibowitz not paying his interns and getting butthurt like a typical jew when his own writers tried to unionise and how he jews their emails. Oh and bring up his brother who literally ran Wall Street while you're at it.
That skinny fuckhead needs the shit kicked out of him to learn his place. He clearly has absolutely no concept of himself. He'd be crying on the ground after the first punch.
Is this why Milo got banned from Twitter? HE dared insult their Daily Show?
I couldn't find the caliber the gun is supposed to be, but it was smaller than 9mm…
But I don't know why he changed his shirt
during the shooting…..
He upset the dindu from the new spookbusters
Checked and great worth Baph.
Well Fuck……
The madmen.
holy shit
I'm 5'9", everything I encounter is basically designed for me, never had trouble with shelves.
I don't like his economics. Fair and public debate is a very precious thing tho.
I asked Vox Day about this since he had mentioned on twitter about how everyone knows the Daily Show twists their interviews like this. He seemed to just brush off the idea as though it wasn't worth the bother.
As far as wiretapping laws, many states only require one party to know they're being recorded. It's why stores can record you and not need to say they are.
The reason they don't seem to bother seems to be because those that know the show is slanted just take it for granted and don't think it's convince anyone of anything to show their editing techniques in action. This is pretty much the main reason I don't see much reason to respect Vox Day at all since that just seems like a place of pacifism where it isn't entirely inappropriate.
I'm trying to understand this situation more. Is this Cleveland, the area outside where there was that party being held by certain individuals including Milo/Breitbart, Spencer and others?
So the daily show (which i've never heard or watched ever, what channel are they?) tried to grab some kids that were leaving the event to interview them on their beliefs etc? And a Breitbart cameraman affiliate wanted to record the whole interview to pinpoint how much TDS edits an interview to get their talking point/sound bytes? That's pretty awesome.
Who else was at the event? I heard from red ice that Ann Coulter didn't show up, and there were other notables that I can't recall.
Yes he can, you fucking cocksucking leftist. You're not scary; you're fucking lucky that you have the state backing you up.
The thread got unstickied the moment baph got involved. I wonder why.
That's so cute of you, newspunter. I'll have you know that I find black women to be very sexy and feminine.
Baph is pretty cringey, but this is hilarious.
t-thanks /monster/
Ancient ritual. The communists done did it. The Nazis did it. The Allies done did it, Papua New Guinea tribesmen done did it. It's a very human thing.
the guy with the glasses must be a jew
Physiognomy indicates lack of proteins and exercise. Protein is not a race, btw. Conduct on the other hand indicates a callous disregard for others and narcissistic self-servient world view. Somewhat infantile.
I just did my own research, okay didn't know TDS was that stupid show hosted by John Leibowitz. Disgusting. Lemme guess he was going to pick and ridicule how gays could ever be conservative, thereby pushing and scaring viewers farther away from ever considering this political position.
Since /baphomet/ fiddled with their twitter you can probably expect some TDS editor to make a story possibly linking to h8 chan, hi Leibowitz, I'm happy you changed your name years back so that your division and conquer strategy could be more effective.
can you post part 1 and 2
oh shit
This is in Cleveland on the street outside where Milo was doing a gays for Trump event.
The Daily Show people wanted to interview some people coming out, likely to ridicule them, but Pollak bringing out a phone to record them terrified them into leaving.
Didn't this fucker also fabricate his past and say that he was in New Jersey or something like that?
Did they always have these shitty policies? I always thought Jon Stewart was meant to be good and he seemed to use actual evidence and undoctored footage behind his "sketches".
There were labor camps. People were worked to death in them on the basis of race. In a total war, that makes for a death camp. Shrunken heads, human lard soap, human skin lampshades and lewd stuff like that was soviet propaganda. The heads were raided from german anthropology departments that had been operating in south-america.
The battle for the soul of western civilization rages on and meanwhile the excellence of german beer is a bitter reminder of that time.
part 5, final part. (i can only upload one image at a time for some reason. jews probably.)
I don't think very many were worked to death in the camps themselves. The only German ordered death that I am satisfied actually took place was for a small fraction of the prisoners which were sent to build roads and infrastructure on the Eastern front, knowing that the winter conditions would result in high mortality rates.
The deaths in the camps themselves are more reasonably attributed to cut supply lines and disease towards the end of the war.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like the Daily Show back in the aughts was mostly a joke news channel that focused on media hypocrisy. It was left-biased, but not obnoxiously so, and they would treat non-leftist guests very respectfully. It was certainly a lot easier to stomach when Bush was president, as so much of it was focused on the follies of the Republican establishment of the day, and later dopes like Beck and Palin, who deserved to be mocked.
It got progressively worse as the left itself became increasingly unhinged. It became much more partisan, for one thing. Any sense of "we show the hypocrisy on both the right and the left" pretty much went out the window near the end of Jon Stewart's stay.
Now with Trevor Noah, there is really no redeeming quality to it at all.
When a state is collapsing orders become less orderly. Observe modern corrolaries, as you no doubt already do.
cut a swath right through 'em!
It used to be like this, yeah. I watched a few episodes of it but I would always raise my eyebrow at how hard people I knew would laugh at the jokes. It never seemed funny to me.
And Twitter got rid of it.
Yeah, they're keen to it though which is why they take such tactics.
Perhaps, but as to that I say that there is such obfuscation from both inherently pro and anti German groups that I don't think we'll ever accurately know.
What remains then is an examination of the perlocutionary and illocutionary effects of the Holocaust dialectic- affirmation is used exclusively as a tool to justify the disenfranchisement of Whites in all of our countries, regardless of whether we helped or opposed the Germans; it is blood libel leveled at us by the Jews. Hence, I'm inclined to reject all related claims wholesale, in opposition to its intent and mechanisms.
the worst pussy ever
I don't perceive any ethno-moniker for a unitary political bloc. 100% homogenous groups are currently just as divided as any other state.
Does Holla Forums have wordfilters? If so, we need a wordfilter Daily Show -> Daily Shoah.
How much manpower (or memepower) would it take to raid Twitter? If 100 NEETs keep making shitposting accounts behind 88 proxies for a few days, can we flood them or have them break down due to lack of sleep?
Manlet detected
You're probably right, but you're also probably short. :^)
One interesting question is how long they have been playing the mainstream media game of doing half hour interviews, then showing little snippets of it out of context.
The first I heard of The Daily Show doing this was around 2011 to Peter Schiff. He did a 45 minute interview, then they took tiny snippets out and made a huge deal out of the fact that he said "retard" when describing people who were literally retarded, or mentally handicapped.
No doubt they did this shit for longer, but I don't know if they always did so.
It's pretty fucking hypocritical to mock the mainstream media for its failings when your own organization does one of the most biased forms of reporting.
dey all do it. it's why we have a saying 'round deez parts, boy. dat saying is
i love these satanist fellas
This is how everyone should treat leftists. Lower than shit.
You fucking niggers got it wrong.
This DD faggot has too high a voice.
It's this guy.
someones been skipping leg day
well shit
womanless are worth even less than manlets
t. manlet who only talks to women who are taller than him
That nigger at the end casing the joint tho.
this should be a meme
Tweet to Pollack and his protesters and anyone else at the Trump rallies that they should always record the interviewer . Doing this little thing can bring down the Dailey show.
cut the fucking music
let me tell you right now, I ain't got any sympy fer dumbass trash that don't fer-use a friggin' camera when the big poppa is talking
God bless you. SATAN BE WITH YOU
damn sam needs to squat pronto
I define it as "Do you remember life before 9/11?" It's the most useful means of determining what generation you are.
That's far more region-specific. Over here (Eurofag), it was just some news.
lunges, my man. lunges is where its at
We should follow Surveillance Man's example.
Document leftist activities as aggressively and persistently as possible.
You'll make their lives hell, gather evidence in case they assault you, and create content at the same time.
Damnit, some faggot already embedded the video in the wrong fucking thread. Here:
… really fuckin' punny
i love how these lefty faggots don't understand the difference between an accusation, and indictment, and a conviction.
I find it beautful that we live in a society where people can have their personal info leaked on the internet, and the worst they get are trolls.
she doesn't play games, she is virtue signaling
"I can see a sliver of sky amidst decay. My life is complete."
Lena Dunham?
god damn that show used to be amazing
This is a good start but it can't only be about The Daily Show.
Most Daily Show personalities left shortly before or after Jon did. Larry Wilmore has his own show. Samantha Bea has her own show. John Oliver has his own show. Colbert, obviously, has his own show. Every single one of them is pure cancer that does nothing but ridicule anything and everything to the right of their far left position. As I'm sure you can guess, right now it's non-stop support for Black Lives Matter and non-stop smearing of Trump and the RNC as a whole. The Daily Show itself did a whole segment on the Empress' speech, and if you watch all of these wastes of time slots, you'd think that her speech was the only thing that happened at the RNC. And of course, they only air those two sentences out of the fourteen fucking minutes she spent talking. You can be damn sure none of them so much as mentioned Rudy's speech.
This is where young people get their news from. This is pure propaganda, and the kikes in charge fucking know it. They can saw anything, because of the immense goodwill Jon and Stephen built up. They practically raised a generation. Molded their political opinions to match their own. All because they made kids laugh.
Exposing all the bullshit they pull to a larger audience would be a huge step towards crushing Jon's legacy. ==Let's make it happen. ==
Full disclosure, I haven't actually seen Colbert's new show. I see no reason to believe he'd change his positions just by changing networks but correct me if I'm wrong about him.
I used to find Jon Stewart funny, and I still watched the show even after I started waking myself up (can't wake up), and taking an interest in politics/history. It was propoganda, but I found Jon to be charming, so I can deal with the lies.
That shit needs to be redefined, it's too much of a stretch of time to not be broken up into another title.
I have nothing that I relate with the actual younger generation and I'm technically still a Millennial.
would've broke out laughing at this guy
The dialogue suggested it was a gay conservative rally organized by Breitbart (Bb camera guy kept referring to it as "my party"). Daily Show prob wanted to do a segment designed to discredit gay conservatives by depicting them somehow negatively, like had a laundry list of some gotcha questions to make them look stupid.
wrong, anyone born after 2000 isn't a millennial
Honestly, he wasn't that bad early on. The fact that he's an actual African from Africa was sort of refreshing in that he had a lot of views that don't meld with PC culture due to him growing up racemixed while still living under apartheid. He had just moved to America in 2011, only three years before he took over The Daily Show.
Unfortunately, it only took a few months for the kikes to get their claws into him and for him to start 100% believing everything MSM reports on. In just a few months he went from "a provocative comic that poked fun at women, Jews, and race relations", to shilling for Hillary and spreading lies about Trump.
Those people are called "faggots".
you will believe anything to keep your paycheck, prestige, fame, drugs, etc.
silly, goy
So, is there anyway to figure out where daily show will be filming next?
we can document everything
A sign from the divine, his holiness Kek.
Jews the weakest of the races trying to intimidate is class
it's literally anuddah shoah!
Do they still control his account?
This is some Berenstain universe shit here. I could have sworn that people born from 82-2001 were generation Y.
How do I go back?
I'll have you drone striked for your impudence, you filthy yurpoor heretic
i aint gonna go for it
dude notice they're all geeky nu-male jews trying to act tough. who in their lives has ever felt threatened by a fucking jew?
The old Chinese guys one is a classic.
Doubt that, since they wrote in their first book about Gen X, The 13th Generation, that we would reverse the cultural revolution of our parents, reasserting nationalism and traditionalism: and hey, whadda ya know, the New Right of which we're really started among the latter half of Gen X and the early Millenials.
They were both quite roundly criticized by the (((media))) for their work, particularly their statements about the changes Gen X would bring once the great Unraveling of our time started.
You act as though Wikipedia wrote the damn theory when it's about the theory Strauss and Howe came up with in the course of writing several books. Jesus fucking Christ you all are as retarded as libcucks who squawk when you link an article from fox news.
Nope they were never funny. Bush was funny and they coasted off of him, that's why once he left office, their audiences pretty much fell apart.
LOL bitch made all his shit private!
If leftist hipsters in their late 30s and 40s are young people, but they're not. Young people today are all online, they get their news from whatever websites they frequent and our memes infiltrate the entirety of the internet eventually.
agreed. He did the right thing by not responding physically. The headlines would've been along the lines of "Crazed Fist-Wielding Trump Supporter Assaults Daily Show Crew; Flees The Scene."
**If I was there.
This, I noticed this cute guy is just a regular looking chad who doesn't care. I love how the Beta cuck is so insecure and pathetic and this guy just waves 'hi mom' and does his job.
Why are weak people even allowed a voice in our society? That fucking pencil neck probably makes more money than this guy, in an equitable world he would be the gopher bitch who wasn't allowed to talk.
Really makes me question how unaware some people are. If you're some skinny 150lb 6' guy, you shouldn't be talking shit to anyone, do you know what a single punch would do to your feminine frame? You would break like a sapling in a hard wind. We've moved SO far away from judging men professionally by their physical attributes we might as well hire women in every position, because there is no difference between most of these men and women. Hyper emotional, hyper sensitive, all bark and no bite, weak willed little pussies who act before the think.
Are you one of them fags, boy?
feeding people nonstop chemical sludge in their food and water will probably do that. a steady diet of that plus the literal mind rotting tripe that is the mainstream media which is shoved down the throat of everybody since birth.
kind of no wonder an entire generation of men is turning out like this.
What are you, a faggot?
why did he suddenly make over 100 tweets? twitter.com
It's perfectly normal to call attractive people attractive. You need to get over this idea that everyone is gay. Most people are not gay at all, they are just forced by an oversexualized society to attach physical traits of masculine beauty with lust and sexual desire. Sexual attraction is binary, sexual activity is a sliding scale based on social attitudes and restrictions. Physical attraction, eg: someone you admire or respect for their appearance, is a normal part of human interaction. Sex is not just about physical attraction, this is a manufactured concept primarily coming out of the ad agencies in the 50s and 60s in the USA, because they sold images, pictures, words, the philosophy of materialism. The sex act is about the desire to experience a bond of closeness between man and woman, it is psychological and spiritual, embedded in all of us.
Throughout history men would remark on the beauty of both men and women, you even see it in early hollywood movies. For whatever reason, the homosexual Marxists co-opted our ability to call a spade a spade, they started stealing words and co-opting our language.
The guy obviously lifts, is in good shape, has a pleasant attitude and is focused on doing his job. These are masculine characteristics of strength, self-respect, discipline. We should point them out and encourage them in our young people.
His counterparty in this video (an actual faggot, check his social media posted up in this thread) is a virtue signally insecure verbally indignant weak willed middle management type. He is the type of officer you would dread to serve under because his irascibility and general inability to reason and lead would have gotten you killed in war time. Could you imagine this guy giving orders if bullets were flying, if he gets this fucking upset over some guy filming them from a distance? Yeah, he would order you into certain death.
The contrast must be made, because more and more we are surrounded by these people like says, and they add no value to the world, since they can't carry children and it's not legal to beat character and sense into them.
If you think you could win a war with your entire population as hissy fit males, you've got to wake the fuck up and realise, the pussification of America is the leading cause of it's downfall. Weak people are insecure, insecure people are manipulated and easily led, they can be tricked to act against their own interests, and this is a cascading effect that destroys a society built by strong men with strong principles.
Here here user.
You're doing God's work.
Can someone please explain why this happens if you open his twitter and leave the tab open without reloading? This is weird.
restoring account from backup maybe?
Yeah, nah. Into the oven you go, fags. You aren't welcome here.
That seems to be a likely explanation. Can anyone confirm if this is what that would look like?
da fuck is homeland generation?
why did you leave /cuteboys
go back to where you came
They were parodies, the problem is that millennials forgot what parody was and the kikes seized the moment.
I needed a good laugh. Thanks user
Media jews arent used to being filmed. theyre usually on the other side of the camera, with a gentile name in the credits.
Is Reddit is missing some users?
In a recent episode I saw a guy who loves gold, loves manipulating people / turning people against each other from behind the scenes & loves human suffering. At one point it looked like he was wearing 6-pointed star earrings, but later they were just 5-pointed. I dunno if he is one of the (((celestial dragons))). Probably is.
that's not sam hyde you fucking retards
that's the actor who plays kylo ren in the new star wars
They're both ugly faggots. How can you tell them apart?
But how do we find out where they're filming? Any idea? Do we need a mole at Comedy Central?
This guy is great. He's a very visual thinker, great observations.. Funniest is that he carries a sort of dampened Trump mannerisms, like expressive gesticulation, explosive accentuations.
He would probably increase the might of his research and quality of his tutoring by learning another language, any language. Pictographic would be easy for him, but that is not necessarilly productive. Water flows downhill. Expressive cursive like Arabic or rigid structures like Kanji.
And ffs include statistical data..
That was hitlerious.
Everyone should do this every day, just create an entire organisation dedicated to trolling these heebs.
Glad to grow up from the daily jew especially when we now see who is behind them.
Quads demand it. Bump for your request.
Damn, I should of made a copy of them and published them separately.
shut the fuck up faggot, you're headed straight to the chamber.
You said "cute guy", fag.
You just wait, kike.
You just wait.
That's what actual SJW's call GamerGate.
I'm a peaceful man, but when i see those cucks i just want to put them into the ground.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house to explain this shit?
Which is funny because GG became coopted into basically SJWlite. Nowadays, it's full of cucks who don't mind (or maybe enjoy) being trashed by libtards and libtard media for not going full SJW and by us for being cucks and shabbos goyim.
There was a brain drain from GGers becoming Holla Forumsacks as things progressed. Once it became more obvious how deep the (((corruption))) ran across every single medium of entertainment, staying in a GG circlejerk became pointless, especially since Milo had already successfully co-opted the "attack SJWs" angle.
She's a cutie.
he even included the last batch of the Gen X
What a fucking disgusting kike. The gallows he's gonna hang from just got ten feet higher.
whos that?